The Alamance LEANER. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1909. 10.40 6 'z J - yolj. XS.XV. - , ; Tiiio Billr. s1WnEg pk mole Oil o Irlllo Mir tit wtos Pttetooi to assimilate an now ftJ dW lr rT''ii 1VEL0P FLESH I ,d solid muscle. I tmA L . CnhctitlltA.- laxe i'u PROFESSIONAL CARDS nnNALD GULLEY Attorney-t?LWiy ' BUKLIXOTOX, C. ; 8BIUBS BDILDINQ. till S. 0.G, JR. DENTIST . . t t jsntai"- North c'olln" lOFFICE in UMMONS BUILDING LONG & LONG, I Attorneys and CounBolorB at Law GRAHAM, N. Attorney-lit. Law, 8BHAM, - - - -.. - N. C. Office Patterson Building Seooad Floor. IfOHlUJBAf tKU. W. Jf. JJTHUM, JH. BliNUM & BYBTCJM, U.ctMSBORO, N O. frKilce reeularly Id the courts of Alh I wee county. An, a, 84 ly I LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS. This book, entitled as above, I contains over 200 memoirs of Min listers in the Christian Church with historical references, r An I interesting volume nicely print- led and bound. Price per copy doth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.50. By I mail 20c extra. Orders may be sent to I p. J. kernodl Elon College. Orders may be left at this office. FREE TRIP to A PACIFIC COAST ARB YOU ONE of the many tLou and whff want to explore this Won derW .? ? ? ? : SUNSBT ' MAGAZINE nee institute i a new department, wIoh special work it i to put within tie r every one en ntmnrfrMiitv m tL. FAR WEST. Write for "ple Copy. :s ., .. ,, ,, ,. F full pertieiun a-drw. Sunset Travel Club 16 flood BuildinS, Sea Francisco, GaL fall Carollna'g Foremost Rewsptpa. ,r- foe Charlotte Obseryet EwryDayinthe Year. WW Hi I TOIPEKS, Mflihn. P.CALDWKLU ltHor. S8.00 Per Year. ttE OBSERVER- " . Receives the largest tele graphic news service deliv Jd to any paper between Washington and Atlanta, nd its special service is the Statest ever bandied by a North Carolina papc Sunday Observes " Conits of 16 or more pages "d is to a large extent made op ol original matter. "Send for Sample Copies. Address, . , Tiie Obsekveb, Charlotte, N. C send oil .lor your ob Printing? We can ve you money on all jutlonery, Weddlna J?viUtions, easiness Urds Posters, etc etc OttOON RUB 01 1 t ! I " A Farm Idull By FRANK H. SWEET 'Copyright, 1909, by American Freu Auo- fir eution. I 1 A TN'T Vflliao T Anti'l think w. ' uwu . l.L a good enough. Tommie's the best man I ever had on this farm. 'Taln't 'cause of that er anything else, only he can't have my Susan, an' I told him so this mornln'.V Pap Hlldreth finished filling the old brown basket with potatoes and arose stiffly from his knees. There was a peaceful, satisfied look on his seamed face as he wiped his dirty hands on his freshly washed overalls and let his eyes roam about him. '. "I'm comfortable," he said, address lug the old drab hen that was in dustrlously pecking holes in the mel low red tomatoes just beyond. "I'm comfortable well fixed." The hen turned her back upon him and sent a spray of dust over the low wire fence with the unerring aim of tier kind directly in bis face. The dirt .settled In his hair and beard, and Pap Hlldreth set his basket down and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Now, he, Pap Hlldreth, was a model farmer not only to his family, but to everything on the farm. To this par ticular drab hen he had always been kind and Indulgent. Time out of num ber had he let her offenses go unpun ished only because his heart was big and he could overlook little mistakes. She was a nuisance, too; he confessed It to himself now as he spat the grit out from beneath his teeth and watch ed her destroy whole bunches of red tomatoes. She had never acted like .Other hens that he could remember, and his acquaintance with hens was large. She had never laid an egg In her life. She had simply stood around with a proud, defiant air and waited for the other hens to do their work. Then she would proceed to clean up on the fruits of their labor. She ate the eggs. She was an aristocrat no doubt of that She was big and fat - and sleek. Her comb was red as blood, and she fairly danced and pranced about, she was so full of life and spirits. "You sure do seem to be enjoyln' life." continued Pap Hlldreth, coming over to the fence and looking over. He smiled at the hen from his lips and heart and one eye. The other had a gravel chip In- it and couldn't smile. Pap Hlldreth kept it closed. The hen lifted her head ana listened without turning. Then she put her head Impudently on one side and said something sotto voce. ; 'A red flush stole up across Pap Hll dreth's already red neck and face. "If she didn't say devil as plain as I er any man kin say it. then my hear ings gettin' bad," he told himself. Now. as usual. Pap Hlldreth, being In an amiable mood, had addressed tne lion fn a crentlemanlv way. He had elmnlv said. "I'm comfortable fixed," and that was all nothing about such a remark for a hen to take nhlprtlnn to. and he knew It. , He didn't like It a bit, but he simply oTlnned foolishly and turned to pick dd his basket. . Thpn the drab hen said something that fairly made his short hair bristle something that even he could not let go unchallenged. He heara it aisnnc 1 and knew there was no mistaking. He returned to the fence, his heavy evhrows knitted In a frown, and the herf turned and faced him. For a mo- men i the two looked Into one another's eyes; then the ben turned her back upon him again with all a boss disdain and sent a handful of gravel Into his face at close quarters. It was' a terri ble Insult, an un pardonable one. Her life most pay the penalty. So decided Pap HUdreth, stand ing with lips drawn back from dust filled teetb and eyes tight closed and bands rrlDDlnc either "He can't hove my Siuan." tmaaprs lez in helpless frenzy. Die She .k. T,nr end now right now, .boold lire to make bis ot another minute longer than bf could help. But bow wis be to ecompllJh M. end? An, ben Is clererwben It come, .v. T.frhta ontr call. This Vsracnlar sen be well knew would try all hie reeocrceiuiue He woold decelr. ber. T tb was the only way. He woold let bet JZ eonrtlered ber aodacit c er-ba woold go any lengths sotba. & stSon. Blgbt ot be .roused atones Into b-rerea. H. deth, bat slowly, or scald beri v Micopp- caldron, a Uttl. pteca at s He couldn't see the hen, but "he knew she had picked up her head to listen. So he with great difficulty scraped away at his left eye until he had It ciean enough to see a little. He still kept whistling, although every note gave him pain, and the dusty perspira tion running down his face was all that furnished the necessary moisture for his whistle. He stopped whistling and began to hum "There Were Ninety and Nine" as he squeezed himself through the fence, keeping his eye on the hen. "Poor man!" she said, sidestepping a yard or two and smiling at him. "Cuss you!" whispered Pap Hlldreth. "Jest you wait!" The hen, which had been scratching In time to his whistle, said something softly to herself and looked so pleased that all the dormant evil in Pap Hll dreth's nature that had slumbered on "Poor man" the chuckled. awoke with a start. Henceforth his one object In life was to destroy her. "Chookie, chookie, chookle!" he call ed softly. "Poor chookie! Come and get some corn." He threw .i handful of dirt about his feet, and the hen stood on one foot and craned her neck. "Poor man!" she chuckled and recommenced opera tions on tho tomatoes. Her back was toward him, and Pap Hlldreth got down on his hands and knees and crept toward her. Nearer and nearer he drew until the prize was within his grasp. Oh, glory of glories! He reached out and, with the words "Dang you now I've got you!" made a crab at her. Alas that it should be the part of man to simply propose! The hen sidestepped again and sought the other side of the row of vines. Pap Hlldreth lay still and said tbtnes to. himself. He made up his mind now that when he caught the hen he would pluck her feathers out one by one and tie her down to a bed nf nnrs. And he would catch her. This he vowed. "Chookie. cbookie!" be cried, softly extending one bare arm toward her. A yellow moth settled down and alighted on his arm.' Glory! The hen saw the moth and was creeping toward it Now he would have her sure. Just Ipt her within his reach, and Rho pnme slowlv. trustingly, the yel low moth her loadstone to destruction At last she was there. lie would wnlt for her to make a reach for the moth. Thpn he would grab her by tne necs ho wnnlrl lab one of her eyes out with hi flnzer. Yes. he would take that mneh revensre at once. She came, and- Pap HUdreth felt a sharp pain, as though bis arm was poked by a roil hot iron. and. lo, she was away again, the yellow moth fluttering In her beak! Human flesh can endure but so much, and Pap Hlldreth's stock of patience was exhausted. The drab ben had pecked Pap HU dreth on the muscles of the forearm, leaving a puncture from which ooied a little trickle of blood. Noting this. Pap Hlldreth cast strategy to tbe winds and sprang to bis feet, with a rrowl. t miirht shoot ber." be muttered. slipping his, galluses down and tying .hm .hnnt his waist "only It 'ud be too easy a death for her. I wanter torture her. so I'll run ber down, 1 will, by gosh!" Accordingly be made a dash for tna hen, and the ben made a dash for the fence. She went through with Hying . a tiA waflf- eolors. Througn . and through tbe fence P followed, puffing like Across the pot' P,tch tbe' nCT, and down tbe path to 'h bernysri The ben dashed aroonf, the straw .tack, and PP HUdreth. -o tbe so Berior wisdom of mankind, circled tbe iuck in an direction so asto et the drab ben on tbe other sU. go came saUlng s round, ber Dead over ber shoulder and b'IngsspT4 -u. rap Hlldreth made s grab for Tie, and tumbled penmen over s fanv 57 of little pigs half WMeo la tbe "'STwaa too moch out of breath to do any damage to tbe small pigs; otber wtoa It might have tared bed lr, with tbJnit-thlS-tlafc-B!bfJo Foley's Iloney and Tar clears the air rjassages, stops thef irrita tion In the throat, sooothes tts inflamed nlembranes, and the most obstint cough disappears; Sore and inflamed lungs are hel ed and strengthened, and the cold is expelled from tbe system. Be fuse any but the genuine In the yellow package. Graham Drug Co. ; his wind back they bad wisely taken themselves awny, and the drab hen Jie saw quietly disappearing be neath the drive shed. Armed with a two tined fork. Pap Hlldreth made bis way la boriously to the shed and peered underneath it. Ah, fate was kind' Indeed, for the drab ben was there, sure enough. She had settled down, as she thought, se cure from all dan ger beneath the shed floor. Pap Hlldreth Judged that he could easily reach her with a fork. He tried It. If he Oh, oh I " groaned Pap Jllldreth. could but Impale her In its tines he would have the shed torn down If nee essary In order to get at her. No; the fork was just a trifle short. He work- ed his head and shoulders under tho shed. Ha, ha! Now he could spear her easily. Just at this juncture a flock of sheep came round the corner of tbe shed and gazed wide eyed at tbe strange sight of a fat little man fanning the air with his legs. The proud leader of tbe flock went forth to investigate. Beach ing over to sniff at the waving feet of Pap HUdreth, this particular sheep received a kick under the jaw that made him see all kinds of green and blue balls and stirred deep resentment within his breast. Accordingly he backed away and came against Pap Hlldreth's exposed person with such force as to drive the poor man under tbe shed, wedging him between the ground and the shed floor so tightly that he could scarcely budge, let alone breathe. "Oh, oh!" groaned Pap Hlldreth and kicked out lustily, only to receive a more violent shock from the old ram. Pap HUdreth lowered his legs and lay still. He could feel the bot sun on the calves of bis legs, which were exposed owing to the fact that bis trousers had slipped up on them. Then tbe little pigs came over to Investigate, too, and rubbed their moist noses on those calves until poor Pap Hlldreth had to lift his legs again, which was the signal for another onslaught from the ram. How long be lay there helpless he never knew. It seemed hours to him, wedged in as be was so as to be scarce ly able to breathe and receiving at reg ular Intervals a shock from the old ram. He gave himself up to fate. He was sure he would die unless help soon came, and there was little hope of it, as be was on tbe south side of tbe shed, and even If anybody did by chance bapnen to come into tbe barn yard he might never be seen. He tried to shout, but be was too tightly wedged In. He could hardly breathe, let alone call. Tbe old drab ben had looked around at blm and called blm some more names, after which she bad said goodby and left blm. After what seemed hours to blm Pap Hlldreth beard a voice as coming "Pull me out, Tommiel" from a long distance two voices, lo fact to which be heard his daughter, bis own flesh and blood, tbe darling of his old age, reply: "Uake blm promise first, dear." "Pull me oof supplicated Pap Hll dreth weakly. "For heaven's sake, poll me out, Tommler "Kin I bare Susan 7" cam tbe re sponse. "Tea, you kin. on one condition," faintly replied Pap Hlldreth. "Make blm name It," Mid the other voire. "Name It," said Tom. "If touII catch me that old ben," answered Pap HUdretn. "IH do It, said Tommle. AM be Mid. Life ef Ve Railway Mail. Trainmen are tbe class of workers most subject to lose Irregular boors of duty, and there Is nothing so likely to make s man nnnerved and onfit for dangerooa work as this. Tbe strata of long boors and tbe restlessness of lires- olarlty soon And oat tbe strongest sad most robust of mem. Little woader, then, that we find tbeos with pre ma tartly gray beads Railroad Review. Drawbridge mm Meat. At Helm Ingham Ball, la Suffolk county, in England, tbe drawbridge Is always raised every sight ever the bMorle smmL wblcb is more was seres boodred years eM. The moat Is sot dry like so many of asewnt date, bot Is fllted to tbe Drum, ma Is tbe only English castle where tbe bMorle right of ratotng tbe draw bridge baa come down from tbe days of chivalry. Cnetfy. Little Mrs. nnater bad beard aa may lokee a boot tbe ceoida't asarket outnas fully that aba ssade sp brr mind that tbe Bret re oaest she made of tbe saarketsBsa won Id show ber to be a sophisticated booaewife. "Km sae. please." she said, "two Prracb chops and one baa- dred green peas" x Ci ve only baking povdw1 I ?$i i from Roy Crape Cream ol Tartar Owry gkgfr'' $r, made from Grapes v) Q Makes Finest, Ptsrest Foc4 Another Conservation Congress. Washington Dlxpatch. Believing that the time has come for definite action looking to the conservation of the nation's great natural resources, loadors in this movement from all parts ot the country will gather in New Orleans on November 1 next when tho first important steps to- words putting the principles of conservation into practical effect will be taken. The occasion will be an important conference of the chairmen of State conserva tion commissions of the South and others. It is expected that recommen dations will bo made for tho adoption by the various State Legislatures of spectific laws that will have for their object tho ar resting of tho great waste that is now going 'on in the South's nat ural resources and there by sav ing them to prosperity. lUl Top Notch Doer, Great Deeds compel regard. The world crowns its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Dr. King's New Discov ery the King of Throat and Lung remedies. Every atom is a health force. It kills germs, and, colds and la grippe vanishes. It heals cough-racked membranes and coughing sUIs. Sore, inflamed bronchial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C, writes, it cured ino of lung trouble nounced hopeless by all doctors." 50c. 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. Fire destroyed the bam of Bax ter Shcmwell, in Asheville, about 3 o'clock Saturday morning. Two horses, two buggies, a lot of feed and harness were burned with tbe barn. The origin of the Are is a mystery. There was no in surance. ' EJ-bV sryw M ..otV jW OTW---TVi ff W tfattmmflfriimtflfr t MsryWw. mtfa sfl TllllftlfiERi 70 PUIr?LOIWlTW, w. . These lots are about 10 minutes walk adjoin the lots of D. H. White and $50 Take one of our cards, write your name on tbe back of it and hand to our auctioneer Just before the sale begins and you may get a valuable preaent. Ladies specially invited. TERMS: One-third Cash, balance in 9 and IS mos. with six per cent interest Every lot offered will be sold regardless of price. We will refund to any diasatisfied customer at expiration of 3 years the full amount be paid for his Lot, with six percent interest. vOur capital stock of f 50,000 is behind this liberal offer. tSTCome to this sale and buy" a lot, for this is not a game of chance, but a dead certainty. tSTMusic by the band. Lentra The West Virginia Synod 'of the Presbyterian Church, at El kins, W. Va., unanimously adopt ed a resolution protesting against the invitation extended to Presi dent Taft to address the laymen's Missionary convention on foreign missions at Washington, Novein bor 11. Tho protest is on account of the President's affiliation with tho Unitarian Church. Mothers Have you tried IIol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea? It's a great blessing to the little ones, koeps away summer troubles. Makes them sleep and grow. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Graham Drug Co. The old county system of work ing the roads of Randolph county will be discontinued, an act creat ing the township system having been passed by the last Legisla ture. The convicts of the county will be hired to the various town ships. Hellet In Mix Hours. Distressing Kidney and Blad ner Disease relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If 3Tou want quick re lief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drug Co. January 1st. The place of pub lication has not been announced but it is understood that it will be Charlotte or Greensboro. A sudden attack at night of Homo form of Bowel Complaint may como to any one. Every family should lie provided with a bottle of Dr. Scth Arnold's Bal sam. Warranted by Graham Drug Co. Advertise in The Gleaner. We Will SeU at auction Select Residence Lots and one 6-room House and beauti ful Grove Lot. : 1 n WORTH OF SILVERWARE Will be Given Away. .oan I Trust Co,. Do You Want tp If you do, now is the time to buy your clothes. I am recieving New Pall Clothing every day, and if yon come first you will get the choiee of new and up-to-date goods. TIf I can't suit yon in stock I have aiarge line of samples and will take yonr, order and measure, and in a few days give yon a suit specially made for yon. : ; . : I t SHOES TYes, I can shoe you, too, with the latest in shoes and socks to match. fAIso Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Crayats, Underwear in fact make yon "well dressed" at a moderate cost. : : i t A. M. UADLEY One Price Clothier, MELROSE DAN VALLEY A LEADING BOAIDINO SCHOOL IUHMM 1 1 I m I MH im(MmtKiiii 1 1 m4 AriMtlp, WM. fill ail OT . ot ... i mm i s, wM. WIIUotI, .Mth Otr-Um.' mi BtiE-ma T tMM aemrMM CWrUe-. last a swr wartei-Mse atssaM MITT PBLAY. WSITS TOD.T. At 10 o'clock A. M. from P. 0. and Isley Brothers. $50 70 ZLT. C. M3 be Well Dressed? Grahaia, N. G CHAMPION AaiaaaaaaaaaaaailiaiSasaeV m 4 J eadac This time of the year are signals of warning,' Take Taraxacum Com- I Dound now. It may avd you a spell . of f e- ( ; ver. It will re curate : your bowels, set. you r;' liver right, and cure, your indigestion. A good Tonic. An honest medicine Lo. MEBANE, N. C. . ARE YOU UP TO DATE 7 If yon are not the Nnrs ax ' Obestss is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep yon abreast- oi the times. ' Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the new foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. . Daily News and Observer 17 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North rolimaa ft per year, 60c for 6 mot,' NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO-, SAuaGH,N.C Tbe North Carolinian and Tea Alamaxcb Glkaxsx will be sect for orie year, for Two Dollars, Cash in advance. Apply at Tnt Gnu Kir- office. Graham, IL C, roiYsr::zr. araxacum t

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