The Alamance Gleaner. VOL. XXXV, GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909. NO. 10 jUST ONE that wora u It refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver PUIS a.-i-J MEANS HEALTH. " Are yon constipated? Troubled with indication? Slck headache? ; -Vrrtlgo? - ' .Amnlfl? i. iNV of these symptom and) many others iadltate Inaction on wren You KToeca. Take No Substitute. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DONALD GULLEY Attorney-at- Law. -i . BURLINGTON, N. .C. SELLAE3 BCIMING, DR. WILLS.LOTfG, JR. ' ' PENT'T . 4 i Graham. - . ' North Carolina OFFICE ix SIMMONS BUILDING IAC0B A. LONG. 3. BLMEB MNG. LONG & LONG, Attorneys and Counselors at Iw GRAHAM, . ,. ' t, s. cook:, Attorney-at. Law, - GRAHAM, - - N. C. Offloe Patterson Building -Seoond Floor. . , . . . . ' C A. HALL, ATTORNEY AND 0OUNSELLOB-AT-LAW, GRAHAM, N, 0. ' Office in the Bank of Alamanoe Balding, up stairs. IohkiJua i mua. W. P. BTMtrat, Jk. Uk N UM & BYNUM, , . Attorney and Gotmaelora at Zjaw O.tUENSBOBO, W.' :J-. rraetiee regularly In the courts of Ala atae county. , ; t ,3 ; jv- Aajc,t,tl? ROB'T C. STRUDWICK Attorney-at-Law, .jyVi; " Gli EENSBOROJrSl?: Practices in the courts of Ala mance and Guilford counties. You get W what you " payfor1ji when ycni" buy your; and ":'; f ; Eyeglasses ; from ;j Z. T.fHADLEY Jeweler and OntlrJiB-X ir. . . ' r 1t MtllMIIUMMMM Weak Women DOth u h. k.wh aonMttk Hill en?- jam LTT"a -GRAHAM DRU3 CO. k ... . .. -Hi. Co.t. as. ZwZZ.T? " r r- lull's Pills mmim iff15J r? and Washington Letter. Washington, D. C, April 17. The Aldrich substitute from the Payne tariff bill has finally been completed, or practically so, and made public. The Democratic members of the Finance commit tee were given no opportunity even to read the bill before it was reported to the Senate, the major ity, solely by virtue of superior numbers, voting down the motion of Senator Bailey to postpone a report until time should be af forded the Democrats to examine the measures and at least present their views to the committee. This course was typical of the high handed methods which the majority has pusiued throughout the consideration of the measure. The Democratic members of the committee were given no oppor tunity to examine witnesses or even to hear their testimony and as Senator Aldrich put it, "The majority expects to assume the full responsibility for the bill." As was to have been expected the Aldrich bill is not tariff re vision in any sense of the word In fact, the changes from the Dingley law are so immaterial that in the opinion of many ex perts it has been simply a travesty on revision and a wholly useless disturbance of business to attempt at all to revise the tariff. ' 'Tariff revision by its friends" has proven a total failure. There are it is true, a few spectacular changes in the Aldrich bill. A duty of 35 per cent, has been placed on foreign built yachts and the duty on champagne and wines has been increased somewhat, but on the other hand the duty on woolens has been increased, lumber is still taxed at $1 a thousand feet, the tax on gloves and hosiery is left th.e same as the Dingley law and in a word, there are no material reductions from the Dingley iaw on anv of the real necessities of life. The Democratic Senators held a caucus todav to consider what steps they should take in the in terest of the consumers to secure some reductions on those things which the plain people are com pelled to buy day after day and on which they now pay high trib ute to the trusts. The Demo crats will make an earnest fight for reductions all along the line exfierjt in those things which the South produces, such as lumber, sugar, etc. An effort will be made by the Southern Senators to re store the duty on lumber to $2 a thousand, which is the Dingley rate, and the Texas and other SenAtors will doubtless seek to have the duty on hides increased There is serious question as to whether the Aldrich bill will pro duce sufficient revenue to carry on the government and Senator Bailev will introduce an amend ment providing for an income tax which is in accord with the views of President Taft, although there is not the slightest likelihood that the Senate will permit any such amendment to be added to the bill. However, the Republicans are themselves considerably wor ried for fear the President will send a message to Congress urging that some form of income tax be adopted. The' House leaders having, as they supposed, carefully conceal kA a little "joker" in the' Payne whiMi wonld have enabled the Standard OU Company to im nm the uetroleum from it Mexi can mines free of duty and would have afforded protection of from 20 per cent, upwards on all pro dnct of petroleum, were detected in their little game and were com pelled to adopt a resolution recall in the bill and adding the pro duct of oetrolenm to the free list, to the great chagrin of Speaker - .n.l liia cohorts in me tiiuuuu House organisations. The House, under a provision of the Consti tntJmi. will have to meet twice a week while the Senato is consider t ih. tariff bill but these meet ings will be pro forma, practical- I. t.A TmaittMS Will DO vruo , in fact, it U doubtful if there will ba a quorum present at any time as moat of the members have gone o their home, ao that tne proa- . . . -If kat flAtfl. pct re tbAt mere win t ing doing In ue iiouac . next three or four weeks. Th Attortiev General nasmaae publie a letter addressed to Swift Co., the Ciucago pc-, - hich he tells them thai that they will not bo prosecuted if they will promise to be good in the future. Under the last admin istration the packers would have been prosecuted for such violation of the law, despite the fact that it was a custom of long practice and that the packers seem to have been ignorant of the fact that they were violating the law. It must be admitted however, that it is doubtful if such a prosecution would have resulted in a convic tion, so it is perhaps to the best interest of tho public that thev should be let off with a warning this time and the government thus saved the expense of a use less prosecution. There will be general satisfac tion over the decision of the Su preme Court of the United States affirming the decision of t he Texas courts imposing a fine of $1,600, 000 on the Waters-Pierce Oil Co., which is merely a branch of the Standard Oil Co., and ousting it from the State. Deferred from last week. Washington April 10, 1009. Uhe Republicans in Congress getting themselves into a nret- ty snarl over the alleged tariff re vision. Apparently President Taft and some other members of the party deluded themselves with the belief that "the tariff could be re vised by its "friends," but the at tempt has served only to demon strate the accuracy of the Demo cratic contention that the Repub can party is the creature of trusts and special interests, that its members are beholden to them for their election to Congress, and that however insistent may be the demands of voters or the wails of the consumers, they dare not dis obey their masters. Were the tariff system what it purports to be, simply a method of encourag ing infant industries to a point where they can stand alone, the claim that the tariff law should be revised by its friends would be logical and consistent, but what ever may have been the iunaa mental theory of the protective system, as administered by the party in power it has become sim ply a method of enchancing the profits and perpetuating the mo noplies of its beneficiaries who in return for the favors conferred upon them send men to Congress to carry out their wishes when ever a revision is undertaken. The truth of these assertions is becoming apparent to Mr. Tat and other theoretical advocates of that fundamental policy of the Republican party. Already the President is beginning to realize that in the near future he will bo confronted with the dilemma of vetoing the Aldrich-Payne bill be cause it in is no sense a "revision downwards," or of signing a bill which in no essential makes good the pledges of his party, as ex pressed in the platform on which he was nominated and elected. Behind the closed doors of the Finance Committee Senator Alu- drich and his colleagues are grad ually but surely eliminating from the Payne bill every feature which could, by any stretch of the imagination, be regarded as in the interest of the consumer. Re publican Senators on the Finance Committee complain Ditteny or the selfishness of the protected in terests. They say frankly that these men are so insistent on the maximum of protection that they demand rates which must prove the destruction of kindred indus tries. The tanners of hides in insist upon duties which the mak- J-V J.1.M m ers 01 dooib anu BiiuCTu7i." prove their ruin. The steel trust insists upon duties on bar ateel which make it impossible for the manufacturers of tools to turn out their product at a profit. "But, hy do you heed these inorainai demandiin your correaponaeni asked a Republican member of the Finance Committee. The re ply was as illuminating aa it was frank. "They are our friend," said the Senator "and we eanaot afford to incur their enmity." - Whether the next House of Representative is Republican or Democratic depend entirely up on whether it i possible to oe ceive a majority of the people all of the time. The Republican candidate for reelection will go . . wA nMnt trt tba on U aiumj tr"-- mMnifleent reduction of five-one- hundredths of a pound they have nude in the duty on raw augar. Of course they will aay nothing of the fact that a long aa they intact the reduction profited only the sugar trust. They will point to the increased duty on gloves and hoisery as evidence of the solicitude of their party for the girls and women working in the knitting factories and numbering several hundred thousand, but they will say nothing of the con sumers compelled to pay higher prices or wear thinner gloves and stockings and numbering several millions. If the voters think, in stead of permitting the Republi can politicians to do their think ing for them Novenber 1910, there will be a Democratic majority in the next House of Representa tives. Attorney-General Wickersham has struck a body blow at the Kansas law guaranteeing bank deposits. He has officially decid ed that National banks cannot avail themselves of this law and, therefore, enter into competition with the State banks. It remains a question whether the National banks will be driven out of busi ness in Kansas or their all-power ful influence will prove sufficient to repeal the law. When Mr. Wickersham was asked recently if it were true that he has receiv ed a fee of $200,000 from the Chi cago traction companies for his work on the reorganization com mittee, he replied that it was and that he did not deem the fee in ordinate, in fact he doubted if he would be willing to undertake life work for the same conpensation . There may be no connection be tween these facts, but there are those who will be prone to believe that the New York corporation lawyer who charged the Chicago traction Companies $200,000 for his "services," would nat urally feel little consideration for the Kansas bank guarantee act. President Taft, after spending another half day listening to the contentions of the representatives of "straight" whiskey and recti fied whiskey has thrown up his hands in despair and turned the whole matter over to Lloyd Bow ers, his new Solicitor General. Meanwhile, however, he has or dered a suspension of the ruling that rectified spirits shall be branded "imitation whiskey," which, of course, the rectifiers hale as a decided victory, as doubtless it is, for it will add at least one hundred per cent to their profits, pending Mr. Bowers' de cision whatever that may be. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Snoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescrip tion Dr. Shoop'r Retaorative is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments the weak inside or controlling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, if one goes at it cor rectly. Each inside organ has Its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerve fail then those or gans must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and rec ommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few day, and see! Im provement will promptly follow. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Two men were burned to death and three others seriously injured as the result of an explosion in one of the oil stills of the Standard Oil Company at Point Richmond, Cal., Friday a week. The fire, which was scattered over eight acres, wa fought for an hour by 1,500 men and the damage is $50, 000. The Btill which exploded had a capacity of 10,000 barrel. Norman E. Mack, chairman of the Democratic national commit tee, announces that he has com pleted arrangement for the pub lication of a monthly magazine to be known as the National Month ly, and to be devoted to the inter eat of the Democratic party in the nation. The first isaue of the magazine will make it appear ance under date of Ma 1. The contributor to it Include United State Senators, member of the Ilouae of Representative, Gov ernor and other prominent mem ber of the Democratic party. aa4 Uvwr TraaM CarW. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cure stomach and liver trouble a it aid dictation, and atimulate the liver and bowel without irri tating theae organ like pill and ordinary cathartic. It cure in digestion and ick headache and chronic eonatipation. Orino Lax ative Fruit Syrup doe K au eate or gripe and i mild and pleasant to take. Refoae aubrti tutea. Graham Drag Co. Crowdtd out last week.l MEBANE ITEMS Cor. of the Gleaner. Mr. Chas. Allen has about com pleted a nice residence on his lot in South Mebane. j Mr. A. W. Sykes has material ftn the ground for an addition to residence. Quite a number went from here to C Occoneechee Farm at Hillsboro to picnic Monday. All report an enjoyable time. The children of our town were treated to an Egg hunt Monday jfifternoon in the park. ij The Mebane Drug Co. have add- jed very much to the appearance Vf their place by having it repa' pered and painted. The II. E. Wilkerson Co. have erected a nice awning over their front which adds much to its ap pearance. Mrs. Mary Scott is real sick at her home in North Mebane. Mr. Ed. Wilkerson s baby is very sick with measles. Mr. W. A. Murray, who holds a position as traveling salesman with the Armour Fertilizer Co., of Atlanta, Ga., spent Sunday and Monday at his home here. Mr. J. B. Stroud1; traveling salesman for the Craddock-Terry Shoe Co., of Lynchburg, Va., was in town Monday. Miss Alice Lasley, of Durham, spent Easter with her cousin, Mrs. II. C. Nicholson. Misses Ada and Rose Smith, of Durham, visited Mr. Ab. Smith from Saturday until Monday after noon. Miss Barbara Shaw is visiting friends in Hillsboro this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Quails spent Easter at Efland. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barnett went to Burlington Saturday to spend Easter. Mr. W. A. Thompson spent Sunday and Monday with his peo ple at Efland. Miss Roxio Vaughn, of Mebane, R. F. D. No. 2, spent Monday and Tuesday with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Morgan spent from Saturday until Mon day visiting Mrs, Morgan's people. Mr. J. L. Amick spent Sunday with his father near Liberty. Miss Minnie Sudds, of Durham, spent Easter with Mrs. II. C. Nicholson. Mr. Ernest Thornton spent Sunday at Haw River. Must be some attraction np there for Ernest as he goes up there right often of late. Mr. C. K. Thompson, of Semora, was in town Monday. Mr. W. B. Cheek, Supt. of Oc coneechee Farm at Hillsboro, was in town Saturday. Rev. M. O. Sample, Pastor of Cross Road Church, was in town Tuesday. Rev. B. W. Mebane, Pastor of Hawfields Church, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Covington, an old citizen three mile south of Me bane, Is very sick and not expect ed to live. An Immense Reviewing Stand For 20th of May Celebration. Cor. of the Gleaaer. Charlotte, April 19th. All com mittee of the Twentieth of May celebration, which is to be held in this city next month commemorat ing the signing of the Mecklen burg Declaration of Independ ence, are' rapidly completing their programme for the big event. The several parade committees, including the floral, the colonial and other, are making prepara tion for the moat spectacular af fair in the history of the city. The Daughter of the American Revolution, the Children of the J Confederacy, the Colonial Dame and other historic organization will participate in the procession. The fhtlp"" of the floral parade committee is anxkma that all mem-! ben of theae organization who do not live In Charlotte ahall be prea ent on "Taft Day" and take part in the parade. ' Definite plan have been made to erect an immense reviewing stand on the Mecklenburg County court house ground from which Preaident Taft and his party. In cluding Mrs. Taft and Mrs. Stone wall Jackson, will review the pa rade. No one can breathe at a greater height than seven mQe from the earth. m HI J m ana - mi 7 sweet, and perfectly wholesome. Royal is a safe guard against the cheap alum powders which are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOYAL 19 THE ONLY BAKING POWDER MADE FROM ROYAL CRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR - - - - a Why Horses Are Mounted From the Left Bide. "Mount your horse on the left side," said the riding school teach er. 'Why? What difference does it make?" said the pupil. "It's the rule." "But why should it be the rule?" "Because in the past horsemen wore swords. They wore them on the left hip, hence had they mounted on the right side the sword would have got in the way. So they mounted on the left, and we still mount on the left side. Horses are accustomed to it, and if you try to get up from the right you are liable to be kicked." Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a clever "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer Cou pon privilege from Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, Wis. It is silver-plated, very pretty, and positively prevents all dripping of tea or coffee. The doc tor sends it, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" simply to introduce this clever substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popu larity because of: first, it exquis ite taste and flavor; second, its absolute healthfulness; third, its economy one and one- half pounds 25c; fourth, its conven ience. No tedious 20 to 30 min utes boiling. "Made in a minute" says Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's for a pleasant surprise. Blackmon fc Farrell. Jerome Marsh, an employe, was killed, several others Mere injured and ten small buildings were de stroyed by an explosion in the corning mill of the DuPont Pow der Works at Wayne, N. J., Fri day a week. I'd Rather Ola, Doctor, than have my feet cut off," said M. L. Bingham, of Princeville, 111. "but you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight to) if you don't," said all doctors. In stead he used Bucklen's Arnica Salvo till wholly cured. Its cunn of Eczema, Fever Hon, Uoils and Hums astound the world. 25c. at Graham Drug Co. In Spain, In olden times, no man might ride a horse which the king had mounted. waat Over Klagara. Thl terrible calamity often happen becauso careless boat man Ignore the river's warning growing ripples and faster cur rent Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warn you the Kidney need at tention if you would escape fatal maladies Dropsy, Dialn-tea or Bright' disease. Take Electric Bitter at once and aee Backache fly and all your beet feelings re turn." After long suffering from weak kidney and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me." write J. R. Blankenship, of Belk Tenn. Only 50c at Graham urag Co. Everton toffee wa first made about 1759 by Molly Buahnell, in Everton village. - $100 Dr. E. Detcbon Antl Diuretic may be worth to you more than f 100 if yoa bat a child who oil bedding from incnoUnenea' of water during sleep. Cur old and young alike. It arrest the trouble at once. $1. Sold by Graham Drug CO. , . .- A long, trong thumb always indicates great will power and force of character. - ; TiOminMaaMacf Taka Laxatir Bromo Qohvo T.h! All dranriots refund the mrtnev if it fails to cure. E. W ftmva'a airnalure U on each box 25 Thousands of millions of cans of Royal Baking Powder have been used in making bread, biscuit and cake in this country. and every housekeeper using it has rested in perfect confi dence that her food would be lidit. w v wak m akHM - . - - - - - - - North Carotins Patents. Granted this week. Reported by C. A. Snov fc Co., Patent At torneys, Washington, D. C. J. T. Bland, Pittsboro, Road-scraper A. II. Geinmell, Montezuma, Curling-iron. L. Holt, Burling ton, Rotary engine. B. R. Hun tor, Kings Mountain, Lubricator. J. B. Wright, Greensboro, Shutter-hinge. For copy of any of above patents Bend ten cents in postage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow Ss, Co., Wash ington D. C. Up Before tbe Bar. N. II. Brown, an attorney, of Pittsfleld. Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medicine wo couldn't be without them." For Chills, Con stipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonders, 25c, at Graham Drug Co. In Richmond county Superior Court last week W. II. Griffin, tried for the murder of Sandy Gilchrist, was convicted of man slaughter and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Griffin, who was a police officer at Ham let, shot Gilchrist while trying to arrest him, claiming that the lat ter resisted. Rheumatic poisons-are quickly and surely driven out of t he blood with Dr. Shoop s Kheumallc Horn et ly liquid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's booklet on Rheumatism plainly and interestingly tells just how this is done. Tell some suf ferer of this book, or bettor still, write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for the book and free test samples. Send no money. Just join with Dr. Shoop and give hoiiic sufferer a pleasant surprise, urahani Drug Co. The oldest known English pic ture is one of Chaucer, painted on panel in the year 1380. You who havo occasional trou ble from indigeation, such as sour stomach, belching of gas, our risings and weak stomach, should not delay a moment to help the stomach digest tho food for all theae little ailments, annoying both to yourself and others, are caused simply by undigested rood in the stomach. Kodol for Dys pepsia and Indigestion taken oc casionally will soon relieve you of all the simplo stomach ailment that you now have, but which may be more serious later. Try Kodol today and take it on our guarantee, neknow it will do what we say It will do. It is sold by Graham Drug Co. Thread has been produced from nettle fiber so fine that CO miles of it weighs on 2 1-2 lbs. Carod Beasstrhafaa ef the Laaf. "Several rear since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemorrhage!," write A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treat ment with several physicians with out any benefit. I then started to take Foley Honey and Jar, ana my lungs are now aa sound as a bullet. I recommend it in ad vanced atages of lung trouble." Folev' Honey and Tar stop the cough and heals the lungs, and prevents serous reault from a cold. Refuse substitutes. Gra ham Drug Co. The temperature of the encum ber is one degree below that of the surrounding atmosphere. Read the plain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a bet ter one. Pain mean congestion, blood pressure somewhere. - Dr. Shoop' Pink Pain Tablet check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! 20 for 5e. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Trustee's Sale ! Real Estate. Under and br virtue of a deed ot trust m. ecuted to me by Maok O.- Williamson, bear ing date of August . 1007. and dulr reirlatar- ea In tbe office of tbe hevister of Denis for tntires, on pages 01 to M, and because of de fault made In the payment of the debt there by secured, demand htrlDf been mdA fnr AiainHijue cuuult. 111 jwu. rvu. t ok mfiri- siild payment, at tbe request of tbe bolder of said bond secured by said deed of trust, I wlllseUfor oath, at publie outcry, to the best bidder, at the court bouse door In a rm bam. Murtb Carolina, on CahirJav Mandi IE IOAO i at twelve o'clock, noon, tbe following; lot of muu, lying muu ueins; in aaeiviiie townsnip, A.'amancecountv. In said MttA. aiuf hnnnrf. ed as follows: Adjoining tbe' lands of Byrd Wlllismson, Wm. Uenson aad othvra, snd bounded on the North by Mack Cv William' son, on tbe West by Byrd Williamson, on the luist uy nn, i. nenwn, on tne eonui 0 Geo. Lea. snd said to contain one acre, mnre or lean, it being a lot con yeyed to said Mack u. uusmson oy 11. 1. nernonie, anenE. W. W it Ami H Tmdu 1 J.H.CO0K.Atty. NORTH CAROLINA FARMERS Need a North Carolina Farm Paper. ", One adapted to North Carolina climate, soils and conditions. made by Tar Heels and for Tar Heels- and at the same time as wide awake as any in Kentucky or Kamchatka, ouch a paper u The Progressive Farmer RALEIGH. N. c;; Edited by Clabesck H. Poe, with Dr. W. C. Burkett,Vctor B. A. & M. College, and DLector B. W. Kilgore, of the Agricutlural Experiment Station (yoa know them), a assistant editors ($1 a year). If you are already taking the naDer. we can make no reduc tion, but if you are not taking it YOU CAN SAVE EOC By sending your order . to us That is to say, new Progressive Farmer subscribers w will send that paper with The Glxajteb, both one year for f 1 50, regnlar price $2.UU. Addrsesa THE GLEANER, Graham, N. C. e attaches! This time of the year are signals of warning. TakeTaraxacum Com pound now. It may ava you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine araxacum :mebane. I N. C. FREE TRIP to.tJe PACIFIC COAST AM YOU ONB ei. tka aaaary tlsos bskL wke waat tm explore tkis Wos dVlaad 7 7 7 7. SUNSET &IAGAZI3S kaa iswtitarri a aw eUfartsBeavt. wkaai aaaesal vara: at if aa wm witkaa tLa ml arerr aaa aa asaastaaila to as tk FAR WEST. WirtaW Saaaata Coyy. It It It It . rWasSi Sunset Trarel GIcF) U noaJ Baikflafc Zm fiaaraana. CaL EGrGrS ettinR o1! 7 Single W Comb Buff Orpb gtan eggs to those who waat to raise the beat winter layers. Large si ra and quick grower. Price f Jr setting. B. N. Tctix,GraLam,VC. CASTOR I A lor Izlaxia and CLIIirtx RiK:iY;aE:73A:::::r Bear tho CgaAtar I em em to 0 left the duty on reOnea ugar hare been accepting rebate but