The Alamance - . a Gleaner. NO. 35 VQl XXXy GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, L909. ,7" IJlJii II II 1 1 ft " iULt2i i VLNS, . U LWLLcfLU spelling be upon the street corner. 011 S rmpM momfL&& riM... u. TORPID ' LIVER. I LOW- , . (l rrJT liNTT-BILlOlS MEDICINE, 1 . ...i jifrict their virtues an JSTrwogiitaed, as they poe .JL.rtie in lrednz the Tde No Substitute. PROFESSIONAL CARDS', DONALD GULLEY Attorney-at-Law BURLINGTON, H. C. . SELLAK3 BCILMNfl. E WILL S. IMG, JR. , , , DENTIST . . . I -ham . - - - lnn vsrvuna ml a.sV '. It WW- . . . OFFICE in SJMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONa. J. BLMBH MJu. LONG & LONG, Attorney and Counselor at Uw GRAHAM, N. Attorney-at-Lw, GRAHAM, ----- - . O. Offloe Patterson Building Seoond Floor. . . .:, . . C. A. HALL, ITTOENEY AND OOUNSELLOB-AT-LAW, GRAHAM,-N. 0. Office in the Bank of Alamance Bulding. up stairs. W. t.Wmvm, J, nSVM & BYNUM, Attorneys -"d Conn )1or at Ijtfw a.vbfcMBBOBO, S il. " n-ti rernuuiv In the courts of Ala Mice county. ; Aim. , lJ LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS. This book, entitled a above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. - An interesting volume nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: doth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.50. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be lent to .. r:.". .'-'- . . P. J. Kebnodle, Elon College, Orders may be left at this office. '" FREE TRIP tojJ, PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE of the mu.y thous ands who want to explore this AVon- derland 7 111 S ONSET MAGAZINE lasM inapHfnaw si man ipecial work it t -eh of every on an opportunity to rAK WHST. - Write for --npieCopy. S , ,-tt' , , Tr full rartucja JJnM i , t Travel GlaB ', Sa francisoQ. Gel rtk CtroUu'i Foremort Ketijapff. Ckrlotts- Oherver EryDayIa 'th Yer. - tililEU I TOUCH, PriHihri. p- CAXJ3WKUL. KdJtor. S8.00 Per Year. OBSERVER KeceiTe - tbe - largest ' tele- trapiiic news - acTTK delir d to any paper' between Washineton and Atlanta. nl its special service is tbe VTa - si t "win uarohoa paper. Tb Scxbat Obsekteb ' Consists of 16 ormore pages ud to a large extent ade op ol original matter. ""Send for Sample Copies Address, The Obsekveb, Chasxottb, N. C Us U torn to-nhl rwMncTOM 0KU0N J Tobin's Palm L"TTr3 By O. HENRY Xic "T0" Copyright. 1906, br McCltne, "hulls OA C PpnOBIN and me, the two of us, I l -l went down to Coney one day, I I I for tbere was W between us, 1 1 and Tobln had need of dlstrac tlons. For there was Katie Mahorner, his sweetheart of County Sllgo, lost since she started for- America three months before with $200, her own aav- lngs, and $l6d from the sale of Robin's Inherited estate, a -fine cottage and pig on the Bog Shannaugh. And since the letter that Tobln got saying that she had started to come to him not a bit of news had he heard or seen of Katie Mahorner. Tobln advertised In the pa pers, but nothing could be found of the colleen. Bo to Coney me and Tobln went, thinking that a turn at the chutes and the smell of the popcorn might raise the heart In his bosom. But Tobln was a hard headed man, and the sad ness stack In his skin. He ground his teeth at the crying balloons, he cursed the moving pictures, and, tbongh he would drink whenever asked, he scorn ed Punch and Judy and was for licking the tintype men as they came. So I gets him down a sldeway on a board walk where the attractions were some less violent At a little 6 by 8 stall Tobln halts, with a more human look In his eye. M,Tls here," says he, "I will be di verted. I'll have tbe palm of me hand Investigated by the wonderful palmist of the Nile and see If what Is to be will be." . Tobln was a believer In signs and the unnatural in nature. He pos sessed Illegal convictions in his mind along the subjects of black cats, lucky numbers and the weather predictions In the papers. We went Into the enchanted chicken coop, which was fixed mysterious with red cloth and pictures of hands with lines crossing 'em like a railroad cen ter. The sign over the door says It Is Mme. Zoco, the Egyptian palmist There was a fat woman Inside In a red jumper with pothooks and beastles embroidered upon it Tobln gives her 10 cents and extends one of his hands. She lifts Tobin's band, which Is own brother to the hoof of a dray horse, and examines It to see whether 'tis a stone In the frog or a cast shoe be has come for. "Man," says this Mme. Zozo, "the line of your fate shows" " 'Tis not me foot at all," says Tobln, interrupting. "Sure, 'tis no beauty. bnt ve hold tbe palm of me hand "The line shows," says the madame. "that ye've not arrived at your time of life without bad luck. And there's more to come. The mount of Venus or la that a stone bruise? shows that ye've been In love. There's been trou ble la your life on account of your sweetheart" " 'Tis Katie Mahorner she has refer ences with," whispers Tobln to me in a load voice to one side. 1- see," says the palmist "a sre"' deal of sorrow and tribulation with one whom ye cannot forget I see the lines of designation point to the letter K and the letter M In her name." . "Whistr says Tobln to me. "Do ye hear thatr , , . - "Look out" goes on the palmist, for dark man and a light woman, thni hnth hrine re trouble. Ie'11 TU x m foe ot oil Bake a vots P tb w,,er mm and b.r. a financial lose. I " aoTiln. that brings good lock. There s HJi conn. into Toor' wffl Uh y. good tJjSEZJT vhM r see aim by Us eroosea mem. "ZTLmt dowsr ssk To- C gveetta " ' ffUl0OV. the pelatst -His sr tfi ":- nri. . on - teu. la U. iwi Macs - be fcsows, -im ir. " " tbe sates a As we I,,L"1 ' ... Mrh.fA dor bL. Tobtt beasaere aJe cK- y7 "TTf--.- wsea tte Tries to give hit hat a tumt guilty, feeling the desire to blow the foam off a crock of suds, but when he felt in his pocket he found himself discharged for lack of evidence. Some body had disturbed his change during the commotion. So we sat dry, upon tbe stools, listening to the dagoes fid dling on deck. If anything, Tobln was lower in spirits and less congenial with his misfortunes than when we started. On a seat against the railing was a young woman dressed suitable for red automobiles, with hair the color of an unsmoked meerschaum. In passing by Tobln kicks her foot without in tentions, and, being polite to ladles when in drink, he tries to give his bat a twist while apologizing. But he knocks it off, and the wind carries it overboard. Tobln came back and sat down, and I began to look out for him, for the man's adversities were becoming fre quent. He was apt, when pushed so close by hard luck, to kick the,best dressed man he could see and try to take command of the boat Presently Tobln grabs my arm and says, excited: "Jawn," says he, "do ye know what we're doing? We're taking a voyage upon the water." "There, now," says I; "subdue yer eelf. The boat '11 land In ten minutes more." "Look," says he, "at the light lady unon the bench. And have ye forgot ten the nigger man that burned me ear? And l3n't the money I bad gone a dollar slxty-flve It was?" I thouebt he was no more than sum ming up his catastrophes so as to get violent with good excuse, as men win do, and T tried to make him under stand such tiling are trines. "Listen." says Tobln. "Ye've no ear for the elft of prophecy or the mlra cles of the inspired. What did the palmist lady tell ye out of me hand? Tis coming true oerore your ejra. "Look out,' says she, for a dark man and a light woman; they'll bring ye trouble.' Have ye forgot tbe nigger man, though he got some of It bacs from me fist? Can ye show me n lichtor woman than the blond lady that was the cause of me hnt falling in the water? And where's the dollar slxty-tlTe I had In me vest when wr off the shooting gallery The way Tobln put it it did seem to corroborate the art or preuicuou. though It looked to me that these acci dents could happen to any one at Co ney without the implication of palm lstrr Tobln got op and walked around on deck looking close at tbe passengers out of his little red eyes. I asked him the interpretation of bis movements. Te never know what Tobln has In bis mind until he begins to carry It out Te should know," says be. In working out the salvation promised by tbe lines in me palm. I'm looking for the crooked nose man that's to bring the good lo-k. Tis all that will save aa. jawn, did ye ever see stralghter noeed gang of hellions In the days of 'Twas'tbe 9 JO boat n Unded and walked uptown through Twenty tecoad street, Tobln being without his hat . On a street corner, standing under a gaslight and looking over the elevated road at tbe noon, was s wuj. A Ions .nan be was. dressed decent wtU a rlnr brfw hi. tth I-wtbat goae made two twists from bridge te eo. Bke the wriggle ToWn saw tt t tbe name time, and I baard him breathe hard like a boree Cta. yos take the eeAU J vt straight op to the man. end I vest with him. -Oood nlgbt to y" Tobta ears tett. ybe men tasee vm mm tbe eoaspUisentt eenenw , au ml mm rem seme,- sen Mia, -sad let ss kjfc st ttestas of ttT It assy s "V minted wlta ye." same,- says tbe fYUoaaaaemao-Msxlarae O. rried- -n. ts. rut tracts." sajs ToMa. -Do yoa speO It wttb sa V ssywksre aVws tbe etreteb mt KT 1 de set," says tbe oaa. -Cm ye spoil R wttb II Vf b mires Toots, Caraln SBXkms. If row an ewes." says the aws vtta tbe soeev -m aedleseeed swssd forrlga kttooe ye mWW. tept ooyof dt eararfle tbe letter late tbe psV tlmata syUeble." -Tni weO." says TeWa. "Tee l 1U l'i sisri rf T w"- mmA M ToMa." -Tto blgtlT Bppreelated.,r says tbe cannot conceive that ye would "hold a spelling bee upon the street corner, will ye name some reasonable excuse for being at large?" "By the two signs," answers Tobln, trying to explain, "which ye display ac cording to the reading of tbe Egyptian palmist from the sole of me hand ye've been nominated to offset with good luck the lines of trouble leading to the nigger man and the blond lady with hor feet crossed in the boat be sides tbe financial loss of a dollar sixty five, all so far fulfilled according to Hoyle." The man stopped smoking and look ed at me. "Have ye any amendments," he asks, "to offer to that statement or are ye one too? I thought by the looks of ye ye might have him in chargg." "None," says I to him, "except that as one horseshoe resembles another so are ye the picture of good luck as pre dicted by the hand of me friend. If not, then the lines of Danny's band may have been crossed, I don't know." "There's two of ye," says the man with tbe nose, looking up and down for the sight of a policeman. "I've enjoyed your company Immense. Good night." With that he shoves his cigar in his mouth and moves across the street stepping fast But Tobln sticks close to one side of htm and me at the other. "What!" says he, stopping on the opposite sidewalk and pushing back his hat "Do ye follow me? I tell ye," he says very loud, "I'm proud to have met ye, but It is my desire to be rid of ye. I am off t me home." "Do," says Tobln, leaning against bis sleeve. "Do be off to your home. And I will sit at tbe door of it till ye come out In the morning, for the depend ence Is upon ye to obviate the curse of the nigger man and the blond lady and the financial loss of the one-slxty-flve." "'Tis a strange hallucination," says the man, turning to me as a more reasonable lunatic. "Hadn't ye bet ter get him home?" "Listen, man," says I to blm. "Dan iel Tobln is as sensible as he ever was. Maybe be is a bit deranged on ac count of having drink enough to dis turb but not enough to settle bis wits, but he is no more than following out the legitimate path of bis super stitions and predicaments, which I will explain to you." With that I relates the facts about the palmist lady and how the finger of suspicion points to blm as an Instrument of good fortune. "Now, understand," I concludes, "my position. I nm the friend of me friend Tobln. according to me Interpreta tions. 'Tis easy to be a friend to the 1 prosperous, for it pays. 'Tis not bard to be a friend to the poor, for ye get puffed up by gratitude and have your picture printed standing in front of a tenement with a scuttle of coal and an orphan In each hand. But It strains the art of friendship to be a true friend to a born fool. And that's what I'm doing," says I, "for, in my opin ion, there's no fortune to be read from the palm of me hand that wasn't print ed there with the handle of a pick. And, though ye've got the crookedest nose in New York city, I misdoubt that all the fortune tellers doing busi ness conld milk good luck from ye. But the lines of Danny's hand pointed to ye fair, and I'll assist blm to ex periment with ye until he's convinced ye're dry" After that tbe man tarns, sudden, to laughing. He leans' against a corner and laughs considerable. Then be claps me and Tobln on the backs of ns and takes us by an arm apiece. " Tis my mistake," says be. "How could I be expecting anything eo fine and wonderful to be turning tbe cor ner upon me? I came near being found unworthy. Hard by," says be, is a cafe, snug and suitable for tbe entertainment of Idiosyncrasies. Let us go there and have drink while we discuss the unavailability of tbe cate gorical." So eaylng, be marched me and To bln to the back room of a saloon and ordered the drinks and laid tbe money on the table. He looks at me and To bln like brothers of bis, and we have tbe cigars. "Te must know," says the man of destiny, "that me walk In life is one that is called literary. I wander abroad be night seeking Idiosyncrasies In the masses and troth in tbe heavens above. When ye came upon me I was In con templation of tbe elevated road in con junction wttb the chief luminary of night The rapid transit to poetry and art, the moon bnt s tedious, dry body moving by rote. But tbeee are pri vate opinions, for In the business of literature the conditions are reversed. Tto me hope to be writing s book to sxplaln the strange things I bars dis covered In life." "Te will put me in a book." says To bln, disgusted. "Will ye put me In a bookr "I will sot," says tbe man, "for tbe covers will not bold ye-oot yet Tbe best I can do to to fnjoy ys meeelf, for the time to not rl? for destroying She limitations of print Te would look fantastic In type. All alone DJ me eelf must I drink this cap of Joy. Bat I thank ye, boys. I am tml grate ful" -Tbe talk of ye," says ToMa, blow ing through kto ssaaUcbs sad poaod tog tbe table with lis net, Is sa eye sore to me patience. There was good lock promtaed out of tbe crook of your boss, bat ye bear fruit like the bang of a dram. Te resemble, wttb roar Boise of books, the wind blowing through s crack. Sere, sow, I would be thinking tbe palm mt me band fled bat for tbe coming tree mt the Bigger bus and the bioad tody sad" -Whietr ears tbe lone snaa, "Would ye be tod astray by pbymogBearyt afs ICMfUMfMintunuiawma Lt as have tbese glaaees aitod again, tor 1H good to keep Idiosyncrasies wefl ukuui tber beins saMoct ss de terioration Is a dry a m mt suntsra makes rood. so ay aeOoB, for be says cbeerfal for mrytbJag.-tbs capital sf see sad ToMa being sxbsaeted by predlcttoa. Bat ToMa to sore aaa onau qwei, wttb tbe red showing ts kto eye. Br sad by we moved et Tor iwrns 11 e-rtoek. ead studs 8 bit apoa tbe BfcWwalk. And tbes tbe maa. says be meat be going basse sad hrvues aaa .-a tun ta walk tbat war. We r- rrres sa a side street two btoefcs away where tbere to s etreteb of tries sees as wttb high stoops sad troa fences. Tbe BAKING Absolutely Puro Makes the finest, most deli cious biscuit, cake and pastry; conveys to food tne most healthful ol fruit properties up at the top windows, which he finds dark. " 'Tis me bumble dwelling," says he, "and I begin to perceive by the signs that me wife has retired to slumber. Therefore I will venture a bit in the way of hospitality. 'Tis me wish that ye enter tbe basement room, where we dine, and partake of a reasonable re freshment There will be some fine cold fowl and cheese and a bottle or two of ale. Ye will be welcome to enter and eat, for I am indebted to ye for diver sions." Tbe appetite and conscience of me and Tobln was congenial to the proposition, though 'twas sticking hard In Danny's "Good luck promised. superstitions to think that a few drinks snd a cold lunch should repre sent the good fortune promised by the palm of his hand. "Step down the steps," says the man with the crooked nose, "and I will en ter by the door above and let ye In. I will ask tbe new girl we bare in the kitchen," says be, "to make ye a pot of coffee to drink before ye go. Tis fine coffee Katie Mahorner makes for a green girl just landed three months. Step In," says the man, "and I'll send her down to ye." The Pink of Propriety. When the stringed band, bidden be hind the rose and carnation screen In Mrs. Poole's dining room, began to play an air from one of Meyerbeer's operas, the daughter of tbe bouse turn ed hopefully to the young and appar ently dumb "t ranger wbo bad been told off to take her In. Here was a promising opening for conversation. "Do yon like Meyerbeer?" she asked. "I never drank a glass of one of those lagers In my life." tbe young man replied coldly. Hie Party. A matron of the most determined character was encountered by s young woman reporter on a country paper, wbo was er-t out to Interview leading cltlxens as to their politics. "May 1 aee Mr. V she asked of s stem looking woman wbo opened tbe door at one booee. "No, you can't T an swered the woman decisively. "Bat I want to know what party be belongs to," pleaded the girl. Tbe woman drew sp her UU figure. "WeO. take s good look st me," she said. "I'm the party be belongs tor Argonaut The Han'e tmeke. Daring tbe tost few days the sultan of Turkey was shot ap In tbe Tlldla kiosk be to said to have smoked over thirty cigarettes every hour to "cool bis nerves." for years Abdnl Ha mid has smoked dosens of strong cigarettes rery day, snd It can be said without iear of contradiction tbat be has bees tbe most ardent devotee of the fra grant weed that was ever seated spos a throoe. Boy Doat elt tbere, air. Tbat seats broke. Testy Old Gentleman Hsmpb! la my yoang days boys bad s eenee of baBorv Poach. "My faaUly baa goos swsy for s ssoatb, old aoaa, and" CaBl eome. eld feDow. I bare sworn off playing poker." The maa whs to always making good tesolsttoBS to st toast better than tbe Baas wbo to always doing mesa things 4trbtoea Globe. -Why do people who seep howee el ways talk a boat Ibrtr domestic belpr Btreeae rbry are afraid to dtomtos tbe ehJrt."-Chlrego News. Toa grt s ticket to ore Gibraltar a ticket te s tows. After dark yoa eaa aot get la from any point oa any ptea, Jt to saythlac bat wtds spea. -I tboaght yoa sad Mrs. Brews wars lbs beet of mends." mtn we rented s summer cottage Sofetber. Detroit rres Prose. "Doctor, hare yea ever done this tioa before r " targeoa (QPtbaelssCk-irtT) No, J2S2 - POWDER Looking After Buslneee. "I like this flat very well." she said. "I will be very glad to rent It to you," replied the landlord. "But we have two children." "Tbey need not Interfere with you and your husband having tbe flat I have a bouse two blocks down tbe street which you can rent for tbe cbll dren and the nurse!" Yonkers States man. , Armour's Generosity. The employees of the late P. D. Ar mour always referred to blm as "tbe old man." This was not so much the result of a habit among workmen of calling their employer "tbe old man as an eccentricity of tbe "old man" himself. When be wanted to give aid anonymous' be said, "That's from tbe old man." Many gifts went out of bis pocket under the signature of "Tbe Old Man." A young girl went to the business office of tbe great packing concern one day to report tbe illness of a friend who worked as a stenographer In tbe office. Mr. Armour happened to stand near and overheard tbe girl's request for an advance In her friend's salary with which to pay tbe doctor's bill. Thrusting bis thumb Into bis vest pocket tbat pocket which seemed a mint of greenbacks be handed tbe girl S roll of bills. "Take tbat to your friend," he said, then adding to relieve tbe girl's aston ishment, Tell ber the old man sent It." Before tbe girt could thank him be was gone, but just as she left tbe bonding he again appeared and, find ing ber gone, harried bailees Into tbe street "Here, berel I forgot something," he called. Tbe girl turned back, and without s word Mr. Armour pressed something Into her band. She looked down. It was a twency dollar bill. Mr. Armour bad decided tbat bis gift was not sufficient and hastened to Increase It. Msxioan Funerals. Tbe Mexicans have a queer way of burying tbe dead. Tbe corpse Is tightly wrapped In century plant mat ting and placed In a coffin hired for about a shilling. One or two natives, as tbe case may be, place tbe coffis on their beads and go at a trot to tbe grave, where the body fs trttwed, and tbe coffin Is then returned. Living In Tembe. Thousands of Egyptians live in old tombs, eating, sleeping, wooing, lovtng laughing, dancing, singing, doing all their deeds of daily life and boose bold work among the mommies and sarcophagi. Man's Byproducts. There is enough hydrogen gaa la a man, says tbe Medical Index lancet to carry blm op to tbe cloads. He con tains enough fat to make seventy-live candles and a large cake of eoap and enough phnepborus to make 8,004 boxes of matches. His remaining con stituents will yield. If utilised, six cruets of salt, a bowl of sugar and era gallons of water. Striking a Match. "Ifs a wooiao," said Lecoq. tbe do. tective. heatedly. "We're on tbe trail." "It looks lie a man to me," tbe re porter murmured. "Bnt didn't yoa notice bow she track tbat match." said Lecoq. "She struck It away from ber a en re sign of ber sex. Men always strike matches toward tbem." After tbe arrest of tbe euspect-a woman, sure enough Lecoq amplified his match statement "It to tobacco that r snare this difference between the exes In match atrtklsg." be eald. "All of as snconecioasly strike matches to ward what we are going to light Woman alwaya to going to light s lamp or s fire-that to. farther off than tbe metrb eo ebe etrtkee her match away from ber. Bat maa Is always tn to llrfat a DtDo or cigarette tbat to, earr eo be strikes bis match to ward him." UeTrer mm Opera Oiaee. An opera glass to sf great as la ranting art galleries ss weO ss ts Btsdylng birds, says sa experienced globs trotter. Wttb sa opera alsas a ess stt st ease sad enjoy the pte taree wttboat perpetually gomg as to read asmbera, Uties sad artists same, la cathedrals, toe, the lofty can-las ess be brought down te earth la this way. " . The First rather My soa takes tbe highest boosts la Engitoh sad matbo- mettcs la his ctoas The Recced rather My aoa wffl cap tain tbe footbaB Beam aest fan. Tbs First Father (btttfly) lime father do eeeei to bar sJD tbs tsck Cleveland Pist D .we. A China maa has sever naffer frees color bttadaess. Tbs ChJ aee rare seeeas to be wholly exempt trees tbto tnnrmttv. Do You Want to t il if 'y H you do, now is the time to bay yonr clothes. I am recieving New Fall Clothing every day, and if , yon come first yon will get the choke of new and up-to-date goods. If I can't salt yoa in stock , I have a large line of samples and will take your . order and measure, and in a few days give yon a suit specially made for yoa. : : : : : SHOES Yes, I can shoe yon, too, with the latest in shoes and socks to match. fAlso Shirts, Collars, Cnfls, ; Crayats, Underwear in fact make yon "well "r dressed" at a moderate cost. : : : ' A.M.HADLEY One Price Clothier, jTPeary found the North Pole jj because he carried a supply of Melrose, Dan Valley and Champion Flour. Cook failed because he car Jried something said to be just as good. Aill housekeep ers will fail to have good bread unless they do as Peary did. Land Sale ! By virtue of ao order ot tko Superior fSnurt of Alftmanos county, made at tbe Paplaraber tans ot Mid court. MtS, Ue uodcr- uynea Ai commissioner, 01 mi a court, win wll to the blibest bidder, for auto at ta court bouse door in Uranus, on October 30, 1909, the tract of land known as tbe John Boncy tract, and situate In Albrlrht Township, la Alamance county, N. C adjolnlne the lands of O. V. Tkomiison. the late Cap. U. b. Thompson, Isaac Crabtrce and others. This tract con lain aboateiahtv-aye aene and Is situated within one hundred yards ol the sew Macadam Highway now bsltia bullt leading to warn naxapaaew, n.u,aas la about at miles south ot oranasa. The mudaaa mad will extend all the war f rosa Uiahaa to and beyond It. It la just aboat one hundred yards west ot the macadam bUthwar. It baa upon It a dwalUne to house which nerda repair. A food sprlne near tbe bouse and a nice branch of water run, throoab tbe huias, it baa upoa n s large quantity ot wood, both oak had pine, .Jnu ana Unhrr. both oak and MM. It Is Sue land for all kinds ot crops (rows ta this county, and It Is eon; pars U rely levee rolllne enoiurh so a rata wen ana wiewus la wash. The tract orUrlnally contained enmethlneover etskty-Sre aces, bat three terse was sold o from the western aide of the place and these three acres are no tn c laded Is this sale. Tbs title la txrrood noeetton sond. Ko tea eeresat btda will be allowed on this sale, sad the der will get tbe tract apoa epOrUkg with Bis ma. This Is a rare opportunity to bar a Bias farm near market, good, seboola, chares and In a good eoa J. SLMSB LOKO. W. H. CASIWU. Sept. w 1KSX ARE YOU UP ? TO DATE If von are not the Naws Air Obektkk is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep yon abreast of the times. Full Associated Preas dispatch- cs. All tne news loreien, ao- mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Wecklr North Carolinian fi per year, 50c lor 6 moe. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO. Raluch, N. C The North Carolinian and Thx Alamaxc Glbakeb will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at Thb Glxaxxk office. Graham, N. C Why send oil if or .yonr Job Prtntlna? We can save yoa money, on Mil Stationery, Wcfiilna Invitations, Ccsincsj Cards, Posters, etc, etc. be Well Dressed? Graham, N. C ieadachei This time of the yoar are signals of warnins Take Taraxacum Com pound now. - It-may av9 you a spell of- fe ver. It will -regulate your bowels, set-your liver right.- and cure your indigestion. A good Ionic. An honest medicine MEBANE. -NeC. mmd still, or cj uia Say bMisporlea psssaatfiaty. HrssM, A Uli saitaHsatrti blTb, - i -i i t'-T- . aar1 bA V. . i ,(. II I liemeiH 3V araxacum i I - u cane "We wm- wttb S bow. tope at saw s taess saa mob str; IT saver bad tbe chance.