I he Alamance Gleaner. VOL. XXXV, Tiitfslils FOR TORPID LIVER.. ' a torpid liver derange the Whole system, and produce. SICK HEADACHE, Svsoepsia, Cbstivcncss,Rhea- mr uno better remedy for these Jommon dljewe. tb-aj 0 LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Take No &upiiuuj. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DONALD GULLEY Attorney-at- Law . BURLINGTON, N. C SELLAKS BUILDING. DR. WILL S.IAC,JR. , . , pentiSt . i . r.raham. - - - North Carolina OFFICE in SIMMONS. BUILDING JACOB A. L0N8. : J. ELMKB LONG. LONG & IiONG, Attorneys and Counselon at Law GRAHAM, N. ," T, s. cook:, Attorney at-Law, r . GRAHAM, - - N. C. Office Patterson Building Seoond Floor. . . . . . C. A. UAllJ ATTOBNEY AND OOONSEIAOB-aT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. 0. Office in the Bank of Alamance 1 Bulding. up. stairs loBHGUAr lusirit.' W. P,Brnvu, J. BY N 151 &BYNUM, Attorney and Counselors at luw G.vhiliNSBOBO, H U Practice regularly in the court of All, nancs county. ' i, ;.v '. Ana-. J, 94 lj ROBT C. STRTJDWICK Attorneyat- Law, f?J?:f. GREENSBORO V. U. Practices in the courts of Ala mance and Guilford counties. You get' what you pay for when you v buy your, . Spectacles and . 5 Eyeglasses from' Z. T. HADLEY, Jeweler tnd OnticI.M.X GKAHAM, N.C. . I HtMlMlltiMM hi i TTnTrrakllM. m.lilii. n. Pna. not on. wa ft! MMtetUM eontnlUnf, i TOTSnitllaf ft Hrrwl oootinoa) affl.'fe5nitna wbr m a mdfefa&Pr. biT?!"''J" M don. K mrk m atf i:!?"" mioo lrw to M Moi7Ti2. . ron fasuia. mnf di. to. mm MZTTi.r BMt-TW W1iBl Dr. Shoop'o Restorative GRAHAM DRUG CO. 0 YEAR KXPER1ENCK ti Tmot lAai Dcaaa Con wmmto AVa. w, optsv f rm bm Itm mm O.l Co ' IN IX tai H.o frn jj Heart Strength The Alamance Road. For more than seven years I have been silent in the press of Alamance. I rarely write for pub lication, for too often we can clear ly see the motive underlying it a selfish one, merely to gain noto riety and not to do a public ser vice for the public good. But the ATKTAnninn P 4-1 1 i ... ua.i6i7umcd ui me nour make it in cumbent upon me in the faithful discharge of the duties I owe to the people among whom I make my home, to set forth the plain facts involved in the location and building of this road. What I shall therefore say shall in no sense be intended as a reflection on the motives of any member of the Commission or Joint Board. To illustrate my position in this matter I wish to state the follow ing incident: Several years ago I had occasion to go to Durham, N. C. As a traveling man and myself went to the window for our tickets a small colored boy stand ing au uie winuow canea tor a ticket to Mebane. I heard him plainly, I saw him pay Ernest Sellars the money, thirty cents it was I believe, he received his ticket and boarded the train. It was before the days of the Jim Crow law and the boy sat just be hind the traveling man and my self. The conductor (either Fry or Witherspoon, I don't remember which) came through and took up our tickets. At Haw River the conductor called the boy to get off, the boy protested that his ticket was for Mebane but the conductor very roughly disputed him and started him out forcibly, the traveling man spoke up and said Capt'n that boy bought a ticket to Mebane." The conductor re plied hotly and said: "I know better his ticket is for Haw River and he is trying to beat a ride on me and he sha'n't do it." The boy was forcibly put off and he ran to the rear end and caught on and was again pushed off. I saw it all, sat still and never opened my mouth. Either the conductor was wrong or Mr. Sellars made a mis take in the ticket. I know what he called for and thai the price of a ticket to Mebane was paid, right went wronged and I played the part of a moral coward. I dont know the traveling man, I don't know the boy, never saw him before or since, as I know of, and may not ever again. That is of no importance. One thing I do know, that incident made an im pression on my mind for eternity, and as the years go by I see more and more the need of moral heroes in the defense of right and justice and against error and injustice, and from that day to this I have never again repeated that coward ly act. . The boy perhaps was of no importance and his mission none of urgency but he was wrong ed. Shall I say the boy? It were better had I said Right was Cru cified by Error and I stood by and beheld it. So long as I live I will never again be guilty of such cowardice. This was a real inci dent in my life and I relate it that you may better appreciate the cause of this strenuous appeal to reason and the sober sense of the people and especially of the Road Commission and the Joint lioara I am not disposed to believe the Commission is intentionally wrong in any respect. I have been lin Dressed with the manifest senous- nw with which they considered various subject arising fordis cnssion and decision and I believe r,. niiA i aa sincere in his stAtement that the Board is hon eetly endeavoring to give Ala mance the very best they possibly can for the money as I know I am In mv endeavor to prevent what I with all mv heart is the most serious blunder possible for the Alamanee Battle Ground, and the people living in that portion of the county. It is especially rrHfir!nir to me to see and hear the manly confession of Mf . Wil liamson that he was wrong, and now sees that he was in error, m to his Borlington-Ossipee road. I say this bp no means Decauae i re fr,A ta locate the road down the river, and now his confession vin dicate my position then Uken, but because I believe that right in that particular case has at last been reeognixed. It was said of the great Gladstone that when his colleague taunwa bu changing his position on a public question he said: "I now see that I was wrong and I have backbone enough to change, fortmin a-.. right to me is the supreme end of life." We are all liable to error and to mistakes, but the greatest, mistake of all is the mistake of not uiiiug ready and anxious to free ourselves of error. It takes a great deal of effort and the that can do so is a hero. man tu tne matter ot the road to Alamance Factory, I want every one to eliminate at once the idea mat 1 am making this for public tavor or notoriety. I need neither, and espeeialy do I dislike notoriety Then in the outset clearly under stand that it is not Spoon you are discussing but the truth and right as it pertains to the road and the people who shall use it. I fear few people fully realize the grav ity of road location when the road is to be made a permanent struc ture out of a bond issue. That man who assumes the responsibil ity puts his hands in Holy Water and woe is he if he follow not in the right way, for men yet unborn will rise up and curse him for the burden they bear. To rIiow how serious it is one has only to think how soon people begin to build homes along the line and like so many nails spike the error down forever. Therefore in order to prevent this serious state of error being the lot of the people south west from Burlington, I have per sistently and repeatedly urged that this great wrong be not doue to those people. I may be over zealous and some of my friends may deem me impertinent, but I have not lost faith in the Commis sion or the Joint Board, although just two days ago they in joint session refused to make the change, to remove the error. As stated above I believe they are sincere and if they are they will perhaps yet see t heir error and be manly enough to amend. I have been told that the Board would not change for the reason that to change in one respect would open a floodgate hard to close. Such a a statement is a charge of moral cowardice and precludes any pos sibility of a strict compliance wit h the oath each member of the Com mission and joint Board has taken, because it was impossible for them to foresee every contingency and so frame the first orders as to do justice to all parts of the country. This is plainly stat ed in Sec. 5, of the Bond Act. It reads: "The highways to be opened, graded and macadam ized by the Highway Com mission unner wie uiuvih.wmi nf this act shall from time to time be determined upon by the Highway Commission in joint session. In determining upon such highways said joint board ahull tnkfi into consideration the needs of the entire county and every part thereof, opening and improving those highways which in their opinion will be of benefit to the greatest possible number of the county, treating every section of the county with equal justice This section is clearly intended to guard against a hasty decision as to road location because so mucn is involved. Under the law men I take it there is never a time that joint board is not in session for the nurpose of determining me prop- . Nation nntil the work has C I nr Wn completed. Even during construction it would le the duty of the Board to change were a mis take discovered. How could you do otherwise and not violate your oath because for that very reason discretionary power is conferred upon the Commission and Board, and because opinions are made believed to be facta, it is very necessary that all the facts be given their proper weight in order that the conclu sion may be sound? Because of this difference in the valuation of the facts men with equal hones ty honestly disagree and hold dif ferent opinions. The trouble generally arises from this observa tion: facta are like magnet, they have two sides or poles and they either attract or repel us, hence since the fact is absolute, we are likely to go in the opposite direc tion front our equally sincere companion. Upon this idea rtwts the safety of life and .liberty 1 wnublican form of government, one is check to another and in the multitude of counsellors aiety. So then piease io op f a court of inquiry into oar own eonsdoas experience and see how often we were sure we were right and afterwards found out that we were dead wrong, and all because had miacalculated the weight or significance of some fact or had GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, failed to recognize its relation to some hidden or latent possibility. Neither do I criticise you for your inflexibility. I like it in you so long as your inflexibility has right and truth for it vertebra. A man with a backbone is worth convincing for when he sees his mistake ho turns and stays turn ed. An honest enemy is more wholesome than a false friend and less to bo feared. So then believ ing us I do in the sincerity of the Commission and Board, although their secret meetings look ugly and do them much harm by creat ing ad verse opinions (even to their friends this looks ill advised for there certainly is no excuse for it, but a certain confession of weak ness and inability to stand in the public eye). In the case of a jury secrecy is justified bui the verdict must be declared in open court and all agreed. I like the light for in it we have safety. But while this internal evideuce is un favorable to the Commission and Joint Board still it should not in any sense bias our judgment -in relation to the work of the Com mission on the outside. I have carefully watched Mr. White's surveys and I am pleased to say that I have found his work in the main good. Ho is at a disadvan tage when it comes to working out for the county a combination system, because he does not know the county as a whole as he should to correctly determine every question. It was therefore neces sary for the Commission and Board in joint session to select the objective points and leave it to the Engineer to locate between those points the best road possi ble, taking into consideration the soil, grades and property along the line. The designating of objective points was done by the Board in a joint session on the 18th day of January, 1909, after hearing peti tions and remarks by different citizens. I attended that meeting and presented the idea of a com bination road between the Boon Station road and the Alamance road ; the combination shown was to be along the line of Main street produced for a mile and three fourths or seven-eights from the depot. At this point I advocated that the roads fork, ono going directly west to Guilford line and the other straight to Alamance. I had previously made a map and sent it to Col. R. L. Holt showing this combination. The road was granted and by a misconception of the true idea of a combination between the two roads the word ing was so made as to make it clearly the duty of Mr. White, the Engineer, to locate his road so as to lead off from the present Boon Station road. Following the or der Mr. White very properly located the road out by the gro cery, and then lead off to Ala mance. My neighbors told me of the survey and probable final lo cation of the road in that place as a combination of the two. It was so preposterous to me to think that such a decision was possible that I at once took the matter np and found the order plainly read that way. A t the meeting in Gra ham first Monday in February I went before the Board and tried to state that I thought it a mis take to have ine location that way and to my amazement the en tire Commission rose to defend the Engineer. Mr. White was not in fault necessarily and so far as he was concerned he would as soon build by the pump as by the grocery. So it was a confu- sion ox enorut, eacn niaing behind the other. Mr. White behind the order and the Commission hiding behind the survey of Mr. White. It re minded me of two guineas in a hail storm, each trying to hide under the other's wing. At any rate Mr. White and I went over the ground two days later by ap pointment and I promised that if after it was surveyed it was found that the road to Alamance could not be built within the law for as little money as around by the grocery I won! a aoanaon me pump line and endorse the gro cery route. The survey was made with the' promise and un derstanding that I should have the notes in order to file them with the office and check over the work. For the not I left a copy of the office field book. Some days later I called at Mr. White's office for the notes and ot consider the grades. caj- and other itewat-'relatTve to the routes. Mr. V lute met me vei-y cordially and said he found ho could get a dandy good road by the pump. Said he got a four per cent, maximum and under three from the pump to the town. When I called for the notes you can hardly imagine my surprise when firsi told that the Commission objected to my hav ing the notes. I replied instant ly that I did not like such treat ment and that if the Commission had ordered any such thing looked crooked. Then Mr. White took the responsibility on him self, saying that the Commission had not ordered him to do so, but that they said I was lighting them and it was not fair to furnish me with their amunition, but that he would give me a profile of the two roads which would be prac tically as good as the notes. Up to this interview I had not dis covered that I was lighting them or anyone else. 1 thought l was doing all in my power to get the best possible location for the Al amance road as I had given it some little thought in the past fifteen years. Later on, I met the Commission at Burlington, at their regular meeting in March. I took about twenty-five min utes trying to convince the Commission that the grocery route was not an equitable combination between the two parties, that the road was entirely unreasonable as an Alamance road and that the grass would grow in the road from Elder's to the grocery and the county would have to build and maintain the road from Elder's, as it now runs into Burlington, thus making it necessary for two roads where it was intended one should answer by the combination, that this would defeat the Commission's object in ordering the road to lead off from the Boon Station road as surveyed. I failed to con vince them, or at any rate the let ter following this meeting in the Burlington News written by Mr. Dave White indicated for the first time that it was the opinion of the Commission that the road was necessarily located by the grocery under the order of the Joint Board, Continued On Page 2. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoon first pointed out this error. This is why his prescrip tion Dr. Shoop'r Retsorative is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or controlling nerves. It 'isn't so difficult, says Dr Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, if one goes at it cor rectly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail then those or gans must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and rec ommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days, and see! Im provement will promptly follow. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Concluding their annual meet ing at San Antonio, Texas, last week, the dirctorate of the Gener al Federation of Women's Clubs, representing two million club women, adopted resolutions de claring against bill-board adver tising and against the Christmas tree, inasmuch as the use of Christmas trees "threatens to an nihilate the forests of cedar trees." Legislation providing for the re- Dlantintr of the cedar forest is a proposed. wept Over Blagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boat man Ignores the river's warning- growing ripples and faster cur rentNature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need at tention if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy, Diabetes or Brighter disease. Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feelings re turn." After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one LOO bottle wholly cured roe." write J. R. Blankenshfp, of Velk Tenn. Only 60c at Graham Drug Co. The railroad running from Sewall's Point (Norfolk) tidewater,- Virginia, to - deepwater, West Virginia, a distance of 444 miles, built by Henry II. Rogers, one of the Standard Oil magnate, at cost of 140,000,000, was form ally opened for traffic last week, Mr. Rogers, Mark Twain and other New Yorkers attending a banquet in Norfolk on that occa sion. . The construction of the road was begun in March, 1901, and finished last February. 1909. -Trlt'ii Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clever "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer Cou pon privilege from Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, Wis. It is silven-plated, very pretty, and positively prevents all dripping of tea or coffee. 1 he doe tor sends it, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" simply to introduce this clever substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popu larity because of: first, its exquis- lto taste and flavor; second, its absolute healthfulness; third, its economy one and one-half pounds 25c; fourth, its conven lence. iso tedious w to du min utes boiling. "Mado in a minute" says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer s for a pleasant surprise. lilackmon & Farrell. President Taft last week offered the post of ambassador to Great Britian to Dr. Eliot, late presi dent of Harvard College, and Dr. Eliot declined. Dr. Eliot was re cently in North Carolina, visiting a number of towns in the State, where he delivered addresses. Notice to Our Cuitomera. Ave are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not effected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Graham Drug Co. Six hundred insane persons were in danger of death Sunday when flames start ing from a prairie fire destroyed several buildings of the State insane asylum at Fort Snpply, Okla. The stables, laun dry, pharmacy and employes' quarters were destroyed at a loss of 175,000. Read the plain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a bet ter one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 25c. Sold by Graham Lrug Co. Sixty-four residences and a pri vate sanitarium at Oak Cliff, a suburb of Dallas, Texas, were de stroyed by fire late Saturday, causing a loss estimated at a quar ter of a million dollars. The fire swept through 14 residence blocks. In the burned area, which covers more than a quarter of a square of territory, only Ave build ings remain intact. T. Car. Ol. la OH Omf Take Laxative Bromo Quin!ne Tablets. All druea-ials refund the money if it fails to core. E. W, Grove's signature is on each box 25e At Augusta, " Ga., Saturday night, Will Frederick stabbed Frank Dougherty to death. Both colored. While FederieV -was trying to escape he was struck by a train and killed. One hundred dollars if Goose Grease Liniment or MoUnr'a Joy doesn't prevent pneumonia, klothert Joy is better for child ren. Thorn p- son has it That President John Tyler and George Wythe a signer of the Dec laration of Independence, should have suitable markers at their graves is the belief of Represen tative Lamb, of Virginia. He has introduced in Congress a bill ap propriating $10,000 for the erec tion of a monument to Tyler in Hollywood cemetery at Richmond, Va., and another appropriating $1,000 for a marker In St. John's cemetery at the same place where Wythe is buried. "I'd Ratkcr IX. Etoctar. than have my feet cut off," said M. L. Bingham, of PrineevUle, 111. "but you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) if von don't," said all doctors. In stead he used' Bucklen's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. It cures of Eczema, rever Sores, Boils and Burns astound the world. 25c at Graham Drug Co. The mdst highly refined and healthful of baking powders. Its constant use in almost every American household, its sales all over the world, attest its wonderful popularity and usefulness. In Davie county Superior Court last week W. F. Kurfees was awarded a verdict of $1,000 dam ages against the Cooleemee Cotton Mill Company on account of water from the company's dam backing over his land. Up Before the liar. N. II. Brown, an attorned', of Pittsfleld, Vt,, writes: "We have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine we couldn't be without them." For. Chills, Con stipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonders, 25c. at Graham Drug Co. Mr. John F. Ward, a wealthy and useful citizen of Lexington, died Saturday night, the result of an attack of acute indigestion. He was 47 years old and is surviv ed by his wife and three children. tttomaeh and Liver Trouble Cured. Oriuo Laxative Fruit Syrup cures stomach and liver trouble as it aids digestion, and stimulates the liver and bowels without irri tating these organs like pills and ordinary cathartics. It cures in digestion and sick headache and chronic constipation. Orino Lax ative Fruit Syrup does n it nau seate or gripe and is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi tutes. Graham Drug Co. A number of western North Carolinians interested in the mica industry havo gono to . Washing ton to urge Congress not (orediiee the duty on mica, as is pnqioMed in the Payne tariff bill. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and surely driven out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rhcnnial ic Rem edy liquid or tablet form. Dr. Snoop s booklet on Kheumatism plainly and interestingly tells just how this is done. Tell some suf ferer of this book, or letter still, write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis for the book and free lest samples. Send no money.' Just join with Dr. Shoop and give some sufferer a pleasant surprise. Graham Drug Co. In Lenoir county a few days aao 15n Herring, a 15 year old Uy, IxM-ameexliausttl while fight ng a forest flro and died iu a short time. You who have occasional trou ble from indigestion, such as sour stomach, In-lcliing of gas, sour risings and weak stomach, should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest the food for all these little ailments, annoying both to yourself ami others, are caused simply by undigested food in the stomach. Kodol for Dys nctmia and Indigestion taken oc casionally will soon relieve you of all the simple stomach ailments that vou now have, but which may be more serious later. Try Kodol today and take tt on onr guarantee. We know it will do what we say it will do. It is sold by Graham Drug Co. The Winston Sentinel learns that four of the five babies born to a Rockingham county woman a few days ago have since died. Cared He-aMrraag-w wf IB. Laaga. 'Several years since my Inngs were so badly affected thut I had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treat ment with several physicians with out any benefit. I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now a sound as a bullet. I recommend it in ad vanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's Honey and Tar steps the cougb and heals the lungs, ana prevents serous results from a cold. Refuse substitute. Gra ham Drug Co. Forest Urea on the Bilttnore es tate, in the vicinity of AshcviUa Saturday sight and Sunday, did considerable damage to timber. $100 Dr. E. Detcbon's Anti Diuretic mv be worth to yon more than 1 10t? A yon have a child who soils bedding from incoetioeoos of water donna s)eep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. 1. bom Dyuranam urvg Co. ,1. NO. 9 fi mmmy , UmUm. km kmm nn.li 1 1 M. 4 .1 t I II ll II i. I ,P I lt I Ciin I i i mi N 1 UimilMtlMI I t4 On..-. 0ia - V ll "Cooae Ormm Cotnptnfj, fl THOMPSON DRUG CO.,: Graham, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils and conditions, made by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels and at the .same time as wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka. Such a paper is The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH. N. C. Edited by Clarence H. Poe, with Dr. W. C. Burkett,"ector B A. & M. College, and Director . V. Kilgore, cef the Agricutlural Experiment Station (yon know them), as assistant editors ($1 a year). If you are already taking tne paper, we can make no reduc tion, but if yon are not taking it YOU CAM SAVE EOC By sending your order to us That is to say, new Progressive Farmer subscribers we will send that paper with Thb Gleahib, both one year for f 1 M, regular price 12.00. Addrsesa THE GLEANER, Graham, N. C. leadachesl This time of the year are signals of warning, Take Taraxacum Com pound now. It may avs you a spell of fe- , ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. -A good Tonic. An honest medicine Taraxacum IMEBANE. N. C. FREE TRIP tojtke PAtllFIG COAST Ki I . AM YOU ONI WlHIIOIll t A .1 r taa aaaay id aawJa wL waat to WW T ilt S0RSBT UAGAZftB las UMtitataJ a mw aUpartaicat. wkoaa facial work tt w to fa witkia tk i aa ofot tuaitj t m, tk FAR WEST. Writ, im Saavfla Copjr. . it . t - tt - it ti ll Sunset Travel ClnB 16 floej BaiUlad. Saa Fraadaeo, GaL ItlVJVTkD eUjB of Sing' Cotnb IU.S Orrinrton eggs lo those who want to raise the brat winter layers. Large ei and quick growers. Price $ 110 tt sotting. B.N. TLKiES.Grahara.M.C. CASTOR I. A Tot lafar.U an 4 CHlLrta. Ri Iti Y:i E::3 tot Bmts t&a V r r Stfaatsre of CC:0 7, n I n mme ,0. r i rack ( rrarr o