f he Alamance' Glean EM VOL.-XXXV. i lift's Pills ntliotM liabft WwlVfiTOO MICH, :hu nuts, ii j" , l"1"" r.ib-w t h a nausea. I they win pruu." - r; tirtf HFADACHt P1 v' . ...- which lollowi. restore ? --nrtlte and remove Bloomy leas. (Ss. Ele jantly sugar coated.. : No Sa'istltute. - - PROFESSIONAL CARDS hn N A L D GULLE Y Attorney-at Law BURLING TOX, N. . SELLAE3 BUILDING. . ; ITWILL S. WSG, JR. DENTlfef tirsham North Carolina ., r.TTT.Td nmrVM Hi IAC0B A. LONO. j, XMBB'Louo,-1 LONG & LONG, : - r - I Lttorneys and Counselor t.Tja GRAHAM, N.' Ts. coo Attornoy-t-Lowf HRAHAM, - - t Office Patterson Building Seoond Floor. . . . C A. HALL, - ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIAOB'-AT-LAWi GRAHAM, N. 0. v Office in the Bank of Alamance: Bulding. up stairs. ' k)SdIIAI i Ntiiu w. i". BTFUM, JK. IJ.iNUAJ & BYNUM, k.ttoruey and Counoaloro at lt-vr 0nl!.EN8BOEO, II V. Pm-ilea ramlarlT In the eoorto of Alfc laocs county. Aug. , 94 ly JOB'T C. STRU D W ICE Attorney t-Low ' novwhronn-Dn V Tv GREENSBORO JfiUr Practices in the courto' of Ala- bance and Guilford counties. Cough Caution fTO,p3Btiyely never poison yourlunrs. Ifyoa w-eTen irom a simple noia oniy yousnooia win hasl, soothe, and ease the Irritated bron tebes, Don t Mindly nippiest it with f pojlnf poison. It's strsnm how soma thlnn I tuUramwtbont. For twenty yeusDr. Snoop I uamsttntlr warned ceoplt not to takaeouch litniM or prescriptions contalninc Opium, tie tbougbcongress says 'put it on the laooi, I potions sis in your Cough Mixture." Good I iioodiireafterforthkreiTreasaaniothen, lotori, ihonld insist on hsrlnf Dr. Bhoop'l StlS 1,0 ,"' ""ks on Dr. shoop's pli-aDd none in the medlelns, else it most by swjj on the label. And it's not only safe, but ft I l 3 DODtnosetnatnowlttet, atrujyri I ternu.ruMrt9.S jr. Bhoon psckage with others and . note the "uwipiuouprnuire. Compare carefully the I ns. no poison marks there I You TO be on the safe side by demandln , Tw g1!- w9f'' - f UI i3llUOO S ough GRAHAM DRUG CO. IDMINISTR A Tnp e wntrrc toma .. fie. 5'!iL,'5e,,t?.mePl'.AnD. fhSJ?TiiS'"! n?ASlbvohd doubt that President Met will h. Tii J"?' or .r."? utTOI JTBDlHlU. Or H11B1 sii "cTueu in oar or ueir recov Hm r.Kfn 'ndebted to aald estate will hi I '"mea late irbrnaryl4,nio. f. jo: mnna. aV, 60 YEAR vk KXPERIENCsT D Tmbc Marks , DraiaNa ' m nc-jiCwiittx I WOOOOCOOOOOOC)0 Subscribe For "eGIeane?.; Only $1.00 ner vear. a I aasal h a i ii i lZL " h si kwr. r. tT ' & I. - j . ... I I ah - 1 IMPERII Washington Letter. Washington, Feb. 27, 1909 un toe evening proceeding the 22 ot February Washington's birthday, Congress Adjourned until the twenty tnird instant and went by steamers special and regular trains and auto moouesio um roint Comfort to witness the naval pageant of the incoming Heel which by arrange ment completed its round the worla cruise on this national holidav Your correspondent acoompanied a large, party composed mostly of the mvmuviD u, iug X-iuuea ui rwjpreseu- tatives and arriving at Hamnton Roads early on the morning of the twenty second, we landed for an hour at Chamberlain'sHotel and af ter breafcfast again boarded the ex ctrrsiou steamer and sailed down the harbor some fifteen miles following the President's boat, the Mayflower, whicb 80on dropped anchor as the i flagship, hove in sight passing the President's yacht ,:t, L. r . i, . nrivu uuuui ui cauuuu luiiuwea Dy twenty four, powerful iron dads each of which: fired a sulate as they passed the President's yacht. The spectacle was quite impressive to thoso cognizant of the great money coat of these immens8 modern eviathftngflnri of thn great nincnaa ofleeping them-afloat. To those who looked on without a tax payers conscience this procession of slowly moving ships at a distance of six hundred feet apart one looking very puch like the other in the mist and ram became a little monotonous. Sixteen of the vessels are painted white and had anything but a war worn and stormbeaten appearance. Seven of them that had not bee i around the world but had only gone out in the Atlantic to meet and es cort these vessels home .were of a dar Vf color- At a given signal tne snips an dropped ancnor in tne aeep waters oi nampton ivoaus in fm ofChftfflherlflirjS! Hotel and off thVvilrage of 'OM Point Comfort. At ibis moment two score ot steam vessels, excursion boats, tugs and others opened the throttles of their whistles and for fifteen' minutes there was such a din as only a chorus of fog horns cau make. As night came on and darkness intervened , . the BhlDS Were outlined DV hundreds I . , . ... , ,. . , Jof eleCtHC lets WDlle Searchlights played in every direction lighting . ' ... , , , , sea and land and sky and., demon- . , ,.', . , . etrating how difficult they could make it for a toroedo boat ar other ... 10 aPPr0ach W!th0Ut dfltnntinn Congress has returned from its ex- cureion ncl " probably no worse off front irregular meals and a sleepless night than from the ardinary dis iupa,tions of Washington life contin uously indulged in by members and senators and their family entour g Theoum has voted against from - W fiw.uuu aoiiars, but has comoromised on $75,()00. elect Taft would receive the increase far100,000 but the bill having failed in the House there can now be no $100,000 salary during Mr. Tafi'i administration lor it would be unconstitutional for him to sign a bill inereaAinff his par. Mr. Clark of Missouri was active in opposiag too increase to-f 106,000. He stated that the income of the President in cludins Derauisites was now 21,- 000 a year and these figures were made from data for the appropria tions , committee. He contenaea " thai it wu a mistake to suppose that the only compensation the President receive was $50,000 a year when in fact- bia salary and perquisites ntsul to .1291.000 and that a careful examination would snow that the President of the United State lives as well as enyentate in Europe and baa money to spend for loxtiriei and traveling expenses. Mr. Gilletea of MaeaacbosetU look the oppoalta. tiew aupportiog the amendment t locreaae Ue i reer denfe ealary to one hundred tbou- aand dollara, 'He' Informed we Houstr that It coat President Kooee- velt fifty thousand a year to live at the White. Howe in bia ideal boa- Ditable way. Tie bill nowerer wa. log expenses. Attorney General Bonaparta, Dt Wiley and President Roceereli bate . f ant h- again snowa wenwnTw. -- ..4 ,'nrlrM of wblaXST antauitauuauwie j ik. wbolemle manufisdnren ana desueri tw forth a diluted colored and navoreo imiuUoa will now be compelled to ..ii t. v. mmi Dsune. 'mita- tion whiskey." This is as it should be. Among the many good things to the credit of the present adminis tration there is nothing better than its contention for pure food, pure drink and pure medicine. It in really refreshing to see whiskey and whiskey dealers given a black eye. The more t he pure food and pure drug act is opposed the stronger be comes the position of the President, the Attorney General and Dr. Wiley. Masked Men Attempted to Bob Express Car Near Mt. Airy. Winston-Salem Dispatch, 23d, to Charlotte Observer. Three masked men attempted bold hold-up of Express Messenger Tom Hubbard, who runs on train No. 731 between Sanford and Mt Airy, last night at 7.50, four miles on this side of Mount Airy, but the bandits were repulsed and fied with out securing any booty. v The robbers entered the car while the train was standing at the Ararat tank taking on water. They called on Hubbard to throw up his hands, but instead of doing this he sniffed out the light and reached for bis pistol. A number of shots were ex changed, by the four men, and it is believed that one of the bandits was wounded. Hubbard was not hit The robbers became alarmed at the noise made Dy the firing and fled without securing any booty. A Ghost Forces a Confession. Columbus, Ohio, Dispatoh. Haunted by the apparition of his sweetheart, whom he had slain in cold blood. 12 years ago. Charles Ulayton, a franklin county prison er, serving four years in the peniten tiary for horse stealing, has written a confession and forwarded it to the authorities at Benton, III. Clayton claims that the girl, Miss Alma Wilmore. of Benton, first sug gested that tbey kill themselves, rather than live apart. The crime was committed, so Clayton writes, in 1896. He writes that she gave him a revolver for the deed. They found an unused well, and when they reached it Clayton with a heavy cudgel beat out her brains, threw the body in the well and . escaped. Clayton says he wants to go back and be tried for his crime. He re grets his nerve failed him when he was to commit suicide and says he purposely commited other crimes after the murder in order to be sent to a penitentiary and thus do pen- ace. Dangers of Pneumonia. A cold at this time if neglected is liable to cause pnuemoma which is so often fatal, and after the patient has recovered the lungs are weaken ed, making them peculiarly suscep tibleto the deqelopment of consump tion. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strenginen the Junes and prevent pneumonia. La Grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Folev's Honev and Tar. There is nothing else "just as. good." Gra ham Drug Co. In an opinion by Justice Day in various cases of the United States against the express companies of the United States holds tnat under the Elkins law exprest- companies can not legally grant franks for the free transportation of the property of their own employes or of the ero ployee of other express or tranepor utlon companies. The decision holds that to grant this privilege would be to exercise an undue pref erence under the law which prohib its alt transportation companies from riving to any one rates which are not included w me pooiuu-u . - . IIM .J schedules. ' C B. Barfcajas TertHea Years. After Vwmt G.B. Burbans, of Carlisle Center. X. Y., writes: "About wur year, ago I wrote yon stating that I had been entirely cured of a severe kid ney trouble by taking leas loan tw ijfi f rni.v'a Kidney Care. It atnnfwwl the bikk dust sedi- nl nafa and svmbloms or kMn HiaMio disappeared. I am glad to say that I havs never bad a return of any of tbces J"P, dnrinsT the 4 years that hsvs elapsed and I am evidently eored to suy ,A .iul heartily recommend Fo ley! Kidney Core to any cue suffer- . ' t l: m Kladrfar trOU-4 log irusn bio." Graham Drug Ca The plant of the Rich mood (Va.) t -a .1 Evening Journal was compiauH destroyed by Bre early Toeraay morning- . The loss is esumaieo a $40,000, krfely covered by lntar- ance. -, - GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 4, RESTORE JEFF DAVIS' NAME Another large Puip Miu to b Bunt in gaMBHMaaBUBBmnnaani Western North Carolina. B '1 "J ' ' ' President Roosevelt Order Name of I -"""Ng. ' 1 ' ''fi&J '"'CjC X Confederate Rresldent Renewed In It is reported that a pulp mill to I ff , f A y (JI!S T Wtwhington, Feb. 22 Official amends for the sensational elimina tion oi Jefferson Davis' name from the stone tablet on Cabin John Bridge, six miles west of the city, during President Lincoln's admin istration, iseiven in directions tha president issued today through the secretary of war to the chief of en gineers of the army to restore the name. The tablet is on the bridge that arches Cabin John rttu on the Mary, land side of the' Potomao river, a structure famous for years as the longest single span stone bridge in the world. The bridge carries the conduct which brings Washington's water Supply from the upper Potor mac. It was begun under Davis as secretary of war and when he joined the Confederacy and became its president, his name, under govern ment orders, was chiseled from the tablet. Repeated e fforts to restore it have been made. At the 1907 convention of the Daughters of the Confederacy at Richmond a resolution was adopt ed asking for the Davis restoration, and Representative Meyer, of Louis iana, sought unsuccessfully to have th e carried out. The erasure of the name was by direction of Caleb Smith, Lincoln's secretary of the Interior after a suggestion by Ga lusba Grow, of Pennsylvania then speaker of the house. The Lurid Glow of Doom was eeen in the red face, hands and body of the little son of H. M. Adams, of Henrietta, Pa. His aw ful plight from eczema had, for five years, defied all remedies and baffled the best doctors, who said the poison ed blood had effected his longs and nothing would save him. "But," writes his mother, "seven bottles of Eleclrio Bitters completely cured him." For Eruptions. Eczema. Salt Rheum, Sores and all Blood Disorders and Rheumatism Electric Bitters is supreme. Only 60o.Guar anteed by Graham Drug Co. A reduction in the duty on news print paper from 16 a ton to $2 a ton; the placing of ground wood on the free list, and the establishment of a duty o( one-twelfth of a cent per pound onmechanically ground wood pulp, are the unanimous recom mendations of the select committee on pulp and paper investigation, which made its report to the House of Congress Friday. Dob' I Be Misled. The retail druggists of this coun try, as a class arc noted for their high standard of intelligence and honorable dealing, but it is a well known fact that occasionally you will find one who will try to sell you something else when you call for a remedy of established reputa tion. He forgets that your health is more important tban bis pocket book. For example, when you ask for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the Great Kidnev. Liver and Bladder Remedy. don't let any druggist, drug clerk or storekeeper persuade you into buy ing uineiuiug cioo ui m jjiimw. Every time he succeeds in selling you a worthless eobetitale he makes more profit, bat von are humbugged at the expense of your health. For many years ws have watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root From the very be ginning the proprietors had so much confidence in it that they in vited everyone to send for a free sample bottle so that people could indite of its -ffreat curative value in even the moat distressing cases of kidney, liver and bladder troubles. Elsewhere in this paper yon win find a few of the letters, prompted by feelings of heartfelt gratitude, that are constantly coming to Dr. Kilmer k Co. No one cats doubt soch sincere sod honest testimony. Swamp Root is prepared only by Dr. Kilmer A Co, laboratories, Bingham pton, N. Y. Don't experi ment If yon - need a medicine yon should have the beet. At Hilton, Caswell county, Mon day night a week, Frances Carter, a young colored woman, was killed by the aeeideotal discharge of a gun ia tbe hands of bsiTirotber. Nothing? in the way of a Couch is quite so annoying as a tickling teas log, wbeesing, brooehial Conga. The quickest relief cocoes perbaps from a prescript Loo known to Druggisto try bars ss Dr. 8 hoop's Coog Remedy. And besides, it is so tboroueblv bsrmlees that mothers givs it with perfect safety even to tbe youngest Da MS. ids teoaer wsira of a simple mountain shrub, givs to Dr. Snoop's Coogh Bemedy its re markable curative effect. A fire days' test will telL bold by un bent Drug vo. It is reported that a pulp mill to cost ,wu uuu is tone bunt near Bryson City, on the Murphy divis ion of the Southern, by Whitney & Son, of Philadelphia. A band saw that will cut 200,000 feet a day is also to be operated by the company. About 2,500 men will be employed ciany . "Aortn Carolina is coming rapidly to the front in the pulp manufacturing business, cays th report. "The million dollar pulp mill at Canton is now running at full blast, and doing a tremendous busi ness. Other pulp and paper maim- faoturies are being promoted in this State." In Sampson county last week a suit for slander, involving two prom inent citizens, resulted in a mistrial, the jury standing 6 to 6. The suit was mat oi Major ueo. a. culler, a brother of ex Senator Marion Butler against Col. Geo. L. Peterson, and was a civil action for $10,000 dam- ages. It grew out of the defalcation of the late Treasurer Aman, of Samp- son, wnioh resulted in a heavy loss to Aman's bondsmen. Major But- ler was attorney for the board ol commissioners, which was indicted and convicted for turmne over the tax books to Aman without having had a legal settlemtnt lor the pre- ceding year. Col. Peterson was charged on the complaint with hav- ing publicly stated that Major But ler was a party to Aman's embez zlement and had shared in the steal. In bis answer he specifically denied having made such a statement, but adroitted having criticised Butler as attorney for advising the turning over of the books upon such a set- tlement as was bad. Near Death la Big P.ad. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. MFor Vftflrs a aavere lunt? trouble eiva me intense suffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my I death. All remedies failed and I aociors saia x was wcuranie. ineu Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief add a cure so perman ent that I have not been troubled in twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives at Big Pond, Pa. It works wonders in Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs, Hemorrhages. LaGrippe, Asthma, Crouo Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affections. 60c and II, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. A dispatch from Teheran, Persia, isvi tha nflrfhntialra rarnrld JanU- ary 23 at almost every scientific ob- itil.rii n th vnrlri vhsra " w 1 It. J L.J I. ... . linn In th. nrntHrwu. f T.ltrlaUo. In western Persia? Sixty villages in this district were wholly or partial ly destroyed and the resultant loss uf life is placed between 6,000 and 6,000. There is a question, bow- ever, as to the correctness of this report. Clear the Cesspleilea. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup stim ulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses tbe system and cleats tbe complexion of pimples and blotches. It is tbe best laxative for women and children as it is mild and pleas ant, ana aoes not gripe or sicsea. Orino is much superior to pills, soerient waters and all ordinary cathartics as it does not irritate tbe stomach and bowels. Graham Drug Co. The bill reducing the alary of tbe Secretary of Stale from 1 12,000 to 18.000 ner annum, sou to maks I a.n. vAw itikL m the ivr-ltlnn I . .t.-i.. t...i. n i. t . coitus t- -.-r7 ....... oeeo inert aaea aunrg oie win " Senator, bsi passed boiti nouses oi (tosress. There was considsrabls opposition lo- ft in. tbs Hones snd Consressmea Wsbb and HackeU, of North Carolina, wsrs amor those who spoks against it. I The Raw Pave Pee aaS Drag Wear nleaawd to aonoaroe tbstl Folev's Honey and Tar (or coughs, I colds and lung troubles is not (-! fectedby tbe National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains rw opiates or other harmful drugs, I sod ws recommend it as a safe rem edy lor children and adults.' Dsmsgesult. sggregaUng cUlm. .1 . tUIQI .M Some of tbs suits are against rail IJrTV, .1-. road companies and olber. sgsioMM1 times. . man uact oring companies. One I against tbe Sootbertt railway tor $10,000 is brought by Andrew Mo V iTV . . . , Cleare, who alleges that ha sufl-red three broken ribs and other bruises while actirur as hrakeaaa on a train between Charlotte aad StatarvOle 00 tbe nlgb( of Kovember 19,1906. j TlTf CC tit laarfJiiTi ttZd 1909. Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. The only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar ELON COLLEGE NEWS. Bemator Simmons to Deliver Annual literary Address June 1st, 10OU. " '1 he Clio Society has been very fortunate to secure a distinguished speaker in the person of Senator Simmons, who will deliver tne an- Inual Literary Address before the lit erary societies of the Institution, on I Tuesday morning, June, first, 1909 senator Simmons is well known rs Senator, and as one who has won for himself a distinguished po sition of influence and responsibility in the distinguished body of which he is a member. A large audience will greet him at the approachiog commencement occasion. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist and Prof. Economic Geol- logy in the University of North Car Llina delivered an interesting, scbol- arly, and Instructive address in the I college' auditorium on Thursday evening. Dr. Pratt chose for bis . . ,mDOrtance Lt ,ha. tk n.tii... " rVW ,7 . " " 1 Resources." His sddress not only displayed his accurate knowledge of Geological formations of the Old North State, but a thorough, grasp I of general principals on which the utilizUion and conservation of our natural resources depends. It is needless to say that hi address was well received and made a lasting im- iression. Prof. Wicker, ha recently come to deserved honor in the Masonic Fraternity. It ii already known hn is ons of the best masons in the state and his expert knowledge and equip- meat ln T90nr havu wo.n 'or hi ui I f h fa rsAstf ninn Miof r.ff I It nit f if li j ir .u. n:.... i. j "v" " "v i' " v UUU 01BSICI IUI WC UUII IU, 111' ... n ii oluo,u8. wrapga, . Aiuiau, Guil I lord, 'and Caswell counties. Feb. 28, 1009. It Saved His Leg. All thought I'd lose my leg. writes 8. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis., "Ten yean ol eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica 8alve cured it sound and well." - Infallable fur 8kin Erup tions, Ectema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever! Sores. Burns, Scalds, CuU and Piles. 25a at Graham Drug Co. Stewart Douglas Robinson, 10 years of age, a nephew of President Roosevelt, and a sophomore of Har vard College, fell from a six-story window at Hampton Hall, a dormi tory of the college, at Cambridge, Meas., Sunday, and was killed. A sprint: tonic that makes rich red blood. Brinn strength Leiltb land happiness to ths wbols family, NotDin- HollUter's Rocky MOUnU n Tea as a Sorins reculator 135 cents. Graham Drug Co. Carroll D. WiUbt, presideot ol CUrk Col Worcester, Usee., died Saturday night, aged 69. lie wu' formerly director of the census I and later eommtssioner ol labor. Tboosands are sick every year with so r e Mm ol Bowel Complaint. Thousand are cured by taking Dr ISetb Arnold s BaUtrn. WarranleU J to givs aatiaction by Graham Drag Co. Wallace, a man-eating" lion be- Ii. f a). - gs.aaa-.lt. I sTtaftarYt Item St SV fjVfaSl - 7" C-lMww. " . J Aclevsr 25 cent silvered "No- Drip" CbQee BtrainerU'jopoa u now P f JVfV D! nboop's Health Coffee. Look for ii! Urft npa u,, ferT fiot Imitation ever made, from ons 25a package. Then besides the satiataotioo and tUvor Is Prfect. Sold by Black moo and F.rrell. nil CC tit temt&it rckf froa hni-rh? rekf froa Deciding the case of the Ham mond Packing Company, of Chica go, versus the State of Arkansas fav orably to the State, the Supreme Court of the United States upholds the constitutionality of the ami trust law of Ark. The company was fin ed 810,000 in the Arkansas State courts for failing to observes the law. RE-SALE ii Land lor Partition By Tlrtuo of an order of tha Superior Court of Alamanoe oounty mads In aHpeolal I'rooeedlnirs whereto all the beirs-at-law of the,lateJ. Horry Jones were made parties for the purpose of partitioning-among; the aid heirs-si-law ibe real estate of which the said J. Kerry Jones died seised, all of snld lands belnjr si ttiato In Alamanoe county, I will offer at putillo sale, to the hlihest bid der, atthe court house door In Graham, In said Alamanoe entmsjr, at 12 o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1909, the following valuable real estate, to-wlti First: A town lot In Graham sdjotnlnf the lots of W. O. Uornadar. Mrs. E. A. Al brlKht and others, and oou tains half an sore. This Is a corner lot fiontlns; -n Bast Hr den street and North Mnlvllle Street, upon which there Is a tenement house. Bidding will liegtoatfMOOu. ' Seoond: A town lot H. W, of Oneida Cot ton Mills and west of ihs railroad track, containing; is 100 of an acre. Upon this lot which sdjolns J, M. MoOraoken and others, there Is a 4-room eottaca bouse. Bidding will start at S3U.00 on this lot. Thirds A tract of land In Graham township as th Jack Freeland lands, sdjolnlua tbe about one mile east oi umnam, ana Known lands of H. M belrsand otbei i, nay s oeirs. is. i waiaers rs. and eontalolnaT in Acre. and there Is a fins rounir orolir.rd on It j his is valuable farming; ana trading ibdii Considerable Umber and a large quantity of pine and oak wood, rirty or slaty aunts open for cultivation. There Is considerable natural meadow and soma irood stanla of grasses, utddinfwui start assists uu, . Fourth: A lot of land eontalolng about 7.01 Acres, situate immediately north of aad dluinlnu the Freeland nlaoe. This lot Is open for cultivation, lllddlng- will start at aj;i7.Du. Fifth: A tract of land lying- In Graham and ilaw llivor townships, adjoining the lands of Mm. Kllsabeth May, heirs of Wasb Inxton Freuland. heirs of M. L. Walter and others, and containing about 117 Acres, aad la known as the Jonuilun Usnt iilaoo. This nlace has oonslilerablo wood land, some meadow, some land open for cultivation, und lies 00 ImiiIi sides of he railroa I and on thi public road from (irghatn to linw juvi-r Uldiiltia will siurtat II III.-' Tha atmva land Is reild because of ad - ranoe bids made iimii Uie bids oDored at tbe sale of the same on Jan. t, IMS). Sixth: At tne same time and place 1 will also aell a traotof land In llurllngton towa- h p. adjoloinc the lands of CauL Turrea llnc.lenry H'hlUett.and others, and eoa tnliilna about lit acres. This Is a mill site, known as the Jones nilil plane, and baa eon sloerable timber and wooniaud with some good land open for eulUrsUon. Tals place will be sold In parcels, and then In somblna tloos of ih t,lvlslo- s 10 be jbade, ao4 sac bast bids will be accepted. Terns of salet One-fourth cash, tbe bal ance In three equal Installments within six twelve and elf hteen months, deferred Pay ments looarry Interest at six perceul from dale of sale ull paid. Tll'e reserved Ull full per meat is made. inia reomary ru, iiuv j.k cook, Cos Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden 6 Farm. Thlrry years ln busineaf , with steadily increaaing trada every rear uatil we havs to-day one of tbe larg-eat businesaea to seeds In thia eountry ta the best of evtdeaesssto The Superior Quality of Wood's Seeds. Wo are hsMdquarters for Gran and Clover Seeds. Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats. Cow Peas, Soia Beam and ail Farm Seeds. Wood" O ortpUv Cartalosj tbs most snefui and valaable of Garde aad Farta acadOatsJois mailed fxee oa reqocai. T.W.VOODiSOIS, , Va mm trip t0. the PAlGHIC COAST I au YOU onb WasWsfgSSmaasgWJsBI I . - - aad who was apleeatUW lerlaai 7 7 7 7 SUNSET UAGAZISB Ism tastitstwi a twsr alifailsst. vhese afseaal work is is so rat witLisi the raaiih av awwry aa ayyoitaatty ta see the FAR WEST. Writ. U Sissfl. Cayy ft "t it it it' ft FerfeB Crtasar Taavel sTfriFk r, ,r "7 r NO. 3 f Goose Grease Liniment Cures theBoyjosweUastheOtrls. . Mamma, go to Thomp son Drag Co.'s and get a box of Mother's Joy and a bottle of Goose Grease Linfment. You can't afford to be without these in your bouse. Mothers' Joy is made of pure Goose Grease and Mutton Suet with the most costly medicines known : : ; NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. ;-.-4. One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils snd conditions. made by Tar Heels snd for Tar Heels and at tbe same time as wide awake as anv in Keniuckv or Kamchatka, Such a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. . Edited by Clarenck H. Pox, with Dr. W. C. Burkett,'ector B. A. & M. College, and Di.ector B. W. Kilgore, of the Agriuutlural Experiment Station (yon know them), a assistant editors ($1 a year). If you are already taking the paper, we can makeno reduc tion, but if you are not taking it YOU CAM SAVE EOC By sending yonr order . to us That is to say, new Progressive Farmer subscribers we will send that paper with Tbc Glkasxx, both one year for f 1 W), regular price I2.UU Addrsesa , THE GLEANER. " Graham, N. C. This time of the year are signals of warnings now. It may av3 you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good Tonic. ' An honest medicine. ' Taraxacum .MEBANE. I N.C.- Service by Publication. X orta Usrollna Alasssacs eowaty. Ia ta Superior Casus-Oefose la Clark. Caartaa C Taoaspsosv, ssstnlsuasbr e 8. Laura a Tboaseaoa aarf Kdar a Tasesssnaj MKI - TVe aefswdaatsaore naaseS arltllaksie ties that aa aetloa Mtltled aa aawta, ea for ibe set, at Alass we eowtr ma4 twaieas Mortsj Uarallaa, to ofceaia taavw ta wrii Use real axoswrtf of a. lblar Tbmswsss. deew. to create aeseta foe tbs sroaer ad .ls hmti e4 tbe eeia esiase a a. KOr- Tboapaoa, Si iissnt; aad, the sfeaaas - will furtaer take MX to. taaa tbey are ra qutred asaaewarat tbeonlreer tbe Cterk at ef be SHipertur Uoart e Alaaaaaee eusety and State "4 Hlh Osrottua, M MoMaj, M.reb a, raa, .ad su-ew, r ear aeaaar m tbe . ewtiuoa tied ra esid aettaa. er taa ptalasiC -wtu wvj ta tbe eowrt for tbe retort she. , swnaed taaatd petit loa, , V. Tals Jaaaars St, aaa. i.& KSawODLl. S Leac. Al'r'a. Oect BeT Lowrt, - ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. HaTlne sjaaltaeS as adatntsUator e Ste bea kd.ar Immm, et late of ts eoMetr 41 Assass .MS nsl. of Non. I r attna. tale fcs ka aoutr alt prrsmn b.ic el las. eeaiasa tas eases, ec saia 0.0.. m sc s nt taesa ta tbewler.Hnir ea or l ire ibe aib ear of JanuaJT. or Um ik will be pus i ia bar of Uer rem" rtf . Ail aiisiiee inlrttid to said estate wul (kM asske laieeiaiepeTaeot. . Tbia iaaaary ta. !, t HAS. a THoaiwiw. lieasj 4 leas;. A ttys. Ailauauirawr. 8 ; , Hi f isttavtur h sjai evTT -t r ' LaUative tn:::j : pememDer 1 I 0 sl si deer m;zyk caoi is vj t '

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