THE GLEANER. I88DED EVERY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. 1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE" ' Tie editor will not be responsible for Vlfjwi expreued by correspondents. -Vinrni . rirr-r-i" " " " " - ADVERTISING RATES . On (qua re (1 in.) 1 time $1.00, -r each ut(- teooent Insertion SO cent. For more space and lonrer time, rates furnished on appllca tlOB. IiOeal not!oes 10 ots. a line for first Insertion ; subsequent Insertions 5 cts. a line Transient advertisements must be paid for la advance ', '""""entered at the Postoffloe at Graham, ' N. 0., as second olass matter. GRAHAM, N. C, Oct. 21, 1909. " The government Las found out that there is an increase in the cost of living, a fact that most people learned quite a while ago. It was learned in providing for the army. For the year ended June 30, 1908, the army ration cost 19.65 cts., and upon that base the appropriation was made for the two succeeding years, but so far the figures has fal len short and the increase it is be lieved will reach 1.32 cts. per Tution. Jones Fuller, Esq., is to resign as Solicitor to acceDt the position of attorney for a large drug company, the Boston Drug Co. He is able, courteous and pleasant and the peo ple of the district will regret his quitting the office and leaving the State. There are several candidates for the office, those in the lead being ' Hon. S. M. Oattis, of Hillsboro, and Thos. S. Beall, Esq., of Greensboro. Judge James C. Mcliae, Dean of the University Law School died sud denly st Chapel Hill Sunday night. Be was just 71 years of age. For ten years he was a Superior Court Judge, then he went to the State Supreme Court bench, and since 1899 he has been professor of law. Be was an able jurist and much es teemed throught the State. Commander Peary is proposing to prove that Dr. Cook did not reach the North Pole by two Eskimos in the face of the fact that he said Es kimos testimony could not be de pended on. Peary takes a queer view of things any view almost that helps his own case without re gard to the ultimate result. The County Fair. Fine Exhibits Large Attendance ,Good Races Excellent Free Attractions Withal f A Success. 1 After much hustle on the part of President 6. H. Webb and Secre tary MeBride Holt and the cooper' tion of the leading citizens of the . county, the Alamance Fair Associa tion gave on of the best and clean est .fairs in the history of the Asso ciation. Very few know about the amount of work incident to getting everything in readiness for a fair; and it ii work, hard work, and the burden is borne by the Secretary. So, we just want to say that the suc cess of a fair is due more to the energy and work of the Secretary : than to any other individual. 'Both the fair and the county are io De congraiuiaiea on naving oena- .tor Overman . deliver the address. His was a heart to heart talk with tho people. '; ' J . The races' make a feature which is enjoyed by all The principal race was won in 2:11 by .Oil is.v.-i. L.I.U A V A r v .euane, nusvu suu unu uu air. la. $anktIIoli s farm;-from which he was sold a year or so ago . There were also other good races. Mr. Robt W. Scott's show of fins Jersey eaUU wu especially attrac tive, as was also Mr. J. F. Home- wood's Devon.' Mr. Scott also show ed a fine lot of sheep. The Pool try Show was greatly admired, and it is aa industry that is growing' in importance every year, as the people realise what it means. The exhibits of 'iarm"" products were exceptionally good, especially sota view of the fact that farming this year has been no easy proposi lion. - . - ' la the pantry and fancy work de partments th ladies excelled them selves, aad gave the judges a diffi cult task to say which exhibits wen the most meritorious. The boys' corn contest is worthy of mors notice than we can give for lack of secant information. Throughout in all departments there were many meritorious ax bibits. , la free attractions the fair did wb'L The balloon ascensions and riding wtjre especially fine. , Wednesday and Thursday wen the big days and the crowds wen Urge and jolly. The financial end of & fair casts ot allright, too, which means enooaragement to ex la hi tors aad to the management. AH in all, the fair was a success and the c Seers and the county an to be congratulated. Kow, let all pull together for :.c'.i.T I: g fair next year. The Short Life of a Battleship. Augusta Herald. The news of the serious illness of Rear Admiral Charles E. Clarke recalls the Oregon, with which his name is inseparably associated. He was captain of this battleship when she made her great run around Cape Horu during the Spanish-American war, and arrived at .Santiago just in time to participate in the bat tie and the destruction of tho Spanish fleet. This was a new battleship, which had been built in a Pacific coast shipyard. She was regard ed as one of the most powerful battleships afloat. In speed, in battery and in defensive armor she was the equal of any ship in any navy of the world, fitted to meet on an equality any fighting ship in existence. This was only eleven years ago, and today the Oregon is obsolete and practically useless as an ef fective warship. There are bat tleships in the navies of all sea powers which far surpass the Oregon in tonnage, in speed, is defensive armor and in batteries, ships that could run rings around the Oregon and in a fight demolish her while remaining beyond the reach of her guns. This illus trates the shortness of the effec tive life of a modern battleship. The keel of the Oregon was laid in 1891, and she was com pleted and put' in commission some four years later. She cost for building and armanent over $4,000,000. Yet today she is a candidate for the scrap heap as an obsolete and useless appendage of our navy. Many Cases of Pellegra Reported. Ashevlile Oszettf-News. Pellegra, tho much heralded "new disease" that has invaded North Carolina and other sections and which is causing the medical profession no little concern, ap pears on the increase in this sec tion of the State, although it has been generally assumed that the disease was more prevalent in eastern North Carolina. It was stated today by a gen tleman well informed, that sev eral cases of pellagra have devel oped in the extreme western portion of the State, in fact, that in the county of Cherokee there have developed five cases of pellagra in one family. It was stated that in five miles of Mur phy Charles Calhoun and four other members of his family are now afflicted with the disease; that Mr. Calhoun is in a serious condition, suffering with an erup tion all over his body. Bow's This We) offar On Hundred Do lars Haw art for any oaae of Catarrh that oan not be eured by nans uttarrn l,uto. .J.CHMITt CO Prooa.. Toledo. O. Wa the undersirned, nave known r. i. (Thenar for the but la rears, and believe him perfeoUy honorable In all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations maae ny weir arm. Wholesale Onursrlsta, Toledo, dhlo, Hall's Catarrh Our la taken internally aatlna directly upon tbe blood and muooua u rfaoes of I he system. Prtoe 7 Ac per bolt la. hum oy an urotriu. rnoe we yt ooiue. Testimonials free. Take Hail's remUv Pills for oonsUpaUon. Judge' Samuel W. Williams, of Virginia, candidate for Attorney General, has been indicted on a charge of felony at Welch, W. Va. The indictment grew out of aa assault made by Judge Wll Hams on Judge J. M. Saunders, former member of the Supreme Court, during a trial at Welch. I. . 1 1 ..I Mothers Have you tried IIol liater's Rocky Mountain Tea? It's a great blessing to the little ones, keeps away - summer troubles. Makes them sleep and grow. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Graham Drag Co. i' Rev. Dr. IL W. Battle, pastor of the .First Baptist church of Kin ton, baa resigned to accept a pastorate at CharlotUvffla, Va. ; E is the original has been the standard for thirty-five years. t There are thousands of so-called "just as good" Emulsions, but they are not they are simply imi tations which are never as good as the original. They are like thin milk SCOTTS is thick like a heavy cream. If you want it thin, do it yourselfwith water, but dont buy it thin. roa aaM ijiii tui wtiun CCTT eCWHE, MrMB, Ms Tor I Shu saaaeyaf sever eat Stat a. Say ess i a1 Sartaes Baafe aad CkJkr eaBaavaaaB, - ratline Hair Ayers Hair Vigor promptly deitroys the germs that csiue falling hair. It nourish the hair bulbs, restores than to health. The hair stops lauuuf out, stows more rapuujr. lauuuf out, grows more rapuujr. Does not Color the Hair We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vtaor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the sligjtat decree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hair may use it freely without having the hair made a shade darker. lno-rflinr Sulphur. Glycerin. Quinin. SodiuniCMorld. ingredients. Capcum. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Perfume. Show tnis formula to your doctor. A;k him what he think of It J. C. Arm COMPAKT. Lowell. Mn- ..m CHAPEL HILL NEWS. Cor. of the Gleaner. Judge McRae, a member of the University faculty and beloved deau of the law department died here suddenly Sunday night be tween eleven and twelve o'clock. Monday, all classes in every de partment of the University were suspended out of respect to him. The enrollment at the Univer sity is now 04. Of this number 221 are freshmen; 139 sophmore; 135 juniors; 83 seniors; 101 law- students; 71 medical students; 40 pharmacy students and 27 grad uate students. The enrollment of 804 is the largest enrollment of any college or university in a State on the Atlantic coast from Virginia to Florida. Virginia Military Institute beat Carolina in a football game last Saturday. The score was 3 to 0. Several of Virginia's men, three policemen being included say that V. M. I. didn't score. The last report was that the umpire had withdrawn his decision and that the score now stands'O to 0. The improvements that have been in progress on the central heating plant are nearing comple tion and the rooms in the dormi tories can be made more comforta ble than ever before, The chapel winch has been under repair is now seated with comfortable opera chairs and chapel exercises will be renewed this week. The University sermon for October was preached here Sun day night by Rev. Francis M. Osborne, of Charlotte. Mothers Have you tried Ilollis- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea? It's a great blessing to the little ones, keeps away summer troubles. Makes them sleep and grow. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Graham Drug Co. The lifeless body of J. J. Moore, a farmer living near Dunn, Har nett county, was found in the body of his wagon' when the team reached home Thursday night When his family discovered the body they presumed he was drunk and it was some little bit before they found out different. It is presumed he drank too much liquor. A sudden attack at night of some form of Bowel Complaint may come to any one. Every family should be provided with a bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold's Bal sam. Warranted by Graham Drug Co. Asheville Citizen, 11th: Locke Ramseur, colored, was killed yes terday afternoon at Glen Alpine, having been run over by passen ger train No. 11. lie was taken to Old Fort on passenger train No. 21, near which place he lived. , Its a Toy Notch Deer, Great Deeds compel regard The world crowns its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Dr. King's New .Discov ery the King of Throat and Lnng remedies. livery atom is a health force. It kills germs, and colds and la grippe vanishes. It heals coughracked . membranes and coughing stops. Sore, inflamed bronchial tubes and lunga are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C. writes, it cared me of lung trouble nouueed boneless by all doctors. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Graham Drag Co. ' Governor Kitfihin has granted a second reprieve in Walter Mor rison, colored, who Is ia the pent tentiary from Robeson county under sentence, of electrocution The reprieve is until November 12th and like the first one is be cause the machinery for the elec trocution is not ready. The first date was September Oth, the -sec ond October 15 th. OASTonXA. Tel las ll r- Irsr tj)t While shouting at a revival meeting in a colored church ia Charlotte Sunday night a week, Washington Evans, about 70 years old, was suddenly stricken and died in ten minutes. Heart disease is supposed to be the cause of the trouble. Calvin Neal, colored, a well- digger, was killed in Charlotte Friday as a result of a well caving in on him. Dandruff Ayer,lJrVbJor Just as promptly destroys the germs that cause dandruff. It removes every trace of dandruff itself, .and keeps Us scalp clean and in a jwaiiny wmw' 250 Good Stories. The Youth's Companion abounds in stirring stories of ad venture and heroism. One may describe an escape from acciden tal peril, auother a strange en counter with wild creatures man or beast. Many of these stories are true as to facts, and only disguised as to names and places. A score or more of such stories will be pub lished during 1910 in addition to nearly 200 others 250 good sto ries in all, and no two alike. And this is not counting the serial stories, which it is believed will be conceded by old Companion readers as the best The Companion has ever published. Every new subscriber will find it of special advantage to send at once the $1.75 for the new 1910 Volume. Not only does he get the beautiful "Venetian" Calen dar for 1910, lithographed in thirteen colors and gold, but all the issues of The Companion for the remaining weeks of 1909, from the time subscription is received. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Companion Building. Boston, Mass. New Subscription Received at this Office. Unless the Supreme Court of the United States reverses the de cision or the President interferes, Chas. W. Morse, of New York, one time "ice king," coastwise steamship line organizer, banker and capitalist, will serve 15 years at hard labor in the Federal pri son at Atlanta, Ga. After having been at liberty under $125,000 bail since June 17th. he was recommitted when the court de cided against him. Morse was convicted of violating the bank ing laws. A stay of execution was granted until the United States Supreme Court can pass on. the case. The case of the Cudahy Pack ing Company for violation of the internal revenue laws, by failing to place stamps of proper denomi nation on packages of oleomar garine, came to an end in the Federal Court at Leavenworth, Kan., Monday, by a compromise. The packing company was fined $5,000 and agreed to pay a back- stamp tax of $82,777.50 and spec ial tax of $10,000 for agencies, making to be paid to the govern ment $97,777.60 The mansion of ex-Governor William Sprague, war Governor of Rhode Island, at Narragansett Pier, R. I., was destroyed by fire Monday. The total damage was about $600,000, half of which on the house and remainder upon statuary and art treasures. Gov ernor Sprague, who is 80 years old, was partly overcome by smoke and was led from the burn ing house by his wife. About Hogs. Tho Southern Arrleultartst. The best brood sow is long, deep and thick. In feeding sows through the winter, care should be taken that they get sufficient exercise. Sows with young pigs should be allowed to ran on a good pas ture. Nothing makes better milk and flesh and as cheaply as grass. In addition, they should be fed a good food of rich slop twice a day until the pigs about two months old. are In slopping the young pigs be sure that the - trough is large enough to accomodate all of them so that each will get his share. When eowpeas begin to pod it is a good thing to allow the young pigs in. Do not forget to slop themat certain hoars. - It is a good thing to allow the young pigs the run of your clover or hay field. They get a great deal of food in such a field and do very little damage to the hay. Be sure to keep wood ashes and salt before your hogs con stantly, or else give them char coal at frequent intervals, nogs need mineral matter. For Sale or Rent, Five-room dwelling 8. E. Corn er of . Harden and N. Marshall sts., for sale or rent. Fine well of water on premises and good garden. Apply to Mas. Wh. IL Tkoluc- OU, R. F. D. No. 9, . ; Oct. 21-41 Burlington, N. C. Art Squares $5.50 to $30.00 Rugs - - - .50 to 5.00 Mattresses 2.00 to 18.00 Springs 2.00 to 8.00 Pillows - .50 to 2.50 Quilts - - 1.00 to 2.50 Blankets - .75 to 5.00 Our Terms are Cash or Easy Payments. Your credit good with us. Try us and you will always be a friend to Green & McGinn Furniture Co. GRAHAM, N. C. Land Sale ! By virtue of an order of tho Superior Court of Alamanoe county, made at the September term of said oourt,ieo9,the under signed aa commissioners of said court, will sell to the highest bidder, for cash at the court house door in Oraham on October 30, 1909, the tract of land known as the John Roney tract, and situate In Albright TownshiD. in Alamance county, N. C, adjoining the lands of o. w. xnomDSon, tne late capt. I). 8. Thompson, Isaao Crabtree and others. This tract contains about eighty-five acres and is situated within one hundred yards of the new Macadam Highway now being built leading toward Hazapahaw, N. O., ana iiiwnikiix iuhu. luum vi uniun, xne macadam road will extend all the way from Graham to and beyond It. It la just about one hundred yards west of the macadam highway. It baa upon It a dwelllnif log house which needs repair. A rood spring near the bouse and a ntoe branch of water runs through the landst It has upon It a large quantity of wood, both oak and pine, and some fine timber, both oak and pine. It is floe land for all kinds of crops grown In this county, and It la comparatively level rolling enough to drain well and notenongh to w.ih, The tract originally oontalned something over elgbty-nve acres, but three sores was sold oil from the western aids of the place and these three acres are le acres are not In- Tha title I. Iwvnnil oiuaea in to la sale. Question good. No ten neroent bids will ha sllowed on this sale, ana the successful bid der will get the tract upon complying; with his bid. This la a rare opportunity to boy a nice farm near market, good schools, churches and in a good oommuntty. J. BLUER LONG. W. H. CABKOLL, Sept. ts, loot. Commissioners. Service by Publication. NORTH CABOUVA, Alamance Coaaty. Ia The Saperlor Ceart, pedal PraeeetUaga, K. Holt and wife, Maude Q. Holt. Cteera T. Holt an i wife. , Margaret RHolt. Georgia d. W. B. Hay, R. K. UUolt Uolt, and Basils Hols. nay, ana nasoan aaa wire, iiattle J. Alex Holt and wife. Ma ggto L. Holt, Joka H. Molt and wife, Martaa bolt, B. M. Mor row and wife, Callle Morrow, Albert Bouey .George Money, Turn Coble aad wife, Annie kww, auns wuiiaass and wird Mamie Will lasts, rasa Bouey and jack Bosey. It am ipnaaring to the satisfaction of the 1 that toe abore named defendant, Palo Court U roaey, a nsnssssry aaa proaer party to iaiapmiej rroeeeain. aaa suet he im a mm residence of this (Hate, end cannot, wltn di dillgeswe, be found la the Stale, the eaM bod- resM at defendant la hereby aoufted that huw ppgcsu I'loceeuing ia f r tee Mraoee of obtalniaa aa ardor of aniirt for ike aale of all the real estate of which the lata Ueo. W. H oil ate Maed. la whoi. nr la part, la ike etty f Barllng-too. said ooas ty end tate, eaeapt that part devised to his lisikUr, BiBBta B. Holt, for aartltina ami the teoaata la eoeimoa thereof; that ae therein w retaraabie oa Moodsy, etk das of Hovesaber. Hue tm tkaain. of the Clerk of tae auearkir Vart tm eoart bouse ia Oraaaat, la said eoaaty and State, and that the eoaipiaiat will be hied ia said oflae oa or before that day. Maid Pale Boner, said aoa resident drtmmA. sac Is farther aotlded tm ump la or by authorised ettoraey et said omee of wa b mm sale ma aay of eaM A vest bar. sad aaewwr or desaar to tho complaint, aad la default of em ee dotag, test Jodameel reeoafeaao wlU be entered aa le elai. aad see elate us a greased la rUaf prayed for ia Witness, etc, October la. MS, at J. D. Kamaoocs. C H. C, Reports of the Panama Canal Commission state that the excava tion of the canal is exactly half finished.' Conditions in the sons are im proving and the death rate is nOrmaL The second half of the work is proceeding faster than the first, supplies, machinery, etc., being already on hand. The Gastonia Gazette report a butter famine in Gsstonia which lasted several days the past week. Not a pound could be had. - i Sight . Testing llf you have any trouble with your eyes difficulty in read- in?, seeing well at a distance, aching tired eyes after read ing or driving, if you have 'headache or pains through the temples you probably need glasses. I will examine your eyes and tell you whether you need glasses or not : : : : 'Free of Charge. Z. T. HADLEV Optometrist, GRAHAM, - - - N.C Service by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. Ia the Superior Court, Special Proceedings. - Jas. M, Fowler and wife, Leha A. Vowler Miss Bolah R Fowler and Miss Beatrloe Fowler, t etltloaers vs. . Miss Charmer Fowler. William H. Fowler and Paul Vestal Fowler, all minors wltoont guardian, Bespoodenu. . It appearing that William H. Fowler, one of the respondents In the above entitled 8 pedal Proceeding Is a non resident of this Slate, airtj cannot with due diligence be found la the State, he Is hereby notified that summons in said Special Proceeding was is sued oa the Mh day of October, ltua, and re turnable oa Monday, the lSlh day of Novem ber. Muv, Into the office of the Clerk f t the Superior Court for Alamanoe county. In said atate. la the eourt house la U ran am. when aad where he will appearin person or by duly authorised attorney, and an.wer or demur to the petluoa which will be filed oa or before said return day, and In default ludamea pro eoaresso will be earered as to blm. Tea purpose of said above entitled bpedal Proceeding is to sell by order of eourt a tract of fifteea acres of land la Burling on township. Alassaaoeeountw. tnnknimi.. adjoint gteclaaieer Bimira Oouon Mills, Joke Bryant, Henry Mltcbell aud other, for paruuoo among the tenants In eotnmeo. ". wao lare parties to said above eatt tled Special Proceeding. At omee la the court house tn Grahaau K U KSBKODLB, C. S. Why send off llqr your Job ranting ? We can save yon money on all Stationery, Wedding Invitations, ' Business Cards, Posters, etc etc The boiler at the cotton gin of i. B. Hastings, in Ford township, Wayne county, exploded llonday a week. Mr. Hastings was in stantly killed, T. V. Crocker's leg was broken in three places and he ; was otherwise injured, and other persona were slightly injur ed. v Our Fall Line Surpasses Any thing We Have Ever Carried. Suits from $15,00 up. Dressers from 5.00 up Iron Beds from 2.50 up. Wood Beds 2.50 up. Rockers from 1. 00 up. All Other Furniture Very Low Ia ttention, 1909 Taxes Now Due. At the places and on the dates named Below I will be present with the tax books to receive the taxes for the year 1909: Melville Township, Mebane, Friday,' Oct 22. Haw River Township, Haw River, Saturday, Oct. 23. Burlington Township, Burlington, Monday, Oct. 25. Graham, Graham Township, Tuesday, Oct. 26. . I want everv tax-caver ST aV T intention to collect all taxes law requires me to make this round for your conven ience. Very truly, ', R. N. COOK, Sheriff September 23, 1909. . fp Wood's, Descr!ptl? . ( Fall Seed Catalog - now ready, give the fullest w information about all Seeds for the Farm'and Garden. Grasses and Clovers, '' Vetches. ALtalfe. . Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barley, etc ; also tells a0 about Vegetable & Rower Seeds that eaa be planted ia the fell to advantage and profit, and about - Hyaointha, TuAp and otbaz rTowarlos Bitttra, Vafetabla aad Strawberry Plants, Poultry ' uppses aad Farti&aara. asrf Farmer and Oarf ener ShoaM ears this estates;. II Is InrelnaWo la Its aehwslaess ana ruascotisa Meessnr a prodiefele ana satisfactory rant or Oardee. Catatotao walls a tree oa x. write lor su T. 7. WOOD & S03S. &9afalaVft RtOwwtwMfrva VwW (a ft --iMcaor photo orf arfwmticm km n-tripii am rmtwrtimXtAiitJ. Bow to TaVar 4Vm start Fred Thomas, assistant engi neer of the New Berne electric plant, wis killed Sunday by com ing in contact with an are light dynamo. . ' . . , '' VW swptTr oaa uVaad fiiaV t All L.'tlVL -XW : Lamps 10c to $5.00 Couches, - Lounges, Go-Carts and many otherthings you may need. . ' - - - '' i vaMaWaWavaHaWi 1 is i ax-rayers ! ! to settle nromttlv. It is my eV dk without undue delay. The of Alamance County. LAND SALE ! Br virtue of an order of tbe Superior Court of Alamanoe eonntr, Nortb C"""? la a Special Proceeding lor the Partition the land hereinafter desonbed, wherein R"- ; -. ... i.i.ij.. .nil VlnMMr WSTl et. mi, areoefeodanta, and tne V"!'"1 m savins been appointed Commissioner w been appointed Lmraiwiyi""T i eaM sale, 1 will, as said tot sale, at tbe Com' House door make aa oner roseate, as oe wu'' ;"- . . r 6ra bam. Alaaa.noe oounty and bute of "- - am, iaainoe oounir ana o- - fclfBteet bidder oa to the klshteet bidder oa - Saturday, October 30th, 1909. the fdlowinr described land, to-wlt: tut In Patterson township, Alamancseouj'TJJ State of North Carolina, adjolnl m "JJ of Jea. A. O. Patterson, w. H. flJSj otheis aad oa the bead waters ol Bler. known as its Hobert a Ii8W2SS Way) Bosse place, conulolns BI x JJi1l but to be lbs -a me be there mors or l Terataof safe: One-third cash, hsD?JL six ssoaths. deferred payment to beer n set from day of sals with theprKl purchaser to pay the deferred amount at ssj ed& Certificate ' of Dissolution Siate of Worth Carolina, DrparUnrot W .Certificate of Dlssolouon. To all to whom (best presents may Ursetlns: sferooa.- deposlied la myteBoa. tHr -JI4V iMK Ul em aa - lluvwlBi wbols prlod paf oOlos LTsltasaled m mt vrssaa, e cooaty of Korth Csrollaa. W. M. liardra w -res taerwt "n acrat tbereia aaa la with ut i-animnenueS'Ctiapser n..Trr of ISO, rattued "trpottHor'iutt. to tbe laaaias of Uua CerUSosM of aise "now-, trwfwJbre.1. . ry" tD,T taryof taua( neWass of '?)zZm doaeseoy oertifr that tnjs s Sid. oa lbs sua Ur at lal mrm offle a daly exeeotedaad fZmi wnuna to tbe dtssoiwtlea fjJJSTuweS. exereied by all the "0I m r whlcb said soasent a-d the fj 7 w ilmi-eli in BOWS IBsall Advertise in' The Glean13 omce. as pro-ioea oy b(fesaTI la teeumoay wMirsoS, I YSxST my bead aad "'JTst aajei,.. Ibis ttb aajr 1?1),1J an in - -

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