t 1 " The" Alamang n V01 j. XXXV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1909. NO 4 So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an in actlve LIVER. . i With a well conducted LIVER one can do -ntounulos of labor without fatigue.",, r It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity." , It can be kept In healthful action by , and only by s TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. PROFESSIONAL- CARDS" DONALD GULLEY Attorne-at-law BURLINGTON, XV. C. SELUES BDItDIBO. , v ill. WILL & MG, JR. . . . dentiW ;'. ": - Graham . . . . North Caroline OFFICIO in q'jMMOKSfollLPINfe tACOB A. LONG.- i. KMIRB LOMd. LONG LONG, v A ttomeya and CoiHelPlf at IjaW GRAHAM, N. J, S- C OPK, Attorney-at-Law, s ' , GRAHAM, - f N. C. Offloo Patterson Building -i Second Floor. C. A. HALL, ATTORNEY AND OOUKSELLOB-AT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. Of - ' OUice in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up stairs. IOH N J 8A 1 L-H It CSV. " W. P. BTKOK, U. 1JVNUM & Attorney and Counselor ai XjatW Pra.-Lice reeularly lb the courts of Ala nance courtly. ROBT C. STETJDWICK Attorney -at-Law, ."7" . GREENSBORO Y, 7. Practices in the .courts of Ala mance and Guilford counties.; Cough Caution . Hmr, coaUlvelrnerorDoIiion TonrlunKa. Hroq Iwsysheal, Boothe, and ease tho irritated bron. cliial tubes. Don't blinrtlv suDDreas it with a sluiwfylni poison. It's strange how some things fin&llv rVtmA Ahniit Vn. tiwnl. W.N Di flhnnA hasCODStAllt.lv wn.riMl TionnlAnAttA takAAnilirj mixtures or prescriptions containing- Opium, Chloroform, or similar poisons. And now a littla me tnougn cong-reas aayi Put It on the label, II poisons are In Tour CoUgh Klzture." Good I Vary ffood 1 1 FTAmitfr.AifatHIvttrvM..nfimnthAT. snil others, should insist on having Dr. Snoop' u luu. no poison naras on vt. enoops labels-andnoneinthe nmlictnarelse 1 most br law m on the label. And It's not only safe, but It Is said to be br those that know it best, a truly re. markable couah remedT. Take no chance then. Partleulsrly with yonr children, Ingiaton havins ilr. Btioon's Coush Cora. Crnnnernmrafallr tha Dr. Bhoop package with ethers and note the -M.crem:.. no poison marks mere I loa can ars De on ue aata Ude br manning. Tin -"v'-. , IS tJPlLlJOjJ O Cure GRAHAM DRUQ.C0. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administ rator. Da Bo S t tam TesUmento Annexo or Rloh deo'd, late of Alamance county. .J? """'. this is to notify all persons avlnj claim, against tbe estate of said de onit? hn to the undersigned St?? th tnb y of Feb, W10, or this tice will be pleaded In bar of their recor- di.' J. Persons Indebted to said estate will FKase make immediate iMtiMnuti. mis February 14, lia. - v -w YAm ... Adm'rb.B.li.ai.A. - "una, ALlf s. ,,?.-. t: tl4i - -eo YEARS EXPERIENCE 1 .A All - ' in T Twi M-s) ''h.ii' iwi.jMen.ie enr free aa V!- Sf-i 'T 1 r ,,,:ut xmlm.lt. eT? ihmu.a ion a Ce. receive .Scicntin: j;r.::rl::i I y nl, a.iin.i z. i n - i w io fltaju ' 0, . otva,aauwae4lUft.. 0COOOOOOOOOOCWK .rrxaooooo Subscribe For ; ' The (Gleaner.; . Only $1.00 per year. 00oooooooocxooooooocx)o Tytt'sfill Cough Retiring Congressmen SOME HAD SERVED MANY YEARS. The Terms of 1 Senators and TT Rep resentatives Ended With March 4th Many of Them Prom inent with long Years of Service to their Credit. Washington Dispatch. Twelve Senators and 77 Repre sentatives, members of the present C 'Dgress, will be absent when the Sixty-First Congress assembles in special session on March 15th. The re-election of Mr. Hopkins, in Illi. oois, and Mr. Stephenson, in Wis consin, not having taken place, their failure of election may aug ment the number of senatorial ab sentees to 14. . Of the 77 Representatives who re tire, one, Mr. Hepburn, ot Iowa, has served 20 years in Congress, and another, Mr. Sherman, New York, who becomes Vice-President, has served 20 years in the House. Mr. Couajns, of Iowa, and Delegate Smith, of Arizona, have served 16 years,' while Jenkins, of Wisconsin; Cooper, of Texas; Overstreet, of In diana; Williams, of Mississippi, and Acbiaon, of Pennsylvania, each have served 14 yean. Of the others eight served 12 yews, two 10 years, six 8 yearsynine 6 years, fifteen 4 years, and twenty-eight 2 years. In the years of service, Senator Teller, of Colorado, who declined re election, is the nestor of retiring statesmen, having been elected Sen ator upon the admission of his State to the Union, taking his seat Decem ber 4th, 1876, since which time he has been prominently in the public eye. tie resigned lrom tne senate in 1882 to enter the cabinet of Presi dent Arthur as Secretary of the In terior, re-entering the Senate March 4tb, 1885. A Republican in politics, he withdrew from the Republican national convention in June,- 1896, because of the financial plank adopt ed by that party, which he has never since approved. He was re-elected to the Senate as an independent sil ver advocate and in 1903 as a Derar. crat. He is a member of the nation al monetary commission and will eontinuehis public service in that connection. Senator Plait, of New York, serv ed in the Forty-third and Forty fourth Congressess as a member of the House, entering the Senate in 1881. Oa May 6th of that year, when Senator Roscoe Conkling re m'cnfiH his seat because of difficul ties with President Garfield, Mr. Piatt joined him, thereby gaining the rlaaiannlion of "Me TOO" Piatt. He o returned to the Senate March 4tb, 1897. Although be has been in tee' ble- health for several years, he has Qiinndwl all imnortant sessions of tthe Senate. Senator Foraker, whose political career is fresh in the minds of every one, has served in the Senate 12 ears. 8enatof Hemenway succeeded Vice-President Fairbanks when the latter resigned bis seat in the Senate to become its piesiding officer so that he has had four years as. a mmWnf that bod v. Previous to that be had been a prominent mem ber of ibe House since the Fifty- fourth Congress. Snator McCreary entered the House in the Forty-ninth Congress, and after serving six terms entered the Senate six years ago. ruhr Sduatori who will retire J.L A.Lamm nf W..h on M&rcD 4 in are uj( VnUnn nf Oregon: Gary. CI South Carolina; Hansbrougn, oi xxe- b.k. KiUredite, ol South Dakota; Tariff, of Kansas, and Milton, of Florfda. O' . ReoresenUtive Hepburn, of Iowa, bas - been conspicuously interested in all matters relating to inter-State eommeree. his connection with pub He affairs going back to antebellum days, be having been a delegate to tha Republican national convention in I860. , - Juha Sharp Williams, former mi nority leader of ths Hooae, retires to the Senate two yean Dtaeo. e .ilMJ. Adam Beds. M - M!nMMu. who haa ootribut4Kl to the bumor of many eampalgts, and Bourke Cocknua, of Ke Tork, who has figured in man oratorical coe- teeta, also will retira. . X e rare T-i ad Draf w. xt. to ansoanos that x?-i..-. nnBsrvand Tar foe eoagba. cold, and lunr treble. k ot at footed by the WJ r" sod Drug " , , cptaua or other harfflfut drup, .Li awYrrnmeod it as a safe rrm- Brown-Tail Moth. A Serious Insect Pest Recently Found In North Carolina. The Brown-tail Moth has been found in North Carolina. This is a serious insect pest which has done much damage in Massachusetts and other. New England states, where large amounts of money have been expended in combatting it. It was originally a native of Europe, and this winter it has been found in many states on young nusery stock imported from France. The North Carolina State Depart ment of Agriculture took immediate steps to have all French stock com mg into the State inspected, and whila only a part of the stock order ed has yet arrived, one nest of the insect containing many living young caterpillars, has been found, and probably others will be found as the inspections are continued. It is hoped that the trouble is be ing detected and checked in the be ginning, but the. fact it has been found in so many states recently in dicates that it is likely establishing itself in various parts of the coun try, and our people are warned to be on the vf&tch for it. Any. web-nest the size of a man's hand or smaller, attached to the limbs or twigs of trees should be sent to the Department tor exiimina Hon. During the Summer close watch should be kept for any kind of caterpillar which is defoliating fruit, shade or forest trees, and specimens should oe sent for exami nation. It is more likely to become a pest in west and Peidment North Carolina, than in the east. Specimens should be mailed in tight, strong, pastboard, wooden or tin boxes, with enough leaves for food for several days. All packages should be wrapped and tied neatly and should bear the name and ad dress of the sender. Mail them, together with explanatory letter, to Mr. Franklin Sherman, Entomolo gist, Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, N. C. and all inquiries will be answered by him or his assistants. C. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Years. G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely cured ot a severe Kid nev trouble by taking less tnan two bottles of Folev's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped tbe brick dust sedi ment. and uain and symptoms of kidnev disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any ot those symptoms during the 4 years that have elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily recommend Fo leys Kidney Cure to any one suffer ing from kidney or oiaaaer irou ble." Graham Drug Co. A number of towns in the State have offered inducement for the loca tion of the Pythian orpbanag", soon to be established. North Wilkeaboro has offered 100 acres of land on th e Brushy mountains and $1,000 in cash. The committee of the Pythian grand lodge, which has the matter in charge, will meet in Charlotte on tbe 23d to consider propositions. Dangers of pneamoaia. A cold at this time if neglected is i;ihlA to canse nnuemonia which is so often fatal, and afttr the patient has recovered tbe lungs are weaien nd. making them peculiarly suscep- tibleto the deqelopment of consump tion. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneumonia. La Grippe coughs yield quickly to ths wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There w nothing else just as good " Gra ham Drug Co. Col. John T. Sloan, former Lieu tenant Governor of North Carolina, who had been undergoing treatment in a Philadelphia hospital, died on a train Sunday while en route to bis home in 8outh Carolina. Thousands are sick 'every year ih aAri lorm ol Bowel Complaint Thousand are cured by taking Dr Seta Arnold's Balsam. Warranted to girt setiaxacuon oy U ran am irug Co. ' To break a quorum and prevent lbs enactment of certain iegialatioa to which they are opposed, eight members of the Bute Seaale of Tw DMee hare fled tba State and pro pose to remain away until ths Legis- ijijircadioarias. y a .nrir,- (ante that nukes rich, i fctvuL Brian artrttMctb health aod happiness to the wbola ftsBtly. Notbiog equal HolliMer's Rocky Mountain Tea as a Spring regulator. 35 cents. Graham Drug Co. . - - Lax-ets 5 f JjL2J!i Optimism In Statistics. rTl TT trt. . a. i ne unitea states annually pro duces more corn than all other coun tries of the world combined -3,927 000,000 out of 3,888,000, 000 bush els. The United States annally pro duces more wheat than any other country in the world 634,000,000 out of 3,108,000.000 bushels. The United States annual jy ports more wheat flour than all the other countries of tbe world com bind -15,000,000 out of 26,000,. 000 bushels. The United States annually ex ports more wheat, including wheat flour, than any other country in the world 146,000,000 out of 646,000, 000 bushels. The United States annually pro duces more oats than any other country in the world 754,000,000 out of 3,582,000,000 bushels. The United States is the third largest annual producer of barley in the world, 153,000,000 buahels only 7,000,000 bushels less than Germany, with Russia leading. Tbe United States annually pro duces more cotton than all other countries of the world 13,000,000 out of 20,000,000 bales, and also ex ports more cotton than does all the rest of tbe world 9,000,000 out of 13,000,000. The United Stales annually ex ports more cottonseed oil than all the other countries ot the world combined 42,000,000 out of 52, 000,000 gallons. The United States annually pro duces more tobacco than any other country in the world 690,000,000 out of 2,901,000,000 pounds. The United States annually pro duces more flaxseed than any other country in the world 25,000,000 out of 870,00,000 bushels. The United States annually pro duces more hops than any other country in the world 57,000,000 out of 211,000,000 pounds. Tbe United States annually ex ports more oilcake and oilcake meal than any other country in the world 2,063,000,000 out of 4,913,- 000,000 pounds. The United States annually ex ports more rosin than all the other countries in the world 717,000, 000 out of 846,000,000 pounds. The United States annnually ex ports more spirits of turpentine than all the other countries of the world 16,000,000 out of 24,000,000 gal lons. Tbe United States has more (22, 244,446) diary cows than any other country in the world ; more horses, 23,000,532; more mules, 4,056,399; more swine, 57,976,361; and (ex cept . British India) more cattle, 73,248,573. aWlla MlaUaal. The retail druggists of this coun try, aa s class are noted for their high standard of intelligence and honorable dealing, but it is a well known fact that occasionally you will find one who will try to sell you something else when you call for a remedy of eetabuabea reputa tion. He forgets that your health is mora important than his pocket book. For example, when yon ask for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, don't let any druggist, drojr clerk or storekeeper persuade you into buy ing something else in its place. Every time he succeeds in selling you a worthless substitute he makes more profit, but you are numouggea at the expense of your health. For many years we nave watcnea with much interest the n-markable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer s Swamp Root. From the very be ginning the proprietors had so much confidence in it that they in vited everyone to send for a free mple bottle so that people could judge of its great curative value in even tbe moat distressing cases oi kidney, liver sad bladder troubles. Elsewhere in this paper you will find a few of the letters, prompted by feelings of heartfelt gratitude, that are constantly coming to Dr. Kilmer St Co. No one can doubt such sincere and honest testimony. Swaom Root ts prtrpaMd only by Dr. Kilmer A Co., Laboratories, Bijighauptoa, N. Y. Don't experi ment If yoa need a medicine yos. sW4 have the best. .. Clears tso CMstntasw Orino Laxative Fruit 8yrap stinv ulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses tbe system aed clean tbe eomplexioa of pimples and blotches. It is tbe .best laxative for women and children as it is mild and pleas ant, and does not gripe or skkeo. Orino is much superior to pills, aperient waters and all ordinary cathartics ss it does not irritate tbe stomscb and bowels. Graham Drug Co. V. ; . . - ' ' - - Near Deatb In Big Pond. It was a tnrilling experience Mrs. Ida Soper to fac death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave m intense suuermg," she writes, ''tin several nines nearly cau.ert my oeain. ah remedies tailed mi doctors said I was incuruhln. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick reliet and a cure so perm in ent that I have not been trouMad n twelve years " Mrs. Soner lives at Big Pond, Pa. It works wonders in Coughs and Colds, 8ore Limes Hemorrhages, LaGrippe. Asthma. Croup Whooping Couth and all lironchial affections. 50c. and SI Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by uranara urug uo. . Monday Hans B. Hanson, a farm er living near Strun, Wis., cut the thro ts of his four childien, a boy and three girls, whose ages ranged from 5 to 15 years, with a butcher knife. He followed this crime, by stabbing several hors a and cows firing tbe barn and bouse, and then cutting his own throat. He had been an inmate of an asylum sever al years ago. The Lurid Glow of Doom was seen in the red face, hands and body of the little son of H. M Adams, of Henrietta, Pa. His aw ful plight from eczema had, for five years, defied all remedies and baffled (he best doctors, who said the poison ed blood had effected his lungs and nothing would save him. "But," writes his mother, "seven bottles of Jectrio Bitters completely cured him." For Eruptions, Eczema. Salt Rheum, Sores and all Blood Disorders and Rheumatism Electric Bitters is supreme. Only COc.Guar anteed by Graham Drug Co. The Lumbertown Robesnnian tells of a citizen Mr. J. B. Burns who lives in two States, two counties and four townships. His residence is In Robeson county, White House town ship, and his barns are in Thompson township, same county; his cotton gin and grist mill are in South Caro lina, Marion county, Hillbro town ship, and bis pasture is In Carmicb ael township, same county. Nothing in the way of a Cough is quite so annoying as a tickling teas ing, wheezing, bronchial Cough. Tbe quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Droggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And . besides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. Tbe tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its re markable curative effect. A five days' test will tell. Sold by Gra ham Drug Co. 8eveo men were killed or burned to deatb early Monday in a bead-on collision between aa express train and two locomotives on the Delaware division of the Pennsylvania railroad atDelmsr, 100 miles south of WH mlngton, Del. Two passengers were injured. " It Haves Hie leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes a. A. Hwenson, Wstertown, Wis., "Ten years of eczema, that 16 doctors could not cure, bad at last laid me up. Then Bocklen's Arnica Salve cured it sound and well." Infallable for Skin Erup tions, JCczema, Bait Kneura, Roils, Fever Sores, Bums, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25c, at Graham Drug Co. Tbe salary of President Tsfl will be 175,000 year, according to an agreement reached Wednesdsy by the conferees on the legislative, ex ecutive and judicial appropriation bill. In Ibe sundry civil bill there is an amendment giving tbe Presi dent $25,000 for traveling expenses and if this was sgrsed to the annual corepensstioU of the President will be $100,000. TbsSenate conferees on tbe legizlatlvs bill receded from smendmsnts increasing the salaries of tbe Vice-President, Speaker of tbe House and Federal judges. 1100 Dr. -E. Detchon's Anti Diuretic may be worth to yott more than $100 if too bavs a child who soils bedding from incontinence or water donng sleep. Cures old snd young alike. It arrests tbe trouble at once. IL Sold by Graham Drug Co. ';' ' ,. - . -. '.'',. Behind closed doors tbe Senate Wednesday paid to Vice Pretideot Fairbanks one of tbe most remarka ble tributes ever given to a presid ing officer. He was presented with a magnificent silver service, costing $1,185, a ths gift of the entire body of Senators and with a loving cop as ths present of ths Democratic BMmbers. , . ' PILES tBLfisMttsS lYlSCgf frO0 Steep's ItCls&Best. 8. T. Cooper, ex-sheriff of Rock, ingbam county, dropped dead at bis home Saturday, aged 70. Ibsotutety Pure Renders the food more wholesome and su perior m lightness The only baking made from Royal Grape Cream TOO CLJEAN. African Natives Who War Lavish In Their Use of Soap. Mlas Mary Klngaloy, who made many journeys In tbe wilds of Africa, used to relate bow once, finding It necessa ry to cleanse a much soiled and stained blouse, she carried It, with a cake of soap, to a neighboring spring, where an Interested group of native women watched ber waab It. They were much Impressed by the way In which tbe spots disappeared, and It emerged as good as new. Tbe next morning when It came time to break camp Miss JClngsley mliwed ner soap a precious commodity In the wilderness. Suspicion soon pointed to certain woman, who, on being ac cused, confessed boldly that she bod taken It and cast It Into tbe spring that Its extraordinary powers of re newing old garment might be permn nently Imparted to tbe waters. She was deeply mortified to learn that her effort bad been In vain. The Rev." Peter McQueen of Cbnrlea- town, Mass., tolls a kindred story. FJi soap, however, was not lost, althouh misused, ne still bad It with him. "I told our native servants to be sure to lay In a supply of clean water when we crossed tbe Tam desert, scorched belt of sand stretching some seventy-six miles," be relates. "Tld Ings bad reached ns that sn English explorer, who bad attempted to cross that desert shortly before us bad. per ished from thirst, so w wanted to be careful. "Yon can Imagine my surprise wbea, apon taking my Drat draft of water, I discovered that It tasted strongly of soap. All the casks were similarly tainted, and we rounded np tbe natives and held a hasty court martini. "It was a longb predicament, bat 1 couldn't refrain from- smiling- within when tbe leader of them meekly con fessed that ns tbe master had Instruct ed blm to Uiy lu s supply of clean wa ter be hod seen to It that bars of soap were added, for soap, be said, was used to clean thing." They did not perish of thirst, but Sfter sixteen days of drinking soap suds, which agreed with neither palate nor stomach, no native of that partic ular sane was again likely' to try lo purify water wltb soap, Youth's Coio panlon. ON THE DEAD RUSH. An Experience In (Jetting Acquainted In New York. Getting acquainted In New Tork I thus described by a man from Atlanta. He brought s letter of Introduction to the person be was lo meet at the lab ter office In Nnsaau street. This Is lb Atlantan's report to bis bouse: Vailed at 3 n- m. Boy on the gate asked my name sod business. Cave blm tbe letter of Introduction. Boy re turned snd told me to sit down. "gat down tweoty-ov minutes. Saw a nan com oat of bis office and break through fb gate as If be was chased by hornets. "Who's the man from Atlanta who want to see me 7 asked the hurried Individual. "Ism tbe man,' I replied, trying te set ss If I wss also bnrrled. " Cotne along wltb to,' said tbe wan ss be grabbed me by tbe arm He dragged me through the main door lulu the hallway. Be caught sight of s de seendlng e lev tor and shrieked to the aa lo the car to stop. . "The door of tbe ear slid sjnr. snd tbe man who bad me by Ibe arm said. Come along; let's get acqnalnteJ ss we go down.' ,7 "By that time tbe car bad reached the landing on tbe main floor. As ih donf of tbe car was pushed back the mas who bad my letter In but baud said: "1 ha rent bad time to read this let tar, bat know each other. Come In day after tomorrow, t're got to make a train. I'll know yoa when we meet again, flood by.' "Before I could say good by be bad turned tbe corner and was oat of sight That's tmaioeas la New Tork-"-Btr-eeae Magazine, ' Had Tare PatirU. TJoeie Renraa, bealdaa being sa In veterate bora trader, wse something of a wag. One day. after swapping s rather disreputable looking sag. be said: - - - -Row, stranger, 1H t0 ye fair dat boas bab got two feoKa." " "Aad Kora, too, I goeea,- aaaewtsd tbsetbse. -Bat what are tbeyT" . Waal, ef be gtts eat ts e geld be es bsbdes boas tar ketrk ye ever seed, as" wbea ycr ketch las be Slat war a c."-Jelg. . r : : A Versatile FslVeast. A yeung ema waata atreaoea as add oaa ot pair of horses, sOrteed brtghtshlre Advertiser. " We bar aa ed revolting cage, if a would car to coo aa three wait Brfcav-Loodoa Peseta, ' . Trial ef ttS Read. Sfra. Fanner-ay. master. eWt yea samreasst workt Dwwry xe-Wen. tf rase knew bow bard It was fer s coTiega bred maa ta answer eneatloo sated by angramDatJcal feaatles yer wenklat ask dL Jodge. eta and flavor. powder of Tartar. In spite of prompt and heroic work by police and firemen, a num ber of whom were seriously injured in trying to effect rescues, ten per sons were suffocated and burned to death early Wednesday in a fire which destroyed a double tenement house in New York city, in which rfU families, mostly Italians, were asleep. In addition five persons were so senounly injured that tbey had lo be removed to hospitals. RE-SALE P, III By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamnnce county mado In aHiwclal I'rocoedlnirs whereto all the lielre-at-law ot the, lute J. lierry Jones were made parties for the mirposo of imrtitionlna among tna said J. Berry Jones died eld, sll am neiraat-iaw me real estate or wnicn me of said lands lielna situate In Alamance county. will offer at tiuhlta aale. to tlie hl.hatbld- I il or, all he court houae door In Qraham, In aula Alamance count)-, at I'i o'clock noon, on SATURDAY, MAUCII 13, 1909, the following valuable real estate, to-witi First: A town lot In Graham sdjotoln tho lota OI w. u. Hnrnadav, Mrs. B. A. Al- lirightsnd others, and contains half an acre. 1 ma la a corner lot nomine n Kaes Har den street and North Melville Street, upon which thorn la it tenement homo. Bidding will begin at SM) 00. Seconds A town lot N. W, of Oneida Cot ton Mills and west of the railroad track. containing 100 of an aura. Upon this lot which sujotns j, at. Mouracaen ana otners, there I. a 4-room eottage house. Bidding win start as s-iu.w on una iou Thlrdt A tract of land In Graham township aoou one mile eaa ot umuam, ana kiiui as th Jack Kreeland landa, adjoining I lands of H. M, Hay's heirs, K.L Walke helrsand others, and containing its Acr sbou' one mile east of (Iratiam, and known tne era Thle Is valuable farming and trucking land and there la a fine voune- orchard on 1s- ra. end enntalnlne 1SH Aerea. Consldurablo umber arid a large quantity of pine ana oak wood, rirty or amy aerea open fur cultivation. There Is oonaldentlili" natural meadow and some good ataiuls of gr-sses. Ulddlug will start at 2,75.uu. Found; A lot of land containing abont7Jtl Acres, situate Immediately north of and adjolulng the Froeland place. This lot Is open for cultivation, llldi tlSJ.hti, Bidding will start at Fifth: A tract of land lying in Graham and Haw Uiver townahlps, adjolnlne? the landa of Mrs. kllssbeth Hay, heirs of Wah Inirlon Vmtland. heir, of H. I,. Walker and others, and containing about in Acres, and is known aa me jonatnu i.unipiaee. ioi place bas coiiklilerahlo wood land, some meadow. Mime land oncu for cultivation. and Ilea on IhhIi tides of ihe railroa t snd on the piiiilic mail from (iraliam to flaw uivur lllddlng will a art at 11. III. a ThaalwivA land la reild because of ad- vane bids ma'le upon the bids offurt-d at the sale of tho same ou Jan. 4, Iwju. t ilth: At the same time and place 1 will alsu sell a tractor land In Burlington town- ah n. aillnlnlne the lands of (JapU Turret!- line, Henry Whltaett, and others, snd con taining about Ms aores. This Is a mill site, ki.own ss the Jonas mill place, and has eon atuerable timber and wooaland with some good land open for cultivation. Tnis place will be mid In pi roe a, and then In combtna tlunsof the i Ivialo s to be u.ado, and the beat bids will be aocopUd. e land a Turai of aalei One-fourth cash, the bal- anoe In three equal lnilallmenu within six twelve ana eighteen montns, aeierreq pey- menta to carry Interest st -a IX percent t at -a ix percent iron Tit e reserved Oil full date ot aale uil paia. oavawat Is m sue. This reoruary iu, J. . COOK, Commissioner. Plant Wood's Seeds ,' Tor The Garden 6 Farm. Thirty years in boafaM, with a steadily increasing trade svery year aauitil w bare today one of the largest businesses in seeds la this country 4a the best of evidence as to . Ihe Superior Quality 5 of Wood's Seeds. We are neadqasrters for Grass and Clover Seeds. Seed Potatoes. Seed Oats. Cow Peas. Sola Beans and ' all Farm Seeds. Wood" DaacHpttva Catalog the most tsar ful and valoable of Garden aad Farm swed Catalog mailed free on request. T.W. WOOD (SOUS. Wohsaond, V. FREB TRIP to PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU OKI tA tie aaaaiy tLoas aad wba waat ta explore this Woa derlaaJ 1 T 11 S0HSBT JsIAGAZI5B has taaaurntad a aa-w eUpat tmemt. wkoee gfen'sl wart, it is t Fat witkta th nssri af ewery aa aa aypartuaity ta aaaT tie FAR WEST. Writ, lor Saanpls Copy, tj ;t it n n :: -J .rwr-Up.aWar.eAt-. ' Subset TraTel Clali i rsoed BaildiagJ, Saa Frsaaciaco, CaL J land br artiticn I I 2 Goose Grease LinimenTCuntS. X tfeBeip as well as the (arts Maiiina, go to Thomp son Drug Cow's and get a box of Mother's Joy and a bottle of Goose Grease liniment. : : : : : . You can't afford to be without these in your hou&e. Mothers' Joy is made of pure Goose Grease. and Mutton Suet with tbe most costly medicines known : . : ; NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS - Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils and conditions, made by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels and at the same time as ti ttle awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka. Such a paper is v The Progressive, Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. Kdited by Clarencx H, Poe, with Dr. W. C. Burkettector B. A. & M. College, and Di.eclor B. W. Kitgore, of the- Agricultural Experiment Station (you know them), as assistant editors (II a year). If you are already taking the paper, we can make no reduc tion, but if you are not taking it YOU CAN SAVE EtiC By sending your order to ns Tbat is to say, new Progressive Farmer subscribers we will send tbat paper with Tbi Gleanix, both one year for II 50, regular price 12.00. , j .Addrsesa ' TtTlT mVIHVD : a uu uujuniijuii r . . Graham, a. C.T aAAAAAASAAAAAaaaaaaAaaaaaa 4 1 4 leadaches This time of the year are signals of warning Take Taraxacu m Com - Dound now. It may av9 you a spell of fe ver, u win . reguiaxe your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. , Agooa ionic. An honest medicine . araxacum 1MLBANE. N. C. Service by Publication: -o- , -. : Itortk Carolina Alaaaaoc eoaetr. la UieSupertorCoort-Befors) the Clerk. Cbarlee C Tawsapaoa, admlnlstrasiT ef 8. . . Kdgar Taaaapaoa, cm a .id, . ra ' Laura 8, Taiompeoa apt1 KtLat 8. Thaaneaoa. - - HolRk Tbe defendaata above nasaeS will take f Umt that aa aetloa eautkal aa above. Baa bea eoesaaeatea taj the fewp-rtoe- aaurt, b foes tbe eMrk. a( Alam-aee eoaaty aaa -State X Nona Carolina, to obtata laava ta aril uaatwal swocarty ef H. Kdgar Thjoaapaaa, dMd. ta eraata assets for tha proper ad aatw tatsatiua eg ta sbM aetata ef H. Sdsar Iboaapaoa. Sunseaa I; .aa, tk. aafeadaats will further take amie that they are ta ablrsd tsappearas laeeSseeef tha Caark of . of ibe etapertur Oowrt of Atasasaee aeatntr ad State of worth Oarollua, sa Msaday, Mareej a, raus, sad aawwrr ae enur ta tbe peOUoa Sled la aaM aetloa. av taw paaiatut wlU aaaiy te ta anart for Ike reaet ae awraVedlki said awtltloa. Tkl. Jaaaary SB, Mua. j. D. KnwoDce, - v Leag A Loaf, AUy's. Ctaefe SapT Oaart. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Raving awaitSe ta adaatalatratar af Eta. kea adaar Tkumsaaw. aae'd. taa ea tbe eottatyaf A leaaaav. .ad t tat. ef North Ca otina. tkla la te- wottry all s. i tone baring el lata aa-alnat Uae eMatt ef aaid dXwa-d to prti t taaas to tt Badmtaed oa or ibe.atb day of January, liu, or U noire will be plead la bar ef tawir reeoverv. Ail pwaone ladebteal te taid estate will please saake Bnmeehit par meat. lata Jaaaary sa. jwa. t. II AA. c Tnnaf pnnw UsfSlMf.Attf's Adale Intra tor. rr is signature H aa errrr hrt ef the gaasaa Laxative LroHiM, a awns a ta aaa "T emeier 10. edy tor children and dolu. . tm4 iaaaes st akal

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