iHE. ALAMANCE O-lener. VOL. XXXVI. : GRAHAM, N, 0., THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 29, 1910. NO 33 I Hi; 5 - Thi. nonular remedy new fall t effectually cure . - nvsDepsia, Constipation, Sick Ba?he, Baiousness - And ALL DISEASES arising from Tftroid Liver and BadDigestion TC lwl Ult la tood appetite lid solid fleb. lXe smaiij ,c"nr fv.ur coated nd "' toswUow. Take No Substitute.- Fd&es&cii When yonr stomach emnot-propBrlf 0ntt food, of itsolt, tt needs utus SSsnce-and this ssslstsn to read nmSTed by KodoL Kodol sssite th "lm LI1 HI matin, all by temporarily digesting all 5 the food In the stomach, ao that th Homuh may rest anarecuperaie -, - Our Guarantee? tSSM! mm o beneflta .ojimwK will at i-L ritum your money. Don't heaitate: any ZTTJ., wiu sell Ton Eodol on these terma gftbottleeWlnsjg time. j. moo aTlkTw bottle. Kodolla Pwm" be ZZLmmat K. a DeWUt Go, Caiee. CrahaaiBrna FREE TRIP ro.tk PACIFIC COAST ARE YOU ONE otto many thous and who 'rant to explore thisWosv- f8U'ffBT? UaGAZI!3 LaMMfaitaJ a aarar eafaresMn, whsaJ taemel work at t to But antnis tkav rtecl of every out aa opportunity to MtLFAR WEST. , WntaM SubjU Copy, tt ir it -l it r . te. fouove I I Fur lull frtWin uUtm Sqnset Trayet GIuF 1 Flood Building, Sa Francisco, Gel V VlXPSRIfcNCJ Iwi T?"' V Trabc Mark - 'fa... ' - DEMONS) Aurora landing a aketth end oeeorijrtlon mat taleti, icoeruiu our opinion free whetber aa tawntlon u probably patentable. Commnnlee. UonitrlMlreonOdenUal. Hi' "''"K on Patau wb ifn. uiqvk agono, xor fleounuc pacenia. unman Mann a L. "Mtmmy H poem for Codav . . . m. . OLD IRONSIDE By Oliver Wendell Holmes YB, tear her tattered ensign flown 1 long has It waved on hioh And many an eye has danced to aae That banner In the sky; Baneath It rung the battle shout. And burst the cannon's roar; The meteor of the ocean air Shall sweep Uie clouds no mora. 'V Her deck, once red with heroes' blood. Where knelt the vanquished foe, Whanvwioata were hurrying o'er the flood, And wares were white below, . No mora shall feel the victor's tread, ' t Or jHswr the conquered knee; sjarples) of the shore shall pluck i,i Th aaalA at fha aaa i Oh, better that her shattered hulk Should sink beneath the ware; Her thunders shook the mighty deep, And there should be her gravet Kail to the mast her holy flag, Set every threadbare salt And give her to the god of storms, The lightning and th gale! REAL BRAVERY WOMEN. Fa- men use them a good deal. Quaintly enough, Parisians have a veryS)keen sense of the exaggerated way In which the aouthern Frenchman and the Ital ian help on what they' have to aar with their hands, and this aecouts for the following story: 1 , . An Italian railway thief was caugkl redhanded in the train, handcuffed and brought to Pariav As .he wa walking out of the Oare de Lyon between two detectives a friend met him. "Hello r he said. "Where have yon been this long time, and how are you?" The prisoner looked at bhn pethet. Ically and shook bis head. "Whatfs -the nwtterrsaM M Manft "Have yoif been stricken dumbf , The prisoner raised bis handcuffed hands. "Tery nearly," he said. Lon dott M. A. P. FtUDU taken ttaronvb Mnnn A . eialiM(iM, without ebarge. In the noeive 5cieniific mtn&x 3 rrn, W MLUlon of an? olenUflo lournal. ; innrmonuu.fi, notaofmu nV4MiMU4jrtV OOoa. M f SU Waakluilgu. D. G. ARE VOU UP TO DATE " 9 1 mmw - ... , , I If jon are not the News Taut 3beter is. Subscribe far It ai and it will keep you abreast I FA8sodatedPrt8sdi8tatch . All the news foreign', do wrac, national, state and local i Da37 News and Obserrer $7 .jear, 3.50 for 6 mos. i WtdJj North Carolinian 1 Tear, 50c tor 6 mos. v 5W8 & OBSERVER PUB. CO Kauogh, K. C, ( North Carolinian and Thb .ce Gleakeb will be sent one year for Two Dollars. - m adrance. Apply at Thb office. Gr-.hACuN.a 7 ""onwa, colored, , was med of murder at Greenville, eek-he had WHod an 2to the eourt room for sen- Ufell in,.v dead VV, WM eawied tack to todphy,icUa, Um'at- ".T" The man wm so terror- ttAthe eollapeed. I'. K. DetcWs Anti tT.. .?L Worth to yon bedding from lncontin j "Wetdumrp. Cures '0- Eraaa, pro-rietcr of a .er,ra,, eC roam Friday ha. t ttMenvl wLile he Hi, fonad night, tl9 Tears ol3. to vi:b the Bire-a nareeal Wire Fenaaa. I u j. j ')H : i! . ir. nanuiBapuea, w-'rw' isawjiwreBJ avely little In conversation, but French nuuua we wi ui n canary wnicn Dallas nest; out of all proportion to Its ap parent needs. It selects a small tree with horizontal branches growing close together. Across two of the branches It lays sticks fastened together with tough fiber until a platform about six feet long by two feet wide has been constructed. On the end of this Diat- lorm nearest the tree trunk It then builds a huge, dome shaped nest a foot or so nigh with thick sides of Inter woven thorns. A covered passageway to then made from the rest to the end of the platform In aa crooked a man ner as possible. Across the outer end as wellvaaMtatfcort lntervaJi along the Inside ofilbH tmu a are placed cun ning HttlM fences or thorns with Just space -enough for the owners to pass through. On going out this opening Is closed by the owner by placing thorns across the gateway, and thus the safe ty ec the eggs or young Js-aasurei Harper's Weekly .iSlndla MaeeiweAifcby- Faith. One evening a few years ago Brander Matthews and Francis Wilson were dining together at the Players club of New York, when the former made the suggestion that ttey write a letter to ltorsTaiar-afc" objected Mr. Wll Kin."Vssidojrz know where be Is," for Mrwesr at mt Hi when Hr. Clemens was away traveling somewhere. "Oh,1 said Professor Matthews, "that does not make any difference. It is sure to And him. ; 1 think be Is some place In Europe, so we had better put on five cent stamp." So the two sat down and composed a letter, which they ad dressed to "Mark Twain. God Knows Where. ' Within three weeks they received a reply from Mr. Clemens which said briefly. "He did." . The letter bad been sent by the New fork postofflce to Harper Broa.. thence to Chatto A Windus of London, thence to a bank m Vienna and from the bank to the small town hi Austria in which Mark Twain happened to be staying. Book v.. Ma Oot Badly Iveftf ; Kayarlencas of s correspondent of a Htomnberc paper go to snow tnat tns German adulteration laws are drastic. He says: "A French friend sent, me fr,f yr' of .norgnndy. After pay ing the fluty I waa informed tnat aii wbMresnin fo tebioad, has to- - be mmlfttO; As taf-eolitgaamst toelae ed two kinds pf jrine a double anaiyna wasiaiiitsesm astfiJto f paif. a fee of fyM.J As the end of a week 1 Itjcetved first a cerOncato attesting that my wine was pure and, second, the ease la which the bottles were sent I was also Informed that two bottles had been required to form the basis of each analysis and that eonsequenuy there was ao wine left. I am na rural ly grateful to the state for the precau tions taken to guard my health, but I cannot help thinking-1 am enotiea to the empty bottles. Barely these were not also analysed." ' Oat Hie Receipt TTa heel ran no a small bill at the tillage store and went to pay st, first taking for a receipt The proprietor grumbled and eomplalned it was too antafl to alve reeatps sot hmt eaRaadlSS afflet-osBU nencfi lino acroos'lse book. ' - ... .... um fc. A th. m "Does that settle sr - tomes. - t- f "Sore."- t t , :- ye1U apVer be sakin' for Certain! 0f. -Tnltinrtssta." saMttbat other -! t-n tLann ma sn ' Bnt easi ran trsmoei. storekeeper-. -T tkaht ao." saM ue dryly. "Maybe ysra tm v -eatptsow. Here yer ssooey." Remarkable Couraoe Shown by moua Heroines of History. No one can doubt that moral courage to superior to physical. Hen exceed in. the latter, women in the former, and it is not desira ble that this should be altered, even vera it poasible. ; Yet it would add to the dignity of both if men were stronger morally and women phys ically. A modern historian says: "Moral ana rational faculties may auks be dormant, and they will certainly he so if men are wholly immersed in the .gratification of their senses. Man is like a plant, which requires a favorable soil for the full expan sion of its natural or innate pow ers." If men had been shut out as women have, from the exercise of their physical faculties, to it certain they would have developed errors of physical powers? . Notwithstanding her social disad vantages in this respect woman has made her mark in the annals ef bravery. History affords numerous examples of great heroines, many of them, too, at a time, when the: general position of women was that of Yorkshire Wen's Fingers. A Yorkshire mau and a Lancashire man were fonverxlnic together the other day. The tatM-aebh-e man said te I he YoramMra- nuuv, "Well. Bill, do you know tli Ixwt vny i Hud a York shire Uiuii'm knit lliici'i-iV "No.saya WHi "WeU. 1 mmaeH y..u vhiii Immx-ned at ourwlaew the tttlu-r Yorkshire Dan had. two of liU lllicm rut oh wtta a swam torw. 'antf'lnir Pt lint among I lie eMWda, ami lira f my mates were duwat.4ii ibeiri tuuHhi mid knees looking for them wlinn the fore, tuao came op and Kkcl what they were doing. One of Iht'iii rnlil: "We are tootrtnit Mr nsu's ti intern.' "Oh, eeniS'OUl tsinnA,' aald the f oruniB.; Tea fa ut frhoi way to Qod a Yorkehlrn- otan's aifmi,' at same tlaat tsbtog a abttJlu oiit of bis pocket Sad throwing H anioug. the. sawdust, when the two flafcra at. once popped op after It. ' "'. "TberrrsaWlne fdremaa. rthars the way to irad Yorkshire man's lost SngotK'aearson'S. i ' : TVeVldlhg toV tflt aiieSla. ; Two- 'men stopped at the store of a baberdksber wW- dtoplSMdr m Ms- sbswesss a-1 Job1 Jef' of1 eoBkRS'nV fi ceotaapleeavi oawed thaaaiboagkl 04nnn.sBaiSewrane:fraratoT7)e. Bts Mead polltsist toatrolkNl sis siia Mha illu.n..rin. tlimt, at. faanhaai slaves, hut we can only note a wore a.. in.i few- about, the elastic neck. -, She purcbaaer . Laena of Attica bore the severest said: ; ' tort ore with oat a. ward; Telesilla. : "We Bra to the rabortav Mends the ooeteai. made the Areolio wo-l wo. vtotttuK and men fearless of death ediscivf M,Jf 'wut u"- flted the Spartans; Theodora saved I""' " - ; a, a wt stock. too far taker Sumisnlng these. :z razirzzzzi "'isww afortabi. "TT . ' TTT ! sstaer.' Of eonrs ThaoallmTS uueeaoiine YOiscisns , ,wa amis ttoet I Wacotsrsd fkej ngnung at me neaa oi nw ureopsj scheme of ffrs cent MDmrckS tlri Boadicea saoeuntered the veterans ee anybody.- lake hiu nesae wtUi ase How Far the Blood Travels. The mileage of the blood circulation reveals some astonishing fncta. It has been calculated, for Instance, that, as suming the heart to beat sixty-nine times a minute at ordlaarypressure. the blood goes at the rate of 207 yards In a minute, or nine miles an hour, 220 miles a day and 80,000 miles a year. If a man eighty-four years old could hare bad one single blood cor puscle floating in his blood all his life tt would have traveled in that time nearly 7,000,000 mlles.Chicago Record-Herald. Carrying a Bundle. , A stylish looking woman who lookod aa If she had rather die than carry a bundle that wouldn't go Into a hand bag went Into the women's suit depart ment of a big store lugging a paste board box half aa big aa herself. Other customers present wondered at her un dbjnlfled action, but the saleswoman Old not wonder. ; "There Is one time when the proud est woman on earth will carry a bun dle," she said. "That Is when some garment baa been sent- home finished off -badly and has to be brought back for alterations. If the customer would only telephone to the store we would sand for the garment, but that would take time, She wants it finished with out delay, and rather than wait she brings tt down herself. "-New York Racing In Queen Anne'e Time. Hacing is a very different affair from what it was when Queen Anne, most sporting of English queens, instituted Ascot races snd ran her famous horses, Mustard, I'eppcr and Star. Horses intended for racing were always kept tight ly girt, with the idea that it render ed them more' swift, and, as for ieeding, the old time trainer believ , ed in giving them a liberal amount of soaked bread, supplemented a day or two before the race with fresh eggs. And the jockeys instead of sporting light silk jackets were mcasea in iuu suits or the stmest taffeta, while, as if the applause of the crowd were not considered suffi cient, drums and trumpets greeted the winner. London Chronicle. Room and Board For 81nglo Gentleman 'So, Belinda, I hear you and "Doc have parted company. Couldut yoa get along" "No'um; least I couldn't D'ye know that low down nigger Just ma'led me fo my money?' "Nor I said. "Xas'm. He saw all them things In my pa'lor, sllber butter dishes and crayon portralta that yoa and the otae white ladies' gf ma, and he Just thought be was goln' to set In there and amoke while I washed and rued. And I bad a big burial Insurance, too. and be knowed that So 1 Jea' natcb ully tu'ned him out" "Yes." I said. "But I thought I saw him going to your back gate last week." "Oh, to be sure! He's round, but he's jes' boa'dln' with me now." Ladles' Home Journal. of Borne; the Maid of Orleans drove the English from France; Arrii stabbed herself to encourage her husband to die. "See, it does not hurt, dear Foetus," she said. ' Th tales of niartyrdom ar fer tile of heroic women. Young maid ens met the most horrible' deaths with placid, contampt, if not with vehement joy. No fiendish tortures that devils could devise were able! to shake the fortitude of number less brave women, whether under Nero or the bishops, under the in quisition or the French revolution aries, it was noted with surprise and admiration that the -women' died more bravely than the meiu Mexi can Herald. Oewer-tfce A raOetnaa was li.m.a HHMMI a Trn rr a . ooee showing when tney -What bs thatr Inquired the tryania. Oh" m actai ve fualijame ear at wv! als TraJl-ar-aCek. at always anxtooe t far tote the spot Kxtf aeid tbe -Ten- Hed Bea-sor Boou--. be doasart Omttmite. ""Tl hbi a-Jstak till he ra ever- -wa tcgtoaBtac Beginning of the Oerm Theory. Agostlno Baast a country doctor In the north of Italy, early In the. last century waa- the starter vt the- germ theory of disease. At that time a pe culiar disease was killing the silk. worms, bringing ruin to tbe whole -silk country of Italy. Banal, by tbe salere- scope. discovered the germ which the cause of tbe disease. The erm later was named Botritls basstana. Basal believed , and stated tear human diseases were also caused by germs. Bassi's work waa sneered at and pooh noohed by bis fellow men and physl elans, and be failed to make a lasting Impression, thereby loams great gry for Italia. New Xork Press, x x The Orkney Islands. The member from tbe Orkneys" Is the only mas hr th- British bouse of commons wba can say be aha for 200 Mends. Only sixty, of tbe eeaode are Inhabited,, bat the. eomeotnefarr eaa braces Bsore than 6000 paopkv The Orkners - war osea give By Amu to. Enalaod aa seeartty ftw a nnaao'n dower sod never red earned.. la the islands tbe voters must go te the none dt boats, and la some cases roe diatane to be traveled la eight mile. fTiet AM. - " "Mow." said th profeaaor. "awppoe you had beea called to are a srkt ertth kyataikJ eosae oa. for mataac. wke 14 started laaeAisw aaa K linpoaaibU to stoswh Is th tblng yo wowa wi "Asaimtate his funny ty reyBsd fb w etad rest DM Her WeTe always carafe! about thee eostlfDovs qliestrs." said, Mas, Imp- -Who Jobaay had fot wB f isBpsrtsctJyT" i -IaaT replies th bissswUSv- " aVt aiiilaisHiin srnst ley amy a an not ebUaed Is aenUy." Cxrhaa. dJcmts taexa s fre- rwa atv row auaa re j tmrm tm eora to be fond d the tlDaat sdgtt the air f filJad ZWk DnDsd for th wakeful ear that Irweoreed s .rarew. - TheCe C IX m rrXJ thf sinsssliisto aeed jraanar Br sjeaan eh ay eai -rsn errtnteg as taaaaed e mm.' Atabhaas Glee. The OfBse SVrtetav. -We! ye- Una oo dorr plemAed th tnaeteanl Smmi X-Mtahvy." repu ne rte prnrtor. TXt ewtr wpraan-oa o. Ree-rea efta i rtMi t r ' The ChHd and the VVeraV. "Mamma, please give ma the rig or. I want to drive a nail,"' little Charlie said as he eamenuhingintol the kitchen from his playroom a morning or two ago. "What is a rigor?" his mother asked. "You know, mamma, it was you that read it to me out of the book." "But I don't remember reading about it, and I don't think we hare one if I did. What did the book say about it?" , "Yes, you remember it It said the boys returned from their bunt ing trip very hungry and were glad to find the meat done and the cook mashing the potatoes with vigor." And than the mother found out what the lad wanted. It was the wooden pestle ' with which she mashed potatoes Milwaukee Free Pyessv .- - The Foam en Bode Water. Foam to s natural product, being caused by the escape of air or gas from a viscid liquid, in tns i of soda water it to the escape of the earbonio acid, gas from tbe sweet-1 sned beverage that causes the at tractive sparkling appearance, but the sweetened water alone would sir rise to but a small quantity of foam, a the gas would to easily - asp. Ia order to prevent this some mucilaginous substano to usually sdded to the sirup, which renders the mass more viscous, so prevent ing the gas from escaping snd pro ducing th auraotiv bead of foam so familiar te aa. - ; , . TW atyUsei FIsheewMN.' Ob of th guests at a fashiona ble summer resort La West Virginia rot himself up ia his best "fishing" ton aad started out 4 try hi lack along certain mountain stream. , lUatlnx a. nail re. a, sax Harevmy good as. KindJr Ull ma whether U would be worm ay who to try fishing ia this vicinity." - Th native regarded him scorn fully. i "The Jtohia' ain't good,'' ha folly ssidV "but I eist informed as t hoar too raise, your tim." sad tnfona bit tba rtojed nat bring any bxggage, baMueeeMna.ee say vlf' beneficences lnclodea fir icasav teeth brushes for th waffaaef '-iow Xork ' A Martyr to -Art. "Which tooth r louired th forceps grimly. "Aay on you- like." saaponded th rlcUm ealmly "so long U It's a front On."" -;-.-- Bucw beraa the atwnuded iewtfish "Horry ur thntsred "th venlasc) ' WUh- bteedias, haawt 4k usssato hltohed bis irMees t bU of h solntely sound Ivory, dragged, hi pa tient three time ajtund-. the room aad-- v ' i t '-' ' - s ' ' -Uey. Drestor smiled lb dentist "It's vat! But will yew b swfeod as ' t tesl an-hy-a ertnprai wuafasS i souad .totkxtrttr i "By alt meantb," resmoaded th pe ' tstst.' mitwestMrisf1 tsar to take a part whore th er Htbpth. At artht Leouldnt msthrer tt. bnt now I'm thor lt'U be thlmply tbcreamlng tbucthathT " The tr Aettv Bram. ' 1 Th oueettoa. "Doe rhe-brain ver restr woildwm.t nnWerabl Only tm. tksv aegstwSr Ci ewMbnthsa airaaaa to b a reneemltaa of th jwr of Intellect and daring stoop whether we rm ber it r not, w ax always deann teg. . Of eoaxae darings wsklng time w are irptmally thmklnav thinking, thlnklng-eot always loglcaa and d llberately. trnt'SU th aama, thmkluf. Dream is. tathoatrM' oi' the sleep time, wha raaaoa le.o-at of th and th fancy, or tniagmatfon, baa th reiaavwlth HNfi t ald be haeas W taka anaay .trla.ssndsr her M sac that we are aaabl recall when she has resigned the rem tut th taandsof reasaa. Awakr aslsvp, we ar siway bsy. Th. salad. rats-tw. Xork Atnerlca. , , . Alaska'a Coaet Region. . The coast region of Alaska has a milsV , eUtaata, , mot colder .' than th norther part of fuget sound or of Beotland. Tbe stand of trees Is dense, evoregtng- for cons Merable areas 28,000 ft par stav BsUrsv.tras feruttog Shout 20 per cent of the stand and western hemlock eboot 75 per cent Although by far tbe most abundant aperies, wester hemlock does ot pro duce as large Individual tree a tbe spruce or western red cedar, tbe for mer occasionally showing a diameter f six feet with a height of 100 feet sad the cedar diameter of from three to four feet ." ',': , . - Uvea of Animal. : Animals vary greatly in the length of their lives. Elephants, eagles and parrots may celebrate their hundredth birthday, hut our domefltioatcd benst uro thought to be aged when they have, reached, a quarter of a hundred. ; A horse is old at twenty, a donkey at twenty- five and a cut or dog at fifteen. The span or existence allotted to In sects js shorter still, the fly and the butterfly commonly enjoying bit one summer of vigorous life and Cften lbs Kidaejj Aia L Mened Ij CfUd. Cnhealthy Kidneys Bake Im-mre Blood. Weak and unhealthy kldnevs are re- laibleformnchaicluieaeaiidtifermg. tnereiore, a- badney trotiblenliirnililsdi fa continue, serioa re . salt aaa -tooat likely if to follow. Year other organs soay steed at-. . (cmioo, d year sia- . sieys most, beceaae they do saost aad -aboold law atieatiom first. Therefore, whea yoOTldkueys are weak r Mte Older, ' yon can nnaeratjjd how quickly yoeg en tire body is affected and how cverytsriEasi seems to fail to do todutyv ;- If you are sick or " feci badly," fceHa taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilnter'atewairraKoat. A taaawklAeB- vince you of its greet merit : The mild and tomediatk 'kBheT f' Bwaanp-Root, th great kidney and bladder remedy, is aooa renlized. It . (tends the hiehest becanee Hi remarkable - healrh rutmiaz -sevperfaes kv bee - in thousands of the mo t most distress If ro seed a medietas yoa tbebestv - ' .. ' Bold by drnggist in '' anyent ana one-aol- r-; :r -hr size. Yoa may I ::.::: :. have samula bottle r by mail free, also al J pamphlet telling yog iSi ..., aowTonnaout U vou nave kidney or oanooer srouoj.' , ient proven i snrcane.- It yowl should have the bestv Uentiou thi rasriier when writin to Dr. Kilmer Hr rV. Binguamton, N. Y. Don't make any Taris- aute, out rememoer ui Jiame, sw Koot. aad don t lev dealer, aell - tou M,n lMin 1,an ff Tnw 4h 14 .OT owaaBp-awo--u vj ..m, vv.u u i von 0.0 vrm vuj m n imm nrtfii iin,n .1 . .i . i - a I ' rr - niujr ttio uuv )ruviuiuuy aiiappoa up by a bird. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DAlliERON & LOttti , ' AIiotmayi sil lm.W - . flleywy' OttsTwlVIMb WaaSwusth (at th telephone! Hel lo! Ia thla Main 8007 J Vole at th Other EhoV-Te. Who do yon want to St ' WaeUweath la Mr. Hanroereley thereT VoU t th Othef Bnd-Yes. Do you want to talk to him! Wads-1 worthNo. I want to kiss blm-Chl- caj'Bweie Herald. - " ' """ ' 'r' ' " ".. "A Good aa the Rest : ' The mother of a pupil in one of the Philadelphls schools had been helping hr small daughter with the snUuneuo leeaon for the next day and sft struggling , through th Eroblems secured what appeared to sattofactorT result. Next day, whetr the littld girl "returned from bchooL th mother asked with some curiosity: :,v,.,-,.;vi-1' ' "Wer your problems all correct, ttearr ,, ;r ; , ; "No, mamma; they were erery one wronsr." recllod the child. " '; "All wrong T repeated th amos- a wWl,A "HI, "WelL mamma," said the little on consolingly, "you needn't wor ry. All the other little girls' mam mas bad them wrong too. Ladies Atom Journal. - .'-': ii A Careful Bey. c. : WaHie, aged six, found four little kittens in the cellsr. A visitor, be ing told of them, expressed a desire toners a peep at the new baby pus- I The Cxplolt That Counted, Two Staten Island youngster! came home sopping wet 'We jumped in after a lady. they said. ' Then one of the pair showed hi mother a five dollar bill that the woman had given him. "She gimme that, said he. "he- Mnu T aaoA1 fin tuwtratkiAtr at . T?" ."""'v r-" I nn wirrew w tm n 'And didn't she give rou any- IIK IV II I X 111111 I If thmgr said their motlier to the vut " w other boy. "I thought yoa hotped." Itaw.DAMmtosT, mono Shi, Piedmont Building, aurUngtoa, Wing, la, Vhon KOB ol-KioholsoBldc. 0raaan.ll. Ok "I did," said he, "but 1 dldnt tar anything but th lady," New York frees. 1, KMquette and Oangee. "Ears," said tbe farmer's wife, 1 wtsb you wouldn't lea your el bars ot tb' table.' "Hub," sneered tbe farmer, "gettln' fasHderoua, ain't you t Mebby you'll be warn In me next to keep my knlfi oute toy month aa toUio at net to cool my tea la my sssaer. - But my grantber kep' bis fibers on tb' table, an so did my father, aa. by heck. Pes goln' to lean on It as bard an' as long as f dob please, a merer i wbereupe be leaned bawd, a hard that tb ancient table suddenly col lapsed and sprawled out its legs snd went down with a frightful crash of crockery. "" ; m- 'well, you're rone an' done tt aowP screamed the old lady. . "That s a pret ty mesa, ain't It? Ef you'd bad th' sens of a chipmunk you'd bar know ed th' reason I didn't want yoa to lean on tb' table wus 'cause tb' legs was rickety. An I guess s little etiquette wouldn't hurt yoa no anyway, Bsra Doollttte, to say nothln' of sarin' U wutb of family crockery." And tb oisguetsd farmer stumbled out from tb ecene of errors age and cbased a harmlew tramp three mile down tbe mad wit b so st bandlev- Cleveland t'lalo ftoab-r. t I I DtWTITlt ire. ftrab!, ..; , , Nrta Crir. 0FFIC1C is SIMMONS BCILDINQ UOOB A. XXCV . . KLIfBB, LOB A-ttomety and Conn Ins 1 isrw " BAHAf. Ma tit ';.- A Horner-at Law, Graham, - . . . n. a OBVat httsrseaahtOaug i : ; 0000 Floor. , . , , . loiauair Urau. W. F.Btbwbt,' 1m 11XSVM & BTWUM, . dkUornajre and tonnatlors t Xj w kBKKSBOBO, U, - Frarliee ran laxly a the eoarta f Alaa- anoseoaatr. AaaS,S41y UYES OP CimiSTTAN ENSTUS . - Til TsrVMi BetdlerVFwtatlem. ' Tb lethargy of salad wtUcavlwtl menial hahU of th Turkiah soldier- the personal siiaalou oftstsflsav Is a sraestiTaksakh) qtMtg,'UJt9mrk twsasass than Its tasiai l-iwayl toet and collected, grumble nttl ai as aacvsioue. eodnrancev. It la aUeavl to a form ed paalei Jaaa I satoa to a tumimm4Um. lrrhTerklah toldler sever goes very fast be aever goe very stow. 'Vicept by tbe reset trataed asset Bakl swros h Is eanw aa. DeSnnenF''eCaBOseyeteV' SgJeBeaOnBw? 1 Wallie went to fetch, them, snd soon pitiful mewing was heard be low. -. i en.. t... it. luh nr.ii;. 1 inu a uiub ua aiiw.-a called out his mamma. ' "No, mamma," shouted th boyj fl'm brine: tham np carefully. I m arrying them by their stem." Bcnps. ' i ' 1 - A lays Oefesltle ef Fooee. . "Cut yoa tell m the meaninjr of thefard per kd Alias Uray si m UttU hoy who had lust rdtd raiUlotW poem fa- Which tb word ' H Oaas 4eealaWe "OmrCd? sb said fs4sa hiss wttk lgbted coter sad pttlnkr beads farhind beT.'"yo wO bar to choos etwees an snd your etd ptP ' Mot a tautest-dtt tJnuld hestUt "Th okt ptt ceee. 'derr B rdet rhrwiawMrwyr f mtm H hmflmgm i To means wbn you alnt got ad children." answered the child. Bo to thr fcs4 Miss Oray. "Whesv my mother has washed aad creased her six children for school in tb morning sb says, 3ov VU hr .. . .. Leek Um- W dig sad Sell. and aB th who ctns ere a th tnaeits woeder ad baty ea rare, saytsft "Ls: tp. my ehOdt reef , ary saofi aad'b aisaTMl. gr Msr-I He Be Baids Oiisasb Their There. Th mean by which sea birds eroench their thirst when far out sil so b oWribed try aa ld skfrmor, who teik hew b he ee bird at sea, fax froc say laad. thai onld furnish tham water, horenni around aad under a storm cloud, I elatterter k docks on s hot da j at pond sad drinking in th drops of rata s they U1L Tmn wiS eansU a rain stunfl a hsaadrd aiflas disUsi or ra farther ff aad sd for it with almost tnoncrvUs I ewtftn. It aetaal Hie Xs mau thought rd loM rar W." writes J. A- Swonsen. of Water-1 town, Wi. "Ten years of exaema. that 13 docaozs oouid so rare, had at Lat laid m wp. Tbsai BocUew's Arnica SeJv cared It, mommd and welL" InfaHihl for 8kim ErurtioDS, EcMtaa, Salt Rheum. Boil. Fever Sore, Buns, Sld. Cut and riles. J5 at Graham Drug Co. - -"- VF.OnaVjasa -: soekeav HrssTs a a a esav hfss, eaac'es Vaesat wbe'bea!us th lawa Gleb. , : tTMWhars yer- rtrk r if ' sfasa- TVyW Bt lte-Snwkfa Ts Car a CsU H Oo Day. -, , - Tak Laxatty Brats QuJala Tablet. All Anggmf rafaad thnmTUttfaitotoCWT. K. WaOuui slrnatwr tt. bwzU. D fim aaa lm rm wmym 2J ! Heew Sb BlslnssiWe. aaa f sqaa-ret, ts sast with sdy t th AAdes r BottWt, Xador, Far Seat ssrairTJld'a never gs svsMfM txaoo ew MXO0B feet Ch Isdwa as safer- trapper a kaatar f H for tt fin far. Tb shae wetl siasasil with satt aad all wo fan sanan sstksges for die- j sateh to- th towaa, wbeac they are i SUpped shroa. TlaW'eWSajrVeW sJoTsBfc Aa lUltoB) prin wa had a Sicfl- its ook wa oae travehng to hi prytucial ewUtea, taking with aim kk oo, tbgwUir with his entire btchesi force, wHhowt which, s fend was a of th detasseies they was watat to pis paw, h rarely if ever traveled. At a point wherw th narrow pth akmg th piwdpio taiad th aogU of a pfojaetinf rock th prino, at tb bead of hia Jonr eavslceuU. beard a shnek aad th splash of a body falling into V torrent lar below, with Xc WaUtawtthhonTor bs vUd up and, li-rrt'r-r-, .-.i.t.i.xv.aAi Taookl Oh, d sart tell a U at thscookr ' 'So. your excellency ." cried a voice from th rear; "it to Don IcalocmoP" Th prino heaved sigh ef in tens relief, then said: "Ah, only th chaplain. Thank goodness I" V 3 reek Bah-lar e Welter. A student - ot Colombia University waa 11 ring with bts mother at one ef tbe large hotels In Mew York.. Wba preparing for an examination be of ten brought hi books to tb table and worked at Latin and Orsek tb courses of hi dinner. It happened on evening that be bed considerable trout ever his Greek, Tb mea I waited 0 tb table saw bis meat snd finally aald ouletly, "If you win let me come to you s time this oreolnc I will be glad to beta you over that tranalahVm." The bey was eorprlaad, but eagerly reached for sny aid tu sight It traraeptrrd that the waiter waa a eradaate ef a Euro pean unlvetatty, well abl to roach tbe poasltd stoaeot. ennetua iiaraM. Very Teetlsee. i -won wraimr nana uiuui w i an tact," A for tBtacf ."Why, laet Blabt be mid an eppeaeat Who I tarn that be hadnt a leg to I Stead on, aaother who squint th be wa sorry be couldn't see things as I fc dkt, and a me who steaieasred be I rsrfed tkot to I Thla hook, entitled ad Atiove, contains oyer 200 memoirs of Itln- toters in the Christian Church with historical refarenoea. An Interesting Tolnme nicely print ed and bound. Price par eopy: eloth, 12.00; gilt top, $3.60. By mail 20o axtra. ' Orders may 1m sent to P J. KXJUrODLX, 1120 E. MarahallEt., . ; . Richmond, Via Orders may be left at thla ofSoe. 1 KILLtmbCOUCIJ ixaCURll Tttt LU:iC3 SSi eUe.wW.lwJy FCnnSHfi1 .Jv?w ltl fAaSVOLL) THa Se -aa IBBIU.T"S0T'Btr8vg ' r t. I a oasASTiaj aai iiav.Mi OB XOaTXT AXTVMDXA, I onenetiQie'i Bsrseeea. Of Otadetowe neory Lahoacberel c remarked. 1 d ot ebect to Mr. Gladato oeraeJooany baring sa e a bis sleeve, bet I dew?- be wwald k-jjy mt3i& C'A llZ7 YZ not alwsy say that Provideae mt B I "7 . there.1 - Father Keewe. Bhe-Dkl yo aay aaythlng t beat your being to yoanfl He Tea. Bat be eakl wbe l eaee Dcaa i pay year btUs I she id age rapidly ew Xork Jearaei. . Job PrtSalrj T Wc tzn tave yon money ca ell Stationery WcdILj InvlLatlOaUtv Csslrcrs Cards, Posters, ctca c! Knee Whet Hie Few Dey I QoacUy By tb by, bar ye got I 114 about yea that yo deal awed lor a few day? Barkiy-i aarc. awe i anient aeed K sees dnieu-IUebaag Waat ef car doe aa ssore aanns taa waat f kaewledg. rraaku. OafVltt Uttl Cany KUrrs, SCISSORS and aUurss ar easily ruined if aot property gjuuiid wbes beaag aarpenaxx. n yoa want tLeta aliarDeoed riaht and mad to cut as good as new give m trial Will sharpen anything from a broad SX to a pm-hnii. Charge moder tt. B. N. Tctxix, this ofSo. CABTOJIZA. Besnaa !) ias m rm Ystw a t i 1