The Alamanc GrLEANEM. VOL. XXXV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY I, 1909. NO. 20 fl OLD ADAGE A Ht PuTS 15 a heavy oifsef Sickness make a iign purse. The LIVER l the seat ol ulna tenths of all dteeaae. M s nils go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. lake No Substitute. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DONALD GULLEY Attorney -at- taw BUKLINGTON, NC SELLA K8 BUILDING., im urn i e I nun IP III, ft ILL M IJVil Vlf tIlr ... rr iu-ric3T . i. Ifiraham, North Caroline OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING IAC0B A. LONQ. J. ELM15R LONG. LONG & IiOJVU, ' - .,.--.. and rVnnolor At Law j v w '.r GRAHAM, K. "V ' Attorney. Law, GRAHAM, - - N. C. Office Pattorwa Building ffooond Floor,. - . . C A. HALL, 1TT0BNHT AMD OOUNSELLOE-AT-LAW, GRAHAMrN: C; Office in the Bank of Alamance- . ; Bulding, up stairs. iomuka rumen. W. P. Btmvm, J. UV N I riW A. RVTVTnW- ;. Attorneys and Counselor a Xjerw aivKJWBBOBO, N U, . V Practice regularly la the court of Ala aanca county. , f .... Aug. t, 94 lj - " HER NAME'S SHADOW. By ESTHER 9ANGBORN. Copyrighted, im. pr Associated ed, ISO!), , Literary i Press. If she had not been named. Bervi perhaps Miss Stanhope would not have taoagnt herself bo hopelessly data, so thoroughly and utterly unattractive. won inaioame eo beautiful, so poetic al,. Bonnding like an utterance in one short, burning - word of - a womanly beauty almost divine was as a carve to bet. It mod her morbid, PjBe Bhlvered lest people learn it and .emtio at the Incongruity. Superconsctoaa of her - angles, her lack of color and dark circled eyee, re flected In every shop window; Beryl wondered why she bad been named so tacongroonsly. Bbe almost cried when a wizened old woman with a parch meat akin, in charge ol a fruit stand, answered to the., name of Violet What would Bb Beryl Stanhope, be Ilka, twenty -five years hence? She could not free herself from the tormenting.-thought In old age, with ngUnees intensified, ebo must still bear the musical Beryl applied to her, a name designed for a. round, milk aklnned creature, with hair like corn ellkf and eyes the color of calm sea, the cool, restful blue that is more nearly green. 8ba was reasoning to sllence her ever renewed womanly hunger for beauty of person when she tapped at the-studio Bharcd by her brother and Llndley Wood. Her,' brother was-out but: Wood was painting feverishly,, a seldom seen exultation on his serious face.. "Ooroe In, Miss Stanhope," he called hospitably. "Dick will be back In a Jiffy. We are both making hay white the sun shines this. week. Miss Cnyler is kindly posing for us, and she leaves the city Monday. Beryl had not glanced at tho model throne,.but atthls she turned Quickly and. oaognt br breath, wlttr. Or little gasp, A girl with the sheen ol corn ellkv bvbe hab and eyes- like- lapis laulL aeSv. was. silhouetted, agalnat a background of pale; green, plush i K sharp, pain- that Beryl did. not know was envy shot' to her hoatf as she' drank in the sumptuous coloring "of the nonchalant beauty. Recovering her composure with an effort, she re- rturned Miss Cuyler's greeting and stepped forward! ' "Are yon and- Dick working on one theme, Miw Wood?' she asked "May BOO? I -Not one theme answered.. Wood. ra rr-irtt-fnnm sis i rrrrrrrrrrr T-riT-iT-r-iTrT-rTinrT"rT'rTnr iDfnvnvrivfiviwiwiwr. wvr n.w wt wvw aw IhT fjp' MGrchants, Association and Chamber of Commerce ask you to be sure to MrP f This celebration will far surpass any FVFRYTHING . - And just look atthepla SflS XelS&S WeSgoingtq give everyboda pleasant time without any TwtaTod musical concerts vith their band during i22S -Their show will be worth the trip outside of the exercises. . ; ,:. our ceiepraiwu. tr. of the state and we will do all in our power to make it pleasant f or every We ffifaftoStenll tune. Every ViolAyer and everyW Pickerin te 1, .! i"M"V"i' virrrf - - "Dick is doing an Andromache, "but mine is only a study, an Ideal head. I'll bo very glad of yonr criticism, Miss Stanhope. My work falls to sat isfy me." Llndley Wood's pictures usunlly re ceived praise from bis friend's sister, but for once therewereno exclama tory remarks. After a long look" she drew back a step with heightened col or. "Wherefore the name?" ahe asked haughtily. rBeryir said Wood unconcernedly, touching up the round white throat on; his canvas. "That Is Just a fancy of" mine, naven't you names to fit your1 Ideal types? I would not think of painting a blond Judith, or a dark Rosamond. I've always bad a liking for the name of Berylf" with boyish eagerness "and Miss Cuyler happens to look my conception, oft-ifa. Do yon like the pose?' "Very much," she replied thankful She could say so honestly. Bnt there was a strange inflection In her voice, despite bcr effort. Llndley Wood's keen ear caught it, and he responded with swift artistic intuition. "Sou see something wrong with It," he exclaimed. "It want to know what it lsl Be frank, and tell me why yon do not like my Beryl." The living Beryl trembled foolishly as she buttoned her ooat; "9eek to please the Institute committee, not me," sbe laughed. "My opinion is not worth that doleful expression, Mr. Wood. Tell Pick I snail expect hfrn early." And with o nod that tncroiS the model, sbe left the room. Over their tete-a-tete dinner that night Beryl tried to question ber brother about Llndley Wood's Interest In Miss Cuyler. But sbe could not Her brother had been strangely pre occupied of late, and table conversa tion was monosyllabic. "Wood hasn't been bera for some time," he remarked suddenly, and Beryl, surprised In ber thoughts,, was glad that the doorbell spared her a reply. When Dick returned his friend's name was not mentioned. Beryl sat reading In the little parlor when bor brother went out "to pay some calls," ho said evasively. When the door closed behind him she drop ped her book and assumed en so, Pacing up and down the rooms, she assured herself that she would go to work at something presently end for get the episode. But, try as she would, her heart was filled with bitterness that her brother's friend her friend, too, sbe bad onco thought should have been so heartless, eo utterly contemptu ous of ber as to paint an Ideal. Beryl, "Tie could not have told me my short' comings more brutally in plain words," whispered 8 bo passionately. Then, seeing something white on tho hall rug, she' stooped and picked up a cari. 'EdlthJuyJej" sho. readier GOME o) O) IS FREE. Cool refreshing ice water all day. Good Speaking, Old Eiddlers' Contest, Banjo Con-. l&A ttanfly. thlUdiestMan, the .Baby Itoma. Popular Young Lady, Single CONTEST PREMIUMS : The Best Fiddler $15.00 in gold; Second, 10.00 in golThW5jp0in gold. Beat Banw Picker $15.00 in crold- Sewnl ,1000 in gold; ThirU 5to in gold-Judges, Dr. R. A. Freeman, Burlington, Rev. F. M, Harr, Gibsonville, M. L, Foglernan, Giteonville. Finest Double TeamBuggyBlarJcet iind Whip J H. G. Kinve, Judge. pS lbest Koped Baby, $5 deposited in bank here til baby is of age-Judges, Mrs. Bedford Thompson and Mrs. George Foglernan. iMestman-Arnaliat-J. W.Cates, Judge. , vt Hrtnfit Pine nair Shoes Avery Apple, Judge. Everv Old Soldier who attends given a present-uncic i Jim r osier wiu give out me prw . Thl man i aid womar! i with the largest family and the family all present, the woman will receive a $5.00 dress Miss JMia KODenson Dr. li. r. Moore Mr. ---i CHA1WBER Or tUMI&miiVJc, aiw. w Ill" H.MfcWH ' - - - - - - . .. . . . 1 1 nr--i- brother's jSndromacBe andLindH? Wood's neryll In that moment she felt almost as If sbe hated both artists and their model. A chaos of thoughts danced through ber brain, but through It all she al ways saw the pink and white face that had smiled from Wood's canvas above her name. Unable to stay indoors, she put on bor wrape-aod-want -out- but even -the dear ozone of the winter's night did not arouse her from the strange thrall put upon her by the card. Blie turned into the. Vick where some friends, the Etonee, ll?cd, but sbe bad no intention of going In, for she knew that Edith Cuyler was staying there. Suddenly a pillar of flamo shot from a building ahead In a moment the street woo a confusion of hoarse Bhonta jnfl screama., Beryl stood still and watched the residents, like a strewn, a--human ansa, carrying vala ablea tcvaafery Then, M one awaken ing from, a troabled dream recognizes the envlronraeDtj she realised ehe was looking at the Stones' boose and that It was.aflreL Attracted by a shrill scream, she raised her eye to the third floor. TheH ,beoutrfnl Mfea Cbf ter .stood' Itr a W dow, ber blond head silhonottad against a curtain of fire.-. Beryl was conscious. of a commotion in the. crowd. Then a man In evening dress fought his way to the burning structure and went up the loddor witb eager steps. At tho. second floor a tongue of name lit. his. features, and Beryl almost swooned with horror as she recognized her brother Dick. . The next, five mlnntee were each a fearful, anguish laden century to the watching girl. At any Instant; tho walla might collapse and engulf them both. Sbo.BAW the cameo-like face, pearl white against that red curtain, bright en- with, hop ae she Ncogalaed the coming hero. BoryTaaw) DU lift Her trom; the narrow Mge and. begin the perilous downward Journey with ber arms around bis neck. They reached tho second floor In safety, though the ladder swayed un steadily. Willing hands held It as well as inexperienced people could, but dan ger threatened every step. Pargetting that she stood among strangers, Beryl clutched some one near. "I can't look I" she cried despairingly. "Ob, If they should fall!" "Why, Miss Stanhope," answered an amazed, familiar voice, "why are yon haner She dung to Llndley-Wood with a littler sob ot relief.. "TtlL met ate begged pitifully. By the necromancy oft Intuition he understood. "Thoy are af e," he said, tucking her hand under bis arm. "Let me take yon homo. Yon are ley cold. Dick la all right." taanrtoctv- I TO THE July 3rd, 1 Goodman jertson will have charge. t e will have charge of the ice water supply. will deliver a short address. . wu u-rc BsT.t.ij3i-tr-i..fw- k .k i . " , "T" tone. "If Dick and Mlsa Cuyler were not already engaged they will be now," be went on. "How can I manage, I won der, to make myself appear equally he roic to you. Miss Btanhope?" wny I in a gentlo whisper. Bullying the Hen. "Beeauso l-lovo you," drawing ber! tears spent In providing food for Into the shadow ot a building awag : boarders. In watching them eat It and from the crowd. " was coming to in hearing them comment on li hod ac say it but It la easier to say It here customed Mrs. Orue to all sorts of under the etara than It Would bo In' complaints, reasonable and otherwise your lighted rooms. I, can better en- She wns n pleasant woman and tried dure yonr 'No It yon cannot see Its of, to antuipnte tlw objector's objections feet." i and to smooth Ills feelings as speedily "Tour Ideal Beryl Is a cameo blond," . as might be. Once in awhile ber she reminded . "I am plain' readiness with a soft answer was a "What has my Ideal Beryl to do with trifle too quick, yon?" he Interrupted, looking his our-' It wa nt breakfast, and Mr. Smith. prise. "My namo to BeryV ah answered. "Didn't you know?" "No!" be cried emphatically, and in stantly the memory of his words In the studio stood before bun in letters of flame and be saw their significance. "Tom always calls yon Sis and and I believed yeur lnftlnl represented Bar bara. A blond Beryl may be my Ideal on canvas, but. tho woman I love and weald' calf wtte- dm eyes like deep. dark weila.. Don't draw away, dear. Hlse Cuyler b only a model to me," He paused a. moment 08 ahe did not spoak. "Perhaps- there is some one else," be said sadly. "1 dare not hope that you can care for. ma" The hand on nJa arm tightened gen tly. "There' (a no one else," she said softly, "none but you, If yon are satisfied I will never again complain or envy- my future sister-her beau ty." "Why should you?' cried he, press ing her to bl heart "Beauty of soul sblbea from your every lineament, my qaeea and wife, and don't too know that you are. a-, true type of dark beau ty, anyway ?" Too Long. An oM lady of his flock once called upon Dr. CHI with a grievance. Tho doctor's neckbands were too long for her ideas of ministerial humility, and after a long harangue on the sin of pride she Intimated that sbe bad bsoaght a pair of ecteeore wttb her and weald' be pleased If; ber dear pastor would perns It bar. to cut them down to her notions of propriety. The doctor not-only listened patient ly, bnt banded over the offending white bands to be operated upon. Wheat sbe. bad cat (hem to bet satis faction end returned tt bibs, It was the doctor's turn,. "Now," said be, "you must do me a good turn also." "Yes, that-1 will, doctor. What can It bet- "Weil, yon have something about'OTgjtlod which CELEBRATION , . . -I, . I causes no no end of trouble." and"! should ll' o to sec it Bborter." "Iiidoei!, (nr blr. 1 will not best tate. l i It? ncre nre the scis sor?. Cw them ng yon please." "Come, then." sjild the sturdy divine, "good slater, pui out your tongues London TpJcgruph. who, since Ills attack of typhoid, had been consuming vast quantities, of eggs, looked np from his fourth with a slightly offended air. "I wlrih," tie stild from the opposite end of the tuble, "that tbese hens could be got to lay their eggs fresh f" "The loot lio words only caught Mrs. Orne's ear. "I know It," she sold empbaticnlly. "and I think Just the way you do about It It seems so mo how as If II uldn't I dono any more. Years ago, tx-foro Mr. Orne died, it wasn't like this nt all Then you could make them give you fresh ones." Youth's Coiniwulon. Tortoise Chart. What ta railed tortoise shell ts not ttn bony covering or shield of the tur tle, bnt only the scales which cover It These are thirteen In number, ctght of them flat and live a little curved. A large turtle affords about eight Doands of them, the plates varying from .a quarter of an inch to an inch tn thickness. Air In Caves, Certain caves have been reported as maintaining a uniform temperature, rammer and winter, of 04 degrees P. They may lw snhl to breathe twice a year Inhaling dnrlug tho winter and exhaling during the summer. District of Columbia. The DUitrl.t of Columbia complines all area A K,!43 square miles. The government cotmlhtH if two civilian commUwIiitic m apiMilutod by the presi dent and evtiflriued by the Semite. nn'l one army engineer otlleer, detailed by the secretary of war, the three con stituting tlte board of rominlsalonera for three years. In Pine of Flowers. Flowers nre never asul for decorat ing In Tuscr.ny, but nt Christmas and Easter all tho walls of the ratbcdr:i)a are decked with wonderful damask of almost prk-clea value- 9 come to the big July Celebration. previous one. Come and bnng your At A Madame a la Mode, Mow In dream tigHtrf drw Now bi skirts full blown. Now Id gown of whltaet lawn, Now of stertMiur tone. And-overythlns he'll If but fashion's cod 8aya thin I- the etyle I i to wear Madame a la Model Qolilen hfttr or black or brown, Fompndour or tratprht, In a atauk or hansins down Who can tell Ita fate? What next fall will bring about No one can forebode. Ah, What ahould we do without Madame a la Mode? Touche Honeonk In New York f'rese. Charitable. M Pnmmers Was It really the big gest show on earth, as tbey advertised in the country papers? Wee Winters Waal, ma kin' allow ance for the ieetlencss of the tents an consldertn the fewness of their animals an' taktn' account of the small number of performers, I reckon it was. ruck. A Quick Lunch, Enter, Bet Nankin? Wee Order: Mush; Gobble, huRhl Water, Tie. Exit Fly I Jos Cono In Boston Herald. Pobby Whofs the simple life, pa? leather-Doing your own work, my son. Bobby And what's the strenuous llfo? Father Doing sotno other fellow's work. Now run along and play, Lip Pincotf s Magazine, - A Song of Finance. Sing a eons; ot finance, A pocket full of chink, four and twenty lambkin Hover on the brink. When tho market open The lambs begin to bleat. Como, ye kings of finance. And hare tho dainty treat Judge. The Arriving How. In IMwtu's borne there Is a clock which strikes with a soft chime, much llko tho ringing of a sUvcr bell. Tbe other day he thoughtfully listened to its stroke, t'en said solemnly, "Mam ma, another hour is ringing to get l".' Woman's Home Companion. Painful Progress, "Ton don't seem to bo getting along woil," groaned the victim in tho chair. "No," rejoined tho dentist "I bavo evidently struck a snag." Brownlng'a Magazine. flff AND QX r RETAIL. " l-jdl 5l CROCKERY. Iml GLASSWARE. J j gLAMPS When In Greensboro Come to see as. This time of the year are signals of warning, Take Taraxacum Com pound now. It may avs you a spell of fe ver. It will regu late your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine araxacum :mebane, I N. C. . Advertise in The Gleaner. ill . - . ' . ....

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