The -Alamai GrLEANER. VOL. xxxy.) GKAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 8, L909. NO. 8 - ) r C a AN OLD ADAGE SAYS . A light par I heavy curse" Sickness make a light purse. The LIVER Is the seat of nine tenths of all disease, - r go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and tnlid flesh to the Doayv lake No Substitute ' PROFESSIONAL CARDSs'. J 0 N A L DlittOliEY Attorney-at Law' ' ! BURLINGTOlg 1XZ C. SELLAR3 BUILDING.;.- DR. WILL S; LOXO, JR. . . . DENTlST ;V y ?- Graham. - - North Carolina OFFICK in SIMMONS BUILDING IACOB A. tom. J. KLMKB Um. long tfifovaTS Attorneys and Oomio tiw: GBAHAM, N. "V' "'. ; ' T, S. OOQK, Attorney!-Law, GRAHAM, - . . N. C. Offlco Patterson Building . Seoond Floor. . . . ; . ' - C A. HALL," ATTORNEY AND ioUNSEJJjOB-AT-LAW '' GRAHAM, N. 0. Office in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up stairs, w loair Jr t in vo. . , W P. Bihdm, J K, 1( V .V UM Attorney Aid OoanMlor ot liu-w Ouiusnsboro, M viv: f j - Practice reenlarlr ia the Courts of - Ala. nance county. An. , 9i lj ROB'T C. STRUDWICK Atto may at- Law,' ') i ' GREEMSBORqJpp: Practices in the - conrU of Ala ffisnce and Guilford counties.' I ham tntmA a 4wA Jt sUea nV.' , , aa Mima aim aucnuLi viuo mi nuvw atom I Not a raroedT that will etralatiten the pdvuii back to fleih again. That ia impoaible. rati on now turalj klu tbt Mlo and mdcs ol Oil adorable dlieaeaT JaQjrmanr-wlth a Cbandit !n ths Cltr of KWV1': ,mmi ingredient with Nth Dr. Shoop', Rhemnatle Bemedr wml made PnfMted, dependable praeeriptioo. Without BMtdrMded dlesaee. Those Bend-like granular . iound In RheuaatiaBlood. aneneadluolre CSi?" inr nndM' e action of thla nmedr M jwlraidoai aunr when added to pore water fn. when dluolved.theie poltononf waatea Eg1" from the aretem, and the came ol ! gone fbrarer. There la now no MkTir uai exouae to aoaer longer wiuv Mia, We lell, and ia eonfldeaee leoamaiead Dr. Shooo's tomatic Remedy GRAHAM DRUG CO. ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, irdJn.ra TeeUto Anneio oFBIcb- r"ni uarollaa. ihi. i. . 7.' u u. laie OI Alaminr. nAnnt. It... ... . . ' aothi?I5?ib'i ,&"n to the anderalgned iSa wL,bnJ,'0, b.,llO, ofthle aTi lLpleled - of their recov TaVaV. .D w M eetate wlU tZ?. hnnMKjiate aetUement. - - xuruarj is, laue. - Vfw. V CXPERIENCB .'"....1', Tnani Mane; a Luaraata I,, . - - - - vorrmnTlu. M . a - .TT-T a eatk aa4 PaltaTiT2SI-??r free wfu mm ;$2ettnnejE:riKn. IVIVll eT2U,w- aViartiMi r000woooooTO OOOQOOOOO Subscribe For "e Gleaner.; Only $1.00 per year. M'siills Rheumatism Washington Letter. Washington April 3, 1009. .The White House cow, or, as 8he is facetiously Btyled by one of the policemen on duty about the Executive grounds, "The First Cow in the land," is receiving a full share of the attention bestow ed upon the new administration. The cow is certainly an innova tion and has been purchased bv Mrp. Taft in order that the Presi dent's family may be provided with milk strictly sanitary under alt. conditions. Hygienic condi tions will receive the most scrup ulous consideration at the White House and Mrs. Taft believes that pate milk is one of the first and most important essentials. The leaders of the House of Representatives have decided .to amend the Payne bill by increas ing materially the authorization of Panama Canal bonds and pro a . 1 is -. . -vuuug xor a suiKing runa to pay tnese bonds at maturity. The Secretary of the Treasury believes he can dispose of a larger issue to greater advantage than he could the issue of $40,000,000 authoriz ed by the bill as reported, and the first step will be taken on his rec ommendation. Secretary McVeagh has suggested to the leaders, also, that he be given authority to de fray the expenses of the canal from the general revenues as long as he deems desirable, but that he be empowered to sell the larger issue whenever he finds conditions for such sale most favorable. The sinking fund provision will set apart a portion of the receipts of the canal as a fund to redeem the issue. One object in taking this step sj early is to check the agita lion in ravor 01 mating passage through the canal free. The claim is made that this agitation eman ates, from those interests which have'always opposed the canal, and which, now that its comple tion is assured, seek to make it as unpopular as possible by making it a heavy expenses with no com pensating return to the govern ment.. While the Panama Canal will cost in the neighborhood of 1400,000,000, it is believed that it will yield a very large percentage on the investment, if proper ton nage is charged, and the leaders of the House desire to insure the devotion of that income to the payment of the bonds which the construction of the canal makes necessary. The Democratic Secretary of War will not tolerate the ' 'exclu sive" clubs which have sprung up among officers detailed at various army posts and barracks through the United States, and in an or der,-issued through the chief of staff, Gen. J. Franklin Bell, Mr. Dickinson has sounded the death knell of these organizations. The custom has grown up at a number of army posts throughout the country, but particularly in the Department of the East, of estab lishing exclusive clubs formedtn tirely of officers of a single organ ization, or of equal rank, equal wealth, or equal social position. For instance at Fort Myer where both cavalary and artillery are stationed, the officers of the for mer maintained a club and the of ficers of the artillery were hew not eligible for membership. ThnA officers who worked their way. up from the ranks ani had not the good fortune to be-ap pointed from West Point wre seldom, if ever, taken into these "exclusive" clubs. Secretary Dick believes that the-purpose of army clnbs is to foster a feeling of comradeship between omcers 01 all banchos of the service, and be lieve that these particular kind of clubs have operated against this fundamental principaL The tariff situation in the Honse of Representative shows little or no improvement and effort maae recently to obtain some unanim ity of sentiment only reveaieu wider disaffection than has been apparent heretofore. At a con- fni thia week at we " House between the rreeidnt and tie House leaders, IU waa eug gested to Mr. Taft by the latter that in view of the disaffection in the RepubUcau rank, he eonld assist thent greatly by reasoning with recalcitrant Republicans who placed their individual fortunes above the interest of their party and who refuae in some instances, to vote for a rule or to enter a The President de party caucus. clined to commit himself aud re-J WW,,. .1 1 1 care 01 its own troubles. Many of the state delegations nave Held meetings this week with a view to formulating specific de mands, but so far as affecting any unanimity of sentiment is concern ed the caucuses seem to have been a failure. A i;n i. 1 , li 1.111 nnn ueen lnirouuceu in Congress, by Representative Weeks, of Massachusetts provid ing that officers of the navy retir ed for disabilities resulting from service, shall have for active duty the rank, pay and allowances of omcers of the active list of like length of active service. If ac tively employed for an aggregate period of three years after retire ment they shall, after detachment from duty, have the rank and highest retired pay of their grade. Cleveland and Fanny Crosby. V hen Fanny Crosby and Grover Cleveland were fellow teachers in the New York institution for the blind the superintendent repri manded Miss Crosby for having Cleveland copy a poem for her In telling of the incident in the April McChwe's Miss Crosby says: "Of course I felt very much hurt, and when the superinten dent went out Mr. Cleveland said to me: 'Now, Fanny Crosby, how long do you intend to allow that man to harrow up your feelings like this?' I asked him: "What can I do to stop it?' and he said, 'By giving him as good as he sent.' "I was nonplussed, and in reply I said, 'Mr. Cleveland, I never was saucy in my life.' To this he replied: 'But it is not impudence to take your own part, and you never will be taught indepen dence and self-reliance any young er. Now, we will experiment. Come down tomorrow and ask me to copy another poem for you. I will do so, and then you come in as usual, and you will see the consequences; but. in any event, make up your mind never to let anyone impose upon you. Ac cording to this agreement, I went down and asked Mr. Cleveland to copy a poem for me. As was an ticipated, the superintendent came 111 and made the same re mark. Then I turned round and said to him: 'I want you to un derstand that I am second to no one in tnis institution except -yourself, and I have borne with your insolence so long that I will do so no longer; if it is repeated I will report you to the managers.' The superintendent looked at me with the greatest astonishment, but my reply had just the effect that Mr. Cleveland said it would have. I never had any further trouble with the obnoxious super intendent, nor did he assume such a manner toward me or Mr. Cleve land any more." Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on reouest, a clever "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer Cou non privilege from Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, Wis. It is silver-plated, very pretty, and positively prevents au dripping of tea or coffee. The doc tor sends it, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" simply to introduce this clever substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popu larity because of : first, its exquis ite taste and flavor; second, its absolute healthf illness; third, its awinninv one and one- half pounds 25c; fourth, its conven ience. No tedious 20 to 30 min nt hoilinir. "3fade in a minute savs Dr. Shoop. Try it af your grocer's for a pleasant surprise. Blackmon & Farrell. (Jeo. c. Tudor has brought suit in Winston against R. J. Bowen for 410 damages. Tudor's team took fright at Bowen's automobile and ran away and Tudor claims the team was damaged to the amount stated. XeUce te Oar Caetaacra. We are pleased to announce svJovVi I lone v and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not effected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it conUins nn nniatcs or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children ana Graham Drug Co. : - - Ex-Got. Folk, of Missouri, siMke in AahevOle last week un . r -r " M-C. der the auspices 01 . me 1 . A. lyceum course. One handred dollars if Goose Grease Liniment or "vj doesn't prevent pneumonia. Mothers Joy is better tot children. Thomp son has iL ' " V :' . i't-iiit-u wnat ne Had said in the past about the Congress taking UNKNOWNINQLY TOOK TUBH. Were Treated by Their Generous Host as One of the Family. A group of American commercial travellers were telling yarns on the suOJect of hospitality, when one of thorn took up his parable thus, sayl me tjueenslander: was down in Louisiana trav. ellln' cross country, when we kinder got lost In a lonesome sort of road just about dark, and when we saw light ahead I toll you it looked first rate'. We drove up to the light, find- in 'twas a house, and when I hoi lerea me man came out, and wo asked him to take us In for the night. He looked at us mighty hard, then said, 'Wall, I reckon I kin stand Jt if you kin.' So we unhitched, went in, and found 'twas only a two-room shanty, and Just swarmln' with children. He had six from four to 'leven years old, and as there didn't seem to be but one bed, me an' Stony was wondeisi in' wnat in thunder would become of us. "They gave us supper, and then the old woman put the two youngest kids to bed. They went straight to sleep. . Then she took- those out, laid them over in the corner, put the next two to bed, and so on. After all the children were asleep on the floor, the old folk went in to the other room and told us we could go to bed If we wanted to, and, bein' powerful tired out, we did. "Well, sir, the neit morning when we woke up we were lying over In the corner with the kids and the old man and the old woman had the bed!" Heredity. A Parliamentary candidate was being heckled. One of the questions had reference to the religious de nominations to which he belonged. "Well," he said, "you have asked me an honest question, and you shall have a straightforward answer. My grandmother was a Scotswoman a rigid . Presbyterian." Disappointment was shown on the faces of the audience, so the candi date proceeded: "My grandfather waa English, and therefore a member of the Church of England." Still no enthusiasm, but rather the reserve. "My father, on the other hand. was a good Baptist," went on the desperate candidate, who - was still unrewarded by applause. He grew anxious, so hurriedly added: "But my dear old mother, long since dead, was a Methodist." Instantly all faces were radiant, so be concluded: "And, gentlemen, I follow the pre cepts of my dear old mother. I'm Methodist and I don't care who knows It!" London Dally News. Unfortunate Comparison. je Ees(!) Visitor Where did you get this fine X-ray photograph T Photographer Pardon me, that la my eldest daughter. A Tip on Botany. William C. Whitney. Jr., who has pent a year In Indian Territory learning practical mining at Qua paw, described at a dinner party la New York - a Quapaw restaurant, ays the New York Tribune. "At thla restaarant on evening," he said at bis description's and, "two miners near me got Into a botanical argument about the pineapple, on claiming that It wa a fruit and th ether that It waa a vegetable. "In the' midst of their argument the waiter" entered In hi shirt sleeves and looked about to see what wa th cans of th load talking. "The miner decided to let th waiter settle their argument, and ac cordingly on of them said: " 'Pete, what is a pineapple T Ia It a fruit or a vegetabloT' "Th waiter, flicking th ash from his cigar, smiled at th two men with pity. 'It's neither, genu,' h said. It's aaaxtra." ' 7 " In Case of Fir. A Oarmaatowa maa waa talklag about th famous Dr. HM17 byk. of Princeton Whea Van Dyke was a Uttl than " ha said. "I wont to school With him. , ' nn tar. before school elod for th Christmas holidays, w exported n visit from a director. Thla dt- roctor always qneauoaoo u out- d - thl. .1 a rr)T what ran aw w ' - -- theyd do la ea or Br, no u her coached BS all toe aaoTBias ifor a earn, preparing aa neiy th oourao e co taka U are hoold break oat. Weil. ear Moagn, to director called, bat when be got P to ao- irea as, be said: 1 " lt la good to b here at Uta Jot lT Chrletaiaa among eo maar rosy. smiling yoeag foe. Ton are a very bright tooklag lot of child rem. aaa 1 wonder what ro would do mow If I were to soak yo a IKUe apeeeh e th boat way te celebrate Cbrlataiaa.' Dyk piped oat: ' - Tom la elagl ale sad atarab eat aulcUy.' " . To Oar a Oat ta C Par Take-' Laxatirs Bromo Wuuvo Tablet. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.- E. W. Grove's girnature is oa each box 25e - - HB STUNNED TUB BISHOP. By His Timely Remark Made That Gentleman Open His Eyes. At a recent dinner, which was at tended by a number of clergymen! President Buckham, of the Unlver- alty of Vermont, told the following of Bishop Hall, of the Episcopal Dio cese of Vermont, In response to soma good-natured chaff about the liberal views of the Congregational oh u rob. and the ease with which almost any- body could Join it, says the Pitta- burg Post. ne said ne had beard of a negro wno had many Umes applied for membership In St. Paul's Church at Burlington, but had not been able to satisfy the Bishop that his state of mind entitled him to admission. Tha negro had been advised to pray that his spiritual condition might Im prove. - Alter doing so ne made a new ap plication. The Bishop tald to nlmt ."Sjt'WelL Erastua .have, you prayed as 1 told you to do?" "Yes, indedey, suh; I dun prayed an I done told the Lord I wants to Jlne St. Paul's Church, and the Lawd he say to me: " 'Good luck, 'Rastus: I been try in 10 jine aat cnurch twenty years mase r." Love fa Blind. Mr. Newed And do you really and truly love me, George T Newed Of course I do, my dear. Mrs. Newed But some people are aaylng that you married me Just be cause my uncle left me a fortune. ' Newed Now don't let that worry you, dear, lor there isn t a word or truth In It. I'd have married you Just the same, even If some other relative had left you the moneys Chicago News. How It Balanced. Mrs. Ada Dean, the woman Jockey of Grafton, Mbbs., said the other day Of snobbishness: "Th greatest preventive of snob bishness Is charity, unselfishness sympathy. "I know a little boy, a well dressed, wealthy boy, who waa play ing one afternoon with some dirty urchins In rags. . " 'Johnny,' cried the little boy's mother In tone of horror, 'com here at oncet' "And when he came she added: "Don't you know those are bad boys for yon to play with!' "'Yt, mother.' h replied, 'but then I am a good boy for them to play with.'" Slightly MieUten. The official In charge of th grounds at Mount Vernon, not long ago came npon a woman kneeling before a building not far from the monument She wa bathed In tear. Thinking that th lady waa In trou ble, th director gently Inquired whether he might be of sorvlc to hor. "No, thank yon,' sobbed th wom an. "I am not In trouble, bat my pa triotic feelings overcame m wba I first gased upon th tomb of th father of Hta Country." "Pardon mo, madam," said th di rector with a smile; "but you bar mad a slight mistake. Thla I not th tomb of Washington, but his lea house." Defining a Chemist. A good story come from a Swede correspondent It seems that Ber selins, the great Swedish chemist, made moat of hta experiment in the kitchen, with his eook aa hi only as sistant. "What is roar master T" aakod on of bla neighbor. "Oh. h la only a chemist" "What Is thatf What does be dot" "Oh. be has aomatblag la a big bottle, then be pours it Into a small er one, and then again Into quit a Uny bottl." "And then what happens T" Tbea 1 throw It away." Loadea Bxp A gaaeratloa or two ago nam aad worn worked vary long boors aad efcfUren had to work, too, la order t produce enough to support th worb togmaa's family. The growtb of cap ital aad too mployaMot of aaachla ary bar added eo mocb to tb nV dencr of labor that loeg boor for adult are no longer aooeesary, aad tb industrial enptornient of cbfM raa under fourteen eaa be entirely cis poasod wttlu AatorVaa stovtov at Bartow. flremobl. TnmtM, arobaWy tares mor teal kid glove than say other pUeo U ta world. Paris, Cba oat aad Mfllaa are also UrgalT en gaged ia thla htdaatry. I waat too to los ao opportatUty to getting mr argeta,to the Be," aaid tb caadldaie. . - AH right," answered th . wcrk arj -vUca kdad of arga-at do n tut at to eaJuE. eaaaalga booker aoAotoookr ; . The noor man needs If other' r Joy and Goose Liniment as well aa' the rich man, -Thompson Drug Co. has it. . - 7 1J W( jiPSQiuzeijrjruFP It is economy to use Royal Baking Powder. It saves labor, health and money. Where the best food is required no other baking powder" or leavening agent can take the . place or do tWworlt--cf Royal Baking Powder.- H poem 1; THE SIN OF By Margaret J' Isn't the thing you do, dear; It's the thing you've left undone ill Are your haunting ghost tonight The stone you might have lifted Out of a brother's way; The bit of beartsome counsel You were hurried too much to say; The loving touch of the band, dear; The gentle and winsome tone That you bad no time nor thought for, With troubles enough of your own. The little acta of kindness, So easily out of mind; These chances to be angels, Which every mortal finds; They come In night and silence, Each chill, reproachful wraith. When hopo Is faint and flagging And a blight has dropped on faith. For life la all too short, dear, And sorrow Is all too great To surf or our slow compassion That tarries until too Into. And It's not the thing you do, dear; It's th thing you leave undone Which gives you the bit of beartach At the aettlng of tb sun. Tillman on Taft. Senator Tillman waa interview ed in Augusta several days ago, Ho said some very hard things about Mr. Roosevelt and explain ed why it was that he did not show ui" Ihe president in his trueeolors. Inhisopinion "Roose velt narrowly escaped leing a great man, but his want of sin cerity and earnestness made him really one of the greatest failures that has ever occupied the White House. n Wo are not sure that this Judgment of the senator from South Carolina will not stand, but we are particularly interested in what Mr. Tillman said about the living rather than in his severe judgment of Ihe dead, and in speaking of the wholesome change that has been made at the White House he said: Mr. Tuft's administration is going to ue like a calm alter a storm. He is a patriotic, Just- minded, big-hearted man. He will be popular in every section of the country. He will bring about an era of good feeling. We think that It is an altogeth er Just view of the president, and we are glad that Mr. Tillman ex pressed hinnlf in theae terms. What the country needs alwve everything else just now is "sn era of good feeling," and if Mr. Taft shall be able to bring thi about he will be a greater roan than if he had wrecked ail the corporations in the country and ahot all the liona in Africa. Charleston (S. C.) News and Cour ier. ' lesaachaad UvorTreaM Cored. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cure stomach and liver trouble as itaidadigeotion, and stimulates the liver and bowels without irri tating these organs like pills and ordinary cathartics. It cure in digestion and sick headache and ehronio constipation, Orino Lax ative Fruit Syrup doea nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant. to take. : Kefuse sulwli tutea. Graham Drug Co. Six small frame dwellings and a 5 -story store And dwelling com bined ia the aouthern part of Wil mington were burned Tuesday night week. - OA0TOTIXA, GRAPES, from their most nealth ful properties, give ROYAL it active and principal ingredient Balcino Powder for Coday OMISSION E. Stntfster Which gives you a bit of heartache At the setting of the sun. The tender word forgotten, The letter you did not wdte. The flower you might have sent, dear, Tat Wealth, Not food. Philadelphia Pioaa. The revision of the tariff this year has a double Lask. The rates must bo revised and 100,0O0,(M( of additional revenue must 1m raised. The committee on ways ami means has been wise in its tariff in leaving out the tax 011 coffee and interning a lux on inheritance. It is bctler to tax wealth than lo tax food. European countries raise a large portion of their revenue by taxen on tea and coffee. England raises nearly half its revenue from du ties by taxes on food. Sugar is dutiable in this country, but there is for this the sound reason that the duly protects home-grown sugar, now one-nun or tne wnoie, and fosters sugar in Cuba. Abol ish the duty on sugar and the re duction in Ihe Cuban product would advance the price by more than the reduction from the abo lition of Ihe duty. The McKinley tariff, in spite of this, alNilishod the duty on sugar and its consumption increased with great rapidity under the stimulus of cheap sugar. If it were not for its protection of the home sugar product and its effect ( our insular neighbor there would he little to be said even for the duty on augar. . New duties on food have no de fense. They ought not to be Im posed. Tax wealth Instead of food. I'p Before loo Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitlefield, Vt writes: "We have used Dr. Kin New Life Itllafor years and find them such a good family medicine we counin X ue without them." For Chills, Con stipation, BiliouanoMi or sick Headache they work wonders, zoc. at Graham Drug Co. The trial of three men Cotton, Holderfield and Hopkins charged with killing one Smith, traveling saleMoan, in the "Red Light" dis trict In Raleigh some time ago, was on in Wake Superior, Court last week. Encash Spavin' Liniment rernevn all bard, soft or calloused lumps and blemiebee from b 01 era, blood spav ins, curb,- splints, sweeney, ring, bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throat, coughs, etc. Say 150 by th use of on bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Metnisn cure known. Sold by Graham, Drug On iTifjIlaeHb. ; tommr, in 1 n..C.. ibk. 11 ; I' J Hi Win II urniM 1,1 llWSnmilMl I I 111 11 iaa,ari ntnms'.!rjjtttk A I mn 1 ii,'iimiii Tr,a -t I- uin i i md D-fa an . ' ' I .OooaojOriaaa CoeteWrrt, . ' M laooooOBOoVajBOBOooo THOMPSON DRUG CO., Graham, N. C, NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS' - : ' Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. One adapted to North Caroline climate, soils' and conditions, made by Tar Heels and for Tsi Heels and at the same time at wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka. Such a paper it Tho Prnnroceivn Former 1 iiu a iwjjiw0ifw s ui iiiwi RALEIGH. N. C. Kdited by Clabemck H. Poe, with Dr. W. C. Barkettector B. A. & M. College, and Director B. W.Kilgore,- of the Agricutlurul Experiment Station , (you know them), as assistant editors ($1 a year). If you are already taking the paper, we can make no reduc tion, but if you are not taking it YOU CAM SAVE EOC By sending your order to ne That is to say, new Progressive Farmer subscribers we will send that paper with Thb Glsahik, both one year for II 50, regular price $2.00. - ; Addrsesa THE GLEANER, . Graham, N. C. iesi This time of the-year-are signals of warnine.' TakeTaraxacumCom- pound now. It may avs you a spell of fe ver, it will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good I onic. An honest mediqine IMEBANE. N. C. FREE TRIP fo,rAr PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE of the assay tbooa eads who want to explore tLtsAVeo-' ocrlaod 1111 SUNSET UAGAZLNB La taatthriaJ a saw clryarrairat, wees special work ' k is to est witka toe read of every ooe aa eeeoituoity to eee tk. FAR WEST. Write far Sample Cepy. :: t t: tt i ti Far fall yartMa. jn tiirmm Sunset Travel Club 16 Hood BeilJia&'Sao Fraacfac. CaL "Dsf77Qr IcB Mrp'y fe -CllulO" kO t Single Cocnb Baff OrpihRton egg to thoae who want to raise the beat winter layers. Large aixe and qaick growers. Price 1.50 per setting. B, N. Tcxra,Grham,i.C, CASTOH1A Tar IaJaati axi Clirta. Hi IU Y:: J:-;; C r W Bear the 7 fSfxator Kemember eadac Taraxacum

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