The Al Gleaner. AMANCE N0.37 " " " - "i: ' .1 I ph.. .i 1 m Iwwr a a w I This PF,!J77 GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1908. PRICES OF COTTON UNDER DEM OCRATIC AND REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATIONS. fES Biliousness ; -Headache. - . TorpWUver-ndBption PROFESSIONAL CARDS DTmlwsflJR. . , . DENTIST . r . . . - North CrllM I Cetteai Averaged Nearly a Ceal a ruaai Deuteg Cleve- UU'i Eattre T. Uaaer Mcmaley Eattre T The price, referred to were New I WaShinotOIl LcttCf. f .T . I i I "AaW i orx prices, norm Carolina price. were at least i to of a cent less than the New York prices. I trust that these figures may be of some service to you. They are accurate. Of their accuracy I bare no doubt They are collected from a publication issued in 1907, made e peopi, have taken in the future oy Aiirea onepperson, recogniwa ig eXDre88ed in the almost Graham - WHAT WILL IT SO TO UNDER THE HOOSEVELT PANIC T The Republican Roosevelt panic OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING pat wbole country in fmme I of mmq to impartially investigate the truth of history in its bearing upon the relation of national admin istrations to good times and hard times, and this investigation is bring a wonderful, if belated, vindication . tvca. J. KLMMLONO. IAUUP - .1 . ... LONG & LONG, Attorney- Ctouoa-tor- I-w GRAHAM, X. . f T S O O ,1 of the Democratic record. J - t" . . I It has been abnndantl Attomw-e-"-""" GRAHAM, - n. a Office Pattai Seoond Floor. BalkUn. C A. HALL, 4TTOBKBT AMD 000X3 KIAOK-AT-LaW, GRAHAM, N. 0. It has been abundantly proven, and is not denied, that all the pan ics in our history since the war hare come under Republican administra tions, except the one of 1893, and it has been well established that this one had its beginning nnder Harri son's administration. Farm products have been the last to feel the effects of this present Roosevelt panic; but, with the price rt Aitinn inmhlinir in rrnar 8 cants. ,0B"."'. - in.stormmmitten, short-crop year, mas sv I affecting most seriously the farming T tZZZZr?": "W interest, of the South, it should pre- Frioe iartT is W n. I pare the farmers of the 8onth to gir. nun eoBBtr. - i-' " 1 1 carafnl consideration to toe facts ot rob't imBVatestttt 1 crop of the South. Hoa. F. A. Woodard, of Wilson. Olfice in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up atairs. ' Attonief-et-uewt - GREENSBORO Jf. C. Practices in the courts of Ala- r. Chas furnished the compilation ounce and Guilford counties. of orioes of cotton onder Cleveland i II In McKinley'a administra. Washi.gton, Oct. 26, 1908 That President Roosevelt would .. . iti a I quit Ibe w rme House w ion aoom go lherel0 depoail hi(( UD;que Oyster Bay doin nothing no one ba,u The ciUlen of has ever predicted but tne imereai r ,. to diairanchised reoi wn,M knnwn e have an "ideal" hiuiimiuvv..-. system of Government in the Die - . ,. . I CT I rnr nt TUl. (i UPPIPT. tnctol UMumbia mere .. Alkin80- a membr of ucre. ii a resmeuip u iuc vi " to vote he must by ficlion have a domicile in some state or territory Tk Nmcafepcr as ons of the most aocuiacte cotton statisticians of the United States, and they are, verified by examination of the books of some of the cot ten merchants of Wilson. You will notice that during the years 1893, 1894 and 1895, while at some periods daring the season cot ton reached in 1893 7 cents, daring the same year it also reached 9 15 16; and while in 1894 it reached 5 9-16, during the same season it reached 8 5-16 cents; and while in 1895 ii sold ss low as 5 9-16 cents, yet much of the cotton was sold at 9;and daring the second and third yeais daily reports of some new enterprise in which he is to engage . The latest is to the effect that after his return from Africa he will become associat ed wilh Dr. Lyman Abbott tn the nnhlicaUon of The Outlook. So tar the rumor has not been denied by the expert denyer Mr. Loeb, and it is possible that it has some founda tion ir. fact. No doubt the President will continue to desire an audience only a little less than the public de sires 1 1 hear from him but it is pro blematical if he will find work on the present senior class is a way, from the Hill for the next two weeks rep resenting the Christian Sun and oth er publications of the boutnern Christian Convention before the con- r I.I .i Cla aiwl Ala. dent merely. Nevertheless Mr. MacFarland. the chairman of the A Glee Club has recently been or three commissioners who rule the ganited in the College and is bein District hath told us this is an ideal trained by Miss Wilson the d.rec government, hath told the world so tor of the department of music. The ?nf.t.n.n addresaeaand Mac club is making fine headway in its Farland is a plausible man. But in work and will no doubt take a spite of this assurance to the Chat- rank as a musical tactor in the pub- i ,h ,,o,.leof lie life of the institution. In form- Z tricTa; ging of this er days Con's Glee Club has been ideal "faultily faultiest, icily regu- noted for Us excellent singing and lar, splendidly null" government from all appcarinc , and . clamorina for a cheap. The will be no exc ,-.,,,, Una rule .ri,n;v;r.,te ore- On Thursday evening oi mis weea ..ui; PrnaidAi t and M!8. 01 nun we. v t and are clamoring government is by a V. 1 Amnnrat ipnn rHTt ,odu.,u5up.. -.- riMA The ran and an army officer called me . i - - - - i - i il.. Mnnttiiar Hitrin i hit mantine sumciem 10 occupy r.-mm;o;nn These sen- occasion ui...."..j J " I CDEiueei wpupup""- o i : i k;. Hm. anil viiror. The advertis- . n . t o.aanrt meetinn of tli' La lies Aid c"n7 aau-, - jng tblt lne Oatloox gets rrom iub i f uenUy shifting the responsi- wnue we jacnwimey wmu uu. w . report , n0 d0UDt benenciai 10 vnai ftom one otim, resulting operation, the highest price at which jonrnal and it -u probable that it will n guch tergiver,liotl and indecision . conon was sotu waw iu io, (Yntmu nave coninonuons xroui i cents oer pound, and in uie K. Klll .w. w-. of the President oeiy cow- highest price at which cotton sold mg w;th the printer's devil and reading; the manuscripts of poems was 7 13-16 cents. I Time Dispatch, Hlehmood, Society. It was a very ei j yable occasion to those !io were privileged to he present. The feature of the meeting waa a -Proireeive 42" contest. The priie was won Peace. Dr. J. 0. Atkinson, pastor nr k ohnmh at thia olace. presented ui vuv - r Rita Graves's story of a suicide bureau advertising "Advice to Tim id Suicides," in the November Smart Set. is one of the striking magazine feat ores of the month. Helen Frances Huntington shows a remarkable knowledge of a certain side of official life in the British Indian ' Service in her story. 'The Leaven ot Uegret. This tells of a t young officer who spoils his career by a heedless blun der, and of the spt&nded reparation he makes for the sake of the "one" woman. This issue of the Smart Set con tains a complete novel, "An Inter national Drama," by Christian Reid, and a round doxen stories of an in tense, unusual type. H. B. Marriott Watson's "George," is a story of a man's nose and the queer situation into which it led him. In "A Sulk ing Achilles" Wilson C. Missimer goes back to Grecian myth to find every The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths There ia a diaeaae Wafliii fa this ! air n BUCA Manyaadiiea deaths are by it heart dw ) ease, piitnimwiia, heart failure apoplexy are thVre-Ot U ki kjlcey trouble i . , allowed to adraMse the k idnt-j-pcaoa-ed blood will at tack thecal orgaaa, caaauig the bladder, or tne awiwy-JWmM. break down and waste away "Ubyeell. Bladder troubles almost always result fromTSrangenut of the M . re U obtained qnickeat by a pioper treatment of the ktdne treatment of the 1 ing badly you can mal ra. If von are feel- te no mistake by Kilmer's Swmaae-Reot, the Ukln 'i::hWder remedy. H correctiinabUity to hold wine mad acaUintrpain in passing it, and ever , thTunplcaneceity of compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many tunes during the night. The mild and the extrwirdinary effect of Swamp-Root is It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressin g cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to takeend U sold by all druggisU in T OtlC-UUl UU BIAS ews . - - " , sample botUe of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tell, all about it, wwnt free bv mail. Aooress, tn. mer & Co., Binghamton, V. y. When inspiration for a great, unusual loot- ball story. Inez G. Thompson tells, writing mention reading thii iA Woman's Wav." of a wife JlJ2am - -- --- c ' i niieraKP. uui icu,ui'v .u" who adopted a most nnusual plan Root. Dr. Kihner'sSwainp-R-naue V.o Nfra. Flonne Y ninphamton. N. Y- on every ,. to hold her husband's love, "ine Krr,"' Soul of the Gong," by Kate C. Turn er, shows the power of the far-reach bottle. Wt Waal a Chaaeje' Vs. Oct, 11 1 n -v rit i n.pilpinl nt o - - 1 MV V H . nnirulH). uiotuoppp v. ... n on Spring and other ambitious top- " - - ' f ' Q whicb the pnz to Mrs., ... , 0fient ia Khmm 0, haU, ,nd icsisnotinxsordwiththepopu ar - - ' d , h.ppy snd iccious pnrase. TeDgeanM) ..The Harvest," a play conception of bis taste, and .bill- h- D,.Dt ani-ounciog guests be,, repairea jn one by T w HaDBheWi ..Xh9 Prria4tt mvAlAnd. it was I r r. . , .-o.fldiDiDe uau oi rrwuou. n..iw p- KvVifwr I VtCW. ews' I . a ika firaw MlsHniLV UI I v . a 1 I I 11UCIS Ut-MW 3. ao . aw vnni-i .. ... . ;nlanM rMction from I . . . .,..: borne where aencious puuw. oiled by T- T " " ' "Zr, . . . hmA M, Mr. Bryan's election .... mm wrTed preai - . i kiisj uuuuua uviiMw I . . ii.L.i ihann mnrwm win i IUM Skslby Star. The National Democratic peign tex-Doox as compuou , . . noiiUcal Editor Joeephus Daniels and bis eo- ,ftor . . l5rftm(,nt an(i in big own WX ... L!J Uborers is a classic among iw ainu. .MnondmM he laments the insbil- Under the coplion "We Want a uke M illtere,t 0 the small Changa" the demand of the people tfikinj of life wyiJg y, he fen Uke is set forth tn tma stnaung laanioo: hitched to a milk wagon when he bad to concern him self with them. How much more will Roosevelt feel the change, leav- in have to close down." We believe Notice off Dissolution.5 The People Say. Senator Fulton went to Oregon and asked for re-election and the people said: "WE WANT A CHANGE" SUnainr Hanabroufh went to North Dakota for re-election end the ptoplesaid: "WE WANT A CHANGE!" Oanainr Kittredf e heard it in that the Democratic mitlee recently offered f 5,000 conclusive evidence of an employer's coercion sgainst the candidacy of Mr. Bryan. Difficult as it is to drsw the line for the purpose of the court, between legitimate notice concerning ing it.fter.uch. strenuous career fnture trade and delib- 'f and Hill in the prime of Lis .nd .m- Pn Elon's M Kit;, III. nrobsble that it is the u" " ""'"ia. present of that Ibis case is dent and Mrs. Moflitt made tnem- , ..,kla hnala and won National Com- - "7 I"," . 7," nf f0T 1 a large piece in u.o w"""p their guests. Large interest just now is center- ... . t T7..1pw ftipall ing in me Annua, racuiij uo. ReciUl which will occur on Monday evening, Nove nber second, at 8 clock in the College Auditorium. usic Faculty consists at three members. Miss reminiscence by Tom P. Morgti, and "Amis," a story in the original French, are clever features in the distinctive Smart Set style. A storm in the Philippine Islands J Oct. 12th caused great destruction of life and property, rivers rising to sn unprecedented height. It is e timated that at least 300 persons lost their lives. Headaches 'reasonably clear. Pnt refuge Florence Wilson, graduate oi me New England Conservatory and tion which is rivrn below, and these I prices should be reed end consider- J Dakota, from the people: I fid in tbo liEiit oi me ucc ww. mo i -wju wjlwi a - f 1 ...Sam reoognilMH. ot tni. pi7cn.c that ha. determmed him to ore.. ambigU0UB , v. r.n k- . hnnt iw triD to Africa oenino uuiuhs " 7 T . .rl It threatens, "uniess you - .,. havinir stud- behind ambiguous words, n. ua.. . . m foreign 'Unless you Deal . .. . v.": flanator Tillman, who has been traveling abroad several months for his health, landed in New York,1 with Mrs. Tillman, Tuesday a week The Senator is nlcased with tne along period Pri coU00 Senator Long -eked the people ol CoDgrMa iha many leform. be ti-Voianutr, aittomu- "JT .fred Ky a protective tariff, a. the Kansaa for re-election s-ad the peo- . nndert.ven To many of his .MnKMConBi' iJ2-TB,,in,ta- . . . .. V.I . . . . I - . ... 1 (-.. I Oi pogitea u but obh, ' rrr - --rx n-tM ,a fiiwi in tne maraeui w tu u anno lea: i MAnia Hnrin the last year ". I a been expended on J more dan A Us evi leadins musicians, Miss Elise Ram- aar. graduate of the Presbyterian - taklMTe KreMIUelW uv gerous than the open Urter Md sale 1 rf charloM. Bpecia, Bludent votes, wwiw ' This time of the year are signals of warriing, Take Taraxacum Com pound now. It may av9 you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your e e e I a m aaV rigm, anu tuio your inaigesiion. Agooa ionic. The Demo- at the New England Conservatory a ; : "WE WANT CHANGE!" thai he did not know what T n"n ha.. -d in the conwrvatory o, ipe 8atorHopki-went to Ilui. D7ddowh m " 0 Germany; and Mi MjrJ u! and two. . V , , .u . .it -Inwn suffered heavily irom u iu v . . f theElon College Con- As a weapon oi pouu- , . l ,tuJ. i r . l top .' j - I ..u i tw Mrw Unmlv iocreaa- wMntampNwiiiitl, t. .unmi ofahieh tariffl. Ukad tor re-election end two- K,. K, i the man down h I . TTL . .-ir-iiid s...r.u-p-MWian.annonnced: . " m ood- I campaigns. wi-m- rv" . " , - ianan uim rouuoxies wsim- ininuui ueiWK 1 Ann wffD mjk iaiwiv w, VawW this CertlOc Of V401"1.,-- tau.. 1 . . . . t I ..v.xt . IT a MflW" r ZTZWSSl The figure, ed by Mr. TnrTA. Weodaid, frooi the highest staUsU- STS!. cal authority, are as follow,: p'oMi. -' Wilsoh. N. C, Oct 15. 1908. ZTSa.yIS"Sl Upc.axmngth.price.cot- . . - i r-:- iservaiorj cal warfare, it peculiarly uu,. . England conserva- As as index of At present there are more .... . a- J- lklnraCai nit k VI M IN W UU U" ""'C .-LI- . i . k.if nf th. Rennblican. of H v.A tn continue nd contempuo.e. - tory A1LUUBI ajaa,a wa B7 I wTniT.n ni Jll SU UBUia I ? . a ilM II IB rsl 1 H'.LlUU I . v hM asked bv their di.- ."T""- ftr tham than any man commercial awfiauy, " " L. than 100 .tudente studying mosic ... ' ,. - lunonanv man. inie.iigeiM. timmiahed Senator Allison replied: I wBOW anything about. It may uPnf ... .... fh "WE WANT A CHANUa.1 . th . th, t0C0UnU Th. voice of the people U unmia- ... b- jj. agreed l ti,inVa that the country g - J. DUD WUU pppppp". fab",aponMr.Bry.n'. reaay agreea r . .7 ,. i . ri Tha man TaVoa" ton bom the year. 1893 to 1900, in- uubU, Wherever they have bad , and Utor political " W 'Henut. dlEedU-tMew York a chance to apeak they have meet- dmfolXh. Outlook ere rimply J l . ' nricesfbrtbeM year. com thoed- lylijW their voicea, eaylng: bi way of "marking time" unlU P StopThat.CoM jsf- X;:'',;.;;-''4:.-.-:'. by .cotton To) CkveUnd and Mc- inBL. I Teat aentiment is .weeping - - . . . . i . . . .. . 0abka& was inauguraiea ataixa, i oit eonntry : The highest price leacnea I HWE WANT A CllAIiUKr- Jnriaie the Jtu was I v . Ik. ilwiin.tiona now ere The man who bases minatory notices to hia nls upon such reasoning AtM eniov eithsr a tools esteem eja-w --w a "WE WANT A tHABUw ihin. more important turns up -. . . tluhmML " . .. -in, tha i . . " or a ouan..r 1 . ... w--ith refarehoe to increaj Tea esniinmna - r fbrBimuao. Iu. aK.mW concern manuiactures i f , 1 under these three gifted tescbers. It ia therefore with a great deal of fond anticipation that the annual recur rence of the time when these ladies give their publio recital is looked forward to. President Moflitt has perfected The eejution al me nanuu.. tru apparent concep the worlt or - ... n Mr. Bryan steps In Xaa pwaeVkf.alin.f11V 1 pound: & rT.::..v-RMiCa nerty.the u than local importance I ,v. Mini 0f view of the gnn .aggress, v. cau.,,-. ' a, a a 1 OU " - r ' I . .... . . , icnuua w r ig tion that th. earth w with vwinaiwni a aaili ttttaaawMW ' at 111 an sariraoMs. TT but he will be unable to Uke part in it. At Fitxgerald, Ga, Wednesday An honest medicine the 6 mouths old infant of Mrs. Wal ter Huhlin was instantly killed by I ite brains being dashed out against a irM in an uel v runaway of e blind family horse. The child's grandfa ther was fatally injured, having hwn hurlad headlonc aeainst the same object. Will Burnett, a young man who was arrested as one of the mob who tried to lynch John Irl.y, colored, at Spartanburg, 8. C, recently, at tempted suicide Sunday a weex ny shooting himself. The wound may prove fatal. Whether the attempted suicide wss on account of his arrest ar Co, .MEBANE. N. C. Panitll over r ... L.-i. more safe the public ecnoow Ml Ui. r " .Un baildinw. aa well. . . w dta ininuiBiPiw""-"j " - " ... .1 'iajn " . , .1 HIU " J . I Ulnr. hllll. 9 15 16 ceals per pound, the j U1 not only have a change I fir, other dangera would oe wbilHoua -STri: Price wae 7lceotaper poaaa: I DUl thai the Repeblicen party, the littU aore than local imponaoc, i fr sSSS52lS HWltaWgh- fotefprwdatory intereeU, I were U not that it is being "LlenUt. & (Ltfi. : Ia 189lftet ... . ; .nhmitread under , .Mri. Air la the country Tsrwkr--M?sT22 jrrrr-r wuiot .r .: a " .'i tndeveund u-t SMlT7.riffl the hkhest prk-ir41 . .iniL in which eo many Utile child- W, ,repleed anoouncethat g0ffolk. t yam am U ro ' aU II i r i i lam amy atet am kaM r . Aad scat fanral : cnuiyj hv uwp rn ia BPVBM tha aaeaa. saw. ni hsaSoa ywar SnuTlaM awa Lw-Sl.welowertwwTl-l aTata I - McKinl.T was iiarofeUd 1,1897, wmth. atMoaeh troablee wi oald the td more of ren end the College Endowment tuna r7 I 1 J: mnrafPummodioUS i. nnt allll ill atop bearing na pn,v.u.u. - H. -ill la- Whila Rimrlins's show was exhib- - w.aHintia i ewi ii r si iiaiia. aaw " o o U profoundly inter- - Oreenville. 8. C. Monday d.v of next week. He leaves the Waddy Bramlet a rural mail car- Hill on tbia evening for Eastern Vir- r;er. dropped dead just aa be enter- aioia. hit first slopping point being Ud the tent to Witness the perior or ,t u.M ha .ill confer with mance. HU death is supposed to ouuuia. " " - i ... - i bis Becoming crowd Tk. hipaaeBriet reached Uaekly diaeppear if the w I ... nrm tni Unpaioa " . i . - .t - nthar uaauw . treating we -r . moTalM)ot which UM eo many ow ' laTiS FHondT-fo; cough., ushed financier, and leader. haT. resulted from hi. bee S..ul S2idSng7trouble.UnoUffeJ. fn urch, in regard to the pro. over heated while r-cked in . 11-rr.iEw Tbe, w.itingforth.c,rcu.toopen. nmi law aa it contains no opiates --t. . , , j . mnA mm aXaaavmrni uiuxa - eHW will and wishes snd co operation oi nd trustees Ibis campaign. - iLuiinn tnr inu na wap i i avaa. ' !' v""- 7 " . c i ie l.ffia. would oome - i -.-i: t .a aaafa remeoy I the Faculty, siuueuw ';mi.1TNK! , 7 v mIL tbeLiallnaete the Heart, and one to . . -nT rraeooeblel .iawwM--i - i,. ridnarn. When inees D ki. HlWM lTl """"TS". IDaau. r-Kn ahfldren I Mr. N. K. Btreeter, eon oi r. . . . . lK. m.,u-rs 0f urn- . irq od ioW cs a I nacres. WHJtta o aam I muted te cmvsbw-- . "- - . -- heart. tbeyar a,. tnetoMot .w. ka have! Htraanar was an electrician and wesine". I"1" k . -i- . fiold 1 trees vm Er- - - .,j.,twi mans I rnlilrata bad babiU ana you u ooawUUnf urT7Z rTT" L "J" .t naffnev when mUeries. CsrwroagM . . Kra.h iB contact with el aod criticism require th. "T.. ta,irr"V.7 h.tlw-.b Kapawira. utmost delicacy. Taking the price daring the ednsin-tre-Laiaai aad McXiaUy, Because Oscar Brouseard, proprie U.r of a small store at Newtoo.Texas refused him further credit, Will Heat secured a revolver and shot Brouseard. The ball passed entirely through Brouward. body and en tered that of hia 9 year old eon, kill ing the Utter instantly. Th. tamer died later. t flafelMli fed that iattke J Wf of CUweUad'. aaBiBar . a el Teregea j Tha fint Tear of au- Wy tly realiae egaie. krGraheja Dreguo. I&ist yea Itraiion. eottoa (Miwaad. i hi ai. y pipmt f r mttwTtT:f" .mimaircottoe.v-T-?J!kJZZ: 1. 1894, the aeceod 7" BCjbe drowned. Deaot Wanycae Ull row that .oaahtoc else P, T asa kel v. rrwhatw are having their Ibis and tntMLellM. worked epomby those wire. w bipB . a X T-Xaa have eomethiag to sail we -e-- i to gitarantee the Dves enaeaieiy iKair stindrr' ax ee DeWttl'. auoaey 'a- POk btcauea taere a .-- .. ii.l a4uml bOUaiOKiau Hat iwp" , n i Cfvwf- aa of the Medder,cf y- I EiaAierejearder. A wwakTi I.WISSBEinG v The Tailor SCOTT BUnJKGCP StAlSS. - ftolleae to Order. " ' Oeaning end Eepeiring'. Oeaalng eFreaainf e suit x. -CIS30IIS and Xarvee ! laiJLICi jeer ox aaw .-- - peri TkelHi: Chelaadtsai- ragedTW -The titird year U-.U wffl eoBviaes rea. QasJkaat Drag Ce. Sold y LfKeJJaley. ned8tI-33 TheJnn3 .Agrlealtare Tf" pouad. rvelaad.ed-awaacea81-S The eeflsher a. a eeauy nuned u aot vrmmr F"AZTZJL .lInletiattoa i rein aharpenecL Atyoaw iMCa away . laharpeaed right and ewt ee good aa new give to tnaLl : that eottoa I a a aMita rjaar averagwM. - . a- rrt'tkdaB Sat SW WH1 eharpea eeyU5ig from a breed '. j,, (3e reliefs adatiii' xtoaiiiifi Chargee noder- ,w!Tri-(-jaeeaa ate. B. K Trxxxx,tLU oTSce. iieueo- , . . jji.tratioa I daring Jtca Jar Zxiut. aad dS-irea, aoli at eee eay iwsore Hi Y:i Ln . C.-t he. JZi - r- ' !. iha three J" "! cfT JTI.. 7s ST'-Al' adaaatotiatioa. Fetar Fry. Weedraf aaialI3 UlsJweew-, - .'a V W fcatla SttBad t !fL-aI ewaU aot FWy Bjc IlTwaeeata esthete was ee ease ' - Yklarr Care was warn -Ti . ... ilart aa Baal pvt- m -- w t!:llvaaait .BBV IZJiBaed to iaa prove antil Ijr aaUrcly weO." Grabaua Drag V. President Roosevelt ha signed a owtract with The Outlook to act as . aaainiant editor after his rUre- Th.. k beggary 1.1b. e that men, fromth. Presidency in March at-l . nail 1 Fllal IM miUB lUUIW w ai a VZ .- Al I nai I I uVaaaw1 i aevaawa - - ar mai asa as. rsaaia uiuw""- - - ran iawai a ava wbptvw fcfMa ha a I Mtaral dlgeetiv. juice, end ito1?" wu men never l.Ttinff contract to write the story iuaai - . , rt l of b African uaveia wr vn.. Scribner'. Sons. Hi. work in eon Mction with The Outlook to toco n political and economic topic. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. One adapted to Kh CaroBna iimati anils and condition, , . , ir. made by Tar Heel. na jor uia.anl at tha same time as wide awake as any In Kentucky or Kamchatka. Such a paper Is The Progressive Fannsi RALEIGH. N. C. Kdited by Clasxhck H. iw, with Dr. W. C. Barkett,Sector B. A. A M. CoUege, end Director B. W. Kilgore, of the AgncuUural Experiment SUlion (you know tbem), as aesistant editor, (tl . year). If you are eueauj e ik naVwtr. wa can make no redoe- r-r ' . ... , tion, but U you ere no " YQU CAM SAVE EQ& n. aMutln wonr on:r to ns That is to sy, ne Profresstse Farmer subscribers we win seuo .k.t nan with Thb Glxaxkb, iu.. 1-1 - . m I.. both one year wr ', r' price 12.00. Addne?nK GLEANER, Graham, N. C t.Tb tn ii.pp. v. . i u'pu man onvi mm w .frLT :M time; they ta.k to -v. It htsney Ujaetified la warning "l07tb, itotnach iteelf doee. I inoUage liu'i ahadowi ar. meM- thepajeata tataa The only differ-nos wa" ". log eternity's d.y. KhtZidrm ere Impwnled In the U -?rolfh U lb. rach canrl I opportuoiaa.; ,h. old bwMi-I bat fct taxes aaegr-e. euiororo 7h Uto citgim tbem. nKaaa-tolaUaavw., ,-- - . It . . . lV.,m lhat n. up- Uputaeberg. keior. "lriaranUed. 'Bold .by Graham . Dalloo boil,. Lweek th. result of. tornado -ad irtnfOn I . t.v i v.ifiit p ii Tarni rjenon. were i a liuia ancient iaiw ww- ciouu ' ,. " . . .t.ZL .v- niUrad. three of whom may die. Tbs hard part About an easy joo.0, n- -v--. courthouse a a a a . aa ' as rvwir s-ai nneirnr mm a uw w Many -r- i . . . , .m nna i pabli. ecbool to axf. - th. lai Saw 1BW aaaw I WeaK fiearto AraSaats tDLfl-Sa P MkwM rww at any rate the people wbe bev. k tte getting tbereot rrd oae or tnore cbOdrea . t wer howanychndl . ;,h A akeutic to e naa who tAAM toerito that wnan'm ,LJ . I halla In the doubU of othera. ew 1 w.aai a soaai v f . ataatlY fawBew sa. swaaa af Boney you bay. tb. du. to bi. b.d judgement i. ci . Krss a px " i . L,-.Dlooing Idiot .O.btofr-dia1y.a--r M take la tbe praeena ap . ... i.. u! .in- kU neat life end sit on toe aDPuea wo i n" - i mYrm ..I aylvalmaa. ead Wheatteome. a-- r , .oman Uxt men work overtime. ineoevp j - Kra. rver paired . Ueting eea abow to . n-n i-,e help him to bcpopatority by knocking. ..taD. ACUOB n"7 " " 140,000, was wrecked doet .od.ecor.rf boue-. iabad or torn Irom tneir nuw Telepbooe and telegrapb wiiee w blown .way and many pole were leveled. miles tf tbeUJveaceof the esnestinnal forsneraand ee-stef au Tbo4a eoeaetkinrle-eaii. mJ . 1 a- Is KenM There toaeleckaf local pouu- frery man owe. nu - - k bsppi btWaahlrejti daring tlreo ariina derm, A. e v naeui- r It' easier to talk philaopby tlan U is to live up to it Some people ect if they bad a j corner on goodness. - Many a man make, a fool of him self by acting smart bar waaa tt was waraas ! Hw a siawlatael awa a ea ast ertsaaa, ""-t m mew- as. kaart iaiissa. Srwaaawa ewUaasaMwaea kaort. Tawi awa a ms a haart. a 4aa4 Sakwa aw tte stowiaee wauaaa m mr - WUB wa acsaai asatss at ia t l wai wal arrsa waeaaBaa a r Ijr zrr , aa a. I aJLaa) Cia a Caa fcaaal Cgwata waaa iwa aa. J awart as sil ' - Foley's Honey s T r

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