Alamance GleaneM. J t - VOL; XXXVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1910. NO 22, HE AN OLD ADAGE SAYS 3l : v - A light purse Is a heavy curse" Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. ih mot of the whole mat ter, thoroughly quickly safely and restore tire action ouoe LIVER to normal condition.' ... Give tone to the'systenf and solid flesh to the body. -Take No Substituted i Your Watch Clock' and Jewelry , Repairing. HADLEY..&"' LOY GBAnAM,N.C. When your stomach cannot properly Ageit food, of itself, it needs a little . assistance and this assistance Is read ily tupplied by KodoL - Eodol asslts the atom&ch, by temporarily digesting all of the food In the stomach, so that th atomach may rest and recuperate.';' . Our Guarantee. m are not benefited -the drua-frist will at nee return your money. Don't heattate: iy ironist H1 sell yon Kodol on these termj Tha dollar bottle contain. 1)4 "time, ma moea . at the Wo bottle. Kodol la prepared at tha Wrantorlea of U. C. Da Witt a Co Chicago. GrnhanTDrug C. , - : FREE TRIP tojtli PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE I the many tkouar - asdj who want to explore tkia kVo drW 7 7 ? ? SDHSBT . RUGAZINB has lnetitntea1 anew Opartmcnt. whoao penal wort it ml ' M ana iitluM Am every one an ouuoi tmutv to U FAR WEST, Writs for &,-! Cosy, ti '": t ii i' ;et TraYel Clab 1 ' ' 'I' wttlntf, San Francisco, Cal wV srvDarDir lunnf . . 'riMlv Coe-rmoicrs e, ri taxing itiiii'i 'Wt Ilr Mrt our otHoioa tn mtMLtm OIM ihki tor winn. tekai tbrouh Mu. A Ct. nomtn Mentin: Ju.:ri:: y1"aoat t amy MtenuCo V.urneX- straa I'llliu e nr.... . ii ' U.1 ft bU.""1 io.i im. m r a.wmm ARE YOU V-'ifY up -v r TO DATE -V" "Jon are not the News air umEK is. Subscribe for rtrat md it will keep to a abreast the times. pa AasoeUtedP ressdu?patcb All the newn foreign, do aational, state and local the time. - : - , 7 News and Observer $7 'Z?' 3 50 for 6 tnoa. WcelljKorth Carolinian (I ; Trar. 50c lor Goos. & OBSERVER run. CO, Raleigii, N. C - TV -"luivroiini uc Gleakes man andTHK will be sent I Tytt'rllls Indigestion WinawtoK 0SM0S I " year lor Ma adrance. wo Dol'ars. The Dairy Industry of the United States. v According to the last year book of the Department of Agriculture there are 21,720,000 milk cows in the United States, and these are worth $702,945,000. The magni tude of the industry can perhaps be best understood when, it is considered that these cows pro duce yearly about $1,000,000,000 worth of dairy products. . There is no other branch of diversified agriculture so impor tant to the progress of a commun ity. The fertility of the soil can best be maintained by the liberal use of barnyard manure and the dairy herd not only makes this possible, but dairying is also more remunerative than other branches of farming when properly carried on. '. Dairying has made wonderful progress since the advent of the modern creamery and the con sumer of butter has not only been benefitted by being furnished a more wholesome and palatable article of food, but the wife in the farm home has been relieved of the drudgery incident to mak ing butter on the farm. Where formerly the cream was ripened and churned into butter under conditions not conducive to fine quality in the finished product and in the majority of cases by unskilled hands, now the most of the milk or cream is delivered to a modern creamery where condi tions are suited to the purpose of making butter, and the result has, been a wonderful improve ment in the quality of our diary products. As the quality has im proved consumption has increas ed and the progress of dairying has been remarkable during the past decade. : ' The perpetuity of the country's greatness depends upon increas ing the production of farm pro ducts from year to year, a result Which, not only furnishes our peo ple with food but maintains the prospertiy our farming communi ties. Increase in production can only -come through improved methods of agriculture and soil improvement. When it is con sidered that the dairy cow is the foundation for soil improvement and farming prosperity, her im portance is best understood, and interest in her should not be con fined to her owner. She is an important factor in the develop ment and prosperity of our coun try. Any lady can get a silvered 'No-Driii" Coffee Strainer by nrrir.ino' Tir. Shoon. Racine. Wis. Send no money. Simply ask for the "Uo-Dnp uoupon privilege, giving your name and address. Dr. Snoop will also send free his new and very interesting little book 1 describing Dr. Shoop's iToftlrh f!offftfl. Health Coffee is such a close imitation of real Cof fee, that it requires an expert to tell. the difference. And neither is there a grain of rtal coffee in it. Moj.a fmm nnre toasted erains, malt and nute, its flavor and taste is exceedinely gratifying. No tedious boiling either. "Made in a minute," says ur. snoop. Write today for the book ana 'No-Drip" Coupon. niacKmon a Farrell. Mr. Whitehead Kluttz, of Salia- t.r Trriiiia.nt vounir orator. UUif " r w delivered the 4tb of July oration at Asbury Park, N. J., Monday a Wek and received a great ovation. waa introduced Dy uov. run, New Jersey, and at the close of . ,1mm was followed by a neat demonstration in hie honor. received a numoer oi mvu n. ts. deliver addresses in uvmw Northern and Western States. A failing tiny nerve no larger than tae nnes suu th lWrt its Impulse, takes ita power,- its regularity. The Stomach acn, aiso . it. waji Dr. Shoov aide who first told M ft waa wrong to dmr a weak or lauuna; civ-", Ifcrart or Kidneys, ub pnf'r tirn Dr, , snoop iwc - i ik. nnaa dbrected ailments these weak and r irudda nerves. This, no these faltering clearly explains why the doubt el Restorative tive nas oi Z V. in popularity. Praggata rapwjy say that vea for a few days soon torative rwarnraa fully eonvincw ,1 merit. Anywr.doaT ondenai . TiwatinC toe drug m cause and sueeeasfol way. Sold by sible all dealers. Four negroes o neia " street car la Atlanta i. -ij killed the motonnaa and robbed A MILE IN THE AIR. Boy Aviator Smashed All Records at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, July ). Soaring one and one-.sixtli miles high aoovo the ocean off the shores of the famous summer resort, Wal ter Brookins, the 22-year-old Day ton aviator, in his eagle-like Wright biplane late this after noon smashed all existing world's altitude flight records. Gradually circling upward in great three mile wide sweeps which carried him over the heart of Atlancic City as well as the ocean, he reached the highest al titude of G,100 feet in the phe nomenal time of 50 minutes. lie made his descent in 7 minutes and at an altitude of 4,200 feet shut off his motor and glided to the earth like a bird. When he landed he was obliged to fight his way through the crowds by physical exertion. The 150,000 people who witnessed the feat are simply wild with en thusiasm to-nigh, and an im mense crowd is gathered in front of the Chalefonte, where the dar ing young aviator stops. He scarcely dares to venturo oufor fear of the strenuous reception which awaits him. About four o'clock this after noon, Brookins, despite a high wind, notified the committee that he would attempt the flight for the $5,000 purse. When Brookins bad been in the air 3H minutes he reached the estimated altitude of 4,300 feet. At this height the aeroplane be gan to look like a small kite. The sun had been shining full when he' started, but when he reached 5,300 feet, forty-two min utes after he had left the ground, the sun had dropped behind the meadows west of Atlantic City. At the altitude of 5,080 feet, when Brookins had been in the air for 52 minutes it was necessa ry to follow the movements of the craft intently to identify the minute speck which wheeled eagle-like on the aerial heights. When the aeroplane had reached its ultimate pinacle of 6,100 feet, even Roy Knabenshue, the mana ger sf the Wright aviators could not discern whether the craft was rising or falling. Sudden Death of Ex-Congressman Atwafer. Ex-Congressman John W. At water dropped dead, Monday, July 4, while plowing on his farm in Chatham county. He was in his 70th year and hia wife and four children survive. Mr. Atwater was prominent as member of the Farmers' Alliance and was twice & Stale Senator from his conuty, first as an Alli ance Democrat and then as a Pop ulist. He was elected to Con gress from the fourth district as a populist in 1896, but was inde pendent during his term of ser vice, so much so that many Dem ocrats favored renominating bim. He was a candidate before the Democratic convention in 1898 but was'defeated by E. W. Poo. His retirement from Congress marked the end of his public ea rner, Belief la SU Haara. Distressing Kidney and Blad ner Disease relieved in six hours by the "Nw Gbat 8otrra AXIRICAH KEDSrr CCBE." It is a great surprise on account of ita exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back. In male or female. Relieves retention of water almost Im mediately. If yoa want quick re Uef and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Dr. B. C. Hyde, convicted of poisoning Col. Tbos. IL Swope, millionaire philanthropist and a relative of hi wife, waa sentenc ed to life Imprisonment at Kaa- . -.. u TriMdav a week. Hyde was convicted some time ago and since then application for a new trial was pending. The cans was appealed. - r . e-. ts Yfnifnnt l?V mores Hard, Soft and Calloused Lamps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Carte, gpiinta, Sweeney. BJ SUlles, Sprains, Swollen Tbroata, Courts, et. Save M by use of one Dotue. - Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Co. KixvsKnjrais Three New Justices. Charlotte Observer. It appears to be considered probable that Gov. Hughes, who has already been appointed and confirmed as an Associate Justic will succeed the late Chief Justice Fuller. The only hindrance con sist in possible unwillingness to ap point an outsider over the present justices' headd a special appoint ment, however, which was made when Mr. Fuller became Chief Justice and throughout the courts history has been made more often than not. It is understood that Mr. Lloyd W. Bowers of Chicago, pow-solicitor general of the De partment of Justice, may either succeed Mr. Hughes as an Asso ciate Justice or may become Chief Justice himself. In succession to Justice Moody, whose retirement because of disability has been specially authorized by Congress and is expected soon, a Democra tic companion for Justices White and Lurton one, the last of the Cleveland appointees and the other the first of Mr. Taft's seems not improbable. The court's present impairment by reason of death and disability has already been noted in these col ums. With gratifying certainty that the appointive power is fully competent, we await the moment when a full and reasonably vigo rous bench will determine some questions whose continued pen dency unsettled handicaps na tional prosperity. . " Outran the Train. Greensboro News. Yesterday afternoon wh6n G.S. Bradshaw arrived in the city from a trip to Thomasville, Tie was greatly surprised at being greeted by a friend whom he had bid en goodbye when he boarded the train for Greensboro. In; factj Mr Bradshaw was half way mys tifiea at first, for he knew that his fi iend k-new ndthing of aeronauti- stunts and he did hot even take into consideration the fact that he was an expert automobilist Mr. Bradshaw, with Mr. Cham blee, had gone pver to Thomas ville in the early afternoon, in a machine, bnt, on account of the threatening storm,, he decided to return on the evening train, leav ing Mr. Chambloe to return by himself in the machine. It waa none other than this same gentle man who greeted Mr. Bradshaw when he alighted from- 46. ' No wonder the colonel felt a little surprise for the train made good time, arrivbig a few minutes ahead of its schedule. ; Mr. Chamblee, with the automobile, outran the train. A Frightful Wreck of train, automobile or buggy may cause cuts, Drnisee, aora sions, sprains or wounds that de mand Bucklen's Arnica Salve earth's greatest healer. . Quick relief and prompt cure results. Vnr hnrnH boils, sores of all kinda. eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore eyes or corns, ita sapseme. Surest pile cure. . 25c at Graham Drug Co. Strange as it may seem, horse cars are still in hse on some lines in New York city, bnt they are to be displaced in the fall by storage battery cars. ' ' V TboaeFlaaafDoyhaai, - nvw delicious were the Dies of ruivrinnri; No oiea now ever taste so good, what's changed? the pies? No. Its yon. lou ve j obi wie strong, healthy stomach, the vig orous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor ana yoa hiima tho food. What's needed 1 A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bow ! TW them. Thevll restore your-boyhood appetite and appre ciation oi iooa ana lainy wu your- body with new health, strength and vigor. - SOe at Gra ham Drug Co. - At Chester,. S. C, July 2nd Ilenrv MeMasters. a colored boy about IS years old, and his sister, aged 10, 'quarreled as to who shooid have the last biscuit on toe olate. As a result the boy cot a hot rn and discharged both barrels at the girl's breast, killing her instantly. tSa rammer coarse of the Na tional Religious Training School and ChaUnqna for wis uoiorea nr was owned at Durham Tuesday a week with an addrets t,r inAsrc IMtchard who advocat ed agricultural training for the Only 13 Confederates Left in Con gress. Washington Dlspaloe. The death of Senator Daniel, of Virginia, and Senator McEnery, of Louisiana, leaves but 13 former Confederate soldiers in Congress. They are Senators Bankhead and Johnston, of Alabama; Senator Bacon, of Georgia ; Senator Money, of Mississippi, and Represents tivea Talhptt, of Maryland ; Rich ardson and Taylor, of Alabama; Rucker, of Colorado; Livingston of Georgia; Spight,of Mississippi; Gordon, of Tennessee, and Lamb, of Virginia. Senator Taliaferro, of Florida, who has been defeated for re-election, was also In the Confederate service. Senator Tillman quit school in July, 18G4, to join the Confederate army, but was stricken "with illness which caused the loss of his eye and kept him an invalid for two years. The East India Cotton Crop. The East Indian cotton crop for the rgricultural year 1909-10 will be 4,502,000 bales an increase of 911,000 bales over last years yield, according , to the final memorandum of the East Indian, government, submitted to the State Department by the United States vice consul, A. D. Jackson, Madras. The total area under cotton in the territories of East India this year is 20,228,000 acres, a net in crease of 228,000 acres over last year. This area is about CO per cent, of the area planted in the United States, which according to the last government report was estimated at 33, 196,000 acres. Largest Shark Ever Caught' Wide World Magaxina. r V A monster shark of the man- eating variety has been captnred and killed in San Pedro Bay, Cal ifornia, by two Greek fishermen. This creature is , claimed to be, without exception, the largest shark that has ever been caught. After being killed and drawn out on the beach, the monster weigh ed fourteen thousand pounds. It measured 32 feet from tip to tip, and the circumference of the body just forward of the huge dorsal fin measured fifteen feet. Across the fearful month, horizontally, when opened, it was two and a half feet, while from the tip of the snout to the point of the low er jaw was three and a half feet. While the two men were engag ed in fishing, this shark became entangled in the immense netting, soma fifteen' hundred feet long. At first the -monster cot the net ting Into strips, bnt could not ex tricate Itself. The more franti cally it strove to escape, the more the shark became enmeshed. The strings and strong netting were wonnd around ' and around ita gills during the creature's farious efforts to get away, until finally the powerful monster was held fast, a hopeless prisoner. IU anger know no bounds, and the sea was lashed into foam by its struggles to escape. Therhfollow ed a lon and desperate combat between the finny prisoner and the - two resolute captors. The fight was waged furious'y for more than an hour, daring which time the men .had many narrow escapes from the fearful jaws of the monster, which bad to be har pooned many times before It was killed. Finally the creature gave ap the ghost, and was later, with great difficulty, stranded. Bloodine Ointment care Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Old Sores, Fever Sores, Itch and all Skin Ir ritation, 50e a box, mailed by The Bloodine Co Inc. Boston, Mass. Graham Prog Co. Former President Roosevelt, an intimate friend of the late Joel Chandler Harria, will go to Atlan ta October 8 to deliver aa address under the aospieea of the Uncle Remoa Memorial Aatociatloo. Former United States Senator Thoa. B. Torley, of Tenaeasee, died, July 1st, at his bom ia Memphis, aged. He aoeeeedea Isham G. Harris la the Senate. Suit against the Cumberland Telephone Company for f 1, 900,000 waa filed, ia tha Circuit Court at Bomeville, Miaa., a few davsaito by TT- P- Shlnault, special attorney for tte8tate of MissiasippL Tha charges are for violation of tha State anti-tnut law and discriminating against anbrriber. A One-Round Fight. Homely Philosophy of "Juatlre John" ol Richmond. Charlotte Obaerver. One of the most cherished insti tutions of Richmond is the police court presided over by Justice John Crutchfield. So admirable has been the record of this tri bunal that iu every county in Virginia, and widely throughout neighboring CoramonwealthSrJus tice John is a name to encourage the law-abiding and to stricke ter ror into the heart of the malefac tor, be he of great wealth or of none at all." In addition to the even-handed dispensing of justice, this particular court occasionally improves .the opportunity to give the habitues of its sessions a "straight talk" froin the bench. Few of these deliverances fail to tako rank as classics, and one de livered last Tuesday morning is unsurpased in the whole series. The exciting cause of the re marks was the docket's congested state owing to numerous small battles following the "fight of the century" at Reno. "You niggers might as well rocognize that I am here," said Justice John. "There is just one round and one side of fight in this court and it is a cinch to name the winner. When you get out on the streets and a fight just remember that I am going to referee the mill the next morning and you are going to lose the decision just as sure as you have a kinky head and a shiny eye. A white man who will fight with a nigger is almost as good as a nigger and when I get any of that ilk before me I am goiug to treat him accordingly." The tenor of the paragraph quoted, considered in the light of the court's record, renders it ex tremely imprjbablo that there will be any noticeable race trouble in the former capital of the Con federacy, at least while Justice John is spared to continue busi ness at the old stand. Waste Paper. Wlnalon-Salam Journal, With the jrradaal but ever in creasing price of all qualities of paper, the nation is confronted with a problem that means the saving of forests, - if waste paper is collected and used to advan tage. There is no more needless extravagance than that involved in scattering waste paper. 1 his Daner if gathered together may be used in making more paper, or may be used to commercial ad vantage. Many cities are begin ning to realize this great waste which may be avoided and saved to the advantage of the city. The gathering of waste paper and bal ing the same has been profitable to a number of cities and would be worth a trial In Winston-Salem. The country Is being flooded with phamphlets which go straight to the waste basket. Save tbia waste paper and you will help the great conservation problem. Wark ft Hoaraa Day. ThA bnateat little thin mi ever mado are Dr. Kintr's New Life Pills. Every pill isa sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain-fag into mental power; curing Constipation, iieau ache. Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. ISO at Graham Drug Co. McKinley Myers, a 13-year-old boy of Winston-Salem, was killed in aa anasaal manner last Satur day a week. He employed aa a water carrier at one of the con- stroction camps of the Soath boaal railroad. .Saturday be crawled Into aa empty car used for hauling dirt and went to sleep The car was moved to an other location and filled with dirt without the boy being seen, audit was not until the ear of dirt waa emptied on a fill that his dead body waa discovered. At Charleston, Mo, 3rdinsU, two negroes were lynched for the murder of Wm. Fox, a planter of MiasLa-ippi county. Mo. They were taken from the county jail by a large crowd of citizens, who broke down the doors with sledge hammers la broad day-light. Fox was shot in tha back whOe riding la hia wagon. . A mort of a big money fin I comes from Laurel, DeL Asbury Hammond, a farmer, is the alleg ed luckv man who ia said to have dog $32,000 in gold and silver coin out of an oil grave on t: i . Coins of Old Branch Mint's, Including Charlotte's. Washington Herald. Harold U. Boogher of Philadel phia, an enthusiastic coin collec tor, who was seen at the Relaigh, iu speaking of his hobby, said re cently: "The mint mark collectors are growing in number among the coin collectors, iu this country. The genuine coin collector, those who collect the coins of all periods and of all countries, who value a coin rather for its historical sig nificance than its scarcity, are in clined to look with indifference upon them. Nevertheless, as a lesult of their activity, the mint mark collectors have given new value -to certain coins of recent issue. "The desire of the collector of mint marks," continued Mr. Boogher, "is to possess a speci men of every coin of a certain denomination that has been struck at all the different mints, although the coins are exactly alike with the exception of the little mint mark. "Of branch mints there have been five Charlotte, N. C. ; Dahlonega, Ga. ; New Orleans, Carson City, Nev., and San Fran- cisco in addition to the parent mint at Philadelpia. The first used the letter 'C,' the second 'D,' the third 'O,' the fourth CC,' the fifth Z The coins ef the Philadelphia mint are distinguish ed from the others by the fact that they bear no letter. "The first of the branch mints was the oue at Charlotte, near which place gold was discovered in the United States ib 1799. The last branch mint to be put in operation is that at Denver, which now uses the mint letter 'D.f The Dahlonega mint, which formerly nsed this letter, was abandoned many years ago. It is only of recent years that Interest has been taken iu the collection of mint marks, Now at a coin auction it is not a rare thing to see the most spirited bidding un expectedly develop when the auc tioneer offers a coin of very mod ern date aud of apparently small value. But investigation will show that the coveted coin bears a mark which means much to the collector trying to complete his series." "U Lift- Worth Mating." Mm. Mollio McRaucy, Prentiss Miss., writes that sho had a sev ere case of kidney and bladder trouble, and that - four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured her sound and well. She has tried several other kidney medicines and had been treated for three months by physicians, but got no benefit until she took Foley's Kid ney Remedy, and she closes her letter by saying, "I heartily rec ommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. It saved my life." Foley's Kid ney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can no moro. Sold by all druggist. A fire which did damage amountiug to approximately 300 000 destroyed sixty buildings, made 30 families homeless and wiped out the business section of Benton, Columbia county, Pa., occurred Monday a week. An exploding fire-cracker thrown among the straw in tho barn of George Crowley was the cause of the fire. AU tire rooms of the White House will be accessible to the public daring the summer, for the first time ia many yeus. Be fore leaving Washington for Ms summer home President Taft gave instructions that the build ing should be thrown wide open. As a rule, only the publio recep tioo rooms are shown to visitors. Anrelo Hamilton, convicted of murdering Mrs. Sallie B. Hix at Lynchbury, Jane 13th, 1909, waa Dut to death in the electric chair In the SUte penitentiary at Rich mond, Va., Friday morning a week. Hamilton 'a body was tak en to his former home at Durham, N. C, by his widow for burial. Hamilton's was infatuated with Mrs. Hix and shot her because of jealousy. A desperate effort was made to save hia life and he was several times reprieved. , .BTOnXA. laaaa t us urn m r i ( Us Ul 1m mu Do You Get Up aaX With a Lame Caci? Kidney Trouble Hakes Yoa ESsaratle, Almort trronelaiowaof DivKfljner'a , Swamp-Root, the great kidney, lirer and i caaae of iu remark J tVT! Hi able&eaiuifeetoraic MM every wim is rer coming rhenmatiam, pain in the back, kid ney a, liver,: bladder and every part of tho -Urinary footage. It cotrocw umbuitr to hold water and scalding pais fatfanaingit, or bad effectj following aae of liqaor, wine 1 or beer, and overceoaea'tlatt sajilMaaiit -necessity of being conrpcUed to go often , through the day, and to get up many times daring the night., s :( , - r SwsmD-KOOt is not recowraended for everything bat if yoa have kidney, fiver or bladder trouble, it will be found lost ' -the remedy yon need. It baa been thor oughly teated in priTate practice, and haa proved so auceesafol that pacial ar rangement has been made by which all readera of this paper, who have not nl- -ready tried it. may have a sample bottle tent free by maO, also a book, telling more a boat Swamn-Boot. and how to una out u you nave jch neyOT bladder trouble. When writingmention j reading thia generous I oHer in una paper ana I end toot adareae to. V inmirrr or. vni ' mm . . Slnirhamton.N.V. Tha resnlar nitv-cent and one-dollar sue ootuea mrm mom- vj -all drnggiata. Don't maks any miatako , bnt remember the name, Swamp-Root, TV. Kiltner'a RwaimvRoot. and the ed drea,BiBghiuBto.Ym PROFESSIONAL CARDS DAMERON & LONG Atloracys-atXaw a s. w. dam BBoir, ' i. adolpb low a - Phono S50, ' 1 .'Phono MOB Piedmont Building, Hola-Mtoholaoa Bld. . Burlington, H.C. J Srsbaas, M. 01 ' DR. WILL S. IMG, JR. . t DENTIST i . ' v Graham, . . . North Carellea OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING P3i ucoBA. LOxa. J. xurxa Lowe. LONG St LONG, . Attorney and ConnMmlorm at Zmvw ' OSAHAH, K. 1 1. 'S ' T, S O OOIZ, Attornoy-at- Law GRAHAM, . i N. 0. Offloa Pattarasa Building Seoond Floor. . . . . loan Usa r Urn en. . W. r. Brava, Jn BNUM &BYNUM, sVttonury and Connaalora avt Xjmw tBXNBBORO, a U ' Praalea regalarlr la the ooartt of ' Ahw AMceeonair. , Aag.t,Siy .iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiinui. o Hi e adaches! This time of the year are si gnals of war nine. Take Taraxacum Com pound now. It may av9 you a spell of fe- iemem ver. ii win reguKtiu i vour bowels, set vour , liver rightL and cure - your indigestion. -A good Tonic. , -An honest medicine araxacum MEBANE. , N. C. KILLTM.COUCU i aaa tuiit aw f WITH MSB m lev; C::::::' res C8K1" v7.- 19 gurwrTii'uriT O UAKAMT l.JSli - I 6C1SS0R3 and Ex i too s- easily ruined if not properly $ - ' when being aiarpenL II i them sharpened rULt and rr & ii t rat aa good aa sew pre r -i at '. Will sharpen arf.:.. r - i a I ax to a prnJ-knifs. C. - ate. B. N. Tciji-. - m. OAI 5 ' It - 'j at Thb r N.C. the eondnetof, bve o inrro. UTicn-l to death.