he Alamance Gleak EK. V()L. xxxv. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST 19, 1909. NO; 27 M'siis - .-..ttnir. persons of a mhobs name SStbeneflt by taking one oll&. UyooMveneen DRINKING TOO MUCH, they m promptly tUBmt the nausea, SICK HEADACHE . ... which follows, restore lab No Siihstitute. , PROFESSIONAL CARDS DONALD GULLEY Attorney-at-Law BUKLINGTOTf, N. C SELLARS BUILDING. DR. WILL S. LONG, JR. . . , DENTIST ... 1 tVt a a. I I graham. - - - """" -rU..... OFFICE in SJMMON8 BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. SXMER LOSS. T.mvo & LONG. Attorney and Counselor at Law GRAHAM, N. J S- O O O -K- , Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, - - N. C. Office Patterson Building Sooond Floor. ..... C. A. HALL, AITOBN'EY AND 00ONSELLOR-AT-LAW, GRAHAM, N. 0. Office in the Bank'of Alamance Bulding. up stairs. I0HH UHA t Ky W VU. W. g. BTHUM, J B, liiNUM &BYNTJM, Attorney ana uoaueiora at uw (JivUENSBORO, 9 V. Practice refralarly in the courts of Ala nance coomy. aur. , j TO ,Pin"J "S ?uiH'Da PI J w qnf) I3av.it )9simg ffupp. wmoind jrnj JOjj :. :: -jCdo) pjdureg mmujoaao us o juoas 10 onu n 11 jjoa reloads . i i . JL3U i mmium m v 1HSHQS ; 1 I i pueuap HJO AA aim aioidnav. iv . r i 0) Iuja oqtt. toot - -faooi Anam ovu ,a . " V7 1N0 HO A HXV .: a aW at isvoaiDiawa In'difie USE mfmm When tni aftjimaal, MmuL .11 nmnrla food, of itaalf- It jMwrfa a UUla WNDOSMnd IMi I. ana1. "7 KiPDlled hT Kfirtnl. Knrtnl uwitathe aOmteh. h tannnmn. AlntMtnrr all Of the fanri Im .v.- . Tlu " .k.r.k. OBJach mar ml and Mmnnnl. Our Guarantee. . ! 2!"KS ras Sr. ha. . m 1.. -. Tfra roar numey. Don't beaiMtw ul SW" 1H sea ra KoflnJ en ttxs terms sTti! ua eonukms Mi -Wom as moos "MerlM at . 0. Be Witt Co, Caleaga, Graham Drng Co. ihBingham School f bML an I vt, n ttM warty. A loamoB SwHaafarMfMy. kaitt and oaaty. luans SMSiili baaltyatJJj ana SmfamT'sBaBaaa MUltarr diarlaUaa. Sra JM aeaaHcaata. OotdM Ufa Wlia TaU aaotbal bin, ray.i.a. OV CTtrl -r.al Job IMntlxrar-: WeW fix you money on-all glatlons Cosiness irfl. Posters, etc, etc. sncn: Orssas Csaatr, asa - Aansa knM hfaa XSjy?V a uaoi VjyoarrJ, . , mimi aa a.. aa Wfm. A fm By EMMA ARCHER OSBORKE Copyright, IM; by Amerkaa freu Aw HE Wolverine was running near shore, Idling along the Key Jersey coast In the vicinity of the Shrewsbury river, one afternoon early in August Glen ' Durant enjoyed this simple method of cruising. , It was about the first breathing spell be bad had since the yacht went into: commission on Memorial day. As the season was par ticularly favorable to yachting there bad been but little cessation for over two months now from the smart do ings of yachting life. There had been the races and regattas, with the week end spins thrown in. There had been the annual cruises, and there bad been the - Innumerable social functions at Newport and the other resorts, all of which the Durants were, because of their membership to tbe various yacht clubs, under obligations to attend and which tbe Durants meaning Glen Du rant's father and mother enjoyed hugely. In addition, there bad been aboard the Wolverine, the $500,000 steam yacht of the Durants, gay dinners, re ceptions and luocbeons. There were bridge and poker, and there were any number- of those informal gatherings when everybody talks and laughs lm moderately. So many persons came and went while the yacht was anchor ed at the various yacht club stations that the launch was kept kicking be tween the Wolverine and the landings almost Incessantly. And throughout the merry round Glen Durant had begged his mother to cut the whole giddy whirl and run away with him a little while some quiet place where be might fling aside his Immaculate flannels. get into some coarse negligee things and stop to breathe and be natural. He was half dead with ennui. He even threatened to put out for Canada or the Rockies. But his mother laughed at him prettily, patted him lovingly on his tanned cheeks und called him "silly boy." lie was a boy to her, de- suite his twenty-live years. Durant ached to fly from It all und especially from the fuss which his mother s but terfly friends m;iiie over him. Good looking and tremendously rich, lie was nnttirnllv much Houcljt after. He be came more uud inure convinced of the triteness of tuut bit of philosophy of the. old; Quaker lady who had some thing to say about women pursuing men so assiduously ttant the men had nn nnnortunltv to seek tne women. Durant was bored 'immeasurably. 4 It was a delight, therefore, when Durant put bis father and mother off 6 Loog- Branch, where they were to aoefid a .week wltb the wnitueetons, (jut ha comld feel Immune from any social (Aiactkrae. ; Ha waa stretched out, occupying two fcbalra under tbe awning, smoking ana lejUy watching the coast and Its at traction alln Dast The water was unlet tat that side of tb channel. Seemed that sort of quiet which usual. It rjortends something ominous. - i Suddenly Durant's attention was at tracted to several persons on the beach. They were gestic ulating and wav ing frantically evidently trying tc attract the atten tion of those board the yacht .Durant ordered "the Worrerlne mo along shore do as net draft would penult and directly be was within bailing dis tance of tbe peo ple they made known to him that a boat or some "StratoMto stor boani.'" thing Dorant couldn't catcb 'dearly all they sald-wae drifting ooi t..-hhainwrMatioiid. Wouldn't k. tn hs rescue, they begged. ration about his r.r aa be wee concerned fw,r,nf. flrst thoua-ht was of the tide It was at full ebb. and be realized that tf anything afloat was to be snatched from its mighty carrying could be den only by thn hastiest pos- it. . rnmid.- Larned, toe cap- aa the wnealooqaa niimg w EuKhea. the mate, wb0 Bma w""" ?TTL irk-ouicker than W haw v f It P beforer Durant tailed. i,al i ara a lDXnfret .. tha. kails In tin engine to bit DOOCa ioa L- Mane to discern anytMnr be jua tha osnaj quota a - mm m-- - " . . .k. w tntn Ha loena ara - pecauar snaps. . r a. aHaudr b antwavsa DUtaww.i. oncanl Tnerre ltaTeTttotl-r TmU. -a wm ot nch inc. Ual than wfl get ns np we nay. . kboo&irt IM load tomotTWW. wan EJnjiB the lvrjot-m Barnjr. erythlng aboard, but get there!" They were running amid a line of long, lazy rollers with light crests, but presently the prow of the Wolverine was turned toward the dark object and she cut through the rollers with gathering speed. There was no sea to mention nothing but a slow, heaving swell that moved like a pewter lid, as though keeping some seething thing frombreakinglnto eruption. Durant had ror several sec onds been gazing at tbelr objective point when be turned his eye to tbe horizon beyond. "It looks nasty out there," he observed to Larned. "What do you suppose it's going to do?" "Fog, sir, and It's coming on Durant gnatchetl a iotel. tonight to boot!" replied that It's the kind that weather oracle. rolls in fast!" "Then, for heaven's sake, let tbe yacht out let her out! Tut her up to her limit!" cried Durant. "There's a life at stake, and we've got to beat that fog!" He dashed into the wheel house and glanced at tbe chronometer. "Blazes!" he yelled. "She isn't even up to her average! What's the matter down in the engine room?" "Only one stoker, sir," answered Larned, considerably disconcerted. "Kline's off sick today H "The devil you say!" Durant blurted. Then he commenced to shed clothing like a lightning change artist. In less than a minute there lay scattered around a white cap, a white coat a collar, cuffs, necktie and various pieces of expensive Jewelry, and Durant get ting the sinews of his arms into play as he ran, descended Into the coal pltf and snatched a shovel. The Increased feeding of the firebox bad a telling effect The boilers warm ed up, the steam gauge recorded high er pressure, and the Wolverine cleaved the sullen, heavy waters with a deeper swathe, cutting a wave that spread nndulatingly and majestically a broad distance on either side of her. There wasn't anything to interfere with the yacht's course no other craft in her way, no waves to dodge or buf fet no shoals to avoid and no channels to keep to. All was clear sailing, and it would seem as though there was nothing to check or to retard the mag nificent floating palace from winning In her race with the bank of fog which appeared indefinite leagues beyond. But the Wolverine had never before raced with death, and fog is treacher ous and has hidden ways of its own. Tbe stokers fed the furnaces as fast and as vigorously as human beings could work, Durant's blood fairly leap ing with an appreciation of tbe ten fying need for effort The engineer, almost motionless at his vigil at the steam gauge, watched for the ounces of steam and used them as they accu mulated. Those above were getting the launch ready to lower, preparing life lines and belts and hauling out thick hawsers-stout hawsers they were, for the object being pursued was now plainly visible, and a houseboat Isn't the easiest thing In the world to eantnre and take Into tow. "Can't yon let her out more?" Larned shouted down through the telephone. There wan a note of desperation in bis vole "She's away op, sir, but IH try to gtve her another llftr called back tbe engineer. ADd tbe stokers, reallzinf the demands, redoubled their efforts at tbe coal bins. Rlsht in tbe midst of the high pres sor and the skimming speea in si- nal ran? to slow down to reduce to the minimum and simultaneously tb Wolverine's foghorn walled out a help. Inaa nrotestlna' blast Durant threw oown Die buoto am iarul weakly asalnst DUiar. tie tared hODeKsMly at tbe engineer. "WeTL it sounds as tnoogn were m for itr broke out tbe engineer In petu lant resumatlon. Then Durant cumben to tne oera and groped Ua way forward to wbera be found Larnerj getting into aa. on- Wh alirker. TbO disappointment en both men was keen. Tbelr manner folly attested It. "Did you anally maae out ami. n waaf" Durant asked, stretch tag wea rily to relieve his tired muscles. -One ot tboee goon lor notnuig avoav- boats that bang amen toe uueta. u Croat bars got loose aomebow. Tbera was women aboard a gtri," replied Lamed. "We got to wltinn n cjoane- of nuM, almost witmn nauunj aw tanc. 8b was waving- eoasatsw . and I was nlgnanng be i tb fog at bar sp. and In another aabMrt It covered aa. I suppose, sir. we mlgbt well torn abonx ana tees r way ap to Oraveaendr "VntB a nejpieen gun iuw"n - tb fog oat barer warn -wltb a good deal at tawtansptTka aa roar Ufa! Wall ley to ana seen warn tb tide if wa stay bar U waetar . a sens of lmmeoe desolation act Med ever tbe Woryertne. Sapper eaten dpirttedly. and the crew KW aanaaul al B ntod f tailing. DaTMt, wbo wa ear tb yacht to ta eta-. thinking of tb dMraaa ef rb iM ana tv. acarniab aat he flleaal back SSI tb abor. JPrtrr BtOa arbfl be awar ba iae ed tb loan eC th aaea aaawaaa in. ' far flra hoan tbey drifted, and 4f tng an tba Un at trMrato edMtr er twe ta noaiae soa-aa. tbe yacbt beOowed at fta arte B oVytng deanoav to ewaueaeauu wy . hrforad. - ftaBSderln wator the warning notes of a bell Tiuoy rang out dolefully, apprising them that they were not entirely beyond the reach of the harbor. Durant wondered If the houseboat were still floating or if some transatlantic leviathan bad blind ly crashed Into it and sunk it And the girl what of her? About 10 o'clock everybody started to his feet every man aboard bad been instituted as a lookout and ther was a nolBy. glad rushing around. -Th fog had commenced to lift. x.utie ny little the damp, gray, smothery substance receded, until It finally rose altogether like a great cur tain. With the1 disappearance of 1U trailing, ragged edges there broke to view what was visible of tbe night. - Off to shorewarda lighthouses blink ed faithfully, and here and ther at tbe shore resorts there appeared biasing, fantastic displays. After awhile the moon and stars shone out clear and unobstructed. Near by and at varying distances ships were anchored big ships that had not dared venture into port and others that bad decided to pause rath er than to risk disaster outside.' It was like beautiful panorama sudden ly stopped. When Larned in manipulating tbe searchlight caught the houseboat in its rays it lay so close that the white, strained face of the-girt who was clinging dejectedly to tbe roof, was plainly dlscernable. She wasn't at - all the Amazonian, athletic variety of girl, capable-of en during perils at sea on a rait, then coming out with a shout of "Hooray r She was Just an ordinary girl, not very big, not very little, and she was all sobby and scared half to death. She raised herself and, resting her weight on one band, looked wonderlngty at them. It was as much as ever Durant could do to persuade her to let him carry her from the roof to tbe launch, and even then he bad to assert masculine au thority. He picked her np bodily, see- He picked her up bodily. lng she couldn't stand for trembling, and in less than no time tbor bad bar aboard the Wolverine. He wrapped her up In something warm, and be made her eat and drink some hot coffee. Then tbe color came back to ber cheeks, and ba noticed how tremendously pretty she was. After awhile she looked around on the royal splendor of the dining sa loon. Walls, celling and furniture werr In mahogany heavily carved la heral dic designs. There was a profusion of ornate silver, cut glass decanter rang ed along toe sideboard In glittering array, and, following out a whim of Durant's father In tbe Una of decora tion, a coilectioa f Captain Kiddisb looking, cutlasees and. bowl knives were mounted In every available apace, held Id position by big brass knob. a Durant who ws sitting 4811 at on end of tb table, watched tbe girl amusedly. Bat the girl wa not one bit smnscd. Bbe suddenly fasteaed ber big, dark yea en him, backed away harried ly and aaked: "Are yon a plratef - Durant wanted to sbsat but a that she wouldn't understand, o merely smiled and explained that be was nothing but an ordinary decent ettlaen of Hew York and tbat tbe Woe verln was only a floating borne ba longing to bis father. . Wbn tbey were hurrying over to Loag Bnocb tor put tb gin anna Durant and Lamed snowed bar over tb yacbt 1 never bnaaiaed n r in pn- vat yachts could be so somptnoaa," the eotnmented la smaseroeiit "Thai on nroet bar cost a lot ef raooey." - 1 better fata paid aotaetnlag Bk ISOtVKO for be," Durant replied In differently. "Way. oar phtee down ta Kstxaexy eost only &800," she exclalnaad la ai ple frankneaa, Und if a dearf rant ing ber bead proudly. Tbea ah added, wltb a pretty tittle leach, and a If by way f comparieoa, "And my row boat Dandy, coat only 130 " Durant bo was rooking at ner, wa bvtbasd Just tbe to be almost tealoaa ec Dandy. Ha aent ber into bat mothers state too and told ber to take whatever she wanted. Sb waa glad enough to avail berarif of a Mi coat for tb trip abend of ber. Wbea aba reap peared, refreshed, ber hair don and her fao alight ever tb prospect of art to ber Btetber and bar Daraat wa Immeeearaaty taken wltb ber Inoka and ber pretty ways. Aboat all be coald think of tbe and for the rest tne foarna rbat be bed aset r He hired an aatoraoMl wbea tbey rifted ber Into tb Obm Slight rant tbanks by tb gtrt, try by tb that But Daraat bad to tab tat hie bead for aiawaaafty see that tb which tb Worretin t Long Branch, waa i tat ass a to tta rlgtoal awrtngm. Thlr atak Urrotred tunas. tbaa aa boar -b bed M brwsv waald bar aaaled ta at innumerable trips over to the "Ken tucky colony. Then, after all, about a month later when the troublesome old tub was being lugged Into the covert It collapsed rlRht under their noses. The girl and Durant were sitting out on tho point wlion It floundered, and without rhyme or reason tlioy laughed like two uproariously happy children. Why should they care If 1t did sink now? Tbey wouldn't have minded If the whole old world hod turned turtle! Indeed, tho universe might have col lapsea aua it would not have mat tered, since they bad become engaged. The nrt and Durant were fitting out on inepotn. "I suppose wo ought to feci sorry to see It go," said Durant- ."for If hadn't been for that precious craft should never have found you, my sweet girt, and that, beautiful love light In your eyes!" And be k,lssed ber face all over right In broad daylight Tbe girl smiled happily, frankly np at him, and Durant. still looking at her, commenced to realise what It was that bad been lacking in tbe social meringue of which he was wearied and bow much more delightful it war to have had tbe opportunity of striv ing for that essential Instead of bar ing It thrust on him. His Job. The son of a rich father quit college. He was in love, be- explained, and couldn't keep bis mind on hi book. He wanted to go to work and make a place for himself Id tb world. Bo bis father got him on tb payroll of bank In which be was a director. - Tbe young man's sweetheart In beraeeood year at Vassar kept writing him bow proud ah wa over hi independence and asking Just what position be bald. so sho could tell the other girl.. . Tb young man sidestepped the question as to bis prominence in tb bank' organ isation until finally - his -' intended wrote him a peppery letter saying that If be didn't give her tb information by return mall she would be real an gry. Then, after fnuob thrnrlBJL tbe youth wrote ber this: 'I've wanted all along to tell yon about my position and would bar don so before if I bad known myself. About all I do ber to to rates a win dow when I com In tb morning and put It down when I leave In the after noon. The rest of tb time I read or Watch tie other work." I don't know Just what you cooklcall my Job. Deb tor tell the girls that rm tb draft Clerk. That will com tbe nearest to describing . my datiee.'V-New York Press. This Will Interest Yoa. Everyone- would be benefitted by taking Foley's Orlno Laxative for stomach and liver trouble ana habitual constipation. It sweet ens the stomach and breath, gent ly stimulates the liver and regu lates the bowels and is mucn su perior to pills and ordinary laxa tives. Why not try Foley's Orino Laxative today? Graham Drug Co. The world's record for prolong ed (light in an aeroplane was broken Satnrday in France by Roger Sommers, a French aviator, who remained in the air two hours, 27 minntes and 15 seconds, breaking the record made by Wilbur Wright at LeMans, France, last December, when he stayed aloft two hours, 20 min utes and 67 seconds. It was an nounced, however, that Sommers time was not regarded as official Teiiured Oa A Haras. . "For ten years I couldn't ride a horse without being in torture from piles." write L. 8. Napier, of Ruglees, Ky., "when all doc tors and other remedies fallen Bncklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Infalliable for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cut, Boils, Fever-Sores, EczemaaSalt Kheum, Corns, Zjc Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. At Chaska, Tenn., Sunday Joe Born fin. aged 80, wa shot and killed by Brandon McMahon, aged 86. McMahon, in a playful mood, kaocked off Burnnn's hat Angered at this Bnrnfia attacked VeMaiuxi with a stick of wood, knockihg him dowa. White ly ing on the ground McMahon draw his revolver and fired thre shots. On bullet struck- UurnAn near Die. heart, killing him instantly. Tb Crtaae ef Uleaoea, Idleness means trouble for any one. iu ln same wun a iniy liver. It eaosew eonsUpeUoD, beavlache, jaundice, sallow com plexion, pimples and blotches, loss of appetite, aanaea, bat Dr. Kinrs hew Life mils soon Dnuu liver trouble and build up your health. 26c Graham Drug Co. Foley's Honey ma Tar ras awa. prtrtmw 'WV r ?p , Meeting: of State Fanners' Conven tion. Alignst 21-3T, 1909- Suggestion Those Coming to the Convention. to A Reception Committee, of which W. C. Etheridgo is chair man, will meet all trains arriving at the Union Station Monday evening, Tuesday and Wednes day. When you get off the train look for men with badges: "Re ception Committee", or for sign "Headquarters, Reception Com mittee, State Farmers' Conven tion," and make yourself known The Committee will take care of you. Those who prefer will be assist ed in securing satisfactory ac comdations in the city, while those who wish to room at the College will be escorted there And provided with rooms free and meals at cost. . Those who intend rooming at the College should notify Mr. E. B. Owen, West Raleigh, when they will arrive, but failure to do this need not prevent anyone from securing a room at the College on his arrival. Those expecting to room at the College should bring towels and pillars with them. The accomodations for rooming At the College are not good, ow ing to the fact that the College has no furniture or bedding ex cept that furnished students, but such as is there will be at the dis posal of those who wish to avail themselves of it. Railroad Rates. A rate of one and one-half fare plus fifty cents has been granted for the Farmers' State Conven tion providing there are as many as one hundred persons attending the meeting holding properly re ceipted certificates. The condi tions are in the main, that a first- class ticket at foil fare be pur chased from the starting point, or the nearest point thereto at which a through ticket to the place of meeting can be obtained, taking from the ticket agent a receipt for the same on the regu lar certificate used for this pur pose by the railroads; this certi ficate when properly signed by the Secretary of the Association And a representative of the rail roads will constitute an order on the local ticket agent for a return ticket at one-half the regular rate to the holder. The rates will ap ply to all points in North Caro lina and from Norfolk, Ports mouth, Suffolk, Boykins and Danville, Virginia, and are grant ed by the Atlantic Coast Line, Durham and Southern, Norfolk and Southern, Seaboard Air Line and Southern Railways. The tickets will be on sale August 80, 1909 and properly signed certifi cates will be honored for return ourney on or before August 81, 1909. .' Information, sample certificates and programme . may b secured from the Secretary orE. B. Owen, Registrar of the College, West Raleigh, N. C, upon application. T. B. PARKER, Secretary. Seared WHb A Hetlrea or scalded by overturned kettle ut with a knife bruised by slammed door injured by gun or in any other way the thing needed at once is Bucklen s Ami ca Salve to subdue inflammation and kill th pain. It's earth's surireme healer, infallible for Uoils, Ulcers, r ever sores, ecxema and Iilev 26c Graham Drug Co. Mr. W. A. Blair, of Winston Salem, has been elected one of the trustee of the Peabody Edu cational Fund. Among the mem bers of the board are ex-Presi dent Roosevelt and Chief Justice Fuller of the Supreme Court. Col. Albert Pope, the pioneer bicycle manufacturer in the United Sutes. died Tuesday a week at his summer home In Cohasaet, Mass. Ta Care a CeU la On Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All druggists refund the money if tt fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box26e. Harry Thaw will stay in an in sane asylum. The eourt holds that he is Insane and incurable. Thousands are siek every year with, some foraa-of Uowea Uow-I DlalaL Thousands ar cared by I uking Dr. Seta Arnold's Balaam. I Warms ted by Graham Urug vo. An Old Indian Graveyard. Sanford Express. A correspondent, writing to the Carthago Blade, states that re cently a man from South Dakota, claiming to be sent by the govern ment, arrived at Cameron and went to the Indian graveyard near that place and began digging. Under heaps of ashes he found skeletons of Indians, some over six feet in length. He exhibited parts of these skeletons in Cam eron. It is estimated that there are some 500 ..Indians buried in this graveyard, standing in a cir cle. Bushes and logs were heap ed upon them and burned to keep the wild beasts away from their bodies. It Is said that this ac counts for the heaps of ashes be neath where stands the skeletons in a circle. Tradition has it that this was the battle ground of hos tile tribes who fought over the rights of territory given them by tho Great Father. 'Twas There's a Glorious Victory. rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for' curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I could not work nor get about," he writes, "and the doctors did me no good, but, after using Dr. King's New Discovery three weeks I feel like a man, and can do good work again." For weak, soreordiseas ed lnngs, Coughs and Colds, Hemorrhages, Hay Fever, La Grippe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands unrivaled. Price 50c and 11.00. Trial bottle i free. Guaranteed by - Graham Drug Co. Sanford Express: Great loads of peaches have been brought to this market by the farmers of the surrounding country during the past ten " days. The crop Is the heaviest in years and many of the peaches are very fine ones. They have been selling at from 50o to II a bushel. ;8ome farmers have been shipping them at 60c a bushel. Washington's Plagae Spots lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the breeding ground of malaria germs. These germs cause chills, fever and ague, bil iousness, Jaundice,' lassitude, weakness and; general debility and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and euro malaria troubles." They are the best all-Jound tonio and cure for malarial, I ever used," writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. They cure Stomach Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 50a Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. Eugene Keifer, a wealthy man of Fitzgerald, Ga.,' was Instantly killed while helping to move piano from a wagon In front of his home Tuesday a wek . He slipped and fell from the wagon and the piano followed,' crushing him to death. To relieve constipation, clean out the bowels, toneandstrengtn- en the digestive organs, put them in a natural condition with Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most reliable tonic for - thirty years. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets. Graham Drug Co. ' In McDowell county Superior Court week before last John Woods, 18 year old, was awarded a verdict of 86,441 against the South and Western (Carolina, Clinchfield and Ohio) railroad. Some time ago Woods was Injor ed by the explosion of a stick of dynamite while he was, employed by one of the construction gangs on the road. One of his eyes was put out, one hand rendered use less and many bruises was the ex tent of his injuries. The suit was for 840,000. Cared Hay Fever aee Saaaaser CeM. A. S. Nusbaam, Batesville, In diana, writes: "Last year I suffer ed throe months with a summer cold so distressing that it inter fered with my business. . I nad many of the symrytoma of hay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my ease, and I took several medicines which seeaed only to aggravate it. Fortunate ly I insisted upon having roiey-a llonev and Tar. It Quickly cured ... . a. ft ZllfJ. iCJ WUO 1MB P'aaay a eye Foley Uoaej nd Tar with the m Mneoem. ror ennmit coughs na lungirouDie it on no m m a . a a equal. Refuse substitutes. Graham Drug Uo. ,TO lad fa Sara h& , ftttmd wl toaerrona laaucdy', as they ar ta sapisais FOR KIDNEYfLIVCRAKD 8T0MACHTR0USLB 9' k lis .lb beat tnedjeta Tr sold This time of the year eadacb are signals of warning. Take Taraxacum Com . Dound now. It' may.- avs you a spell of fe- ver. It i wi U regulate -your bowels, set. your, liver richt. : and -cure- your indigestion. A good Tonicv An honest medicine '. .MEBANEe N. C. t , .... ... . . .... , Tlio Cliarlotte - Observe? Every Day In the Yea.. C1LDIELL t TCIPEE, MBit 4. P. CALDWELL, Editor. $8.00 Per Year. THE OBSERVER- t r Receives the largest - tele- graphic news service deliv; ered to any paper between . ,. Washington - and Atlanta-- and its special service is tbe v s greatest ever handled by . j. North Carolina paper. - The Sunday Obskkvk .- ;' Consists of 16 brmoiefiager 4 ; and is to a large extent ' madenpotorigntnlourtte. wTSend for Sample Copies. " s. . ' f Address, t The Obseuvek, , 1 ' CAILOTT, N. C. ARE YOU Op JO DATE mum o . If yon are not the News ur , Obex vex is. Subscribe for it at -once and it will keep you abreast . of the times. . , Full Associated Press dispatch-'' es. All the ' news foreign, do ' mestie, national) state and local ,' aU the time. . ' Daily News nnd Observer $7 V per year, 3.50 for 6 tnos. 1 Weekly North Carolinian 41'. per year, 50c for 6 mo. ' NEWS & OBSERVER PUB, CO., Raleigh, N. C , - ' The North Carolinian and Tub " Alamance Glxajtex will be sent - tor one year for Two DoIlaxBV Cash in advance. Apply at Tatr.i -Glbaxxx office. 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