'he Alamance yOL. XXXIV. GRAHAM, N.;C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1909. lUST w WORE thetsroiJIs !t refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver PJIIa end VlEANi HEALTH. Are you constipated? . -,-Troubled with Indigestion? ... Sick licidachc? -,- ;, Vlrtlgo? -' ' " Bilious? Incnmnla . . .v- ;:-:" v. any of these symptom, oral many other. dfcate Inaction ol uia-UYUic hiutlcate You xi eeci Titfilrib Take No Substitute. : PROFESSIONAL CARDS THE HOARD- STALL 80 Arranged That the Bedding la " Kent- Clean and Drv. One of the best authorities on dairy subjects la ex-Governor Hourd of Wis conaln, and this la the oow stall that Mr. Hoard recommends. He snys that in ois experience the gutter U quite unnecessary, although he thinks that with Borne cws a gutter not to exceed two Inches in depth might be desirable if placed wll to the rear. He consid ers deep drops injurious. , Thi. stall gives a cow three nnd a bait feet in width, and sho has perfect liberty in stepping ahead r back. A bar Across the stall floor Just In front of her hind feet vr ih. uaai ... u WUUUlg clean and dry, and she soon learns to atop forward to lie down. With some ML WILL S. Um M , , , DENTIST . ..,., . - Norfh Carotin OPFICK in SIMMONS BUILDIiH i Graham JACOB A. LONG. ' J. ELMER LOKO. LONG & LOWCfoS-1-, Attorneys and OoatUwlOBir-t.JWWf GRAHAM, N. . . s.. o Cookt; Attorn.y-ot-Low, , GRAHAM, - - . - r- Offloa Patterson Building Seoond Fleor. i -. -. . HJS BOARD STALL. now, a. little training mny bo neces ta"35 fc firsts, but the., results are well wortjf ttJctra time and effort lit. tB drawing . A represents the manger B; the malm floor where the cow He down; C 1 the piece of 2 by that may: be moved, front or back; according to toe six of tb. cow; D Is the apae' where the cow place, her bind, feet whett. standing, and B Is a aJialtew gutter; while- F 'is the floor ptico behind j -O ls a. doer In front of tb owi aad rack ever the man get" to- hold" hay; and other kinds of eoaajM&eaW bel Belladonna "or camphorated oint ment hi a Verv vnlllnhlp nm wh. the pain Is severe, or the tinctures of iwuuaonna or opium mny be applied direct where necessity demands it It Is better not to resort to extreme measures ir they can be avoided, as the results from fhMA flOPrtl mnna- nres are oftn injurious to ti- gland. t.uts, lacerations and contusions are treated In the cow the IMTTIft nil In mnn Where the wounds are largo nnd gap ing they should be washed out with clenn water and ontlscntlcfl nil rnn-f-nl edges removed and tho wound sowed up. - C A. HALL, - iTTOBNET AND OOCHSELLOH-lT-LiW, GRAHAM, N. 0. , , , Office in the Bank of Alamanca.- liulding. op Btaira. ., ' JOHN (iKA r l HUH. W P. BTHtJM, Jfc BINUM & BYNTJM," Attorney 'nd Counselor) at Laif UubENSBORO,. S- j Practice regularly In the eourta Of Ala oianca county. ' : r. e Aux. c,M) ROB'T C. STRTJDWICK Attorney-ot-l-ow, .' GREENSBORO Jf. U, Practicea in the" courts': of-Ahv Liiance and Guilford counties. . - "c INURED UDDERS: Trortiwoiit Severe Caaat That Will ' . Afford QuWt RolUfl. ;v Many time tb' woo&ds and Inju ries are slight and . lavolve only the superflclnl structure, of. the gland, and no well marked symptoms are pres ents In these cases no special treat ment Is called for, as nature under fa vorable circumstances will soon effect it 'Cure. ' , . There is nothing that affords greater relief and 'so quickly a. application of hot water or poultices to wounded or Injured, udders. Woolen cloth. Wrung out of hot water and held against the affected part several times daily will be followed with good re sulti. Where the pain or soreness Is excessive an anodyne, opium or bella donna may be added to the water. Follow tho applications of water with soothing-, ointment, or anodyne lini ments. Theso. .hould be rubbed In wejl andthe udder gently hand rub- BOUNDING THE INFINITE re the Numbir of Stars In Spaoa Without Limit 7 How many stars are there? It Is not known, but most astronomers believe the number Is not unlimited. The ar gument Is that with nn Infinite uni verse of stars the heavens would be one uniform blaze of light Tho more distant stars are, of course, dimmer some are too far away to effect the naked eye at all, but no matter bow slight the units an Infinite number of them would produce tho effect de scribed. As there Is no unilomily blazing sky, the number of stars, though possibly Immensely great, must be limited. This argument Is supplemented in a recent astronomical paper by n similar one drawn from gravitation. Every star, no matter how distant, exercise its own power of attraction on every other heavenly body, Including our earth. However, as the earth's center is farther away from the attracting body than its surface is, particles- on the earth's surface are attracted with greater force than those at the center, I and the practical result Is to lessen the force with which the earth's mass Is held together. Now, If the number of stars Is infi nite, this decrease would be so great that weight on the earth would practi cally cease to exist Moreover, the same conditions-would prevail every where throughout a boundless universe and probably an masses would be dis rupted. That this result does not oc cur is a proof, we are told, that the number of heavenly bodies in exist ence Is not Infinite. These arguments make certain as sumptions that may or may not be granted; they can neither be proved nor disproved. The argument from light as sumes that light waves are transmit ted through space without loss; that from gravitation assumes that the same thing Is true for gravitational attraction. If light or gravitation Is absorbed or lost In some way when passing from star to star, the number of stars may be Infinite after all. At Its best the speculation Is more curious than con clusive. Chicago Record-Herald. STRENGTH OF AN EAGLE. Wonderful Power In tha Bird's Clowe and Laga. While I cannot give any positive proof of how much a bald eaglo can carry, I should suppose, declares a writer in Forest and Stream, that he could carry at least as much .in pro portion to his weight as a hawk or a horned owl. I hare the recorded weight of a male bald eagle weighing nlno and a quarter pounds and a fe male weighing twelve pounds. A horned owl will weigh from four to five pounds, and I have several times Uuowm one to carry off a large house cat One cat was very large, and the owner told me be could bear the cat cry as he was being carried off. Xow, any one who will weigh a large house cat will find It to weigh at least ten pounds. ... I have mou a goshawk carry off a hen fully twJsftJtl own weight and I nave taken from marsh hawk a very large chicken which would wttlpb more than twice what the hawk would. The marsh bawk la one of our weak est hawks, but he bad carried this chicken over a quarter of a mile. My belief is that If a bawk or horned owl can carry more than twice its weight (and I know positively that they can) then an eagle could, If occasion re quired, do a. much In proportion to his weight which would be to carry eighteen or twenty pounds. Once when an eagle, shot through the body with a rifle ball, lay on bis back I up ended a long road skid and dropped it on blm. Before It reached him he stretched up and caught it In his claws and held It the length of his legs above him. I walked up on the skid and stood above him, and he easily held me and the skid, which I should Judge would weigh more than twenty pounds. I took pains to be weighed the same day and weighed 119 pounds. Put a stick In the claw of a wounded eagle and let him grasp a small tree with the other, and a man must be stronger than I ever was to take the stick from him. THE VETERINARY, A Nature Faker. 'Iteally." said" tho stylish lady en thusiastically to her friend, "It Is quite worth while going to the zoo if only to see the wonderful supply of rhododen drons." "Is ltr replied her friend languidly. "I like to look at the great big, clumsy beasts, too, but It always smells so un pleasant round the cages." London News. "Yes, Belle is married at last and, do you know, her husband la the very man who proposed to her ten year, agor "Why didn't .ho marry blm tneor "Oh, my dear, be was really quit. too old for her at that timer '"Modern Society." A veterinarian give, this remedy for worms In horses: Use one tables poon ful of powdered ncca nut every morn ing In feeil for ten days and then a physic . ball. Substitute bran If you give corn In bis feed. Horsas With Shall Peat A horse that has iwor or shell foet must be treated carefully, ns follows: First see that they never becomo ex cessively dry. INjuItlee the feet for two weeks In warm bran masli tied to the feet in bags. Change twice n day. After using It for two weeks mix two dram, of cantharlde. with an ounce of lard and rub It la well around the coronet. l,eave this on for three week, and apply again. If this Is per sisted In a new growth of born will be formed, Caked. Bag In Ewes. Hot water application, will often re lieve a simple case of enked bag In a ewe, and rubbing with camphor Is also good. Tbe best plan Is to prevent this trouble by seeing that the udder Is well milked out after lambing. Coal Ashes For Uoe. For many years I have known that for lice on bogs, horsoa, cattle and chickens coal ashes are a sure cure, My. a breeder. I sift my coal ashes and dust the hogs well with the fine ashes and throw plenty In their sleep ing apartments, and the -lice go. For eolts put the flue ashes along the buck from tbe top of tbe bead to the tall and work the ashes In with tbe band along tbe back and down the .Idea. Treat cattle tbe same way. For Manga In Cattle. Mange or scabies, called eczema by some, I. a parasite that burrows hi the skin of young or unthrifty old animals and causes trouble. Apply thoroughly to cattle oil of tar one ounce and whale oil twenty ounces. Cutting Tushes From Plgst For cutting tushes from very young; pig. to prevent fighting while nursing use any kind of .mall tweeters or nip pers. Cut or break tbem off even with the gums. It Is not generally neces sary aniens tbe litter Is Inrge, I rut Is then quite so, as It prevents the little pigs from cutting each other's Jaws and causing sores on the aide, of the Jaw Value of Warm Quarters. Warm, dry quarters will go a long way toward keeping tbe stock com fortable, and stock; when comfortable will grow and fatten much better and with lew feed than when left to take care of themselves. Impossible to be Well It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, If the bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be removed from the body at least once each day, or there will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Pills. He knows why they act directly on the liver. Trust him. . c. Am Co. . Lnwtll, Man. Pure Water For heeev If the boy Is looking After the Hock teach blm the first thing that .beep are dainty and will suffer for water rather than drink from a dirty veawel. Calling and Cicling. The frequent occurrence, of e before 1 in certain word. In manuscripts and printed book, of tbe aeventeenth and eighteenth centuries In place of the now: customary spelling Is a feature which has often forced Itself on my at tention. It seem, to me that the mod ern - way 1. in these older writings comparatively seldom met with. 1 have observed the following among oth er Instances: Felld, nelce, atchelve ment relelf, relelfe, grelfe; also, as proper names, Felld. Purfelld, Felld lng, etc. The causes which have led to tho change might furnish an Interest ing subject for discussion. In some eighteenth century writings (tho Uur roll manuscripts, for Instance) occurs the word deled. London Standard. The Call of Egypt Egypt calls even across the space of tbe world, and across the apace of tbe world he who know. It is ready to come, obedient to It. summons, because In thrall to the eternal fascination of tbe "land of wind and ruins and gold," the land of tbe charmed serpent the land of the afterglow that may fade away from tbe sky above tbe noun- tain of Libya, but that fade, never from the memory of one who 1ms seen It from tbe base of some great column or the top of some mighty rylon; tbe land that has a spell wonderful, beau tiful Egypt Robert Hie bens In Cen tury. , Soma tatlefaetlon In That, lira. HeWIlffus-Yoa say that tf a burglar want, to get Into the bonne he'll get In In spite of everything you can do to keep blm out Then what la the use of yonr taking so much pain, to fasten all the door and windows! Mr. Hewtlgus I want to give him all tbe trouble I possibly can, blame blm! Chicago Tribune. Our Shrinking 8un. One hundred year, ago the diam eter of the sun was four miles greater than It Is now. One thousand year. ago tho sun's diameter wo. forty mile, greater than It Is at present Ten thousand years ago Its diameter was 400 mile, greater than it Is today. The present diameter of tbe sun is 00,000 miles, and If this diameter were to shrink tomorrow to tbe extent of 10.000 mile, tho change would not be appreciable to common observation. though n much smaller change would not eludu the delicate astronomical measurements. New York American. jL-a . ..A.7.W. :. iIKiJVIJ VJ (PRC MHyM , f j Mamma, go to Thomp son Drug Co.'s and get a box of Mother's; Joy and a bottle of Goose Grease liniment. .: : s : : Man, Poor Manl Mrs. Flutter Mrs. Crnbapple say. her husband kisses bcr goodby every morning of bis life. Mr. Flutter I of ten wondered what gave hlin that sour expression. 8 mart Set. Death bangs over tbee while thou llvest. wbllo It is in thy power to be good. Aurellus. Those Dear Girls. Maud Too say Jack once proposed to you. I don't believe It He Mid I was the only woman be ever loved. Ethel-Yea, dear, but be didn't clan roe among women. Be used to coll me his angel Boat on Transcript No man wa. ever so much deceived by another as by himself. Orevltle. The Wall Brad Chicks. ElBo on bcr first visit to the country saw a number of chickens from tbe front porch of a farmhouse Tbe child watched the fowls for some time as they industriously scratched around. Finally she turned nnd ran to ber mother. "Oh, mother." she cried ex citedly, "come out on tho porch and ee the chickens wiping their feet on the grass!" Harper's Weekly. Sir Oliver Lodge, tho English scien tist, learned to play golf at St An drew, a good mnny years ago. Ills teacher, suys the London News, was Professor Ta It "You don't play golf with your mus cle.," Professor Talt Mid to him one day; "you play with your morals." "But I hope," said Sir Oliver, with a hasty glance round, "that no one will call my morals as bad as my gulf." Hurdnp I'll never go to that restau rant again. Tbe Inst time I was there a man got my overcoat and left bis In ft. place, Welloff But tbe proprietor wa.nt to blame, wo. be Hardup-No, but I might meet tbe other man! Yon can' afford to. be without- . these in your house. Mothers'- ; Joy is made of pare Goose Grease -and Mutton Suet with the most costly medicines known i : : NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. One adapted to Korth Carolina climate, soils and conditions, made by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels and at tbe earns time as wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka. 6uch a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. Kdited by Clabekcx H. Pos, with Dr. W. C Burkett,aecior B. A. & M . College, and DLec r B. VV. Kilgore, of the Agricui ural Experiment Station (you know them), a assistant editor? (tl a year). If you are already taking tbe paper, we can make no red no tion, but if you are not. taking it YOU CAN SAVEEOC. By sending your orcnr to vs That is to say, new ProgTeeaiYe Farmer subscribers we will send that paper with Thi Guuirra. both one year for tl 60, regnlar price 9'i.W. Addrsesa THE GLEANER, Graham, N. C. 1EHrVWtWal 3a, M;W.5' " i- .kv 'tf- 2 ft ft N-i D9 ft ft GRAM AUCTOM AL Located Between Burlington and Graham Suitable for Homes. Date of Sale LTS c -o & 4 1 rf I 3: S? fir es 3 b ST a. SATURDAY, J RIM. 30, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. I909,: - ScSe Iots,being80x200to240. Thelotssold a year ago ;;,e ten sold .p r: . Graham and Bnr just outside -the corporate imits of will be selling for three "tunes w itaiiW.- Several handsome homes recently erected just op- - Graham, anf sevexaL are in .the y Lmesrill buflt on this property when sold, and this will msJa7wMM monev buvirnr real estate. - ouble tne vaiue. VtTv" t a a nvh M t 2 n. m. Bitr auction sale, and they go at your own n't forget tneoareiui,j- i mistike. Anlot of the land can be seen at a aww w an i"sr i iir in a-v iiiir-iii. itia a a bAi iiv a ww - - price. the .A-Gh EZDsTT. -a c a a a S o e .0 u 0) sQ 6