he Alamance Gleaner; voi, XXXIV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1908. NO. 36 i' 1 LI. IX- I. Xbt man wow wise for his faauv The man who insures Ms health b n ise both for Us CamB aad himself' You may insure health hy gnard-- iajit. it is worth pmaa& the first attack which genraflw through the LIVER tests itself ia PROFESSIONAL CARDS ML WILL S. L0.G, JR. DENTIST . I ... NerthCareliaa OFFICK in' IMMOSS BCILDIKC IA0OB A. LOSU. J- b,i,hj. iwnu. LONG & LONG, . s. coos:, A ttorny-et- Law, . GRAH4M, --- - - J. U. OQ .te Patterns BaUdtac -Sew. -id Floor. .. ... . . . C A. HALL. iTTOENn AXD OOCSBEUjC-AT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. 0. , OlEoe in the Bank of Alamaaea Bulding. up Stairs. :. . 10HJ8 OKA I- t- si. w,r.m.jiL is.mju &BTXUM, ln.irnPT jnuUMiaieKmK Lm-m fnt-.ice regularly la the courts of Ah diance cnnniv. - abc. . SOB T C. STEUDWICK Attoreoy-aat-Law, GREENSBORO If 1 C. Practices in the ooarts of Ala nance ana uuiiora ooanutn. Notice of Dissolution. Whereas. it appeu4sKiy IOC tltt- VfiillTilJinT AisunhitsWn thjoif Anar tbs. sass- giiHlt (:i!)4T'T. t avu th anm hnMM attav. poBited id my offloctiifUi Pie&mmA Buildinr Gci.. ti fll.rtinrii.twm sif ti ia fttvta.vrixw! sirtiutL P-iofbet i r- Ki tn&ted te lb amm tat BtirHsff- Hin. CountT Of A iT.nvm nna Jtas iff Knnh VrU IDH . A . frL HIV tMtWriMtMlt I II SMl llll KQd 111 f:tlkLriTf ihMrtrf MM HUM SSMMBrfai mar tt Sf.rrydi. hMooniriM mrtt sjiMirii IDfmt tit criHTrtW 2l RvisuaJ fmf Uka mi raided UOriKlrtlIUr " niwuliaiilaaia Si li a laailm iif AO hflTMltr nnrMfvtW aba - - Hid. On tilt- fil.h drnf Ais-n lUUfa n vuilT LiUJV IWiniMi SkA H I llSI J llllai HI writiiip to tht dimolataM of ssml ttmvi XlOtt.f.Xecnted bT&U Mm ntnril kill il ! rtiiamnf iucu aula nnmiMM mxka -- aswxi pnicef C i iif alomaid am mw aM tfi u UQ Oftutft. M trm-MiAal Sisr law ID TeKtimfttlV VhaMartT f k HI HIT tiuurl M.nr1 afltmal flkiaS ftart-urti, ikit 6 Car lorat A Ik TWR. 4. HXIAM tiiinm. Emittmrn - - i. " - 1 fcOrt . ra mscfA OSmmm. Wimim. biliooMn, M l.l II Tiillihl mm,n fc i Dr. SHodp's Restorative erahasi cnua ca- 0 YCA cxpcaiesics Shiest I. WISSDEIRG The Tailor 800TT BUHCCO CP STAIRS. &aiu Itads to Order. Uesaiar sad Erjmiriay. ""Magmad Preseiat soit50a TAKE . - ' - M'sils And save tout health. .... Indicesiinn ak v . . i --SCISS0E3 mad Kmivm i J7 rmiaed if sot rropfrt y grand Twiagiharpeaed. lijXMWSBt "Waed ngit ai ml to "gwlM.f.pw b a trial e. R V Ti-. .v.. rr n 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i n I H poem x lnc f lLbKlMS By Frederick AEK, hart, my soul! vn mm new me BTTFBiTW Angels of Jesus, angels of light, Singing to welcome the pilgrims of tbe night Onward we go, for still we hear them singing. Come, weary souls, for Jesns bids yon come, And through the dark its echoes sweetly ringing, The nrasic of the gospel leads ns home. Par, far away, like bells at evening pealing. The voice of Jesns sounds o'er land and sea. And laden souls by thousands meekly stealing. Kind Shepherd, torn their weary steps to thee. Best comes at length, though life be long and dreary; The day must dawn and darksome night be past; Faith's journey ends In welcome to the weary. And heaven, the true heart's home, will come at last Angels, sing on, your faithful watches keeping; Sing ns sweet fragments of the songs above, TO morning's joy shall end the night of weeping And life's long shadows ri'i-Vi 1 H 1 1 111 1 I 1 1 111 1 1 11 H LANDING i A BVRGLARI By Nartfc CAh SuiorA. Literary Freas. ooeoooooo)oooo Tba wedding was over, tbe goodbys and the good nights had all been said, and tb Montelths' big stone house, ra dlaat only a few hours ago with light and laughter, wss now grimly dark and sllemL But exettement had 8ft the maid of honor's poise to throbbing, and she coold not sleep. Over and over again aba vent through her part of the state ly ceremony to the slow, majestic mo de of tbe wedding march. Oner and over again she remembered that endless, measured walk down the long church aisle, with tbe magic scent of rases everywhere and the trembling eooscionsneBS of the best man's gaze fixed unwaveringly upon her. And she recalled an tbe pretty thmgs he had said to her afterward that she was like a dream girl come true, that shs was more beautiful than the blush ing bride hwsflf, What shsTneless heresy, when tbe bride was his very own slsterl I Weddtng nights, sighed Elsie, were Inoch like Halloween one dipped into the future and saw sweet visions, but only visions, after all! Tet still she sat In her shimmery green maid of honor frock, the moonlight shedding a wondrous frost upon it. From some distant point a clock struck twice. She toss wtti determlnatlos, then suddenly became tense and rigid. Her heart was ta her month. In the room just diagonally aeroM Che haS, which was the npstairs sitting soosn. she had distinctly heard a win dow opened. It flashed across ber 12- ataafiy that barfftari bad come aner the wedding presents. Her own door, the sdght heang sdnlng warm, stood part way open, but she was too paxa- tjmi wih fear to ma ana wet n. She Bstened wttn stmnea oui i any further sound- It soon Toflowea. Ths-horghur stumbled against some- thiag. pofa few minutes irar uv aB was horribly son. Tbeu, wita cai Bke step, lasie beard him coming into tbehsJL Shoold she scream 7 She tried to. tun .u Her vote "stuck n aer Aratt B the aid of (he moonUgut tis eonkl make oat s dark form creeping nst ker m room toward tbe sours. Thank gmlw be was sm going to bind and gag her or hold her op at the potet of s plsssll xM tbe weaning sweroi m tat him steal them witboat trying tm ta mm. aJarml lea. mum wv . Xbm brVSa and groom coold not be se -mrh att to tuea. xney w.. Am kiu eaooxh. sad it an awfcDy long way oowo me kali ts Mr. Montetth's room. ro was no one oear oer tw, ,t the hrldeasnalda. and a lot of goad t wonM o to wii Thhi lalnflno bad the effect of atissa- Lsarle. woold see that hs did so. Tea as I gbe tiptoed ts the Sot a soaad. Be abe Teatnred ssoslthBy oot lata the and as dark as s packet sun so Coald haso bees dreaaringT Bo tha boaaeoh thrr tafmc bar own latent emiraga. Mm off those weddmg eonid really ssovo. Sv mtl HSU1SM ante wtt sore. Croepmg dews to aoarT they all erhd issrtiasi the stadia of ths stabs, she I";1"'" asdeaSy. sad arrah. barns, bsr- tcfcmd the koJaotrsde aad wafted, ber mntt wUc, aseot souassble IlxiI rhsawjanr r-rY yguvM " 1 "Bm JjJJ partod!ears awldiajg a Bghtsd "' fpKS SSOPPed oot frees libtni thesa. pus, grvo a filgMssid cry Km, Was Off. ertT and fsksssd. Tbe Docbees ef Orteeso. SKibr of Whs- oho sac .ud shs tYl wko g-ers-s Fvs-es dm- '''aTwsTpoorSdowa bg tbe lis iffy f ! XTwas so- BN,"t p? Mi'ir Ti r"? yoth i ttr MahtaTe mTJ- Zmwrma "Lry." . . Lf say owa cOea. s htokojobdassd. as If ssmooasaa- a gM I sos torve bseo ry amdsistsssi , aajy. I had tOe, bBaUBg eyoa, fog T m- bees swfaCy scored, tmm sad a bag ssostb wtth tblck Bps. bo wosd oa tooskerty. "T tad prW oad fat sad my rWhs ! ' 1 lUrmt and asssapy. Xbsdy krldo sadroass. yos kso. ! w asos -srs-l sso smcept f or my k bar I aooseasbtrad 1 1 i1 fT'"rl m tbere was la 1 1 1 1 1 m i n 1 1 1 i n 1 1 1 1 n i for Coday ji OF THF MIHT - a William Fiber T Angelic eoncs are swelling O'er earth's green fields and ocean's wave-beat shorn. J How street tbe truth those blessed strains are telling; 3 wnen sin shall be no more! break in cloudless lore. H i 1 I 111 1 -H-M 1 1 H ill I I! II I ting room window. I thought you were all asleep, and I knew If I did that I wouldn't disturb anj-body," he ended, with a somewhat sheepish smile. Elsie smiled a little too. She was be ginning to see the humor of the situa tion. By degrees she told him ber side of the story. "You're the bravest girl in an tbe world, dearest, and F "Bid yon stub your toe against some thing just after you got In V she inter rupted, with teasing irrelevance. He admitted, rather shortly, that he did. "It was awfully quiet for a few min utes afterward," she observed dryly. Tea, I wasn't saying much out load. But, say, Elsie" he broke off resolute ly, swinging her thoughts round to more personal matters again "what would you say If I turned Into a real burglar after all and tried to steal yon on the spotT Ta not a bit afraid," she answered him calmly, her eyes looking with ador able assurance straight into his. To night has made me wonderfully coura Goodness! What's that?" she whis pered, trembling with fright A door in tbe upper hall bad opened softly. Before Robert could answer she bad reached up to the electric button on the wan and switched off the light Immediately a voice commanded. "Who's there T" "If s I, father," Robert called hoarse ly. "Don't shoot" Realizing then what a thoughtlessly dangerous thing she had dune, Elsie as suddenly turned on the liJTht again and bravely faced the astonished Robert Montieth, Sr. "Explain yourself, sir," ordered Rob ert's father sternly. And Robert explained. "It was all yoor fault anyhow, dad," he finished, with ingenuous climax. "Too shouldn't have left the window unlocked." Mr. Monterth accepted tbe reproof good natnredlA "Too have my forgive ness, son. "'.and be sdded, with benig nant smile, rt"r",l"ff his outstretched bands over the two yonng lowers, "my very heartfelt blessing." At this psychological moment balf a doses other doors were thrown open, and a motley audience collected at the bead of tbe stairs, an demanding s mnltaneoosly to know tbe cause of tbe jjstnrbance. In their pa la but decided ly oncooventional attire one woold hardly have recognised the smart bri dal party of the earlier cwsug. Poor Robert was forced toexplala an over again. "Wen. is that aUT coameoted one at the erstwhile bridesmaids, robbing ber eyea, "If rd knows this was only a fake bnrglar show I wootdat have stirred a step. When I saw Mr. Mos tetth spreading out his arms se dra BJatJcaiy" the girl gave a capital imi tation of ths geslms Tver somebody, I thoegfat it ssast be another wadding eeramony for sure, and I came oot to joists the won sal wi." There was a general laugh at the ex- of Esis and Bobert bat tbe ist- perfectly great jobOaatiy. 1 all ts Too can aB bt rehearsing What do yea say. tBnfcej and piutsstsd. Tarn absorstrty eraay. J"- " Aaa. rm sbo sJeepy," she pleaded. 1 omldnt keep awake dortag tbe brrttafloas sre past ask yo sS agass st won wraiTtng waOel roa across ao the ssssdsssc. as ngly as mine. Tbe king often told me so, and I laughed, for I was resolv ed always to laugh at my hideonsness. I must confess that I had to laugh very often. "What surprised me most was that any one could fall in love with me. I was notoriously the ugliest woman at court, yet I was married at nineteen. "I often asked my husband if the sight of me was not repulsive and what he had seen In me that Induced him to fall in love with me. I never got a satisfactory answer, but I think that I must have had some, other at tractions which outweighed my ugll- Had to Buy It "Now." aald the agent, "I am sure I have got--3rhat you want Now, here is a new patent paper cutter, sir, that I am aelllng for 25 cents. It is the best in the market never tears the pages of an Bncnt book." "Very nice, indeed," interrupted his victim, "bet I have no uncut books. and so 1 suspected that sir," returned the agent That's why I have brought along this beautiful uncut copy of Tor's 'Book of Martyra.' Three hun dred pages of elevating reading, em bellished with beautiful pictures. Just the thing for a center table in this superb binding" "I barest got a center table," st the victim. "So, you see" "Finer said the agent "Let i show you .the catalogue of our com pany's furniture. It is all of the very best make, and a center table like that In the picture on page IS wIQ prove an ornament in your parlor" "But I ha vent any parlor. I have no bouse, my friend. Consequently" "Gkrtonsr cried the agent "I rep resent the Own Tour Own Home com pany of "Oh. thrtnderr said the victim. "Here's your quarter. Til take a pa per cutter," Judge. : . HUCKLEBERRY FARMING. Apricutture With a Match In the Tim ber Ragions. "It may seem incredible to those who have never lived la or traveled much through timber districts where tbe huckleberry is Indigenous," said a native of such district "but it is a fact that there is a tribe of shiftless persons In all such regions who systematically and without regard to law. property or life set Are to woods or cut over land adjacent to woods simply to in crease the area of huckleberry boshes. "Tbere Is only one way in which hnckelbenics can be cultivated, and the huckleberry fanner does not need to own an inch of land. If he has tbe title to one simple locifer match be can put thousands of acres under culti vation in a very short time. "He has only to light the match and touch it to tbe dry leaves and branches on the ground, either in early spring or late fan, and his cultivation hi soon under way. No matter what grew on the around before are swept It bare, huckleberry bushes will never fail to spring op luxuriantly from the ashes and scorched soil. They will be in abundant bearing tbe next season. What tbe result may have been in loss of life or properly does not concern tbe persons who reap tbe benefit "Many of the fires that devastate our forests every year may be traced to this reckless and deliberate making or improving of hnckleberry patches. I remember one Instance particularly where tbe setting fire to tbe brush on a hnckleberry barren ha northern Penn sylvania resulted in a forest fire that swept over a 10,000 acre timber tract doing Incalculable damage to tbe stand ing timber and redodng to ashes 50, 000 feet of logs and lumber and 90.- 000 cords of tanbark, representing a money value of nearly fTSOfiOO. Twen ty -persons were burned to death and thirty so badly burned that seres of them died from their ujariea, Tbe bockleberry crop gathered from thia cultivation of that barren waste per haps realised $300 to tbe cultivators- Washington Post PROVED HIS SPELLING. U Career of Aa aninslng mridrat ewitod m Mc Lean county, la, tbe am issii which aUcf ibea A. Douglas, tbe faaiss plftw-it aneodee after us eteruut prDsersting attorney, inert were many ludlcuneiiis le us -Prufeeas- Allen Jobuaua In bts Uf e of becrlas. sad tbe arw proaerBtiag st- torney la ais baste wnwr ie tbe county VTOeas fcjMead of bkLeaa. BS prafxtlfl bretbrea were groatly amaeid at this evUeara of Isoxperi- x aad asade merry over the Manser. rtaaDr Jobs T. Sioart, sebaeooeatly DooxW paUUra! rival, tsored that all tbe aadklaieBta be abashed. Jsdgo Ucaa braked at the diarossBled yoatfe aad asked what be bad to say to sap- Mt tbe aadlctnwata, tanning anoer is gams ox Dmimm rrolkd ebstmstety had aotbhig to any. aa be sopposed tbe art woaid ast aaaeb the lsAlrlssaats .rrfS tl netac had been scored. Thai tbe yodge oerUsd that tbe evert esaht not rale apaa the anrtcr aatil the aro- wbst tbe be, bat at t tas bad the bis erkJes sees deaty. aw lb staffs had ts be pro a. afl ti srmrk-Oa. res: trs the I rrer ael-catot" bat the to ndkast cared from aa adjntalng osaaty. I the alsa-bimat of eoart and bar sad of Deastos btswetf II apaauod tbat be hod apaued the asa eornsrt ry. To ths ladiirff slls cbagra) of tbe horsed tsaatt the osart anssfOy . . t - - ad the tad! taw am Tbe aad" sJoitbV ssast of has trssamkv Tbe bsrtorot taagbt aha m asofat las nt kianf rrk he s iH adadt aota hag aad reoslre bts mn saiatt ta pose lontbtog that ber saoa tba ease as 1 -, rrAshsrl Pr yo tbsaft ssybsttto swfssest rbiag tuiiroi is keen auaiaa, IFarm and Garden TOMATOES IN WINTER. The Best Way to Keep Tbsm Safety In Winter. Tbe most important conditions for forcing tomatoes are: A warm, light bouse one having a two-thirds spaa facing the south beiug preferable strong bottom beat rich soil, careful training, uniform temperature, care in watering and pollinating and. as be fore suggested, good judgment and constant watchfulness on tbe part of tbe grower. Bottom heat is not abso lutely essential to success, but the crop matures more quickly if given this condition. To make the best nse of tbe bouse two crops should be grown during the Tosu.ro nuaxxD ro snout staix. This will bring each crop oa at a season when tbe expense of beat ing daring a part of tbe time will be slight Plants for the first crop ahoald be started as early ha August If two or more bouses are available a aecond sowing should be made in about three weeks to give a succession. For tbe aecond crop seed should be sown dur ing the utter part of October. Tbe plants are treated la every way as for outdoor culture till handled the time. For fruiting some prefer benches, with about six inches of soil. bat In the experience of others the best results have been obtained from the of boxes eighteen Inches square and twelve laches deep. Is tbe but torn of the boxes hi placed a layer of charcoal, broken pots or clinkers frota tbe furnace, after which soil, consist ing of three parts good garden loau and one part well rutted stable ma nure. Is filled in to wiuun two or three inches of the top. Each bos will bold four puma, and tbe check caasej by the partial confinement of the roots seems to be of raise la hastening ma tnrity. If tbe solid bed Is ased la- stead of tbe boxes tbe plants are set about sixteen Inches apart each way. tbos eccapylng a little snore than one and one-half simar feet of Boar space for each plant Best returns asaaliy follow where the plants are trained to a stogie stem, as shewn hi ths illustration. Flax cords about tbe sis of wool twine are fastened to ths eoraers of ths boxes or to aires placed parallel to each row for that parpose and attach ed above to aires ranateg lengthwise of the bail ding oa tbe rafters or sash bars. Tbe plants are secured loosely to this sapsort by means of short pieces of ratU. All side shoots sbooJd be pinched oot as boos as they ap pear, aad when the plants are aboat firs feet high or wbea fear elasters of fruit have set the terminal bads ahoold be pinched off. The rkaflty of tbe plant will thea be expended ts tbe development rf frutt If the plants are act beaded back ether trait elas ters wSI form, bat these scattering biter dusters will sad sly prolong the fraitiag sinsis wit boot grrtag aanV rieat financial return t warrant de laying tbe reewval of tbe eld punts. As tbe fruit sots the rtastors sboald be supported by swans of a small esrd or ptrc of rama passing arena! tbe sssla stem sber leaf, thus foranag a sling. At this time. toe. It Is woB to stir the serf ar of lb sol aad work ta aaaatity of weB retted ana Bar ar to giro froaaeat appllistaoaa af Seals BJaaarn. The Umnu atari of the boas abeam he as aesrly anUcs-m m aboat aa aureus st algbt aad 7 cmo ta dark weather, bat r evra higher oa bright, saaay days. AH cold drafts and oaddea rhaages of trmperstar sboald be rigidly Hi-la. stored la S coot dry place brier bo lag leached by frost aad be headied wry carefully to srekt braJateg taess. Kalatfy (or vvgetabkr eTStm sea tops ar left as th greasd eror aer for spring as. Bat both ar ts th sstsBsa. They assy be m dassp Bsad far as ai srhater wars tbe groead hi fnem. Turnips ar net to jared by tbe first frosts out tbere b) danger of the greand frerxhag. Cottages ar aot tojered by frost sad amy be hrft oot aatil ante M m IiiiisIbibI Carrets asa a left hs th li issl ta harts amy smay tat tjnjtW eecrsrtogxtog f te'aap aramr bowl wbka bbt so das a aa aartoaa bowl ar s seer, asry ar rb men ca-fieti it Oecar Erf. THE HARDY BROWN SWISS. Writing of Brown Swiss cattle is Breeder's Gazette. Chicago, a Wbtcou sln dairyman eai's: T' Swiss cattle In tills country are '-i so widely known as tbe other cissses of cattle, as their numbers are small The exhibit at fairs is not very large. Tbe following characteristics are marked: Size, form and color, esjieclul ly of the head, ears, escutcheon, udder and teats. Tbe size la large and sub stantial, form firm and elegantly ro portioned, color shades from dark to light chestnut brown. Tbe light shade Is especially observable in the tuft of hair betweeu the burns, on tbe inside of the ears and In a narrow line along the back. Hunts. bkh are rather short, are waxy a lad with black tips. Nose Is bhuk and. mlth tbe month. surrouhdml by a mculy t iJorcd band. A yellow strip aluug (he u.Udle of the under lip cnwsio over to the upper lip and exteivdii up the tides of the nos triis. A light streak ruua Bkdig back from head to tall; black switch, boots and tongue; straight hind legs, wide thighs and heavy quarters. Sorb remarkable pcTsMeuce ia marked points denotes nninlstakably tbe Integrby end purity uf lbs breed, since, according to tbe well estabUsn ed Jaws of hereditary descent the pe culiarities of other breeds with which this might have been crossed woold almost certainly sooner or fatter have cropped out to a degree to challenge ouserratiao In a manner out to be mis taken, la descendants from tbe cattle imported into this country some years ago no sorb sign of crosses with for eign breeds bare over been cxhndted. This Integrity of tbe breed Is all the more important because many of the traits exhibited by these cattle are among the most valuable. From actual observation wo find they cross well with other breeds, pro ducing a very dostrable grade of cat tie. Many lmiwrtsUous of Swiss cattle have been made Into this country. A herd was taqwrud recently to tbe cen tral states, and tbe progeny of a herd that was !uijrud several roars be fore sad which has bcea scattered thfoogh all tltt- status has rwni.ed in the prudocilja of sonar remarkably gd dairy rows. Tbe Brown Ssl-s have titvo aven a good try t la Greed couHy. Wh, where tbry hv proved to le as exrcllei.t and bard breed of dairy cattle. BcrUics tbv pea eroBS flow ef aillk eat h rrw 111 ia duc a heahhy and hardy calf and keep Bp tbe pcrfajnuanr ar in ail jeer oat We and U tan ntanxnuaon thing far cows to in-cdocr ali'y juuia of milk per day sod to 1 aillked up to ealvtng lime. At the oe of eight era to twenty years the bwiea cow U StlB pnaflUbkr wltbuot ti "llx!lug btr calf. Tbere are sassy t Is ems tit cat lie. but ts aoae of tbe herds wbL b I t-"'e to sroctod baie I soon rattle thai I sMersd tbe jeal of the Kebw stork Thesr sarestors. having bera mlaid la th par soouutahi an- cf tbe Alja. gtv tbem eery strung oooetxtnuVma. Katbtg Uea ea Heeo. We have a bcrd of from 9 to SO Berkshire, sad tbe lareveotion of tt has ia rears past bees do aaaan prapo attioa for aa is eentead srKh. says s prsadaent brreder. We have a erbrsie bow which a tts resalto Is soo.- ef fectire rbai earthing we beer yet triad, aad we bar ased coal tar proi octa, keroaca rmnlatco. saecbtn oil and assay ether things. We bare wsl lews for ear owto. which contala wa ter to a depth of from s foot to two feet mslnlilieil fresh, ao atsgasat We always pat scene lime W bey erode eH, pro- br th barrel, which coetaJ aboot N to U eoets per gnnea that way. Oar s weak, whoa Oca sppenr. re draw off thro ar fear eoarts ef thm piuiesa id en sad pear over tbe aarfsc of this pool, apea wbkrb N tm BMdlaMy ;oads aad farms a eeaflag Th boas do aot dhriths this eO. aad rroaaoafly tbey aaBeo- yast th seam. When tbry raarrae from th water S alt af thai eti ts depasstod oear the ea tbo sartser If ths bog. aador th Brav pta sad to ether assees wast th sV U keeps tee sua ef la ased ceegtrVia aad kfOs the faesrsha to the barVy. ta It assy be eaM that the that barley ts ast oaa (or I si I. eat Is to K. aad wbea eooeVVr high easJXy af th carcass aro d by barley fiaedsag w amy aV t aay tin eara aa m grata a high grade ef park. jrtgbt arw aagbt tar ifwsfhig'y aetot aad baakaard yoadi Bad csOed a a Beih'isrtag fi ettta- Berfactty ah end al lb eetartatoaag. Tata algbt, host sac, th yeata. a gtess et her by "DesTI art JsaraerC awee" eke "1 aadiiansi Tea. Bser the ratgr- IfL " '3C3v X a aaows awms cow. sasst tresnent. th asJaml th alto as weB as th aoa, eiaifhtag a bar ban set to inieslm srlth as ether tososdy. Whfle esra Is sisslliril th treat faxaaaag grahi for alga, teats hoes shewn that other grata assy at eeV sOlslll la a great sasay eaaes. Bay ef'eejr'etettoas Barb? has bees aaaed Is eesBjaaraasa wtth eara. ashngoary WORK OF THE BEAVEB Feats Performed by This Indus trious Little Worker. A CLEVER HOUSE BUILDER. He Is Capabta ef Censtreeting a Dwell ing ei Large, Thetigti Net So High, cs a Small Haystack, and He Can Cut Down Big Trees With His Teeth. Almost every e know something about the bearer and that It boOds dams aad houses to dwell In, but very few people hare seen beavers ts their wild stale. It is also s fact that tbe race of industrious little workers is r.ipMly disappearing. In tbe older dis tricts beavers generally live in the banks of the streams they Inhabit and the sight of a leaver bouse Is uncom mon. Where 1 earers do build booses, say Forest and Stream, the structures dif fer greatly la tlze. shai and location. Some are as large, though of coarse lees high, than a small haystack; oth ers are hardly more than aix feet through at tbe base. They may stand either wholly on land or partly hi tbe water and Jiartly on tbe bank or whol ly In the water. Tbey are never placed In very deep watr, for a bane most be built for th bouse to sUind on reaching op to the surface, since tbe chamber inhabited by the occupants must be dry. Tbe shax- of tbone booses on the shore approaches the conical. Those in tbe water are more irregular, some times only round "d. at others kang and rather Bat on top. Within each boons and connected with the water by a concealed passage through which tbe !-aer peas to and fro to the chamter which ia the an mals dwelling place. It is Urge enough to contain seven or eight of tbem and high enough so that a beaver can conveniently alt np on his haunches, it bt warm, dry and clean, for tbe beaver is extremely neat In all his habits. Tbe food of tbe beaver consists chiefly of tbe green bark of twigs sad young limb of various trees. Cotton wood bark bt preferred; then comes willow, then alder, bat tbe bark of almost any tree may be eaten. I hsve knows them to eat pin and whit cedar. Tbe beaver often eats down trees of very considerable size to get st th smaller limbs, which they eat I bar seen cotton wooda twenty Inches to ammeter so cat sad one oa Vancouver Island I found a aad oos-half feet through which they had gnawed down. Tbe work of cutting dowa a Urge tree Is don by s stngl anlaial bar aeen tbe bearer engaged ia the operation, which la as follows: Tbe beaver alts ap on his hanncbes facing ths tret and with its for paws rest ing sgalnst it With its bead tamed on one side be cats s groove above and then on below and biles out th chin, taking it off to almost the way aa axmaa would. He that saves himself tbe trouble of gnawing all the wood op Into fine rottinga. When tbe tree as felled th whole eommonlty attack and cot ap the tender limbo, carry trig then away to tbe cache. fnllke many ef err gnawing aal- mala, tbe beaver dues rx sleep throng the winter. lie remains active, eftea restoring abroad during the whole of tbe cold weather. He moat, therefore, have food, and a large part ef th sonimer and astasia is devoted to se curing this food aad depoetttng it ts racers. This food caslts of th limbs aad twigs of lb trees femd by tbe beaver. Tbey are rut from one aad a half to three feet baig. stripped of their loaves and smaller taiga, carried to the water and floated to th each, where tbey are sunk. And her cesses These stfc'ks art floated to ta each snd sr sank by th bearer to tbe bot tom of tbe water, where they reesata awheel ssy appszeat anchor ta. They are not stork ta the mod ef th bot tom or bead dowa by wrtgbts. If yos Uft one to th esrfavr R will float, bat yos may Baore It aboat ea the bnttem witboat tts rbwog. 1 bar myself triad this with sticks from which lb bark has bera eatea, bat here erver done aa wtth tbe green, appealed Oath befur th beavers had tales them tote their boasea. This metter to am Is a eery mymerwos oaa. and I bar never been slate to get aay hmt as to hew these sticks ware sank. AB through tbe winter the bearers rbat these caches, carry the stacks to their boaara, where tbry eat esT lb bark, retareleg the bar sttrks ts the water. sVanettmaa st ssey hapnea that tat eome resaua or ether I be rnb amy K rants ta eonegh to last the ornate abater. Is Ibis rase tbr hrrra. If Bonmflie. ret ea toad tbreorh nose- ah buie er pate of opre water and thea areas among lb rioter, law a easi ly a raeiUailkaa of rrrny and arvere weather amy eblia th eoVmy to aaV grato daring the abator to aoa h vara Ma spot Ceerttog Tenable, "Leak here." said flar eBrfad. "Therea be treabto a yerr wife dhnvwaras as wbea we t inelnrty SHI ber abe aaent net park th Bowers." Than." rreltrd Mr. R. rvrk. far H was a ether, "why ever de yes atotr-Jndgn. gV tali lit remasPtei to rear ihaiM b tbnarht far Or ef CasJrrmaA. . TaatVtaianf ef dawa ef ebtof fesOral was af n to .batty of fhas area r.aat atowlfrhMt "Ulsbf" Th Geraaaaa to this day cml Apr! th T nbaetra." ar. hi Teat brawd aboat ths tba a-L irt n-f nataJ SaamT aa. n-samtoi-ir BIte' T1. CnaeaJtty Edaryt Bate ! It ased to he considered that only arrinary and bladder treaties were to be bnt aesriy all ia the Tbe kidwevs alter amdpajrtfvtW 14nod cnsxmi Therefore, i tr mat af order, aoa can I quickly your entire noay naw bow every organ seems to fail ta da tts yoa are sick or - i badly-heri takinr the rreat kidney nail Jr. Xa-. klilnaer's bwaaop-auxn, ull " as yoax kidneys are wcH they will help, all the other organs to health. A trad will convince aeyone. tfyoa arc sack yea eta snake ao sms- take by first doctoring woar kadaeya. , The mild and the extraordinary efiert of Dr. Kilmer's Swasaoot. the great trainer resnedv. is sooB leslized. It t.mH. K nifBnt for its woaderfal cares raf tbe inart distressing Case, and is sold its merits by all druggists ia fifty -cm a and ooe-doiiar bottles. Yon may hare a sample battle h-r rnxil (rrt also a nsatahlet tdluir roe how to find oot if yos have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention thia paper wbea writing to Dr. Kihsaer ft Co-, Bmg bamton,N.Y. lXm'tamkeaay anstake, but remember the asssr. C samp-Kant, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, sad tbe ed- diess, Bwghazotoa, w. Ynoaeery bettae. This time of the year are signals of warning, now. It may ave you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set- your liver right, and cure yuur iiiuigesuuu. A good Tonic. An honest medicine Taraxacum MEBANE. 1 N. C. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. On adapted to North Caralitm climate, soils aad ooculitioam. made by Tar II eels aad for Tar Ueelg and at the aaxoa utno as wide awak a any ia KeotoecT or Kamchatka. 8ack a paper ia The Progressive Fanner RALEIGH. N. C. Kditrd by Ctausca H. Fob, with Dr. W. C Barkctteotor B. A. dc II. CMlefa, aad Director B. W. Kilrora, of tba Arfcatiaral EkTwriiaeot Suiioa (yoa kaow thecn), as assmtaat editors (11 a year). If yon ar already ukinf tba paper, ws caa anaks ao redae Uoo, bat if yoa are aot taking 11 YOU CAM SAVE SOS By aeodinf, yoar onV to a That is to say, arw Piorrcasir Farmer Mbatnbers w will at tad tbat psper with Taa Glxasxa, botb one year tor II 30, regalai prioa li Oa Addrscsa THE GLEANER, Gnbaia,N.C WeaK Hearts Foley's Honey m Tzr KUHJlimi zone Remember n LO a!"7 lb asTsaaaW the sanrtei to sto enasaal iSaTmSl t 'o'a'aIiy. Mea aT d Zp a faSBBMaav rts-a w-T. Beoaf fisasraf mjhPa'Z ..1... ' ' aarr rr. s I cJizsbed op aarrsHsba. tko rctrjsaA.ss