Alamance G HE JLEANER. VOL: XXXVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 24. 1910. NO C. So Tired It may be fromv overwork, bat the chances are its from an In active LIVER. ' With a well conducted: LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept in healthful actloa by, and only by . . TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE Your Watch Clock and Jewelry Repairing. IIADLEY;& LOY GBAAAJI, N.'C. : Indigestion When your stomach cannot properly digest food,! itself, lb needs a little assistance nd this assistance 1 read ily supplied by KodoL Kodolassitstbe stomach, by temporarily digesting- all of the food ia.the stomach, so that thi stomach, may rest and recuperate. J . Our Guaranty- yon are M beaaatas-the ArngeU will St no. retura your money. Don't Jiesltatet any iruxrlat m Mil roa Kadol on theM term. Tbe dollar bottle oonUlna ifa times aa muob as tb. too kottla. Kodol la. prepared at th. ktboratorles .ML O. CWltt Co.. Chicago. ;' Grahani-Craa CoV i FREE TRIR ta. :aryou oNi of die many thous and wid .want to explore this Won VW J ? ? " SDRSBT I1EU0AZIISB.C. . has instituted' s new r department, vhoss special work. it. it reach of averjr one an opportunity to ess the r AH, WEST. Write for Sample Copy.V it y t ; n .it., tt n . . Far fall yartWari adlrs. ' v' Snnse Travel:- CluB 16 Flood Building Sen Francisco, Gal Soeeeed when everything else Wis. In nervous prostration and frnude eeimessee they are the supreme remedy, a. rhonssnds hare twined. FOR KIDNEY. LIVER AND TOM ACI1 TRCUCLE is $.: bast, tnsdkme esse ores a druggist's comitsr. o-YEARS eXPCRIENCS Tit DC Savon, mmkii a mm SHtj mrri n oar ovom trmmwhm aw fr. Oul mt1 f nat PWMt tMM Unnifl MsltB s CfMatt Italii mi Pl..ii.l4 iMtr. f'l M OSoa. as F SU WiSat- KILLtkxCOUCI! LUNGS WITH Sw.. L . w fti n wi Jf TVtZi ! IT' f -I ( KqTnwMft O0S v "' KU - ? ACIUili A. V TlaA ossBm'sai MIC By GASTON lEROUX. Author of "The Mystery of the Yellow Room" CHAPTER I-Itobert Darzac and Mile. Stangerson celebrate their wedding quietly in a Paris church on April 6, 1895. Among the few present is Rouletabille, the reporter-detective, who has his doubts about the alleged death of Larsan, the government secret service official who is said to have been lost in the wreck of La Dordogne. Mile. Stangerson had married hiin when she was a mere girl, ignorant that her Jan Roussel his then name was no other than the notorious scoundrel Ballmeyer, now posing as Larsan. II. Rouletabille and his best friend, who is relating this story, d -icide to go to the Castle of Her cules at Rochers Rouges to visit the Ranees together with the newly married Darzacs. Rouleta bille is revealed as the son of the now Mme. Darzac and Larsan, her former husband. Ill Dar zac describes how his wife re ceives a severe shock at seeing the face of Larsan in a inirrow at a railway compartment. IV, V and VI Larsan is seen outside the castle at RocherS Rouges, and Rouletabille establishes guards and fortifies the place against him. VII Old Bob, a professor, exhibits what he describes as "the oldest skull in the world". VIII and IX Roulatabille traces Lar san and one Brignooles on a mys terious journey. At a luncheon Roulatabille and his friend real ize the presence of Larsan at the eastle and are horrified. X Rouletabille calls his friends' at tention to the haunting odor of the perfume used by "the Lady in Black," Mme. Darzac. XI A mysterious pistol shot is heard in the night. XII. Darzac and Pere Bernier, a servant of Ranee's in. the dead of night are seen to car ry off a quivering body in a bloody potato sack. Rouletabille admits that he believes the body to be that of Larsan. XIII. Mme. Darzac tells how Larsan sprang into the apartment of herself and her husband from behind a panel and how after a furious struggle Darzac killed Larsan. XIV. Old Bob disappears. A stable boy appears with a bloody sack in which the body was carried away. CHAPTER XVI. A Living- Tomb end s Baffling Murder. B It thoughts turned to Eouleta- bUle. What was he doing now? Why had he gone away? As I lujr lucic I' Lii.' u 1 mi.nnmA et .ha a ffn lr T b PJ1 T(l some one knocking at my door. It was Pere Bernier, who brought me a brief note from my friend which had been handed to Pere Jacques by a little lad from the village. Rouletabille wrote: I shall return early In the morning. Get up as soon as this reachw you and b. food enough to go fishing for my break fast and catch some of the fine trout which are so plentiful among tbe rocks near the Point of Garibaldi. Do not lose an instant Thanks and remembrances. BOULETABILLE. This communication gave me more food for thought, for 1 knew by ex perience that whenever Rouletabille seemed most occupied with trivial mat ters his activity was really most thor oughly engaged with Important sub- Jec1- , , . I dressed myself In haste, provided myself with some old tackle which was furnished me by Bernier and set out to obey tbe request of my young friend. As I went out of the north gate, having encountered nobody at that early hour of the morning (It was about 7 o'clock). I was Joined by Mme. Edith, to whom I showed what Roule tabille bad written. The young wom an was greatly dejected over the un explained absence of ber uncle, re marked that the letter was "so queer that It made ber nervous," snd she in formed me tbst she intended to follow me to the trout streams. , We started to fish for RouIetabUle s trout Mrs-Banc and I both removed our shoes, end stockings, but I con cerned myself more about the dainty feet of my P, bceteM than bent my owe. Bb. fT the pools and crept among the rocks witliVfrace which enchanted me more Sin I dared expreas. Ue?'"' both desisted from our tssk sod prick ed up our ear. at the asm moment We beard cries from tb. shore where the gttoe. are. W. dUUnghed. little group, the persons In which were LklnVfe-tore. of sppeaL W. bssd rushed to tbe beach, snd ii Ml few sec learned tbst. attracted W i rTwn bad Jt d vered lD . cave in the s"- Seoand Juliet aa mnfortunste bjsman bXwbo bad fsUe. toto the icb nnTwho must have bee. there belp Im fnr several boors. Tb. quick conjecture Jf Jo both our mind, at be the right one. It wss Old Bo .who w'teefi.hed out of the c. b tad been drawn sp on f Jf to th. full light of dsfhe rtsJnry mJented a plttable spertscle His SnoT Usei cost t- od Irtth mod. end his white shirt .V b.."k - "" .rs and aearly wet Inte rneTsnTfoond that the SI" 1: f looked- If to die on tbe spot 3 ' W Perfume Lady Copyright, 1809. by Brentano's minutes later he was, according to his own orders, stretched out on his bed in his room in the square tower. But could any one believe that he abso lutely refused to be undressed, even so far as to have his coat removed, be fore the arrival of the doctors? Mine. Edith, more and more nervous. In stalled herself as ills nurse, but when the physicians came Old Bob ordered his niece not only to leave his room, but to go out of the square tower" al together. And he Insisted that the door should be locked after her. This last precaution was a great sur prise to us all. We were assembled in the Court of the Bold, M. und Mme. Darzac, Arthur Uunce aud myself, as well as Pere Bernier, who haunted my footsteps, awaiting the news. When Mme. Edith quitted the tower after the arrival of the medical men she came to us and said: "Let us hope that his injuries won't be serious. Old Bob is solid as a rock. What did 1 tell you about him? I have made him confess, tbe old sin ner! He was trying to steal Prince Galltch's skull, which he believed to be more ancient than his own just the jealousy of one savant toward another. We shall all laugh at blm when he is cured." At that moment the door of tbe equare tower opened, and Walter, Old Bob's faithful servant, appeared. His face was pale, and be seemed very nervous. "Oh, Mme. Edith," he cried out, "he is covered with blood! He doesn't want anything to be said about It, but he must be saved." Edith had already rushed into the square tower. As to us, we dared not utter a word. Soon the young woman returned. "Oh," she sobbed, "it is frightful! His whole breast Is torn open I" Rouletabille reached the castle about an hour after these events. He cut short my demands for an explanation and asked me Immediately if I had made a good catch. "Oh, yes; a very good catch! I fished up Old Bob." He started violently. I shrugged my shoulders, for I believed that he was counterfeiting surprise, and 1 went on: "Oh, you knew very well what kind of fish I should find when you sent your message!" "You certainly must be unaware of the purport of jour words, my dear j All THB.EE WEEE AHMED WITH MUSKETS ASD PLACES THEM SELVES "IB SILE5CE BEFORE THE DOPE. Sslnclair, or else yoo wool! hare spared me the trouble of protesting against such an accusation." "What accusation V 1 cried. -That of having left Old Bob In tbe grotto of Romeo and Juliet, knowing thst be might be dying there." "Oh, nonsense!" I cried. "WB, to 5 priae mlth . certain j, 0f Is far from dying. He has a rainea, taofbtMi- wbich pised me greatly, foot and a broken collar boo., ana we (b, woold 0 scything possible m hi. nurnrransi la nenccuj norr vi - D1S1U MM m m . cures that he was trying to steal prince Gelltch'e aknlt" ' . -What a tamy Hear exdaiined Bouletabflle. ' . "" . , -Do you believe that story? And and that Is all? Ko other Injerlesr -Tee.- I replied. "There le another injury, hot the doctors declare that tt la not at ail serious. He has a wound la tbe breast." -And bow wee this wound seeder -We do not know. None of ne has Ma It He would not erea permit bis cost to be taken of ta r . Mma to tbe cbateaa we eocoMtered hf me. Bdlth, who ap peared to have bee wetrbieg for vs. 'Ut nscie wosjI have me. neeur Mm." she said, regarding ecj.bine wtrh aa sir of anxiety different from earthing I had ever aotJeed la her be fore. "It's Incompreheoelbler -Ah. snadame." he replied. "I eaeare . m.. uim la the world at hv eomprebenefbie when ee Is wllne to take a nttie tronws is rw. And he offered her hie eoesverelerjosa. apoa having had her ancle festered e barat the p. meet when she wss ready to despair of ever erring him - Here we were Joined by Prtace Ce ntra. He bad come to ask for sew Of his old friend Bob, of wbooo eale- W " of the In Black fortune he had learned. Mme. naitn reassured blm as to her uncle's condi tion and entreated the prince td par don her relative for his too excessive devotion to the "oldest skulls in the history of humanity." The prince smiled graciously and with tbe utmost kindliness when he was told that Old Bob had been attempting to steal his , skull. The prluce asked for the details. He seemed very curious about tbe affair, and Mme. Edith told bow ber uncle had acknowledged to ber that he had; quitted the Fort of Hercules by way of tbe air shaft which communicated with tbe sea. As soon as she said this I recalled the experience of Rou letabille with the flash of water and also tbe close Iron bars, and the false hoods which Old Bob had uttered as sumed gigantic proportions In my mind, and I was sure that the rest of the party must hold the same opinion as myself. Mme. Edith told us that Tulllo had been waiting with his boat at the opening of the gallery abutting on tbe shaft to row the old savant to tbe bank In front of tbe grotto of Ro meo and Juliet. "Why so many twists and turnings when it was so simple to go out by tbe gate?" I could not restrain myself from exclaiming. Mme. Edith looked at me reproach fully, and I regretted having even seemed to have taken part against ber in any way. "And this is stranger yet" said the prince. "Day before yesterday the 'hangman of the sea' came to bid me adieu, saying that he was going to leave tbe country, and I am sure that be took the train for Venice, his na tive city, at 5 o'clock In tbe afternoon. How then could be have conveyed your uncle in his boat late that night T In tbe first place, be was noTht this part of the world; in tbe second, be had sold bis boat. He told me so, add Ing that be would never return to this country." There was a dead silence, and Prince Oalltch continued: "All this is of little Importance, pro Tided that your uncle, madams, recov ers speedily from his injuries and again," be added, with another smile more charming than those which bad preceded it, "If you will aid me In re gaining a poor piece of flint which has disappeared from tbe grotto and of which I will give you the description. It Is a sharp piece of flint twenty-five centimeters lung ssd shaped at one end to tbe form of a dagger la brief, tbe oldest dagger of tbe bomao race. 1 Valoe It greatly, and perhaps yon may be able to I ears, ma da roe. through yoer TJncle Boh whet has beceme of tt" Mme. Edith at once gave ber . . . , . . te obtala for hiss aewa of so precious mm ohWt Th aflara laft T4S. Wboa we bed flnlebed returning hie pertlsg salatee we saw Be ere before aa. Be seemed very thoughtful. Be had his Ivory beaded cane hi hie bead and wee whistling, accord lag to his habit, and he looked at Miry Edits with a strange expression. -t know exactly what yen are fbJok mc air," she said, "sad pea may keep aa thinking fee engirt I cere." She stepped near BoaletabtBe. -At all events," she eselelssed, "yen ess never explain te ase hew abas be was oetside the eenere (ewer- be could bare bidden babied that paaei," -MadaBM." eaid BeeJeUblOe lav preesrrely. looking at her as tbossrb he were trying be hypnotise ber. If God h? with mm. before stent I she! exptasa tayae sD the ye wteb te knew." A BtUe later I foand saysetf la the lower parlor ef ha Leave, btte-e-tett wttb Mae. Cdltb, I Bet abe thee la ber baada, aad ber treta- bUng- hps aiiewed the toafeeetea of her fears te escape these. -Let aa go ewt sate tbe air," aba said bBpoUeafly. "I eaat breathe la this place." Wo entered the garden. It was appeeswbtag tbe hoar of neosv Ode. end tbe court wae a dream ef perfeaird beeaty. I' " "" ii;.;i.i;i'.n.i'.iw..ij..ij'J'liil!.MmWJMM.W''J, I looked at Mme, BdUh, Beads of perspiration stood out . on her fore head, and her face was as pale aa aeatn. Edith led the way toward the postern gate. The vault of this postern formed a black arch in th light, and at tbe extremity of this tun nel we perceived, facing us. Rouleta bille and Darsac, who were standing at tne eage of the lunar court tike two white statues. Rouletabille was hold ing In his hand Arthur Ranee's ivory headed cane. Motioning with the cane, be ahowed Darsac aooethlag op the summit of the vault which we could not see, and then he pointed us out in the eame way. We could not hear what he said, The two talked togeth er for a iew momenta with their llpe scarcely moving, ike two accomplices m some dark secret Mme. Edith paused, but aVrnJetebttle beckoned to he repeating the signal with hl cane. , We went on nttt are- rase bed the vault and the otheea watched na with. out making a movemanx to meet us. ,- - We had come up close to them by this time. and they bads us turn around with our bank toward tbe court so thst-we eoetd ase what they were looking at. There was en top of - the ascb, sv stone, aow loooa,. which seemed In Imminent dahger of falling and crushing the heads of the passers by. Rouletabille asked Mme.. Kdlthi if. she hsd any objections to its belbg pulled down until it could be replaced moreseUdly. , "A good idea," she answered. Rouletabille banded the Ivory head ed cane toHUarzac, asking him to per form the feat of dislodging the stone, which was part of a carved escutcheon, tbe shield of the Mortals. "You are tiller than I."' he went on. "See if you can reach It." Darzac seized the stick. He stretch ed upward and struck with great vigor at the object, which clattered to the ground. . Suddenly behind me I heard the cry of a man in bis dylug agony. . We turned with one Impulse, utter ing as exclamation of horror. We all stood there, ealrering, oar eyes wide with horror. Who wae dead? What expiring breath bad emit ted that terrible soendl Rouletabille wss the moot terrified of us all. MattonL who was ecarlBg through the garden and- who had aeso. heard tbe cry, rushed up. He harried behind him. When we .bad passed the shade of the . eucalyptus we foand tbe cause. Tbe cry bad come. Indeed, fross a soul passing, into tbe unknown. It was) Bernier Bernier, - hi whose throat' sounded tbe death rattle, who was trying la vain to rise and who wae at tbe last gasp of his life. It wss Bee. nier ' from whose breast flowed a stream of blood and who. wit boa. last fearful struggle, summoned strength enough to atter the two weeda "fred erlc Larsaar '.. Then his bead fell back, and be waa dead. Larsan always forever. Here yet again was his mark a dead body and no one anywhere near who could bare committed tbe murder by any possibility of human ressoo. ' We rushed into me square rower, tbe door of which stilt stood open. We entered la a body the bedroom ef Old- Bob, passing through tbe empty sitting room. The Injured man was lying quietly on his bed within, aad him a wwman was wattwogr- Mere Bernier. Both were as calm aad still as the day Itself, but when, the) wife of the 4emd concierge aaw ear facee she uttered a ery of affright, as thong sntffi by fs hwtodge- at soosoi oalsmlte, da, had- heaed aottv Ing; she knew nothlosv Bat she tasa ed Into tbe atr She a streak of kgUs- te the piece, where the. body was-sy. It wws bar groami- Odt tbs atr wades ab ef the . Midi swat the torpee. We tore tbe shirt from tsjeH D'rbreaet aasT tesras? a sxptas- We looked for the weepoa every where aritboo Taa ejasi who kaoT strode the blow' bad earrled tbe knife away. When was the masr? Wbs wes tot Wbatdid set icoow Bares ar bad tsJowj eesave be aad tt waa sarBapa beeanee at knowledge that hts life bad bee fbe- fsited. -, -rnderler Lareanr Wa re- pasted the- leer worao of tbe dyflnt ems la fsar and trembling. ' Suddenly ea the threshold ef thb postern .we saw- Prlaee Oeilsch, a newspaper fa his Band. Be wss reasV tag a be came toward ast HTs- air waa Jovial, aad: his face- wore m But Mme.- Edith rushed aa te snatched the paper from aJa hands. petated te the corpse end cried out? for the poller The prince turned away fross the body, stating that hw'wweja send for the autnortttoa. Boeletsbtno was e-rsaslntnt tbe frea bars aad heary Ddi sbaftr bat hie aad te hat hsstaes. beeald ta-Che "Aad what -will yew sett i when they get barer v -Tvoiythlngr Mrs, Baaee thirty aaasawl word bsfassr bar. tastk, . assbingv are. He wasted be tower, tbe Tewar ed tbe Bold, the eastle, aO tbe detnaassrlss ed the fort from which aa eae eeeid kerre tho eta be Tbe bead dreaiflr be ef ae wae. Ifcaew-saiy bee wafl tbat say e-reb seeeJ be as eam- ae. aet I bad learned that easeaed eftarty es aad vsaqesrbsc It. uareas there was ae ass ke teekhkg far larsawnrtt aasraefwa, Ta ase ey jr ai 1 1 sksr Asd wws heea-arbbsjres bisfaeCeaaa, Be eased eseet aa tbeagb be bed threw esT a waiglst. - He etiarbed hta aet aad ranted te see oaf tbe himii. He threw bJameetf . ea the aiiast, eraaptac ee bis beads aad kneaai hts aa. te tbe earth. Bke a hies I aaOow- tng the ecest, goens -i poor"BTOler and around Mors Bernief, around the shaft, around each of aa, Hs moved about like a pig aoelag its nourishment out of the mire, and we ail stood tm, looking at him cnrlotasv ly and bait la alarm. Baddealy be started to bis feet almost white with dust, and uttered a shout of triumph as though be hsd found Larsan him self la U. gravel What new victory did he fa.1 that be bad achieved over the mystery? "It's all right monsieur! Nothing toahaagedr Attracted by the sound of voices, we looked around and saw Pere Jacqses approaching, followed by two gen darmes, it wss tbe brigadier of La Mortola. who. summoned by Prince Oalltch, had hurried to the scene of theesi-aa. What did Rouletabille mean by his "Nothing la changed" If not that do pita the fanrfoental murder of Bernier everything which we dreaded, which made as shudder and which ws Had ao understanding of. continued just as beforer The gaadsrmss ware busy examin ing the body and chart sring over It In their tncomprebenslble Jargon. The delegate would bare power to begin t h ss vastljra tlou, which would be coo tlnued when the esamlnlng magistrbto had been notified. - . The deiegato attired. It was easily te be teen that be waa enchanted, erea though be had not bad tbe time te finish bis repast. A crime.actually a crime, sod In tbe Chateau of Her cules! He was fairly radiant His eyes shone. Tbe deiegato examined the wound and said In very good English: "That wss a magnificent stroke!" -Aad aow bow did all this happen?" be asked encouragingly, smacking his lips aa though In ths snOclpatlon of bearing a story of thrilling Interest "It la terrible." he added-Hterrlble! In the Ove years that' 1 have been deiegato we nave never had a murder. Monsieur, tbe examining magistrate" here ha checked himself, but we knew well what he hsd been on tbe point of saying 'monsieur, the examining mag istrate wnl be very much pleased." He wiped the perspiration frodl bis fore head and repeated. "It is torribieF At the request of ths deiegato ere all entered , the square tower. We took ear places in Old Bob's sitting room where the- avjoeer was to be held aad where- each ef aa B) tan recounted whet- be bad -, seen end d. Mere Bernier wae drat quee- tioaed, but little r nothing could be gained from- ber testimony. She de eured that she knew nothing about anything. Aa- sxclamatloa from, tne oeiegato struct upon ear ears. The farther the erMure of the witnesses pro sed the greater became the smaseaaeat of tre commissioner and the ntsre aad atore taezptleabM be foand tbeertsssv He waa oa tbepobrt ef aadtae; It hasssslkle that abeold hara, been commirted at all whee It ssme Hum Edith's torn to be m terro rs ted. . . . Her Hps opened to answer tne urst ajasetloa . whoa ' IsoaleulaTle'a voice was beard: "Look at the end of the shadow of r,4tba enoatyptas. "What la It?" asked the oetegsta "The weapon with which the crime was eommtttedr . Keatetabilh) yawped7 Into Jbe eotrrt aad picked up from the bloody atone a abarpv shining piece of flint It waa "tbe oldest dagger of the human CHAPTER XVIL . Ttaa Retitrsvor Arthur Ranee. HB weepoa belonged to Prtoee Oatitch, hot there was no doubt "m the mind of 'any ana of as that K bad bean otolen by Old bob, trad ww couid" aot forget that wstbls-mtssbrseth Bernier had ac swaedV Lataaa sf bams; Ma asaasata. Korea bed the lssege of Old Bab snd that ef Laraaa- been ae taextricably eonJounded la ear restless spirits aa stnee RooleUbOle had foand "the old eat dagger known td the human race" nrTpptDtr wttlT the bmod of Bernier. brass, Edith bad at eaea realised tbat hianftrth the fatawf Otd Bob lay ta tba baeds ed BouletabtUey Aad tbare fore Mam Edlthv whe ta ber flUal af fecoss bad not eeaeed ta believe that the man who lay ea his bed la tbe square tower waa really ber ancle, had began to Imagine, thanks to the bloody weepoa,- that the tnvbrtbk Ls saa had wet en eotreag a web ef chf cametantlal erldeaee aroaad Old Bob that tt could scarcely be broken with tho design dootKiessf making the old saaa suffer the' paalsbeseat fee tba wretch's ewa crimes sad sleo the dsAgereas weight ef hie personality. Maw MtB-trampled for Otd Bob sad Aad tba Incriminating fact re-named that there bad beea nothing anywhere around tha corpse ef Bernier but the ateae knife which Old Bob sad stelsal be read the certainty ef this cea vletloa la the eras aad la tbe saaa sar of aasdernbtoe and ef Daraae. Bat aa eooa as tha yeang thst be eeetaaa ta etew tana te Otd Beb.thses'the'eaapietoas af tb eetberttlaa. - ftoaistsbUla la-grrtog bis evldaece proved anrb a- logleel aecaracy that siwabslmsd the exs mining megla trsts aad pleased the deiegato Iota I thw deed could eary beve br tbe-dead Tbe fear persona at posters gate aad the fwa tea at tbe atght ef each ether wbOe aoese eaa was ktmng arsner a few etepa away, aa- tt waa -tasiissslli ta betlevw that tbe- kSUng. rassd baew beea daae bp any ethsr than tba sictasa,- Ta this the exaettag asagsstrata, paeOy bitsrssted. reptlsd by bsoahv kag wbatW-aay af ws bad reasea to af Berasasv to wbseb stoalstobtrie that the bbiibiibiisb at eat- be laid- sabto aad fikat.ef ssctflaat aaaeeitwtod ssr- tt. The ateasv wbieb aright have ansae! at hie etteafloa by Ms strange ferns, aright beve beea picked ap by Fere Pa.lai. and hf be bed bar pee ad to efjtpd .MjwhUe hokCas tt ta hie 0 t lit, Si; a, Di. at. aMsas.-c aaa P and save money ana neaitu hand everything would be explained, and very simply.' Pere Bernier un doubtedly must hare thus unfortu nately fallen upon this triangular flint, Which had pierced his heart One of the physicians summoned to care for Old Bob was called, and be decided that BernlerM fatal wound waa caused by tbe flint - ' Aa to Mme. Edith and myself, after tome futile and useless questions, ask ed while the doctors were at tbe bed-. side of Old Bob, we were allowed to leave the room, and we went to sit In tbe tittle psrlor Just outside tbe bed room and were there when the magis trates were ready to depart Edith suddenly seised ms by the hand and cried out: "Do aot leave met I beg of you don't leave met I hare, only you left. Z do not know where Prince Oalltch la I do not koow anything about my husband. That Is whst makes this so horrible. -Arthur aent me a message saying tbat ns waa going in search of TulUa Ha does not know even yet that' Bernier bat been murdered. ' Has he found the 'hangman of the sear la It from this man from Tulllo now that I expect the truth! And not a word has cornel It Is horrible!" As the took my hand so confidingly and held It for a moment In her own I felt that I was for Mme. Edith wttb all my heart and soul, and I assured her that abe might rely upon my devo tion. Rotdctabllte never failed to cast a glance la our direction every time he had ths opportunity. "Ah, he Is watching us!" exclaimed Mme. Edith. "Ton ought to be grateful to Rou letabille." I ventured to remind her. "for bis Intervention and bis silence relative to tbe 'oldest knifs knows to tba human race.' If ths others had learned that this stone dagger be longed to your uncle Bob, what could have hindered them from placing blm ander arrest r "Ohl" sbe cried bitterly. "Tour Mend has ss in: ' good reasons to keep silence as I hit re, and 1 dread only one thing, M. Snlnclalr I dread only one thing." "And what is that?" "I fear lest hs bas saved my uncle from the suthorltles only to ruin "blm more completely. At sll events. It is necessary to be ready for anything, aad I know bow to defend blm so long aa t draw breath." And She showed me a tiny revolver which waa hidden la her gown. T tr aptnal truth -that TOO are ready to defend me 7" she demanded. turning ber beautiful eyes zuu upon my own, "I am reedy." "Against your friend even!" -tr ahanul ba necessary." I aa- swered. with a sign, pssslng my hand across my forehead. vr wall: 1 be I lev. you." she an swered, "la that esse 1 will leave yon here for a few mlnntes. I on will guard this door for me." And sbe pointed to tne floor oeuina which Old Bob was resting. Then aba mi ac tha room. Where was she going? Sbe confessed to me later. She was going to mob tor rnncjj u lltch. Oh. woman, woman! . She bad scarcely disappeared under the arch when RooleUbOle and M. Darsac entered tbe room. They had beard all that bad passed. Rouletabille advanced to my aids and told me quietly that he was aware that X bad betrayed him. -Tea are using a largs word, Boole Mhiiur l exclaimed. "Ton know that I am aot la tbe habit ef betraying any oa Mese. Edith at really Tory meca to be pitied, and yoa do aot pity her oaougb, my friend." "Ah, wsd. yoa pity her too much." I arartaS ta saaka some reply, but RoeletaMIe cat abort my words with a dry gesture. - -I aafc warn aata aaa thing- OUlV One. yea BBtiistoed.- It la that, ao matter what may happen no matter wnai aaa harman-voa shell not address OBO word te either M. Dsrsae or to my self.- uusiisuan.1 nuaMD'aalf their lives to amkhag premises aad tha other half Ja breaaiag them. . Making a Pee, Before It tt completed a common pea pssaea through the baada af a score of worker. -The Haealea Army, la the Bassiaa army the death rats oaeh year hi almost equalled by tbe aamber af deeertloaa. - They AM Charts. Mrs. Yeangteve-Ob, dear! Such Is Bfal Before we got married George wae taggmg aroaad after me an the time. 1 couldn't get away from him tor a ariauta. That was a year ago. Her Dearest rrlsod Poor chBdt What baa the wretch eoaet "He eaid last night thst he thought we'd Bseve next mouth ta some pises where be can have a den eo as to get by himeeif once to swhOe." rArrr. hot fcisccii, ?5W "... ta a : Wvt in i i : ? lessen eu in cezi J and lncrecscS In qnallty c5 ivholesoineness, by a mJHijt . t. y - c iwu cat untmSS y j State Treasater P. E. Lacy has appointed A. JX.Aningtoa in stitutional clerk to aacceed tha late II. M. Beece and he will assume his new duties March 11. Afring ton held this position in the State j Treasury when he was appointed i private secretary, to Gov. Glenn. AGENTS WANTED: Men or Women to work in Alamance 'conn ty Can eaailymake 915 to $25 per week. Address "V," Drawer "A," Raleigh, N. 0. : - PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. WILLS, MM; jit l i DENTIST .... Graham, . , a-. . North Carallaa OFFICE lit SIMMONS BUILDING IACOB A. tOHO. , V. BUOB LOBCL LONG ft jjosa, aVttomaya and Counaelora at Xstrwr GRAHAM, M V , , .- T, S. COOZ. Attorney-at-Law, , - GRAHAM, - . N C. Offloa Patterson Bufieins ' Second Ftoor, . . , . . Joaa tinar Bra on. ' -' ft. p.sTnrwst, Ja i BRVM A BYKUUt ' v rVttttruey a ajnd Ci hi naali ii a t Law j . Q aSSKSBOBO, B I; . , 5 rrsciles regmlariy la ths eourur of Ala- aaueeeouatr. . Aug,t,ttly y' t eadachesi This time of the year . Mi are signals ot warning, Take TaraVacum Com pound now. It may av9 you a spell or fe ver, ii win reguiiiiu your bowels, set your liver right, and cure your indigestion." , A good Tonic.: An honest medicine; mebAne. ARE YOU UP TO DATE n I nememDGri Taraxacum If yon are not the News xir Obestkb is. Subscribe for it st , once and it wHl keep yoa sLrtixt ot the times. . " Full Associated Press cl?palcli e. All the news foreign,' do mestic, aationsj, state and Lv&! all the time. Daily News and Obserrer T per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weakly' North CaroUsk :. ;i per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVES TV?.. C , Raleigh, N. C. sBsbmbbss The North Career.: a e 1 7 AXAHAKCB GLEAJtr 2 V. '.'1 ! for one year ior Two F Cash in adrar ce. ; ; ' j 1 1 . GlEAXTS t t. Cr--' , 1 1 1 t Hsppfly .the e - H M sue sr

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