. JVtM -Jl-Jtl (J ill 11'- w .1. .;ML:.;i.JI,J - Ii. i . -- . . , . .- . . ."'V ;: : ,: w - - . - - . ..... - - - v 'rif -j .- U . r .... t -. , .. - -,. ::. - ... .. . ... . .. . , . .. .. - . - ' ' ,. I , , . ' ...... - ., - . ... .... ' - - V j , ' ' ' . " ' ' "'''''.'il 1 , voi;:'XXivi: Idvlce to the Aged i trlifi InflmltMs, uch. fWj awl i-i kive a specific enecx on inei nrzans, rtlmalatW the-towels.ieausriig them ? f n,rform their natural functions at Iparting vigor tour Watch Clock HADLEY.a.'.HOy- rWhen yoir. atfliaae&vaBinpt propjsrlj amt food, oi itse. tt&nce-and thfi assfitince Is rea4-1 T4 T..4I iis 9 t , II HIMJll. u in 1 of the folnthegmacho that thjLsig.yugad,, u .their, manufacture. Wo ol B.odoL -11 iHteuaatolt'irlll .at' M an nay &aM9rV)rkaiuia-mw l V np t,Jtoflt tqa uouar oxer ..:!3WA-.I- ..5 aioSv adsl wiian-frasitrtc; .9 t terxidore tki.Voo-: Jo-rroitjc- SU -R'J.'B' 'BiaAQAZINHwi arriaeat.,iw'noM. r.tpecul -woAr ityit 1 3M trlt-jf lt tin mv oonset lafcl oGlub v1 iaroB Mndtnff a fkateti and aaauilplKiuaf rtola-UkD tbrourh M aan - Jb. raoalTt lc aWMniiiiifai-M'tMMril. - aHitlon pi any aftlenuflc -1-.nrnl. 1 1 rm. M I -' Jjjrju nU-S'i fcsaiaTj - lo rt-s'Jir ARE YOU J-jS Jo UP iiaaalBlBaMiBapBmey 0T i Ail thii." itic ws ybife gh f fief titr. tionaJ;Ute ismd locJ fl-the tiine.'' ' '," : 1 ' ' r3j Jiewj nd - Obxrw, -$2 Pjeart a.eaiba-'ritoiv ;t? :wtlf orttXCkroCnila,-7.'! OfUla .n:-;oZJoorf-'? ...?fvCi4 j,,. 0u iaf .v.-,- TkeLaitiTe Bromo Qrrjjuna i, blet- rrgr";'i;!hiB refund fcJflffAil to-rar?. E. rAiiirii ";V !:v3 n,.th.r. .lovr.. TOOK Tl v.S PLACE. D5fe)l!luij!)(.w7i Gun and Kept Sf Hianjef fl6m Escaping. '. One "6T the"lH6s?Taiuous of the Old .Eusitittdiye was L)r. Mather Bylea. who was botu iu Boston tu 1700 and' wfifr was .the first pastor of the Hollis gt.Cop?regatonivl c.hdrcb. to which Dtf Infhistered for uioi-e than forty LiP'-. Pyles. was famous as a humorist anu wit, ana innumerable anecdotes are related of his clever quips and ie tPftftJie wasa zculpas Tory and warmly- Advocated the "cause of "the owtKejf wnlry":wgahist he' colonies. ,In,?ioyituu?r. 1777r he wasacrested as ftTotyV rled, convkteaiuid' sentenced to be couflned on -twfti n-iiid ship and sent to England nifh his tamUv TbrL-sfntei was 8texRafdrc.m.niuted,,bi- Hwyrd jot war W toWBnemeflt Ih'hlS-'-onrii house J jbwl.'-u"w -Win v.il h lnslcactioiis iwl to 'uertnjt him to leave fljs5sW'uefDr uintneht under any circumstances., k OuL'hiu&'ifiCgf morning; observ Ing timt-thfe se'nthiel,- wut),-fflte many of tbenloiiiaI soldiers, was a simple rustic, 'Wtf disappeared and that Dr. By les himself was pacing up and dowu before hiyjiwu door with, a musket on l?!51i!,ffe TSbf1'8 crossed the streertoliiqu'ii-e fDe cause of this sin- VrtM tAnciVl,) TT,t.' 111 I A my, guard to Wt 'pie;g ioiit"ti procure some cider with' whtcli-' thyself and fnnittjM-might wleUrate ThMnksgivinK wtiuld; not permit me to fte point with- him. ami ht hfisr n,wf fotiij to get the cider for utCixfe(trtdi:i;Sjfliat 1 keep guard over! myself during his abseuce." '-"i THE ANCIENT BOW. It Varisd In ShaDa With tha Different fc'ltt1)uVublTersm'fyTiSed by the an- dents, the form tof-rthe bw vrjd e bptr of the Tartars, descend f th Scythians, still, keeps that "stmfe. TEe "treek bow was uot more )Hpa,nfofi toe'jii:,,tench;1liut. so;steut Ma sti.'Uiat. i;,,rpqnjreoi constcusrooie srengiB anp.,sKui. to use.ii, , ii is sum :friat' tt)1fil1)'j Gree'fi f bews were made tfoH-i'!nQTiw'f.a'!s'pecIe9 of goat; tfie 'bases- 'being' 'United by means of a henna t- I BUtTiTijey atuir jjetaiJisu. iireir . original LaittBws:Jba snort to i. boi much &si 'asd only a smajl por- p'l0.m. fme4, with uienxi' .Re .-ji't.--i-- - ' was pKtunelvaly uiiad, farming an- impot tant weapon of the armies of that periodic bftEnglteh archeois were sold to bo,tie .finest In the world, .and their sfcUr&kffdett tbW battles of Crecy,' Pot tier 'mt -Agbicourt. ? iTlie:. bows ' .ised r4;;woJritoor.JwlMw: .an4' aroaiesc. or crossoow. x u m uaraj waf' nnMe oK steel 6r K6r4 and was of iocb strength aid stlftneBS thnt lt- was necssar-aAwe'some.flieclwnica'i ap iilance.'to bjeW Jt and .adjust . the. siring;0' tn ifbaiesters 'ek fried-"qui v. Ts -viUi flfy!-Brrow;apd: wer placed In)-h!,Tan,.ot ,tbe, battle,- JBt. ijames'. GMette:'. .. ' v Why 8h Couldn't Accept Telephone operators who plug wrong nnmbers 'or1 getfbff -wires crossed some Urnes r .-spo'nSIblfr for vsr reni'Dar--Bsslng aitwatledsTps was exemollfled Vit. jbrkr Ja4hl.cUy,the.otheriorn.. fW,'. TJj'e. trofeer 'called W hja, borne Sumbet aidsaid to' pie person on the StfeWdFtts wirl; . . ; . tfesris-that fwrr:r ' veiled weplleJf a se roned'Votte.--,4Weiy :iy,'bi9(S thinking bmie yon' 3nnrnl5 nil ,waatoyoa .to- pomia. 4owtHwn Bd pieetvBifrior mn Wll.gOolOi a, bow;'l .af tsrnooo.' -1 ' Well, tbat.,rouJ4 nicft., plH,tie'prsin-cn "0B,' Bdt "ttn I should, dearly, ie-'to, 'do; sc but my Lusbabd- 'hoet.aBJ Jffrkld' he d object' '.OCnf yon -tnlirtyptfv-r go-. Hhe "-Wrttig nmnbWr - -miaeipum nMceJfim .!': 4rt O vWeTioWt , Atmeaph Atmosphere U the BSBe. applied -to the gaseous envelope that surrounds the globe. -TrconsfefTor a mechan-lcaTmftn-f Dltregen nd;o7gW In the jatlft oi,Xoui; to pwMetbet wlta ateTaUTely tioM amount of caroonlc adld-ga Uttl:waterTrpOR'J IV thkknesjrfciboaWJfty miles; ihoug It pnohablT extends. w ftenuaud rorm-MYri Wft'mnek. - TbW is lm ten itonl'to brWou':oi lmi- if flfteel pound. tM fq at the eartbl snrface and weigh orer eleven andniilf i."11. Back PsAoM fcri ,Ifc-1?T psaM.ton'w-vUrt: (WHamneavv.MilrW- gaa ; jet. consumes s.ca. five tWA.. pi -f Itb crii'J-i hr. mgf '(V ! Jiuent. -bow do jou t Wnoni. IrTbatV rlfint-.,. M ta tW. euull.hmrnt. and thstj j bnfy get tnocfc mau m J " nTyWre getting .J . -Arrah, doctber.', rejoined Jbe ,pa-.v.- ih aaiM tim alo P n -I p rr v o y- ar .ir- "fJStl-a o: ! w" k . Abolition of thi'DKckWj Btiof. : The Itmui' Ui.OTVWijiUj i; Jll' lufl to Btrumeu ,t'.?ig:v.d. fur ,;Ue,co,rreRtlmi of, Eve's ufl'eUng daughters was tlie ducklrig ' stool, 'laibwii 'ius 1 t6V ' hitrfbrel and the trebiichet liAiiysl,'!eross which was a transverse beam turning on a swivel .ndiJh .a,. chair at one and, was' set uiV on" the'edge of a potid. ' lnt'the '.fcottW tbe! 'wduiatf' was chahied, .'turned toward '.t'lieVntej: a muddy or fflthy pond wfts'wsually ' Bbte-and ducked half a dosiehrimes, or if the water Inflamed lwr, ..Instead of acting as a damper she -was let down times innumerable uuti,be was exhaustedand well nigh drowned. From the. frequency with which,, we find It mentioned . In old local ahd County histories.- m church'' wardens' and clianibcrlaius' apcounts and by,f;be poefs (Gay,-far'-pne, has a description of the pfocess'ln his third 'pastoral'. "The! ShepfteWs Week") wtt shall probably not be wrong lu concluding that at one time this institution was kept up all over England. In Liver pool it Was not " formally abolished untU. U7fi London, Qraphic. Circumspect. A very circumspect and conscien tious young miss of four was sent Into the parlor" of ai certain' Philadelphia household to entertaln; a' caller for1 a few minutes - until her mother should appear, ,. y ,:f ,'::,') ..The conversation drifted to a discus sion, of the. youngster's Jnteilectnal ac quirements, and the-visitor Asked: "Do you know the alphabet, Marie?" "Yes, ma'am." ,"WiU you say Jt for. me?) , Marie began, glibly enough,, but aft er she had given three or four letters she stopped short; saying, L"If -yon please, ma'am, J dpn't thlnlc-.I .better say any more." "And why not?" asked the caller, surprised; .''n:" : "Thdse ard aot alll MowJ? explain ed "tha j youngster; "but, ' , yen - know, mamma says I . mustn't tell all ' I Ijuow!" , , v .,.. '. Marliio Pojiihing. :, . Marble; polishirtg ' s si'uipfe Ana ijUickly doui " l,he''eaHies;'ltrci''ar'rlcd from :tnersttwtng" room' and "placed : on SLJiiiL jcxolrlJicJrcui. Inhlp, , The Irnn brushes off the rough particles on the surface, and the operation takes about, five minutes. Then the slab is at tacked by a man with an emery-wheel. Three grades of emery ari used, and It's pulJvabout a minute to e:icb grade. Nest come three doses of "felt, each time the felt growing finer 111 grade. The felt is attached in a hifer- to a flat wheel, spun by electricity." and as it hums you can see the marble be gin to sparkle. The finishing touches are put on with the use of a fine fejt rub, oxalic acid and oxide of zinc. The operator simply smears the sur face -with the mlxturerglves-a couple of minutes vigorous turn of the wheel, and the slab then goea-t the packer. New York; Press. v' f- ffield and Nye. Eugene Field was a great lover of old books and quite a collector of them. His means were not adequate to his desires, Jiowever, and one of the flftlliWst' proofs "tf thfe'rwris a 'plito Idf paper found by a purchaser of aa old vxaunJeXfri Field'-. .BanflwrltlifgJ ev rientltf an-imnrouiDtu verse: , - Kind Xrlend, foTWSuTteas' aaks forbear. ! To buy the book thou nmiMJ nere, For when I do obtain the pe)t r-r if , I mean to buy the book- myself . ' Another bit of rhyme which is thor- USh,r fflSRc. one of BH1 Kye'jrtooks, If runs. T .OZlS&i 4lhatiifnlle Jitfri 601 Till everywhere that )UhMrT?'n . -V,thBya"ifiiinifi fivdeaju. i . "5 .i k.AJJ The castor bean is a native of India. The TJnlte4 Stajtesrpduses most of th WMW tl 'of olhhfie'rf Hie- flnft rfnif fnrm ?tnlv- t:omtiion ca. tor oil Is of anjjgly freeiilMi tinge ojdl has to be nllr W Juiiks iuimwv to bleach, but the Itnllntu : tmitlfullv clear when nT"f cold drawn. Cold- djwn M 'f Wus best. It, Is got by'd-JShtHg-the trwn Bec" pe tween ' steef llet"-"B Aot M Ulaot cin. tW'grewj) lu'3rajliid;; bat m.u aH.SanuaU. lu'.aOtMheTll t-i- 1 Wnmea 'a tree' twenly feet high and strong enougU Mr -. child to climb up Into It r ! r ' " Very Like a Bull. ,x The iead of the bpuse bairljcett OI tbi''meji-'nfintns and ad'lu'lls.a um to -lx asTtHnf . Ibat he'll enjox. and ";Wrd f nttlWhoww.iw.-jrrjtal giw old country. 3. v-"-hl!rf. .'A That's always h.uiA -iutteivoi U.Rttfrg,Br ail and then when roe) bring. 1C t U them tbe don't eat "rExce.- f "J-.'I ' iii'- -Like Stealing tJ"eie.H .T Ur.RrrsicX8-li Vffer- ed TfeWe'B brfndtett.a fo' lbat U aid be- WBUd frA ronarte- troaw LoDdnti BcrrpA : '0 I -(i : twV"ilwo l a'. foeltog en, Mar-tW&a shall r,tJ any conndeoe.4. -X 4im( IM two -ttgavi ' "' AXrUi s ti itTwhw-4 ref-W asWrW avr ft- 0O joajra fin1f9 Rnsbarosl Tmtb wny. -,, j r."--; o rv,t Toei thlak vy fa terrlbto tW"gr fW lhe cnietgfrk 9W. atK Um a him aiui aearDBL i"""1 rje )maaA-wUl aoiDf Mttertra. J - "Well, tkf artKl -iieiera Vaaa-t sr t-rAa.' nrt4 J - graham C.; T A PHANTOM COACH. ' It Is a' Messenger of Death to an Eng. ,bW.-nh'-M th Family.'! ..; -'Vi Xa: drivfriPf a certain manor house sitimted (n- one of the southwest eosnties of, Knpluud a phautou coach wlth spectral horses nnd, driver ,1s, :aK- ways );eid or seeq, prior, tp tlie deatb oi i ne neuu.oi tne ramiiy or or some Important ihepjber' of Jt , .' pa one occasion of quite' recent years a ninnbe'r'of gentlemen' alid two ladles w ho" formed ' a. portion of the bouse party at -Chrlslnias werp' stnrtled on their return ut dusk to hear the sounds of several horses', hoofs coming up-the ddve, UiHB i tiicning,. all: the pdrty saw an old., fashioned coach with ,a team, of, four white horses advancing toward them.-., Jh.ey -drew, aside, a,nd us the . coach passed them , the two ladles screamed and fell almost faint ing In te arms 'ot their companions. une was the daughter of the bouse, - All retired to resV'alib'ut'tl '6,t?I6ck', some, uo doubt, to thhik over the-' thytf "terious appearance; ot tbel coaru 'Ud others to sleep. Eip-(yln! tho iiortt lug a tclegiatn,- which hud. been dis patched toy Jat.tlje preylousgjilgbtor delivery, came to hand; conveying the Iiitelligeiite thai ' the' 'Only soft af "the . house ' bad bten dro Wued whilei. wild fpwling iu tbe feus, , , ,f. , It was nearly forty years beforp tbat the coach', had 'Wat Wen'seeti; although seventeen years previously it bad been board, to.. drive up. to :tUe, frftnt iloor and- away...ugahi dowa. thp, venuo, the - uwdie pt , t Ue, , nigjit. , , ,pnthls,.p;f casion, (Im "head; pi tbp family; had, died in his sleep ihp 'ue'x illght,, ,1 Conditions That Must Obtain td Al- lovy pf its, Prcduction, : The Vatk' nroriiua 'a siiiBular'keTlal phcuOmenoii' 1ain -fu tha iLn-aei' " rt'tt svea In, iquny- parts ,Qf..thn;v(u'ld,, but .most frequently .and u Bre,a.tes,t per fection at 'the' strait ' bf'liesiVnii, be tween sicny and nuty '80.' ifluny ob ditlons mut -coincide, however, that pven h'eWlt-1 df 'coriipaWth-ery rare! occwrrence. To allow tnNUs prorfnetldn! the sun-'touat "CeJiKan anglk at "torHf-i five dorrWKhVtwAert)otB-skyl; and uia must be ealm and the tidal 1 current sutnclently strong to cause; the watef-in the center to rise higher; than on the edires of the strnitA When -ibesu. conditions are fully met "tne ob-j server on the heights of Calabria, look ing -toward "Sfessfna;" wnT tthohla series Off pHlly changing pictures, Bomotluies. of most exquisite beffuty. Castles, colonnades, successions of beautiful arches, palaces, cities, with I Jipuses and streets and church domes,! mountains, forests, grottoes, will ap pear and vanish, to be succeeded per-, Imps by fleets of ships, sometimes! placidly sailing over tbe deep, some-1 times Inverted,- While htlla like a rainbow 8UTO.undsevery lmag. It Is supposed that, 'thajlinasos are; due to tbe irregulu,.. refractive, fow$rs of the different layers of air above the sea, which magnify, repeat and distort the objects on the Sicilian shore beyond, but to the Italians these singular ap pearances are the castles of the Prln-j cess Morgana, and the view of tbem Is suppos6(t t('u6igguoi.'fotUl'nelto the beholder. f ' -ir-cq Qir, ::u;r,r;iij Jo ' ,.r TKer'lorln. . r 'w ' The florin, One M-tbeillost famoba of modern cojns. priglaated In Florence. Some say tii'afr' It fiave tlM mrul M the city, while others assert that It was fl L a. ctowftT or jcectajn 0JPt rpie Vrlinir Mdfffercntlf fHitiwro America ,jmTciwl.,?Two ories. Austria mf HoIMn, AH-ane taking It at a time wueu waa vet uulteisal In Huiepe. I" having Imb wuler4-4(eBSH Jr tbe financial stttfremaey df rh IMtIS -ates of north- system OI tne oiuer nraniti" y.plB.en'Ug;''.Tr) ..f S, 00:01 j 'yteinlotrBt.':i-euirk.ed Ql.rWon ftiMrhianJ.'nadfaf renwEk tMllm- iwrt of' which' ewjipedfu.fli'.jiji 'tne I other ds. JJ SOT? tkf.? b expect, m iwi-fi;(T ij, -T-Ibnt--0 twU M rested the infci;'pwMii 'out'M wti-Jast'i&ridf ioulieiSvla WwMt kVd- rth;twbtt'frrtBliWngrffculnp- fcnpeTBnnjly TBI nmnnmj-niri;air Wle aoIasaL-O-fttme nUff .0fialt et yr it4t!-iT ?P,-Mf foem.-"-r7UhuWrl4:;dr A' todto'-3d4lireMjfrW :A4atbs,liQns. isuni-vou nij Hie LaW Aits diet sisinglaAA efcin WieTS 'Jf.Tal tPDdwt. .ITRltfW, It-fa eiretloaj.ft'fg-i?(3 Ktbr VOoler, Dear oruicacr a - w . tbe "Co 'iQdiinnrfeh,,'inoff ni CrimaaV HsVr-tbe4 -Ca4 aad'fcag- nK'ina-a.ttorW Wwilng atreati TtJblU afcWtt jsJOoljoeTf la drrtsloa oTlUcBad.(wiwen.jt6l' Vr;hi lb bonagbf FirtaM TBUmUX Arvr:Bg QnTard-f .-Ben Jdns(ai."fead tlMTa rboptonaa In ibevMBM BfgbtwrbO&d VbAr 1-epya "ijaadVdi CrSifet) r J ml J-.TCO iJWAeaffar. Tier,' aoirtnur a si tbaf jit(U,, -eaeral Watrew sVft" "'Jl ?.3SH X -tTiOirtertf.0-te.r,fr OkairA rannlrai s j-eruUtly ?f ap sad tna Tawndlrtlai' t Baav Bit sMaet .: TaJfM? hai A Bee. art.--Prk. - Aa Oeed ee KtfmU. "ir.fV-.nT. gnr aald aba a SiHf -la.'mV a I ,a,ld. drar and ml te wort HI aeetblng wcfl ilk'VCiytaw pad-Hef1 fti I r'kii Wt ooc-WcTat t& ot mbtg ef wWota sad f old agv4te tMofa.M'O r,j v(r:j i nr. VITAL WASHINGTON NEWS Taveanef; "Writer a4 Thinker," Ofv V UtsHPaela Aa They HeaJIy Exist. By Olyde H. Tavanner. Cot. of The Gleaner WftshlngtOHj June 20 "I am through rjdt ijt fipoke 2xsn torpollivef of 16 lie meant that he Wonld never- Again raise his voiee, tthir Jn the'Benate of thet tjnitod VStiteft firfrom the stump, ; irt defense v of .,eicessive protection. ; 'v , -T '1 do'' not propose, declared Doifiver; " "thafc the reraaining yean of my life shall be, (riven up in dull consent to tb snoeea of all these eonspiracies. (Conspira cies in the Payne-Aldrl.'b bill.) intend ty flghtr as a Republican for a free 'market on this eonti la other wordsv tbe mighty DoUiver;for yeitra an'ardent pro tectionist,' Is conscience ' striken; For years he has implored the peo ple to believe in, protection. Sud deidyhe stops ' and- looks about himrTIe "be-nTSianBerrlTornls own voice. The Deoole are crvinsr out at the incretfliiSiiaX the special interesbyfiiofOp- trnlnft.ha m..nmmt that. the manvrare lieing ,utrageoiisly robbed by the few. His eyes opened, he is appalled at the mag- unuue or tne Bins luai proiection vlsifed "upon 'Rebubiie and nave v people, !A';' The experience, of tne tTnited States' jih'-r)prbfJe'cton isftpt new many IJoa'sti of Uh prbftlve mriiL, auu uvea wuiio 11 uuonu) the German masses are turnlne to EiiflFfianberMi iili a 'few uietiWV become mirl& ma.v-'JJ1,WlferovefJ nigh tectfon K2? . WTOfi tne oesc that 'coia jpe sata or it wSuj thtt0t: 'fiene'fittWl51 one 6utf -ir' ?fv,l "Kif ? r. vol c rfs tiiIT Seeintr that the verv life of the publio.;isrendwgerd byrte conaiiipnfl,,.witica jnjve()Tigowea qrptMtfcjfrYfa cgageous enough; ' ty'ipjf'jfe m rpugb with itrr itokb WtitofiV& A is aI ' IxL t A. M aia:T"i am innKa.wiin jj;, fx 4.;. ' j -- "r. -.- '. Ttia ntidnjuxnKa nt tha fnvtn. In Jelf :i,no ,jwwqyinw!rifcbP were bUstatemenlaT, that, ftongro, In. piuai ng lie, Payne-AWrioh bill, iuui,f (UuiimateoyJtoir ;me -wrra trusts. c'Pemoc4;bye told the sanM jtory time ad- gara ;l)ol- yer piexely ; endorse the Pema cratia -iviewpolnX. !wliclv isthat $jKeiv protection rpJM themauy fr;th4r,fw. .(jjfj.ib. -j -,, (' ;;jrr; ?vSenaVtor--arard:l th6' Dolliver apeeebras therTnostmpressive pnltdry tbe Seitaie has listened to U iMny-yearfc !- II-bI take rank atnohg.-the fdremoBi examples of Aoiericaa eloqaeneej - r- fwLTlVEfl 'ADMITS HBOB.""' When Senator Dollfver was afc tacking7 rte 'Payne-Aldrich bill In tha fnrfaTTojtr anrfntr. Senator IJepewf tfeVVtftn; chidfld'the Wwtt'Wr:tlO;uteme (uoiuveri. naa iraretea a.u over thecotjintrrjn.lbe campaigQ of i','-riaklD,;inwhlchJbe cnaeoT'p 1 prison' "X. wlin rWpsibnitvVfor-' tbS0 pii'b io93:' Woald''"yoo' W'jim'k blue pencir through '- those si4 JJoiliT-r, jwpeat what; 1 sldasnt4inbti -yontk ta xhylUm&:X BprnUttTes many' i&i'nffirMif pencil .gxodDianylpf' the eir plAMtkma I gm therrfof idu trlal sndIUn'w1lk:iT(eindr redout ladnsVdarin -that Ur-off period o'f .ns-t ' T 1 1 t b jTjirxiitjr ty thbI"'' f Ttfe 'ofice inacli-D)t)d Paft eeonomy is bo longer mentioned", eithertWJUii;;. ! BepabUcaa newspapers. , For ex eunt ''rean 'U'IndTc tfobs art) that Ibis CoogfisM win peqd at lesvst 20,000,000 more than the previous session, wnicn created a new1 high' water mark In itsptfbUcaa enravaganse. ,n art a' few of. tie Wreaaesover Uut year's Appropriations, id bills already enacted a thU session s lUvers an? harbors Poatofllce Ucpt ....8, 119,825 SuadryytWn-TrfrTWTX ',683,904 AgHcuJtural ttopt. , ; ;.. , ', ,;,,i,.04 1,0ml Consular and diplomatic Dist. 01 Columbia. ...., i;vv.605,82O .i. 247,429 The most material decreass up- to-date is in the pension :bill, amounting to about $0,000,000. AN ENEMY OF laFOLLETTB. President . Taft is leadiqg movement though from boind the scenes- to ' defeat--- Sedator Robert iVI. LaFolletto -of Wiscon sin. . lAt oliette Having been tho original Insurgent, and having givea open battle to Senator Ald-j rich and the other fr.euds of a aft who endeavor to legislate solely for the benefit of the special in terests, hi politicftl death! Ima been decreed. j PAYNK-ALDEIGHI8M. j Ladies' gloves that' were a pair . before the passage of! the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, are now1 1.25. Ladles' shoes that were $3 are now 13.50. Ladies' sandul rubbers that were 25 cents a pair are nowTJ cents Even the kitch en broom which once bost but 25' centa, now. Totalis for 35 'add 40 cents.' smred news item inwhicn, t wanMiedHfUU President Tafti was. 9itihhMwi!-vtrmi)& Ctmii rogresplYe .senators, was recent-: scot Trwn- w asumgeon- to an hfsJtttflJiStliited States. This infoiniatiiouwasuufouuded. Nunc ptbftienttlnaprMssWes-raBeV recei v ing f edrai ,patooiiBTt;Jw ithf iftthis:j6irtric)itf)ffi!0'j to ,vnb to AiVB iaTrriMfieKA'rwite.oiJj '!KVicPdenYKm'ati're'liH, ed frbW,'Wls(hsin,I'wrlti'ifhe 'Ve pbrt; ihtvAifisurgeA(iy' Is1 'fastf i'jj!K !iinn'j;"rniiiir ,Tfih"OMi! tn-vrn oiU.t tuff rt.'vW'ilsinoIo9 f vuiu s v av uifeu. , . . 'i'ir'M'1 j w iii.r, 'mvui jau.'i" Candidates ;?MIH foriCbitf Itlsticcwaml trvorAsao! eikttti JustkesI''oP'thciSoprrHe Gotrrt'a'tld fortwty! nfttflbefs'' of tbe'f6rpbrMtiofi trmsstotfi ;0 mkaM sMef Chief JuBttcitf and Allen arc contesting, for tne ndminadpn for Assocmte justice JexoV;Tjbreaf;e ma nv cftndjtlifej (orthe corporation' commisftpM vacaiKie full term of Uyw and aa Unexpired tefm of tents years. ' This promises ' to beithti gteTatest Contest in the DcmocFa' c convention: ' ; " '.1 fir. The five places named; are ail the Sjate.convenUon will JbecaJJj edon to-'name-candidates for. Thercarc ill i:8perior CoiJrt fudges tf'eWCf-'tcfi pf ' them.for fuU terms-of, eight .. years bnf these, arc nominated by distrittsj nltbpugh tbejC- art elecled bffjl Unexpired term. to be -6Ued;oB piaie.r whose terms ejtirearc juagc Prebels.rirortnftjapton,! ecmoty; Jodge: Coofct'otPf Miklio; Jtidge J AdaotaV-of- Modrtff ndge- Bi' P; Longi bf Itedenj' Jndg Pen,' tef For7th;mactfesb, t6;; Jdtf'! Jdnei)r Jadge, WI B;' CQoridl, tl CaUwba, JudgelMiTl. Justice, of Rutherford; Judge J. 8. Adams, oBonctnber Jadge p PerRy n La jaditionc sixteen -solicitors arc to be (rleeUfd bf ditrt rit'ta'aod tenpemoCpprf bcrs &f itbe Lrziaiatort andeotK- Ct o&aen are .suso teJwelected in etr Jr rouaty the State, w p I Eataaa a4 fkeaw i' rrrlt.c1rrMlVv:frofiomo';.In'd,. hi aiiid to recommend Foley's Kid1- ne mis. Arier lasing wpw directed he says?: The severe hackache- left me. mv kidneys bj- Mto' strotieer.' the aecreftons natural la etlo And my. "bladder a lonreT bained me. I am now orer my trouble, and glad W t6 ommend Foley's' Kidney TUlaT Graham Drug Co. .tJ ; u, Walkerboje terms expire, ha,e no opposition. Judges Manning; the Snperidf Court bench is that lOTflieliaV.'bjViadffB - U llf'tli i ,t.i 'HHi i. 11(1 MO VBUTUJl!'. rr r wii;.;ff "i 1 )" I f. (f -jjf f (!( Cf'lJi'i'M t')!!'t (it1; t 'I'lii'iftfifi' it -not'tp 1mtl Yf:fiwm I .'ll'.JVili 'U.; "Jj V'.bDml Mil J I'll'V r;.tjiini North News, M'.; --, v Mill jju n-'Jt:tn .vilT - .:Mb. Ii, W,'Iacs-!diedij8ud4!8p- lyta,t,his,homajn; ,Sanpson pwwj ty a, few days, ago-,, Jfi dayifcfS wife died of typhoid feyeivy -fii-n '"M fssMoore;1 IT' Years 'oldi"ati tinptcI to er6ss' :: Thdmjvson's Creefc;"AttBo'a'; ootfn'ty,: '''Friday Atid was'ilrbwnedr fTire'c're'ek' Wat 8wo'Hehi-"''J!-',:''K vJii-ii'"ia'J p.v j county, shipped CQQ worth of wool to the Elkln, ' woolen niius a few days ago. ' ' '' ' .'. ' r 'ii, ! :Ji r.!jf ''Mitliii'i t!; li-.!''j r, , Agreeable:;!) pfetttiona. ; pf cif,- seus of-;tb') ponnty ; thi cojiimiS'j sioiters ' of ffttft wlx Jin ve i levied ,a :tftx.of-p.oentft ouvtbe 1Q0 valua- tion for road: IHii'Pses. Sn J: !,. z Lasteal'a 'plt&tit ' 'brtdkdn'th'd stwe'tti'df WiTmfhifUi'n re'll "oinT'Ei widow siiedtlie 'city for' 25,q(K .i . ..La 'I,. .JuJj artd'sectfd "a Wrdfct "f6f!'ir,0dd, on tit iUl Xlexaflaerconuty.7henJ8lV wVJsfe,vahtd8'bIfyD,ed0U' cbne'r'-s'V'intis by nQWRnauerSr and civic associaJ one Daa Yatev wlio cituMl kiU-i il.Jack ,MeGuirB,i(!.Watigal, ko7nty,,I,tl); Tandnade bis -cjii.rnl -jas weejaaa.si jU'eHniiary hftotvm latpe.at, uajj net, Km f-ap- AtfKewLondonj ataaley cOUn tyi hFridajir. jByenit'jrilightoioTE Wpck:tha.lrgibflntf Jir'Titi, JlArrisv fciIlin:li?j'yowBgs4.sott, FioeiJIarrii 'iS: years leldvulMir, Karris wae in;the barn.'drlng-tboi fttprnGaqdiAfteshd) sftsvctassetl: founil bisuoli bad been JtHledvn sbfis!'-brPeTfif',IIowell,i,bf AsN 8iHrt-y.wnir'i wbrli1 in thWeid Wf6-day Iafeekifw-! witV'rin Hecrden'nimt cL1s1ife and! isWrftnfflyinnTe'd-tbe 'tfttiflr'. !mK lArge'IimWMew off '1free'allitfg fHOiUiM, v" -f,'' "-'' Jtiit oil; dntfo'f'fitrwaft X'Y. Miiduras',' con''cted in: M 86(dftPAt1'(ury,;-U't llufmajag'ptac jiuoannuo. - . ... A statement in defense of tho new tariff has, been issued by tbe uurc v oi BittHBUvo ui.tuv uyy)r IncSr' hf ''Coinniefce; and fjibbVi dc'th'o 'opjtratioli t)t JlineW IayJ cputo'nii xoceip'ts of afi.'kirrdwere V5H,W,' thV greatfttlt ainbubt everj-ecJiYed m a like period..,. !!!, iiniii'ni .:,t nv, iir ,IwrAri?,('' 4n n,prVn-.,wAtcf rvut.a) jfittjef jf., dHfing aiTicaAftKrAJa Hit,. ws csjru,!, by. Ufj wjtjd , the cVwit wardih ickJ op Qcn'buUdiui,,n UUe 0 -re,were aWa?o, causipg 57 jfjle. homela-Injlo. ptorro,J(. .Thrse' , Ajal in Sfwtion in Asheville last weex, acjonrncd tamect In Greensboro nit"yii-T Oficeri .iielbHed , follows :.Mu. Lax ton, super- inttndetif -of "-fflisskm- hOBjrtifl, Asheville, president ; Mtas,, superintendent of WattcThospiul, DirJa4lfirta,VlQaiVjdnt; bwpital. Charlotte, second vice ptidctrt lisr 'Trist, ' Clarence Ustke? 3&uwtaf iVltH Ashf-J vilje,.. soeretaq; and treasurer, j The axsoclatton'has 17o members, H ten now m'cTObiMni-,refvtd at the meeting. R I OU red" .rl,It-sved; the life of injr cbildarethe ex-j piks.-:T0."i w: terr-xdar aiwutCUaroberUin'a W'ief Cho- era add DUltboete 14oilkJdycilO is true th world "over where this valuable wmVlya Beeei 'fttsb- duced,' tJva othetmedifMpe jnnse for fliafraoea' or bowel complaint his Tjceivd saoh grtMaprrr mL " " Tbe secret of -the succe of Chamberlain's Colic, Cbojrar Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures Sold by all deatera. 2 lMi 3 foa tiMCIt TaovakS CiwinM I tmn ' ''fie do'ncorripnnes itifil-'f!i:tHfii 3m iviiiit tjji u-" '. 1 -j cekfbf navtW Kided U securing; Ifnddf rM;pfe'4c"eT a ttcene' tii " fait t ( i i)sii,(.i. ml .1 ti ':,. Vm. SM.iS n. 'lll;a "JWtteorMnntea glsAaifltaiyoar water aod 1st it stand rweanyaan- boors; - a Drier dnsteem 1 IrtentiorjaMtUnB;, stringy or milky appearenee-oTiea indicate an no- . bealtbsVftHlJ- tliop of the kid. neye; too ire qnent desire to t iMaa it or nainin : the bsckr.ajsq isymptpma,iat tell jrop tbe kiduess'snd: bladder are out of brder ,annerfattentfcn.O'''i jru.itusyi ,) ij;ll()i'Wliaallati;t--i-v,,rr,.W 1 . Therfci tcmlfOTt'in tlie JcnMaledaw.ao " often, :txpiead,. Uut Dr. Kilmer 'a Swamp-Root, the? jrreat lldner remedy. fulfill almoat eery'wWli.iA 6rrcting " rheUaulittivpsM.iD,'uiiMelttUdnets. bver.bladdntHtCTery pert of the urinary JffeCtrwfnfe'ikjttjiWirie'o beaii.' and overoulnea: that tanrdaaaant aa- cewitv. oF.Dems.vmwuft so. go m ten Jtnmediate' feirectof AVwanfMRooe-'ia soon jealbsedai 3ttandsKtbe ftjahet,b- Metitae'4oiif'sQTadJ; Jerlt:ltbT!l BymAirv Xddetir)n lGln&Co;i Brair- .wiiifrVftoO : HWrtitI'.j-,MYOU,J 'f .. - J'R0FES8K)NAl;-AHDa O flrM "fxiTf I DAMERON-tSc-tONG B.t BOl 'Food MOB Fled moan Bldg. Homo ratuuauM.a EW1 AJttornoys and Qoanalor at law ? lou tiavar Braoai. F.anrarvsi. ja pi no 1 notfYKOTriiro iff.. ' Practles regtuarlfidf la ftiairiB.' (Xn A)W aanea county. - - Aajfc. I, Si ly ;r TOTcm uiu uu .i'j''jiaxil JutJ ,ynof a ailJnor-j rmiovO 2)itc AnomnriS rtoJanaJJ r jmo Iwrrji vwlcmmof'rtob ovr. J : nam fcumofrrtob ovr.. M oic-ra eofiGJitat iloes nl . jeznil .fi'ol) froiirirrr lartntTr) a bos eno This time of thOroar are signalolwarnins. TaQTarapurrm- pouna nawa. it. may av9 vou a snallHoiUfaT veroi ItjiiWillxreculato 1i!K3 nod An ti one sjtine dicing ii 1 h9mA ni nomow Ja9i5h Itr. fsd olivet IjmnTj( df anoljt in-xja od L e a as a" aasav aa a. a taaj,. a. 01 1 Eo!a snMtlJfliTVlJL ' pill 1 439tdo eeodw a -fit. 4 OSV f.'. .r-' iSBwla ,!C!LI.COUC r-- M WITH I r . P7 rj . I aa'Twewww at Wa OtA R4NI1 ' T'l - OA auxtrkubv. v, tv lill. ....i-l SCISSORS aa3--"Eiva u t' eaaily rained if not pi opeily g-o: wljea being nrreri'vr ii y-'i " CieovaLaxpened riLt "id i ent as good as tew p ve t v WiXslarpea- asytlii n 1,-. i ax to a pea-kaii. jC 's """'CfAl, IWm 6 i " ' ISatSJ j; ef . C fft bavioroi uU 4Cfi ) Journal. am-" ' . t - .