- I 1 - V Alamance VOL. XXXVI. y GRAHAM, f N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 28, L910. :(&jBANER: ' HE JUST V ONE ' VVORDmt wori1 f it refers to Df ..Tatt Liver PHls and MEANS HEALTH. Are you constipated? i . : Troubled with Indigestion? . glck headache? t , ( - VlrtiKO? i - t , BHlou? ' i . ' Inwmnuir " '. - mv nl these lymptoms and many other .telnactfc.iol'the UVER You Nocd, Tutt'slills Take Alo Substitute. FOB Your Watch. Clock and .Jewelry: , Repairing . HADLEY; '& : LQY GRAHAM, N. C. T . Indigesiidn Uysps3ia ' When your stomach cannot properly Krt food, of Itself, 4t needs little sjiitance nd this sesists.no to read 117 supplied by KodoL Kedolftssluthe stomsch, by temporarily digrestiny all f the food In the stomach, so that ths tomaoh may rest and recuperate. Our Guaitee.g?5SM m are bo baefited-ae Xaratttat wU at nee retain your money. Don't hesitate: ant trtwftst will sell on Kodol en the mrms The doUar bottle eon tains times aa muob u the Me bottle, Kodol la prepared at the Mocatorlea of JL p. Do Witt Co- Obieaga. GrabamDnm Co. ' . PAGIHGlGOASTi ARB YOU oni -1 at tka many thooa- aade who want to " zelora'dua Won- ONSET'; MAGAZINE J liaatiiftitnrexlanew ' Jepartment, wkoac ; tpeeial work it ' is to imt withta the Naek of every a aa opportunity to - the FAR WEST.V Wtita for Simple Copy. , i ; tt ' . :j tt f.t full prtau.M addrss. -J ' ;, r 5 : . c t Tra vel ;G!a b ! ..I KufUlnit, San franciaoo CL T '.rvocRltklCf mm TR Maps ' AMBIdUTS A A. '''MM Asms Him fcta Sn'i iksm ltfr sMani oar mm'ii frw w suvmS T "oe puoia K friT Oiu-a , t 1 j.f im. rmw Uua ,-, a V uua A CO. resattf jmuHmMss, ii hoatei t stlii Ue - Sci.i::::::j.r:ri:: 1 tMwMlT HMntM irartlr. losses eta. rr: foSMSiks,aL tWejad ws"J's saaskMtia.1 ARE YOU UP - TO DATE yoo are not tbe News ak Obmtehw. Snbscribeloritai nc and it will keep too abreast the time . ; FbQ AaaocUted Pretu dispatch AJlthe nevrt foreigTi, do- -oc, aational, state, ana locai 0 the time. D3j Kewi and Obserrer $7 Tear, 30 for 6 mot. ' Week! j North Carolinian $1 1 Tear, 50c.br 6 moa. - ' -'S & OBSERVER rUB. CO, , Kaleigr, N. C The North Carolinian and Thi JJtuiCK Gleakek will be sent tor one year kr Two Dollars. Cash in adrance. Applj at Thk , Gliaite, ofHct. Graham, N. C WiMHOIOS) JMUM , Modern Demomtic Doctrine. - Senator Overman of North Carolina recently defined demo cratic principles, as follows: , "A tariff for revenue only, so adjusted as to operate alike on all classes, all sections and all in- idustries. "Enforce, the law against the unlawful trusts. "Enforce the law regarding rates m favor of the people. - "Down with Cannoninm. " "Down with plutocracy. "Back to the slogan of 1876 Retrenchment and Reform." - Recently, the progressive Dem ocrats of 13 counties in New York met at Albany. Sixty rep resentative men were preaent, and they asked the Democrats of the state to get together on this plat form: 1 - "Advocacy of the largest possi ble extension of the free list in a radically reconstructed tariff. - '.'Direct nominations, unlimited in operation. 'Adoption of the initiative, referendum and recall principle. "Home rule for municipalities and Courfties, with power to own and operate public utilities, if de sired, by the people. "Abolition of personal property tax. ' "A federal income tax. 'The nomination iy the ap proaching democratic state con vention of a candidate for United States senator, and the endorse ment of the election of senators by popular vote." The democrats of Indiana nd the middle west are equally pro gressive. No one is standing still except the standpatters, and they will become a lost quantity after the November elections In the middle west the democrats are competitors of the insurgents for votes, and they have to bid in a broad and liberal manner to get votes. Camp - Clark comes forward howevep with a national plat form, as follows : . "Reduce the tariff to a revenue basis; cut down appropriation to the , wants of the government economically and effectively ad ministered; restore our merchant marine, not by. ship subsidy; but by a return to the wise measures by which democrats made it the glory of the high seas for half a Century; investigate the waste, extravagance and corruption of the departments in every branch of the government service; force a' thorough and honest criminal prosecution of the trusts which have done so much to increase the cost of living; they should be taught chat criminal statutes are intended for the punishment of big criminals as well as for small ones big ones preferred, Force the discharge of every superfluous tax-eater how upon Uncle Sam's payrolls." The Clark platform may be said to be the most conservative that the times admit of. It relates to national subjects only, leaving state issues to be determined ac cording to the needs of the re spective states.-'-Age Herald. , . a fan i no t.inv nerv no larger than the finest silken thread- takes from the Heart its mpuise, Its TVVWArV ite regularity. The Stomach, also has it hidden or in side nerve. It was ur. mi who first told us it was wrong to drag a weak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescrip tion Dr. Snoop's Restorative is directed straigni ior wo cau. tt,-. .iimAntA these weak and faltering inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains wuy Restorative has of late grown so rapidly in popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Res torative even for a few days soon become fully convmceu J.-nl morit. AnTWSV. QOU t WUUU6UU1 ' ' , drug the orgatt. Treating the cause or sieKness u mr sibla and successful way. Sold by all dealers. By most peculiar accident Miss Lena Phillips, of narlem, jr. T., was almost instantly kill--x i. wrat when a pane of riasa fell from a fifth-story win- dow, striking Jnias rniMii". - neck, nearly severing her head front her body. The yonng wo man fefl on the sidewalk and died before assistance could reach her. The window was being cleaned when a loose pane of glass fefl out Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Liver TaUet gently stimulate tne liver and bowels to expel poison- t H tha TT'WIa 111. ons matter, cieaum. .u - -j--- core constipauon acho. Sold by all dealers. Crazed With Cocaine Negro Kills Four. At Tampa- Fla., Friday night Will Ellison, a negro crazed with cocaine shot and killed his mother-in-law, Celia Bryant, Rev. Jesse W. Avery, of the First African Methodist church,-Henry Clark, negro organist at the church, se riously wounded his wife, Eva Ellison, and his sister-in-law, Mary Bryant, fatally wounded Policeman Hayman and then com mittad suicide. Ellison's outbreak began at the African Methodist ohurch, where services were in progress. He en tered the church armed with a shot gun. He shouted that he was prepared io send all sinners to their reward, and fired at the ReV. Avery, a load of shot enter ing his breast, causing instant death. Clark was sitting at the organ at the time and he also was shot and instantly killed. After firing another shot Elll lison hurried from the church and went to the home of his wife's mother, Celia Bryant, where he shot his mother-in-law's head off with buckshot. When his wife and sister-in-law hurried to the front of the house he fired on them, the sister-in-law .being' fa tally wounded. Ellison had evidently planned his crime and made ready for his escape, as he had a horse tether ed near his mother-in-law's home. He mounted the horse and start ed away at a gallop. He encoun tered officer Hayman and opened fire on him. The first shot took effect in the officer's left breast just above the heart knocking him from the horse. Hayman re turned the fire and the negro darted down a dark alley. Later he was found unconscious from a dose of strychnine and was dead by the time the officers got him to the station house. Passing 6f Old-Time Colored Citizen. Th atatesuille landmark. Jaly M. writing ef old oolored citizen, George Oar, tare: Uncle George, as he was famil iarly called by his white friends, was 79 vears old. He was a Blave of the late Dr. Franklin Gay and in ante-bellum times lived at the old Gay place, within two miles of where he died. He owned his home and reared his children so that they, like their father, bear a good reputation in the commu nity. . For years and years UncJe Georee had been a regular sub scriber to The Landmark. Reg ularly as the years rolled round he came to the office about the first of January to pay his eub- scriDtion. Always smiling, pleas ant and good-natured, he was a fine tvpe of the old-time eolorea man. He usually had a pleasant word and always departed with the injunction that the paper should be kept going to him. These Visits or uncie ueorge were a n'leasant event and it is a mat ter for regret that we shaUseehis kindlv old black face no more. The just tribute can be paid him that he lived uprightly, bore a good character and enjoyed the respect of his acquaintances, and that, tribute is one to be enviea. The pity is that his kind is so rare. These Pies ef Boy hoed. How delicious were the pies of boyhood. No pies now ever taste so good, what's changed? the pies? No. Its you. You've lost the strong, healthy stomach, the rig orous liver, the active kidneys, the regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and too blame the food. What's needed! A complete toning np by Electric Bitters Of all Organs of digestion -Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bow--i. t ,om TIihtII restore your boyhood appetita and appre- ciation oi ioou u rT roar body with new health, strength and rigor. . We at Gra ham Drug Co. A dispatch from Montreal, Canada, says that 3,500 trainmen went on strike on the Grand Tmnk railroad Monday night, paralyzing traffic. The Strikers demand aa lncreaMoi , ... SCUeS MM wmim. ner Disease relieved In six hours by the "Siw OMif Sotjth AjfEBICAX KtDirnT CUM." It is a great surprise on account of ft exceeding promptness lnrelierlnf naiu' in -bladder, kidn7S and pg,gy 111 JUSMOVX A,M.- retention of water almost Im mediately. If you want quick re lief and cure thi is tbe remedy, gold by Graham Drug Co. N. C. FARMERS' INSTITUTES Get Your Neighborhood to Work and Prepare for the Best Meetings You Have Ever Had. Progressive Farmer and Qssstte, June S. . Messrs. Editors: The summer months are near at hand and so is the time for be ginning our Farmers' Institutes. Already letters are coming in irom committeemen giving : us glimpses of what we may expect n ... . at their respective Institutes. A letter just received. , from the Mayor of Star, Montgomery coun-. ty, announces that if we will hold an Institute at . that -place the merchants will take the matter in hand, advertise the meeting and give us an attendance of thousand people. A letter from Mr. W B, Upchurch,. Ch!ra'n, , and C. F. Williams, Sec'y, '., of the fpros pective Institute at Green Level says: "We are preparing to have the biggest Institute ever held in Wake couny. We had several prizes to offer for the best prepar ed food, for the best bread, cakes, etc. We want the lady members of thi Institute -for the, judges. We are also going to offer prizes for good stock. We want to en- courage better cooking, better farming and the raising of more and better live stock." What community in North Carolina will propose to do better than the Green Level people? We. want this same spirit and'determination to prevail in every part of the State. " There has just come to hand the report of the Farmers' Institutes of the Province of Ontario, Cana da. Down South we have been regarding that section as a cold country without agricultural pos sibilities. But we have misjudg ed her. The report shows that there were held In that Province last year 224 regular farmers' institutes, and 418 supplementary meetings, with attendance as follows: - " . Regular and supplementary meetings. Farmers' Institutes, 121,323 ; Women's Institutes, 110,- 493. ' ' . Special Institutes. Fruit Insti tutes, 5,565 ; Local Poultry Shows, 5,750; Poultry Institutes, 1,221 ; Seed and Live Stock Judging Classes, 14,300; Seed apd Drain age Meetings, 803 ; Factory and Creamery Meetings, 20,418.: To tal attendance, 280,032. ' ( Evidently the people attend the institute meetings in that Prov ince. The attendance at similar meetings in North Carolina last year was considerably less than 50,000. Let us do better in North Carolina from now on. The subjects discussed at their institutes were very similar to those discussed at ours. ; ' -''. There Is but one way for us to get anything out of an institute, and that Is to attend it; and then to get the most out of it we most make ourselves a part of it. Take an interest in it, ask questions, draw out the speakers, and in every way possible make the meeting interesting and profita ble. We want the largest attendance and the best institute, this sum mer that we bare ever naa. i ne success of the institute He in the hands of tba people who at tend them. Let us all do our part toward making them success fuL - T.B. PARKER, j Director Farmers' Institutes. Iyer sassearaa Paj. Tba busiest little thing ever made are Dr. . King's New Life PTlls. Erery pOl U a sugar-coated eiobola of health, that bances weakness into strength, languor into energy, braia-fag Into mental power; euring Constipation, Head ache, Chills, Dyspepsia, Malaria. 25e at Graham vrog vo. . At a railway erossinx near Gaffney, fL CV Monday a fart train ran into a team of mules a wacon. : In the wagon was 8. W. Wyatt and his two son. WyattLNo medicine can snor. was kOled.ona son fatally injured and the .other slightly Injured. Rati, mules were killed and the wagon smashed to pieces. Pain eaa b eaaily and quickly toroed. Piak Pain TaWeU Dr. Snoop's stop Headache, womanly pains, any pal a, any where, in to minutes sure. For mula ea the tie. box. Ask your drnxxirt or doctor aboat thla for mala It's fin. Sold by all deal er iOIXYKEIgfMLS The Cow.' The dairy cow if able to ex-, press herself in a way which the human, family would comprehend, might well lay claim . to being man's best friend. . Sb might establish such, a claim., by calling attention to. the fact that irom her product and from her earoaas man,, manufactures 'more of the necessities of life than from any other simUas source. She fur- nishes these : necessities , to. him from infancy until sqch time as temporal thing are np longer associated, with his existence, and she does it ungrudgingly and con stantly. .'. ! .,. . . In addition to contributing, to man's necessity and his pleasure, the prosperity of. an agricultural community is more closely identi fied with her than with any other of .the domestic animals. The horse is quite essential, Jp tilling the soil, but where necessity re quires it the sturdy, son, of the cow can take b place, as he has done in every agricultural section on 'earth. - The! horse can only furnish labor and caa only re- turn a profit to hlsowuei- w ien I conditions are right for returning satisfactory ; grain crops. It is a well known taot that the dairy cow is the salvation, of the farmer in times of poor crops at h Is able to convert the rough crops which are Mver a total failure, into dslry produces which alwsys hayeaoash,ralue. ? In addition to this she (urnlah; es skim mlUt and butter milk for the calyes, Igs and poultry iud fertility ; for tha soil, ff wlthQut which a farm becomes less valua ble each year nd the whole coun try less prosperous. The elimination of the dairy cow would necessitate an almost revolutionary readjustment of man's tastes and requirements. It would mean ; untold suffering and hardship. Of course she will not f be- dispensed wjth but her value can perhaps best be appre ciated by contemplating a loss.' She will continue to be man' best fr(end ai long as the human f Wily exists and. will keep on supplying h(m witl). hi greatest needs Just as she. has done through all tbe fges, : ,;.:;''...''.;:: ! E. K. Suatxb, Secy. V The National Diary Union, r '; St Paul, Minn. ' , Maaeaa's Orit ; . was of the uneouquerable, never-say-dle kind, .the kind that you need most when yoa bar a bad cold, cough or long disease. Sup pose troohe, cough syrup, cod liver oil or doctors hare all failed, dont lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Sat isfaction is guaranteed, when used for any throat or lung trouble. It has saved thousands of hopeless sufferers. It master stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorr hages, la grippe, croup, asthma, hay fever i and whooping cough and is the .most . safe and certain remedy for all bronchial affec tions. 60c, $1. Trial bottle free at Graham Drug Co. , . President Woodrow Wilson, of Prlnston University, ha announc ed that he will accept the Demo era tie nomination for Governor of N. J., if he 1 convinced that a majority of the party sincerely desires him to run. Dr. Wilsoa has heen mentioned in copnectlou with the Democratic presidential nomination. U left VartfeSslsfr Mrs. MoHls McRaney, Prentiss4 Miss., writes that she bad a sev ere ease of kidney and bladder trouble, and that four bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured her sound and well. Sha pa tneq several other kidney medicine and had been treated for three months by physician, but got no benefit nntU she took Foley's Kid ney Remedy, aqd h closes her letter by aariar, "I heartily rec ommend Foley's Kidney Remedy to any srfferer of kidney dlsraae. It saved my life." Foley's Kid ney Remedr will eur any ease of Udaey and bladdrr trouM not berond the reach of medicine. Sold by an druggist. Prior to tbe neent . stiUstio encounter at Saao, soma Vow York necrose raised 980 to bet on Johnson and dVpoeited the aooty with a hotel xojsnager. After to fight the sfkshnldsr didat iura sret the jasceiey awl tha aeToea had hiss arrertod. Cosnsel make the .point that as betting was illegal tba winners had ao legal title to the money. The court sustained tba decision and discharged the stakeholder. Judge Undis After the Meat Trust, Baltimore Sun. ' Another grand jury is to probe the meat trust. This time it is in Chicago, and vas impaneled, by Judge Kenesaw Mountain Laudin, the judge who Imposed the (29, 000,000 fine upon the Standard Oil Company, which fine, by the way, was set aside by another court. t It is to be moped that the in vestigation by the Chicago grand jury wiP be thorough and will get beneath the hide of tbe trust and clear down to its vitals. This is certainly the desire of Judge Land's. In his charge to the jury he told it not to allow its action to be influenced by the oft heard argument that the enforce ment of the law will unsettle business that no legitimate busi ness, needs governmental acquies cence in the 'commission of crime and instructed it to treat the anti-trust law as being just as much in force as the laws against stealing letters and counterfeit ing coins. " . This was straight talk, with no 'airy persiflage' about It. It seems that Judge Landis has no overpowering admiration for "malefactors of great wealth" and that he would just as lief send to jail a rich crook who has looted the'dinnec tables of the poor as he would a poor devil of a postal clerk who had rifled a letter that has passed through his hands. But rich crooks are resourceful, anjl it remain to be seen whether, if his jury finds an indictment and his court, sentences, , another Sad higher .court will find some flaw, some "t" uncrossed or some "i" undotted, and tur n the rascals loose. We wiU wait and see. - Any lady ean get a silvered "No-Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Send no money. Simply ask for the "Nd-Drlp Coupon privilege, giving your name and address. Dr. Shoop will also send free his new and very -Tntereettng little book describing Dr. - Shoop Health Coffee. Health Coffee Is such a close imitation of real Cof fee, that it requires an expert to tell the difference. And neither Is there a grain of real coffee In It. Made from pure toasted grains, malt and nuts, its flavor and taste ' is exceedingly gratifying. No tedious boilin 3 either. "Made in a minute," says Dr. Slioop. Write today for the book and "No-Drip" Coupon. BlacknionA FarreU. ' - Prosecutions against manufac turers of ice cream cones contain ing borax are to be instituted by the government under the pure food law. Large seizures ocone were made recently in different parts of the country by inspectors of the Department of Agriculture. Analysis of " the cones disclosed the presence of borax, a property which has been held to be delete rious to the human stomach. . A .dispatch of the 20th from Winnipeg, Manitoba, says: Tbe town of Three Forks has been wiped out and the towns of Jaffray and Baynes Lake are re ported to bare been destroyed by tot est fires in the Sloan district, Csudou in the same district, is aid to be doomed. Fires are also raging over 250 square miles in th Kootenay district. New York authorities have been conducting a campaign against falso weighing device that have robbed th public of millions of dollars, and a few days ago 1,000 spring scales, 800 counter bal anoss and 500 metal weights that wars fixed to cheat were taken out to sea and dumped in the water. 'English Spavin Liniment re mores Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses ; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains. Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc Save 50 by use of ons bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Co. ,Tb Elliott Knitting M01 Com paay, of Hickory, baa been char tered with a capital of 125,000. J D. Elliott is ene of the principal promoters. ,VTT?iSOTL? and Knives are easily rained if not property groand i .I i iin slisi imiim1 Irroe want ihetm aharrwned rifht sad mad to st aa ood aa new five me a trial. win Ahmj use An Tuiin v mm s, uruw ax to a wn-knile. Charge moder ate. B. N. Trtsis, this ofSoe. " -s Moral Values. " Cbriatlan Sun, , Money will make some things go, but not everything. Moral values are the more priceless, and money will not move these, A half-million dollars in moving- picture films did not suffice to put the Johnson-Jeffries prize fight in the moving picture theatres. The moral sense of our Nation was against it. In no uncertain terms mayors of large cities, New York, St. Louis,, Chicago, New Orleans, Atlanta, Baltimore, San Francisco, said the thing must not be and it was not. It was a show down of the strength of the moral sense of the cities. The conscience was appealed 'to. The deeper nature was called upon. Our land and country is not going to the how-wows, as some would make believe. When a moral question is to be settled the moral sense and sentiment expresses it self in stronger terms than is usually expected. Moral values, not money values, t are the most mighty in this world and do ultimately prevail. Rank Superstition. Slblleal Recorder, . The Recorder cannot comply with the request to publish "A Letter Claimed to Be Written by Christ" which has "appeared in several papers. The spurious story goes that it was first found under a stone at the foot of the cross on which Christ was cruci fied. The text of the letter enjoins that work be finished every Sat urday at 6 o'clock, and that five Fridays each year be spent in fasting. , Those who keep this let ter in their houses may claim its promise that "nothing shall hurt them neither pestilence nor light ning or thunder, and if any wo man " be in birth and put her trust in me she shall be delivered of her child." This warning is given : "He that keepeth . a copy of this letter without publishing It to others shall not prosper." To credit the .Christ with such bosh is blasphemy; to believe in the smallest lota of such a letter Is rank, Iniquitous superstition; and to circulate it is to dissemin ate enslaving and destructive heresy. Dr. C. W. Styles, head of the Rockefeller commission for the study and prevention of the hook worm disease, who has been con spicuous in t":at capacity in North Carolina recently, declared in a speech at the University of Vir ginia, at Charlottesville, last week, that "as a nation the Unit- ed States is the filthiest great country in the world." He was talking about flies when he de nounced the American people for their failure to prevent tbe spread of disease through the simplest precautions. During a severe storm in Ral eigh last Wendesday lightning struck the monument at the grave of the late Thomas R. Purnell, judge of the United States court for the eastern district to No rth Carolina, and practically ruined It; and also overturned a smaller stone at tbe head of the grave of bis son, who died a couple or more years before his father, but this stone was not broken. Salisbury Post: An erroneous report that has found general cir culation in this county has caus ed the loss of thousands of bush els of spy lea. The farmers gen erally understood that the law prohibited manufacture and sale of eider, which is a mistake. Cider can be make ani sold in any quantity. . v At Dnnn the other day a horse belonging to Thomas Dupree, hitched to a telephone post, stuck a spike in itself by v rubbing against the pole, and when Sump ter Phillips-tried to sew it up, the animal fell on him and broke his leg. The horse was then shot and it took throe balls to kill itv Kloodine Ointment cures Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Old Sores, Fever Sores, Itch and ail Skin Ir ritation. 60o a box. mailed by The Bloodine Co Inc. Boston, Mass. Graham Drug Co. - In Spain Wednesday the aero plane of Aviator Ehrmann was struck by lightning and fell blaz ing to the ground. Tbe aviator escaped uninjured, which is con- sidere-i miraculous. Thonsanir Hai8 K;j Trooblo Mil Rercr iV How To Wis4 Omt. Fill a bottle or common flaes with toot water and let it stand twenty-lour hoars; I. f s brick due sedi ment, or settling, stringy or milky appearance of tea Indicate as n , healthy Condi- , tioo ef tbe fcid scy; , too re qaeat Seaire to MM it or painia the back are also symptoms that toll yon the kidneys and bladder are eat ef order and need attention. . wist exa. There is comfort in the kaoerledre ao , often expressed,: that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in. correcting ' rheumatism, pain In tbe back, kidneys, , liver. bladder and every pert of the urinary passage. Corrects Inability to bold water and scalding pain in passing it, oe bad effects following use of liqnor, wine or ' beer, and overcomes that nnpleasant ne- -ccsaity of being compelled to go often ' through the day, and to get Bp many bines daring the night. The mild and immediate enect of awamp-Kooi ts soon realized. It stands the highest be- . cause oi its remarkable . health restoring prop ia-"1 erties. If yon need a 1 - medicine von should I" have the best. Soldbvf druggists In fifty-cent jL, . Yoa mev have a aanrDle bottle aent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y. Mention thia paper and rem ember the name. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address. Bias hamton. N. Y., on every bottle - PROFESSIONAL CARDS - DAMERON & LONG Attorn eyav-atXaw E.8, W. DAMEROjr. J. ADOLPH LONG , Phone 00, f 'Phone MOB ' Piedmont Building, iHolt-Hioiiolaoa Bldg. Burlington. N. a Orabsm,N. O. . DR. WILL S. JR. s t t DENTIST it,, .- Graham. . . . Worth Carollen OFFICE is SIMMONS BUILDING IACOB A. UWS. . - . aOsm IMS. LONG & LONG, aVttomarjre svnd Ccranaelove Xmtvw OSAHA1C, X. T, S- C 002T, Attorney et-Law, ' GRAHAM, ...... K. 0. ; OfBoe Patteraoa Building-. Seoond rleor. ...... ioh ubat bydh. , w. r. btstvbi, t BkNUM &BTNTJM, ,Vttcrujrn isnd Coon lore et Lsw ; aBMBBOBO, W ti, ' Practice retrolarlr la tbe eoarts of Ala aancaeoaalr. -. K Aaat,ily Why send oil ilor year v Job Printing ? We cca save yon money ca ell StaUonery, .WeCia Invitations, Bcslscss Cards, Posters, etc etc KILLTNsCOUCni Aims) u S ?'' "1 aao uuiiu siwh-j flm nir'.'-TTT FD3 OSHPl1 10 aUTHIIoTlIHt"'T', OOABAMTiDSAl 4 :fK. . OA KOIII SJUVUiJ. sCXJ A statement from Blowing Rock says that Miss Weeden, of C rt pbAce, who was recently reported critically ill as a result ef snale bite, is is about well; that it is r t positively known- whether s'. was bitten by a snake or a si' r and that her condition was not t i any lime as bad as reportol. Would you have better 1 more strength, c!e r stronger nerves, more e". Use Uollister's Rocty : Tea, the great ve ' ' ; tor and tonic. Or e J ' x makes 105 cups of t- a. 1 Drug Co.