The .Alamance Gijeaner. A '. : VOL. XXXVI. GRAHAM, N, C, THURSDAY, AUGUSlT 1910. NO 25. ablate the TORPID LIVER. reflate the Jov&,-and are un- iuti R!i 101 IS MEDICINE n malarial districts their virtues are "ideiy recognized, as thpoeseas pAftNo Substitute. FtiR Your Watch Clock and Jewelry KepairiAgf. . HADLEY:& LOY GRAHAM, N C . Dyspepsia TsTttA vmiF " "n" j " m 4 . - assistance and this assistance Is read ily supplied by itoaoi. n.oaoi aasuaui of the food In the atomaeh, so that thi ttomson may rea uu rjoujirniw. Our Guarantee. '23 rn are not benefited tta dross, wffl al otioo retain your uiuncj. - wu ruretot will sell yon Kodol on these term tbe Mo bottle.' Kodol l prepared mi the Mmrstorlei of K. C. SeWMt Co- Cbia) tiraham'Drsg Co. : PACIFIC COAST ARI YOU.ONB f the many thou nrk'wLo want to explore tbisTVon- UJ ? ? ? 7 SONSBT HAGAZINB haatiistituteda Department, -who special work it it to mt witniM tlx meh ot every on aa opportunity to w the FAR WEST. Writ for Simple Copy; ji 'U ?. tt ' ll ll u .... . " t- ? - . For full fanif iin aJJrew ' i . I n s e t Tra?el; Clot v4 ; 60 YEAR . trvPFRIENCK' Tiuot MMI DCOrONO TMlO CorvniaHT . Atub tnil1in efcataii and ei luUc m0 Mleilr Hearuin ear otrinton free wbbr mm Mom RrtotlT eonodwitUL h . VM on runl Pumuj taken tEroeah aui Oe. aaeatT w wotaa, wHhoeteliar. e tee . soennne Jir.mcait r, SI IIUIWIiCo.M,-fc New Tort ARE YOU UP TO DATE If Ton nr nnt fu Kirtera AW ObebterU. Sabscribeloritat 0oc and it will keep yon abreast we times. .. F nil Associated Press dispatch Ail the news foreign, do- -uc, national, state and local H the time. . Daily News and Obserrer $7 year, 3.50 for 6 mos. . , WecU j North Carolinian $1 Tear, 50c for 6 mos. KEWS & OBSERVES PUB. CO, Raleigh, N.C The North Carolinian and Ths imimcb Gleajtex will be sent one .year for Two Dollars. in ad ranee. Apply at Tub GLt.rxg office. Graham, N.C CASTOR I A lor Lifmu sal CMUrta. &i Tea E:ti teiy Hfv I ma 1 atit D An iItt P MtuiUW lloaUJ' T inaisesuun fJM H .;.- s'--rW fc eTM 0t00 j . , Dr. Daniel Albright Long on Condi tions, Men, Etc, in North Carolina. Horning Star, (Boston, Mass ) July 7. Those who read the Horning Star in the old South State, with- out regard tadnomination, regard it as one of the soundest, and most attractive religious papers pu unisueu in our country. In 1865 the people of this State found themselves amour ih stranded fragments and floatim? J timbers of one of the most deso lating civil wars mentioned in history. One section wore the badge of the victor, the other that of defeat. It required the attri tion of the tide of time, and the Grace of God to soften and war off the asperities of those days. limes nave changed. There never was an hour in the history 01 inis oiaiw wnen tne nearts ot all the people beat in unison to the music of the union and the constitution as they do to-day. We are prosperous and happy. Why? 1. We have once and for ever closed, our saloons. 2.' Our people are not troubled with new fads about religion. 3. Only about two per cent, of dbr pop ulation is foreign. 4. Evervbodv. nearly, speaks English, and there are no better white people to be found on earth. 5. The best ne groes, not only in the United States, but perhaps in the world, are in North Carolina. The name less crime is about a thing of the past in this State. Hence, lynch ing is eoine entirely out . A col ored man has to be perished near ly to death before he will make a nocturnal raid on a Plymouth Bock hen roost. And when he does he never takes any witnesses with him, hence there are few trials for petty larceny. 6. The public schools, in separate houses, are open alike to white and black. Any man who would call North Carolina "Rip Van Winkle" now, would at once be .consigned to everlasting uneasiness for the sin of ignorance. More than an av erage of one new schoolhouse is being erected for every day in the year. :' 7. The ' healthfulness of our climate, the fertility of our soil, the abundance of timber and water power, the health resrt8, the highest mountains east of the Mississippi, the never failing sup ply of fish and oysters are the wonder of the world. How fool ish for highly cultured New Eng- . r , . . i land to say "jjown aoum , wuou speaking of North .Carolina when they should say: "We are going "up to North Car olina". We have as you may readily see when you visit Washington, the handsomest and ablest delegation in Con gresstaking them as a delega tion I do not say that senators Simmons and Overman are abler than Senator Lodge of Massachu setta. for Lodge is equal in ability, perhaps, to any man in any legis lative body on earth, but H is noi too much to say that no Stole has . rioWdtmn of twelve men in Congress equal to North Carolina. 9. And as for our Gov. Kitchin, he is not only one of the ablest fLnnMM hnt. he is of that Anollo Belvidere form which eauses him to be regarded as the M 1 handsomest and most graceim me.n now oocuDyinir a gnberna- Aven'al in oar conntry. I' 1ASA 1S - the ladies weie able to Tote,, he could easily detest tne Uk Yr:wwt fmm thAinnsriesoi Ain for any office ia the gift of the "dear people' . Vi cuuxwj, vh.n . a. BantiBt. ThS i.a. r. ritshAtt. .uked A Sana AT school class why John was called the "beloved diacipie. ui"" . 1.11 nn hr h&UO. Well, why is it? Tb-UttlegirlsweeUy said: " I suae no "' 10. This sUte Is filling up with factories-onee we bad jo rac tories to speak of. Now, High Point, in this SUte, is the leading- nlsos to - nvanniacmrw -?- th United State, except Grand Rspids, Mich. Onreottjn factories mansiscvuro pun tbe BUH There are over twenry factories ia this count, hua ai.VW. for which twa,rr TMf. iiio North and .VJJ m wind Oat IS DWXXl. Ttebbght of reeonstnictioa days re rene. The tidal wsre of JZI v Christian Sould heal their fiffnS . .u-j- Vacate and chViaDi the incoming tide. Cnr""" . , T)..n)Ji BUT thai -our rionoua r ittLwe one of themoarnful dreams f the Vf-TnrT- Tnvr, DANIEL 4uww A ROMANCE IN SIGHT. Started by the Unmaaklng of the Pair of Frauda. Not until boarding houses cease to ex lt will all their romances be written. Shabby romances, some of them are, like that of the young woman who got so tired of being called "poor thing" because she received no Invitations and had to eat all ber meals at the boarding huse table that she took to eating alone once in awhile at a cheap restaurant and then brazenly" lying about the friends who had invited her to dinner. There was a young man in that bouse who never went anywlv-re ei ther. The first night the girl staged out life's desolation nearly overpowered him. "Even . that poor little white faced soul has made friends who want her," he said. "Nobody wants me. I'm no good on earth." Then on rare occasions his place at the table was vacant. "New friends?" asked the landlady. "Yes," lied the yonng mnn. One night the man and the girl met In a twenty-flve cent restaurant.. They blushed; they fenced; they finally con fessed. "We're a pair of frauds," said the girl. "It's awful to think that tonight when we go borne we will have to swear that we have been dining with friends." "Well," said the young man, "ain't we?" New York Press. SHE WAS AGGRESSIVE. Luck For the Little Man He Was Not Her Husband. The lady In the offside corner of the tramcar possessed a truculent air and a discolored eye. "Funny thing any one can't take a penny fide without everybody giarin' at 'em," she remarked, fixing a small gentleman wearing gray whiskers and a somewhat rusty top bat with her normal optic. The small gentleman suddenly be came interested In a soap advertise ment. "If any one can't 'ave a black eye without Tom, Dick and Harry askin' questions things are comln' to a pretty pass," continued the lady. Silence, allied with soap advertise ment study, though eminently discreet, was ineffective. "You I'm a-talkin' to." The lady prodded the small gentleman'a knee with her umbrella. "Bin settln there thia Innt ten minutes, you 'ave, won- derln' If my 'usban' gives It to me. If It'll ease yer mind, 'e did. Is there anything else?" "Madam," the small gentleman com menced, "had I been your husband" "I should 'a' got off at th' cemetery with a wreath Instead o' goin' ter tne orsepltal with a visitor's ticket," snap ped the lady, "and the wreath wouldn't a' been expensive either." London Ideas. A Weary Celebrity. When Mrs. Roger A. Tryor was young woman living In Cuarlottevllle, Va., visiting authors seldom reached the beautiful university tow. "Thack eray, Dickens and Miss Martineau passed us by," says Mrs. Pryor In her book entitled "My Day-Kemlnlscences of a Long Life." But Frederika Brem er condescended to spend a night with ber compatriot. Baron Scheie de Vere of the university faculty, on her way to the south. Scheie de Vere Invited a choice com pany to spend the one evening Mlsa Bremer granted him. Herworki were extremely popular with the unversity circle, and every one was on tiptoe of pleased anticipation. While the waiting comimuy expected her the door opened not for Miss Bremer, but for her companion. who announced: 'Miss Bremer, she beg excuse, one ver1 tired and must sleep. If "be come she gape in your nosea." e...l. In Enatand. .At the time of Queen Victoria'! fu neral a writer In the Undertaker. Journal complained that, while royal burals were stin conducted In an Im pressive manner. sad lack of cere monial distinguished the funerals of the nobility. "Hem after Item baa been abandoned. Idea after idea ha been dropped, each meaning a distinct loss to our bualneea. An undertaker in the west end, referring to the re cent death of noble lord, confided to me: 'Forty years ago I burled a mem beiof that family, and the funeral Wll came to 1.250 MXM. Ten year. Uter I burled another, when tt came to luat over 700 SW0O. FlfteoB roar ago I burled third, at scoot of 330 (11.600), but the bill for this one dJd not reach 75 0375).'" Ori,!, .f . Fame ?! Euclid, who to aometlniea called tna father of mathematics, taught tfcto .abject b the famoa eebool at Ales adrta. Beta- oak4 one day by tbe kins of Egypt (Ptolemy soter) w bet her bo could not teach him the srienee shorter way, Encnd mumwrni tm word that have been mesMfsblo ever am -Sire, tbers to so royal road to learning-" Not many sera pa of eov atJoa bare Bred, aa thto reply 200 y- .. ' roam,-1 , " Tommy' Pop-Lax, my oom, to what cornea to s maa who has tne ppar taaity of bsytes aooaethta fors aoos. bat who cant atnt-ThJe-phi Record. ' . " A Krd In tfce Hd- " A woman to s person who woold rather hero ber boaband t bom O Blgnta thaa to the IUI1 of Fa.-G-reaton Kews. Kiodty Ceinldaratl Clerk I am to he married short ly. Cooldnt jo manage U ia ereaee it salary s little t . - Emplojer CouMnt really. Bat 111 tell yon what 111 do, mj boy. IH shorten yoar boars Wiaatb first three months so that roe ena fpend yocr ereninps at-homo, ana after that I'll lengthen them again so that yoa will hare aa crease to getaway, Ne Tork Journal, RATTLESNAKE BITES. Simple Rule For Treatment If Yoo Have the Nerve to Uae Them. The treatment of a rattlosnake wound resolves ltsnlf into the appli cation of a few very simple rules. In the first place, a person wounded by a snake usually does the very thing he should not do that Is, goes tearing off at top spned for the nearest human habitation, thereby increasing the cir culation and disseminating tbe virus through the system more rapidly. The mnn should sit calmly down and bind bis handkeifhlt-f around the limb (if it is a limb), break off a stout twig and Insert beneath the handkerchief, producing a rude tourniquet, and twist until the circuit! tionlH effectually shut off. With a sharp knife make an X In cision over the wound, taking care to penetrate deeper than the fangs have done. If he has good teeth and no canker in his mouth, he may now siifk vigorously upon the wound. It does no good to suck the original wound. It s quite difficult to get any virus back through an opening not greater In caliber than a fine needle. If all this is done without delay the chances are that the patient will suf fer no greater Inconvenience from his exnerlence. If he chances to have hnndy a stick of silver nitrate he can cauterize the wound thorouphly. Fall ing that, a brand from the fire will serve. After a time he may release his tourniquet somewhat and permit a portion of tbe retained blood to en ter the circulation. The system Is ca pable of taking care of a great deal of poison if It is allowed to flow Into the blood gradually. Outing. SET HIM THINKING. Reason HI Wife Oava For Die- The liking Postponements. Just when Mrs. Ackroyd had finished packing ber trunks and after William Ackroyd bad bought railway tlcketa for her and their two daughters little Bessie came down with a severe, case of whooping cough. The doctor posi tively refused to let the child start on a long Journey, and even If he hnd thought it safe for the little, one to leave home he assured Mrs. Ackroyd that-he would not be permitted to take the patient Into a hotel anywhere. "Isn't It a shame?" the distressed lady walled. "Here we are with every thing in our trunks, and my husband has even bought our berths in the sleeper." "It Is unfortunate, but I don't know what you can do except sit down and wait four or hve days. It may be aafe then for you to start away." When ber husband got home that evening Mrs. Ackroyd was weeping. "Don't take It ao bard, dear," be aald. "It might be a good deal worse. Our little one is likely to get along all right Tbe doctor says the case Isn't an unusually severe one, and when I. telephoned blm this afternoon be said be thought It might be safe for yon to A IDtHghiliAUy Fresh and Clean Story of Simple Life. . ' A Tale of the Farm and College j "Of ' Young Men- and Girls . . ' Read: this Romance arid Learn How the Apple Bios " soms Were ' Exchanged for Orange Blossoms " start nwny by t!ic end of th week." "I know, lie tol.l me the same thing. But I feel thut we'll never go. I never postponed unytlilu yet that didn't turn out smlly. 1 once postponed wcilJInfT. nixl the initrriuge new took place. ' Half un hour liter William Ackroyd was stiil sIHIu'i In a corner alone thinking It over. Chicago Recoid-Her- uld. Carrying a Bundle. A stylish looking woiiiuu who looked as if ahe hod mllier (Me than miry a bundle that woul.'.u t Into n lmi.d- bag went luto the women's Milt deimrt ment of a blit store lucgin;: u paste board Jxx half as big an herself. Oilier customers present wondered nt her un' dignified action, but the saleswoman did not wonder. "There la one time wben the proud, est woman on earth will carry a bun dle," she said. "That la wben aome garment has been aent home finished off badly and has to bd brought back for alterations. If the customer would only telephone to the store we would send for tbe garment, but that would take time. She wants tt finished with out delay, and rather than, wait she brings It down herself." New York Sun. Alaska'a Coaat Region. The coast region of Alaska has a Solid climate, not colder than tbe northern part of Puget sound or of Scotland. Tbe stand of trees la dense, averaging for considerable areas 25,000 feet per acre, Sitka spruce forming about 20 per cent of tbe stand and western hemlock about 75 per cent. Although by far the most abundant species, western hemlock does not pro duce as large Individual trees as tbe spruce or western red cedar, the for mer occasionally showing a diameter of six feet with a height of 150 feet and the cedar diameters of from three to four feet Those Question. Wadsworth (at tbe telephone) Hel lo! Is this Main 31)07? Voice at tbe Other End Yes.. Who do you want to see? 'Wadsworth Is Mr. Hammersley there? Voice at the Other End-Yea. Do you want to talk to blm? Wado worth No. I want to klaa him. Chi cago Record-Herald. Keeping Hia Word. "Mr. Dustln Stax aald be was going to retire with a fortune." , "no has kept bin word. Whenever be goes to sleep ho puts bis wallet and his check book under bis pillow." Washington Stnr. Man's Inhumanity to man make eonntleas thousands do likewise. Life. "What are you gloomy about now?" "I was Just reading that there are 10,000 murderera loose in pur land." "Well?" ' "Yet If 1 were to commit a murder I fpoae somebody-would want to banf me."-Pittsburg Poet. BY CLIFFORD .V. GREGORY Got Him Without a Grip. A cricket club formed a gymnasium for the us of its members, and an In structor was engaged to teach Jla Jltsu. Recently one of the cricketers turned up with a bandaged head and said aome youth bad Inflicted the Injury. "What!" exclaimed tbe Jlu Jltsu In structor. "You don') mean to aay you let a youth knock you about like that? Why didn't yoa try Jlu Jltsu r "I couldn't." "Nonsense! There's no conceivable situation to which Jlu Jltsu cannot be suoeeaafuUy applied. Show mo where be gripped you." "I'm sorry to say be didn't grip me anywhere. He dropped a brick on my bead from a third floor windows- London Telegraph. Greek Soholar a Walter. A student at Columbia University was living with bis mather at one of tbe Urge hotels In New York. When preparing for an examination bo of ten brought his books to tbe table and worked at Latin and Greek between the courses of his dinner. It happened one evening that he bad considerable trouble over hia Greek. The man who waited on the table saw his predica ment and finally said quietly, "If yon will lot me come to you some time this evening I will be glad to help you over that translation." The boy was surprised, but eagerly reached for any aid in sight - It transpired that tbe waiter was a graduate of a Euro pean nnlvorslty, well able to coach tbe puzzled student Christian Herald. Leprosy In. England. Leprosy to aald by some to have been Introduced Into . England by tbe Nor mans, but hospitals for lepers were In existence before the battle of Hast ings. Leprosy baa been practically ab sent from England since Elisabeth's reign. Tbe leper windows to be seen In ancient churches still attest tbe grip which tbe disease once bad on Eng land, letters being severely Abarated from the rest of the community, a sep aration which extended even to eccle siastical matter. Though Its ravages were greater among tbe poorer classes, it was not unknown among tbe nobil ity and gentry, and Robert tbe Bruce, victor of Baonockburn. succumbed to It In 1329. CHIVALRY. Be chivalrous. In nobility of spinL high courage, magnanimity and gaOantry there dwells chival ry. Exercise it Wherever a child can be helped, wherever a stranger can be guided of a friend who is thy set at ease, wherever a weak brother can be saved from falling and shame, wherever sa old man's step can be made easy, wherever s servant's position can be dignified in his eyes, is the chance for chivalry to show ksefcV A:. Trees life on Panama Canal has had one frightful drawback malarial trouble, that has brought suffering and death to thousands, Tbe germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassi tude, weakness and general debu lty. Uut Klectric Hitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "Three bottles completely cured me of a very severe attack of malaria," writes Win. W. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C, "and I've had good health ever since." Cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles, and pre vent Typhoid. 50c. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. - Recently W, II. Roundsville, a merchant of Apex, Wake county, was arrested on the charge of writing slanderous anonymous letters to a number of people, in the community, ladies included. Roundaville was released on bond but public sentiment made it so strong for his bondsmen that they surrendered him and he is in jail The man is said to be worth con siderable money and he has em ployed ex-Gov. Aycock to appear for him. English Spavin Liniment re-1 moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses ; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney,-, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save f 50 by use oi one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Co. . . The Wilkesboro Patriot says that John A. Huffmann, who lives nearParlier, Wilkes county, was committed to jail at Wilkes boro last week on a charge of incest. The witnesses against him are his sons. Belle! la Six Boar. Distressing Kidney and Blad- ner Dlsesse relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cube." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kjdneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick re lief and cure this is the remedy, Sold by Graham Drug Co. The People's Bank at Chapel Hill was closed last week by or der of tbe corporation commis sion. Its nflairs are in bad shape and the depositors or stockhold ers, one or both, may lose money. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poison ous matter, cleanse the system, cure constipation and sick head ache. Sold by all dealers. , s Judge Boyd ha been assigned to hold Federal Court in South Carolina until the, 18th of Octo ber. 4 Bloodine Ointment ctys Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheum, frd Sores, Fever Sores, Itch and all Skin Ir ritation, 60c a box, mailed by The Bloodine Co., Ine. Boston, Mass. Graham Durg Cot jts' B. Lovenstein, a Durham law. jer, was 'arrested last week charged with embezzling $74. t Ambitious yonng men. and ladies . should learn telegraphy, for, since the new 8-hour law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from $50 to $70 a month to beginners. The Tele graph Institute) of Columbia, 8. I!, anil (Its other cities is O Dent ed under supervision of R. R. Of ficials and all students are piacea when qualified. Write them for paittlars. In the ease of the man Jackson, la Cumberland county, who died recently and was thought to have been poisoned by relatives, the coroners jury found no evidence of foul play. s Would you have better health, ' ssore strength, clearer skin, stronger nerves, more elastic str-p? Use Ilollister s Rocky Mountain Tea, the great vegetable regula tor and tonic. One tte package makes 103 cups of tea. Thompson Drug Co. v At a cost of about $200 the First Baptist church of Ashevnie has installed 19 acousUcon stations in the church for the benefit of per sons hard of hearing. 1 - Those " nnsishtly pimples and blotches! External application may partially hide them, but Ilollister's Rocky Mountain Tea remove, them for keens. Gets at the can Impure blood. Tea or Nuggets (tablet form)' 35c. at Thompson Drug Co. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, douragesaiid lessens ambition; beauty. vigor ana cnccnni- aJJrl He soon uesppew wacn wcKJUBvysar out of order or di-j caeed. '. ..... :. ... Kidney trouble ha become ao prevalent that it is not sacom. moa for a child to be , born afflicted with weak kidneys, XT the child urinate too often, if tbetoiae scald tb flesh, cctf, when tbe child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, tt t yet amictea sro noo-wet- tine, deoendupon it. t because of thediffi- culty ia kidney trouble, sad the first step should be towards tbe treatment of . these important organs, This aajileaaant -trouble ia doe to a diseased condition of ' the kidney and bladder and not to S habit as moat people Mppose. t : Women a well as men are made aalaer- able with kidney and bladder tjoble,w and both need the same great remedy. . , Tbe mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root 1 soon realized. - Xtlaaoli ' by druggists, ia fifty cent and one-dollar size bottle. Yon may nave a sample ootue by mail free, also a J pamphlet telling all about swamn-Koot. ii . . including many of the thousand of testi monial letters received trom otuicrera -who found Swamp-Root to be Jnst the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer Si Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the same. Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, and tbe address, Binghamton, N. Y,, on every bottle. PROFESSIONAL CARDS sae9rara9ssS9ssaae.. DAMERON & LONG ... " ' .' .. - )K it! AtlorncwatXaw K.B. W.DAMXBOJT, f, J.ADOLPHL0N9. ' ' Phone, S50, .'PBOB HOB Pled moat BaUdtng, Bolt-MlobolaoaaUdf. j BSrllOjgtoav N.Oj , Sahaaz, sTD, j, ; DR. WILLS. MO, JR. . . DENTIST . C eavaaaaasati . . 0 Grahsni, - . North Cerellae OFFICE m SIMMONS BTJILDI5Q r- 1 racoB a. loss. . ' . xximt toss. LONG St LONG, 7 A,ttomeysj and Oounaolora at Law GRAHAM, X. ?. :" 't- . Attemoyai- Law, . GRAHAM, V . . 7 H. O. ' OBlo Patterson Building , ' Seoond Vleor. . , , . , Ioh 0Br Utc. ' w. r. BtMVM, 1 mXUM &BYNTJM, -V Attorimye iaad Counawloro at Xiw OaBCNSBOBO, U. '. . ' Pra.lra iwralirl. la the Mart, of Ala aaoca ovaalT, LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above,, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An : interesting volume nicely print ed and bound. ' Price 'per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, ' $2.50. By mail 20c extra. Orders ' may be sent to P. J. Kebnodlx, 1012 E. Marshall Sfc, Richmond, Va. Orders may be left at this office. . KILLTHatCOUCII Mt CURB thi LUNC3 Dr.Kfc3'c Ic;7 Di:c3';:r; 111 TMT "t tre r'-' 'X OUAB.AIfTBADSaTIrAC.. OM MOMMY USTVUDXa. - Why send ctl dor ycur Job PrlnLLna? e,V.rccca save yoa money ca til Stationery, V WeCZzj Invltalionsa . Bcslncrs Cards, Posters, cti, tlz. n s J i.rr Irfi'-ltt. ' V I a - I