'he Alamance Gleaner; VOL. XXXV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1909. NO. 26 P A FACT ; ; ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues' h seldom occasioned by actual exist' tag external conditions, but in th great majority of cases by a disorder ed LIVER., . . THIS IS A PACT C:-' which may bo dernorutra. ted by trying: a coarse of TuttVfills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. ; :.: , TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DONALD GULLEY Attorney-at-Law BURLTNGTOTf, N. C. SELLA BS BUILDING. DR. WILL S. LONG, JR. . . . DENTIST . . . Graham. - - - - North Carolina OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG. LONG & LONG, Attorneys and Counselors at Law GRAHAM, N. , J, s. c ook:, Attorney-et- Law, GRAHAM, - - - N. C. Offloe Patterson Building Booond Floor. ..... C A. HALL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOB-AT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. C. OUice in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up stairs. IOBS (J RAT fernrM. - W. P. Btjtom, Je. BNUM & BYNTJM, Attorney nd Gounaelora at Law 01 vsi KNBBOBO, S U, Practice regularly In the corn-to of Ala manco county. Ang. t, 94 1y FREE TRIP iojke PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE ot tke 'many thous and who want to - explore this "Voof derW ? ? ? ? SUNSBT MAGAZINE has instituted a new department, whose special work it it So nut witkin th. reach of every one an opportunity to the FAR WEST. Write for Sample Copy. . i u st , st -.; For fell pereicajin nUne , Snnset Travel Club 16 Flood Building, Saa Francisco, GaL Indigestion USE When your stomaeh cannot properly Ages food, of itaelf, U needs a little flUnee and this assistance Is read Uy supplied by KodoL Kodolaasita the stomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food In the stomach, so that tits stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee. gTJ J ae not benefited tbe miM m at JM. retarn row meoer. Doa't aesttstet say gaeetat. wul KU yon KoAoi on thM terms TO ooUsr bottle contain. i Urn net w J?? bouts. Kodol ts preperad me alorleiltal C p. Witt S Ce Ctasase. Graham. Drug Co. Gingham School issli".,' ata Cms. 1 1 - - - A tT ! iTor-s--a i l I I i HI Stroae dm awHyegw; Hillir SHKtsfcsa, Sr IBtfwA 1,(11. . BUB. m. stkM. rtrtiMi """""fc ' UlMnM Mara Vhy send M ifor your ob Printing? We can ave you money on all StaUonerys Weddlno nvltallons, Doslness Crfis, Posters, clc, I onaon '' ' una 'Ill 1 111 1 1 lit! MS GoocT the III Wind Btetv By VIRGINIA BLAIR. Copyrighted, 1909, by Associated Literary Press. i n 1 1 "Nothing could be more unfortu nate," sold Miss Cynthia. Mazle agreed dejectedly. 'If she had como at any other time." "She will expect to be entertained," Miss Cynthia chimed in. Mazle, tying on her veil before the mirror, decided: "We can have some good times with the girls. But there won't be any men, and Constantia can't exist without men." "Nonsense," said Miss Cynthia. "She'll have to when she comes to Hil ton." Mazie talked the situation over later with Serena Sears. "You see, I met Constantia at the seashore the summer I went with the Merrills, and I had lovely clothes, and we lived at the best hotels and did everything in the most approved way. "I told Constantia that when I was at home with Annt Cynthia I didn't have all the advantages and that my outing w(th the Merrills was Just their farewell treat before they went abroad. But Constantia can't under stand what life at Hilton is, and she will expect a gay time." "Well, it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good," said Serena senten tlously.. "Perhaps she will liven us up a bit" "Constantia could liven up a nun nery," Masle told her, "but Hilton la hopeless." Letters coming from Constantia told of her preparations. "She is getting lots of pretty clothes," Mazle reported to Serena, "and where Is she going to wear them?" . But Serena, true to her name, would not worry. "She win delight our eyes with them," she said. "I haven't seen an up to date gown for so long that I'd rather gaze on it than on a Rem brandt" The day of Constantta's arrival Ma zle put the big old fashioned bouse In order, while Annt Cynthia baked de lectable things. - Serena Sears came In the afternoon, "if Constantia hasn't the good taste to enjoy this lovely old room and Aunt Cynthia's tea and muffins and cocoa nut cake she's a benighted individual," said she. "But think of Constantia trailing pale blue broadcloth on this old rug!" wailed Mazle. Mazie walked to the station, bal she brought Constantia back la the only cab the town afforded. It was shabby and ramshackle, but the Uttlt horse was plump, and so was the driver. "We feed people and animals well In Hilton," Mazle explained to Con stantia. "Eating is our only diver sion." Constantia dimpled. "I think Hilton Is dear," she emphasized. But after they had driven a little way she said suddenly, "Mazle fLang ley, I don't believe I have seen a sin gle man since we left tbe'station." "There aren't sny," Mazle Informed her. "I warned you. I told yon In my letters that Hilton was dead! dull." Constantta's laugh rippled. "Ob, you goosie." she said, "as If I cared It will be a rest. If the plrls are- nice a sort of bachelor sirls' paradise.1 Mazie nodded. "There is nothing foi men to do In these Hnmpshlre bins,' she said, "and except a few" merchants and the minister end the doctor there aren't any." "Wet!. I Wish Bobbie Dwrer could hear that" Constantia murmured. "Who Is Bobblo DwyerT" Mazle de manded. "Bobbie," Constantia explained, wltfc elaborate and strangely earn est scorn fulness, "Is a lord of creation. I wai engaged to him until one day be tried to dictate to met Then, of course, 1 broke it off and told htm there wert tome worse things than being an ok) maid, and he flung back at me that b should live single, for be could nevet trust a woman again, and then I told him that an old maid was bspptei than a bachelor, and he said If I triad it I'd find out, and, oh, I wish yon bad beard nsf And in sptte or roe irag cdr of her recital Oonetantla langbed "And rm lied there areot any mes harm X hate tbetnr MuM face slowed. -We wtD have a lovely time if yon feel that way, ho said. Jnt thta the ramshackle cab round ed a carve, and there was the old boose, with Aunt Cynthia at the win dow and the tight shining out behind ber, and they went to ana ssxi vm and' muffins and little rakes, and Me da feasted ber eyes on the picture Constantia made In ber modish gowa. The next day Berena gears cam "Mazie told me now pretry yos - ah. attaint, "sod I toK w v ta'ther see job tbaa a ptrttwa mm an. iMtter than a wools art wm J tjkaA tSmt afternoon d lot of ftt earns, pretty and flottertef ereetorse who bong about Constantia admlrts T lore rh-X- she said wbsa thej bad gone awsy. That night more rrfc? came, ana n the afters these was IW tea, and at alxM a ftadalns salaxy earn over and sat arosmo rae s rr nd corn sad sang srhm Oaastaada bed that Bight the pretty ssarked. 1 brvo bat ' tacked sea Several days tats -Of coarse taees w be said. -bt we eaa aB dale, with sec. -t!!"L-. arrarad ta ba SI S tMsassm- Rot woe . z all ber fiery tbMurtttfaOy la ta . ustl"W she u i ij su 1 Mrsoand. "p4ks The dance was "not a great success. It lacked something, and that some thing Constantia said equivocally was men. In the days that followed the girls still fluttered and admired, but Con stantia looked at them with specula tlve eyes. "It - a pity," she said over the tea cups to Mazle, that so many lovely girls should not marry."' "I thought old maldlsm was the hap piest state," Masle ventured. "Of course for me," Constantia said hastily, "but for you and Serena and the others oh, you ought to meet some nice men" Ana an that evening she was dreamy, and before she went to bed she wrote a letter. Then she planned to give a cotillon before she left town. "I will have the favors and refresh ments sent out from the city," she said. "Everybody here has been so kind that I want to be hostess before I go." Aunt Cynthia was Induced to con sent, and the girls of Hilton got out their best gowns. When the caterer came with his host of assistants Aunt Cynthia songbt Constantia in a great state of excite ment "You have ordered far too much," she said. There was a faraway look In Con stantta's eyes. "They will eat it up," she promised. "But girls have such delicate appe tites," Aunt Cynthia protested. "Oh, girls!" Constantia murmured and dropped the subject But when she came downstairs to greet her guests she was so radiantly beautiful In pink and silver, with her eyes like stars, that Mazie caught her breath as she looked at ber. - "Constantia!" she cried. "What has happened?" Just then from without came the "honk-honk" of a moir born, which was echoed by another and another, and as Mazie flung open the door, with the bevy of pretty girls behind her, there rolled up to the step a big red car In which were half a dozen ra diant youths, and In the second car and in the third and the fourth, so that in all there were twenty-four men to match the twenty-four girls that Con stantia had invited. "I told Bobble to bring them," Con stantia said as she made the introduc tions, and when they had all danced away together Bhe said to Bobble Dwyer, who was hanging over her adoringly, "Men have thetr place at a dance." "How about husbands?" he demand ed very promptly and authoritatively. Constantia dropped ber lashes over her happy eyes. "Oh, well," she capit ulated, "I should hate to condemn yon to bachelorhood. Bobble, dear!" But it was Serena who summed things up when three months later half a dozen engagements were an nounced In Hilton, among them Ma tte's and her owa "I told yon the III wind would blow some good," she said. "It blew Cupid Into Hilton with Constantia." Tale of a Car Ticket. There was a goodly proportion of young men In the Sixteenth street ear when she got In. It was s car with seats running longwise, so that the doubly blessed youths on the opposite side of the car could gaze to their hearts' content. And gaze they did. for never did car carry lovelier freight Unaware that ber advent In the car had changed the heart action of any of Ms passengers, her glorious brown eyes glanced serenely along the palpi tating line of masculinity opposite as she tore a ticket from her strip and placed it between her rosebud Hps while she replaced the strip in ber tiny parse. Lucky ticket! The enraptured young man nearest the door wonld have parted with a five spot to possess that equivalent of four and one-sixth cents. But here comes the strangest part. The con ductor also noticed this most delects ble resting place of milady's ear tick et And the conductor was young and not half bad looking, and the con- doctor was also smitten. A tiny hand reached np to the distracting month and, removing the ticket, handed tt to the conductor. It Is sstd that he blushed. Certain It Is that be took the fare tenderly between two fingers and glanced at It pensively. Then and the roans; man nearest the door is madv to swear to It be deposited tt carefully In so Inside pocket, far re moved from the storing pUoe of all common tickets. And the question is. What did be do with ft? Plttsburg Press. In a Pwfume Fswtory. Mask is perhaps the most valuable and detlgbtfal of all perfumes, yet the leaner as be opens the mask pods most wear thick cloths over mooth and nostrils, so repulsive is the odor that the pods emit Indeed, this odor. Inhaled for any tenctfe of tims. eansee nosebleed. Civet. karaguDoe and am bergris bare in small quantities a de Scious perfume, but la large quantities they smell so abominable as to give the worker neasee. The nawtoorn blossom is deHestety sweet, and prr fnmors prt m highly, yet a roomful of hawthorn blossoms smens use a rbaroel bouse. This, too. Is true of the tuberose. Cincinnati Kaqoifer. Tfcnete End two CeTttMs. Kaady." said fbe toveafcfc Hbam as be twitched the wax sowers aorvouav ty, -woo-t you bo miner I ewea. It feets like my bsart Is coming through." Gracioos," esrwrmrd Maaay appsw bcoarrrly, -f rsekoa TO save so. jk .nry yes bsart is eomtog through, but bare bee courting so kmc two of the sofa sprues are eosnmsj " Chicago Wewa. Be-Doeo your tatter that I am tse got Of your awi Rhe-Ou. rest be said to be put yea out at JO retocx. Diner Hero, waiter, this egg ant bslf cooked. i The Wsttcr-W.fl. yoo didat want tt half cooked, did yea? - "What makes you oaf that your late ancle was epeeutrhT Dtdst be rut ass off ta ats wfflr- Detroit Free rrsse. Bassbo-HcDQ, Basraet Whar to you fwtne? Bastes -I start a gwtoe ae- iar. re Jes beea whar rs swibmv- Ominous Outlook. "Well, anything now lately?" in quired the Just arrived washing ma chine agent ns he hopped on to the porch of the Skevdee tavern. "Well, no, not worth mentioning, I guess," replied the landlord. "Things Is klnda slow Just now, and But, ho, come to th'nk, three itooplo were bit by a pet squirrel last week, and con siderable fear is expressed that they may go nutty." ruck. A Cold. I habe a Kodd. Ity head feeds dike A baked botato udderdode. I caddod shedd a slgdo ddlg. Add dlfe, I tedd you. Is d't fuA By dasad bejuages are stobbed. I bdow add bdow add bdow add bdow, Add stldd I caddot harddy breadde It geds bod o tod us, you kdow. I habe a godd. Each frledd I beet Adblses so be dew ddlgg to do. Except dde Christlad Scledt'st, Who takes of dlfe a roseate blew. I wish I tedt Id was d't ddere, Id bakes be foed so dudd add odd. To be ddls way, bud I wtdd swear By add dds gods I habe a godd I Somervllle Journal. Favored by Fat. "Did the Sawyer girls have a good time on their trip to Bermuda?" "Yes. They. tad an unusually lovely time." "How was that?" "Their chaperon missed the boat." Cleveland Plain Dealer. The Sighing 8woin. They say that germs lurk In a kiss To mingle danger with the bliss. Try to kiss Molly, though, and you'll Not catch the smallest molecule. She will decline the kiss In terms That never even mention germs. Pray tell me, sage of cult and school. What molecule makes Molly cool? Chicago Post. The Inevitable Consideration. "What's dls talk of a free breakfast table?" asked Meandering Mike. "It's another political dream," an swered Plodding Tete. It s some thing dnt'll never happen as long as dere's wood to be chopped." Wash ington Star. Slightly Mixed. It was the final day of school, And the friends of Willie Wise Were out in force, expecting to Bee Willie swipe the prise. When Willie stood up to recite He Said, with outstretched hands, "Under the spreading blacksm.th tree The vUlage chestnut stands." Chicago News. Up In That Direction. I "Dreemcr says be lives up clouds." In the "That's pretty nearly true. He lives on the top floor of a mighty tall lodg ing bouse." Kansas City Times. Father1 There was a man In our town. And he was wondrous wise. He jumped into a mining scheme Ud to his very eyes. And when he found that he was "out With all his might and mind He jumped out of the scheme again. But left his pile behind. Minneapolis Journal. Cant Grow Two Crops st Ones, "The trouble with a lot of long haired geniuses," Mr. Tsukaway says, "is that the Ins Ides of their heads never produce as well as the outside, do." Kansas City Times. Growl From Disgruntled Suburbanite. Whene'er you step aside to let Borne dame precede you through the gat. Tour train Is lust about to leave, And you're just halt a second lata. Bohemian Macaslna, Wished He'd Bern Forgotten. "Did your uncle remember you in his wtnr "Tee. ns directed his executors to collect all the loans be had made roe." Boston Transcript Net a Men at All Hoot, monl Hoot, monr the Sootchmao cried To an owl perched by the old roadside. And the owl looked up with ruffled bead. "How dare vout I'm a lady ewir tt amid. Still at the Bank. Mrs. Banker-John, do yon know anything about the balance of power? BenkM"-lo, I don't Who la Power Upprncotrs Magazine. Plays and Novels. Tbe aaochty Utermlure aw ass Has left US apprrtienert That W uiaurlal mar te Too re. and yet expensive,. Washington tttasv Paradoxical. .tfver The new baker seems to be so todustrlfiae ens p. Oyer Ts ; he's a great loafer. Baa Francisco Sxsmloer. Even be. Tfc. plane a moral talne. Viewed m whatever MgbC For. even II It Isn't square, ITS sure ts be uprtaiit. Detreet Trtbtme. Unpardonable. PTOfessor-Wbat wss Nero's great crime? Bright Pupu-He played tbe ftddle- Cbicace As usJlspitiaJaV flow aestlna are afl tntves betew. How weak each strong stales ver. Par ssen wtn eon. and ssea wUI SO, Bat Weston walk. hnnr. -Omnaaao Itass Dealer. Pat-Is Kelly booest? Mike-Is be? Sore, he's so foAtver km teO urban he's lytasV- Old. -wrv kad that efcaSr far Sa sat. I ran air than Bleats tbe seat. and. K 1 feaad The State and tfc Tbe state asty make k easy for a maa to aeaoire a email holdmg. but It grre tbe tuaa the sssrgy. toe Industry, which are aeeesnary if tae to te be aa aMdtng tilling se moral ebaraeOsr wbteb enables those by tastr Bdaatry, te beyond tbe reseb of tscoporary -Loadoa Btraafl Msgssiaa. tiuns of Great Power. Washington, D. 0., July 19 Rear-Admiral Newton E. Mason, chief of ordnance of the navy, will expend $13,000 on the naval proving grounds at Indian Head to fit them for testing the 14-inch guns now being made at the Washington Navy Yard. Should the navy adopt these guns the Dreadnaughts now build ing will have a far heavier anna ment than their British rival". Ten 14-inch guns, all mounted ou the centre line of a battleship. would make the most formidable battery ever floated. The army, too, Is experiment ing with 14-inch guns. The army gnns are of two types, the ordi nary cast-steel type and wire wound. The steel for these guns has been put through a new and se cret process, the discovery of a naval officer, that will give it a hardness never before equalled With the new process, in the words of one naval officer, who is in close . touch with the work, "the Krupp steel will look like iron byomparison." This Will Interest Yon. Everyone would be benefitted by taking Foley's Orino Laxative for stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation. It sweet ens the stomach and breath, gont ly stimulates the liver and regu lates the bowels anl Is much su perior to pills and ordinary laxa tives. Why not try Foley's Orino Laxative today? uranani Drug Co. Norlh Carolina Patents. Granted this week. Reported by C. A. Snow fc Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, J. L. Patterson, Roanoke Rapids, Fabric R. Pitt, Pine tops, Door stop or securer. For copy of any of above patents send ten cents in . postage stamps with date of this paper to C. A. Snow & Co., Washington, D. C. Tortured Oa A Horse. "For ten years I couldn't ride a horse without being in torture from piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless, Ky., "when all doe- tors and other remedies failed Bucklen's Arnica Salvecured roe." Infalliable for Piles, Barns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Fever-Sores, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Corns, 25c. Guaranteed by Graham Drug to. The automobile manufacturers seem to be sure that we are fac ing another period of great pros perity. They are building 200,- 000 motor cars and are satisfied that this country will next year spend 200,000,000 for automo biles. Wilmington Star. The Crista ef Islei Idleness means trouble for any as. - . (.. one. its the same witn a lazy liver. It causes constipation. headache, jaundice, sallow com plexion, pimples and biotcnes, loss of appetite, nausea, bnt jjr King's New Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and bnild up your health. 25c. Graham Drug Co, Michael Anderson, steward of the Aragon Hotel, Atlanta, Ga., Was shot and seriously wounded in the hotel Tnesday afternoon by William White, a traveling man., who with his wife was a guest at the Aragon.. Mr. and Mrs. White were taken to the po lice station and Anderson to a hospital. The shooting it is said, involved Mrs. White. She wrote Anderson a note of sympathy after the occurrence. Te Care a C.I4 la Oa. Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All draztdsts refund the money if it fails to core. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 23fl. The Empire Reservoir, 28 miles west of Fort Morgan, CoL, con taining more than a billion cubic feet of water and irrigating 40, 000 acres of land In Morgan and Weld counties, broke tbe retain ing walls Monday. Tbe deluge cut a swath half mOe wide through the richest farming lands in that region, inflicting damage estimated at S500,OUO. No , Vvi were lost. The reservoir i I be main source cf Water eopply for irrigation in this section. CASTOR I A for XaJasts aaa CkOdrtn. Hi Kbi Yh Ean Knp BU Bears the Wgiitlirs of Rival of Matnmrth Cave. Denver, Col., July 22. Great c vves largor than the far-famed caves of Kentucky with chasmi? and vaulted chambers in which an office building could be stowed away and surrounded by ahcieut and mysterious ruins never be fore visited by white men, have just been discoered by Prof. Edgar L. Ilewht, the archaoelo- gist, in the northeastern part of Arizona. The caves have loDg been told of by Indians, but white men doubted their existence ' until Navajoe guide lead Professor Hewitt to them. He says the caves, ruins, and natural bridges were found without difficulty aud exactly as the Indian legend had described them. Some of the cav ems he and the guide visited were large enough to contain the Singer building and others con tained curious formations unlike anything he had ever seen. Sev eral natural bridges between hills in the vicinity were so large as to make the rock bridges of Utah and Virginia puny by compari son. The ruins contain relics, household articles and remains of race of which archaeologists have been in ignorance. Cured Hay Fever and Snmater Cold. A. S. Nunbaum, Itatesville, In diana, writes: "Last year I suffer ed three months with a summer cold so distressing that it inter fered with my business. I had many of the symptoms of hay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seemed only to aggravate it. Fortunate ly I insisted upon having r oley- s Honey and Tar. It quickly cured me. My wife has since used it." Foleys Honey and Tar with the same success." for chronic coughs and lung trouble it has no equal. Refuse substitutes. Graham Drug Co. As a result of the anti-trust suits recently brought by Attor- ner General Sterling, of Missis sippi, against tbe Retail Lumber Dealers' Association of Missis sippi and Louisiana, 15 out of tbe 73 concerns made defendants to the suits have compromised with the State. They have promised to pay $800 to the State Treasur er upon a decree being rendered against them and withdraw their appeals to the United States Su preme Court in the original suit. No matter how long you have suffered, Foley's Kidney Remedy will help you. Mrs. S. JU JJoweo, of Wayne, W. Va., writes: I wss a sufferer from kidney disease, So that at times I could not get ont of bed, and when I did I could not stand straight. I took Fol ley's Kidney Remedy. One dol lar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." It will cure yon, as it has restored health and strength to thousands. Graham Drug Co. For the immense contract of printing and supplying to the Postoffice Department 3,000,000,- 000 United States postal cards during the four years beginning January 1 next, only three bid ders have submitted proposals to Postmaster General Hitchcock The Postmaster General hopes to Improve the postal cards by changing the printing and possi bly the color of the paper, so that they will compare favorably with the cards of European conn tries. The contract, which In volves $800,000, will call for the delivery of 75.000.000 card each month. Seared With AHetlrea or scalded by overturned kettle rut with a knife bruised by slammed door injured by gnn or in any other way the thing needed at once is Bucklen's Arni ca Salve to subdoe inflammation and kill the pain. It'a earth's tuoreme healer, infallible for Boils, Ulcers, Fever Stores, eczema and Piles. 25c Graham Drug Co. The Rowan Fair Association has been incorporated by John S. Henderson, T. II. Vanderford and others, with an authorised capi tal of $23,000. tuttof is Mt Bear. Distressing Kidney and Blad- ner Disease relieved in six hoars by the "Kiw Gag at South Axekicax KroxFT cub." It is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness Id relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, is male or female. Bellevee retention of water almost 1m mediateiv. - If roo want quick re lief and care thia li tie remedy. Sold by Graham Drag Co. Advertise is THE GLEANER, Trees That Bear Summer. All The Newton Enterprise. ; Tho ever-bearing peach tree is a reality. We have in our office a branch of a tree left by Mr. Alphonso Hildebrand, one of the most successful fruit growers of the connty. On one twig is a large ripe peach, about the size of an orange; on another is a half-grown peach and a fourth grown one. The tree brings forth fruit after the manner of the fig, throughout the summer, and, Mr. Hildebrand tells ns, is .very full this year. Twas a Glorious Victory. There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I could not work nor get about," he writes, ''and the doctors did me no good, but, after using Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks I feel like a man, and can do good work again." For weak, sore or disease ed lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemorrhages, . Hay Fever, La Grippe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands unrivaled. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. Thos. II. Cannon committed suicide at his boarding house in Concord Wednesday night by cutting Ilia throat with a razor; He was in bad health and had threatened to take his life. He was about 55 years old and is survived by a wife and daughter. He was formerly a prominent man of Spartanburg, S. C. . Washington's Plague Spots lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the breeding ground of malaria germs. These germs cause chills, fever and ague, bil iousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles." They are the best all-aound tonfeand cure for malarial, I ever used," writes R. M. James, of Lonellen, S. C. They cure Stomach Liver, Kidney aud Blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. , The Wllkeeboro Chronicle says a little child of Mrs, Prevett fell a distance of about 28 feet, from the third story of the Smithey hotel, last Saturday and almost miraculously escaped death. It fell on the side of Its face and it nose was broken and face bruised severely, but the doctor thinks it will recover. To relieve constipation, clean out the bowels, tone and strength en the digestive organs, pot then in a natural condition with Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most reliable tonie for thirty years. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets. Graham Drug Co. ; The Post says that a $15,000 school Dullding is to be erected at Misenhelmer, Stanley county, by the Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and that Mr. A. R. Lazen- by, of Salisbury, has been award ed the contract for the building. What is railed tortoise shell to I the bony covering or shield of the tm tia, bet only tbe scales wbtcb eovor It These are tblrteea m sum ber, eight of them flat and Are a little earvt A torgo turtle affords about eight pounds of them, tbe plates varying from a quarter of aa inch to aa tech In tbirkneas. Air In Caves. Certain caves bare hero reported aa maintaining a uniform temperature. summer and winter, of M dtgrens F. Tbey msy be said to breathe twice a year Inhaling during tbe winter sad exhaling during the summer. District ef CeJumbis. The Distrkt of Columbia ceenprfcee aa area of 00.36 saaare sagas. Tbe gerernmrst consists of two err Ulna cosMdMlonr appointed by the ptuet- Cent sad rorSrmed by tbe esaate and see amy e-glaeer emcsr. detailed by lbs serretsry of war, the three stituftag the board ef cc for three years. . PeeUesSy Put -We d begun to tbmk ft would aevor roast re anything." Urs. Dove said fraakiy. for Bister Sue Is forty and Mr. Jenkins to fnrty-alae. "But they're married at tost, and the fuaay part of It to that Ibey assst aa happy as If tbey hadal beta waft, what we used ts call coarticg for arv estrru yeura." . .. -Ah. a retsaaee of lbs middle agaer Mrs. Devt'e cutler poUtaly observed. Chndren teething often suffer from Cholera Infantum, Diarrhoea or some form of BjwvI Complaint Dr. Seth Arnold's Balsam is the ioest remedy. Warranted by Gr-1 Peach Kg Succeed when everything else faJta, la nervous prostration and tamale wsslmaajM they are tbe- supreme remedy, as thonaands base testified. FOR KIDNEY.UVCn A?.D - - SlUMACn lKUULU II k is the beat medicine ever sold M ' over druggist's coontex. - sAAaaaMaSaaaMAaiaaAaaiso This time of the year are signals of warning.' Take Taraxacum Com pound now. .It may av9 you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your, indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine' .MEBANE. N. C. Bortk Guillu'i Fmoott Inkjet. Tho Clnrbtta Ol:rr:r Every Day In the Year. ULDYEIL t TSSFCSS, MSiiffl ' 4. F. CAIJ)WE2LI Editor. $8.00 Per Year. THE OBSERVER- . - , Receives ' the largest . tele graphic news service deliv ered to any paper between : Washington - and Atlanta. ' and its special service is tbe greatest ev.T handled by . North Carolina paper. Thb Sukoat OnsEBTES Consists of 16 or mote pages and is to a large extent 'I made np ol original matter. "Send for Sample Copies. Address, - , - TlXB OBSERVE!?, Chabxottb, N. C ARE YOU UP tO DATE If yon are not the News at Obebtsb is. . Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep yon abreast of the times. - Foil AsaxciatedPrm dispatch es. All the news foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. ? ... v ;.. i , . Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. , j Weekly North Carolinian J1 per year, 60c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., Rauogb, N. C - The North Carolinian and Thb Axamakcx Glbabbx wiH be sert for one year for Two Doll ra. Cash in advance. Apply at Thb Glxaxbb office. Graham, N.C TMC NORTH CAROLINA couicitfiJisiTuiitrriii::!: The State's college for vo cational training. Courses in Agriculture and Horticult ure; in Civil. Electrical zr. I Mechanical Engir.ecrlrj; in Cotton Miliir j and Dyeir i : Industrial Chcrristry. Vil y not fit yourr-elf for 11T3 I -taking cna cf thr.-3 ccurs : . Acl5rcc3.- D. II. liiLL, 1 - (Headaches Taraxacum Co. o always Vktd me bv; aits. Palladelpuie BuDetia. - UUVtVfMk

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