,',.. ; i. ? -. 5 .v-r i V1'. A TIT? LAMANGE EAN - -4, . r i V()L. XXXV. L jwVa to the Agotf i'U hrtars Infirmities, suclTas slug. W weak kWneya and bid. TORPID LIVER. - W- - . ae. "a H. ".T. gpeclflc effect en the, rrana, !S!,.tatL the bowels, caiialnglfaein STBerfonn their natural nocuous aa . Mild ' - ' t Ln.DTINfi VIGOR ""L.L kidney.. bb-dder aad LIVE. nj - . . a A and WAIUI PROFESSIONAL CARDS , DONALD GULLEY Attornay-et-Law BURLINGTON, N. C SELLAR8 BUILDING. , - S g. WILL S. IMG, JR. ' PENT'ST . . Grham, - - . ,,Hr i 0FFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONG. J. ELMER LONG. LONG & LONG v Attorneys and Coiinnolor at Law GRAHAM, N. .' ' T. S. COOK- Attornay-arUtaw, j GRAHAM, - - - -1' 'N. C. Office Patterson Building Second Floor. ... ,-. C A. HALL 4TT0BNET AND COONSELLOB-Ai-LAW, i GRAHAM, N. G. Qllice in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up stairs. OHKOBAVh-RUM. W. P. BTKUM, Js. BVNUM & BYNUM, Attorneys und Counselors at Law (JnKENSBOHO. It- C 5 fractlce regularly in the courts of Ala sum county. Aug..),Mly FREE TRIP iojthe PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE t i .1 at tbe many tnous- ands who want to explore ttiaArVon- derland 7 7 7 7 SDNSET MAGAZINE has instituted1 a new department, whose spseial. work it ii to nut within tie rwcli of every one an opportunity to m tie FAR WEST. Write foe Stntplc Copy. S..n3et Travel Clot? J I'UhI Dufldltitf, San FraacborvCUL T AND . ,i , JJysp2iii3ia Whet roue stomaehoatmoi properly aWfcod, of Itself, It needs s, llula ww a and thU aaglsUnee is tead UrwppHedby EodtfL KodolssalMtbe pmaco, by Unporrilr wte6'1, tbe food In the storaaoh, so that, thj "onueh BMqc rest and reonpenv Our Guarantee. g5 1 Ute drasftol will M Don t besitsMi ssy i tarra Dnet Graham 'Drng Co., JhsBingham School armr, la B. uli tnrns tocm iy. taut a4 NMIT-. KiillVT llMtt Sra lit ft. VMS) IMI bHHt MltS mil MthU. rTi"l ealur. tM tmm T nfiSH. scntJ-oi I if or- yenr ob Printing? - We can Jve you money on all fwtionery. WeoUHiig Wtatlons. Bnslness i. Posters, etc-, etc HIS Imeoon aV?i sbs rev KMni oo nmm J".004 IWU MtSteSS StOMS SS I SI i Ffeo I Mm xflts. A UADIX Angelica 9f Michigan fly CAROLEN BATESON Copyright. 1309, by American frets Asm- E. Florentines were proud of .Giuseppe. To tourists tho inn keeper pointed him out along with tho city's curios as the wbo was to equal Raphael and revive In Italy the glories Of bygone centuries. "His faults?" And for once the Inn keeper's rhapsody halted out of defer ence to the well bred young lady at the window. "It Is true Giuseppe bos faults. But, slgnorlna, what will you? He Is young, and geniuses are not found under every bush even In Italr MafRbarita, Ploria, Beatrice, Francos' co" the flngere of both bands thrown out and a despairing shrug Indicated the Inaccuracy of the count "they all nave spoiled him. But look for yomw sell. Could you blame them?" Angelica looked. Besides being conscientious traveler anxious to miss nothing, she was a painter, too, in her prim, orderly way and before her Ital ian sojourn could boast an occasional premium at a county fair. She had al ready heard of Giuseppe at the studio u Rome, and her interest grew now that she saw the man. Her trained glance noted bis perfect proportiona. Tho soft roundness of the figure matched with the handsome bead, in which, Bho could swear, no concrete fact bad ever found lodgment Such a being' should be care free, a ward of the nature be Interpreted. Ho needed blue sky and sunshine for a back ground. His faults well, who could rebuke the lightness of a butterfly? And yet In his expression there was a restless hungering, that explained tbe artist. It was a sorrowful look, but beautiful and in harmony with tbe fea tures. Its dissatisfaction, free from plaint or .protest, bod long been sweet ened into aspiration. "How cold he would look In a Grand RaDlds winter!" she thought. "But even in Grand Rapids be would still believe In Italy." Then she glanced away. Anglo-Saxon secretlvent'ss hid her interest, for the great painter, seeing her, bad paused and was staring up enrnpt from the wnlk below. The nidoni-ss was unconscious framed by the window sash she looktil so like a picture in an exhibition. Her clear cut face, all purity, roscrubk'd nothliip be had ever seen In life. Sm-li nicest lie some times dreamed of uf for confession. He larad them us lie loved tbe church, with its poetry and mystic symbol- tarn. Her ccntlc coldness, so differ ent from Floria, gave her a holy wem ing, and holiness had power to thrill his Ml. iiko a violin's harmonics, as some thing high and fine, almost past the easing. That such a creature must be twyond all touch of passion affected him with Ineffable sadness, bat to tbe artist sndnturt bolds an element of deep BTtutia Joy. Her height above him iBOTgbt a eoesckiostMss of bis own sin .tnncasssd mortality, tier eyes wuu tiered beyond htm In apparent careless- BBS. fjlin is an angel from heaven, and & .l.. T uM M m tnrt. allows not lum mural. , li m he knew surely aho would plead or me wnn aiary and the blessed saints." "A stranger 5 lea, sbe. Is' a arrantrer." COOed tbe bout, pointing to tbe regtetet when Giuseppe guest kxwd. Gen Ins is a hothouse plant that mum be ooaiM flower. "A i elan nam ra-arter 1 Carter, Angelica Garter ox micm n n " Boao angai. - en as uroseis sutrma vv """i" ikM honed, u lj Im. hnrM had SO nicsseu iiiui - bssfly remote s sound. Mkblgan-no wona power iui-" - i ankno-m countries wbk-h the fancy . .rin Iffnnrea. Bat loves sua uk rw-.-- . the Dost came presently with further Inroraiauna: -sOehlasJs kike, ts- tsU me. m the tody patota. Bte mmAt lulu to ass oar ptrtarsa, B berr "Tsa, I "v, tv "But ana "rt-t night be rijarita, a kb from nwls, anappotefr ' n.MM Be It wan thf Dtn "' .. La .rtrtj. eaw -rtasa aTf s.-Tur-id pot -j nw- nZ Sostffiia, scatsxie ijaamfcaj term a aa l'" . t7a m. ssttartna of ssgnarita- 4(9 st laarasIX aba pt laei aCK, tar "T . ta am rarity. words and much humility. Ills works spoke for him. She saw there Madon na eyes and quiet valleys ond that peaceful calm of evening when God walked abroad in tho garden. Every where was faith, tinged by sorrow to a deeper ri huess, and poetry and In tuitive comprehension of those things lieyond that humankind must strive for, never reaching. A despair of her own poor reasoning talent seized her. "The picture ehall say it nil." Looking, she understood tho man and the strange sweet longing of his coun tenance. When he unveiled a sketch of herself tears rose with tho Inten sity of her delight. Unfinished ns it was. It was the gem of the collection. But the beauty, the exaltation of It, were such as she had never possessed. And ho believed her like that! He was great, he was gopd, and she knew it now with the suddenness or a reve lation she loved him. "You were so like a picture nt the window," ho apologized, "that I stud ied you. You forgive?" "Surely I forgive. You you shall study me again." "Oh, If I might and here! At the window you hung so far above the line." "I stall bo on the lino hereafter If yon pnlnt me so." And her voice sank to a reverent whisper. Tbe artist's face flushed, no wob a creature of emotions too natural to seek concealment. Without troubling to separate tho woman from tbe con ception he struggled with ao explana tion. "Ob, slgnorlna, the years that I have longed for yon! I cannot make words talk, but tbe picture shall say it all how I was weak and wicked and you mercifully came to bo my salvation; bow you looked at me to lift me out of sin. You will let me love you? I am bold to say it, because I ask nothing. Yon are so far away that my love can not offend more than it does tho Vir gin" Angelica passed tbe night with open eyes examining her happiness. Tbe letters of a young attorney in Grand Rapids bad been destroyed, they show ed so commonplace beside the glory of this new passion. Giuseppe sboold love her, as ho willed, and when the time came that It was not unmaidenly to yield-in blissful wakefulness lbs rehearsed tbe thousand ways that she might tell blm. The sittings began. Tbe artist work ed feverishly and said little. Angelica heean to find him more complex than be bad tbr lght "You art like religion. You mais me sod," ha sold when asked about his aomberness. But the snswer dis pleased Angelica-and Oiled ber with premonitions. Was It only black eyed pioTta, thea, wbo could make aim arnile? Itri. tntanart In hr ncTsonnlltT was meager, tva. tot a tow. When aha simnrl Runtda ha had nrtrr- .,AftO v " . mured: ."Tho rtipMs beeh by the sea wneiw you liver , Angelica remarked that she lived far toland and In paqas added a referee to" the attorney whose letters bad ber aarrlflced. . -One worthy yon mere? l ernopw Giuseppe la not. He knows It. After . i-w ri win retain. The great rapids win swallow yoa again, and I ehall see yon no mors." And AagelV en's annoymnra ac me esao wiia w abo was icAgned was only half re moved by bla netnaio se aw bis breast: "But I aha II bars ymj nrre arwayn. Nor woald be let be as the p h,. -Walt tffl It la oooe,- ns bbjb. And b painted so e!llJy that aba graw yealoata. It bad alt bis attention; ahenoos. wast was u"i nr. at bad seen n causa nrr Groat-poo's toaptratloo. Hot was aba be soly aa tnsptrsuooi cam ww his abstracted face, and a wars of statin ta make aotn eosjacetloa ba im BOTetf and tbe nsJntlng, aba spots on day of tgmalkia. -0 I Iss ml bis U Hi r nno ma. yw m. vtmr cnarrtrtfcxi that Gloarpp aut m mmoiatw aothlns that was arar f- and pat toto book rereernca led bertn aaa: :. nhs waa tbs) atara ba bad atatta. sad after that aba bsrsajs bla wtfa riv. mtrn of this appeal to Oh mm. or was th parallel lost. Ha looted from ber to tn paerara, u gave a aesiahtng atpb: Ab. box I bava aot pnws s v - a GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER ture grew with her lovo. Tho day it was completed and showed to her she could have cried lilond In despair, even while she prust rated herself before the genius that bad produced It. It was a perfect fare no woman's, but an angel's. It was the soul of goodness looking down on sinners wllh unscom lng pity, glorious, alluring up steep: and on to heights, then Uittlng on bo- fore, ulwnys unattainable, always ex siting. Bo Beatrice munt have been when her eyes drew Doute out of pur gatory Into heaven. Giuseppe loved It not her. There was no common ground between them. Tho girl's hands clluched with tho hopelessness of rivalry against tho nonexistent. And, insult to Insult, the thing bad stolen her lineaments! "She Is great," Angelica sold, dash Ing back the tears. "She will make yon famous and me, perhaps." There was a ring of sarcasm In the lust words that puxsled Giuseppe. "She la grcut. I have dwelt with her day and night, until I understood. Sha has been my salvation. She has led me on and on. I am no longer a painter, but an artist And she is you. You have taught mo this. I thank you." Angelica Jerked back ber hand from bis reverent lips and shrieked her ex asperatlon, "No, no, no she Is ugly, ugly." Sho bad hoped to retire with dignity, The dam once broken, ber emotions poured out In spite of her. "She Isn't me. You have no right to paint that thing and call It mo. When you suld you loved me, I believed It. I loved you in spite of your faults. But you you are wicked and ungrateful. You demand of roe perfection and eucji porfectlon." Giuseppe rubbed his hand across bis forehead, stupefied. Tho picture and Angelica, it seemed, were two sep arate entitles. Galatea, made flesh, was no longer Galatea. Here was a woman surely, the one he bad painted. But tbe blessed angels, did they not exist? "Do you lovo me?" she demanded, with a stamp of her foot. "Mo or her, which? Look at her. She is a co quette. You will never reach ber, however you try. I will make you happy so happy, Giuseppe. But choose, choose." Giuseppe stood open mouthed for a Tew dazed moments till he had stared her into focus. Not bis angel now, not above him. He might touch, possess. A woman this with tho features so dear to him, red lipped, fairer than Floria. The earth called loudly to him. Heaven was far off. The clouds 'Me or her vMcht" gave way. He was falling like Luci fer from a great height swiftly, gid dily. And still aa be clasped ber in bis arms sho kept demanding: "Me or ber? Prove it" Giuseppe turned to tbe picture. In his glance was tbe cynicism of an en lightened century over which unbelief baa swept. He considered the tender pathos of Its oyeawlth their promises that could never be- brought quite to fulfillment. He marked 1U gplrltaallty. pleading mutely against tho flesh, aa eyed, distant, always distant and un reachable. And it was be who hs painted sncb a moo sin Into those fea tures. It was be who had caned for heaven while there was an earth. Thn corners of his month twitched. With out warning be burst Into a long, lond brogh. It rM materialism startled Angelica. Hcfore abe could prevent ha bad seized a palett knife and slashed tbe caavae from edge to edge. 1 bava proved It," be whispered. "Bho Is worse than a eoqoetts. Kb la a fie. But I have you. I am eadaosd." .as "Yes," the innkeeper was soot to coo (Me t gneeta. "that Is Glnsopp. ine pinif ii and his wlfa. They are a pair of lovers ao hap or. Oh. It most unfortunate; she baa ruined blm. If only be bad married Ftorta bat bow to a hap py man ever to be a Kapha! r When aba tnn keeper o night came epun his proteoa piecing together tb edgea of tbe ma tuated canvas be tabbed his bands In alee. t - i Ah, TOW oV sTKrvad arhat was Getwrpr atwaal1 good, and It tor- nwnm. axttt yoa. II takes veageaaca. Toa ar trooDled on, my contented oaer "Ototeariad; yea. Dot aba wasat a Be." Clnsepps sabl aa be laid away the m to ma n my wtrtanm of tbe Mt aa tho cveatfasan) of aada- a eonowfxU, brt sbe would have saved ma nay sont she was a eoooart; aha would aove bava eatta Bed. I ebenld bava gone oo aad on? Toa tagratr sagexty whlapersd tbs tnabeeoer. "That la good. ICogret. paint again, ;;;ul ynn will et be Glu sopK'. tho master." Ills eagerness was checked by Giu seppe's smile. "I regret nothing. I am happy -nx rintenicd- as an animal williout n t..iul. It is Kweet to be so. And n man cannot have all things. I shall paint ngnfn, to lie sure, but I shall never be mi artist." American Girls and Titles. The responsibility for the present huilllllatlUL' slave trade In which rich American glrlw are sold to the titled! decadents of England anil tbe conti nent Is almost wholly the fault of the men of this country. This opinion Is offered only after years of observa tion and consideration of our social conditions nnd after a pathological study of American men. Their oion astonishment nnd chagrin at this phe nomenon would be vastly amusing were It not so pathetic. Our men have a helpless Inability to gee themselves. Nor Is the responsibility of tbe mother lost sight of, for the foreign suitor be gins with her, us lie does In Europe. She Is tbe outer citadel which must first succumb to his studied charm. This outer citadel Is carried with as tonlshlng ea.ie, as he quickly discovers, . and for time reasons. The mother In easily duzzl'd; her eoclnl foundation.1' do not go down deep In tbe das to which she almost Invariably belongs her husband has made every dollur of the lure of those millions without which there would not be this problem to solve. Second, the women who see what a given man really is, wbo esti mate him at all Justly, who begin even to understand men's social standard? either In this country or Europe, ore rare Indeed. The Ame-lcan mother usually Is clearly out of her depth at the start, as unfit as a child to counsel ber daughter. Sho Is not equipped for It. It Is not her work. In the third place must bo considered that subtle relationship of sex which European men of any age always ha tbe art of establishing with a woman of whatever age, their attention, their onlck courtesy toward women, their habit of listening absorbedly when woman spunks all this Is so absolute ly new to the American mother that she becomes hypnotized by It and can no longer distinguish truth from fal slty or a mere national point of eti quette from a personal tboughtfotoesa and delicate tenderness of feeling. The Right Addi A young New York broker of coo- vlvlal habits fen In with an old school, friend wbo had gone on tho road. "Whenever you're In town come up and bunk with me," urged his friend as they separated, "no matter what old time It is. If I'm not there Just go ahead a"d make yourself at home, rtl be sure to turn np before day break." Boon after this tbe salesman arrived in town about midnight and, remem bering bis friend's Invitation, sought out his bosrdlne boose. There was only a dim light flickering in the hall but be gave tbo bell a manful poll. Presently be found himself face to faco with a landlady of grim and ter rlble aspect. "Does Mr. Smith lre here?" be fal tered. "Ho does!" snapped the landlady "You can bring turn right In!" Every body's. Te Be Sore. The nemeslrles of conieraarhai fre quently load to odd ceerratlona. Mrs. Sullivan and Mrs. Harrigan the other day were conversing across) the fence that separated their lespotUva etotbet yards. A high wind was Mowing, and each womar from ber post amid the lines had to shout to make bersetf neard. "Mrs. Bulltvan," shouted Mrs. Harri gan, "did res go to the ban night r Tea," a boated the other ra tho gale. "I was!" "Was whatl" cried Mrs. BntMraa. "Wlntr Tooth's Companion. Water at MetJa la Hot Weather. Do not drink water or other liquids when you have food In your mouth, fur one part of tho danger of drinking at meal Is that tho fluid may vrash down Into the stomach partlclea of food which bare not been thor oughly masticated ami impreg nated by the digetrr J alert ta tbe month. The stoma dsoger, eipeetaMy la soraewee. t that yoor arm may be tos cold. I lea water, which so nmmy fadrah pee as ao indulgo la too .wocK When yoa swallow Ice water at mealtimes tbs water aluipty paralyses the wall of the stom ach for a time and stops tbe bow of anatrte Jalcoa antU tbe body warmth baa inert oats tba chill and atluwa tb Juice to flow one more. Dot If yoa chew your foud well and DO NOT vmsK. very cold rxutua there la ao danger. ires aaat Ttarir Bathe. Naturalist a tell aa that to their talleta soma birds as water only, eocn water and tract, whB ether prefer dust aad ao water. Birds ar not only nice ta tb choice of bath water, bat also very particular about tb onattty of tbrtr toilet dast. Wild darks, though Andtng by Bah water, prefer to bath In fresh water pools and will fly be dlstoocte in tend raonlng brooks aad ponds, wber tht-y praoa aad dress thetr feather la th early boars of tb morning.' Sparrows bathe eftea, both ta wec and m daat, They ar aot ao particular about tbs quality of water as about th ouaatlty of the dust Tbs city sparrow mast take a water batb where b caa get It Road dust, th driest and finest possible, salts blm bast rartrldgea prefer dry loam. They 11k to scratch out th aofl from BAr tb grass aad the tost bars with cool earth. Most trlrds ar food of ashes. Take a walk som early tnoralng acraaa a fleld where boon res bar barad aad ass tb numbers of winged creature that rts swdoetvty from tb ash bra pa A darting form, a small cloud of aabaa, and tba bathers disappear. 2, 1909. THE CHAPERON. How She Came to Withdraw One of the Camp Rules. By CLYDE LAWRENCE. CopyrlsM. 190a, by Associated Literary Press.J "Young ladles, 1 wish to make au im portant announcement," suld Miss Dar boy, teacher of tbe class p. French at tho Wellington private school for young ladles. Tbe fourteen young Indies looked op In expectancy. "During tbo summer vacation, be ginning two weeks hence, I shall have tents on tho shore of the lake, and inch of you aa can arrange It with your parents may summer there. There will bo boating, bathing and fishing. Freeh meats and vegetables will he supplied every day. It to a new departure, and I hope it will be a success." It was seen that she hadn't quite finished yet, and the applause was withheld. "It will be a young ladles camp In the strictest sense of tbe word," she continued. "No members of tbe ether sex win bo permitted near It. Farmer Jackson will see to that That Is aft Hand In your names as soon aa poast bie, please." "But wontonr brothers and mostn be allowed to come to see sal asked Miss Harden for tbo rest of tbe class. "Impossible," sbo replied th French. "In your care. Miss Harden, I happen to know that yoa bare neither broth era nor coosms of th msfe sex" "But I bnvo a" Ko. she didn't say H. Tba teacher opened ber eyes very wide aad drew berseif np and fftghtttied bee Miss Pearl Harden area fatherless, and ber wktowed mother had eojy a limited lacotne. Ibesw went other pn plis wbo bad to consult th matter of income as wefL and arhea Xba Car boy bad made up her let forth sain tner camp It totaled srreanamea. Six of them bad no compnxhkt of th fata to be enforced; tbe sctotit h airtif noth ing, but seenxd to be thmfcfas a gaeaz deal Vacation ram. The camp van pitched and ocrarsed. and Farmer Jaefcsno took a ahotgna bxt tbs- tuiiiB with him and kept aa y aa th ap proaches to thaemjSftp. Everything went aions epSetty for a week, and the enemy was laOsd mt a sense of ettueitj. Jto ptrstsi craft approached, ami farmer Jsgkaoo went to bed with conscience free fsora kill ing. Than Hiss Dortmy tsofc eJuncsa. She wanted song tbtaitsa tram berrsom, in the vtBage and she m tanged with tho driver of the provtetDO. wagm to ride up arltb htos. Halfway te towm a araeet came off tbe vehicle, aad after gaafng at the wreck tor At minutes the driver an Bouxtcad that ao tour hash J wagna enuM eoattnue its mad career en three. wtieclu. Tats meant that Miss Carboy must walk. She gav o her errand to go back to her cbnrgeav The bey showed ber m short cut across the fields and went off wttb the horses. But be dhl aot warn her to watch aot bar a aad and watte, boa pasturfijit b one tsttbaMd. bfJaa Daxboy soon, bod ase for ait hat French exestaiattonr. She Skat leant rem bare ttk dttrtant tltuntfer. thftta a aaaaga beaow. thea a trameUng at CIW- earta and the sight of a martuw tear log dew ape ber. 8b cox oaves. There were twe a trade tree staartbxg etna together, aad she aach d see aad sod rotmnl a perch ten met atgh wftHe the bun sSopoed to earn at tbe ant that had berwtk xsana bar bead. Women, ace ant BHtrtml !lmh era. but eader stress ef perff they have been knew to add that teas s thetr aaeay Bfroe.prt-ftm.rnta. "Oo awaygo- right away from barer reoinmnded bOba IJarhoy m both rrearh and tTagflaik ae the baB ram and an wed and babuwad. He abaotalwty wfuwitt TbawMteDavbsf caikd fur befnv but ao balp, cama. Aa hour had aeased whan the butt went to the era to drink. He Bilo t forget the tady up tba tree kmwt He kept toektug hack, and so Muibsed. that to aWend would bring blm back on the caurg. He had snttshVd bla thtrat wbea hat suddwiCy emitted a bellow of detmnce and weal dnsftirrg across the ivrtl There wua anvthsr Xttxiwder. Thtat ttme It wast a young ana. He beard tb hefl"V aaw the ban and at eac aiade lor tb txwse. H came up at a hot per, amde a long serhu to catch a branch and escaped a vtetoaa sweat et tbe bone by bntbaa. He had bee settled, oa a branrb tor three aiinutve bvfore be beasd a Totca aot tug: we eMT bkt a a tare!" be easped. "Hvw dhl ye get there ? "That crvMtur chased aw, and tl "1 cant baad ye tay card, bat ary nam la RasilaU Uepe." I am Mbw ITerouv ot th Yea are": be rreocn fc.ee bur Tea have eaarge f th eaasrnee cento. To bar baaed a edict rant so taan aaaQ spfeevb It within half a mile. That ehl thrsjer with a ehvtge twrued aa beck yeeSevday. and k en tryaag It acuta reeay." To wasted to see est! was asked. "Oh. ae! 1 wasted to see Mwa Bar de. 1 am ha bra wttb ber. yoa Maw navdv asabrr say charge, aad the rave I have amde est be aoryeeV" TTed. all rtaret. rsplwd Ma Dope a smlwnabty to toll ye that 1 waa la bar wttb Miae Hares, bat tf fas ta a beat aa at M camp HI stay here, . HTc boo. teat Kr Ar yea aejeya aeatloar . Mksa Darboy hated acveaaat I radtgnarjaa) and werfMaye tmiat fa k'rvee. She- wa Jest tienat an aa that i tralcht to bra tbe seia. be bad hrvat eetet for a saa pa and eeUoertaaV- tSb ttarvWucv res,n My akrd: ahe areaea ii nil raaer "Won't be get tired and leave na pretty soon?" "It will take a week to tiro htm oat." was tbe reply. "Yea, I expect to be here for at least seven days. Too cab see bow mad and determined he la. Yon hod better tlo yourself to a limb, so that when yon grow weak from ban ger you will not fall to th ground." "Mercl! Mercil Bat yoa can't mean It, monsieur 1" "You bad started far th village, probably. Wben yon don't return the girls will think you bare eloped. Has Is Just the season for eJopemsxits, yoa know. Let me stand up and look for tbe camp. I see it Tbe girls are running around In wild excitement A boat with a man In it la drawing near, and you are not there to shoo bbn away!" "Ob. my on happy aeifr moaned Miss Darboy. "I shall be blamed. Ko one will believe me. I shall bo disgraced r The teacher ebed tears tn French and was quiet for a few rntante. Mr. Hope watched ber and eaw that a mental straggle we goaag on. He was too wise to Interrupt, and pres ently she said la very bombts EngHab; "Mr. Hope, doe Mia Harden mother know that yen love bar aVkagfa terr "I was to have aeea ber faanutiow to tell ber and ash ber enoseat to tbe marriage." "Mr. HopR, can the creator below be drtvea awayf xoterrapted Mia Dar boy. arttb hope ta bar tones. "Possibly. "And It nwedst get w the yean ladle ears that 1 waa waa a a tree?" "Stet antes ye aaB the story yeae seif." "And ynw could eompany m far camp the aa me mm H I bad aiet yaw fts th vSJagn "Just the same, lea 1 en aid- nev cogipeny yoa to exmav and I asnlifl rake stroll wttb MIbw Hssde and bar a talk, aad yo coaht rat srna-af the ether fallows nay caUaaad adtt ttv thexestr "Kr. Hopi, aaweeaa, to aUw tosr tntatrae aance." Iter. Hope dropped hi tnndltesr'ftO'g to the graaav and wftflei the butli wbw rmimnc an at th young mas awungr daw and grahbadhlm. by tnOUtanill twisted and abnatoeTL Away wentt tfla- frightened Bovine so. gaUbat, and! Mfc Darboy waa aaslHttHtttttwn Two. hoar Inter she was aoyltug to her Taunnj tttdlus,. A berg a that the nttatrfetloni against aula- via- ftars e this camns hunt, for gosdl and" atSfiefenf res so ma. rteani witrtiwnt. Ke apniouoe, aietuittaia bw Daejtift.. Once noonv ttmai, hi (The day when) tTltngs newer luoiiuaxL tfaep Iftrad) at tax who tbanws only- na tttbgi axuC that want anflb IS rtouuldl Iteftu reea. ba thrtughX how tine tt wonhB be. Kaybe Peattti eerllwanrl hinn amt liMrTifytf to gsaot hiw wftitu. or pachape betog boa? tukhia- ft jasnwji etlllthteni, proxDJattuy imuntt aun. an&B nramaiu. oar snaenh who waoai nesdbd, aveadb attn pfy pjtgut htow Mlt any ntta. aha tnam atwed amt m. Baeiitina bar EimiTs. hh ibaaiMialbnm. grrnemrtnn after ganeinitSun), aili hi trtemlra. andl tost ftanrsndiinto eg ttta flrbiBilBi Wn ene kneur Ulm,, audi his- dug e ojiextil. ruse was s lum; atgo enuti haBlbg ot thy kiiyee. smhirDwroi,, aw! a toihtx. tt waat am fat ha.' hilkott bb at gitxaaant Phnirfi'igT' EIck llnedl en, and en, aott fucever, but aMatlt bndl ntuv- goOan) Bffni anal tnoeghi be dbr a fcrienaly a ba hoitai t awe. bat eaaldn't dhn. And) iff yaw enrsosr for ene srhat bn Inair Km U1V tfltnlk baer anarhi awiwe th wouldl be tt never km tt; ta t Ilka, tflla. tttett ehf man whonc Dustta haw mi'guKrai ABrhtHon GMm nbetni Shuir Diwaaa. A ifl mil at an eatxeana- Beriiatt-atroBW af aacurw a oaaaedl hs ttte larnam ea Tibet at some, off trjelfr ahnroh ease, amaleai. Fos thin th enntume at two aktilBri, preferably- rftlldreuta. ar HifcrrTti and. oeer the- concare- sWkti at eania. tb soirtchad eha kln, ot a snaka. The two. ahull ar then owmeatott at tbe tUBrtiuaratdeetwwoiamidT a red, wttb, entto. dodV tba akins btilng; oomi ue. TThtar drome ax often oi uaiurii laaTfl by tuvbieT ttiav iteadat et dbvfla and awcta Uls the moee sepvtsrve tbe Ibittrav painted. apvu, rhwin. hi tout amt Dine wkrrak The mettlod vmgiormt tot rnying- ttteati to rathe varhus, T the- wosdbeji dtob bet-wewn. the two hnlvwa a. aont hs fb tened by which the dram eaa be- soa peoitod aint than. mDiiUa arHrtoail.. Two abort eonda with: knuhe at itiulr entht bang doer to. soctt, way. that as the drum Baeotoea they strike. alturnatBty es eithea fare and thns produce at aaj ular "tunv tamft"' TftUxsit7 of tH ShKnsoh.' -We rvd a unlvemity ot the srotnacb' aakff a well known St Louis ptu'sk'tan nwenUy.. "with a Cull sat ot profResor ot aualttoit. digestion, asatmllatio and wesot, aa watt a of geaeenA phyelueDgy. anatomy and gvo erai btotugy. or. bvttw ye. ech evlivs jod seery eiNnuoa acbuel to the laad abouid Wach bow to tab ear ec th bwdy and bow to save the .axwtavb. pn tk.-vJarty t the samine awotb. be ijiaaD.Moa at dlut and btng reeiktf a penua esoscbiV rj Knbt to dbtaniat - T.n.. ajaa rve t Caxl.-Jw Ct-r, X. B turlLa writ: "AU"t four veert ago I wrvt vwtt that I had leva vntltvly cureJ ef kUlser trouble rr ak.ia two twcttet ol KoJvy Kklaey Kef!?-. l tirrty tott(iHl tbe bmk vliaa n imeul and tvaitt, asd all mt the y a, itats wf kidawy trouble di apirreL, ajxl ajVr fwtr yreab 1 aaa ajpain piceja"! b tae -IuU 1 bare aevvr KaJ amt rur of tbo-te tyriploeni, bad 1 baa vi ttratlr cured to but eared." Foley s Kidney Rrwray will de the urn fur ywav Urabasa VrMf N0.29 Succeed when evtiytliina; ales IlOs. In nci voua proaizatioa and strnala weaknesses they' tba awpanaa for kiDNirr-uvra and STOMACH TROUCIA tt at tba best snadld over aoftWggisrs Ml : leadachesi This time of the year are signals of warning Take Taraxacum Com pound now. It may ave you a spell of fe ver. It will regulate -your bowels, set your liver right, and cur your indigestion. A good Tonic An honest niedrcine' . Taraxacum Co. IMEBATXIL tf. CL H(0ttL CaTOlllirL RribVaall tetSfffrnX. '- Its Ctizltits CfcTtTeT Emrj Utvf in trUai T ji..rr.tiiftUaaTftBjCv i , S&OO Per Tear. - THE CSEHVEIZr Kcceive tlltt Ihrgestt teCa raphik news ser-wica: dttll' esetii tot any pagor IkLwuiUb Wasoiiigtoni ami rMlffirrthi ami i apccial! awrtatat: ttt&t greaisstt wnr Snnrflatifi fyg tb Btnrtlii Cacolintxi paptrxc Tun SrfMTiAW nnnmiMm i Consit otTIfX ormuiw. gngtm and! i bo at Ikrger txtitatt made np- ot ocigmJl muttim. Wettdclbii Samntb Cbgiiab. DaAUftftrriaLlt.C. ARE YOU UP TO DATE IEuottarrf aott to IfBwsi ar " OBBXtSK itk. Sabtriblrixi mM. ojmm ami it wSlJketp rot amaaat octjie tdmns.. i Fait tornmfttl?tetIiB$atx& es.. AH the- et 6jcagn. i& mcstic aatunmift. stacs: ami luKbj . p aH tUtt time. j Daily Sew and Obsecwtr T per jrnx. 330 rue S mut. Weekly Nbrtlb Ctuwlixantat it ptrr Tear. 50: for S. msov. - SEWS & OBSEXYEEPCBLCIX . The SortACftUroIlfxiam atraTtatat Aj.AMA.xg"t Gu vmt wilt b rsaajfc tbr oaer jear lur Twt ll!atb. Qaab. La adTaastv Appiy atTeCa Cat SOT adktt. Ccbftacav!Sl.C UYC Of CKXBTllX KTC TaJa hooat. mtdiU4 aa aaarrw ; tvtltmijm ewe jOU fiatimn a Xja-.. ittbrn tat tba Cnrwiiia. CkaateiV with, tkfeferieaj letwa.fwa. ." JLa . iatorattiaa; vefwtae aixTy pttavb. 4 raa4 bttiasd. rtkw par wofjt sail 20e extra. Chrden aaay teat to P. 4. aaef0it, lo CVlj fanlers toay be left at this oSc, tla iinr-, aw-- - ujj Winsri