nn HE ALAMikSGE OtBAER VOL. XXXVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1910. NO 21. Tiitfsf Is Thto popular remedy never falle to Dvspepsia, Constipation! Sick Hfifldache, Biliousness . - . . " And ALL DISEASES arising from Tnr Did Liver and Bad Digestion 10 Vhe natural result Is good appetite Take no auosutui,.- FOR : Your Watch? Clock1 and Jewelry, . Repairing, . H ADLEY r&:: LOY GRAHAM, N. C r Indigestion When your stomach cannot properly AgeSt food, of ltsell, It needs little assistanceand thia assistance Is read ily supplied by KodoL Kodol assits the stomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food in the stomach, so that thl itomach may rest and recuperate. . . Our Guarantees,? &S 700 are not benefited the druggie will at MM return your money, uto i neaiuiwc dj Siwiriat will .ell Ton Kodol on these terms The dollar bottle eontatna t& time. a. maoaJ u toe 60o Dottle. Koaoi n prepared a ins Montorles of XL 0. Do Witt Co Chiasm. Grabam'Drno Co. " . FREE'TRIPfiM PACIFIC ARB YOU ONI tin many thou-' aads who want to xptor this W o cWCou T 7 ? f SUNSET MAGAZINB ' tm uutitBteda tu .department, wkoss '? special work it is ta nt within tka rvach ot every en. an opportunity to A FAR WEST. Writ, for Simple Copy. .: ,' M ft :i' M Sunset 'rTravel - Club 14 K.J BuilJlcil, Sao FraocUoo. GaL ; CO YEARS' ' .O ' DcaHa . "iMlO - COPVBKIHTSJ AO. Hn( . ikatk and awarttrtlnn tln oar opttiloa free whtbr mM Bvtntloe ! probshlr puntithl. Cooittionl- u atrMlT ennftiMnUml. h ' on Fiunu Ukm tbroark Mane A (Jb. recelT. It fra. tHds ismi. for MMunnc HHffiu. .. SW TirtlM wlthnal sbm& in Ute Sdeniinc Ji::::rlcax knatomor IHwrrrtoS wtrVr. T rr DlaUoa f f Manuu fnomat Tr. Si a rr : fnV aontai. Si. toUt by all eewaeolm ARE YOU UP - ft to date : " n yon are not tie NkWb ur ObestmU. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep yon abreast o the times. - - FnH Aasooated Press dispatch All the , news foreign, do "tic, aational, state and local Uthetime. : . Dailj News and Obserrtr $7 P year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North. Carolinian $1 Pw Tear, 50c for 6 mos. -KEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO, R1leioh,N.C. Toe Nortt Carotin L&n and Thi ALMiXci Gleaxtb w21 be sent tor one year lor Two Dollar. C!" in ad ranee. Apply at Ths Gujnt oSce. Graham, K. C UVSBS! PUMtMTON 0100 VC Washington Letter. Washington, June 25, 1910. - . With the departure of Congress,' the President, the Cabinet, the Supreme Court, the diplomatic corps and the fashionable throng that is ever here when Congress is in session, it would be an ex aggeration to say that Washing ton is deserted, for there are Mill here" the government clerks who are the bone and sinew of the Civil Service and whose hands and eyes are so thoroughly edu cated that the routine of govern ment in all its labyrinths is car ried ou by them, even when the heads of departments are absent The shops and eating-houses, hotels and real estate offices are still here, but there is an air of unfrequentedness about them that tells that every one yho can get away has left Washington for the summer. They have not left to find a more comfortable place but because it is the fashion There are few cities more pleasant to live m than is Washington un der recent improvements. The swamps of the Potomac which once surrounded the city have to a great extent been transformed into beautiful parks. The streets for breadth, smoothness and shadiness are unsurpassed by any City in the country. Horses as a means of pleasure transportation have been to a larger extent ban ished by the Automobile than in any other city, and thousands of these most modern vehicles may be seen from four to ten o clock in Potomac Park, Rock Creek Park and Soldiers' Home, carry ing loads of pleasure-seekers bey ond, the bounds of the hotter city and bringing them home re freshed for sleep. Excursion boats are every afternoon and evening loaded with people who go -to -the Potomac resorts at Marshall Hall, River View and Colonial Beach. Those who do not care to tiav 25c for a round jt ' i trip embracing a ride of thirty-two miles on the cool river and amid beautiful scenery, can for 5c be transported to Glen Echo, Cabin John's Bridge, Chevy Chase Lake and other electric-car accessible places beyond the cit limits. It is well known that the work of seeking recreation is much more toilsome than the regular work in which the majority spend their" lives, but notwithstanding the constant demonstration of this fact, it -is never admitted, and those who enjoy the superior com forts of staying at home will always envy the others who en dure the hardships of travel and of seeking alleged pleasure in ituffy hotels and boarding-houses at "resorts." 1 The capital will not again know the President and his entourage until : probably the middle of October. Great improvements were planned and appropriated for in ; Washington by the last Congress. Thj beautiful Lnion Station which has just been finish ed and'which faces the Capitol over a plaza of ten or fifteen acres in to be farther improved at a cost of three and one-half millions of dollars by the purchase of blocks of r.hean houses lying between the Capitol and this station, and in terfering with the view Dotn iroro the Capitol and the station. When these houses are raxed and remov ed there will be beautiful strip ol narV between the Capitol and the station, and the visitor arriving in Washington and passing tnougn rti maimiflcant railway station will get a first sight of the capi tal from this grand park: aispuiy- inir th facade and dome or me Capitol of the United Stated with the offices of the Senate ana uwuw f Rjmnuientatives and the li brary of Congress grouped about it. Other Improvements are pan ned In the building of three gov ..nt dunartnwnt buildings, the Department of Commerce and- Labor, and the Uepamnena Tn.;rn The next generation win sjee a transfigured Washington. It has long been tne ignoran i,.t it i the most beauti- falcitT in the world, but there eaa be no doubt that it ta yearly growing more beautiful and it is possible that in time it may out atrip other capitals in splendor of architecture and statuesque orna mentation. The lart census shows that the eity basin tie past" , -a ia 42.000 to its popula tion. This is smaller number than amMtious residents had ex pected, but it may be noted that during the last ten years electric car transportation has penetrated the country in all directions and that there are outlying towns like Chevy Chase, Forest Glen, Wood side, Silver Springs, Kensington, Hyattsvillo and other towns that have drawn from the population of Washington, but whose inhab itants have offices and business here and who are really tributary to the capital city. Wealth of the Negroes. Salisbury Post. The negroes of the U. S. have made great progress, when their once moneyless condition is con sidered, in material things within the past ten years. The American Economic Association estimates the value of property owned by negroes in 1900 at $300,000,000 and the New York Worl'i thinks the census this year will show that this has been increased by $200, 000,000. The Knoxville Sentinel says that in 1900 Georgia negroes had assessed property to the amoust of $14,118,720. This had grown to $27,042,072, a gain of 91 per cent., by 1908. In Va. there has been an increase from $15,856,570 to $25,828,330, or a gain of 02 per cent. In North Carolina there was a gain of 123 percent, or from $8,478,399 to $21,253,581. The negro is learn ing the lesson that if he would accumulate he must be both thrifty and saving. The honest, industrious negro has the friendship of the Southern whites, who will continue to give him the helping hand and encour age him in his purpose to better his condition. That he has ac cumulated so much is as gratify ing as it is surprising. Those Plea of Boyhood. How delicious were the pies of boyhood. No pies now ever taste so good, what s changed.' tnepiesr No. Its von. You've lost the strfinir. healthv stomach, the vig orous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and you blame the food. What's needed! A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion Srnmftp.h. Liver. Kidnevs, Bow elsTry them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite anu appre ciation of food andfairlv saturate your body with new health, strength and vigor, ouc at ur ham Drug Co. Crashing into a loaded coach of a passenger train of the Georgia and Florida railroad yards at Valdosta, Ga., last Wednesday morning, a loose engine of the Georgia Southern and, Florida railroad lifted the coach, broke it from the remainder of the train and carried it 60 feet, turning it over, injuring 14 of the passen gers and trainmen. Relief la Bli Hoars. . lyiBUCOOlUft ner Disease relieved in six hours by the "Nkw Great South American hidubx ii a great surprise on account of its arPAAdin? Dromptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and , . i o.i:.nii. back, in maieor ieumiw. w retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick re this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drug Co. By.order of the State Council of the Jr. O. U. A. m., a proposition appropriate $10,000 to buy a to site for an orpnanage tor mcvr .nhmittMl ta the subor- uer, w ta d dinate councils for ratification or .1 A. der, rejection. The returns snow mat 209 councils- voted against the proposition and 182 voted for It, while a few aia no sbbu m re ports. The returns, however, how that th proposition is de feated. - . ir.ni. Soft and Calloused Lumps snd Blemishes from horses ; also -Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, King lione, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throat, CouKha, etc SaTs $50 by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Co. w TTnmnhrie. of Haywood county, died Tuesday a week from rounds sustained while -vngaged in a fight. A man named Groom who is alleged to have shot Humphries, Is at large. Bloodine Ointment cores File, Edema, Salt Rheum, Old Sores, Fever Sore. Itch and all Skin Ir ritation, 50o a box, mailed by The Dloodine Co, Ine. Boston, Mass. Graham Drug Co. Ohio Democrats Renominate Harmon Endorse Him For President. ' Dayton, 0., Dlspatob, S2d. Judson Harmon today was re nominated for Governor on the Democratic ticket by acclamation. The following resolution, pre sented bythe committee on reso lutions, was adopted. by the con- fvention, endorsing Governor Har mon for the presidency of 1912: "We invite the attention of the nation to Judson Harmon and the work he is doing for Ohio. -Two years hence it will have been com pleted, then we can spare him for larger duties, ne beMeves that guilt is personal, is acting on that belief at home and would act upon it in larger fields. A high sense of duty provides his only motive for official action and his sense of justice alone compels judgment. Firmness and strength mark him the man to supplant vacillation and weakness. The nation needs a real man and the Ohio Democracy here presents and endorses for the President, in 1912, Judson Harmon." Work 24 Hours a Day. The busiest little things ever made are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coat ed globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain-fag into men tal power; curing Constipation, Headache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Mal aria. 25c ajr Graham Drug Co. An automobile driven by Bob Taft, a young son of the President, ran down and seriously injured an Italian at Beverly, Mass., the President's summer homef a few days ago. For time it was thought the man was fatally injured but. he is now expected to recover. He was given the best medical attention by order of the Presi dent. , Any lady can get a silvered writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Send no money, aimpiy asg tor the "No-Drip" Coupon jprivilege, fivinff vour name and address. Dr. Shoop will also send free ii is new and very interesting little book describing Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Health Coffee is such a close imitation of real Cof fee, that it requires an expert to tpll the difference. And neither is there a grain of r al coffee in it. Made from pure toasted grains, malt and nuts, its flavor and trnitA in exneedinirlv gratifvinC. No tedious boiling either. ; "Made in a minute," says m. snoop. Write today for the book and "No-Drip" Coupon. Blackmon 4 Farrell. " TV . Mr. R. R. Williams, a native of Catawba county, a son .of Editor F. M. Williams, of the Newton Enterprise, has been, nominated for the Legislature by the' Demo crats of Buncombe county. Mr. Williams has been practinglawin Asheville about three and a half years, going there from Newton. A Frightful Wreck of train, automobile or buggy mv cauao - cuts. - bruises.' abra sions, sprains or, wounds that de mand Buckien s Arnica oaive earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure results. For burns, boils, sores of all kinds, eczema, chapped bands and lips, sore eyes or corns, its supreme. Surest pile cure. 25c at Graham Drug Co. " Mr. Loftln nardy, of Jnolr county, was stabbed . three times Tuesday week by a neighbor, Mr. Wiley Rouse, both aged men. The trouble was one. of longstand ing, having originated over farm boundary. lines many years ago. Mr. Hardy's condition is doubt ful. A fsfling tiny nerve no larger than the finest silken thread- takes from the Heart it impulse, it wwor. it rwularitv. The Stomach, also has it hidden or in side nerve. It was vr. &noop rhA ft rat told us it was wrong to drug a weak or falling Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, mis prescrip tion Dr. Shoop's Restoralivs Airnrtl atraiirht for the cause of these ailments these weak and falterin? inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative mas oi ii grown mo mnfdlr in DODnlaritv. DrnnrlsU say that those who test the Res- toraurs even I or a iew aays soon become luiiy eonvincea oi iw onderf al merit. Anyway, doa I drug -the orsn. Treating ' the cause of sickness is the only sen- . m M .a tible and success! ui wsy. ioia vj all dealers.. ' - The Cob fed crate monument at Reidsvflle was unveiled last Wed nesday. Mr." C B. Watson, ef Winston, was the chief speaker. A OYRO.'i STATUE. Made For , Wssfmlnstsr bbey, but - Dean Llnooln Refuted It. Jinny yearn ago some admirers of Lord "Byron raised a subscription for a monument to the poet to be placed In .Westminster abbey. Chantrey was re quested to execute it, but on account of the sualluess o( the sum subscribed he declined, and Tuorwaldsen was tbeu applied to and cheerfully under took the work. In about 1833 tbe finished statue ar rived at the customs bouse In London, but to the astonishment of tbe sub scribers the dean of Westminster, Dr. Ireland, declined to give permission to have It set up In tbe abbey, and owing to this difficulty, which proved insur mountable, for Dr. Ireland's successor was of tbe same opinion, It remained for upward of twelve years In tbe cus toms bouse, when (1846) it was re moved to 'tbe library of Trinity col lege, Cambridge. - . The poet is represented In tbe statu, of tbe site ot life, seated on a ruin. With bis left foot resting on tbe frag ment of a column. In bis right band be holds a style up to bis mouth, in his left a book, Inscribed "Cbllde Harold." He Is dresxed In a frock coat and cloak.' Beside blm on tbe left is a skull, above which Is tbe Athenian owl. Tbe llkeuess Is, of course, post humous. Tborwaldsen was born Nov. 10, mo, and died on March 24. 1844. Bzcbange. .A LAD OF MYSTERY. -That Awful Boy Jortee," Who Tor m.nted Queen Victoria. For a little while about tbe middle of tbe 'nineteenth century "that awful boy Jones" was the torment of Queen Victoria's life, and bis short career In public contains a mystery wblcb would try tbe mettle of Sherlock Holmes. ." ' He was a barber's apprentice who la some unexplained way discovered a passage into Buckingham palace, with which he alone was acquainted. When be was first found trespassing- bs Was gently adtnonlsbed and sent borne. Boon after he was encountered again In tbe palace. 'He would not tell bow be obtained access. Again be was Sent borne, and again be reappeared, Once be calmly admitted fbat be bad been lodging In the palace for a fort night He had laid snug during tbe day. sleeping In tbe royai-apartmeuta, and at nlgbt hitd wandered from room to room, helping himself to tbe food left over from royal repast. He bad seen tbe qneen repeatedly and indeed bad nerer been-far from her. . , - Tbe matter was considered so seri ous that the boy was summoned be fore a Special meeting of tbe privy council.. Be refused to give any ac count of bis secret Boon after be dis appeared, and tt la supposed tbat be was removed under state protections- London Globe. . Grant tit th Saddle. Grant was at but best In the saddle. Tbe one real record that be mad. for himself at tbe academy,' tbe one time that be excelled kil bis fellows, waa at tbe anal mounted exercises of his graduating class,, when, riding a fa mous bone named York, be was called upon to dear the leaping bar tbat tbe gruff eld riding- master bed plsced blgber than a man's bead, lie dashed out from bis place la tbe ranks, s smooth fared, slender young fellow oa a powerful chestnut sorret and galloped down tbe opposite side of tbe ball, turned and went directly at the bar, tbe great horse ' Increasing bis pace ss be o eared It and then, aa If be and bis rider were one. rising sou clearing It wltb a magnlflcent bound Tbe leap Is still recorded at tbe acade my as "Grant s apes Tork."-Bt Men- Ola. " ' " ' CrvSW Coral For Heads, nemral Carina Garda-Veles. minis ter from Cuba to tbe United States, wlut hea hM rranHna! In the West to promote reciprocity sentiment, says tbat Cuba boasts or mors man sw miles of tbe most excellent macadam roads la tbe world. "We naerf emahed eoral In OUT roaos in Cuba." said be. "and there la no better medium tor toad building knows. It Is practically Impervious a rerv and whan rolled smooth pre serves for miay years Its continuity. Our government as expenaea . 000,000 la tbe past three years ta this kind of Improvement and will coo- Unae until we Bare a peneci syswa of roads." Oeed fUads Would Hels Everybody. Tbe rood roads movement Is as .uuni. mtrmML a thine tbat somewhere and at some time tone bee th iwM nerve" of every proaocer and every eoammer 1a the land, a fac tor as indispensable ss navigable In land waterway to tbe fundamental settlement of an freight rate questions. real sad stable mscaaaai aignma kwtweea Denver, Kansas City and Chi cago, for Instance. woVl be ef soots mm t the economic develop meet of Colorado the a forty sucteeefnl appeals to tbe Interstate commerce eomaienm V - Oeed Heei Cemftel"- 4PfcA kamhae as? eoSBBeSfrS Sf wbate Fane. Tr aa eacaced H a campaign sf edsearloe) ea good roads nbjecta. s seaming ewt spea en wtra stereoptlceei exhJMts to toe- tare ta eoaaty araoomoasss eat vm advantages of Improved reads sad to .inahiM is a cMtltloa to tbe eosnty eomolMtooers to can ss eJe ttoa to vote ea A $100000 bead bmsjs foe the eoasrtrawtioa of good roads la tbe prertart e ejemct A WfM Wert Paytof Per. The cab. drawa by a weary tooStof orse, came to a etesdetra ppostto s Mbtle boee. As the mer waa parte to dearest s easel! bey re we era.-14 yer-oraav-er -Old say 'areeT Lee . aty to. AbH stre yer a bob if K ran away. Maac fceaxer U sard lea. Hal CenU !' -H,r yea eer do- aaytbia ft the good ef tbe exeeaas-any r- the eons HfteWA T.- mtra-d tbe weary wayvar-i-. fre jM thirty daye.--FMia- trlpbls Hf rrf. The Kaffirs Thought It a Joke. I once took some Kaffirs from tbelr desolate homes In tbe more desolate gorges beyond tbe mountain ranges to tbe more civilized south. Like most savages, they looked wltb stupid In difference at tbe marvels about them, and once only were they excited by an Incident which opened tbelr eyes to what they considered a most extraor dinary and unnatural state of things. They were descending a road when one of them chanced to remurk tbat he was hungry, and the English "sahib" bought blm some food at a wayside shop. Tbe Kaffir saw the money change bands. "How Is this?" be Inquired in sur prise. "Do you have to pay for food In thia country?" "Certainly." "What a country r cried tbe man in amazement Then, after pondering awhile, he continued doubtfully: "Sup pose a man bad no money In"this country. He might -Starve."- "It la quite possible." Tbe Kaffir shook with, uncontrol lable laughter. It was the best Joke he had ever, beard. He then explain ed tbe ridiculous system to his com panions, and they roared in chorus. "Where Three Empires Meet" Literary Ceneorehlp In Ruaala. In an article on tbe literary censor ship In Russia a writer. In the Frank furter Zeitnng says tbat some of tbe queer example of this work on tbe part of tbe czar's government are worthy of note. In a poem tbe line "Under strange skies we may be hap py" was canceled, with tbe remark tbat "no sky can be more conducive to happiness than tbat which spreads over Bnssla." A biography of Bums rokow mention tbe novel "Korew" as bis first "creation." ' Tbe sentence was blotted out because "God alone cre ates. Man may write, work, compose, etc, but he does not 'create.' " When tbe names of the gods of Greek my thology are written capital letters most not be used "except In tbe case of Mara. Our gracious czar bas bad so many war that he owes Mars tbls compliment" A poem was suppressed because It contained the line, "To sol itude devoted. 1 despise tbe world." Tbe censor said: "Despising so gener ally Include also tbe czar. Thank me, writer, for saving you from Blbe rla." Anolent Table Courtesies. In the Ambrosia n library at Milan there Is a thirteen century manuscript entitled "vtfty Courtesies of tbe Ta ble." Its author la I'ra Bonvesln of Blva, and it throws an Interesting light on tbe table -manners of tboae time. "Do not," writes tbls rigorous censor, "fill your mouth too full. Tbe glutton wbo fills bis mouth will ndt be able to reply when spoken to." Tbe perfect diner Is adjured not to soak hi bread In his wine, "for," sdds tbe writer, "If any. one should dine wltb me and thus fish op bis victuals I should not like It" But of tbe fifty "courtesies" mentioned by the ecclesi astic tbe prize most certaiuly moat be awarded to the following: "Let tbe bands be clean, and, above all, do not at table scratch your bead, nor. Indeed, any portion of your body." After this tbe advice to refrain from wiping one's fingers on tbe tablecloth conies as an anticlimax. Let the Lights Co Out. It Is a lonely little flahiug bay In a corner of tbe Corn 1Kb coast but It boast a Ugbtbuus. un its -queer old quay and also a slory concerning It and II ancient keeper. Tb light was noted to be a little erratic, and so one dsy to tbe ancient keeper thereof came an officer of tbe coaat guard. "What Is tbls 1 bearr he demanded. "Is It true tbat your llgbf la never alight after midnight ?" "That's right nuff," amenfe ed tb ancient oue equably. "Tie a fack and well known that all the bouts be In and aafe afore 12 midnight so I be savin' tb UeT And be looked smiling for approbation. -St. J a nice" Gazette. Nature as a Healer. A great broad, cojsollug snd funda mental fact remain that' In a large majority of disease wblcb attack hu manity under 00 per cent of the un favorable Influences which street us nature will effect a cure If not too much Interfered with. As Ibe obi proverb baa It "A aiaa at forty Is ei ther a fool or a pbysk-lsu." and Na ture Is a good deal ever forty and boa mr Ish iuYaaMl of lack In - lutclll- gcnce-Wood Hutchinson, XL D, In Delineator. .Hie QuellSeatien. Td Ilk to gH a job oo a newspa per." "Had say experience a a Jonrnal totr -Nona." Then what could jrvu do on a news paper!" -Seem to me tbat I coo id dlab out excellent advice ef some kind." Lools vlll Courier-Journal. Fetal Defect. 1 bar a cbaac to many aa old Ukta who bas lots of money.'' -Wky doe t yvr -He hnsat soy bed habits and come a a long lived fa ally ."-Chicago Bee ord Beratd. A Oran sVree. -My her die Is, the Middle of aiy Is teat aovet" eald Ibe young suth.. Tears S grave mistake." reeled tb editor. -He should uot die le-for tb ."-allaota Conatnutma. rattery I Oftr a traffic of surro' Bcasaeaat where, ahhougfe both pat tie tatead Seceptto. stec I dr ca4ve--Ce4t. . A Startler. A gewttecaaa wboar bearing 1m de fective Is ta owner ef a.duff tbat la tbe terror ef tbe 4btorbood la wblcb b Urea. Tb at bee dsy be waa accosted by a friend, wbo U: Good snoraJag, Mr. H. I ear wlf saad a very pleaeeat rail ea aa last e-rvalAg." - Tm very eorry." cam tb startling reply. 1H see tbat H don't occur sgala, for l"si Colo to chain bet up la fntxa"-Le4oa TeTaph. A Sinaular Marrleae Custom. The Kurd bare a very curious and soinevrlmt dangerous marriage custom, wblcb one would Ibfuk would be more honored In the breach than In the ob servance. The liuxbHoa, eurrounaea by n bodyguard, of twenty or -thirty yonn? men. carries his wife borne on h!n back lu a xcnrlet cloth and is des pcMtfir HH:inlipd the whole way bj a number of plrla. Sticks and stone, arc burled nl lbs bridegroom, who in tbe couilti;: home will) bis bride can biiiill j- lie touHidered a very happy man. for I lie Irate amnzons often In flict on blui marks which he carries tu Hie grave. It may be that among the l.-tdr ptirwners ure soinof ! tbe bridegroom' former "flames." wbo turu the iuck altnck Into downright earnest to avenw allKUted love. A Question of Uaage. The choir began the hymn. When they came to the line, "Neither are they afraid," the composer of the music had no written it that it had to be repeated first by the soprano, then by th alto and finally by the bass. The soprano seemed to be f ' conservative taste and sang the line, "Nee-ther are they afraid." Ap parently the alto had departed from the usage of her forefathers, for when she brought out the words they became "Ni-ther are they afraid," and it became a serious question which side the bass would take. - Tbe bass was an Irishman. Out rolled his rich voice, "Nay-ther are they afraid." So the quest-on of usage still re mained uuser.led. London Stand ard. - ' The Rcots ef Altruism. The three eternal root of altru istic enerpy are t!iee: First, the principle.fif justice--tlmt there is a" moral luw lifforc which h'I men are equal, so that I ouirht to help my neigliW to his rights; .cconil, the principle of charity th.it 1 owe in finite tenderness to any shape or kind of man, however unworthy or useless to the same; third, the prin ciple of free will tbat I can really decide to help my neighbor and am truly disgraced if I do not do so. To this may he added the idea of a definite judgment that is, that the action will at some time terribly matter to the helper and the help ed -G. K. Chesterton. Flowers a Food. . The old . time epicurean was as enthusiastic over flowers and herbs as is the modern vegetarian over a cabbatte.- lie mixed all kinds of buds, leaves and flowers -with loving care and gave them all the common name of "sallets." Violets and cow slips he put into' custards. Elder tope, burdock roots, broom buds and marshmallows be used for pickling. For concocting coloring craps all manner of flowers were used. To day a cooked flower is a curiosity. Stopped For Ones. A citizen from-tbe frontier waa vis iting a friend ta tbe nation' capital and waa taken on day to the gallery of tbe senate while an important meas ure was nuder discussion. A senator was delivering a long, proey and apparently aimless speech, and the visitor soon grew tired of tt "Why doesn't be say something worth listening tor be whispered to hi friend. "Oh, be merely talking against time." "What's the good of that?" asked tb other, a gha at . "Time goes oa J net tb m, doesn't ltT "I suppose it does," replied his friend, looking at bis watch and yawn ing, "but it doesn't seem to." " He Got Him. A negro boy while walking along tb street took off bis bat and strock at a wasp. II turned to a man and aid: "I thought I got dat air ol waa" "Didn't your "No, sab, but 1" II snatched off hi hat and clapped bla band oa the top of bis bead, squatted, bowled and aid: "Blame If I dido' git dat ole war An Eeey Way Out Here, you," said tbe conductor, "yon rang up a fare. Do that agin and 111 pat you offr The small man standing in th middle of the crowded csrpromptly rang up another fare. Thereupon the conductor projected him through tbs crowd snd to the edge of the platform. Thanks," said the Lttle man. I did not ses any other way to get out Here your dim." Succeas Magtzin. Mrs. Teiut-Y;0 I a decided blond. Mr. Knocktt Indeed I When did ah dortdet Mnwwnkee New. Quit a Cetvrfert -I her. was a rime woe tbey pot sea Is JaR for debt" aald to bill col lector severely. "Well," answered tb fretted cittos. "I don't know but a good, stout Jan. where your creditor eouhlat send to cards or call yo op o the tetrpboo. would be a great deal of a comfort," Wasblngtoa Btsr. Experience Weld TelL -i want a easy chair." said tb householder, entering tbe store. "Tea sir." said tb ea lea man. "What eortr - "I dout kaow yet" ws tb answer. "Let a tok bit tb bos office and r what be has. He ought to be a Jodfe." Buffalo Express, . :.f 'A btarryiw Man. ' ' "Ar rt marrying nusT -was asked ef a somber took log gotiauu at S recent receptteo. 1 t .. ; , "I as.. sir." was Uie pronift reply Tsi a elercyman., ,j i ! Talent rmtes S wort;' get! as keep k troat dylg.-Kmerat.Bv . The Cause of Many ' Sadden Deaths. - There is a disease prevsiline: to this country most dangerous because eodecep- uvb. nuajMuacs deaths as causedl by it heart dis. ease,' 'pneumonia, heart ail ore os apoplexy are often the result of kid. tteyr disc. If -kidney trouble 1 -allowedtoadvaace . blood will at - tack the vital organ, causing catarrk of -the bladder, brick-dust or sediment ta the urine, head cbe, "back; acb. lasso back, dininss, 'sleepleenw", Bervens. . ness, or tb kidney tbemectoss break down and waste away cell by caJDL Bladder troubles almost alway result from a derangement of tb kidairy aad better health in that enran is obtained quickest by a proper treatment ef tbe kid neys. wamp-Kooi correct maouiiyio bold mine and scalding pein to pawing it. and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go oftea tkroegh the day, and to get ap saany tiace dsriag the night. The mild and immediate cfiect of Swamp-Root, the great kidney reaoedy is soon realized. It stands tbe highest be- -cause of its remarkable health restorins; properties. A trial will conviuee anyone. -Swamp-Root is pleasant, to take and to eold bv all drnereiat to sftv-ccat and one-dollar size bottle. You sney have sample bottle and a book that ten all , about it, both sent free by maiL Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Btoghazatoa, V. V. When writins mention readinr this re- eroo offer to this paper. Dost soak any mistake, bat remember the Saune. , Swamp-Root, and don't let a dealer sell -yon something in place of Swanrp-Root if you do you will be dissppointeL PROFESSIONAL CARDS DAMERON & LONG AUeneys-sUaw , a. s. w. DAjntRow. I i. adoLm toira 'PVme ZSO, Piedmont Building, HoU-Rlenotsoa BUa BurUDa-ton, K.a J . ' Orakejsw IT. tt DR. WILL SLOSQ, J2. . dentist t ' ! Graliaus. - - - Mrth Carollaa OFFICE is SIMMONS BUILDING IACOB A, L0XO. , . . J. BXMXB tOIS. ' ' IA01TG & LONG, aVttorn7a wad Oonnealors S 1 -.: GRAHAM, X. . j T, a COOE, Attrwy-t-Lilw, GRAHAM, ... - N. a Offloe PsUenoa Balldla rtooc. ..... lessuursnoi. W. F.srrsresT, )u . BkNUM &BYNUM, A.ttorue'y end C 1 nmmt Xesw MaKXKSBOKO, R w. Practice reralarly la th eewrts ef Ahv aaoeeeoaaiT. Aag.ttSly This time of the year are signals of warning. Take Taraxacum Com- oound now., It mav av9 you a spell of f e- -ver. , It will regrulato your bowels, set your liver right. , and cure your indigestion. , A good ionic, j i An honest medicine; MEBANE. N. C. KILLthsCOUC!! f! curb the uu:: iti i LiwW I m mi Tvsntr t -1 T" OOABAHTuDbAii OB, JtOAfXT Rzisr SCISSORS and . Enive easily ruined if not properly f . ! when baing sharpened. IX you v them sharpened right and xr a ' t cot as good ad new give mo a t ' '. YY ill abarpen anyuun iron a l I ax to a peo-knile. Cs i ate, B. N. Tcsma, t t s. Bean u .... . ; ' c

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