It J 1 1 it i i i ( ? I ft r 3-. , k - n iJ!.- ,3 THE GLEANER. ISSUED EVEKY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.0O A YEAR, IN ADVANCE" ADVERTISING HATES One square (1 In.) 1 ttmefl.lO. raobsul aiquent Insertion 60 cents. For more space and longer time, rates furnished on m.pllca- HUflt AJUUMJ QVICVll tU VfcB. O 1IIL- lit. mat . 1 i, , , Insertion ;.tirme.ueot Insertion. t-t.n line I '8tfll!l in a ItOilld of KdlHMltlon for Transient advertisements mutt N- pM for I each County, H111 it designates a in navance , White Pythians Will Try to Oust the Colored Lodges, Hooks awl school teachers do not supply common scum, but they wonderfully improve tho .4imtilv nf nM.tiirn TTnn(o fhAiini- 11 j - , -it . . 1 j. - v it r !!-. 0jf!lii 1101 I'xiwi 111 xsuri.ii vnruiiun extending their benefits to all. SCHOOLS. New Berne Hull. 1 i Iii all probability the colored i lodges of the Knights of Pythias tmtifi1lir iil in i ff ml itiiti itinrt - " I i .1 very tiiucii nwij-er. I no i;rmiw And to this nd wo have a sys tem of public schools, supported' by taxation, and the head of that. Tbe editor will not be responsible for flows expressed ly correspondents. Benterod at the Postoftloe at Oraliam, N. 0., ai second class matter. GRAHAM, N. C, June 24, 1909. N. C. EDITORS. The North Carolina Tress Asso ciation met In annual conveAtion at Hendersonville, yesterday. The ed itors are a pleasant and agreeable I ferences and Superintendent, and upon the fit ness, energy and faithfulness of the Superintendent largely de- ponds the efficiency of the schools, and this has como to be generally recognized. The certainty of fit ness can only bo ascertained by trial. Some of the duties of Sup erinteudent are prescribed routine but many and equally important are not. He must supervise, di rect and guide the teachers, he must hear complaints, adj ust dif- pacify animosities company ana no set ot men on earin i that may ari80 between teachers, enjoy their annual meetings more I committer ami patrons, and by man they, it would nave pleased suggestion and', advice and in us to be with the brethren this I every way ne can m elevating week. We wish thorn a profitable tno Htandard and increasing the and enjoyablo meeting. benefit of the schools of his I County, and to do this requires many visits to the different schools and many conferences with teachers, committeemen and patrons. Ho is provided with an office in the Court House at which he may be found at all times when not absent in response to the duties of his office. His whole time is actively occupied, and he can have no other engagements Hon. Reuben D. Roid died at his without neglect of his official du- hnmA in WaiiI ivrtrth. An thn 9latties. Rev. Dr. E. J. Murdock, of Salis bury, died suddenly yesterday morning in Charleston, S. C, whero he had gone on a visit to his sisters. He was not only a prominent preacher but a leader in the business life of Salisbury. He had been Rector of St. Luke's church for thirty-seven years. from a stroke of apoplexy which came last Friday. He was regard ed as Rockingham's leading citizen He was an able lawyer. Ho was n son of Ex-Oov. David S. Reid and a grandson of the elder Judge Thos. Settle. Ho would have been fifty years old on Doc. 16th, next. And as is usual with those en gaged in educational work he is poorly paid for services required. The marked improvement of our public schools within the past ten years is gratifying to us all. Wo have better school houses, better teachers, longer schools, larger attendances and better Dr fW A MnbnnA i. fain a scnoiars. r or an t nose we are prominently mentioned by tho press moro llllob to our Superinten an thA DAmncrnt o CAndidntn fnr uuui. iiinu w uy uwir iiiiiiieuce, ! f n'' mm .1 .. . I And his iffiitipv in triipunlilo a ..ill irnwn l n i if 1 1 I ill hi. u imtl vmt i -- - - - The Dr. is s son of the lata Dr. R F. to his long experience in school Mebane. ono of the best citizons this work- nHho zeal in the work mantrvAr had Th T)r liv. t that naturally comes to ouo so Snrav. Rockingham count and the loK engaged in it press of his adopted county heartily 1 rr endorse mm. iie has ever been a true blue Democrat and has kept lixijff of the ivi'igh.sor ryihias, r.'Ceutly in se.:)iOii in llenderHou ille, tooka very decided stand ii jaiimt ihonflfroes aiid legal pro- v!;iI.:Ji will be instit uted to pre veui them from further use of 1 tie n:i'iie and iuuigrnia of the or- ier. To thin end a committee was lamed to take the matter in hand and proceed as the members think best. The committee is compos ed of Messrs. M. W. Bell, of Mur phy; J. C. Clifford, of Dunn, and P. S. Carlton, of Salisbury. The matter was not discussed at length on the floor of the convention, as it has been thoroughly gone, into privately by the different mem bers. When the resolution was offered the members understood its meaning and passed it without any discussion. Some time ago the Supreme Grand Council is sued a dispensation to the Grand Council of Georgia allowing it to take action in the State courts against the negroes of Georgia for using the name and insignia of tho order; the Council winning its suit recently. It is under stood that the case will be taken to the Supreme Court of the United States. The Grand Council of this State can take action against the negroes in either the State or Federal Courts or go to the Leg islature and ask that the charter be revoked. It is not known here what action the special com mittee proposes to take, but they will do whatever appears to be the wisest. There are not a great many colored lodges in this State and it is not thought probable that a vigorous fight will bo made by them. They may fight it for a while but the opinion seems to be that they will eventually abandon the effort to continue the use of the name and insignia. Amencaui Independence JLDay X AM mity rvi ERRATF AGAIN THIS YEAR GRAB Satorday, July 3 Iii Grander Style than 1 Ever Before. Willi 11 iiuuac-ucciuiK in Order. $50 in cash will be men to the successful contestantsm XireCIl & MCLlOFe it ' m . ' a. . J3- T7T! jiJI f 4-1 Tho I .rtnTsOri-r V. ' , " . ; ine loumameni anu rjutuers .uuiiv.cuuuu. ;c vvvy ; A c . m.f vo0 xxAU ha hor r( HinTiPr w be served to Pfepaieu iui tins yy gerang in ware C Wl HlW , iu wv iivx v ". I 1 Uir. A-F aInf4-,A. fV,ntY. -Kir fVin r.Qiiblifpra:nf tho Cnnffidftracv. A dav 01 w ungiit, new eloquence, fun and amusement. Lemonade in abundance for everybody. clear of disagrooablo factional party strife. His candidacy is meeting with a heart) reception. We have had the same Super intendent by biennial elections for. the past ton years, and another election is at hand. Tho incumbent may have made mistakes, and no doubt helms, as he is but a man, and all men make Mark Twain's Advice fo Young Lady Graduates. The Program will be as Follows: 10:00 A. M. - Contests by Graham Fire Department A. M. Address by Prominent Speaker. 12:30 P. M. Dinner Served to Confederate Veterans by the Daughters of the Confederacy. 1:45 P. M. Fiddlers' Convention and Open Air Concert. Admission Free. - 4:00 P.M. Horseback Tournament. 5:00 P. M. Match Game of Base Ball. The rrizes for the successful contestants will be: In the Tournament, $10.00, $7.50, o.uu ana $z.ov, ana no person given more man one prize. In the Fiddlers' Convention, $10.00, $7.50, $5.00 and $2.50. The judges will be selected on that day from the audience. Let evervbodvlcome and take Dart in these exercises and gain the patriotic inspiration of the occasion. It will do you good to see the decorations and hear Dixie and The patterns,: Art-Squares, . Kugs, utc. We can fnrnish anything you need to brighten up the home and give : it the appearance of a bright : Spring Morning. I Give us a Trial. Very truly, GRAHAM, N. C BINGHAM SCHOOL' 1793 - 1010 ro lit IUES bor kn hns pn(nA be OOLLIOI tod lot Un, u tefe tmsMitf to b. M a TH B B I NOMA MICHOOL. Wllj lotl o Aah.vlllt Plateau. OrynttiHon MIL1TABT tot dllelplljM, tootrol tad nli.. Boyi expellea fna otbw MhooU no nttlni. A ViOiOUS boy MQt bona u torn m timuti. Haiins a4S T ptedsa ol kooor. limited to I3. BMh mnublt. Ulna COL. ft. StnoHUI, Sunt., ft. V. D., Box SO, ISHtTIUI, . C. man Domocrats in Congreos are cri ti Ciaod whnthnr thou (uvnr a tariff nn this article or no d.,tv on iUt Mn P,oft8e everybody v;i,A. . , r r I Men are sometimes blamed fur 'www m ftW Ui WIUWiBvV. I T.,.tt .k- Prudent action and some V 111! AUi III IV t 0rTV nf mialn,, n. if Wi I tin,Jtt PrAlsed tor Unwise, inipm tn . A - tv,- : Ilent action. It is a matter of clnW Th. Dnwt linVM 5n differences of opinion. tariff for revenue-a rate that will . "" "T wvnP,e8 "8 A year-or so ago when Mark Twain was crossing the Atlantic l';tSwu Star Spangled Banner played by the i band and see the st. T ,nnh, setooi t cuims- Veterans march.1" Graham is hot tradmsr that day: she is I V H. 11 1 ' I . M. Hit 111! I' II iii IIUI I L 111 ft i I I J . J - . - mistakes. He may be criticised i. ' : ,-- enimammj?. Lii every uouy come. m, m. . ry VIIK W ftftv UUIU I " L '- . ani no uouw no is, as no LITTLETON COLLEGE One of the most successful and best sqiipped boarding schools in the South with hot water heat, electric lights and other mod ern improvements. 28 annual session will begin Sept. 15, 1909. For catalogue address J. M; RHODES, Paes., Littleton, N. C. the promt uttond the commencement at her school when ebo graduated. Ijast weok Mark made his word good and following is the advice which lie gave the graduating class: There is nothing for me to do I but to tell you young ladies what not to do. There am thrnAthincm wmiiwvu wi yio kvW ..- UViV I urtuuljn -J a. rm i i. I UCWtiUU qnonce the rate may afford incident- T, , ,1 V . ' I "First-Don't smoke that is, al protection. On the other hand u i'"f" not to excess. the Republican fsror. Uriff, not for Will it be wise to displace him with an untried successor? In view of his long experience in tho work and his familiarity with it, and of his demonstrated Satu THE DATE afford the greatest amount of reve- m, rday, IS Filly 3rd Will Offer Again Haw River Land., ane on a given article, and in conse- the sake of revenue, but for protec tion's sake. He nukes revenue the ; incident The aim of the Democrat it to put money in the nation's , treasury and favor the consumer; that of the Republican- it, to pat money in the pockets of those who grow or manufacture the taxed arti cle and lei the consumer pay the -. price.' '' - ' The engagement of Mr. W. . , . i iui nam xxciaiui nuu Mavioa auuiv alVaVfl iniAlrU1 Arwrtwem ciav. I 7Z:Z:.:Z:7r r."u? Salisbury, isannoonced .-.w w Wv. . ThA mft.UTA Will tAtA nliui In QuaaioI rtvn't. i.inb tt...t I o "r- - . v ..w. in, l. !!,'. I ntVn n1,n.l, Hal, inuury, - on uiu evening oi rfuiy "Third Don't marry that is, 9fl o xcees. , "Now. If rnn vnnnn loilloa 7i ri V.7 i . .V fraln these thing yon .v. w . -v.r, . wm hayA vIrtue that Inmrcukt. nr thA ihlWImii. anI I .... - - cuuuin, una Mfl nl i.on- lnil " U- -II .L. 1- I ' - VV. county, I venture tjie hope that thatisthat honesty Is the best drown in Kanuga :tke near Mr. Boat is a native of Row an and is ft newspaper writer of reputation. Seldon Stepp, 2 yean old, the son of A. F. Stepp, a fanner liv ing near Hendersonville. ; was L. 1 a . uo mar ue namen as nis own sue-1 . At A vnAAt.iniF it tliA triiatiiAS aNaI.- I : - - - vwnnui a A,. . a . . Ersklne CoUotro. Due Wests. (1. -J - . i rememDer wnea i naajiist attireenwood. S. GJ TuuJv flL l - , wmwu "nooento Abroad, when Hendersonville, Satu rday . after noon while' sailing a small boat which he. had made himself. Two men who vtjese in the same time"barely es caped with their lives.) -'-j ; The -entire plant of the Wash ington Messenger, a daily , papier at dreenwooil S O ' TamA al - , I "iiwu innooenm ADroaa,' when l 7 wooT Jieni :tSOM Struck by Uihtninj. 1 1 nd my partner wanted to pi.... ..uu t. I . . anew8pawreyndieate.iWelAld.D?,',' w18" t.resiiip,wiwurew nis resignation.!. , ... I , " Tb vntMr. l",,0D,rt' ,Wl- hdr and did notTknow where to . ...v-.--7 VI 1 WhllK IK ' wlaA I .1a UrLII. . aalarvtoth nmii,iAnt h r.-T , iu . tuie we were in aquan aaiaryio tne president and pro- .ttendinir a Sundav School nlL.r ii . r. . ...j . vdwiou . TSMIUSIMB UWDI lat Martin Sorlnm near hem. wmwlthi. atMt. -rlV it- laTieratAd 4n-WajihimrtAtii-f12.r . . - 1 . ww. . AIV.WS UU UAO SjftUl-1 -" O . " Jurs. rranoes IlarUey, widow eflstandins under a tree vmtnUr lin. ,li . . I for th riajit, ammra.1 vksMtn'Hlf. amUUonaire manufacturer, who to ccane a ' shownrl a bolt nf I ift.. v . .v. ' fArant nsnoM. inJ 1 AXA i Vt i - I .. . uwm.uiuri"- rr " - - srr ? ."""2i 'V m.8 -rnck the 69 nd elniIgotl3fromliJm Peaded publicaUoa. bojit two jeverycnua was rendered neon-1 for tcUinij him whw the do waa.1 monU ucU6n linn iff aaai n Atntvifv wvlak!. I I I. . . " . , . . I - V ; . . cous. I So I went back and gave the $3 1 DT 6 Monday.4- i ..iHimin-i nnpn aia nns inn m hams i u ... .vrtu t 1 1 r. I - k . . . v . . , , , . I ...... ... w iw un w uun i wiu li w, ua -u uaa wiloiwwisi u,,t lv nw on y uaugnter was were lying In a heap at the foot of I have lived honosUy ever mlnee. l,i a dinlns room Uble valued at 115.1 tK. .it -i I lI.V'l.?lr!;?.'.l!Vrr .''T-lf J I "V a w tut W T7f U AUlWrCDUr I " . ' t - WT V www waamw ami . t . mm s . A . I atitOtkOfkAl rouii man, jarun iinaisn, l . nKm or uniio miwd bf two doctors In the1einP,0JTd M tant cook in the XKf. and on examination kJ,chcn of ; Mary's CoUeg, !ttXXl Mia Kuauohioa Tab. W 1MB thla taba sa- aara ranhiiitf aooaa sm Im- ac, sm waaa i m aenrair omo- itoa nauls. ftad an)aa uwlo- llotmnnt. nmiton Anttntv ... 1 lm.u aa ba takao oat tha uba -- , mhwm as in 'normal eondJUoa. aaarlai wiu na ieiuvralunfw bid eaaaa out of oaaaaa jr eatarra, waioa M ootainf niliaiart pootliUua ol ttt ntitooos af o reason is assigned for the f dead.' trange ooquesty . . There were Airs, lleveland,- widow of Oro-lpicnio party and on examination Ver Cleveland, was a witnmta In Ithev fonnil nnt nna nf iSi.I.II,1. oonrtinNewYork city Tuesday had been killed outright, thongh rWonU,,J' drownwl Sunday aftil &UV a week to testify for tha nimwon. aix of thm wi In .noh noon hile bathiag in the CaUw- tloa in the ease of Broughtonl tion that their woovery is bardlvl " - , Um i kiwM iwurf bisnu RM...K.. . i 1 mi. r. . ... . . "I. T. IJ ,v . " f'M uara.wi arlinl. ,mA l.v .t. I l j . Iln tk. T I F. i. CHftX IT ft (XX,TotaOK O -"' svuibi ue I iruurmi uncDDBCions. ar noil ", v -.vm, jau, w I Sow hr Piianlata. 1 New Tork Tiaea a nnlitlaJ art 1. 1 rnnftkVWwt In . dmnmn. ,t I err in ted in a fire which lit mv. 1 Tk Mali's romiij rui (or ele purporting to have been writ I ton.. 7 T M U buildinnjidayr "r It ,U As a rule most live stock dobet ten by former rresldent G rover I Examinations dblosed that on I thouht tbe fire was of incendiary tr when Ue grain' fed to them -is . - a . . I Cleveland. The article, which the bodies of nine of the children I " " .; - ground, but aheep will do aa well was a iorgery, wa published dur-1 the tree had been perfectly photo-1 The State Irmaceutieaa Aa-1 vhen fed whole grain. ing me campaign last year. Ipaphed by the elect He bolt Isociation a la twiei in Oreena- SUte department officials a4-Sno' bwn torn from thfiir boro this week EJve4 IS Vmt, Wm. Parr- Enghwd's oldest man married the third time at 120, worked in the fields till 132 and lived 20. years longer. Peo ple should be youthful at SO. Jas. Wright, of Spurlook, Ky., shows now to remain young. "I Xeel Jnst like a 16-year-old boy," he writes, ,4after taking six bottlos of Electric Bitters. . For thirty years Kidney trouble made life a burden, but the first bottle of this wonderful medicine convinced me I had found the greatest cure on earth." They're "a godsend!" to weak, sickly rundown or old peo ple. Try them. 60c at Graham Drug Co. ? :',-'-:y i aawaBftBaBiBWBBWa ' Corn silage in limited quantity may be fed Jo sheep, but not in a large quantity. .Yearling lambs when aheding their first teeth will not ; fatten', rapidly, on that ac count, r , Propose a Big Negro Cotony In Mis souri. Br Veason of advanoA htila anit hv nrAikv nt Court. 1 will offer for aala at nnhlfo nntrv tn ma ubiji uiuuer n uia voun uouse aoor in UIMWia uu V .-11 Saturdav' Julv 31.-' 1909 v ! St. Louis Dispatch. Tha following tranta o( Wllikim Trollmrer lands to-wlt . .1 Pint, tha traotlnmiadlatal ntwnDunnt au juiouiK ine tanas 01 w. h. xroiinger, Flees A 11,600,000 corporation, with aob S,'0ur.-T"B vuv wtvuuauuu vi w,uw uovrvw uwiuiuii uhj uunn jHiKar. JalTlii- Tarpiey. 1 , . ... , . . i colored, oontalnlng 4 ACHES more or leai. in SOUtheaSt MiSSOUri as its Ob-1 1"! of these trmo!s are In Saw Kir Towa- has been organized in St ject, ship and on the Kast side of Haw river. - Tha orrlnv nn th. S r.t nt HUU Mn Tiinls sftiik 1ft - v 1 vViin "''"auopii weseoonajl ;iu Deglm irf. ... . - .. E. B. Hale, a negro of St Lonisldown. the ouier two-thirds aoeurca vj notes as Biz ana tweire nrl I In equal Install montha, earylnc Interest from day of sale and 1 uuut prioe m luuy nam. June 21 law. K.B.FA1 , Ooro. AppUeaUoa lor laroa ol Tborn : aa Sbattcrly, Ambitious young ' men and ladies should'-learn telegraphy. for, aince the new 8-hour law be came effective there is a ahortage 01 many thousand - telegraphers foeinons pay irom ao to f7U a month to beginners. The . ''Tele graph Institute of Columbia, S, 6. -and five other cities is .operat ed tindernpemsion of &. R. Of ficials and all students are placed when qualified 'Write them for particulars.' -V" vices 'from Venezuela have clear-1 '' Dtl every pi ed up the mystery of the steamer I000 tcm 'a"cl- Kanticoke and tug Dispatch, Stic pocted of filibnjttering, showing tby were purchased by Yeue- z j U for trn.fortUon pnrjxxw?. T!. vefia, which have been de- ! st Franklin, Ya., will be hL They were apectd mtontion or carrying arms 1 r,r,;nons or war to insar-i eee of metal I The eonsoUdation of the Dixie and the North State Fire Insur ance Companies was affected at a joint meeting of the stockholders at ureensboro last week. Tl sew corporation will be known as The Dixie Fire Insurance Com pany and will bare a capital ofj 500,0(10 and asneu of over v, j 17 TOO OMT KNEW HOW ) M S I .111 V U kaU raa srs Ms Si sattaa4i Sac aad txa. T Care a CaM la Oae Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaUeta. . AU druarurta refund the money if it fails to cure. E. w. Grove s siirnature is oa each box 25c- The Teachers' . Assembly, .in atwaion at Morehead last weok, elected the followbir named of ficers: Dr. D.- IL HilL presideDt; C.L. Oooa, WOson, Viee-presi-dent; B. D. W. Connor, secretary, sod II. B. Smith and E. A- Wolta, merabers of the execuUve cotaraif- . . It is just as Important to water the colts regularly every day as to feed regularly in order to keep them in thrifty conditions - L There isnt any rues work about KodoL We do not say .to you, that it may 'or might cure your dyspepsia we " wiy it wilL We know it will, because it is made to dbreet food you eat. and when your food digest yon cant nave tnaigesuoo that's all indi restion is your stomach fails to digest your food. Heartburn. sour risings, belching, dull, heavy reeling ana sucn things are all caused byj indigestion. Kodol stops them by digesting" all the food you eat A Ublerooonf nl of jwoom aireets z nounds of food. It is a pleasant, palatable, liquid corabimtion of natural digestive juieea and vegetable acida. Sold by Graham Drug Co. , eounty. " . ; 'It is Hale's plan to build homes for the negroes on 37,000 acres of land in Carter and .Butler coun ties, on which his company has an option. The company will be conducted on the co-operative Ut basis. All supplies for toe com- SJr' K alSSrft SlPtt munitV Will ba handl "fi"Try.uuVj n pi secret aa- w rj vuv iwui w Li inuini innmn t mmriaa ana aon. eompanjrand all produce will be I ,a tor teri ' " sold through .it ,- A .parl of ; the I "effl en.rtoVr' land wm be examined, with the I .c.jCuALuf' view of sinking Iron and lead Luj-Jit . L Tbo euerir. - "f aa-vaa aT mines. tio white man will be per mitted to live on tbe property, Extnnnatioii of Teachers. T; Thousands are sick everv Tear I Uno ' regular ' exanttrmtion i of .with some form of Bowel Com-1 public school teachers will take Shr Br pn colored 9th. , ,: t : The Stat examination" 'for the - 1 TT! V. 1. .- a - . The 120 sacks of Ilifh-SChonl TnsLPht.r'm iCL AOttn auxwl I . . . " " "VH.W, ' " mwm, m nnrl WVoa -a E.1 . rm. . Mam . ' meal wired in Ashevflle some r:0. "Se er's certificate willlHj held on the same days. ' Tlit Ct -.. a m , been releimed. An . . "'- DUI'U "eu me to ,. VOW IDCTB win te weexs ago lor violation of the! United States pure food law, have the meal showed that it was mis- branded and it was' released on condition that it be retagged In accordance with it content. . 7 no other examination this year for either High-School or Five-year Certi- See School law, Sec. 4162. .r ; W. 8. LONG, SupC. OAflTOnXA. -A t a1 . at aaa 1 - a--s WartaT. rtamnstnL Your eon baa ConsnmrttiAn lits case is hopeless." These an. palling words were srxken to Om E. Blevena, a leadinz merchant of Sprtngfield, N. C, by two expert rf P1" meat; and I knot doctors one a' lung ' speciallist j WTJ? 6 resn ighl. r.. Auen was anown tho wonderful power or ir. mag's New Discov- Hello. Central I Q-m rnA Pulr. ara meat market I want a first class triece tf meal- .t, t ery. "Aner three weeks use." I j. xievens, ' be was as well as ever. I would not take all the money -in the world for what it did for my boy." Infallible foTj uougns and Uolda, its tbe safest, uresi cure To relieve conati nation; cIaaii out the boweh tone and strength en the digestive organs, put them in a natural condition with Uol lister'a Rocky Mountain Tea, the moat reliable tonic for thirtv yean. 33 cents." Tea or Tablet. Of deiment;!- -oenw- lea diseases on earth. 60c; and LO0 rrWllUa Ug J. uuaranteeaaUafacUon. Trial hot. tie free. . - - I Rirnr'p . t- Was A. TliUrnt Hm, , v AGAIN ANOTHER Re-Sale of . Land ! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court r Aiamaneeeountv. mftde to a special oeodlngs whereto all the helrs-st-lawol Int. .T Tlflppv Jnniw wr. nrnilfl nartlei (Of the purpose of selling for partition tot Isodi of the said J. Horry Jones, deoeased, all said lands being-la Alamance county, I will Offer at public sale, to the highest bidder," the Court house door In Graham, in said Al manoe county, at IS o'elook, noon, on ; Satarday, July 10, 1909, the fallowing real estate, to-wlt: Tfrat, 'A tract of land In Burlington lows ship, adjoining the lands of Capt. Turrea tloe, Henry Wbltaett and others, ana ooj talua about 111 aorea. This tract U known the Jones Old Mill traot, and is near to Bur Ungton and haa considerable timber ana woodland, and some of It open for 'colora tion. Bidding will start at tUMJNl SeeaD A traot lying on both Metof C B. M. between Graham and Haw Elver. known aa the Oant tract and oontaint ut aorea more or lea. This tract haa conaW? .1.1. . i. .iAjn. thA hAlrS of a aula wwu vu I. auu wjv.h " . . . U Walker, the heirs of Washington rns-t laoo, atra. juisaoeui nay ana -; is an taeai praoe on waicu wi - -footuiina Diana. A street railway Is. two built through tha plaoe. Bidding will nans at $oiim. , Term of sale: One fourth easn, bauui? la three eoual . Installments wlthio twelve and eurhteen months, prlvliego oasb, deferred payments to carry ' ""wT at six percent from date of sale Ull Title reserved till full payment Is made. . this June a, iww. tds J.COOKiOob . TMt NORTH CABOLIN COLLECJ Of 1GRICULTUBE 4 IECHABC UB r-The State's college for vp- cational training. Courses b Agriculture and -Horticulture; nn Civil, Electrical and Mfhanical Enrineeringl P Cotton Millingand Dyeinglj; Tnr7iicrfw4al P.riomktrV. WDJ IUUUOUWU not fit yourself for we W taking one of these courses' Address. D. H. HILL, Prest West Raleigh, N. C. JTerth fcareUBav-Alamaare CaaJ. ; Is tkc Sap" tn" SpecUI.Prereedlag. . , oa. J. t. Boot. Jr. hhAdaJiV u. uooo. rouy now w m Boost, rati Uooera ...' . W Soetor wnana) Boost, Tlwsaaa Uaaa Walu Boo. suwwtt-- Baxlolph Bnoaw Seine "it- Boon, am) Ktlea Boea. ' ..r auoort without gisardlaa. Bast"" State of Jlerta CaroHsav .Ma Te ahrs reatmdMv incw. H Bnrm and TVasas U Boon, aa K o-ad. nrti U.alr ehiiaraa, taey. "J.UrmM ao rwnrtooia, ead ao """".iL-aisaa- n mi .Kt. .mm. asa mnm t "-ra. are aroy aosjaea h-t 4 f srnal prooaw-Ung j Is rwrwr IMeirt el t aourt at i ,t-. as cmrt fcoows In said iwt ki.... . ut. tut jalr. rww. m 'ctora irO I r, raw mM amj -TA1i.ib srt" K ana sobs ?2a ar- Mid nfhr-t of said start ay ad day, and tat aatd rwa ror"- j,if, p-ar oe aroodaf. fjlr aa- aa la .fait c ia , arn tnofn o aa 10 taa wtU ? rr Th srral proB-rdi at la J'f'Jarwat of wow ot a rrf waleti ft. id lotMtaSa, rd ri . the aam wssow v ' r-aw5 of aVr ooiwr la nKy. taa '00 So rr wm oatranJias w"M pW Mnin.wiuon. aad i aaraiaeia imt ai twn aoww Ike batrs as st' That this notJne Is ra rMtOf 'iO,OTO. - Advertise in The Gleakc, tirm my ar. a. Tc- .j, v. at"vM. -