'he Alamance SANER. VOli xxxvi. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1910. NO 3. uu '"1. ! I - ' ' i ., . . ., hi ) wW ve the dyspeptic from -ny ?&r tol.. Tbey prevent SICK HEADACHE,. cause the food to assimilate and aoor Withe body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH " ' -" and wild rauicle. Elegantly sugar Take No Substitute, FOR - , Your Watch Clock and Jewelry - Repairing, . HADLEY, & .L0Y GRAAAM, N. C. When your stomach cannot properly AffMt food, of itself, it needs little aiitsnce and this assistance in read ily sunnlied br KodoL Kodol aadta the stomach, by temporarily digesting X ci toe food in we stomncn, so tnai ta Itomaoh may rest and recuperate. ; Our Guarantee. fea sr. Dot benefited the drugrfst will at (no. retain your money. Don't hesitate: an; In risk will .ell you Koflol on these terms the aellar bottle oonUlru t time a muoa U the too bottle. Kodol Is prepared at the hbentorlee t B. 0. DeWUs it do. Ohloase. Graham Drug Cc.V FREE HbTtAi PAGIFIG COAST aw' YOU one of tie many theu . ends who want -to .tocslor tki ,'SDNSET , UAQAZIJSB has instituted a new -department, whose , special work it is Mil Arttlii,, sash of every one an opportunity to JM tk. FAR WEST. Write for Bsajple Copy. .:yi-tfrjiXi'-Tv'. For full ptrh'cun a&rws t f, Sunset Travel Glut l Flood Building, Saa Fr.nctaoo. Gal , .",. - SO YEARS EXPERIENCE . 'MMI'-. CoPYBiOMra 4c Tm mains sketch end dewrltvtion mf Ci T """"in our opinio Oh whether u P"uo W proeablr peteiiMM. CommnnM. ZS,!a'Whi'B(K oo PMOU 0dmt aacr for Hwmiinlnu. rjJote Ukeo throw. Muun Careeeirt Scientific lltrricaii. A eenriwMM! ...... - fliUl"' "I "T KUnllls loarnel'. 1 rml. U : CY,:,l2?r itt'1- SoUbiiUI neweOMlen. i & co.,,K-'. New Tort omofc Mr St. We.lMto. n.a Sraoekt Administrator's Sale. - ' r - nlee?!' " ?? Oe' of the Superior Ooart "II leJi .Mi"" ft. Thoropeon, I ShaTh' eoort hone, door, la Ormbeia. W V"nt, an., kiu of North - aro- 'neet bidder, at UO o'clock m. yaTJ 2" 0rollna. adenine Ue laad. tailTaoaipeoa M. W.Cobie nd otMfl l-7"wa aa iaa n tk W hS.V ""J trart of Und If .ohV to Mow tTSTSJt r kr,t June Tooaapeoa h le i5iL0,-'" bo. de .AMI oaaa ahr tae at of ".eferrae payatrntto bear la . to Sf'o uia all tbe pur- tZ.?".te.ald. "-Tlor adaUautratOK. aeaiiuiwwer. killtmi couch CURE tk j LUi:C3 "7 f J' D:::;;:ry rj a. rC8 i a, . w ine HWf 0a . . Indigestion Dyspepsia I WtOON Saturday, March 5, 1910, is!l?2t??,,,rt nrtfa the (oU Www? M hod tract or lul. Xirata la At J If I ITTl ta at wlu'ewa kt," a-na The By GASTON LEROliX, Author of "The Mystery of the Yellow Room" ' CHAPTER I Robert Darzac and Mile. Stangerson- celebrate their wedding quietly in a Paris church on April 6, 1895. Among the few present is Rouletabille, the reporter-detectiye, who has his doubts about the alleged death of Larsan, the government secret service official who is said to have been lost in the wreck of La Dordogne. Mile. Stangerson had married him wheu she was a mere girl, ignorant that her Jan Roussel his then name was no other than the notorious scoundrel Ballmeyer, now posing as Larsan II. , Rouletabille and his best friend, who is relating this story, decide to go to the (Jastle of Her cules at Rochers Rouges to visit the Kances together with the newly married Darzacs. Rouleta bille is revealed as the son of the now Mme. Darzac and Larsan, her former husband. Ill Dar zac describes how his wife re ceives a severe shock at seeing the face of Larsan in a inirrow at a- railway compartment. IV, V and VI Larsan is seen outside the castle at Rochers Rouges, and Rouletabille establishes guards and fortifies the place against him. VII Old Bob, a professor, exhibits what he describes as "the oldest skull in the world". VIII and IX Roulatabille traces Lar san and one Brignooles on a mys terious .lournev. At a luncheon Roulatabille and his friend real ize the presence of Larsan at the oastle and are hornnea. A Rouletabille calls his friends' at tention to the haunting odor of the perfume used by ' the Lady in Black.'' Mme. Darzac. XI A mysterious pistol shot is heard in the night. CHAPTER XL A Pistol Shot In the Night. rTTT was a gloomy meal enough. ATlilur iwtuue IUVBCU U1V men t in . the direction of the Lady iu Black. All the win dows were open. A flash of light ning and a heavy clap of thunder came in rapid succession, and then the del age. Mme. Edith reappeared Just in time to escape being drenched by the furious ' rain, which beat down like cannon balls. ..The young woman told in excited tones and with ber hands clasped bow she bad found Old Bob bending over bis desk with bis head buried In his bands. He had refused to have any thing to say to ber. She had spoken to bim affectionately, and be had treated ber like a bear. Then, as be bad held his bands to his ears, she had pricked one of his fingers with a little pin set with rubies which she used to fasten the lace scarf which she wore in the evening. Her uncle bad turned upon her like" a madman, bad snatched tbe little pin-from" ber and thrown It upon the desk. And then be bad spoken to ber "brutally, rudely," she ejaculated. "Get oat of here and leave me alone!" he said to her. She had turned ner neaa ior a last look at her old uncle and baa been almost struck dumb by what she The-"oldest skull In tbe history of the human race" was on the desk, and Old Bob, a handkerchief stained with blood In his band, was spitting in tue skull. He bad always treated It with severe respect and bad Insisted that others do tbe same. Darzac reassured ber by telling ber that what she bad taken ror wooo was, only paint. I left to hurry out to Bouletabllle and escape Mathilda's glances. What bad tbe Lady In Black been doln In my bedroom T When I started out tbe thunder was pealing loudly and the rain falling with redoubled force. It took me only one bound to reach the postern. No Eoo- lotabllle was there! I founa mm on Um terrace B watching tbe entrance to the square tower and receiving the full strengtb of the storm at bis back. I entreated him to uae soeuer uu- der the arch. -Lea re me alooer be saw impaueut- tr -Leave me aionei x ni i - " " . n.u wnn aver age. How gooa n ' t had a deal re to roar wi t " I have, and I am roaring now." And be plunged Into the oarkness. Baking tbe shadows reaoond wtta his MTgt clamors. I DeiieTea that be bad snreiy gone , - ny heart I knew that tbe anbappa Ud v.Mn, forth in these Indistinct artJcalaUons of frightful "lVI misery that burned aim waTcoostanUr trying t. boning ap the beart and tbe soal I kibody-ib. mtoery of being taa soa of Larsaa.; ... .. t hi M I turned kelple-V. ai-- - " .u . aand seise mr wrist, ana a dart form cried ooU -Where is ber mma It was Mm. Vrte, who was abw . L. B,iwhina. A new peal Sr iU w. beard tie boy bi .ki. sned deUrtnin barling wild rfdens to tl-b- J heard aim. She saw bins. Jbed with water fro. tbe breaking .f tbe bee Uk. a rag and ber " warki I eo .be aiafl's ana and beW torJ lt .b, w. abort d .ackaintog ef tbe ttemeata, ft that Perfume Lady CopyrUht, 1909. by Brent.no. mad tempest, under this terrible down pour on the breast of tbe raging sea, I all at once breathed tbe perfume the odor so sweet and penetrating and haunting that its fragrance has re mained with me ever since the per fume of the Lady In Black. I under stood now how Rouletabille had re membered it all these years. Xes, it was a fragrance full of sad ness something like the perfume of an isolated flower which has been con demned to be seen by no one, but to blossom for Itself all alone. A strange perfume! Surely it was that, for 1 bad seen the Lady in Black hundreds of times without noticing it, and now that I had done so It was everywhere and above all things, and 1 KSew that tbe memory of It would abide with me while life should last There In the night and tbe tempest tbe Lady in Black called aloud to Bouletabllle,. and he fled from us and rushed farther Jnto tbe night, shriek ing aloud, "The perfume of tbe Lady in Black the perfume of the Ijidy In Black!" The unhappy woman sobbed. She struck with desperate bands at the door which Bernler opened to us. She motioned me to enter the little parlor at the right, which was just outside the bedchamber of Old Bob. She took both my bands in hers and said in a voice which I shall never for get; "You are my boy's friend. Tell him that he is not tbe only one who has suffered." And she added with a sob which shook her whole frame: "Why will he Insist on not telling me the truth?" I had not a word to say. What coult I have answered? I had breathed the perfume of the Lady in Black. Yes; she treated me as an old friend. She told me everything that I already knew in a few sentences as piteous and as simple as a mother's love it self, and she told me other things which Rouletabille bad kept a secret from me. Tbe relationship between them had been guessed by the one as surely as by the other. Led by a sure instinct, Mme. Darzac had resolved to take means to learn who was this Rou letabille who bad saved her from death and who was of tbe age of her own son and who resembled tbe lad whom she bad mourned as dead. And since her arrival at Mentone a letter had reached ber containing tbe proof that Rouletabille bad lied to ber In regard to bis early life and had never set foot In any school at Bordeaux. Immedi ately she had sought tbe youth and bad asked for an explanation, but be had hurried away without replying. he was uaronro OVER something which hi dhaood ix FORE HIH -Why did be not throw hlmaeiflato my arms wben 1 opened them to him?" sbe moaned. "Ah, my God. If be re fuses to be La nan's son, will be never consent to be miner I was almost beside myselt I kissed ber bands and entreated pardon for Bouletabllle. Here was tbe result of my friend s schemes to save ber pan. Under tbe pretext of saving ber from Lanaa be bad plunged a knife Into ber banrt. I felt though 1 bad a wish by know any more of tbe story, I went out of tbe square tower tuning BonleUbUle roundly. I went to tbe coart to took for aim. but found U de serted. ' . . At tbe postern gata alattoed bad come to take the 10 'dock watch. I saw a light la Bouletabule's roots, and t hastened ap tbe rickety stairway of tbe new castia and anickly found 7- acif oataUe ale door. I opened It wltav at knocking. Boaletabtlle looked aa. I told aim all that I naa oemra a bo my oplnioa of bin) for bH actios. -She dldit tefl yoa everything, nry friend.- be rrpHed coldly- -b did not ten yoa that sbe forbade soe t toaeb that ssaa. Do yoa know what tbe said to ma yesterday? Sbe order ed to go away. Bbe woaid rather ile tbaa ace ma take taaae agalant my father.-' And he la a bad. ktagbed! Bach laughter I bop aot to bear agata. Bh) face was aot a pleasant eight to sea as be ottered the words, bat snd eesly a seened ta he traaaf armed. the Black "She Is afraid for me." be said soft ly. "And I I am afraid for ber only ror ber. And I do not know my fa tner. An. Uod belp me!" At that moment tbe sound o a shot rang out on tbe night, followed by cry of mortal agony. Ab, It was again tbe cry thnt 1 - bad beard two years ago in the "inexplicable gallery. Boa letabllle tottered; then be bounded to tbe open window with a despairing burst of anguish: "Mother, motber, mother!" i leupeu aner mm and tnrew my arms around his body, dreading what be might attempt Quickly be turned 00 me, threw me off and precipitated him self wildly through corridors, apart- ments, stairways and courts toward the accursed tower from wblcb bad come that same death cry that we both bad beard a moment ago and also two years before, wben It bad re sounded through the "Inexplicable gal lery." I was still there when tbe door of the squnre tower opened, and In Its frame of light there appeared tbe form of tbe Lady In Black. She was stand' lng upright. living and unharmed in spite of that cry of death, but ber pale and ghastly visage reflected terror like that of death Itself. She stretched out her arms toward tbe night, and tbe darkness cast Rouleta bille into them, and tbe arms of tbe Lady in Black closed around bim, and I beard no more, only sobs and moans and again tbe two syllables wblcb tbe night repeated over and over, "Motber, mother!" Strange to say. I found no one In tbe Court of tbe Bold when I crossed It No one, then, bad beard tbe pistol sbot! No one bad beard the cries! Where was M. Darzac? Where was Old Bob? And tbe BernJersT I saw Bet- iner or tnem. Rouletabille and the Lady in Black went into Old Bob's parlor. And they were there alone, clasped in each other's arms, repeating over and over again, "Mother!" .and "My little oner And then they murmured broken sentences, phrases without end, with tbe divine foolishness of a moth er and her child. And then bow they embraced each other, aa though to make up for all tbe years they bad lost! I beard bim murmur, "Ton know, mamma, It was not true that I stole!" But where was Bernler? I entered the lodge from tbe left, for I wis bad to know tbe meaning of tbe cry and of tbe sbot which I bad beard. Mere Bernler was at tbe back of the room, which was lighted only by a tiny taper. Her features were dis torted witb fear. 6oroe on I red of a ptstatr I sekt -What baa bappeoedr "I do not know," sba responded. And at that moment 1 beard some one opea tbe door of the tewee, and Pens Bernler stood oa tba threshold. "Bernler! What baa happened r V -Oh, nothing very eertoos. I aa glad tossy. As eetdret without any impor tance whatever. Derate while placing bis revolver oa tbe stand bealde bis bed acrid enuny Bred It off. Madame naturally was frigateaed and acreaav ed. and as tba window of tbeir room was opea she tboaafct that yoa and bt BooJeUbUle might hare beard aocna tbing and started eat U tall yoa that tt was aothlag.--Darsae baa eeens ta. taer -He got here aJasost as eaoa ae ye bad left the tower, M. Satocialr. And tba shot was Irod alanoat Immediate ly after he entered bJa bedrveca. Tea can gveo that 1 had a pretty frtgfctt I ma bad ta the doer. Daraac tt lili slf Bippdy a tm If ma. Dense ga ta of III av' r jr room ss soon as t left the toaesr -At one, (be besrd at Daraae whoa be came la aad followed him directly as then? apartawata. They weed h almost at the same ssemsat- . -And Darsae-es be atfll la bhj roossr "Here be Is ew." I tamed and saw Bobert Dersae. DeapUe the gtoam of the alee I asw that b far eras ghastly pale. He made m a eiga aad than eed fery calmly aad louletlJ ..-' " r. - . a . "Listen, Salnelairl - Bemier told yea about our little accident It It not worth mentioning any some one should speak of it to yon. The others perhaps bar not beard the shot It would be useless to frighten II tbese good people. Don't yoa think so? Now 1 have a little faror to ask of yoa. It is only to persaads Roule tabille to go to bed. Wben he is gone my wife will calm herself aad will try to get tbe rest that she needs, livery one of us has need of rest and silence." I pressed his band with a force which attested my sentiments toward him. X was persuaded that both ha and Bar nler were concealing sometblng from us aometbing very grave. Darzac re-entered his room, and I went to And Rouletabille la tba aitting room of Old Bob. But upon tba threshold of tba apart ment 1 Jostled against tba lady ba Black and bar son, who were paasiog oat -They were both so silent and war aa expression no aa expos tad to me, who bad over heard tbeir exclama tions of love and Joy only a few mo ments before, that I stood before tbsm without saying word or aaaldnr g movement Tbe eatremUy which in duced Mme. Daraae to leave Boaleta- bille so soon nndar such sxtraordlnary circumstance as tboas wfclcb bad at tended their reonioa poaaled'm great ly. Mathilda preseed a kins upon tbe lad's forehead and murmured "Good night my daruna." in alos aa aeft, so nweet and at tba same time so sol emn that It seemed to ma that It must resemble the- leave taking of on who waa about to die. Bouletabllle with out answering bis mother took my arm and led me out of the tower. He waa trembling Hke a leaf. It was tar Lady in Black herself who closed tba door of tba square tow er. I waa sure that sometning strange waa passing within those wails. The account of tba pistol abot which had been given me satisfied me not at all. W were at that moment not far from a window In whleh a tight still burning and which opened upon tbe sitting room of Old Bob and sloped oat upon the sea. This window was not closed, and it waa tats, donbtlsen, wblcb bad permitted oa to distinctly In spit of tbe thickness of tba walls of tba tower tba pistol abot and tbe cry of agony that bad fal lowed It The storm waa past, bat the waters were not yet sppeased, and tbe wave broke on tba rocks of the peninsula with a violence that would bar rendered the approach of any Teasel Impossible. Tbe thought of a vessel .crossed my mind, because I believed for an Instant that 1 could see tbe shadow of a rseeel of soma sort appearing or disappearing In tbe gloom. Bat what could ft bT W stood there motionless far more than Ore minutes befora wa heard a sigh a groan, deep as aa expiration. Ilk a moan of agony; a heavy sob. Ilk the last breatb of a departing soul wblcb reached oar nan tram that window and brought tbe sweat of terror to- our 'brow. And tan nothing inore nothina eacant tba in termittent sobbings of the asa. And suddenly tbe light 1a tba win dow want ant. My friend and 1 grasped sash other's band as If lnstlnctlvsly commanding eacb other by this noncommunication to remain motion lees and silent on was dying there la that tower! Soma on whom tbey bad bidden. Why? And whe? Booteoa wa was neither M. Damae nor Mas. Datsa nor Per Bernler nor Mere Bernler nor almost beyond tbd shadow of a doubt -Old Bob; om oa wb eoald not hav been in tba CHAPTER XIX Tba Quiwararaj In trs Potato tack, l-v 1 KAKTKQ against rb parapet II J M retched toward IZZI there some to as that sign of agony, letabiU -avented-ewt r wa r Still limmmaiad, I at sosssary to axUnawssb thai light and Flv minutes mtar 1 was back Koalotabtncv Thar was a other light la tba Ooart f taw Bold tbaa the ray whM tott of ttssrtgQ of Old Bob ta th aesimsal ad tba tower aad th tejan at tba 1 bad enataaly atonletahilr sssiri era distinctly the dost of tteaanara softly ansa it Uaaaa, Aa 1 to lean farther eat f as farther dowa into tba swart Boa MtabUla poshed m back and clhrwed only his own head ta look ever tba watt. Bat I tooted thie M srhct 1 saw- rtrst. Per aerna) ateabto hj aptt af th came eat of U tower. Im eh standi of th coart ba paoaeaV looked ap at th atd wbesw ear wtadow vara aad mad a signal, which w totarpreted ae a alga that all waa wen. Ta was this signal sddrssead? leaned still farther aver, bat he eatefcly Mtraated, pvahiag m back srttli baak When w dared to task t ha th at in a Par Bemier rsanpearad wKb the black aad softly roiling form ad earrlax We eoold asa Chat M was th Httt Eagtlsh cart dnswa br Toby. Artbar Baacow aay. at Isagthth ward ear Toby by the bridle. doer ef the xraare tower. Leaving th BttJ aalpg hefor the tared the tower, a d hy, which snwttcniefry 1 wtch a ec tba Lady to eat to tow. arm orU Tea moat he breve nowP Aad Daronc rapfjed to jrotoa jr fcjca J listened. Jto milnradato art aanto ao waa thee. Para Bernler. Aad tbaa) n beard semsthrsg wblcb eMi.it aads tba arch f th gardiasfe pistoss, and I acnas ass faco to aa aad tbaa. sOB bea. aamo to th eased to a hears, BaahttahOla, wbo waa baa hie frame hawa toed. ' Par Beraaar saaasssad. Ba srvaw ad the eoart aloM and retaraad to th austsra. A aaaattfsf snua btlMtsnay srhtrh stiiliSil IMeaelaTasao sees the sort. The tw psrasos wb aass aat rtag ajramd as Qnipthul that they wo ewald bear tba Lady la Blsadi m froae my blood,- "It is not courage which I lack!" He was bending over thins wblcb he dran-ced before hlmvand then raised In bis arm an though it were a heavy burden and tried to slip under the long seat nf tbe cart RouletablUe's tooth ware chat tering. To move this sack Darsac was making the greatest efforts. Leaning gainst tbe wall of tbe tower, th Lady tn Black watched bim without offering any assistance. And sudden ly, at tbe moment that M. Darsac bad succeeded In loading th sack Into tbe cart, Matbilde pronounced tbese words in a vole shaken with horror: -It la moving!" -it la tbe end!" said Darsac, wiping bis forehead with bis pocket handker chief. Then be took Toby' by tbe bri dle and started off, making a sign to tbe Lady to Black, bat she, still lean ing against the wall, as though sbe bad been placed there for some pun ishment, mad no signal In reply. Dar- seemed to as to be quite calm. Hi straightened np; bis step grew firm. One might almost say that bis manner was that of an honest man wbo, has don bis duty. Still, witb th greatest precaution, be disappeared witb his carriage at th postern of th gardeosr, and the Lady in Black went back Into th square tower. After this Bernler ram np to tbe posters and crossed th coart. direct ing bin way again toward th square tower. When be was not more tbsn two meters from th door, whtcb wss dosed, Bouletabllle glided softly from tbe corner of th parapet and stepped between tbe door and the figure of Ber nler, who was struck witb terror. He pot bis bands upon tbe shoulders of the concierge. "Oom with me!" be commanded. -It will be a grant misfortune If yoa dont tell tbe truth.- muttered Rouleta bille. ' -But If yon conceal nothing tbe trouble may net be so great Com this way." And he draw bim, clasping bim by the fist, toward tb nsw chateau, 1 following. I saw that a great cbang bad com over BooMtablUa. He wss completely his old self again. Bernler walked in front of us, bis bead bent looking Uk aa accused man wbo Is being led on bis way to trial. And when we reached Boulstsbille's room tbe young reporter bad Bernler sit down fsdng as. I lighted tbe lamp. -Well, Bernler, how did they kUI htrnT Bemier snook bis bead. -I bar sworn to any nothing, and I Will say nothing, monolesr. And. upon any word of honor, 1 know nothing." -All right" went on Rouletabille on- concernedly. "Tell me what yon don't know, for If you do not 111 in what yoa dont know, Bernler, I will be re sponsible for nothing, no mattsr what Tbsn he passed sod went on. "Where was n In th sonar tower r Bernler did not speak, bat h nodded assent "Where-In Old Bob' bedroom r "No." Bernler shook bis bead. "Hidden la your rooms r Bernler shook bis bead rehsinently. "Wsll. whose waa be then? Ho eoald certainly not bar been In th apart ments of M. and Mme. Darsac P' Bernler bowed bis bead. "What! To acknowledge that be was ta tb apartment of M. and Mme. Dar- el Who, then, gained bim entrance to that apartment? No on bat your selfye, tb only parson wbo bad th key when tb Daxaaca were not these!" -at, BonleUbUle, do yoa accuse me tf being an accomplice of Larsan r -1 forbid yoa to pronounce that amor snouted the reporter. -To know very well that Larsan Is deed and has 'been dead for months!" -For montbsr echoed Bernler Ironic- ally. "lea, that Is true. I was wrong to duffget ltM "Listen to me. Bernler. 1 know that ere a brave man, and I respect re. It Is not yoar goon raiia mat i asa aneat toning, bat I am eenenrlng yer negllgeae.- "M aetllganeer Beraier, aa paie as face bad beea, flashed crimson. r-fy negligence! I bar aot budged an my lodge, not ve trorn tn cor ridor.. I bar always worn the key la say breast pocket, and 1 swear to yoa that a on ntord that room, n m at ad, after yoa were there at o'clock, eaeept hi. and Mass. Darsac -Wbatr exclaimed BooletahUio. -De yoa want tea to holier that this b etvldaal-iet aa call bim the maa' tbat tbe man waa killed la M. Dar sac's rooms if be waa not there r -I do aot. I eaa swear to yoa that he waa there.' Tea, Bat bow eoald he bare beeat Iket Is what 1 ask yoa, Bernler. And M. Darsac never took the key with him wbea ha left tba loons, and no one rotdd bar got into the room to aide bfle ba waa there." -That hi the mystery, atenclear. That bs what p sales M. Darsac snore tbaa all the rest Bat I bar only htm aa I bar an- Tsese tbe mystery.'" left tbe room with M. Daraa, M. aainclair aad myself did yon lock th deer toisaedlateiyr -Wbea did yoa epos M after tbatr Hot a an- - Aad when wore yoa in the ho Bassr . Bafnter ana-sly amlssssf -la front of th door of ary ledge. wotehtag the doer ef the spsrtmoat bfy wife aad I tea oar dinner ba that pad at akoat bah? after a. oa a BUM to of it After dtonor I aat to tba way of the trdao, am is tag aad oh f rise wtth say wife. We that, eroa if we bed wished todoee. w weald net have beast sale oar oyos from bt. Dor It to a mystery a arrs- btrstsry of the TeDow d from o-ctock aata the mo ot the toaoody yoa dotiore that yoa aerer reload tbe eerrlderr Ab mon.1wr-her waa ma. bat I waa not sway from I bL Dorse woe to hie looa He did not leave ft while I was gono,- Hew do yoa know that M. Daraae t f darted ttoso mosseatsr soared pea. -Why, because if be bad done so, my wife, wbo was in the lodge, mast bars seen him. - No one bas entered that room except M. Darzac at 6 o'clock and yon two at C, and no per son got in between tbe time that M. Darsac went out and tbe time wben be came in at night witb Mme. Dorzaa. He was Uk yoa be didn't want to be lieve me. I swore It to bim upon th corpse that lay before ua!" "Where was the corpse 7' . -In M. Dai-sac's bedroom." -It was really a dead bodyr "Oh, be was breathing still I beard him." -Then It was not s corpse. Pare Ber nler." -Where was tbe difference? He bad a bullet in bis heart." - He told us that be was going to hie lodge, feeling drowsy, wben be and Mere Bernler beard a commotion In tbe apartment of M. Darzac. Tbe fur niture was being thrown about and blowa rained on tbe walls. Tbey beard the voice of Mme. Dar sac shouting "Help, help!" This waa tbe cry that , we, too, bad beard In tbe new chateau. Per Bernler rush ed to tbs door of M. Dareac's room and beat against it He beard the labored breathing of two men, and he recog nised tbe voice of Larsan wben be beard the words, "Witb this blow I shall have your life!" Then be beard Darzac, wbo called bis wife to bis aid in a voles almost stifled, as though be were gagged. "Matbilde, Mathlldet" Evidently be and Larsan must bav been engaged In a life and death itrag gle when suddenly tbe pistol sbot bad saved bim. One would nave thought that Mme. Darzac, who bad then ot tered a cry, had been mortally wound ed. Why did sbs not admit bim to help ber busbsnd? Finally tbe door was opened. Tbe room was dark. It was Mme. Darsac wbo bad opened the door, and Bernler could distinguish through tbe gloom tbe form of M. 'Darsac leaning over something wblcb the concierge knew was a dying man. Bernler bad called to bis wife to bring a light bnt Mme. Darzac bad cried: -No, no! No light no light! And. above all, be euro that be knows noth ing!" And immediately sbs bad rush ed to the door of tbe tower, calling oat: "He Is coming, be Is coming I I bear him! Open the door, Per Ber nler) I must go and meet him!" And Pare Bernler bad opened the door, tb while sbe kept on moaning: -Hide yourselves! Go In! Don't let him know anything!" Per Bernler went on: -Yon came like a waterspout ML Bouletabllle. And she drew yon Into Old Bob's sitting room. Sou saw nothing. I stayed witb M. Darsac. Tbe rattl to tb throat of the man oa tb floor bad ceased. Darsac, still banding over bim, said to me, "Get a sack, Bernler a sack and a stone and we will throw bim into tbe sea, and no one will ever bear bis role again t "Then," Bernler went on, "I thought If my sack of potatoes. My wife bad gathered them np and pat them back In tbe sack after yon bad emptied them oat I emptied the bag again and brought It to bim. We made as littl noise as possible. Moving very quiet ly, w bad slipped tb body, wblcb Darsac bad tied up, Into tbe sack. Bat I said to Darsac: 'Let me beg of you aot to throw It Into tbe water. It la not deep enough to bid It' 'What ball w do, thenr Inquired M. Dar sac. I answered, Heaven help us, I don't know, monsienrr And I went eat of the room and found yoa in the lodge, M. Baioclair. And then yoa went for M. BouleUblU at tb re Qoest of M. Darsac, wbo bad come oat of his own apartment Aa for my wife, she waa almost swooning witb terror wben sbs suddenly saw that both M. Darsac and myself were cov ered wtth blood. Bee, messieurs, my bands are red! Pray heaven. It doesn't bring on misfortune! Bnt we bare done oar dnty. Oh, be was a miserable wretch! Why should they bide tb facts? tent It an honor to bav kilted Larsan? Mm. Darzac promised m a fortun if i would keep sli.nce. What do I car for that? Why should she bav feared? I asked ber when we thought that yon bad gone to bed and that we three were ail alone In the square tower with oar corpse. I said to ber: Tell every one that yoa nave killed blml All the world win prates yoar Bh answered: Thar bas been toe much scandal already, Bernler, and aa much as It depends on me to do and as much as la possible I will bide this new horror forever! It would kill my fatberr - Bemier turned toward tbe door, snowing us his bands. -I most rid myself of tbe blood of tbe accursed pig!" be said dryly. Boaletebtlle stopped bins. -And what was M. Darsac saying all this time? What waa his opinion T -He repeated: What Mme. Damae says la right She most b obeyed.' His shirt was torn, and be bad a slight wound to bis throat, but It did aot seem to bother bins at an, and in deed there was only one thing in which be seemed uteres tad. and that waa aa to bow toe eiloersbl wretch bad got Into hie roams. 1 told bim what 1 bav told yo4bat be could not bare catered without my seeing him." -And tbe body? Where wsa ttr -It lay to the' sleeping room of hL -And how waa tt decided that it should he disposed ofT ' -1 can't any as to that for certain, hot tbetr resolution was taken, for Msss. Darsac said to me -'Bernler. 1 am going to ask ef yoa one hut ssrr- ke got the English cart ana earn Toby to tt if yoa wake Walter and ha aafca tar atnlanaflnas ear to hint. -It hi for M. Darsac, who most be at Castebtr at 4 o'clock ta the ssornlaf te eso tbe tournament la the Alp.-' Mm. Darsac said also, If yoa most M. BoaJetabtU say nothing to bim sad do nothing that may attract bin attention.' Now yoa know aa much as 1, God help ear. -WaL- 1 said when we wore atooe. -Lammamdeadr -las." answered Boaetanuie. -i tsar eoT -Too fear sol Whyr -nuana the death of Larsan. wbo hi carried eat deed from a pisce wblcb aear anttarad dead or'aBv. torxV tea as mere tbaa bla Ufa ttaalf V cosmircz&l T.0U3S& Earo LTi::j Tresbto izJ Kstct S;::t C - How Xo Find On. , .. -Fifl SDottfe or cotrmum gtam with yoar water and let h stand twenty-four hours; : a rsncJcdnntseav. J Bient, or settling, w stringy or muky -' appearance often ' indicates an an- ! ; healthy condi- ' . tion of the kid-: ' ' ners; too . fro . i auent desire to .t te.s it or twin la . the beck are alao symptoms that tall yo tbe kidneys and bladder are out of order ana neea attention. . . What To Do. ;, ." jUMt There Is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, - that Dr. Kilmer's -Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, -liver, bladder and every pert of tbeuxiaary passage. Corrects inability to hold water aad scalding pain in passing: it, or had effects following use of liquor, wise or . beer, and overcomes that unpleasant no-' ceaaity of being compelled to go oftea through the day, ana to get np many ; times during the night The aotld and " Immediate effect of 3oma Root ie soon realized. It stand tba highest be- cause ot its remarxaDie - - health restoring prop f "r erties. If yon need n medicine yon should I have the best. Sold by I druggists in fifty-cent i. sua one-collar sizes. i Yon may have a sample bottle sent fred by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bis? hamton, N. Y. Mention thie papier aad remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, BisgbnmtoB, N.Y., on every bottle. . , . t ; , m aCaOnassnaaBBBSBnahBai 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS 4 r, , DILWMMflJL,; t . t DENTIST . I v . - ,:' Graham, . . - a North CasaltBat ' OFFICE n SIMMONS BTJILDI50 - ' IACOB A. LOMO. PU KLatZl JjOVO, , LONG & IX)NOt , Attoraoyo and OoonoOIora ot XjKW GRAHAM, X. , T, S. C.OOE, " ' . Attemey-etLaw, GRAHAM, ...... If. C. , a Offlos Pattarsoa Solldlng BeeondPleor. . . . , ;'.-. . lona uiat Kmrnt. w. P. Brava, im. re.. Attoruoyo end Conneel or at Xaor ' a&XCMBBOBO, B St. ' rractlee regularly in tbe ooart of Ale- - nance eonnly. Aag.a,Mlp imember This time of the year are signals of warninc. Take Taraxacum Com- Dound now. It may av9 you a spell of fe vers ii win reguicuu your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion. A erood Tonic. An honest medicine '' Lo. MEBANE. ... i ' N. C. ARE YOU UP TO DATE 7 If yoa are not tBc Nbwb an Obebtbb i. Sabacribc for It At once and it willkeepyoa abrtajit ot the time. Full Associated Ptcm dispatch ea. All the newa foreign,' do mestic, national, atate and local all the time. 1 . ; . Daily Newa and Obaerrer $T per year, 3.50 for 6 mot. Weekly North Carolinian (1 per year , 60c ior 6 moa. ' ; NEWS & 0BSERYERPUB.C0.. ,; Ralkigh, N. C . . The North Carolinian and T3 Alamaxcx Gleaxsb will be ttr I for one year for Two Dc!!:rr. Cash in advance. Apply at Tn Gleaxsx ofllce. Crab as,::. C .El' km tea Headaches araxacum

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