... A - - - ', -'tfi,: The " t, ft. i. t-: f " VOL. XXXVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, SEP JEMBER 22, 1910. it i NO 32. HEALTH INftwJRAr.CE- 1 he man who Insure' bis Ufa is wise for bis family, : be man who insures bis heaKh rs wise both for bis family and liisisell. , Von mayjosure health by guard log It. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of dlseaso, which generally approaches through the UVER and mani fests itself la Innumerable waya TAKE " - " , And save your rieaitn. Indigesiica Dyspasia .i.l-!1, .. '.-1. .f-.,- .. . I USE When your stomach cannot properly ' digest food, of Itself, It needs a little assistance and this assistance Is re'ad Uy supplied by KodoL Kodol asslU the stomach, by temporarily digesting all of (be food In the stomach, so that the ttomsoh may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee. g, $SSS?& yea sre not benefited the drarsist win at mm return roar money. Don't hesitate: any tmfftot will Hi yon Kodol en thaw terms tin aoDw bottle contains Sft Hum m auk as tee loo bottle. Kodol la prepared at tha feaonteiiea of K. O. DeWitt Oo Chios so. GrahamDrng Co. " FREE WS-totthe PACIFIC COAST x arb YOUnf ' . -erftfcaUWUtlaOtie- gnds Vho wist is Colore ttus Wom- -80NSBT ;UAGJLUNB AtfpwtfteMBt VMM fpMal wortt it m reach of every - tk. FAR WEST. Sample Copy, tt t ..Write m For Ml sartinnhwa aUswai ' Sunset Tra?eI,(aB 16 Flood BulUlnd, Sea Frsaolsoo, Col Vcxpericnoi Tax dc Masbm 'Nlll1 CorTRMMTasla. Annmo miaiiitf m iklb and d tullun awf .nlklv atoartain our opinion fra wkataar an nveniion m pronmj Hunu tkiBiaulUroooadanukL Hun airntav Pi iant frM. Old.M or iMrliu DaiaDI Patau taken tarouik Matin SCO. noaM aaa nonet, wnnoat enaria, m in ScieniincJl: men. A huitfaoTJivif fltrMtnatM wktT XVNt otilsUlon of nr excmujl ttrtrrtul, ff! foor monUia, $L aMAtofaUt nmrartnalTI mUNN SCO teiBefc flewTgrt aranoB oaoa. as f SUWaaalaalon, AREYOU UP -MA TO DATE Oil Ifyouarenot the News aw Obesteh is. Subscribe lor it at vtua n-J Si nt - i . I once and it will keep yd a abreast Full Associated Press dispatch e. All the news foreign, do oestk, national state and local H the time. 7 ? r - ; Daily News and Obtwrer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. ' - Weekly North Carolinian Jl Tear, 50c lor 6 mos. . " . " KEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., "Kalkigh.N.C: O The North Carolinian andTHX . . I MANCB U LEAKE wUl.be sent W One vear In T-orn rVkTlarra. Cash in advance. "Apply. Ih leaxss office. Graham, N. C Bk Sherrard, jcolored, V wnricted of murder at Grwrrffla, C, last week le had killed an e and when lie waeT ear W into the court room for sen J80 Friday ne fell in a dead t. He waa MrrioA ruua to ia and - I teati- . I . iam maji waa no terrors ''keathAtha eoHapaed.- I -aw . -- I tlOO-Dj. IL BeichM's Antt Zlaretl snay be worth to yon Hun f 100 if yon bats a ahOd oflabeddiDtfrom tneoatin- wd young It arrests ublea4onc. IL Sold by Iras to. I ta ft. 0?y 1 I 6Ae Locket Charm By AGNES G. BROGAN Copyright. 19H by American Press Association. HEN Lollta was married she bade her friends a tearful farewell and went. to lire at me other side of the world Lollta, merry, wealthy and wise, had al ways Deen a favorite at the academy, "Write often, dear," she said, cling wg to Helen, "and wear this littlo locket which I hare designed, that you win not forget me. May my wish come JUe and "success ever attend yoa'1 ' : r ' The loctet was a equare golden one, ana a turquoise rorgetmenot with diamond center decorated the cover, wmcn new open when one pressed any 'spaing, disclosing the words: FmmJLolUgL. Success Attend Ton.1 ' Letters passed between the two girls ntsx; but now, after three or four TearsMt 'was ofletf with feelings of deep compunction that Helen would write to her long neglected friend, while the locket glistened at her throat Then one day It slipped from Its golden chain and changed the course of Helen's life. Though late In November, the weather was delight ful, and she decided to walk through the park on her way to the library. xne bright sunshine tempted ber to rest for a moment upon a park bench, and it was not until she had selected a book at the library that she noticed the chain hanging empty and retraced ber steps, searching all the way for the little charm. A young man was Sitting upon the bench which she had so lately vacated, a big blond man In a gray tweed suit He glanced up at her as she approached, then continued Writing hastily In a notebook. Helen looked at him for a moment startled aid then relieved, for a silk fob was dangling from his Watch pocket and from it suspended lie own little lock et Evidently the man bad clasped It there awaiting the return of the own er. Helen seated herself upon the op posite -end of the bench and regarded nlm furtively." How could she tact gully open the subject . "Pardon m5 said the man, rising, hat h-and. ''Have you -lost any tblngr "Tee, Indeed," Helen told him. "I dropped a square gold locket here a short time sgo.. Involuntarily her eyes sought his fob. Why. 'thsf s toO bad," said the man gefllnJiy. -lUioarmeito help yon look tGtW'"" - She stood amated as he searched the gravel with his cane and even remov ed the heavy bench, going down upon his knees to look beneath It "Seems to have disappeared," be said, rising flushed and troabled. "It has evident ty been picked up.' Was the locket very valuable?" . 1 wouldn't have parted with it for anything In the world," she said em phatically. : "Well. IH tell you what to do," said the man, resuming bis seat "advertise In . the papers and offer a reward Some one may bring it back." Helen eat down upon the bench quite bewildered. Burely the man could not flaunt the locket before ber very eye; In that manner If be were guilty. Per saps, after aBfhere were other for .get me not (eeermV with 'diamond cen ters. If she could only press the any hllden Spring sb would know st once the rbrntful owner. But bow could she sir. "Will yon let me see the In siaU-oTfaVleeket for i beuevVit to. bs mlnef. Then est Idea accasred to ber. - Cpon fha1tnf evw ctTflr'noteboolf was lettered dlstfiicay. Joan w. cryce. 19 CWiBulIdlnk"iiSb. would write a totter' that very afternoon, send It by special messenger and, quoting Lollta's Inscription, prove ner cuum beyond all doubt And It would be so Bach easier to writs upon this delicate amen easier to wrow nbJtet to .peat as she bur- rled away the man raised his bat and walked in an opposite direction. Whan Helen was dressing for Mrs. Tom's reeeptloa that evening she was handed the reply to ber nasty sot It began very abruptly: Sal wbiafe raa saw an tbto aftaraooi la- a loasar b mf - Hi. kaBa- anaaai R. I aa abas ta saMafy r raardaas tta aagls. Oaa. k aaa aiian T vwr Vrl iiZi h i-Jut waa aot tbe eae wbiab -WeA," tr-ft-H" Hetea, -M an the eblsawai V longs? la his auarlw Indlgnaaoa whea. sftnpsnJed by her v- .k. Maad rba say tnrons u ZZTZ, brflftaathr MxUtad some. gne was tae enter of a BtUe laughioc groamWbea.bar Wstees spproscbed SaVdeei't ebe said. "Vat me .a. vnai KS BS anna,- v nrtSTf Of BU Jmvm we hat beea bar esapsaloaIea tbe park . rfw kcr ares sengM - M watch pscket aa he w.wrrjffly-T they Biarannra " their ptseas at saw ef the eaaaa At katrh Betes tntrocjocwa - . - a - bkid - mwt.-i jrr sae aaJd. lust hefore I earn. to tss rests ef Ms Ms. Bryes fsea wSlaV klanA sate. "R ts sfartsaate.-.ae waeble te aaaw yae the tseast If taere had aeea vm mt Its karrnaf Vaaa eflataet I tw a w row ym satf aas sf yassr m tme esawa was mm baa. The tbe park, par- ewwsdy ae eke wry sorry. ByT have aar so bto frowstng as urn. The anas Tan again STP-arsd. TaraV IntarrwpCbW gws tww. aas Te riintirr anew, t one is wild about his tenor voice, and he has consented to slug for us pro vided I find an accompanist Iiftme fllately I thought of you, my dear." "Why, certainly I will play," said Helen and followed her hostess with a sigh of relief. Maurice Malcolm bowed low before ber with a look of adoration In his dark eyes. "So kind of you." be mur mured. And Helen soon became ab sorbed in her music, forgettiug ail else save the wonderful voice whicb-echoed through the room. When the applause had ceased he bent over her. "It is you," said he. "who have made my song a success." But Helen was staring Incredulously at the forgctmenot charm suspended from his silken fob. "Who gave you that locket 7" she demanded curtly. The singer straightened suddenly and looked surprised. "I beg your pardon," he aald coldly. Then she smiled. "It is such a beautiful design," she said and held out her hand. "May I see it 7" Unclasping the locket be laid It in ber palm. "Would you mind if I opened it?" The singer smiled. "It took me some time to find the hidden spring," he said. "Allow me to show you bow." But her finger unaided had found I the spring. Her friend's name with Its curling "TV and the well known motto were dancing before her eyes. "Mr. Malcolm," she said quickly, "this Is strange; a friend gave me the very counterpart of this locket several years ago, and I lost It today In the park." "That was Indeed unfortunate," said the singer. "The owner of this Httle charm desired me to wear it this even ing. She baa had It for a number of years." Helen's fingers tightened about the locket as tbe man held out his, hand to receive it Mrs. Tom came toward them, a bevy of laughing girls In her train. "Mr. Malcolm," she called, "come and be Introduced." The man hesitated. "If you please?" he said peremptorily, looking at Helen. Reluctantly she surrendered the golden trinket and turned away. Per haps Mr. Bryce bad not deceived ber after all. She was strangely pleased at the thought and decided at least to tell him of ber new discovery. She found him sitting in a secluded corner, screened from view by palms and plants and apparently lost in gloomy meditation. Helen joined blm uncere moniously. "I have seen it again," she announc ed. His face brightened us .she en tered. "I am afraid I do Dot understand yon," be replied. "Mr. Malcolm is wearing my locket she explained, "Inscription and all Did you give It to blm T "I never saw tbe man before," be said solemnly. "He has probably been fortunate enough to And your lost charm and will return It to you." Helen shook ber bead. "He says It Is not mine! She looked up at blm meaningly. "I suppose It has been loaned to blm for an occasion.' " 'See berel" said Mr. Bryce indig nantly. "Be ought to give a better explanation. Ion wait here for a few moments while 1 bunt the fellow ap and find out" Tbe girt seemed to bare forgotten her animosity toward Mr. Bryce. "How good yoa are," ana said, and the look hi ber eyee waa flattering But when be returned bla face wore perplexed frown. "Did you get the locket T she asked eagerly. The man avoided ber eyes. It Is no longer in bis possession." be said. "Welt wbere U ltr she persisted. Mr. Bryce spoke very alowly. "He seemed to think It was none of my affair. - "i tee, wild Helen, end ber friendly realise toward tbe young man fled. "Good evening. Mr. Bryce," His tall figure blocked tbe passage. "One moment please, before yon go," be said deeperateiy. "May I call some time if I am able to bring as explana tion of this annoying sffalrT "Ton may call," she saewered weari ly, "when yoa can return my locket to ma" He bowed aod stood aside for ber to pass, Later, when Helen's mother waa making ber adieus to Mm Tom, Mao rice Malcolm approached. "I regret exceedingly" be aald. "thai I am us able to give yoa any Infer niatloo re garding that little charm. If I should at any time And a solution of tbe mys tery may 1 ealir HtJan gave aa add Httle ataga. "I will be pleased to eee you." she said. When yon can bring the hcket with roa." "My dear." said her atofber as they were driving heate. lareyes aot weilt lew have beea so aanke yaarastf aS evenlBg." "I lost Lollta's chans today, .saotb- ef." she saswtred, "Sod succwai to aavw vanished with It" A wet or tare passed and aught have torgottwa the lost ir that blond twiner ataa had a Beiea -htrfeet ttsnfly sppeared as riaelsl her. She t soeet ana svavywaaww, a the steps ef aer ew- aarn. a watted tor a ear at and ease as ken aa. t van BaKMewd ta walk throng tas park. rpoa each U the eccaatoB. aas s-re-rfcaclinad bar head ta greeting and passed on. Os aMcnaag the aorlat ilaTdalrrwred s box wttk tbe card ef Mr. Bryee snored tha annate her a parting gift sa a stopping tear, ths yoaag eC Trinity a scan. twv aM- ' bte palm, sad Its forgstaaeaet asfting aaeaaaA ba wtakang at her. Sbs draw ber head arrest bar eyes. ITS say fansgtaeaea.'' ataa toid awseetf re algnedly. "probsbty I do aot aas these charms at an." Tke raceor etndJsel tbe terkct atiws trrdr. n unsrly be sowed fbs eprfcmg. Oat ease few eye, aa Bets eaaarca cease aaa asi as taw antring h Jsea eat fsntnrear wheat ha MEdaewd Ms watrt and fX0 at ZZL-rrrafv. Betas sat werlgM'wtth "From Lollla Success Attend ton. ."I ought to tell blm about It now," she thought "for in a few minutes It will not be In bis possession." But she sat silent as be left the car, soon to te lost from view in one of tbe large office buildings. Ber mother met ber at tbe door when she returned late in tbe after noon. "A gentleman Is waiting to sea you, my dear," sbe said. Helen's heart beat rapidly. She was prepared to welcome Mr. Bryce sod to forgive him for Ignoring ber condi tions, but tbe expectant look left ber eyes as sbe entered the room, for It was the singer who bowed low before ber. "I am more than pleased." he aald, "to be able to restore your lost proper ty." Bbe looked skeptical. "There must be some mistake" abe waa beginning Mr. Malcolm smiled. "Will you kind ly examine tbe lecketT" be asked, "it Is, Indeed, tbe very one that you lost and the mystery waa easily solved. 1 Inserted an advertuemeot In tbe pa pers and also bad a card placed la the public library. A young girl bad found your locket among tbe books, wbere It bad evidently fallen, and was glad to return It this morning" "Then this Is not tbe one you wore?" Helen asked.- "It la not" the singer responded coldly and vouchsafed no further In formation. For a few moments sbe exerted ber. self to be entertaining and thanked him gratefully ' for bis trouble whea he left but In ber heart was a great disappointment "He can never come now," sbe sighed, and ber thoughts were of the blond young man, Sbe was playing a sad little tune that evening when the maid uehsred Mr. Bryce into the room. Eagerly abe advanced to meet bun. "I am so glad." sbs aald, "that yon did not wait to bring tbe locket" He seemed punted st ber change of manner. "But I nave brought It be announced triumphantly and placed small bos in ber band. Helen sank Into tbe nearest chair and regarded him with suspicion. Then she laughed. "Tbe city must be full of them," sbe said, placing tbe two lockets with their duplicate tnacrlp- tions before blm. Tbe man looked dazed. "Mr. Malcolm recovered this one by advertising. Now 1 would like your explanation." For a moment they looked st each other, then Joined in laughter. Pres ently be came and stood before ber. "I did not intend to make a confes sion," be said. "Ton will bare eo mo th lag to forgive. Wbeo your friend Lollta left tbe ronntry she also left two lockets. Tbe counterpart of yours was given to my cousin. OH via Trent Ton may remember ber at the acad emy, though sbe says sbe baa not seeo yon for years. Olivia is a little bunch of superstition and relies Implicitly upon ber locket to carry ber through many alfflculties. 1 bad dined at ber home tbe evening before (bat memo rable day in tbe park and was telling Olivia's father of an Important lawsuit which I boned to win tbe following day, when Olivia clasped tbe charm upon my fob, assuring roe that it would bring success In my under taking. The verdict bad. Indeed. satisfactory, and I stopped on my way home that afternoon to tell Olivia sad return the locket You may Imagine my chagrin upon receiving your note snd npoti tbe events wblcb followed. Yesterday I told Olivia all about k. and sbe unraveled tbe mystery which has troubled as both. "It seems that abe bad accompanied Maurice Malcolm to the reception that evening and bad orged blm to wear the charm to Insure tbe success ' of bis song. I also told ber" be took ad down Into Helen's eyee "of my great desire to eee you end of tbe condition Imposed. It waa tbo that sbe agreed to sacrifice ber lockvt and Insisted that 1 return It to yon aa your own." Tbe mao smiled. "Dear Httle Oliv ia," be aald. "Her days of flirting snd superstition are over, for one Is soon to marry the rector ef Trinity church. I . would have brought tbe locket yesterday." bs added, "bat sbs wished the rector to wear It wbea be went to gam ber father's consent'' "Obr cried Hsiao, sad her ayes wore dancing - His face was very grave as bs lew trad his voice. "I am about to sstsr epos a suit" be said, "which will mesa sll tbe world to ata May I wear tbe toekrt rbannT" He slipped bis watch Into aa upper coat pocket aod Helen stood ta clasp tbe locket the dark bead very near the fair ana. As sbe flstabed bar task sis ansa ciesed about her. Owes the charm had proved Its power. - THE Cin FARMER. eawawSnwBWawaWa . Ms Thearlsi Were AS RioM, barf He TBrminr on paper looks pretty easy observed the fst parson with ths red tie, "but whea it comes to digging a Bring out of the soil that's aa entirely different matter. I've triad it . I know. Had the farming crass all my life, yon know, and wouldn't be satisfied untH I put say theories to a practical test For many years 1 had nianaged a big farm from a eomfortabla room in a dty flat that is, I had it all down ta black and white Just how ta ran that quarter section which soma day I intended ta own. Why. I eaold raise more hogs from that eery chair of mine la ths dty than I knew what to do with, and it real ly seemed a shame to take the Ssoney. But when I finally shook tbe Uy dust from my shoes and settled a ary piece of land out in Kansas things began to aareme a different eotor. Most of my rural neighbors had their soiled assortment of pigs all right, hat none of them my neighbor seemed to be rolling in wealth at that Ton sea, I hadn't counted an the vps and downs of tbe market, and I hadn't figured on epidemics of bog cholera either, rigs are a delicate sort of critters, ' although yoa can't teQ it by looking at then. . . .. . "Anothor fact I learned: I was green very green and teemed to nave a cheerful knack of doing ev erything wrong just when some body was looking; There res one old codger in particular who mode me nervous., Ilia name-was Brown, and lie constantly hovered about my premise!!, regarding my doiti-d witti mingled arc snd disapproval. He had plenty of work on his own farm, but he firmly insisted on stepping over several time a day to keep me from making mistakes.. Hut when crop time came my counselor simply had to tour himself uway. I had purchased a sort of combine, tion plow and. corn planter, and old Brown gave me an unwritten vol ume of instructions before he left. I was a full fledged fanner at last My sake, but that 'plow did fine work I And every sow and then I would stop aad give the blade a professional scouring with a wood en paddle and then take a long look at the furrows, which teamed to- reach mQes in 'the distance. 1 ww absurdly proud of those fur rows and felt teal tickled when' I saw old Brown stumbling brer the clods to meet me. "Pretty decent furrows for a city fellow he cautiously admitted. Aaa then ne asked how the was scouring meaning the plow, fou know. Next he squatted to the ground and thrust his hand into the furrow as if searching for some thing, and I looked on in superior Hence. ' The old chap couldn't find what he -wanted in the fir Tow, so he 'moved to the 'next twev in sne- cesiion and want throagh the same process, I was mystified. Sudden ly he stood up and crumbled the fresh earth from "his hands. 'Son ny he drawled, with a dry smile, 'you're a corker. Here youVe been plowin' all mornm' .for nothrn. WherVa your com T "The awful truth dawned on ma I had neglected to fill my seed box.'' iLansas Uty Star. : Ths aHeawaf ths rVtahly Peer. . In most plants, to pat it simply, the leaves are the months and stom achs of the organism. . Their thin and flattened hlades are spread Ont horizontally in a wide expsnse'eov- ered with tiny throat sad lipsj which rock in earbonie acid from I the surrounding air and disintegrate it in their own cells under the in fluence of sunlight In the Prickly pears, on the contrary. K Is the flat tened stem and braBKksawhkh a 'dertake this ssaeatiai operation la the life of the ylant the-socking in of carbon and giving ont of oxy gen, which are to the vegetable ex actly what the eating and digesting of food are to the animal organism. In their old age, however; the stems of the prickly peas 'display their true character by becomlag woody in texture and losing their articu lated, leaxuxe appearance. The trained ostrich .disconcerted its exhibitor at a London muaio hall br eontinnallT endeavoring to break awsy from all teetrsint and to climb over the footlights late 4hy ereaes tra. Tbe widely adrsrtisedactcsjDS to a sudden aad, , and the rof essorl emerged from behind the curtain and apologised "for the actions of his pet In about these words : "Ly dies "snd gentlemen, Hi : ham very . . . .... sorry to disappoint rou this beven-j ing. . we are compelled to cases ear hecgagexoent until tbe aianagrment hengsges a new orchestra leader. Tbe one at fwnt hemploysd 'ere 'as no air on -top of Is ad, and mi bird takes it for sbegx." ; INDIANS PfflDE'; flsVOwV tolt&UtQ wSwlJ wJwlsjAr'wwrtenww Keep Thorn A Bert Frews Whitea. Krea among the five CI tlased Tribes wholly fan blood. These people drift loastaer. faJkrwhag their own Ideas sf Ufa. speaking their awe language and retiring before the 'whrtne -wtrn the as Strang l as errs and salee than characterised theai la their wttd stats. Ahno4A elalsaing the same ef Sev eral Christlaa doaommsrtone aad foi- seaw, their ways of thsnkwig. Bka sf taaeratioa aad-ahaar to work have made theet wfthdraWI to the, sbou stars districts, this as caned risarve tees se : a dawxast ef the whtteaaiaa er ti midity or merely a etabtaorfl cess tt nrodoccs ths sum result me l backward sad awonroj There Is, tea, eTwrtamsaywtieajnsmy that holds the Indian stoof, says the owthera WorVasaa-s eaallty fhst we do net fAebtwtsnd ' satf - wttsr wanes tiwra Is tittle wyaapslky ts ear weary. dar Ufa Ha It as mac. ac a ahfloe- epher that eae Ufa with to saw eaarts far waaark that -ths white asca ts trosbat tekiwailf " Wane srpe ran i htoa tasr beeaowe ha etoea not save U I exsrt hlisulf for thoae thiasjs which I at ta wattes, ret cs asanttiiiseliiahiSainaVatlaBhi the "uatieaee eg aa la- glaa" haa pawawd hue a pverwra. WORKED LIKE A CKARSt Card Cfew ta Feraat Her Werk. An Aschiaosi weeaaa whs foaad thai f aisawsshlag, cooking aaa In ardor to attend an ...i.- kiw aaraar aa act sadcabor gin wssi looks ape ear suiwe sane eaweeatpt disss ls art wtth the heap toaaaary work pewnag too snack feel The .it wraa snad aa lota a card ctuh. I twwaa -It wffl take year tatad aft year - - . a tmlA- aaS aa) aba) into ad. had to gH hired to stay with the baby, and when, flustered, nervous and tired, she left the house fifteen minutes bite she was followed by the screams of her three children because they couldn't be taken along. But sbe bad her mind taken off ber work at the card piirty. Of that there te no doubt, for when she made a mlsplay her partner, a perfect lady, walked right over ber, then picked her up and shook ber, and then chewed on her -for fifteen min utes. She became so frightened that the little wits she bad under her hair fled, snd she made another mlsplay with another partner, and this woman, also a perfect lady, talked to her in a way the woman should have been ashamed to talk to a dog. It was more tbaa sbe could endure, and, weeping like s sprinkling cart, sbe got up snd went noma 'It did even more than it promised, she told her husband. "Nothing has ever happened to me hi all my life that so effectively took my mind off my work. Why, there were times when even forgot I had yon and all the chil dren." Atcblson Globe. - Athletics end the Unfit. Those who are unfit, should not In dulge in athletic games Is a warning by Dr. Woods Hutchinson In Outing. -1 A-boy, for instance. Is a little weak after a mild attack of Infectious fever, pneumonia, influenza or tonslllrJa, and bis heart is beating faster and more violently than It should -on exertion. But tbe team wants him or be wants record, or both, and away be goes Into Mining. ... "fluddaoly eae dsy tbe heart can no longer drive on Its overload of blood. and down goes the runner or oarsman in aa attack of heart failure," and ath tetics gat all tbe dlaereeit -.The same danger, nes when there no tram tog, tire sport bemg purely tn- format It nee ales wbere tbe girt jam convalescent persists la Using part In a long anticipated dance. Only that phase of common sense which Is mani- featad! in common prudence Is sary to avoid such perils. . Snuff sad s Croak. ' Robert Pinkerton ones told a story at ah) father, the founder ef the de tective agancy, which illustrates tbe alder , Plnawrtou's cantion. - A noted criminal was detained la Pinkerton's Chicago office. Ths elder ' Pinkerton left' tha awoss and whea ha returned toek, tbe precaution of holding a n valvar In Croat of blm ready for eee. Ha aaw tbe criminal standing by tbe door with a saaffbox be bed picked from Pinkerton's -daak to hia hand. This is good snuff," affably rs- marked tbe crook as bs took a sniff. "For ths ryes or the noser asked Plnkawtoa. who knew that the crook had intended to blind him fa aa effort ta escape. rWsB." retasrfced the ertautoai, ,m asery-tS'say thai theaese ajcsttthls I Apatite deadltas. AdoIos Claudius, eumamed Csecus Qha blind), was a Roman states man Who lived during tbe third century be fore the Christian are. Ha was a Ro man censor. 812 to 80S, snd consul, 807 to 29a Hs commenced tbe Ap ples way and completed the Appin aqueduct From bis itomsn juris prudence, oratory, grammar and Latin moss date their bealnomg. Hs sbel- ishsd the limitation of ths full right at eitisenahip to landed proprietors. Is his old age be ts ssld to have be eosas blind, whence hie cognomen "Oaeeua." q was the author of works la both prose snd terse, ef which almost nothing is knows. Ne Pare Water. Owing to ths extremely solvent pow ers, purs water Is never found la na ture, ths noaraat approach being found la rainwater, which, as It Is formed ts ths upper regions of ths stmospbare. Is ths purest that estors supplies, but ts descending K brines with It what ewe Imparities are floating near tbe surface, which la the neighborhood of dtias are always aantereas; hence per fectly pars water Is hardly to be found. area the artindsuy distilled being amy sproxnnately so. ' i1 WwTatsWsf wJ SaWflsWwS "took hare." ssld the reforming hoe hand; "we mast have things arranged la mm'homm so that wa shall knew fmt wheat everytWag It kept" .- - "With all my heart" sweetly an swered his wife, "and tot as begin with roar lata hoars, say leva. 1 should very mack like ts know where they -awe kept" atray gtortoa. ' A assarens. ' 'Call that artr exclaimed a would ha critic, pointing te a painting la a stadia. -If hat aswb ma worked art thee Fat aa hstotr i : The latter part ef year stslessewt' seyotned the artist calmly, -would seem ta tarnish couctuatrs proof that It la a work atr-aft o r t I '''-- ftivatB. - the John hi a very coosidartte sort at faOew. laat hef De tthe rtvsl- OS, yes, veryt Be has that seen tact aad loving sympathy which a chsaf twer dtoptsys toward a helpless erip-patv-Ltfa J ' ttlsa Varae. rtwt Tea pabUabed a perm ef mine laat weak. Tew psy serordlag ta the kind ef varan, don't yea? Editor-Tea give the gestfleaaaa a - A eed -What eaakce yea thlak, slstbat 1 wtB not he sbis te support year daugh ter?" -WaB, I aerost heea aUe ta any eett - - TIsMlyTtod. ,t aaasey ta sfl tied en." Cast art at It ear -Oh. yes. AM he has te de le to satis gr-Jsdge. faJlueis rartu lataraute park, ba the ata tea ef Kew lork and Vew Jersey, coartatoa 700 scra. av" t . - - MEMORIES OF MARK TWAIN. Two tatters the Humorist Wrote te Henry Watterson. "Mark Twain An Intimate Mem ory," Is the title of Henry Watterson's article about bis cousin aa It appears In tbe American Magazine- Mr. Wat terson recites the following Incident as being typical of Mark Twain's whim sical point of views - ' ' "His mind turned ever to the droll. Once In London I was living with .my family at 1(13 Mount street Between 103 and' 107. there was tbe parochial workhouse quite a long and imposing building. One evening, upon coming In from an outing, I found a letter he bad written on tbe sitting room table snd left with bis card.- He spoke of the shock be had received upon find Ing that next to 103 presumably 103 was the workbotne. He had loved but bad always feared that I weald end by disgrndng tbe family be ing banged, or something but the 'work'ns. that waa beyond blm: he bad not thought It would come to that And so on through pages of horseplay. his n-lk-f en ascertaining, the truth and learning bin mlxtake. bis regret st not flnding me st home, closing with a dinner Invitation. Once at Ge neva, la Swliu-'rlnud, I received a long. oversowing letter, full of buoyant odd ities, written from London. Two three hours later cams a telegram 'Burn letter. , Blot It from your m ory. Susie is dead' " Basle was Mrs. Cleniena, TURKISH WOMEN They Are Curiously Faetidloue of Their Ways. Tha habtra of ths Tarklah woasea sf Constantinople are woaderfnlly faetkti- oua. :, Vat Instance, wbea they w then- hands at a tap from which water runs Into a marble basin the fair onaa win let tbe water run ontil a servsat shuts it off. Inasmuch as to do this themaelvea would render them " dean." They cannot open er shot a door, se the handle would be anclaaa. One of these faatldloos woman war not long ago talking to a small niece who bad lost tneerred a final at of a doll from Paris. By and by the chUd laid tbe doli in the tody's lap. She was horrified and ordered the chOd to take It away. As tha Utile girt would aot move It and no sarvant was aear and tbe tody would be defiled by torch ing s doll that had beea brought from s broad, tbe only teeoarts left her i to iumo ud and tot the doll fan. It broke In pieces. Another Turk lab woman would aot a letter coming try post, nas se qulred a servant to break the seal and bold the mbnlve near ber that tt aught be read; alee should her hajidkarvhtof fall to the ground tt arts Immediately deetroyed or given away, as that i aught not again nee KExrasageV Defeo sod Savinge Though Duncan of DuthweD was the founder of our flrst savings bank, ths first suggestion came from Daniel Da foe. When he found himself compelled to. bide from the bailiffs to a Bristol 'ton he turned his enforced leisure and financial failure to by writing tbe "Eaasy on Protects." It deals with wrings banks, friendly so cieties, insurance, academies sad beak. rupts. On all these subjects Defoe of fers from his fertile brain ssjggestieae thai atartle the reader by their ring. On bankrupts snd savtnsrs haaks Daft natarally wrote wttk fawUsg. During his stay la Bristol ha ami known aa "the Sunday gratkrman,' awing to hia natural aawfUuaeas to take the sir except oa that day of the weak which deprived beU13s of their etliigLoodow CbrouV-ie. .ia- w. w Vw. A large china cup wtth a handle wae shoved across tbe counter aad a child's voice ssld, "Us wants a cupful ef sugar- '.-.- Ths grocer filled the cup, weighed the sugar, poo red it back lata tha cap and said. Two cants." T a customer who expressed sur prise st bin wlUlngTanss to sell grocar ks Id such small Qwantltlaa as said: "Have te la this nwtgabaraood. Moat of tbeea people lire from meal to maa I. which meaoa that they bey things by users Instead of wetght Barhoawd by the cupfBi. tbe epi natal er the nan fnl. they know Junt bow amch of any thing they nard. Ia order to aatlafy both caatoaters and the taapactor ef weights .and ueasajraa i wa aaiaeuss flrst to salt tha trade, then wasgk aftar- ward."-Mew Tort Baa. His Trtoa. ' A pearl betoasiag ta her broach had get fastened to tbe toes of bar Collar. Hs offered to disentangle U. -Thars a groat trick ef sains." ha aald as he wrroOad with tt. aaara4 hsg pearto from" "reoptor abe Interrupted la a fright -Ko," aald be; "from tocaav" iw Tork Knew SThat He Wae Daw.' " Booty (from whom ed anal aas rest rwtetvrd 8 twrerelgas at . d to D Kow, tbaa, Santa Gaue, arbat are yoa tdting 'em fort De yea thin I'd grew yoa wrong ana? Old Oasa Koa, ted dy, re aa that; fta ysat tanking sure that 1 barest got that eae bark whlefe f aa thaw! Unadoa Paaeh. A Pewftry fabla. The sea returned to- her Beat and tbaad tt empty. - -Very fanny," mid she; "I can never flad tlrln wheat I toy thwmVippan eotrs, For otat-who aaa tSjare are a atrndrad Bau win stand aeV vaavlty-Cwriyto. : ; . , SCISSORS and Xmras eaaily rained if not properly grotrnd when being shsrpenea.- u yoa w them sharpened right and made to eat as good aa new give me a trial Will aharpea anything from a broad ax to a pen-knile. Chargea modar B. hi. Tcsiia, uus oxijca. . OABTOnZA. tasnaVi J?mvml' tm Vm la tie tayt Do You Get .Up , With a Lame Saclt? Kidney Trouble stakes Ton ItlseraUe. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, brer and mi Diaaaer resseay, not cease sf Its re iuajfc - able health reatoruig MOMftMeV anrampa ksst fulfill paiaia the bark, kid- , neve, liver, bladder aod every part of tbe . ariaary paasa-e. It corrects lnsbautr to hold water and scalding pais in paasin g it , or bad effects I ollowioe one of lionor. wine or beer, sad ohjcoukj that aaptesaant necessity of being coanpeUed to gaefteai -through the day, snd to ret bp many timet during the aright ' S name Root is aot m owiiiwarlrd tor ; erervthiag bat if yoa have kidney, liver or bladder troable, it will be found jat the remsdy yoa aer d. It haa been thor. t oagMy tcetsd ia private prsclirr, snd has provad sa aaaeeasful Chat a tprrial as- ' laagament has beea aooda by which all readers of this paper, who bare aot al ready tried it, awry laswe a ewsople bottle . seat free by snail, also a hook tailing , mora about 8wanrp-Boot. aad how to ' -- ' . .. faV aeyor bladder trouble. ' Worn wrmngmi utisa I reading this r oner mtbjspenera scad your address to an. mMaava ia Bawa . . ai il Btajrhsaatoa,M.Y. The regular Aity-eeBt ana oar dollar aba bottles are sold by Dr. Xilaser tt Co. all druggists. Post make any aaataka bat retueoiber tha nasne. Swaop-atoot, Dr. Kflnaar. Baaain Rout, aad that aeV . PB0FESSI0HA1. CASES DAMERON & UOUG avaw.nAjnmort i xj rieanMat sofldlac, iHola-K Sarthnrtoa.att Gi SLOL DR.WILLS.I)J0,J1 t t t DCNTIST I I . OmaCaSIMMOXS BDILDIKa 'ACOB A. LOSWL . J.; awlawmr' CJtAHAat, K. y ' s. ooo: QRAHAJI, . it. a faauiwasrarwra. W.r.arrawaT. im Ltumaiyand r u niiailiiaa al 1 r radios wgnhiiir to icoantr. AatvaVMly LIVES OF OaZaST ANKSSSTS3S Thw book, entiUed a shore, eon tains over 200 mjemoira of Ida- Isten in the) fhrlatis Chnreli with historieal iesaoea. Am interesting Tolnma asfely pxiat- ed and booed. Prios per eopy: cloth, $1.00; gilt top, taUOL By mail 30e extra. Orders may ba sent to - ; - r PJ. KXSSODIJt, - UMsLlfaiaiiAaSt ' w Biehmxmd, Ya. Orders may be leAaithmeffiee.. ttlLLna COUCH an custii tmx lu;:c3 It..", fas'auaw-y I assbef . UiwwwawJy I lawaUTasotTtssiraars'- :-itx 4 O OABAnTlU.O SATlar m, OA OJi UXJVMIOJX . Why scstl dl ilsr .yczr Job PrlzxSIsa? Wccra save yoa money czx cu SUHoncry. Wcila InvlSatloas, Czslztrs CmrCs, Pesters, c!c clz. era Hia" r i I ' we

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