The ALi$&ysfi' ? .-i,.'-. -"7. 7.;'. 'J "V-'V, )- f t M5J ; "in.. .,'' VOL, XXXVI. tf.l J TV J GRAHAM, N. C, THUltSBAYy OCTOBER 13, 1910. '-I'll ' NO C5 CjJ Wsls "" . , . i i -i in mil nr'.j mo Tftppin I IVFR. A torpid liver derange the Whole gyjlem, and produce SICK HEADACHE,- Dyspepsia, Cbstiveness,Rfieu niatisin, Sallow Skin and Piles. There to no better NmedrfrtbeM common diseases than DR. TUTTS LIVER PILLS, M trial will prove. Take no ouu&uuimj. 6M This sirnatura i on every hoc the gainlatv Laxative Bromo-Qui:-j nw the .aaedjr that iuh -V'.. aaWt Inoi Dyspepsia I1SF it!, m arr rir.. . COUNTING THE PEOPLE. First Census Proonaal l e j Raised a Fin. p W"f thflt a PrP8l tO count the people wa9 flt mndo .ttB'"' Mn of tne bUhop of Canterbury and member for St fifrmawk Introduced In that year bin "for taking and registering an an nual account of the total number of PeoP'o sd of the total number of 8e, oirtna and deaths and also of the total number of poor receiving aJms from every pariah and extra paro- iu ureat Britain." It was Inevitable, of oprse, ithat dlsectly . this Proposal was made the precedent of King David should be quoted And many were the feraminria . a iu uju ai- tentative evils which would befall the country. Those submitted to David we mna in- cpmparlson. Mr. Thorn- wa,veapetMr oWUy, said. ' "I did not believe that than --- set of men or Indeed any Individual of the human species so presumptuous and w abandoned; a.tetuaka the .pro posal we uave just Heard. I hold this subject to be totally subversive of the last remains of Eneiish Mtwrfv ih. nir bill .will direct the imposition .of wnq iueaflai iaaeaouie Edition, ef ictj . law wonts win mats It tha moat cffevlual eujiliw of raDadtTand fefca Enown; tb. Tee. "Uier.TilaJa iboui It tbft bettpr vr.ii tain . . j ' " i"" mio, nil inoi I may be en re the chlnt and money hav. " " "ana let ratty, who I dare say l equal to It, writ, ma a line Informing me thereof, directed to "The President or me united Btatea at New York." I wish your iamuy well and am your , w uu, WABH1NUTON. Th. Shark la a Al, aJ.i One Ul service nature has done the noara namely, that of nlnnw . M.n. gular fin on hla back which acta as a danger signal and give warning of hla approach.. Happily the shark has not been gifted with sufficient Rnirai be aware of this peculiarity, for bnd u Dees so ne would unquestionably abandon his habit- of swimming i,.a to tbe surface of the water and would in that case be enabled to approach bis victim unobserved. Tha ah.rb i. . low swimmer for bis size and strength. cyron ODserves, "As darts the dolphin trom the' bark," But Byron was a poet and does not appear to have been close observer jof the habits of In habitants Of tha arntar ,.r h 1 - hv nvuiu bay known that a ahara Bff mora chance -of catching a dolphin tbJUl k .atlailD ral-o.a.l..iln . bar. CRADLED IN ICE. When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of itself. It needf little asslstanee . and this assistance, la read ily supplied by KodoL Kodol asaiu tha stom&on, by temporarily dljating' all of the food In the stomach, so that ths ttomaoh may rest and recuperate, . - i A. : 3Aa aribaafla uur ueTot kiioi. it yea are aot penentea m BmsaiaaiWUL as onee return your money. Poa't bnaltatat any oroffw wui mu juu auaw vn uietw evTiua The dollar bottle oontalne (Unea-aa mueb u the We bottle. Kodol Is BTeruad the Isbontarlas ef JU. 0. DeWitt Oo jChtoaf GrahamlDtma Co, r. ' . . I- oppression, hat was ever used against an mjusea peopie.n Moreover an an nual register of Olir nennla wilt quaint our: Mirfet iabroad with oort weaKneas." ) Mattte BUej. .mother Wnostog member, added 'that bis coastrfuents toolred--w the-- propoa as ominous ana xmifmi laar una mihiia miaAnA br an enidt&aVaj dJatanwer shaoM fu low that auai Bering. pwwev the oui iwstflH coaamoaa mffo be promDtlm tvavcted kv ran kuds. vat tintll 1800 wa tk nrepoaab, again umuaw -mm oif uua uaramora; s;; was Droneht to a successful laana. Tha flrst censuasof Raglan and Wales was taken tuy Marc IML-aWeatmlnster, ysaeytsy t 3 ar . GENEROUS GEORGE. Washington's Tips and Compliments to fatty and roily. Those who take tlnnlnff in tha soma. what solemn aiMt. of fha anctaL in vaa. flffnrnr ma nnT rhair minrld annvanaA once and it will keep yon abreast I br 9'"bom th sbAww.wkaba graceful turn apprafUi qon -aaa courtesy may tin to tat ana. - In 1780. on hla return from hla New afcj Taft's ln UxbridgeMaaaii I WBave. the nmsaaatservtosi as at manjr nm. h.aeauUry-rW4.per ftirinadv he .tna laitUaai,Jlawrfaaa, . (OB9e,lllWllllas to atr. -XanP''''- v :vi. Bardlna Plahlnn In Sardine flSblas then, nra man Bnoartalotiaa. - There ia a lacnt.l.hi foot rise and tall of tide lu tbe bay ef Wdy and especially constructed wooden picket Inciosures aro irtalrcwl on In the water to gather In the flab. lmi season a man erected an Inclo ansi in jwhak ha aMnanaait sc k. . i teht fuhlbg terrttory. hut got nothing. Ha deptered Wa toss-and -for a time lajiea to go near JL "Why. don't you cine It .arainr" BomahndT aakait Whafs tbe tiaar Mrtpllei. "Let me an- ll." uaa ninair lan alalnl bv ..a : - W W -t MJU POtl ntti kawat alK Mt akt a m wv,iain;vu .fTU Fne other mam pulled ontHTOO worth a one naut rrani Lesllet. ARE YOU UP TO DATE. If you are aot the Nbws ax J Obertbr is. ; Subscribe for it at A A-tlt-. u A sailor. Is betrayed by his hands, thought. hla ratt mlchr hatm ki. a.ney are permanently half ahnt w u. ing, talking or Bleeping the sailor has ma oaiias nair snnt and could not opea them flat if be tried. This hi tha . anlt of years of climbing and polling ropes. ionaon unronlcle. ol the timel. i-V Full Associated Press dlspatcfi es. All the hews foreign, do mestic, national, state and local aiitnetime;, - 'r- . v Daily News -and Observer ',$7 per year, 8.50 for 6 jaws Weekly North Carolinian SI per year, 50c for 6 nxos . NEWS & OBSERVERPIJB.CLV RiXUGH, NC ADMIRATION." k is better in some respects to be admired br " diOso vinS vvhon ou live than to be loved bftheW id ttus not on account of any gratification of vanity, but because cWatioa k somucli more toierant than love. Arthur Helps. - The North Carolinian andTflE Aiamancb Gleaneb will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at ThB Gleaner office., Graham. N. C. another mftar Mrs. Washington', family; and being, moraoyer, vary mnoh pleased with tbe modest and Innocent looks of tnm In aaitvhtaM. Pittv mnA .Pallv t glite pteoa at ohints, and to Patty, who mn m Diaa u an nMuasuw auu who waited upon us more than Polly did, Z send i guineas, with whlehv ah. may bur narsalf uy uttle ornaments ah. may wib-ht aov Muy ujaiv vi in 11 Ma au ,wr meiiitrr ami aa ' iw'aum w aiwi 1. Aa I do not rive them thmga with a Ileal to have Jt taika4,o at even, to its -M Pk,. . ..... , roe author ot "Leave From a 3a den?, tolls a atory .wbkh.ia at one A etaalrlafemiriUMraTeas tag against tha keeptaa- a diaries. , ' i girl had made at tha instigation of her parents what seemed to be a happy match. But aba .died, and ber dlarv. found after her death, contained a record of such snffarinsr that bar moth er's mind was unbalanced by tbe read- lug. The husband married again, and by way of wedding present to the sec ond bride tha mother of the flrat sent the diary! A 8oheon.H Thrilling Game el See .. saw In Aratlo Waters. - The schooner Elwood, while on ft nsnmg cruiso m northern waters, once had a stranse adrentura with an iceberg. It appeal, that th maa- fer Bigntea tne iceberg, an immense One. aDDarentlv faat on n rnf 4nat , 1 X J . " off Hoonia. Jt seemed a lucky on- counter, inaamnch as the captain fitrured that he mio-ht fill' hla hnlrl with ice to preserve ths fish he ex- pectea to caion;ii . ,;$.! V. When tha schooner waa within a few yards of ths iceberg the anchor was oroppea. !;lhe vessel , swung, around until she cams alonraMn. fa which she was made fast by iineaV The tide vas at the full.'; A gang plank was thrown over the ledge Si the ice, and the mqn began breaking them aboard. All went well until, evening, when, thirty -tons of , ioe , t..J t. : if! t.iil- - J ucbu Btuwea ill u9 uoux , . i , Meaavrhile. the falling tide hAd canted the iceberg to settle upon that TAflf tin A tn tin tnvrarA ttia aila. opJote the Tessel., The gangpbuk rae m me air ana naa to oa maa o aawav) v rw aatrv.' arw keen it horizontal. . :, The, master, suspecting that all as not going to be welX ordered the crew to make. saiL' Before -they conia, man Ttn nalyerds the iceberg, with a. grinding roai, rolled off the reef and started to turn over. . A jagged spur , of ice, which had formed tha bottom of tha irwharo'. arose on the Starboard side of the vessel and-; beneath-1 it" Tht' lc truck the 4eel. land tha veaseijilifta ed out of the water, rested in an loo cradle. -The captain ordered his men to. srct into the boats and ont of 'harm's , way. Cutting the lines that Held the schooner to' the ic bew. themeri puHed te safe die-' tanca adsiteeVMt '.''. . f Tie anchor ihoWjfflat a nl thai ichooner tugged t the chain. The tide, dropped- ft fWmerv inchesthe iceberg., careened -till faxthej;. and. the i Elweod . rasa., hiirhar i. Thia. proved the schooner's salvation.,., .. The, tendency, of the iceberg to roll oves h anrfi. raiae , ihavr voaanl brought such, an enormous: strain i . , . . upon mo nncnor cnain mat some- thinrr had to mva wav Rnmathino did, and, to the joy of jthe flshetv men, it was not tne anchor or ths chain. The tnelxirff liirpriorl anrl tha' schooner was aeeta to sllda am ami feet alonir the efevioe in which it rested. Thore was, another lurch and another slide. Then the vessel reached a downward grade and ths next instant shot off the iceberg and into the- sea, bow on, like . s rocket . ';' She shipped a heavy sea a ths result of plunging her nose beneath thq surface, but. quickly righted and, aft(-r" tiHtbliii' overlieT"Btf' chorchiiiii a ful tiifrging viciously to get awny. "tl!pi! ilown to her orig inal ctuti' ir iranruillity, to all ap pesranr'i'a iinliUrt.Chioftgo-' Eeo-ord-Hr!i(. J " The Commercial 8plrlt.. ! We' Yankees 'are commercial," said a'Vcniioiit iiiilLrr at n'mmmoK clal travMerv.'iwivptet bir' we're noi .as ouaihicroMl tbo"aouth4 enier; would iirtttev out, . , . ik. iTTbe .southerner .xlechnt-a (hat a vjrmcai l anKoe once visited the south. ' ' "Hern. auid bmuIi. .t.i t IIS AD ta nay, ,-nere, rigut,in this, room, sir, UT-..t.! I ' t 1 ' -t r ri wuiuiuu, roceiYBU jiia nrut com. , i . i t - miMauat--r . tr . . ; MThe.Yanke brightened nn " rWhat,aeK ant wnmiaaina area hat. '.. 1 Earliest Newaoaoaa. . Tha. Urat JimUm aamMua a. auauuawiit f tcilCf - wntwn r By . BVl- aried conar)6nerii4-iiii 'tWa-. ed byttbln'eireryntytfout hours irom-jjroxnr t file provinces. That was in -tftar-rnrnr nf tha r. lj: Stusxtw ' Durtrup'the " ootnmoh- - . 1 Xl IA 1 la . . weaua uiesw teoers'were pnnced in true 'fthd''-MWlbltrf teulamra hers.'; Erett iaJongago as 1680 the l4w of libel rai annti aa fat a ahau aeterized by J udge roggs' makJ- mm any newspper publreatSbrf gsi ana venaing ia prcrroice nreach us wis peaccr,' ' '-? : ShSalifMlSlMktHlia. ...I At s duel' the elattitolttidist charged their pistols withoul effect; wnerenpon one or tne ieconarintr- fered and bronosed tiht tn rTnaltsfa snouia snaire hsnas.'4"? -. . To this-the eUier twywwt r,h(TaA M tumecessr.t i . j. yrtiaia . hanJa " L. Ul i il - !, laaaii Ok''tl usn beeo shaxing this half hourr, ( rr ftatrrAthrwWetf Dr.' liotnaxm bore to aVwtlaad ra aat alnxtiltr or unprecedeated. - Lord - tanley- cams paitur. dressed to request a private andlaaaa of Wlna latnaa' f a -I- gissM Scotchman refused lda.adnmV tenos loso Use klngis close Tbe USg. alteecarlocr between" the- vwoi eaaae aUsd niqaiiBnafl'tnse. -My mtv,milkrUtm Itsranw,! rthls say country urn or veessiftM refused me aonuuance, to you pyaaaas . , r "Conaln." aalrl thai kbi bia ak.'ii t punish biiht Shalt I Mod-hisg to the W'WW.irt&&&1 tord nianiey. -inma anaw.itt, seidbimbato'Bccaoda ; " Keeping Hie Word. ' -ttr .'-Dnafln auajr aaM ha' m' entna to retire-With b torhuie." ; ' - "HS bat kept bis wor4' Whenever be goes to sleep-he puts bis wallet and his check tjook-wnder bla pUlow." WaaUagtoat ROior . . - , . 1 ' Man's lnbnmhntry '"to man makes SaKUewise.i rs WHOLE "TOWNS DESERTED: Wave a.aa " ... ' ' i r-iaoe. vyn.r. All the People Take a Vaoatlon at the Same Time. " Americans unacquainted with the nonn ol JSnelnnd and Scotland are often surprised during thoir visits to 1 those ' countries to find 'whole towns deserted. Here i onlv a few of us:tako our annual vacation at the same time, so that business is still carried on. but over there vari ous weeks or fortnights are set aside for rest, when business practically stops. , In Lancashire these holidays aro known aa wakes, and hetrlnnin0 from about the middle of June one town after another talma its hnli. daV. Until enVlv flantamhaa iuii iha end.' Uverpid ancf Manchester are ftoout tne only towns of unportanoe that do not follow the custom, aa they are, too large to shut down in uuf manner;- " ' 1 -Everv town has ithotidav rnnrl which t in each' case . mounts - to many thousands. Oldham savina btv 1 1 ,1 ii imlrt am 3 . . aaa aaa a si(ju,tiuv ana a.,uvu,uuv lor its outing, while Blackburn ppera- pives nave more .than once saved orhe 1750.000 far th aarrta mi-. pose.' At one time these' thousands oi worxers n noiiday seldom trav eled farther-afleU thaw tha Ksii, .fiiackpool or the i Yorkshire coast but now many of them go to Switzerland' , TMnnaLnai mu'iu: esaidn 70o,1hvn''frirH,Ttrrrli rsdedbexfoiwtiwrto - -" ' .ii it. V .4.1 1.1- ft . -uugiuuj seasias towns,, . y ,, , Most of the Scottish towns take Wbek Off in tha aama Wav'' Tn UnU the! visitor Is often- 'surprised st the . m ... . ... . . . owwaea trains that pass bun as he IS ' 10Wna2Vin -. toward: Kdinhnrcrh end when he inquires why his train Is Siv hoor labs ha la told that tvaffln k'tery, heavy as holiday week has befcttn.. When EdbburgVs holiday a vrer uissgowi turn comes, may be; and so on until ths Season is In the south i England LherS it aaial Sav 4..1..1.1. J - a - week. - This is Swindon, the, Wllt- 'Al' l. at.;.-' .-,-i7- . i' uuw wwo uw consuls aimon ex elusive! of Orest 'Vssterl. railwsy WOrkerS. 'Natural)" hi anma Lti b .VaI:J.. -II j. a.n , r" m uvuuay su uiuafc aOUOW, SO about ths beginning of July some t5.00f people leave Swindon on one dayieymouth sad Weston-fuper-UmjH nsttally being the f aVorite des ttlon;' About two dozen trains are MffUiftd to amr aanr h(a KaI. i Usi i CVOWdLfiL Lania i Pnae.nia. patexu. 1 . Stopped 'Growing, One !ay alter buying a paper irom a very little chap a scientist thouirht ha would test tha larl'a In telligence by putting a few- ques- wons to mm. Accordingly he point ed to a pile of paving stones and said:- ' ' .(V "JIow were these stones- made, son?" .r -,. u. .',:, ; fThev wasn't made : thev , otow- ed,M replied the boy. ".. " 'Orowcd f How do yon mesa 'trrowed?'" said thfl mnn '4 "They arrowed the Same as bots toes' grow,f the boy explained. ?rf ; . The man shook his head. . "Htt. my lad, you are wrong," ho said. "Stones ran't grow. If you were to come back to these stones five yoars or ten yoars or twenty years from now they would still be the earns "Of coawe." said the little news bby; sneering; "They've been; taken out of the ground now -and have stopped L'rowin'. same, as potatoes wonio. Visa is Veil u C:s a l:Jj l: rMJm isi Ei'feaX.4.;- - rMrlMS ,-iMr.U tasaaas - - - aauHvywwiiilw a" "P" MP aUIUU 1 , lies wop OiaappcaTT;; ,when the kidneys .re, at of ordsr ee ns - Feminine' Curiaelty.--, Her husband, was a merchant. and one dav wlnla downtown, alia dropped into his office'. ' - "'Vfh f nra a 11 h naa VauI, nn . L. 1 'U . AM. . , V or tne saier" she ssxed' " ' "Those ara thm davlwvilra- m dear-," he replied; . f And where are the night books?" anar nnariM. . 'Kight books V he echoed in sur prise. ' ' 'i,;-' ' .-. 'Tee Wl she 'reioinid. "thosai1 von have to work over at sight some times whoa you are kept here until S o'clock in the morning'-a-Chi- eego ami. . 4 . , Bafmmaifc ' "Mv first wife married 'tne to re. .lurra me. , . . , . tji wnatr; , u i being s baohelor."'' " , Wpll, , she succeeded Iq that snywgy.'w". ' . - "1 BhOllld IAV Ita Iran narWaJ a ': ... u a . . . twice since. HJieveian Leader, t -'. : sfieawwejviBXer. - Mr. Bead StalU-Tha. bxrocht vesterdav saema . a . vim'nna looking animal. Is he affectionate? , Mr. Crupper--A tTeetionatel ' I should think so, . Why, when he esmo out of the stable he stood upon his hind lcis and tried tn . Ll-- .. " 77 vim ma, " become ao prevalent that it is aot vncom. tnonfcretiiuaiebe' born afBlcted.',' with calr tiiliim tfi.a child orlnatestoO often, If the aria scalds ., . uw nesn, or u, wnenme cnua reacit aa age when it sbonld be abls toccntn ths - ' passage, it is yet afflicted 'with bed-wet. ' tins;, depend upon it, thecanaa cfthedifS- culty is kidney -trasibleHusd the first : step should be towards the treatment of these importantorgans.,- This an , euant trouble is do too dlssssed eowaWoai of the kidneys and -bladder and, Ztot to a awtt aa iiaiai aHpyiaaj.. . ' Womea as wH as men art made anHer able with kidney .and bladder trouble, ' and both need tho saxae mat reasady. TUa miM .1.. Jn..Ll;.t. - - la - v 5wamp-Rootissooareaiizedi",ItUsold by drugglste, in 4yyU-a . sixa bottles. Von may I have a sanrpls- bottle J bv .mall fraa alaa. a f tauanhlci talltw all i taemrllncr many a thimrsntlS f tcitj BMalal lettaral laaliml Ima air i arha f ounrl flaiaaaii llniiS a. a. --- .v. . rewedy needed, in vnttlnt; TJrf JLilnter ft Co., Bmghamtotu N.'Vbe ear,and roeatioa this paper. Don't soaks any miaiaWa ; tai tMiumka. 4kai - "-v Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and tk!sddnss! ' Mnghsmmn, Ixci5 svtafSuisT PROFESSTONiLL CA1U531 11 1 dAmeron &L6UG AttonsqrsUUnsO ? .. '""a aiu, , , i ; noaw.JIBB Imont BulMtag, iHemtlsSsisaa BUg. Bnrllnaton. W.a A Fearsome Order. . erh4iVaa ma ' I hnn. ttia mm aft tha next table Is not a flghter, but bis order sounds like It! He What wss ttr 8he-ne told the welter to bring him a Club sandwich and so met bins in arlnk with a stick to tt-Baltimore amertrsa , : " , ' Oemestla'Sllse. ' lirs. Xnagger I remember the time when you were just erasy to it. a i lj Hie. ;- Mr. xtnagger So do L but I didn't realize it ai the time. Tows xopios. Plnahlna. 1 have to pinch for a Hvmi as the crab said when it sauted tho band of ue man who sought to catch It oil wiii sciroiff, in. t I I DtriTrWi4! ViA ' Graiaan. a '.--J Sfaaim. a-Ud aVttpBaTai aoa4 OoTiftaows as Bawer s: c o b ar ; AHaMtaWM.LaUi)iir: i ' GR-vlUM, 1 !. : -:. --'3 W. a OBtes ntttrSMabaMUr MOU. (a. .ai art,'. H. r n . i T.I . ' ii jt .u-J fsmtfaurarwvaV. , r.'Mrnu. tu ' lixa UM 4 BYMTJIC' ' AAtornoya and Conn ipj a,t - - . 0KXXK8B0HO, B U. f FrscSos revdarlv la thai eoorts ef luU : OeVVitre Little Early Risers, This-' Bay anfii Date Only Theatre lULP A: m 111 II s II -V II iL-r Hri Ji IVil ; ii ' .. .'.'' S . ' SBfBtatessgaj SaaaaWaVadkUxebk.' l2tVf CWr II It'-: THE MERRY ' ; , .V , a , ,- - , ' - i . '. ? - ''J j " ' 1- 'till A 'V' i 4 at ; I- " TA 0' 1 II I V- ".aaa- Vs-4. gfmrjja If?Sri'. B"Ji.'' . 1't t ': . ..... T' S aV- HW - W X - BaSl ' -1 -a .1- W J ' I' "VI " ' ;-wr--- . ,'if .s ' P , . , - SKaxaxeaSBSaaBBBBBBB j aaaaSaaSXtakaxaxeS - ' ' . ' . '' ' . '. .'-: . h i..,. BQOK'BY HAL STEPHENS MUSIC, AND. LYRICS BY 'HARRYtBLINTN ABSOUJTEtY .THE :il- This Day and Date i Only f. t iiiiiS e:.of le 7 ' W. i. .. ) ' ) ' ' ssfr ' ' saaa7''' " " CO ' CVJ" a ..a '.iiim ' a ' . ' j - 1 ' ' 1 i - V t f ' Evaded :BTiieX Pl Assisted by a Company of New Musical JNumDers- iiaiegan; uosrames. wmeimngjjGmgxNewjnmuie. . -, ; iSpecy PncespOT -''Scats' On - v . Sale Tuesday pel. 18th, Alamance Pharmacy jajSav"- af-agy -jsm ! . Musical -. t? T' f . INumDers l NX I II r v ii r rt"irTkTnnn::' .i ij : i-' .. f ii 9 " :s v :.' L3 br.-. ' Ai hr ". CD " 'l'f- i-i 1 u Musical Numb; ; SsnBgS1 W!!lSBSaia . " ' . ' ' , -5 a-a. a.