u -I "'7. ' . HE AlAMANCEGlEANEI V()T,. XXXVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OdOBER 20, 1910. NO 3(5 JUST ONt. J0&D that word t . Jet. iB.6lU eVffli- 1 t refers to ir. Tutt's Live Pills an. , MEANS HfcAl.Ttl Troubled vdthuMUgestloaT . 5)ck headache? Vfe-tige' - r , Bilioua? - vv of these symptoms ana (natty ethers Inaction 01 toe ureiu Take No Substituted 4 . (his tips' i ,n every Knf r 'the ganulaa 30"G;-'- ; i Tablets :rca ay BBCnpo . -mm aajf When your stomaoh-eannoi properly finst food, of Itself, U neeas ajiuu assistance and this assistance Is read llj lunplieJ by Kodol. TKodolasSitStht bv temporarily diireetlnr all (the food in the stomach, so that the atomaoh may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee. S.n in ire not benefited the drag-fist "IS a awe return roar money. Don't beanatat say trnnut win aen joo Kodol on tbeae terra u tin too bottle. Kodol ia prepares at the h. bottle contains aft tunas as maos abort tfnea u JiiVi vartu. a. v. whniouu. GrahamDnirj Co.' ..'. ARE YOU UP TO DATE Hyouarenot the News-!! Oberver is. subscribe for it at once and it will keep yoa abreast of the times. r'w,.-,? - Full Associated Press dispatct a. All the news--forein, do mestic, national, state.and local all the tune. ' ' Daily News and '.ObserTer $7 per year, 3.60 for'6 ntos. . - Weekly North Carolinian St pw ytar, 50c for 6 mos-i - S Ralkigh, N. C The North Carolinian andTHX AUIIANCB G LEAKER will i) 8eilt for one year for Two Dollars; Cash in advance. - Apply atTis Gleaner office. . Graham, N. C Seed model, aketota or pwo mtreporton pMeni.- ,t. HowtoBeonraTE1 ' ' rKCTtt.m! If fcc KILLthiCOUG!! w cure the l-j::ci -""Dr." IGrftr "WOLDa m sa a "ES OF CERBTlN 1HNISTERS "TJus book, entltlfia M abore; ""ins orer 200 memolrt of lIn tof la the Chrisiiaa. Chnoh aiiatorical feference- A "'epeeting Volume nicely print bound. Price per eopj: 2.00; gilt top, 12.50. $1 u SOe extra. Ordert may. U tto - : PX. KlEXOCLJC, . 1120 . M&r&h&H St, ' ,t ' IUchnioDd,Ta 0ra r b kftU thkoJaesv C 1 -1" yaY send ell Her yczx Prtmirj? Wccsa Jf1" yon mancy ca til Poscrs,c!c dc. i VerompUjrobuSn O 'nS ""I PETER THE GREAT. History Shews That the Old Ruler of - Russia Was a Monetae-. lears ago, when a low standard of , morals prevailed, the epithet "great- waj bestowed upon any inouarcu wno won Datties and en larged the territory and resources of hi kingdom. Ituhiattered little then to the historian, what might be ft king'i private character, pro vided he made his nation formi dable by Its brute strength and full treasury. Even if he was & bad man they eulogised Mm air a great ruler. Peter I. of Russia Is called Peter the Great because he transformed a . barbarous into, a senubarbarous nation. But no one can now read $he following summary of his char acter without' feeling of'disgusi Voltaire, in his "Philosophical Dic tionary," says that "Peter was half hero and half -Jiget;' Macaulay de clarea that "to the end of his life he lived in his palace like-a hog in a sty, and when he was entertained hy ether. sovereigns never failed to leave TinenTifvocaf -proof that a sa. age-had been there.' Jfeter, irhen the fit was on Mm, literally; caned) everybodyfrom his cook to his counselor, from the meanest peasant' to the highest no- ui euariuff , neiuer see. nor sex. He'Vould' jret'nVirom the table and flog the- host who -was enter taining, him. He .would, stand the doors of the senate house and flog eaebssnatof thatwnt U. Le lortvwas aninQmatcT and; trusted frienay!tfoi flfehtrotdcation he wasknocked1, down; aid1 brutally kicked bv his imnerial maatflT Dnt all this logging wis ia the way of irecreanon. wnen; reter -meant business it was a more serious-mat ter. Incredible as it may seem, it nevertheless well authenticated that one of his own sisters it said more than one received 100 strokes of the whip on her back in the pretence vl tM whole court In 1713""AlexiB7his'dnIy son who outlived infancy,- was" for some of- lense" orUo great seriousness seT"- erai times tortured in tne presence of the diabolical father and in the end died either-from the' effect of the torture a.by sjsaasination. For sympathising with Alexis the Prin cess GoliiisynJEejbosom compan ion of the" EmptesB "Catfierihe, wa's mblklv.wUpped. by soldiers. For the' saml reason (he brdther of his fin wsi ETj44tis-idniibe had tkrssrn' into prio was tertsxei sad then torn In pieces on the wheeL' Nothing ever told of Nero is more horribly grotesque than thla,- vet - this -man,- or monstCT rather, is paraded before the world as Peter the Creat' ' i - -Ambergris. ' 1 . . , ' Formerly there was much mys tery surrounding the origin of am berario. -that: most." raluahle sub stance,- but new- It- is ppetty gener ally agreed that it is nothing more or less-tlum'-a orti(r secretion' due tff a-diseaM of the Uver of the snenn- whals. The' whales which yield ambergns'are in variably sick rrsnd-emselteinhnals.; . In ancient' tiass" this subetsncs was known a famber, a name also applied snbseq1iently' to" the" fossil gum- timtcamatoTitytfa iaHriJ In order to ojsnnguun oetween iae two one was called" amber gris (gray) and the other amber jaune M&Hry Bd, we pereeiva, the word "ambergris" mesas simply gray am ber. .As in the case of the fossil gum, pietesTof 'it weteitmnd from time-to time on the shores-of the ea, where they had been cast tip by tho wares.'-' .Wfkaa oalrreis Wars Nui BBsmssroi ostIt writem show that swrrela must lormeny nave been sunastngiy nujnervua. uw eu asvs that the crar coats were a Xdanui oconntew - A W-sJTlfsaia vaid 8.000 in, bounties for their scalps in 1743 .'am This meant -toe defence- f am 000 wiihma'onnl3ttfTeln .small district Ja the esrhr.dsvs of I Tets niW-Vy. th-takbitsnM natora settMnMHI reswsr uuuwi Who would range mo wooo. w oompanies from morning m night ,777 tJ whkli' 'band" should bring borne the greaeest Bmnber of trophies. 'The qua n trass tuns auiw are siassss lncroainiw www vttio of the board el ooacaoon, rmaatmn TO B wtmiim w - - tdhodlr: ' -' V-nioao7wJejs0j or Va1 iVa arir rv ia a noun, feminine gender, nrgmar idski, 1 jw ssrsiftrisi xrsar aaau yixrjf iTow, how do y-TBk EeesMSvU ua for Mary bsw oaoarta ootid 3tarj sjatef . . rttta. Tkeatne of Up 1 We P"- sss awv . v abler- bat ttmBr i -leottfcesflsii-.1 -Wbat la yeaor TtoSOtrfc. sm'sj Psolrar WEIGHING A SUNBEAM. ScnJe Beam 60 Delleata a Ray of tight Will Affeot It Measuring the distances of stars and planets seems . wonderful enough, but weighing them sppears at first thought an impossibility. But all this has been accomplished, and more too. The refinements of mechanical science have brought SDouT, great cnanges in weighing methods. Everything is weighed to day, -me arenrtect before putting up ms tuny or lorty story build ing calculates to a ton the total weight of the whole mass. The bridge builder works out in advance the weight of his suspension bridge and then calculates the stresses and margin of load capacity, it can safe ly carry. The marine architect must calculate to a nicety the weight and water displacement of his iron hips long before the keel is laid. An error ofa few tons might easily mate tne snip a failure. But all these weighing achieve ments are simple and crude com parea to tne work ol weighing a sunbeam, a ray of light or some in visible gas. Scales have been con structed for this purpose which are little short of magical At Univer sity college, London; there is a pair 01 scales tnat will weigh a seven tnousana-mimontn 01 an ounce. These are employed for weighing invisible gases and even sunbeams and rayf of light' It 'seems impos sible that a ray of light should have weight," but these sens! tire scales will demonstrate it. v' The scales are kept In a small un derground chamber made of metal, and the room is always in semi darkness, for the light and the heat caused by it affect the delicate beam. The scale beam is only a few inches long end is made of silica, u glass is too sensitive to heat to be of use. It is a mere cobweb-like machine, and when one enters the scale- room the alteration in the temperature - causes the . beam - to move. The operator must wait for an hour in total darkness and si lence td make a reading ' of the scale. Even when the electric bulb is turned on the sensitive scale'feels the vibration of the air caused by -the light The tiny tray of We scale ' A.JL A t. S. :f. AVl contains a giass mix, ana wio mi some imprisoned gas is placed for weighing, in spite ol the delicacy of the scale and its wonderful 'bal ance, the gas weighs so little that to tte eye no motion of the beam is risible, but a ray of light is focused upon a mirror and thence upon a graduated scale six feet away. The weight of the tube of gas is record ed on this scale and the magnified result easily read. The record may show only one seven-thousand-nul lionth of sn ounce, the total weight of the whifl of gas. Ueorge fctuel bert Walsh in Washington Star.; Mleead Them Wall. There are always twoVways of telling the truth.' The man who told the king that be would- outlive all j his subjects understood human na ture far more than the man ' who was put to death for declaring to the same monarcB tnat sii navaao; ieets would -die before hinu. The gamekeeper nr rrancis. iujuis Odds and Ends" also bad the gift of presenting the pleasaatest side of i a fact v u. A certahtnoble lord: was a 'very bad shot' One dev. after a particu larly discouraging eihibitioa of his bungling, ne said to tne xeeper: "Nov. mv man. tell me the truth, Did You ever see any one who shot as badly as i aor "Oh. ves. mv lord." rtturasd the keeper. Tve seen worse shots than asses the birds to clean. -Youths K r The Uw C. Taniaatriana. as tbe lieT. r, U. TKtennald ncails in "The Parson plsasanoa," are very keen oa-cnolt "Jncrinff-. "A doctor in tae duchv -Wvine- over-a bridge""that BTuumad a- deep woor ana saw s mWsbrndin to hk waist iflfts wst;nnatsv witwa aofnfi ihsra. Johar he shouted to -tne , . a . a . ...... AA.weei, oocwr, yoa aw, Pre rot to sing. bass in 'Aadeli "Itassiah," ' and I never can get ta that lower v unless i ve tot eold, so 1 catching ' Viaawsint f Offos Say. Ta tba editor inT asked-the Wa with the aabarbered hair and I- 't a. I,. (M a rtM of tA-1 -m from bis Vocket' orkefIr" r " I Vo," replied tbe office boy. "He Just ronrout- . - . - Tlus tne tairu una i-va cauea Jsaa aha." frowisd tb esflaT, .ai each time votf have told to he has last rone oat- What's the irslanatioar. . ' . H dwol know" answered the a t rVrCaXL hJL!XZwSEZ avia - i I vrvr saoald tae sptra ss l ftwrnmr" eeaess am e tot ft a sattT sseenaiMi Tibs tbe saet ta treaoatnfrj. sari tmaqmEOtf mmr bs -Tkwm be saassd a sasminl aasssaraes. "Wsfl." spobs) art sbawld ar-esaaj ASTROLOGY. One of the Meet Anolent 8uperatitlon. Forms of I - Astrology means the "science of the stars." The encyclopedia calls astrology "one of the most ancient forms of superstition." Chaldeans Egyptians, Hindus and Chinese were given to it The Jews became addicted to it after the captivity. It spread into the west and into Bome at about the beginning of the ' Chris tian era. Astrologers played an im portant part at Borne,' where they were called Chaldeans and "mathe matkians." Although they were of ten banished by the senate and the emperors on pain of death and were otherwise persecuted, they contin ued to hold '' their " ground? Even Ptolemy the astronomer did not es cape the infection, which in his time had been universal, ' Mohammedanism was well adapt. ed to astrology, and the Arabs cul tivated the "science" with' great ar dor from the seventh to the tMr- teenth century. Some of the early Christian fathers argued against astrology m its earlier form- and others received it modified to some xtent. Probably the palmiest days of as trology were the fourteenth and fif teenth centuries. At two of ' the oldest universities in Europe chairs were founded' for its teaching at joiogna auu sv Aauua. no pruice eour. was complete nun its as-1 trologer. After the renaissance the Study of astrologr v opposed, though for centuries many a. . i m men continued to . believe in it, among whom,' at least to a" certain extent, was Napoleon. The merci less ridicule Of Swift had much-to do with its discredit in England. Drum Tap Maaaagea. Writing' from German Africa, s European tourist says-j "We found here in the dense forest amonmeo-1 pie who knowlndthing of modern practical wireless telephone The! ariientinn aiapavttrmt a o-ood . and I naaves nave iot purposes oi cere-1 mony, peaceful and war of various' dimensions. wood, and these, sounds of sbout an octave in range, Aside from; the ceremonies, ? the drums are nsed also as means of eommunicstion.' and the manner of I fri'ki'n(7 th niimhflT f.ftroVpJI. thel pauses, etc, make up words and J Liwwii&-wMnwvidwtil stood for ; miles around. ; We , had ar i proof of it r-ne day. Our caravan was ready to start when our bead servant stopped suddenly in his wnrk' listener! ifentlv and then gave unmistakably signs of pleas ure. We learned Liter that tbe in distinct sounds coyreyed to him the news that a boy had been born to his brother in a neighboring vU- lage" . - - "a How Tennyson Deelded a Matter. Here is Tennyson's own account to Mr. James Knowles, editor of the Nineteenth Century, of how ho was offered and accepted the laureate ship : '"The night before I was asked to take the Uureateship, which was offered to ine-thrOTgh Pria AH bet-fa liHnir for mv 'In Memorism.' I berf s liking for my In Memoriam,' I dreamed became tome and kissed me on the cheek.-I said in my dream, 'Very kind, buttery Ger man.'. In the morning the letter about the Isureateship was brought to me and laid upon" my bed. I thought about it through the day, but could not make np any mind whether to take it or refuse it, and at the hut I wrote two letters, one accenting and one declining, and threw them on the table and settled to decide which I would send after m aianet and botfle of port1 at at John's Eve. - -r . Curious and quaint beliefs still prevail in some parts of England concerning St John's eve. lassies still place their shoes before retir ing for" the night at right angles, forming fe T, reciting tne noes, tfuiims nns alsM say tras lraee sea, I -' mr ahoae ba the (ona SlT. ander ' the Idea' that their future biisbandi wilT be revealed to them bi , irtga ForWerly ' strppet ' wss pwced iotf the table' with tad belief taat the future ausbaM- would ea ter bv the epea door. There is, too, prevalent idea that especially for tunate are the children born on St John's eve, the rhyme ranniag: . tarstarS aw tae ovs et SC Saba, VeewTf ATSia yrorscu w seep your vroa- bles to yoarself. Uotft fovx tbsm out apoa soqusintsnces or strsn- gets. It tart thetr fault fj yoa havw treaties, and tbey oon't want to hear of ywurs, bsosase the ass se many of their own. Aad, beidB-- here is a point to consider if yoa Insist on telling other people of voirr rrirrmncea thev Will at Itnfth some U disiiks aai ri.ua yoa, W thereby vo wa them (m, .Tlm Ituar ejaablaa -'. Tba Tartdeb ArfaWa FaUnam. - i Talatiaixref ssfnd wblrale fse bsMt wt Oks TstSASi -wmWH Die piisuell auinealrs rf fitsmw T a ateat vaissbis oaaltty ta way, for mis as tost Its snaamw to ai trays aaai aad aariaeted. araaibtes tttxle aad , rrcloas eBdursaca. It to BBea si forms of peaee, rant as S is anea ts S J. J-.it 'I aia aaaaw. U tbe Tarklah aoldler swear awes eery ntac. a swear , arv. Cseept by the beat trstaea er most Asanas troops be Is bed ta beetI-eaAos) aperUtee. when beaten, emit! to form "rose" diamonds. whfle the . .vw , A. . Antiquity of Shorthand. BborUuuid la a rt lu be lookvd upon -WIIW no-sera srt , The srodcceaw.m of I'lluiun-Brrom In the elgbteenlb rrurury. Muaoa In tbe srv- cnfm-uib-aiv dim aiid'dtktdni BirareH twjoud -fit- 11 mhm awimM to Tea rare. Ck-eru iltrtalr-d btaioratliioK lo Us frwdujun. T, -Tullluii Tlrv. aud wan utc-uuaoiHUie wura teniunrarliy a.-prlr ed of his aerrk.' tit cbtul.lulued In a- letter lo a rrteHfl tnnvi,' while -Tiro takes dtfwu wboW.iiliruani In a tv stgos, 8plutlinru hla imivlMlitnul aub stitmai onir wrtre la at-Mnifc - v 'need not. hoererrr. iiikhh thai tbr venwd: by: ibetrredniala .pirtrtlou As at. Ooapla uuluta oat, tbe Itoauiiw created very few of ibe arts of peace. CnnrUf -'tfieinaelverf.' a rule, bj copylnK from tli:tOwrkH.- M.'.Gueutn. however, indicates, tbe banks of tbe NUe"as m rtasli of tbeJ artitL M A Benevolent TeneerY week last ysse at aa e( ef tbe wsr village la the niountaln reaioo. They A. .rriitf-flS'')kAMfaridHrjul .mm!' .mu Tm thv were staging. sTthat tb didlT-trtp tt WpOSfOfflte' became a real event- .iaJJMirJFs and aorieared'at the wMdow otoe inertins. -o; tney sn a tninf tor you su uus aiawmo-, suss sary, was me re - yon but a letter that looked Ilk adver - Msta', sn SO 1 opeaed it., and sure " 1 the waste box." Touth's Companion. - Diamond Not all diamonds are 'wbat thef seem There are two ktods-the mvimm,- uwHuwuuuf wvu waaw va mm i . , . . . , Hants," and'tho- "roses." tho'larteH? lull well that the men of Which are tised to meet the' popi j wno control d eaerat patronage Calamine, Ark., when all elaefail ular demand for diamonds. Ia the I control their party's destinies ed and I gained 47 pounds in efotting of diamond the roueb absolutely and In every respect, Mnw-y&Wi-rtMteljti, imrawtani, eontroveraiea awunntt taev s ehWOedT intOI ahkp by tiay-wsdgds before being actually-cut and polished on the votvunr wntL xne various iiieii)Boau.ouMW " iibwij wi like; arums J tnus'cnipped off are themselves cut i mlnated last summer, are decided made of anpoHsno tth?bertia4v tbefmntMsion rmir orm; crystal :u cut toto "nriaiant.- Obrtously, then, roses aro' lahelpet aM 'alsi Chan. bnUiantabtatltlem iudkiousi "nse. either With brilliants Or withlovaat fw aitiaU ajrv AfaMAftimAntl eolored stones,' enables mtifMtnr- to produce article whi6h tesdji i ly taka the publto fancy . . . . - . ' . . . i Soma Uaae For tewduet A box of sawdust is a convenient thing to have at hand In the house hold. It can be used in so many wa-ra. Shaken in with a little wa- ier in a bottle thaC teda wialiW it la toleiidld tdrTeuov sedunentM 01 tne A-'nandful thtdwa on a -dying fire will revive It Instantly. Well dried auu ueaveu auu epnouou UTcr l trwwM wpwie ia caipeia, ewe. u.zw-l mores vmt sasrlta. better taan- ai mOst anvthinor else.- It tmut be wall rubbed to and left for a f ew hours. Sawdust slightlr moistened I and sprinkled 4 th floors 'of Tandas, , outaonsesv, eti, , wui aid l&0iZtZ K cough and was threatened .a. L ' ...a. v. .uGT . ewodworWax teU im little sawdust mixed with the ptttty ) will mske-it tsks the stain or paint as-it would not by itselL-New I Jot Tribune.' I'i l iW ..J' .'- i . new iraaicai rrane w 1 1 oieeise. U'sssy aas'streca'yoa taaf tropica! 'frria-1v tMea-seaard'er saoas rtnda, wtdes aead to be torn off before tae- atoakays or birds for wnoee As tae sra talaBded caa set at taeta sad eat taeesi Oar borthars strawberries,' reset lit ss; aaSraats and wborUebsiites, Swveisfad with gta eye to tbe pretty rabies and (aches of ; temperate eilraas, caa b late the Booulb whole sad sates as (hey-stSBA; ToeTaJWssaaaekaV siaaa btras to aevea aad to fllapetse tbe tiny aadlsasted. soUlke seeds ia rstara tbr the bribe of tbs soft palp' tba r ear Mb) taeta. Ba b is sjutt staerwios with semaaasv. sbsddeefca, Dtantalna snanaoes aad . ntasspniea TUse fresf tropical traits tea sallbs eatna scopetw- aAa baM sad aftaa scrti rind that sserde prsssrras taess. . Taey lay tassa as wmt 4m SUsaaesSM'by saaaasra, lewcans sad other relatrreiy buss sad powsrfal trait eaters, aad tbe rtad to pat there as a barrier sxaTast small thlrvws wno eroald rob tbe sweet plp bat -be abeoratsiy taeapsMe 1 turf tna sway sad Operalof; the tarts sad rk sly stared saanaf M wt tae saser eassosas of I BsasBbs race ba Afrira to sf a psraealsliyiostaoad form, as .esrdlDs' to a'wttrsrW-tbOepwp leal Jeeraat TaarRWO yeam -endres. wUsafi are jovtoi Assytto taeae sfasator eaar rtottea, Tae Beayoroa. aaauar ttfbe. as re aa ssplaaeawt rssCsss wt aartraedag'tJM rear bwer kKtoors, wMcb eweaes the apper val e grww i'Tbe esaaaa so serfs! Aieej, to asaectotod saaJeJy wttb rsAs, aa. - Tbry ewdrsrer Sa propirists va rtaeai eV. saoat wt wbaes are eas aerted wub rbe perrslent dlewaaea, by aawe ia arbtra Seed 8StO bees- a t4erd- TWy brsrtobty ea. ry rewad the aerk waadea charms ST amaB rosta beraa wWr bare bees awb ejsfV-el aewar sy tae iad SBkietB. acswetee" to'slor aorta sassrslTsy wtama rba The Politics of Pic. Charlotte Obeerrer. It may be observed that in readmitting after a blacklist certain Republican Congressmen to the patronage privilege none of the three North Carolina Republican Congressmen was in- yolved, though the Republicans of their State had against the Taft administration ground of com plaint greatly transcending any which Insurgent State could show. They hot" only had before them the spectacle of violated pledges to the county at large but peculiar and bitter grievances of their own.' Besides expressing hid very low opinion of North ' Carolina Republicans in the most publ lc I nd pointed manner, Mr. Taft has i made It ndssible for Democrats to ''Maar with' perfeet truth that he turned J down; every one of the lirtMHIl li lLSailll 111 1 1 "J. 1 1 ITHHI1 It lM.Iaa IflF lfr,j,HrAT-Snt. tinrt. oa flt-:fni.l"nccessrully. I aDDolntod a stralffhtOut Democrat In-tead. None the leas. Mr. Taft iu . ., v . . , 1 three North Carolina Republican nmrraarhAn nlavA to hini inAn- lcyu&Mfr1iM ilZHIM ny i m ai l aa awnwinnnw miirnr.nn Tflla iMAYtir. Vrtlo-rit riAf tu unnh very great cause of just reproach to the Republican "party of North j nttw.in-lr-fH0 (VmmwuniAn nari t prJ - T .. .. . , . Bon vtTTX,TTu 14,8 P08"1 sTUnteed re-l11611 including that which the M.w.w n" . teats are never for elective offlws,rr.ml. nir.Va j mted pt aiffi0riit for I f"10 the position of pattottage-dispens-l Lnsi Tinsxiainn or nsi.i.r(iiiH.Lr's-ia larmna tasjenttreiy."! Of sticaNOftn W Una RepubUcans as do not hold tnis awituae we giaaiy maae ex-1 ceptlon. ; But it is to those hungry nosts, wno ao, giving uu party a tone accordingly, that the practl State always look, wii m-A ii.... n.i.. w-A i.,-; Pram tba FUbn. I" "' "fc' D,,""le' The terrible rcsnlts of tbe Frl ve-Ida Saturday and Sunday forest tlrt are beginningr to be realised 7Z.ZZ -T.",TJ Lthousands. ' I - . -l"1" round Along tne rail- way track three miles west of Beaudette were brought here to- j .i. in. . ... . . r-1- I of elothloa- left on anv of them I save parts of shoes. ;Tho bodies - - I had the prance of having been baked In a' red hot oven, Searching parties were organised I todav and went south to relieve! anffarlnw anrT tA tfok an tWdead. . .. r. I 4 nuejnstancas "orisps.neari aiw iiuwiii iwu. i juut wokiiiue got lata tba rapid river ana saved tbemeehre by wading in the water, although lie? faces were blistered by the heat Wild.' animals v raced -wildly apOut ue edgeof tM ore ana men, oonfcmry ta" their habits, turned and plunged ia the deep and wide Assay nrex auu wwmm mvnw W. s a .. - A.IGatlVlHrVUHswwBUTv aasmy far 'ssai Uanaaa ana safety. Tney tonow-i a k . . it . . . .i I sa busuhi Bign; ana cavvie uae-1 wis'releaeed by tbeir owners at tba approach of flames, fled tot SAfaty. Aoorapsjiytog the horses I were hundreds of deer, caribou and BMoae, and in truth the cattle lay down with the bean, wfJd eat aad timber wolves aad wim so danfe front thefa. They iSflsitur from - ue common enasjy. - jrever probably la the history I of this aonany was there such a herd of wild aai taals aa psuawd be fore the eyes of the human refugee. Not one of then shot art molested. . -Ambittous young men and ladles should Seara telrraphy, for, gfne ue new S-bour Uw be eatme effective there Is a aborts of many tbotiaand telegraphers. Poaiuons pay from t0 to IO a month to beginner. The Tele graph Institute of Columbia, 8. C aad tve otoer due is opera- ed tinder supernsioa or li. K. Of ficials aad all student are'pLacwd wkea QOAlincxL Write ureta for paxticulars. How to Protect America, ... mm . . . . ' Senator flora ' . t ? We can not : long prosper be hind the wall of a monopoly tariff. A recent Congress appropriated 153,000,000 to open rivers and harbors for the stimulation" of trade. , The same Congress raised tbe tariff to disco-rage .trade. When were wo right and when were we wrong? The eal way to success lies in making better American goods cheaper than .they can be made elsewhere, and the cotton manufacturer of Charlotte at that could beat the world, so much higher is the efficiency of labor in America. It is true that you pay your operators 30 to 0 percent more than they do abroad, but this is true of all business. The farm hand in America gets ten times as much aa the farm Pana m lnai 7et tnft America r - " you really want to protect American labor, keep out those PuPer mu"rere wno are coming lover here. Forty-aix per cent of the population of Rhode Island is I foreign born. forced To Iave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose longs are sore and racked with conghsare urgt-d to go to ahotn?r climate. 15utthls is costly and not always sure. There's a better wav Let Dr. King's New Discovery cure yon I wv aavsasve A v ,uaw uiv v eMasaa trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of weight. It's surely the KingofaU h500?0 and l 7 sanas owe ineir uvea ana neaitn tor uongns, voids, - Aunppe, Asthma, Croup- all Throat and Lung troubles, r 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Graham Drug Co, A case of cholera developed Sunday in the steerage of the . . .. ....... . . t. . kt v-w- .. - 2.iki. nt,n Nftir k " possible oho,eIm egir sinoe Monday of . . t ... e - ... m u-z-avj Another ehblea ws- timt from the Moltke is nnder atmant at. SwinhnmA latand mltkfjn three ca9es 0f diolera wnlc h. ve -ctuan- reached the port of New York. "It Beats AH." This is quoted from a letter of M. StockweU, Uannlbal, Mo. V. recently nsed Foley's Honey and Tar for the first time,. To say I Am pleased does not naif express my feeling, it beats ail tne rem edles I ever used. - I had contract ed a bad col l and was nearly sick bed, having a terriblo headache with pneumonia, The flrat dose with nneumonia. gave great, renei ana one ootue completely cured lwyrecommend FoleyV. Honey -I -.-- Those unsightly pimples and wotcnes "ternai Applications maw wxaiaasvf ss ilr til I am 4 Kavti Taut. u''lky MounuTn Tew removes them for keens. Gets at the cause impure blood. Tea or Nugget (tablet form) 800. at TUompeon Vmg VO . ' ; - 1 .! A"tDec,tor; Friday, Bob der oX Tom Edmondson, his wife, mother and two children, was ac quitted after a trial lasting three days. sasdly .ruined if not properly grouad when being sharpened. If yoa want dy sWaed right aai w ft broad mrt,. .Vr.iu rwra mndar. ... . ate. 0. X. AuBJfKB, uus Otooa. CoL Rooaevelt rode from AUaa- ta to Ubt 8prlnga, Ark., Sunday and nearly every stop, about 50 ia number, talked W, the folks who gather to see him. , 4 ii waau vu uai wi mote strengtit, clearer sua, stronger nerves, more elastic step? Use Uolllster's Koeky Hoontaia Tea, tbe great vegetable regula tor aad toaia. Oss IMpsoxare makes 10 eapa of tea. Tbompsoa Drag Co. . r Winston is to have aaawaa- Uoaal bank with a capital of 100,000 It will be known as Use XcTukata, NationsBank and will opea for buaiaeM abovt Jaanary L ; .x Ver Bfars Tbaa Tare PecadeeiOt. Foley's Honey aad Tar had been a bouse no ia xavonte iot oougna, colds, aad ailments of tbe throat, cheat and long. Contains ao opiates, aad ao harmful drug, Refuse substitute, sold try all Druggiata, . 1 Tbe Cause of Many ( Sudden Deaths, There is a disease prevailing- fa (hi coontry most dangerona beeaassso deeep. II I fjiirl T uve. Aianyendaea deaths are caaaed by it heart die. esoe tisensio&is, bearr'fsttate ec apoplexy are oftes the atffCt of Ud- nev Aiaasse. If kidney tronble is allowed te ad vaoca the kidtieyxriaoa ed blood will at tack tbe vital organs, canaurg- catarrh ol : the bladder, brick-dost or sediment ia tbe urine, head ache, back ache, lssoe back, riirrineta, sleeplessness, aervomv Mas. or the kidne-ra thnelM break ' down and waate away cell by cell. - Bladder troubles slmost always result from a derangement of tbe kidneys sad better health ia that orean- ia btained quickest by a proper treatment of the kid neys. 5wampRoot corrects iaabUity U bold urine and acaldinr caininrjaaaineit. and overcomes that nnsieaaant tseceaaity of beinf compelled to gw often throngh the day, and to get up-many timca dnriaf tbe nisht. The mild and imnediate effect of Swamp-Root, tbe great kidney remedy is soon realized.- It atandathe highest bo ot its remarkable bealta restorisg A trial wul convince snvooe. 6 wamn-Root is Dleasaat to taka and is sold by sll drnggists is fiftyHMit and one-dollar sbs bottles; Ton mat have sample bottle and a book that tells all aboatH, both sent free by maiL address. Dr. Kilmer Cotf Binghanrkw, . -V. When wrHinK mention readise this reB- erons offer ia this paper., Doat soak . say soistske, bnt remember the aame. -' Swamp-Root, and doat let a dealer sell , yoa something taplace of Swamp-Root if you do yoa will be disappointed. :,. PROFESSIONAL CABDS DAMERON - & LONG Attoneys-at-ta aaw.DAVEBoir, 'Phone S90, Piedmont Build inc. 1. ADOLPH bOITOV , Fhoas HOB i lBol-Mloaolsaa Bids. ; BarUastoa.ll.a -h .a DR. WILLS. LOAO.Jil I I I dentist' i I , arahans, . , ; NerU Carsllaa ' OFFICE SIMMONS BTJUJDlJia 1A0OB a. Loxa. . . xutn torn LONG A LOlfO, Attomaya and Coiin loi s a Law OSAHaIC, K. . ' -I -j f Tm s. o:aor, 1 ' Attaraey-at. Lava, rJBAHAM, ;.,r-;r..j-., omoa : saeoad Flaoc.' roaa-esA Brau. W. r.anrea, Ja BVNUM ABYNTJMa A, ttoa-oaya and Coiinaaloeeat law aaJtKNSBOBO, ' rnrtls) refalarly b: the eoarW f Ahw eosalr Asa.S,S41y b'OBTH CAKOLIBA ' . . Slams ace Ceaaty. Ia lb Baserier Ceart r .- ;.. i, t Btebr Tbs Clerk. . J. Barvay While t . I. B. Man a. va The eefaoeant, above aamedV will lake aottoa thai ao action, entitled ae above, has bean oommenood ta Tba Superior Court of Alananoa County and Slate of North Caroll a lor tae surpoee of furaalaalas a eenata Mortaaca 1W4, azoratad by tea aald aetaa dant on JSnreh Ttk. IMS, lo aaenre the ltr bmdI of Otoe Hundred and Twenty ttra Vol. Ian (Slat) aad the Intareai thoreoe BMura by s bond, of e Sale taeiewlili. to i. Bar ry Jonea, oa the laada Seaarllwd la aald liortaafe Ooed, wbloa la neutered la tae O sea of the Beaiaatrof Dead for alawawno Ooaaty and State of Borta Caroliaa la book M, aaa-aa W to W uuluaive. , And the aald defaodant wtfl fartber Uka ootJo that ba ta nuired to appear at the Mil terra of The Superior Court ot AUv ueee County to ba haul ea Mar. Tth. Iviu. at ttie Cburt Hoeas ta said County la Qrahaaa M.Caad Aaawar' or-Daaaur to tw Ua" euUnt la aald aeUoa, er the alalutiC wUl ap ply to the Ueurt tor relief :aeautaded la mid Oofaplatnt. . ... Tbiaant.m.ina - . nrkerararker, Aaauj boas, Att to aaannaV' : NOTICE! i4 ' Bertb CsreMsa Alssrsees Caaaty. la taa Maarlae iart. Sarrice by PahUcatlea. , - t -' The sefeedaiM) above Hamad will avke ao aaa that aa aatlaa eetlUed ea above baa ' beaa ineanml la the baparlor loan c AI i ay. far divotaa . aad Urn abaoiotadlaaoaitloaef the bonda at Mirt oayhaf aaathe alateuaad the awwJ aat aad lae Safaadanl will tarthorWae mo- mm that ba hs mulrad ta rvr at e ' brael aeurtae be hld the aanih b'-.r ariae- the Srat MaadAy la htmmumr. a ' t&e" ad iwKii.i to tba .. -.a ' laaloa.eralai platan will cnuH tor tae aaQaS iLTLS a. , ....... j.u. xaaaopu. caa Re-Sale of Land - Be aWtaa af aa eraar of the I of Alatanra aooatr. aaaaa la a i mdlnaa tlmw mi the boira at law mi tne . boa J. W. Taylor ware made nmw fr w aaraaaa of aalHae; Me bad fur earMb I W ewar at etie aaia, aa the hlr i . t- m aaa araiaaa. aoain om akaa - the haaat mi i. OaiTta Weaker al aaea. ea Taaaaay. hTlYIlCBERlS, 191(i taaaviwt afraid1 raal w mvm r. w-wiu A TmC I ayaaa ta Aa-w-Mtavr, euatauuus- aaataweahia ta taawait 115 ACRES, W awVSSBn JWtTdssl tsVfJ V ! f SjV 0Br, . A. WtsBSA, at- 1 U f, Dari t VsJM fJmWl Haasbr 4 kaVm M , J. wt. 1 aykrw jnwi ftaekeatb. Z mm dMB tsbftsBaj laVeMt (txT -wb,srw, a a 4 fcUsjssL W ha tsVLbwr M m Atvsji avavf tie batasaj b mm awMimaT ipAtaNsar, fcartbrw a WW i W l-eTMsa, BMSHf Iwo Pir r- i ar s "Hbd CaaBaaV f&GMK ibwl fc a) ' .xrt -n JsV f . 4 taad rk, , . f '-U e-takrt hi -f sssAjsji imtf4 mdk.9m4fc-4 fn I WHawlamt t4 FSBVeirat Bab ftaw-av , tJWw ssamj rwia CU tntlf t 1 rV . -tit a? .lavansc jsf sg :- w 1 a,' -4 a-AraUfal bf ttV Cm Bja; U,m lava. Osjttwat. s9.sj.COOC. Cemt'-"-f, ' . " tb.Ma C. 1 V Aalaa4 M,.,'fe-v. ... .

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