. . - 1HE Alamance' G-leaner. on id. will Is reaHl iar i Quel " lb VOL xxv. AN OLD ADAGE A light purse to a heavy curse" Sickness make a light purse. . The LIVER to the Beat of nine tenths of all flisease.. I, n to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of t h e LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. lake No Substitute PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. WILL S. LOJG, JR. DENTIST ... -- . . North Carolina EMMONS BUILDING : Qraham OFFICKin 1AC0BA. LOSQ J. ELMER LONG. LONG & LOXG,- ttorneys and Counejelora at I .aw GRAHAM. M. r, s. o oo,K, Attorney-al-Law, tRaham, - - ;--N. c. Office Patterson Building . Seoond Floor. . . . - , i ka . m. W. P. Btmum., J it k . U .u & BYNUM, irnev ud Goimaelora at Lihw ....KNdBOBO, S J. N ' i-c regularly in Ibe courts v .Ann 01 Alb mi. T. totMr rinrtlM Ike Santa's leadlag Ba.ln.ta 0.1 L., ) eehelnrenlne ate af.ntd la ma mtloa at ha than Wat. out dilat wbitb today.. , - BA-iLl BUSEfTESS COLLEGE, Kacaa, Qt KILLthe couch no CURE the LUNGS Dr. King' WITH A . it New Discovery MS AnBBnV ,, at .an. A PBICB , HIH r 'uuuna - ti ns. v.. VSOLDS trial Bottli FrM AND ALL THROAT AND LUNQ TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACIOB'X OB MONET BEPTJNDED. - eadachesi This time of the year r e signals ot warning. Take Taraxacum C01TI7 pound now. It may ava youa SDell of fe ver. It will regulate your bowels, set your liver right, . and cure iri, I J! a - ywur inaigesxion. A good Tonic -An honest medicine Co, MEBANri. N. C. Commissioner's Sale of Land. , .vlrtoe of aa order of tba SnpeHar Court ap coa-tr, naW U a ttpMlal ii t?Tr t?" brato all tM Mr at-lav nf tbe "aanaa luorm and Mar A. Moor ana T1 f M.rT A. Moore, wara "1 7 orl, for tka Mrpoaa f aalUBC tb Proaenror tacaaxl Hannah Moor lor fartitloaaajof aai4 Nar A. Moora lor aa- T, aa amrttttom, ail of aaM 1-ada Mas Hi -y waoantr. 1 wiiiocara auouaoo taa klahaa bMMc. i ta prrmlaaa. ai t r of ca It- Mary A. M.ra, t" isnk'P aaK aouatr, aa Taara- DECEMBER 23, 1909, JWjelort Bwm, taa foUowln awl aatat. XnA atratalatn- abnat St Aeraa. aa kanv. M t Aadrvw Moora pia aa4 - tT aiaj w HaaaaA aa Mary A. apoa w tkr ha4 UiHr ha. ' a a M fcaiJ.jiara m4 taiafwa- J1 aaa A aaa M a raiaaa waataf Tt. f m). , CASH. . Ika.taiaabMttaM aareant p auaa oya tor rwasty say after aafmt T . w ivua. - T.B.BABKBB. A LtltiM -lll9CH0Ct 1 1 1 ft-. 'J t h i r. HSiIIa emember araxacum Important Thing What That Was the Doctor Told Mary Trenton. t By JEANNE 0 LOIZEAUX. I Copyright, 1909. by Associated Lit erary Press. Dr. John Trevor lifted his big rum pled black head from his book and. with his miud still full of "Minor Sur gery," scowled on his friend who had for some time been talking unheeded. He concluded to give Morton a min ute's nttention and then if necessary put him bodily forth from the office and be rid of him. - "Come out of your hole for once and help a fellow in a pinch," Morton was saying in evident continuance of a (to him) interesting subject. "Be human. You used to be occasionally decent to a girl in college. 1 need you-honest, Trevor. Miss Dell is here at the Kings' with her cousin. You knew her at school-Mary Trenton. It. seems that one will not stir without the other. 1 wish to goodness you would take Miss Trenton to the club dance tonight." The doctor looked his friend over with good uatured contempt. He was a snapshot diagnostician. No need to look at Morton's tongue. It always proclaimed its owner's ailment in time. "Again!" he remarked caustically. The hundredth time since I have known you! It's Miss Dell, I take it. Morton, it occurs to me to inquire why In thunder you don't marry and have done with your sufferings. Why be the eternal target? What is the im portant thing in your life anyway? If the law is like medicine you should give some time to your profession, and It looks to me as if you do noth ing but trail about after some pretty bundle of skirts. It's well enough, but you don't seem to be landing anywhere in particular." "Weff, it's serious this time. If I thought she would have me I'd do anything! I'm hard hit. I think she likes me too. But how much? I can't . get her alone If you don't help me. No-1 body else in this empty town Is fit to amuse that little cousin of hers. You remember ber? Little and blond and awfully sweet, you know." The doctor tried to call up Mary Trenton's face. "Seems to me I do," he said thought fully. Morton groaned. , ."To think of any human man having to remember Mary Trenton that is, unless be had seen her cousin! Are you going to be decent the neit two weeks, Trevor?" "Sure thing, boy! Make your plans, and I'll play dummy, anything to do you a good turn. But let me tell you this the important thing with me Is to build up my practice and ground my self at every turn in my profession. I -want another year abroad; 1 want the best piano money can buy, for I miss my music; I want a pedigreed Boston terrier and a motorcar that can't be beat. But I don't want a wife not now. I can't more than support myself yet In the style to which I have been accustomed, and I don't want to toucn what Aunt Joanna left me. I want 'to make good' myself. I tell you this be cause you are a vile matchmaker and because you may as well know now that if you have anything up your sleeve about me and Miss Trenton you 'can shake It out now and have done; that's all. Call around, and I'll be in gala togs and do your bidding. Now get out!" Morion obeyed. That was the beginning of two weeks nnparnlleled in the history of John Trevor, M. D. Morton tried his complaisance to the utmost. Constant ly every evening, many afternoons, ev ery spare minute and many minutes that really could not be spared be danced attendance on Mary irenion. while his friend- won his laborea way to the heart of Eleanor wen. amu was used to slavish attentions, and thi. irreat rneeed. bluff, brilliant, total ly delightful man of science piqued ber pride, stimulated her Interest. He was beneath bis perreci counraj ent, wary-nay. ne seemeu .i even disapproving. She felt for the flrst time in her spoiled young life In adequate and futile. It seemed that even her great beauty did not blind him to her little faults. Dr. Trevor began to be interemeu. t.inir ih.t with a Utile iraiuiuB " tlrl might really concern herself with the real things of life. He took ber through the hospitals, and she found a sew life of helping open to her vistoa All these poor lclt m,n0" . were to be healed! She felt more man ever silly snd futile, more man r bumble and admiring. Tbe jrtor plained everything to her. told her of tbe physician's life. It hard work. Its hurt. alms. Its stimulus to better con ditions for I be world. The girls began to spe-a - hlr own nouac m wAk. sod sammer fetlvltl e. to ... . . .iir honor. Tbe doctor edbUpractaodhU naearch work was rorgw.. - ,1 ... w.. anoa Dim anai not rmu w- --- as slgM be wote n hmkra srm a a ream wit boot gtring snae-tbetlc s - r.nrf little arm. It seenjen s liruiva irrhis thins to but ber. B for a brute at "mZA 0 ct a l-sshlof dream! Hs reaorred to ! oat . rje was glad she danger oto,W,X- u. aiWaa MBI WIS, wwa. w - HI. proraowa. yarded. Did always ban " lmT7", kl woahL ast tasi soa bar asked tba Pnea .Mt tavaartVta aa tiM Den. B be, Joes kly arttJs tow .era bappr -"--W; 1 mon. He would fight off this weakness He prescribed a dose of absence for himself, in the morning he phoned to Morton that he had an important case nnd would be busy all day and even ing Sorry, but It could not be helped. Then I11 his private office he proceed ed by the light of bis reason to con vince himself that It was but a sense less fancy. Men often got over worse ailments. Then there came again be fore his vision her little fair face with the new sweet, helping look in the deep blue eyes, the serious attention to his words-as if his words mattered. He could not help wondering whether uc uuuiu not nave made ner care He supposed ll(lton, the idiot, would take his place In the moonlight picnic par ty "on" for that evening. He went into his laboratory and began to toil. Long past noon he snatched his for gotten lunch. He was restless. Well, hot as It was, he would have a "walk. He had a theory that plenty of fresh air and stiff exercise would cure any known form of temporary insanity. He started out. But the girl went with him. Coming back, perspiring nnd disgusted, he determined firmly not to pass the King house. In the first place It was out of his way, and she might be in the big old garden or on the veranda, and he would have to go in a minute and be decent. No, he would not see her. , StUl well, he would go past, for really he should see old Mrs. I'atton across tbe way nnd ask about ber bay fever. His step quickened. He made bis call, talking with his lazy, comfortable old patient on the porch. As he left her she pur sued him with gossip. "Ah. there goes Percy Hilton!" she exclaimed. "I suppose, as usual, be Is going to see Mary Trenton. Eliza beth King would be delighted to have her cousin marry him. Isn't It a pity that money and brains don't always go together?" He laughed and got away. But his blood boiled. Hilton, that degenerate son of the overrich it would be hideous! He did Hilton injustice, however, for he really was decent enough In his way. The doctor decided to call at the Kings' just for a moment. As he turned the corner he saw the other man swinging along, evidently bound for the sanie goal. And, like a flash. John Trevor knew that there was but one Important thing In the whole world, and that was to get to Mary Trenton first. Surely that fellow would not have the unbelieva ble Impudence to propose to her! Sure ly she would never accept hi in if he did! As he came to the foot of the long garden, walking in his restless, head long fashion, something twitched at his coat sleeve. He turned to see Mary Trenton. The girl was leaning over the green hedge, smiling up to him, her great garden hat pushed back. "Is It so Important as all that, your case?" she queried, mischief In ber eyes. "If somebody is really dying I will not detain you; otherwise it Is too hot to race like that-past your friends especially." ne looked down on her, helpless. "The only Important thing In this world Is you." he said suddenly, while she trembled and blushed at bis tone. "Hnnnv to be even a thing to you," oh. miirmiirerl. mischief still in her eve. His look rebuked her. no von ran vou Mary I adore you! Will you marry me? Will you?" It was sufficiently precipitate, and the sun was very hot. and she saw Hilton lookluz over the lawn for her "Tell me-will vou?" The girl's face was verv hanny, but she was yet woman and would not be too ready with a reply. "r-nme over into the shade.'' she mid. "I don't want-that man to find The doctor cleared tbe hedge. and like two naughty children they anenked behind tbe shrubbery to safe ty In a tree hidden corner. Then be faced her Inquiringly. Tears suddenly filled her eyes, and she laid ber arm tin nrrnHfl her face like a child. He took It down and drew her close. nearest, dearest, what Is It? Won't toil me?" She drew away and looked at him seriously. "I was-afraid-you-weren't going to anU me'" Wna over An vthlne so foolish? He straightway Informed Mary Trenton -and thought he was telling the truth ihnt from the flrst time be had set nn her he had loved her and would have followed her round tbe world to "ask ber." Tbe really foolish thing would have been to devote a big warm heart to a mere profession. Lovs was tbe Important thing Balloon, and Eaglaa. A book has been discovered in Vien na bearing on Its title page this legend: -Ahont tbe Invention of air navigation by means of balloons and eagles, by j.koh Kleserer: published st tbe ei- pense of tbe author by Herr toescben Knhlmarkt. Tlenns. 1801" It 1 n elaborate treatise on aviation to which a balloon Is steered through tbe ir h eaelea which bsve been -trainee. and deprived of tbelr talons." Minute Instructions sre given ss to bow tbs birds should be barneased, and sugges tions sre made ss to tbe employment of double teams sod relays. Tba au thor Inventor expresses tba bona that bis Idea may be employed flrst to pedlte tbe delivery of letters and dis patches sod that peraoos competent as trainer of giant birds wM tarry bis -wonderful Idea" Into eiecoiwn. Lanf Canaia. The Grand canal of China is the longest entire! artificial waterway in tbe world, eitending as it does from Dsngcbsu to Pekin, a dis tance of slmost ?00 mUes. The part between the Yellow mer and the Yangua is said to have been constructed over 500 years before Christ Tbe remaining portions were built separately at later dates, and Knblai-Khan, whose rule began in 1280, united them and made the continuous canal, which is still osed. Much longer continuous wa terways, partially natural and for the remainder of their extent arti ficial, exist elsewhere. Of these tba longest .reaches from tba Chi Dese frontier to St Petersborg. It Boeasures rauea. running from Astrakhan to St Pe tersbtirg, is 1,434 miles. Both these were projected and eonunenced by Peter tbe Great UHA11AM, IN. U., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1909. North Carolina News. Rutherford College is endeav oring to raise $30,000 for a new main buiMing and $5,000 a society building. ; ' The Arey Oil and Fertilizer Company has been organized at Salisbury to establish a cotton I seed oil mill in that town A. W. Duke, a contractor, 30 years old, dropped dead while at work on top of the Duke factory at Durham Tuesday a week. Neu ralgia of the heart. The Carolina (!lAy Company, doing a kaolin mining business in the extreme western portion of the State, with main offices at Ashevillo, was a few days ago placed in the hands of a receiver. A union meeting of all denom inations was held in the Metho dist church of Thomasville Sun day night a week to organize a law and order league to help en force the prohibition law in that town. The News says the loss by the burning of the Michal Gheen com pany's plant at Lincolnton last week was between $10,txK) and $12,000 instead of $20,000, as first reported, and the insurance was $7,300. Stanley Leveque, a French Canadian, employe-1 as a mill wright at the i-lant t,f the Wacca maw Lumber Company, at Bltn, Columbus county, was killed Monday a week while about his duty at the mill. Newton Enterprise: Tuesday afternoon Dock Burgess, a negro was found dead just outeide the old Iluitt mill, five miles east of town. An investigation by sber-1 iff and Toner showed that the man me his death by the acci dental discharge of his own gun. Sarah Taylor, a cook employed at the Rectr II -use, at Marshall, stepped in front of east bound passenger train N. 12 in that town Wednesday and was instant ly killed. SupiMisod to be a case of suicide, as the woman had previously made a similar attempt, to get in front of a train. In Asheville Wednesday fire badly damaged tLa Hill street colored school of the Asheville school system. About 250 chil dren were in the building at the time of the fire, but by good man agement all escaped. Terra cot ta flues are charged with respon sibility for the fire. The dispatch says that Mrs. Curt Wood, of Lexington, at tempted to commit suicide Satur day night a week by drinking laudanum and paregoric but did n't drink enough to kill. The Dis patch learn that poverty is the cause of the act. The woman has several children. Dr. J. W. McGee, Sr., promi nent Raleigh physician, for 18 years physician at the State prison died Monday a week, aged 71. He was s native of Duplin coun ty, a surgeon in the Confederate army and had lived in Raleigh since 1878. Ir. II. II. Harris, a prominent physician and eitizenJ of Wake county, died Monday night, aged 73. Near Onnon.lsville, Qreeae county, Sunday night a week, Jesse Robinson was killed by Walter Fanlkner. The facta as found by corner'a jury are that the killing occurred over whiskey both parties leing intoxicated. Fanlkner has made his escape. The men were brothers-in-law and were on g"0-l terms just prior to the killing. Willie Pendleton, the 9-year- old son of Rev. W. U. K. Pendle ton, an Episcopal minister of Spartanburg, S. C, was foond dead in the bath room of his home Monday a'terioon a week. The boy went ioio tbe bath room to brash bis. ha'.r, mono ted a chair, which tilted, and his shirtwaist collar caught oa a hook on the door and be strangled to death. He bad evidently been dead some time when foand. The boy's pa rent had left him at home while they went to boy Christmas pres ents for him. English Spavin' Liaiiaent re moves all hard, so it or calloused lnmps and blemishes from bones, blood spavins, enrba, hplinta, sweeney, ringbone, UJeK. sprains all swollen throats, eorflis e;c Save $50 by the use of one boiUe. Warranted the most wonderful blemish core known. So!d by Graham Drug Co. H tdod and tbe most y r V f I dainty and delicious m 11 I Jfi Baiting Powder W mmMln J? : pp Atsotfteijrfui m lrx , ft No fretting over the biscuit I J$ X , wtrrm X j I Ld making. Royal Is first J$ 1W Iji aid to many a Z&T j. V THE PETRIFIED MAN. A Cardiff Giant Swindle That Cams to a Sudd.n End. "Not very long after Barnnm's Cardiff giant went into history some young men appeared at Lancaster, Mo., with the petnhed body of man which they said they had found on their latners iarm in xowa while' plowing," related the man who was telling of the incident. "The young men were exhibiting their petrified man in a tent, charg ing 1U cents admission. 10 ine large and keenly interested crowd they explained that while working in the field one day the plow struck something hard, supposedly a rock Tbe plowman stooped down to re move the obstruction, but could not. He called his brother. By their united efforts with shovels they un' covered the rock, which turned out to be a petrified man, perfect in every outline. A great many peo ple came to the grave and identified the remains as a neighbor' who had gone off to the war, returned home and mysteriously disappeared. A mark under the eye and some pecul iar ucars in the back were the main means of identification, the speaker said, and there was no doubt that the soldier had died and turned to stone. "A large man who had been lis tening thoughtfully spoke up when the description was finished, "You are sure that's Jim Y he asked. '"Certainly," said the speaker. 11 v father knew him well. He has positively identified him.' " 'Know how he came to his death? " 'No, sir. It's a mystery.' lu 'Then well hold nn inquest.' "In response to the amazed ei' clamntion from the owners of the petrified man the inquisitor explain ed that he was the prosecuting at torney of the county snd that it was his duty to see that inquests were held in all cases where death was mysterious. The boys protested, but in vain. They tried to get out of town with their exhibit, but were arrested and put under bond. The petrified man afs laid out in state and the cokhicV summoned. He broaght a mal 'along. The crowd was immense, lor this tune me m .a . il . show was free. "If there's anybody here who knows how this man came to his death he will please come forward,' ssid tbe prosecutor. "Nobody responded, for the boys had jumped their bond. "Then I will make a postmor tem examine tion said the coroner. nicking nn bis mallet "He tapped the petrified soldier alongside the head. Jt rolled around and around like a baby on a doll rack when the thrower hits a bulls- eye. Then he tapped an arm. That member also did the whirling act, because an iron rod ran through tbe center. The other arm performed the same way under the coroner's scientific manipulation. " 'What do yon find was the cause of death, doctor r asked tbe prose cutor. " Too much iron in the system.' "Without another word be picked nn his mallet and left the death chamber. The petrified man was patched np and sold to a traveling speculator for $00, which just about covered the costs of the inquest and the attorney's fees. Tbe last I beard of the petrified man he was being shown in the Ozarks as the re mains of a Persian king or duke who had been slain several thou sand years ago by his subjects, who thought he was bard.''- New York Son. Onaearity af Pa aaa. "See that dark speck oa tbe ssoae tala top?" -Jaat caa. Wbat Is r -irs a sat wbo spent batf his Ufa ftlmhlny tbeTt SO tbSt tbe WOTtd 3lgM I bare a good took at hlm.--A.uaau I CoasUtoUoa. - ' More Danville Proof, Jacob Sch rail, 432 South St. Danville, 111., writes: "For over eighteen months I wao a sufferer from kidney and bladder trouble, During the whole time was treat ed by several doctors and tried several different kidney pill?. Several weeks ago I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Pills, and im feeling better every day and will be glad to tell anyone inter ested just what Foley's Kidney Pills did for me. For sale by all druggists. The Phoenix Insurance Com pany, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is un der investigation for irregular! ties which it is believed have im paired its surplus at least $1,000, 000 and to have resulted in con ditions which may call for crimi nal prosecution. It Is charged that the president has overdiawn his salary, that he has unloaded doubtful securities on the com pany and that he has used the company's assets as collateral to' secure his own personal specula tive accounts. In the State court at Austin, Texas, Tuesday a week, II. Clay Pierce, of the Waters-Pierce Oil Company, was acquitted of a charge of perjury. The offense with which Pierce was charged was committed May 30, 1904, when he swore that the Waters Pierce Company was not a party to any agreement with the Stand ard Oil Company. It was later discovered that the Standard own ed two-thirds of the Waters-Pierce Company aud the perjury charge was brought. Why Tailors Sit CroaaUgd. A tailor maklug a dress cost sal ctvsslegged on a table, Ilk a Turk. "Why do tailors always work to that nucomfortab'e position T asked a vis itor. "Women's tailors don't. Only men's do," wss tbe reply. "And for men's tailors It Is tbe aiost comfortable and tbs most convenient position posslbl Yoa see, tbe sewing on men's clot has Is very flue. Tbe work must be held np close to the eye. Well, to this position I lean the work on my alevsb ad knees, and thus It is Bearer my eyes, while st tbe same time my back remains straight Analysed, tbe post Uon is a floe one. It keepa tbe back straight and tba cheat out, tbe knees make a table close op to tbe face, and eye strain is avoided. "Tailors for women sit oa chairs, for one thing, tbe sawing on women', clothe, la less floe tbaa on man's, rot a not ber. tbe woman's tailor baa to get ap every few minutes to go to tbe manikin, and all that rising, if be aal etosaleffged oa tbe floor, would tire Dim too moch to tbe dafs run." Kaw Xork Preen. t A Human Alarm Clock. Probably one of I be moat cartons as la tbe world of earning a living Is that of tbe window Upper of Not- ttog Hill Rngtand. wbo la, flgaratlvely speaking, a bomao alarm clock. He Is employed by many peraoos whose boslaeas coronals tbem to start work la tbe early hours of the morning, sod bis hours are from 2 a, as. BDtll S a. sa. He snakes bM rounds oa a trtcycla. and ha rattles at tba windows of ble ehV eou with a Jolated Basing roe. uis rattle Is more peralateot leas that or aa alarm dork snd win not cease aotfl he as certain that tbe person Is not acly awake, bet out of bra. tbss aa makes sure that Us patrons wui aot sleep agabm.-Popalar Mechanics. B urate frrtrita Weed. A rootrtbator has had tbe eartostt to took ap Mr. . Coocordaaee" and BMasuro we asaonw of space devoted to certain woraa. u the result be found that Baras anas tba word "beart mora tbaa any ether. tka oaoUttoas nnder two wora aiuns bo fewer than six of tbe etoselr print ed columns. -Laae," -frtead" and Heaven" come -ext. eaca nnvu about two eoIuaiav-JtoaOW New. Quality Counts. In Clothing more than in almost anvthinflr else. Our Clothing has the Quality. Style and Finish. Your good looks depends on the "Set" and "Hang" of your clothes. Our Gothing Sets niHIlT and too, Hangs I J 1 1 " II I our Prices 11001(9 Kll H I are Rights Wears I II I ill I Low, Quality and Is I IIUII I considered. Treat yourself to a new Suit or Overcoat for Christmas. Our stock is Complete. We can fit you out from Hat to Shoes all of the best. Call and see us, we will treat you right whether you buy or not Am always glad to show you our goods. A. M. HADLEY One Price Clolhler, Grabaia, & C A Bcalttod Bay's Shrieks, horrified, his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when aU thought he would die, Bucklen's Arnica. Salve wholly cored him. Infalible for Barns, Scalds, Cuts, Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever- Sores, Boils, Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chapped Hands. Soon route Piles. 25c at Graham Drag Co. : r - The family of the late Joseph Bryan, owner and editor of the Richmond (Va.) Times Dispatch, have presented to the city of Richmond a tract of 262 acres of land to be need as a public park. The property cost about $50,000. Cleanliness is the first law of health, inside as well as outside. Let Holl'ster's Rocky Mountain Ten be your internal cleanser, then your organs will be pore and clean, your health good; your system right. Start tonight. Thompson Drag Co. The jury in the case of Garrett Johnson and Arthur CI oar, al leged leaders of the Reelfoot Lake night rMers, charged with the murder of Captain Quintin Ran kin, was completed Monday at Union City, Tenn., and the tak Id j of testimony began Tuesday of last week. The selection of the jury occupied a week or more. SUng Par IS Tsars. by Indigestion's pangs trying many doctors and $200 worth of medicine in vain, B. F. Ayecue, of Engleside, N. C, at last need Dr. King's New Life Pills, and writes they wholly cured him They eure Constipation, Bilious ness, Sick Headache, Stomaen, Liver, Kidney and bowel troubles. 2)e at Graham Drag Co. The Supreme Court of the United States has granted the pe tition of certiorari in the contempt cartes of Samuel Gompers, Frank Morrison and John Mitchell, of ficers of the American Federation of Labor. The effect of the de cision will be to bring the entire record in the Back's stove and range case sgainst these men to the Supreme Court for review. $100 Dr. E. Detchnn's AntI Diuretic msy be worth to yon more than $100 if yon hrve a child who soils bed'Bg from incontin ence of water dm Ing bleep. Cores old and young alike, It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by Graham Drag Co. - A little child of Mr. and Mrs. L S. Wiles, of Hayes, county, was burned to death Tuesday a week. Its clothes tanght fire while its mother was out of the bouse Tues day morning and it died from the barns that night KiEnnrACTi! NO. 47 f wefaoa.anyaM.au. a. a HI SaaS Moat, aiaws ar aaomef Sra neerajialoa Mlratarintr. for pan Sua. rSSnFi't-i" Re-Sale ! Brvtrtaa of aa order of she Suae, tea Can eoaaty, BortB rami Ian, as Way. st al, are pUlatlta. aa etaJ,ara Sa randan ta. and the anvtas baaa asaotatad stake aaM aala, I win, aa aaM eaTa Iar aaie at tka eoort to the bant Mdoar. aa MONDAY, DEC. 20, 1909, the toUowim SaatiltiaS last ta-wls. nn la FMe aiwa.blp.AJa BSaSa of north Carolina, ndotaUl Jaa. A- tt. Pmtteraoa, W. B. KUaary era, aal aa taa hand wmttre af kaawaaa the Bobatt a. Way War) plaaai aaa 60 ACRES, Take Your Old Har ness to the - TURNER HARNESS I CO. rand nave tntsn rc- fpalred, or, better, t: a new set H&sd viz Z : xnd fjnjtrssteed nc! t Jrfp or fcreslc In en: year, II Qey Co,nz: zood. free cl ccsl f yon. Try ns cacc vnxDaTurjaTr. GILAIIAlIa N. C casto: Tor Ii frets sad C '' "taers tba Cxatsreof wSAtaaa B. a Ftoaato Way. 4Sa!M.aI bat to ha the assas be then masaaeleos, Terasotsalet Oas laliS aaaa, aatnaoa la aU o ass n aetarrat yavj n aaarlnlae eai trass OaSnaarSSIh isaa, vtm SBassSvttasa of tba nviaaaaae la pay tha SiSnrral aawaat at say taws after Sals af aaaataaMtoa. Bistaieaartatws. tats aatacaro aalannSarataai iniial sal aeadeea eSer etatl. bxmbb towo. VZZTTTiSk V vote every