The' Alamance G-leaner VOL XXXV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAYNOVEMBER 25, 1909. NO. 44 Advice to the Aged. M.e bring Infirmities ucFai sluj. il ESs, weak kidneys and blad Tutt's Pills . . .inc effect on these organs. Is. fltW the bowel., causing them frforni their natural function, u In youth and IMPARTING VIGOR ' I The kidney, bladder and LIVER. . Sot aaaal to oktand young. PROFESSIONAL CARDS UK. WILL S. LO.C, JR. , . . DENTIST . . . 3r,h.m - - Narth Carolina iFFICKiN -tMMONS BUILDING ACOB A. LONG J- e-LMKB WJHU. LONG & LONG, 4 ttomeye and Counselors at lw GRAHAM, H. -", ,. ? j. a. cooiz, Attornay-at-Lawi ' i IRAIIAM, - - - - ' N. C. Offloe Patterson Building Seoond Floor. ..... , uii. W. F. Btbuii, J. BVUM &BYNUM, vtu,rne.yn tiid Ootuelor at Jjut d .hNSBORO, ti. regularly la the conrU of AH. . au , j nance county. mi BH Barns To MtMr tdnrUM M. aenth'. Lwullaa lul..u 0n.(, Jul a tow wasUnhlf. ax thrad l uk Mellra 1m. Uu Mt . . BOVTDSLAT. WKIT1 TOBATW ; mm. son ouE;iis9,et KILLthi COUCH no CURE TM LUNCS " Dr. King's New Discovery WC8W iflBfc AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. QUABANTEED 8ATISFAQX0&Y OS MONET aEPUHDED. She Was a Bird. Some Facts About A Kentucky Lady Who Was Somewhat of a Bird. A constant reader handed "The Observer the following dispatch from Lebanon, O., under date of November 6, as a contribution, presumably, to the science of ornithology : "Having four different sur names in her brief time and al 1 those the names of birds is the unique distinction held by Mrs. Elizabeth Martin, of Paris, Ky., who is now visiting her sister, Mrs. Eugene Hartsook, near Leb anon. She began as Elizabeth Bird in Harrison county, Ky., and first ventured from the home next when she married Bud Mar tin. When Mr. Martin died she married Edward Crow, a fanner. When the time came to change nests she allied herself with Will liara Robin and lived happily un til the matrimonial season of Mrs. Martin agaiu rolled around. Then David Buzzard, a widower, more active personally and socially than his name would indicate, appeared and Mrs. Robin became Mrs. Buzzard. "Into the Buzzard roost Mrs. Martin carried one little Martin, two little Crows and one little Robin. One little Buzzard was already there to welcome the other birds." Charlotte Observer. We're sorry if you have tried other medicines and they failed. As a last resort try Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It's a sim ple remedy, but it's worked won ders, made millions well and hap py. Purifies the blood, makes flesh and muscles, cleanses your system. Graham Drug Co. The finishing plant of the Sky land Hosiery Co., at Flat Rock, near Hendersonville, was burned Thursday morning. Loss $75,000 ; insurance about three-fourths. Bigiitint - at y i ni una iou MavBAiwaj Nuggi Waitress Paralysed Drummer. A good story is going the rounds about a drummer and a pretty waitress. Here is what happen ed according to the report. The dapper little traveling man glanc ed at the menu and looked up at the pretty waitress: "Nice day, little one," he be gan. "Yes, it is," she answered, " and so was yesterday, and my name is Ella, and I know I'm a little peach, and have pretty blue eyes, and I've been here quite awhile and I like the place, and I don't think I'm too nice a girl to be working in a hotel; if I did I'd quit my job; and my wages are satisfactory; and I don't know if there is a show or dance in town tonight, and if there is I shall not go with you, and I'm from the country, and I'm a respectadle girl, and my brother is cook at this hotel, and he weighs 2()0 pounds, and last week he wiped up this dining room floor with a fresh $50-a-month traveling man who tried to make a dato with me. Now what'll you have?" The dapper little traveling man said he was not hungry, and a cup of coffee and some hot cakes would do. $100 Dr. E. Detchnn's Antl Diuretic may be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who sous beddmg from incontin ence of water duiing sleep. Cures old and voung alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Advice to Borrrowers of Newspapers. Some timely advice to borrow ers of newspapers is given by the Kansas City Journal in the shape of warnings like this: "A man who was too economi cal to take this paper sent his little boy to borrow the copy tak en by his neighbor. Iii his haste the boy ran over a $4 stand of bees and in ten minutes looked like a warty summer squash. His cries reached his father, who ran to his assistance and, failing to notice a barbed wire fence, ran into that, breaking it down, cut ting a handful of fiesh from his anatomy and ruiuing a $4 pair of pants. The old cow took advan tage of the gap in the fence ind got into the cornfield and killed herself eating green corn. Hear ing the racket, the wife ran, up set a four gallon churn full of rich cream into a basket of kit tens, drowning the flock. In the hurry she dropped a $7 set of false teeth. The baby, left alone, crawled through the spilled milk and into the parlor, ruining a brand new $20 carpet. During the excitement the oldest daugh ter ran away with the hired man, the dog broke up eleven setting hens, and the calves got out and chewed the tails off four fine shirts." BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Makes the finest most deli cious biscuit, cake and pastry; conveys to food the most health! nl of fruit properties The barn of E. P. Liles, of Liles ville, Anson county, was burned Sunday night a week, with two I horses, a lot of hay and 500 bush- els of corn. Loss estimated at J $3,000; $000 insurance. Gaston county commissioners have let the contract for the new court house and jail to be built at the new county seat Gastonia. The price is $51, 747. Why get up in the morning feel ing blue, Worry others and worry you ; Here's a secret between you and me, Better take Rocky Mountain Tea. Graham Drug Co. A Scalded Boy's Shrieks, horrified, his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when all thought he would die, Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infalible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever Sores, Boils, Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 25c at Graham Drug Co. A. W. Winecoff, a Rowan farm er lost eight cows in one week from some unknown cause. Forced Into Fxile. Win. Upchurch of Glen, Okla., was an exile from home. Moun tain air, ho thought, would cure a frightful lung-racking cough that had defied all remedies for two years. After six months he returned, death dogging hiw steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes, "and after taking six bottles I am as well as ever." It saves thousands yearly from desperate 1 u ng diseases. Infailablo for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throatr Cures Grip, Bronchitis, Hemorrhages, Asthma Croup, Whooping Cough. 50c and $1.00, trial bottlo free, guar anteed by Graham Drug Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 25c. In Richmond county .Superior Court a few days ago A. II. Prc vatt, a member of the grand jury, was indicted for retailing. Oureff "Vld avvaats Pnaumoala Will Miller, colored, employed by a railroad construction force, was killed by a passenger train between Salisbury and Spencer Wednesday morning of last week. Mothers Have you tried Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea? It's a great blessing to the little ones, k.M'ps away summer troubles. Makes 1 hem sleep and grow. 1(5 cents. Tea or Tablets. Graham Drug Co. Goats In Switzerland. In Switzerland If n boy plague, n gout Iii1 nmy be lined mid sent to Jnll. If n person nioeis n gout on n path mid drives the animal aside lie mny be arrested. If u tfont enters I ho yard of a person not Its owner mill Is lilt wit ti n club or stone tbe person fiullly of the offense must pny 30 rents. If the engineer of n railroad trnln sec. a goat on Iho track he must atop the train nntll the animal enn be coaxed away. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one lottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish euro known, Sold by Graham Drug Co. Do You Want to be Wei Dressed 1 1 I Ml I T t CW. its'. T' r CT3 U .i I'A ' 4 tt "ii If you do, now is the time to buy your clothe9. I am recieving New Fall Clothing, every day, and if yon come first you will get the choice of new and up-to-date goods. If I can't suit you in stock I have a large line of samples and will take your order and measure, and in a few Jays give you a suit specially made for you. : : : : : SHOES Yes, I can shoe you, too, with the latest in shoes and socks to match, f Also Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Cravats, Underwear in fact make you "well dressed" at a moderate cost. : : : : A. M. HADLEY One Price Clothier, Graham, N. C. subscribe for rji h e G 1 e a ii e r $1.00 A Year in Advance 2S; $7,000 STOCK OF .$7,000 Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, AND HATS TO BE CLOSED OUT AT COST, BEGINNING Monday, Nov0 1 9 1909 I U7 riieonninne hatirllin? the above lines of goods and offer our entire stock at prime cost Our stock is full and complete and bought this season. We can only . i l.-a iL.n Ttn'ii rrivo vnn an idea name a few prices nere, out j what you may expect. DRY GOODS. 52 inch Broadcloth, .75c 56 inch Repellants, .37 l-2c. 50 inch Panamas, .37 l-2c. 42 inch Fancy Mohair, .35c 36 inch Suitings, .20c 36 inch Dress Flannel, .18 and .20cts, Flannelettes and Outings, .07 l-2c Fancy Ginghams, .04 14 to .07 l-2c, Drifton AAA Sheeting, .06 l-2c Standard Bleaching, .06 1-2 to .07 1-2. Calico, .04 14 to .05c, shoes. $2,500 Stock of Shoes for Men, Women and Chfldren, thlt cost from 18 centa to $3.00 per pr. All go at cost You can fit out the whole iamuy upi-r This sale is strictly cash no goods charged. . Marketable . barter taken in exchange at cash prices. We mean business, so come at once if you want to get some great bargains. We will continue our Grocery Bus iness and will always keep a full and complete line of staple and fancy groceries at lowest prices. MEN'S WEAR Dress Shirts .18 to .75 cents. Under Shirts. 18 to ,37-l-2c. Fancy Ties, 4 to 18 34c. Gloves, Hosiery, Sus penders, Handkerchiefs and Collars. Extra Wool Half Hose .12 l-2cts. $500 worth Hats and Caps just bought this season, varying in price from a .25c Wool Hat to a $2 Derby. You Can Get Fitted. $500 Stock of Pants for Men and Boys. All go at first cost-from .16 2-3c. Boy Pants to $3 for Men's. A few Cloaks for Ladies and Children that will go at less than cost NOTIONS. Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Toboggans, Knit Shawls, Gloves, big lot of Hosiery. All prices. 10 pair Wool Blankets. 100 Dozen Coats Spool Cotton at .04 cents per spooL A. il rr rx fo) c M fsn n Im UJ -- fvinww, i i .. .".i ,.,n m.i "i ' V.ff.yfrl 11