nn Alaivianoe flu HE eaker: VOL. XXXVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 21, L910. .NO 23. Wsfills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver derange th Whole ,ystem, end produce SICK HEAUALnLj Dvsocpsia,Costivencss, Rheu matism, Sallow Skinand Piles. There Is M better remedy for these JZmon diseases than & TUTTS. LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prore. Tate No SHIOSIimte. FOR , ; - v Your Watch Clock and Jewelry llepairingr. HADLEY & -LOY GRAHAM", N. C. Indigestion use When your stomach eannot properly digest food, of Itself, It needs a little assistance end this assistance la read ily supplied by EodoL Kodol aeaiuthe stomach, by temporarily digesting all si the food in tne stotaacn, so tnst uu stomach may rest ana recuperate. .- Our Guarantee. S?0? gSftS rea in Dot benefited tha drurirfat will at aoea return jour money, uni f aeonx: nj 6 print will hi von Kodol on theM term. Ihe dollar bottle eontatn. W4 time a. muotr as tea soo Dottle, kohoi u prepared at to tentorial of D. 0. DeWitt Co. Cbloage. CrahamHrag Co. fREE TRIP to.tA PACMC COAST ' am YOU one many thous ands' woo want to explore this TVoav-' ? l J SUNSET lias tnsfatnteJ a bw department, whom , special work it is e t mtt Wltkm rk leach of crerjr ess a opportunity to the FAR WEST. Writs for Sample Copy." : . t "t , tt 'ft ..M Fer full seracaljr JoWs'j",'--''-.. V h....d BuiUlna, San Frandsoo,'GaL . vkM'sVs 60 YEAR8 111. EXPERIENCE Tnaoc Mams - Dcsiarre CorvntoKTa at. arena MBOInt a eketea ml oaaortptloa mm ffMAIr eMertaia oar pinion free whether a. Mtton M profcablr ptlr''' V Cowman- aaarilr muw at fne. Olae mmT tor wounnf Mtffiu. Piuau UkM through Stona Co. reoelTI Scientmc Jiar.tricaae "i sows, wttboat eberae, la UM IS. 14 bbUoh of mnf innUBe row month, SJ. SoM ksaH aeweoealeie. ARE YOU UP TO DATE m Hyonare not tie Nswi iir 0Km is. : Subscribe for it at anl it will keep yo& abreast PnD AsuoiiAtedPrws dispatch- All the news foreign, do- Toc, aauonal, atate and local the time. - ' News and Observer $7 Pyer, 30 for 6 moi. WtJ7 North Carolinian KES & OBSERYESrUB-CO North Carolinian and Th Uuw Glkxk wffl.be sent e year for Two Dollars. adTance. Apply at Tns lu office. Graham, N.C. Mil? K 4 p rmry. Vrn 1 rrl WWIJtOW I OfttoOa Democratic Platform. Adopted at State Convention at Char lotte, July 14. "We, the representatives of the Democratic party in North Caro lina, in convention assembled, re joice in the call occasioned by the election and the opportunity thus offered to lift up again in the midst of the people of North Car alina the banner of the Democra tic party as a sure standard of their rights and the unfailing gmde of their progress, and we reaffirm our allegiance to the car dinal principles of Democratic government and congratulate the people of North Carolina upon the wise, progressive and economical administration of the affairs of government since the return of the Democratic party to power in this State. We commend to the people of North Carolina the consideration of the success with which the af fairs have, been administered by the Democratic officials and the clean, efficient and economical conduct of the State government from the day of the return to power of the Democratic party, and we reaffirm the declarations Of our . party npon the questions of the extension and improvement and up-bnilling of the internal affairs of the State and the insti tutions provided by the State for the care of our citizenship, both charitable and educational, and pledge ourselves to the continua tion, upbuilding and development thereof. .We pledge ourselves to the con tinued development of the inter nal affairs of the State; to the con tinuation of the policy of educa tion which has been carried for ward with such success under the Democratic administrations ; to the further development of local improvements ; to the maintenance of the institutions for the insane, deaf, dumb, and blind ; and to the extension of these institutions to meet the demands upon the State and the needs of the unfortunate who require the care and main tenance of the government. We pledge ourselves to the con tinued aid and assistance of the Confederate soldier and demand that legislation shall make ample aDDroimations for his comfort and care. I We commend and approve this administration of Governor W. W. Kitchin and the other State officials, and commend and ap prove our Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress for their activity in behalf of the people of North Carolina. Internal development and ira provement tends to the upbuilding of anv cititenshio and we take pride in the progress that has been made under Democratic gov ernment in the building of roads and the extension of means or communication . and transporta tion "all over the State, and we particularly approve of- the work in this behalf by the Good Roads Association pf North Carolina. We recognize the great growth and .improvement of the State along material and lnteueciu&i lines under the policy ot the dem ocratic party in the suppoit and maintenance of the common school system of North Carolina, and the pledge of the the party theretofore . made for a iour- months' free school in every dis trict of the State has been fully met, and we promise the contin ued support and improvement of the public school system of the Stat and the extension of the same to me imuku" State for higher education, to the end that these institutions may be placed upon a permanent basis of extension and maintenance con sistent wiftr the growth of the school system of the State and the creased population and nemanua of her citizenship, and we "Tor tt,. vhooU of the State a mors liberal instruction in agricultural training and the encouragement and development of the interests in such schools. The supervision and control of public service corpora...- - -recognized right of the State and national government ana pledge ourselves to the enforce ment ofthisryrhtin the interest of the people of the State consis tent with fair and just treatment of the public service corporation, and no privilege to any person or corporation. Private monopolies are incon sistent with the growth and devel opment of internal affairs of the State and the libertes of the peo ple and should not be allowed. We are opposed to illegal combi nations in restraint of trade, trusts and monopolies, aud favor the enactment of such laws as will make their existence impossi ble. - We condemn the unjust and unreasonable discriminations in freight rates against the towns and cities of North Carolina and in favor of the cities of other States. We pledge ourselves to the fostering and encouragement of all legitimate enterprises and de velopments that may be located within the borders of this State, and in the ad minis trot ion of the laws no legitimate enterprise shall be injured. We condemn and denounce the tariff policy of the Republican party as enacted in the Aldrich Payne bill, and we declare the same to be the most iniquitous tariff burden ever placed upon the United States, formulated in be half of sectional interests and fostering the trusts and combina tions of the country at the ex pense of the great mass of the people, and in spite of the prom ises of the Republican party that prosperity would follow its adop tion, we call attention to the present commercial condition of the country, its idle factories, in dustries and unemployed opera tives. We denounce the extravagant and unbusinesslike administra tion of the affairs of the national government by the Republican party, whereby there has been a useless expenditure of over $300,- 000,000 annually of the people's money. We call attention to the failure of the Republican party to revise the tariff in accordance with the pledges of its platform and ita promises. We demand the enactment of a tariff for revenue only to meet the expenses of a government ecnom ically administered. The Cotton Crop Amounts to About 30 percent of Total Exports. Washington, July 18. From official sources, running back to 1790, the Southern Commercial Congress has corelated statistics that show the dependence of the nation upon cotton in maintain ing the credit of the United States in world commerce. The total value of all exports from 1790 to June 30, 1909, has been 147,991,224,405. The total balance in favor of the United States during this period has been $6,436,114,566. The total value of raw cotton exported during the same time has been $13,598,353, 086. Thete fltrures are for raw cotton alone and at low valuation. They leave out of consideration manufactured cotton and cotton seed products. The purpose of the compilation is to lift cotton subjects, enemies and cultural methods out of con sideration as solely Southern in terests and give them tceir right ful place as National for without cotton the nation would appear a debtor, instead of a creditor on the world's balance sheets to the extent of $7,000,000,000. KelitW fa Ma Hoara. Distressing Kidney and Blad- ner Disease relieved in six hours bv the- 'Nw GKAT South Americas Kidkxt Crux." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, xi oners ana back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost Im mediately. If you want q oleic re lief snd cure this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Got. Harmon, of Ohio, has re- no ved from office Mayor JL Atherton, or aeware, wnere Detective Etherinrton was lynch ed last Friday. The mayor was removed for Boa-enfoi cement of the laws and his successor at once removed the chief of polieaaada police captain for failure to en force the laws. Psia can be easily and quickly stopped. - Pink Pain TaMeta Dr. Snoop's stop Headaehe, womanly palas, any pai y where, in 80 minute sura. For mula on the Uc. box. Ask you druorist or doctor about this for BuLaU's fine. Sold by ail deal ers. ' . Oar Chief Asset Bute Board of Health. "The first wealth is health", is a profound saying, whose truth is so apparent that it does not halt the imaination long enough to admit of complete assimila tion. Progress is initiated by quali ty rather than by quantity of thought. Originality is the made-to-order suit of a mind that woat wear second-hand stuff, and in vention is the headlight of prog ress. These qualities of thought are attained only when the mind reaches full development, and mature develpment depends upon perfect health. A nation or a state whose average mind has the highest content of these qualities is the most progressive nation. Backward nations China for ex ample are characterized by an an absence of modern inventions, Financial, social a-d intellectual advancement are conditioned ul timately on health. The value of health is the value of man. And what is the value of the average man? Man, like any other animal like the sheep or cow or horse has an economic value. A half century ago men capable of furnishing only the cheapest labor unskilled labo: were bought and sold at from $750 to $1,000 each. The aver age immigrant pays taxes, and produces property on which others pay taxes, thereby increasing the government's revenue to the ex tent of an amount equal to the in terest on a principal of $875, The value therefore of a newly landed immigrant is $875. Ex ports on fixing values, basing their estimates on statistics ap plying to hundreds of thousands of individual lives, have f rand that the average American pro duces $2,900 more than he con sumes. The vital assets of United States then would be 85,000,000 lives multiplied by $2,900, the value of each or $250,000,000,000. The material wealth of our coun try, estimated by a government expert, amounts to $108,000,000, 000. But, "Is not the body more than raiment, and life more than meat?" Man is more than an animal; man has, in additionTto economic value, a higher value' a humanitarian value. ' Surely, the value existing in all, but in such quantity as to stand oat in bold relief in the lives of Wash in ton, Lincoln, Franklin, Lea, Pasteur, Shakespeare and Tenny son, cannot be reduced to eold, dead metal. Who can estimate the world's loss bad any of these made one of the deaths from preventable disease which de stroys 25 per cent of all people be fore their twentieth year is reached? Who can compote the world's loss when untimely and preventable tubercalosi eat off in their prime John Paul Jones, Robert Louis Stevenson, John Keats, Schiller, Von Weber, Chopin, Bichat, Laennec, Tlmrod, Artemus Ward, Thoreau, and Lmany others? And yet bow many of such as these do we bury every year with the forty thousand ba bies dead of preventable diaeas the sacrifice of our boasted civilization to the Moloch of Ignorance and iadlfferenoaf Think of the unnecessary infant graves over which might truthfully be Inscribed, . "Some mute, inglorious Milton here may rest. Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood.""" StaU Board of Ilealth. A rrtirMral Wreak of train, automobile) or boggy may cause cuts, bruise, abra sions, sprains or wounds that de mand Bueklen's Arnica Salve earth's greatest healer. Quick relief and prompt cure result. For buna, boils, sores of an kinds, eczema, chapped hands and Hps, sore eyes or corns. Its supreme. Sarest pile cure, tic at Graham Drag Co. The Miis WW. ralr VWtor- H b.i did ibry pat yea as prfaoa fort X. sua-rsi bar rrveN tt rear V latter-What ata J iat K. SaO-l ream. I gtre a talJ aattafy ta fwOr Tack. ' " ' Wart IS SS.au a Day. Th baarfes little thiaga ever made are Dr. Kiag'a New Life puis. Every pOl Is a sugar-coated globule of health, that changes weakness into strength, languor into etrcrgy, brain-fag Into mtl power; enringConstip-Uioe, Head ache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. ISc at Graham Drug Co. Let TEm Endorse the i Tariff . Rlohaaond Journal. It is to hoped that the report that the Ohio Republican plat form to be adopted this month will ; endorse the Payne-Aldrich tariff law is true. This because if the Republican party can com mit suicide the surest method is by the endorsement by the ma chine leaders- of "the measure against which the people of the country are m- loudly protest ing,- There i no, hope for relief at the hands of the Republican par ty from the exactions of an ex horbitant tariff tax) this actios of the extra session of Congress, pledged as it was 'to downward revision, in leaving the schedules substantially as they' were, is proof that the Republican party doea not intend to abandon its traditional policy of taxing all for the benefit of the few. This being so, it is to be hoped that the Ohio convention will frankly declare this intention, " and that other Republican conventions will go and do likewise. If the Ohio , convention endorses the Payne-Aldrich tariff law the peo ple will know exactly what to ex pect, and all those opposing a high protective tariff will veto the Democratic ticket. If the insur gents . controlled; the convention and denounced the iniquitous measure, democracy's best card would be taken away from them, as those who lean towasd thepro- tective theory, bat' who oppose the high rate of the present tar iff law, would vote, the . Republi can ticket. Many who are Re publicans will . not vote for "regulars", preferring Democrats, so that if the reactionaries are in the saddle in Ohio, as indicated, the Democratic ticket will stand a much hotter chance of success, and by that success there will be just that many mom low tariff men placed in Congress ThoM Plea afBoybaod. How delicious were the pies of boyhood. No pies now ever taste so good, what's changed? the pies? No. Its you; 1 YonVe lost the strong, healthy stomach the vig orous liverr the ativ kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and you blame the food. What's needed 1 A complete toning up by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion Stomach, Livery Kidneys, Bow elsTry them. They'll restore yonr boyhood appetite and appre ciation of food and fairly saturate yonr body - wita ' new health, strength and. vigor., 50o at Gra ham Drug Co.. . Soother Cottsa-ftCSi 'to Sospcad Spartanburg, 8. 0., July 12. Reports showing that .3,622,000 spindles oat of the 3,711,000 spindles represented In the Booth Carolina Cotton Manufacturers' Association will' be stopped at least a portion of the time ia July and Aagnst were presented at the meeting of the association held here this morning. Some of the mills represented In the associa tion are not now and never have been ia operation, than making the curtailment movement practi cally naanlmona. . It is estimated that the move- meat will make redaction In oat put ameanttsg to 2,500,000 pieces of cloth. A meeting of the exec utive committee has bees called to consider forth- eartaQmeut, to be held the Utter part ofJ August or early ia September. Coal rates and uniform prices for goods are beiWred to bo other matters senaidirad as. today's meeting. - A failing tiny narre ao larger tha finest silken thread taken from tha Heart its hnpnlse. Its power, its recnlartty. The Stofaacb, also ha it hidden or In. side nerve. It was Dr. Snoop who first told us it was wrong to drug a weak or falling Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. ILis prescrip tion Dr. Snoop's RsstoraU vo ls directed straight for the cause of these silaent ihess weak and faltering inskU nerves. This, no donbt dearly explain why the RestoraUvahaa of late grown ao rapidly ia popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Res- toraure even ror a uw oays soon become fully Convinced ef it wouderf si merit. Anyway, dont drug. the organ. Treating the eause of sickness ia tha only sen sible and saecsesfal wsy. Sold by ell dealers.. BaaaSj. m tw l Wants Pay For Being Interrogation Point , Cenau. Taker In Need of thi'Mooey Due Him by Uncle Sam. Nyack, N. Y., July 12. Cen sus enumerators all over the coun try still waiting for Uncle Sam to compensate them for their ser vice will be able to sympathize deeply with William G. Grant, of Rockland county, who has writ ten to Census Supervisor James Kilby,-of this district, complain ing of the delay. The letter, which reached Mr. Kilby today, says: "Now that all the danger from Halley's comet has passed and Theodore is home again. I would most respectfully inquire if the government can spare the small amount due me. for my service as an interrogation point dnring March and April. If they really need it, I can wait a little longer, but my wife is arranging for the celebration of our silver wedding in the fairTand will need it by then. She believes now that I have received it and blown it in, and nothing but the sight of the check will convince her. "We had figured on using the money for a trip to the seaside this summer, but the figures were wrong, and now we expect to get it in time to buy furnace coal next winter. For the love of God call an extra session of congress, or something, and get it through. If they eaa't spare the cash, tell them to send - two-cent stamps, for I would like to have some good of it before the family has to use it for' a white tombstone to put over the grave of yours truly." Banks Curtail Luxury. Kansas City, July 19. The bankers of Kansas City and the Southwest, dependent on the Kan sas City banks have agreed to lend no moro money to any one who intends to use the cash for the purchase of a motor car. This boycot is brought about by the extravagance of the people of this section of the country in the purchase of automobiles. 32,000,000 dollars were invest ed in motor cars in the last year In Kansas. One million dollars may be added to this to keep these motor cars in repair for these 12 months. One Kansas City hank er stated that his sale contauieu 52 real estate mortgages, the money fer which be knew went for the purchase of automobiles. "Is lift W.rth Saving," Mrs. Mollis McRaney, Prentiss' Miss., writes that she bad a sev ere case of kidney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley s Kidney Remedy cured ber sound and welL She has tried several other kidney medicines and had been treated for three months by physicians, but got no benefit until she took Foley's Kid ney Remedy, and she closes her letter by saying, "I heartily rec ommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any sufferer of kidney disease. t saved my life. Foley's Kid ney Remedy will cure any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine, No medicine can no mor. Sold by all druggist. More than 1,400,000 Icecream cones were seized in New lorn Monday as a part of the campaign being waged by the government under tne pare food act. It is al leged that the cones contain bo rate acid and are injurious to health. The seixnre is the second within a few days. The cones were being shipped to Galveston, Texas. - ' Any lady can get a silvered No-Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Send no money. Simply ask for the "No-Drip Coupon privilege, citing your name and address. Dr. Shoop will also send free bis new and very Interesting little book describing Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee. Health Coffee is such a elose imitation of real Cof fee, that it requires sa expert to tell the difference. And neither ia there a grain of ral coffee in it. Made from purs toasted grains, malt and not, Its flavor and taste, is exceedingly gratifying. No tedious boiling either. "Made la a miotte," says Dr. Shoop. Writs today for the book and No-Drip" Coupon. BlackmouA FarreU. SCISSORS and Knives are eaai2y rained il not properly ground whan being sharpened. If you wast tVm sharpened right and made to cat ss good as new givs me a tnai. Will abarpen snyuung man a nu ax to a pan-knila. Charge mode- B. H. Trtiia, uus on. Reports From Philippines. Demand forTroploal Product. In Amer ica Inereailng Each -Year. When Mr. Taft. both as secre tary of war and as president, urged that, as a matter of justice to the Philippines, sugar and to bacco from their territory should be admitted duty free in large amounts, some of the cane grow ers of Louisana and the tobacco producers of other states includ ing many in this commonwealth protested against this policy with vigor, in the belief that it would injure their interests.. This appreheusion , though doubtless an honest one, seems to have been unfounded. During all the last fiscal year, with the exception of a period or about 6 weeks, the country has been un der the Payne-Aldrich tariff, which permits the free importa tion of 300,000 gross tons of Phil ippine sugar, 1,300,000 pounds of tooacco, and 150,000,000 cigars in every 12 months. Less than 60 per cent, of the number of cigars permitted has come from the Pacific archipelago, Imports of other forms of tobacco have been farcically small. They amounted only to 16,000 pounds. Shipments of sugar to the United States were only a little more than 100,000, gross tons approxi mately one-third of the quantity allowed. Next year may see a marked increase in all these staples." But there is no sound reason for sap posing, even if the Filipinos should go to the legal limit in sending sugar and tobacco here under the free admission clause, that domestic producers would find themselves hur thereby. This is a very big and swiftly growing country. It requires an enormously . greater amount of tropical or semi-tropical products than it is likely to produce for generations to come. If a larger portion of these shall be supplied by regions which, though remote, are still beneath our own flag, so much the better for all concerned. Philadelphia Bulletin Shocked by Lightning. Wloatoa Sentinel. A crowd of 18 men, who had run from the threshing machine to take shelter in a barn n the iremises of Mr. Frank Mabe, near Meadows, were shocked senseless by a bolt of lightning a few days ago. Tne Reporter says: The lightning struck the cor ner of the barn and in a second all the occupants were lying fiat on the ground. In another mo ment aU but one (a colored man. John Critz, accompanied by a lone dog) were on their feet and al most flying through the rain, which was falling in torents. One man who was hurt so bad he could not run looked back and discover ed the negro in the barn, which was filled with smoke and a terri ble odor, and went to his rescue. He was apparently lifeless, but came to after some time, but the dog never recovered. Most all of the men were hurt in some way. Some had several burns on their, flesh ; some had headache and some hurt In their joints. They all say It was the most sickening and sad scene they had ever witnessed, and of course, the most frightful. They groaned as people fallingjn battle pierced with rifle balls. Bloodine Ointment cures Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Old Sores, Fever Sores, Itch and all Skin Ir ritation, 60c a box, mailed by The Bloodine Co., Inc. Boston, Mass. Graham Drug Co. Hi. Surprise. Tim a-ulus b-iv a ii: ne av niani birthday." said Too. "and 1'rs lurlttxl lamty Utl bvjsr "What nb-v mamma yoa most hate." aaid ih orisubur. -Oh, aba dunni'i kuvw about It; tts gulog to be my arj-U In bcrr English Spavin Liniment re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc Save $50 by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Co. 'Cera roe Speak KreeesT" "A Bttle. That Is. 1 eaa ah rag my Often Tha Kidsejs Ara ' Weakened li Zix:X Unheal toy Kidneys Hake impure Mood Weak and unheal thr kidneys ere re eponaible for much aicknea. andeuff erin jr, - . . . . . xm. S, trouble is permitted to 7)1 continue, 'serioos re- y salts sfavssoet likely to follow. Year outer organs amy seed at- , tentioa, baa yoor kid neys aaort, fcecaoee ther aMtr ad - JiV sboaldkeamatuation,, TO tint. Therefore, when . yonr kidneys ere weak a owe e order, -yoa can anderataad horn qaatkly year ea , tire body is affected and Sow every ergs. ' ems to fau to ao us amy. , t If von are sick or "feel badly.' becrla taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root.. A trial will coav rince you of its great merit. The mild and immediate effect of ' . Swamp-Root, the great kidney and bladder remedy, ia soon realized. It atanda the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties nave been - proven in thousand of the most distress- , wg eases. . If yon need . medicine yon should hare the best. -- e? T Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dol- T : :t lar sizes. Yon may If '"' have a sample bottle f br mail free, also a 2 pamphlet telling-yon , m..- ,, now to find out if yoa have kidney or bladder trouble; Mention this paper when writing to Pr. Kilme & .Co. Bingham ton, N. Y. Don't make any aua take, bat remember the name, Owamp- Koot, ana aon't let oraiet-sen; yoa : something In p. roa do yoa will lace of 8wamfRooW-ef pe aiaappotnteu. PROFESSIONAL, CABD9 DAMERON & : LONG ; At lorneya-atXaetr ' K. 8. W. DAMEBOir, J.ADOtFHLOira 'Phone ran 'none an, . Piedmont Bulldlne;, BorUnfton, N.O. HoU-Hlehouwe Bids. Graham.. Q, DR. WILL S, IMG, JR. DENTIST S e Q rah am. . North CarellM OFFICE in SIMMONS BUILDING li-COB A. LONO. I. KUfX LOSS.' LONG & LOXG, . Attorneys and OcmmaeloM as law X- ; GRAHAM, K. X, S- coox,., .''.;' Attorney -at-Law, GRAHAM, N..GL Offloe Patteraoa Bulldlas Seoond rwor. . . . . loaaUaarnraosv W. r. Brawn, J bnum ft bititjm; . Vttomerya and 'OiniM loa evt leaver . GiKxasBoao, n u. , PravtUa renlarly bj the eearta ef Ahv aaaeeeooatr. AaaS,Biy aaaaa-aa-maa-aaMamMiimmammamai Why send off Hot ycur Job Prlntlno? save yoa money en c3 ' Stationery. VltCZLzz Invitations, Cixslses Cards. Posters, etc, etc KILI.THS COUCH u CURB Ta tMXICZ -"-Dr. Kfcjfc.'j raca'afi- IS U TneoT sattpasT"- a u Ana nt isd sa v, oa atonsr sxtukuiux The difference between the board of trustee of Yaaderbl! University and ' the olg of bishops of the Methodist Frisco pal Church, South, ever the eon trol. of the University win l threshed out In the eon rt. Scch was tha decision ef the boirJ f bishops at a meeting at Nai.Ti" 5 Tuesday. . " Would you have bt Vr 1 - , more strength, e'-r stronrer nerve, more e' ' - Use llollistcr's lUvtr 2 Tea, the great vr rr ' ' r tor and tnic . O C makes 1"3 en- rf t v " . Pre 2 C. u - A . ; J V. jl i

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