nn n ANOE VOL; XXXV. N0.25 GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1909. Alam HE Y..MJn ll lA ORDINANCES U 1 5 THIS mttt eava tli dyapentfc day of misery, and enable him to eat ' wlutevwb wiahea. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to asshnOatc and novr- lata me DOay, give aeen appcine, DEVELOP FLESH and tolld muscle. Elegantly sagar coatee. Take No Substitute. PROFESSIONAL; CARDS DONALD GULLEY Attorney-at- Law. BUKLING TOTS', N. C. SELLAB3 BOIII'INQ. DR.WILLS.LOSG.aSe- DENTIST . . . Graham. . . . North Carolina OFFICE in -SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONS.ll J. ELMER LONG. LONG & LONG, Attorney nd Counselors at Law GRAHAM, N. " j s.;jaooz:, Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM. - N. C. Ofittoe Patterson Building Sfloond Floor. .- .... C. A. HALL, TTORNET AND COONS ELLOB-aT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. 0. Office in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up stairs. JOH OBAT Br !. ., W. r.BTKCK, JB. I J V N UM & BYNTJM, Attorney and Gounaelora at Law . UrwKKNSBOBO, U. Practice recrolarlr Is the conrti of Ala mance county. An. , 94 ly FREE TRIE Ctojk PAfflFffi fjO A ST ARE YOU ONE many tKooa- anda who want to fxplore tkia Won derland 7 7 7 7 SUNSET MAGAZINE baa instituted new department, whoa epecial work it u to sat within the reach or every one aa opportunity to k the FAR WEST. Write (or Sample Copy. "': " A it it it rWfclljaiiaaaUaiaaai Sunsc t Travel Glob 16 Flood BulUlnd, San Frencawo, Gal Indigestion 1 AND' ' 1ANDwr ' llnt7Q!!ir31. UyCy&QlZ,ii. use When yon etotnach cannot properly fflgest food, of iuelf. it ceeda a litUa Unlltanrn nnrl tMa ualrtinm la mad. 11 anpi tomac 10100 rolled by KodoL Kodolaasiutbe shall they fasten any of said a n ir temporarily digesting all jjjg near any 0f the sidewalks food to the stomach,) that tha 7r.. . ot of the food in the stomach. Komaoh may reat and recuperate Our Guarantee. ZVA ku roa are net beneflted the Arainrtt win al face return your Doner. Doa't bealtatet an, i"wrto U1 eeU ,oa Koflgl en theae terme The aoBw kotue aaotaina r tmm ae anaa M i toe aoe bottle. Kodol to prepared a toe mammtm M aVC OaWttt Co. Gb Graham Dmg Co.: Ingham School , Inr kon. tamitmn Bait- war w w aaaurT. jl i UafuMfeiiMT, kMita m Matt, avisa ftiaiMl UmrnXV " Lu max. flTtn IJI and ajiMl aaMnOca. m, wna Tmma aa4 iiM com. A UaDIKt vaaEoms $cnm Whv Avr M't If rnrrl OD Prill 13 ? We Can ve you nscacy on All jnoncry, Wexlilna jnvllauoas, Cnslness Posters, etc etc. 1 1 IT-wSl I areata - w m I a i S . iLtaaiM,Mi lnMl,l itmm. TM I aaeieii wtuiw aiMiiei.Mii UMan,u.Muta Vaa v r limn, For tfle Government of the Town of Graham, N. C. v Streets and Sidewalks. Section 1. No person shall place for display or sale any goods, wares or merchandise of any kind upon any of the side- waiKs or trie town, which shall extend out on the sidewalks of the said town more than three feet from the door or wall of the building occupied by the said person. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance Bhall be finod five dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. No person shall place or display any goods upon any of the streets of the town, which shall in way ob struct any of the drains or cross ings upon said streets, or shall m any way render said streets less useful as highways. Any person violating the provisions or this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each, offense. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation, receiving and un- pacrnng any goods, wares or merchandise of any kind upon any or the streets or sidewalks of the town, shall only keep the same upon said streets and side walks long enough to permit the unpacking and removing of the same to their places of business. and they shall immediately af ter such unpacking and removal. remove trom said streets and sidewalks, boxes, lumber or lit ter of any kind which has been placed there in the unpacking of said goods. Any person violat ing the provisions or this ordi nance shall be fined five dollars for each offense, dec, i. JNo person, nrm or corporation, shall sweep, throw or place upon any of the side walks or , streets of said town I unles'8 they Bha11 Place the aureuminnra rraah ni littor fir onv i oaiuo in c uut;cu vau va a wjiuu fcle provided for receiving such, and such can must be so placed upon the streets of said town as not to obstruct the drains or free use of said streets. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be finedjive dol lars for each offense. Sec. 5. No person firm or corporation shallburn or cause to be burned upon any of the streets or sidewalks of said town any paper or litter of any kind. Any person violating the pro visions of this ordinance snail ue fined five dollars for each of fense. Sec 6. No person shall throw or place on any of the streets or sidewalks of said town any bot tles, tin cans, ashes or litter of any kind. Any persons violat ing the provisions of this ordi- nance snail Dennea nve aou for each offense. gKa7. No person shall lead, - 1 hi e i r n ride or drive any horse, mule, ox or cow on any or me ewe walks in said town, nor shall they fasten any of said animals to any of the shade trees on any of the streets of said town, nor m saiu itiwu iuai uivj wu s-" uDon tne same. nor shall they permit any of said animals to . Ml Ai run ai larze in saiu mjwu. -o-j rareon violatine any of he pro- visions or tms oroinance snau uo . . .... . 1 11 V firiAd flvfl dollars for each of fense. Sec. 8. No person shall feed any stock of any kind on any of the sidewalks in said town nor shall they keep any hog or pig pen within ten feet of any or tne streets vi om town. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be hned nve aouars each offense. for Src 8. No person shall wash his or her person, or wash clothes, bottles, utensils or ves sels of any description, ice or vegetables, on tne piawuriu ui ta tbeitrongns 01 hw puuut pomps In said town. No person shall water horses, cattle or stock upon the platform of said mimna No Derson shall wash fr hnnafw or other arumals, bug gies or other vehicles wiuun one hnivlrwl reet OL bbiu iwj" Any person violating thee pro Tisioni of this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each of- fanoA. x--2, VT1 rlar belL marbles or other games on the public square or onw; .fnwta or aiaewauju said town. Any person thmi- v - . , . VI inz the provisions oi uus " nSwe shall be fined fire dollars for each offense. dec. 11. No person shall drive any wagon, buggy or other ve hides across any of the side wauvo ui iim aaia rown, save and except at the regular cross ings, unless they shall first lay planks so that such driving will not in any way injure said side walks. Any person violatiug the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each offense. Sec. 12. No person shall ride a bicycle or similar conveyance. nor shall they roll wheelbarrows or push carts upon any of the sidewalks of the said town. Any person violating tne provisions or tnis ordinance will be fined five dollars for each offense. Sec. 13. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to place upon any or the streets or side walks of the town material for the construction of buildings shall first obtain permission so to do from the Mayor, and im mediately upon the completion of said building or structure they shall clean up and remove from said streets and sidewalks all lumlier, brick, sand or litter of any kind placed there while constructing said building or structure. Any person violat ing the provisions of this ordi nance shall be fined five dollars for each offense. Sec. 14. No person shall go upon or walk on the grass plots, or walls around grass plots, arourid the Court Hon', nor shall they damage same. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be lined five dollars for each offense. Health. Sec. 15. No person shall have upon his premises any stalls, stables, or pens of any kind for cows, horses, hogs or fowls of any kind which he shall permit to get in such condition aa that they shall emit odors offensive to the citizens of the town. Each twenty-four hours such pen, stall, stable or coop is so maintained shall constitute separate ottense. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined hve dol lars for each offense. Sec. 16 No persona shall de posit upon" any of the streets, al leys, squares or highways of said town the dead body or part of the dead body of any animal or fowl. No person shall permit the dead body of an animal or fowl, except such as are slaugh tered for food, to remain upon his premises in the corporate limits of said town for twelve hours without burying same at least twelve inches under ground. Any person violating the provisioas of this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each offense. Sec. 17. Every person, firm or corporation in said town snail permit the police or heaitn or ficer of said town to inspect their premises at any time, and any person, firm or corporation failing to abate or remove any nuisance pointed out by tne health or police officer on said premises shall be fined five dol lars for every twenty-four hours such nuisance 6hall remain un abated after such notification. Sec. 18. The proper author ities are hereby authorized and directed to have the garbage cart to remove all utter, foul or offensive matter wherever found to outside the corporate limits of the town. Any person refus ing to permit the removal of any such matter from premises under their control shall be fin ed five dollars for each offense. Sec. 19. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in any of the following businesses shall apply to the Mayor for a license and pay a license tax be fore so doing of the following amounts: Emigrant agents: an annual license tax of one hundred dol lars. Circuses: a license tax of twenty-five dollars for each twenty-four hours. Theatrical performers, dan- cers, jugglers, Bieiguv-w-iu performers,-concerts, and lec turers: a license tax of five dol lars for each performance. Pool and billiard taues: a tax of twenty-fire dollars per year upon each tawe maintaineo. Shootinir galleries, bowling alleys, bagatelle tables, merry-tro-rounds, or any stands or places of games or play: an an nual tax or twenry-nve aoua. Itinerant dentists, medical practiooeers, opticians, ugn ning rod agents, portrait or miniature Daintere. Photograph ers or persons taking or enlarg ing pictures: an annual tax oi fiftr dollars. Itinerant auctioneers: an an nual tax of fifty dollars. Peddlers on foot or in vehicle: an annual tax of one hundred dollars. Conducting a place where meals are cooked and served, and usually called a restaurant (not to include hotels and board mg houses): an annual tax of fifteen dollars. Any person, firm or corpora tion giving any of the above performances or carrying on any ot the above specified businesses, without first paying said license tax and obtaining said license, shall pay a fine of ten dollars, and in case the violation is by carrying on a business each twenty-four hours such busi ness is carried on shall consti tute a separate effense. Provided that when any of the exhibitions, concerts, per- tormances or lectures above re ferred to are given in a licensed hall or theatre, or for the bene fit of any religious, charitable. educational or municipal cause. then no license tax shall be re quired to be paid. Provided, further, that for any of the businesses, license may be is sued for a part of a year, at the prorata rate, but no license shall be issued for a shorter time than six months. Personal Conduct. Sec. 20. No person shall go upon any of the streets, alleys squares or side walks of the town in an intoxicated condi tion. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance 6hal be fined twenty-five dollars for each offense. Sec. 21. No person shall dis turb the peace of said town by loud noises, cursing, swearing or otherwise. Any person vio lating the provisions of this ordi nance shall be fined ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 22. No person shall ride or drive through the streets of said town at a reckless or un necessarily fast gait. Any per son violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 23. No person shall in decently expose his or her per son, or shall make obscene marks or drawings, or be intoxicated, in any public place. Any per son violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 24. Any person or per sons when about to meet any other person or persons on any of the plank walks or side walks of said town shall take the right hand plank or turn to- the right -, , i - ai ; i li ana give nail oi we muo wam. Anv net-son viola tin fir theprovis ions of this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each of fense. Sec. 25. Any person butch- erincr within the town limits and failing to remove the offal beyond the corporation or to bury the same-shall be fined five dollars tor eacn ouense. Sec. 20. No person shall in any way injure any of the trees situated on any of the streets of said town, nor shall they nail, tack, or in any wav place signs upon any or saia trees, nor shall they m any way injure anv property, real or personal, belonging to said town or to the fire department of saw town. Any person violating the provis ions of this ordinance shall be fined ten dollars for each of fense. Sec. 27. No person shall dis charge or shoot a gun, pistol, or any fire-ana of any descrip tion, or explode any fireworks or explosive or shoot any gravel, shot or other articles across any of the streets or sidewalks of the town, without permiswrfn first had and obtained of,he Mayor. Any person violating the pro Tiioons of this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each of fense. Sec. 28 No person shall get noon a rail road car fir engine, or automobile, whether moving or standing In said town, unless entering or leaving the same as a passenger or unless upon the tame for business. Any person violating the prorisions of this ordinance shall be fined fire dol lars for each offense. Sec. 99. No persons shall Inter or asssist in interring any human body In the corporate limits of said town, save and ex cept in those lots or parcels of land already set apart in saia town as cemeteries, either by thAtownor by those religious denorninationa who hare already set apart lands for use of ceme teries, or in aooinons wmcu may be made to the town ceme tery. Any person violating the prorisions of this ordinance shall dollars each Sec. 30. Any person or per sons who shall misuse, mutilate, deface, or break any. tomb stones, statuary, vase, or any thing by way of mark or orna ment aoout any grave m any cemetery in said towu, or who shall remove, or mutilate, or injure any flower or plant, either growing or cut, and placed on or near any grave in said cemeteries, shall be fined the sum of twenty-five dollars for each offense. Fire Limits. Sec. 31. No wooden building or structure shall bo erected or placed upon or within 1 50 feet of the boundary of the Court House square; nor within 150 feet of North Main street or South Main street, between Har den street and Pine street; nor within 150 feet of West Elm streot or East Elm street, be tween Marshall and Maple streets. A ny person erecting or attempting to erect or maintain any wooden, building or struct ure within the limits prescribed shall be fined forty dollars for each offense, and each day any such building or structure is so maintained shall constitnte separate offense. All buildings or structures that shall have to be re-covered within the limits above prescribed shall be re-cov ered with metal or slate, and any person who shall violate this ordinance byre-covering or attempting to re-cover any building or structure within the said limits otherwise, shall be fined forty dollars for each of fense, and each day such roof, otherwise than in conformity herewith shall be maintained, shall constitute a separate of fense. Miscellaneous. SEC 32. All gates opening from any enclosure upon any of the streets and alleys of the ssid town shall be hung so as to swing inside of said lot, and not over said streets and alleys. Any person violating this ordi nance shall be fined one dollar for each offense, and every 24 hours which any gate is allowed to open in violation hereof shall be deemed a separate off ense, Sec. 83. That any and all persons living within the corpo rate limits Of the town of Gra ham and owning and keeping a dog within said corporate lim its shall bo required to pay a tax of one dollar on each dog so owned or kept, and upon the payment of the said amount the tax-payer shall be supplied with a tax-paid license tag which he shall be required to place upon a collar to be worn by said dog. This tax shall be duo and paya able on the first day of Decem ber in each and every year, and any person wno wiaii oerome the owner of or commence keep ing a dog in said corporate lim its after the first day of Decem ber in anv vear shall be reouir ed to pay the tax just as though the said dog had oeen Kept all the year.- "Any person own ing and keeping a dog and rail ing to pay saidtax shall bo fined oouoie tne amount oi saut tax. 1 a . 1 X af i 1 A. Any dog owned and kept run ninr at large in the town of Graham which does not wear the tax-paid tag, ii hereby de clared a nuisance and the town police officer is hereby directed to take up all such dogs and place them in pound and if said dog or dogs are not reclaimed in thirty-six hours they shall be destroyed. Sec 84. No person, shall drink any spirituous, vinous, malt or ; intoxicating liquors upon any of the public streets or public alleys, or upon any pub ic square in the town. Any person violating this ordin&ruw shall be fined fire dollars for each offense. 8 tc 85. No person shall be allowed to put np any fence or other enclosure around any plot in the cemetery which shall be mors than two feet nign. Any Derson riolaunir the provisions of ST 1 - this ordinance shall be fined fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 3ft. No person shall wing upon or get opon the fire wagon when it is on ue way to fire, who is not a member ot the Fire Department Any per son violating the proriseons of this ordinance shall be fined ten dollars for each offense. Sec 87. No person shall stop any vehicle. Dorses, or animals in front of the fire boose so. they will obstruct the taking from ssid boose any of the fire fighting apparatus. Any per son violating the prorisions of this ordinance shall be fined one dollar for each offense. be fined offense. Sec. 38. No person shall take into their possession or in any way disturb any of the fire fighting apparatus of the town without permission first had and obtained of the Chief of the Fire Department. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be hned ten dollars for each offense. . Sec. 39. No person shall per mit any bitch to run at large in said town while in heat. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined five dollars for each offense. Sec. 40. No person firm or corporation in charge of any train or care shall permit the same to be so placed or to stand so that they shall block any of the crossings in said town where the streets of said town cross the railroads or side tracks in said town, for a longer period of time than five minutes. Any person, firm or corporation vio lating the provisions of this ordinance shall bo fined ten dol lars for each offense. Sec. 41. Be it' ordained by the Board of Commissioners of the town of Graham, N. C that on and after the 10th day of August, lf0f, it shall be un lawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation to sell, bar ter, trade or otherwise dispose of for value, either at wholesale, retail, by the package or drink, Bud, Malt, Mead, Acme, Brew, Rod Euck Ale, or any similar drinks, known as, or commonly used for or instead of what is known as either Beer or Near Beer, and used as a substitute for lager beer of the various grades, within the limits of the town of Uraham, SS. v., or within thfc police regulations and jurisdiction of the Mayor of said town, without first having obtained a license to handle, sell, barter or trade in and dispose of said articles; which license shall be obtained for twelve months as follows: The person firm or corporation desiring to engage in the sale or disposition of any or all of said articles shall tile wltn tne Hoard of Commissioners of the town of Graham a written application which shall state the article de sired to be sold, the name of the person or persons to bo in charge of the business and the location of the place or room to be occupied; said application shall be passed upon by the Board of Commissioners of said town at a regular meeting of said Board and if a majority of the members of said Board shall vote to issue the said license, then it shall be the duty of the Mayor and the Secretary of said Uoard to issue the same upon the pay ment of the sun of 1500, as a license tax; Provided, however, before issuing said license it must appear affirmatively to the satisfaction of the said Mayor and Secretary that the party applying for said license and the party to be in charge of said place where said articles are to be sold are of good moral character and proper persons for said business. That any person, firm or cor poration handling, selling or disposing of any of the said inuids as hereinbefore provided. shall have the vessels containing the same marked or Libeled plainly, showing tho name of the contents and the name of tho manufacturer thereof. That any person who shall riolatethe foregoing ordinance by selling any of the said art! clou, or similar articles therein mentioned, without first obtain Ing a license therefor, shall be fined the sum olliS. 00, tot eacn offense; or if any person, firm or corporation, whether licensed or not, siiaii wiaw ordi . I ii i a il: . I . nance by failing to mark or label said nackatros or vessels as here inbefore required, the offenders shall be fined the sum ol for each offense. Sec. 42. That on and after the 10th day of August, 1909, it shall be unlawful for any boy or child under the age of 21 years to enter or be found in any pool-room, bowling-alley or place wbere any sucn games or amusements are played or car ried on in said town. - Any per . . . - son noiaung una ortunance shall be fined the sum of $5.00 for each offense. Sec. 43. That it shall be on- lawful for any person who shall be operating pool or billiard ta ble or bowling alley in said town to permit any person or child under the age of 21 years to enter the room or place where said rames or smuaernente are carried on after the 10th day of Anirust. 1909. Any person vio lating this ordinance shall be fined f 10 for eacn oaense. . Sec. 44. All pool rooms, bil liard rooms tetf-pin alley rooms and similar places of amuse ment where cames are plaved Bhall close and the games shall be stopped at 10 o'clock, p. m., on and after August 10th, 1909. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined $5 for each offense. Unanimously adopted and ratified at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held July 5th, 1909.: ; . J. S. COOK, Mayor, A. J. MARSHBURN, A. M. HADLEY, V. M. EULISS, R. R. BAIN, F. A. MILLER, Commissioners, Cost of Living High? American Grocer Walla at the Prevail ing- Mleceneeptlone, New York World. It would seem that the idea of a higher cost of living is a bogy of our own conception. The housewife's action does not en dure the higher criticism of the trade. It is a fantasy born of that loathing which comes of an o'ertaste of sweetness. To put the caso in the plain terms of the esteemed American Grocer: "Living at low cost is a matter of individual choice. The oppor tunity is universal, but it does not mean living on tenderloin of beef, turkey, terrapin, and other luxuries. The people are so sur felted with cheap and wholesome foods that they fall to correctly estimate tho blessing, just as they do not appreciate pure air and pure water. It seems as if famil iarity breeds contempt." What precedes this sage con clusion is a prose panegyric on tinned goods, cereals, dried beans, macaroni, prunes than which "it would be difficult to find a more nutritions article of diet" and sundries at few cents the pound. There is no specification of brands. Nor is there mention of eggs, since the habit of these is, as it is understood, to have periods of soaring, like the aero plane, and to drop never quite so fast nor quite so far as a stone. The grocer man s monitions are calm, cool, and general, happily reminded of the Sunday school picnic lunch or the colt bite on an excursion steamer. We hope the beef trust does not read or learn from the Ameri Orocer: It is likely to be aston ished at its own moderation, and that would mean another boast in the price of meats. Yea know What Yea are Taking When you take Grove's Tast less Chill Tonic because the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Psy. 50c. Arthur Sheppard. the 10-year-old son of 0. IL Sheppard, while operating a dresser at the saw mill of his father, six miles east of Danbnry, early Thursday morning, was accidentally caught in the machine and frightfully injured. His left Urm was torn off and he sustained other in juries. 100 Dr. E. Detchnn's Anti Diuretic may be worth to yon more than 1100 If you hare a child who soils bedding from ineontin enes of water daring sleep. Cures old and vonnjr alike. It arrests the trouble at once. II. Sold by H rah am Drug Co. In a cUAl action in Catawba Superior Court last week Mr. A. A. Whitener asked tlO.000 from II. B. Lingel and the Carolina a Northwestern Railway Company, alleging that Lingie had assault ed him oa tbs train and the road had sot given him proper protee- Uob Whitener was swarded 1500. aWttaf ka Ml eara. Diatressinf Kidney and Blad ner Disease relieved in six hour by the "Nsw Gbbat Softs: Awa-BtffAW KrnxBT CrsB." It ts s Erest surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pais la bladder, Sidneys and back; Is maJsor female. Believes retention of wster . almost im mediately.' If roe want quick re lief and ears tats is tbs remedy. Sold by Graham Drag Co. Alex. Daaey, a prominent eiti- sen of Ash county, was convict ed la the Btprioa- 0art at Jeff erson a few dsys sro sad sentenc ed to twelve months on the roads for sUndering m yoong lady. .1111111111H.111111111111. v a - , . . 4 ''. ' i This time of the year are signals of warning. Take Taraxacum Com pound i now. It mav avs you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A good ionic. An honest medicine1 :mebane. N. C. ARE YOU UP v ? TO DATE w . Ifyonarenot the News ir Obkhyes is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep yon abreast ol the times. Full Associated Press dispatch cs. Ail the news foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News and Observer 7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian XI per rear, 50c for 6 mos. . 1 . NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., Raleigh, N. C - " eaWaaBBBBBBr ' ' , ' " " . The North Carolinian and Tbs AlamJlKcb Glbaksk will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at Thb Glbamkk office. Graham. N. C. lertft Cmnnl Fsrsnsjt Irnptpr. rb Charlotte Obsexrer ' Every Day In the Year. CILDf ELL I T0ITLE3, mStscrs; . P. CAia)WKXJ Edltavw $8.00 Per Year. THE OBSERVER Receives - the largest tele graphic news service deliv ered to any paper between Washington : and Atlanta, and its special service is the greatest ever handled by North Carolina paper. , Thb Sukdat Obskstss Consists of 16 or more pages , and h to a large extent made ap ol original matter. s9Scnd for Sample Copies. Address, - The Obseuveb, QXAAXOTTB, N. C ITSBl n - n n La U VaSW Vai La U jndut etae aVEa, fOH KIONEY.Lrvn At'.D TOUACMTKCv-U: ft Cb beat eaeAcfaa aver aold aSrayrtara mninia, V THE NORTH CAROLINA COUKI sT icxmiuii t IZZ1ZZ ll The State's collere for vo cational training". Court 03 in Agriculture and Horticult ure; in CivQ, DectriccJ zr I Mechanical Lr.r--zr-";i r: Cotton ilillir - ts i Dycir -: L . Industrial Che L" try. . not fit yourcclf f;r IL'j I taking cr.a cf cc Mlrt'x D. II. HII.L, Tr Vi Cct It!v : 2t C Mac m l LO

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