The Alamano LEANE .i . - ft. -1; ..;.?-r .rT vol.. xxxvi. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, OCIOBER 27, 1910. NO 37 IMis stimulate the TORPID LIVED. strengthen tneai (restive organ, regiuaiar mo pmnuf hil asw 1 equaled as an -. ; Allft IIMJMII . n malarial district their vtrtoM ar videly recognized, aa they posse peculiar properties In freeing the system from that poison. . Elegantly lake No Substitute.- A' 9 7 "i jvory i -wrea a ' thegenniat ; AMeti Indigestion (J5E When your stomach cannot properly direst food, of itself, it needs a little assistance and this assistance Is read ily supplied by Kodol. Eodol assita the stomach, by temporarily digesting1 all of the food in the stomach, ao that thl stomach may rest and recuperate Our GuaranteeiSVx&f roa are not aenontea ana- aruggisi na ir ono return your money. Don't nealtatat any drnnist will sell rorf Kedol on these tarmi The dollar bottle aootaliit J4.. time as taueh M the toe bottle. Kodol Is mmredieVtBd laboratories oi m. u. ueuuta Graham Drug Co. , ARE YOU up TO DATE If you arc not th News an Oberyeb is Subscribe, for it at once and it wiUkiiepyott abreast Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the newFforeignt do-l mestic, national, state and local all the tune.-. -" .. ".. Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 ms. Weekly NortH Carolinian" $1 per year, 50c f of 6 mos. .NEWS & OBSERVER PUK CO., Raleigh, N. -C " i The North Carolinian andTHB Ai-aiiaxce Gleaneb will be Bent for one year;. for Two Dollars. Cash in advance; Apply ai TfiB Gleaker office. Graham, N. C Bend model, iketob. or photo of inmaUnlt tat freereuorton paten taWlltv. TR!rr-F Tnr (raetoek. How to Secure1 " . wdte rstenta and to 'J alt killthbco::ch mo cure tm ll::ss w,THPr.ins'ff;:J Tien Bhccvcrjir aWPHttTrlROAT AN01UNS TROUBLES. QUAKANTED BATISFAOXOeU 0B XOhTBT KXXXJMDED. IT V 1 J i.A". f LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This boot.' entitlAd as ahovs. contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the' Chtistian-. -Church iux historical "reference.1 Aa Interesting volume nicely printr dand bound. Price per copy: doth, M.OOjgflir top, Bf 0o extra. Order may 1 sent" to . , -- PJ.TKlSNODl, '--'- 1120 E. Uarahan Stv, Kichmond., V. i may be'left at this office. sssaasss.aa" ny scna ell Hsr yonr 0DPrlii!l23? Vecsa ve you money on ell Stationery, Yein3 nvltatlcas, Duslacss 3rds, Posters, etc, etc. ! 1 We promatlr obtain U. a and Foreirn i yintwwiMiiiwww,,, 1 poem HHHKftfta Uttll i ...u... .. , , . . I, OLD IRONSIDES By Oliver Wendell Holme YE, tear her tattered ensign down I Ixrag.baa it waved on hisrh. Shall sweep the clouds no mora. Bat deck, once red with heroes' blood, ? "Where knelt the When' wlnda were hurrying o'er the flood, And waves were white below, No more shall feel the victor's tread, Or know the conquered knee; The harpies of the shore shall pluck The-eegl of the seat I THE" ANDORRANS. All the Inhabitant f the. Little Ra- ' i, paiblle Are Relates); Th labaUtantajof Andorra, the little repattltt WBlah 1 wedge fc between PraneaaxSalnNjaTihfcli baa exist eastn tM. yeast 78B ace vary proad of their blue blood and ancient lineage. In their eyes a gavache (foreii'iar) of any deaerlDtlon'orinatlanalltv V, more. jly ai Inferior; bfettg, avaarttof uuaa- roettf upatarf la cemtMriao with them selves. During 1,200 years they have continually married and intermarried to such an extent that at present all the Inhabitant are practically cousins, yet, strange- to say, neither their phyat cat; mental aor oeeal -egeti tier seem t Iieweaare?eaeBV Betir" seres ere" strong limbed,, broad aheuldered, bright eyed, hardy and loag Ured, retaining their hair and their teeth to a green old age. They are al keen witted -and intelli gent, alert and'- happy hearted, sober, industrious, hospitable and, devout The feminine Andorran has not a vest ige of coquetry aeoat bK . 8 he 1 Just the female. puN and simple; She Is a thYdfty housewife, a helpmate to her msbaadt in tkeA meet- tttetal sense of the, term ready and able to trudge off aosoaaaBoenah'd TMeabesM him with-a pack of snwggleCioodl en her back-in, case of needV-Wlde World Promoted" the cook. Aa Error Made Him a . Prefeeeor ef Hietory In Ruesi. Some- years ago the- mlnletet-of edu cation in St. Feteraburg was appealed to by telegraph for a cook, to be bur tied-1 Uoscow. The opera tor got his dashe and dots mliffc but by next tram man arrived and was ceremom Onslr eeaAlictad ,toi the,' antrerslty. when he waaintroduced to the asaem Bled facultr ahd students ak the new TOf aaaxy toJUacery. . v - ,Th nnhappy fellow paoteated mat. whfieT he might be a professor of pots aad sjafts. he. laeje, ntmnt about His tory. But in Russian ofUclal life it la tardflrr o Wrect fcnrror than to aaajav,a for sererai years- the cook has bild- hla prefessorshipi though no om extend kla lectures.-' Another laughable story comes from the Snwalky school for boys. A door keeper there who could scarcely read or write had grown ao untidy, and glow that he was no longer ueef ul, but M th headmaster 4id not wan to set hun adrift he promoted him to a teach er's post and bad Mm transferred to a distant achooL He, too, will be a pro- feasor some dayv-afoacow Letter in NenXertoWooVL Didn't' Want It FUtUned. This story is tqld of Jerome K. Je rome, the humorist ' Returning from abroad one time, be fell Into good conv rjanv. with the exception of one man. who wwbt is known aa "a walking eacvclopedlar Thl man persisted in firing all aorta of information, mucn 4kannrjraDM fltttr. Jerome and lint.- Onw morning,' as the travelers jeasH ever the raiV admiring the rte ng sna, the man wmavine mimmwm Hnrned to them and said almost sot- tnenly: . '--Oentlemen.'tf the earth van flat tcneeVe he,a. ,wemMi oeep over the whale world." Mr. Jerome turned around, seemtar BtasMdv-mevkav taeflgtaavt, 7a -.liiM orew tthe eajaaraaaa, be said, shakiag hlsilngar mtnarlnaty -Took ber, man, a jam tmOam tutor oif tk earth- Kaoa hlaaeai taaraoat. 1 -ppila4sphla Tlmeau . , J tL-ik tsat hilt Ts. mmHAhMa aw apea mhUr i fmUMmm In aakoaw whia an" bs ti u the trsra hafl. and Is-tha niaf of ajawnbty aereral aanu . . . i. in thai emnt tMIOOCIJiap""-. or aldennea. aaa tlMsafcarlslse' eeawt and a pottca eoatrt israaldad of ot the aJdermes. Tie wtrartloa e i.,.. ... waa in lfO. It Bffnvnea aji 1 1 TV t o w mmr Mirr aUatiered W the grant bm of jeae. tx form- T f"" rLT . . . ased for thai si aa tne-Sfcwaw oww . - gav kacav ua m J- - m MieVCeAe-e. J, 1aa,l tta-aaaddlaagaar" TThy, in aaJddJa agea. aay bay. tBieMSVkkavMau U TiimZ71 W mb atria Sanaa. trst tia " J" waa la 1S0O. BBS. ST"- they atop aa - I j - or coaay " - " "aaaaaaaa:a:C And many an eye has danced to aaa That banner In the sky; Beneath It rang the battle about. And burst the cannon's roar; The meteor of the ocean air Oh, better that her shattered hulk Should sink beneath the wave; Her thunders shook the mighty deep, And there should be her gravel Mail to the mast her holy flag, Set every threadbare sail, And give her to the god of stoma, The lightning and the gale! He dot Badly L.ft. Experiences of a correspondent of a Nuremberg paper go to abow that the German adulteration laws are drastic. He says: "A French friend aent me four bottles of bargundy. After pay ing the duty I waa informed that all wine coming frem abroad has to be analysed; Aa my consignment includ ed two kinds of wine a double analysis was necessary, and for this I paid a fee of 9.24. Aa the end of a week I received first a certlflcute attesting that my wine was pure and, second, the case in which the bottles were sent. I waa also Informed that two bottles had been required to form the basis of each analysis and that consequently there waa no wine left I am natural ly grateful to the state for the precau Hons taken to guard my health, but I cannot help thinking I am entitled to the empty bottles. Surely these were not also analyzed." Got Hia Receipt He had rua up a email bill at tbe village store and weDt to pay It, first asking for a receipt. Tbe proprietor grumbled and complained It was too small to give a receipt for. It would do Just aa well, be said, to cross tbe account off and so drew a diagonal pencil line across tbe book. "Doea that settle itr asked tbe cus tomer. "Sure." "An yent niter be askln' for 11 aginr "Certainly not." "Faith, thin," said the other coolie, 'an I'll kape me money in me pocket " "But I can rub tbat out." said the storekeeper. "I thought so." said the customer dryly. "Maybe ye'll be glvln" me a re ceipt now. Here's yer money." One of the Native. A gentleman waa once showing a countryman round a aoo. when tbey came to a cage containing a kanga roo. ''What is tbatr Inquired tbe coun tryman. "Oh." replied tbe gentleman, "tbat la a native of Auatrallar Immediately the countryman threw up his arma Id horror, exclaiming. "Goodness gracious, my sister married one of them r London Telegraph. Training Fer a Crash, "That man la alwaya anxious to get into the apot tight,'' aald the observant cltlxen. "Tea." replied Senator Sorghum, "but be doesn't discriminate. One of tbe days he's gem to atand lu front of a locomotive headlight and not realls Dls miatak till he la run over." Wash ington Star- He Didnt Tell. The MwTer for tbe defense found it necessary to weaken the testimony ef th main witness for the proaecuuon. "Mr. Skybo," he aald, proceeding io croa axamlne him, "did you over live an the eacoaatT air.'' reaoonded tbe witness! "1 hare lived half my ui in a -ton are fs"'r, then, wiw aait , water flahr u Tea. tr." "Well, Jast aa a matter of mforma- .atoa. wfll row Die tU m now a Slander aelma WDetbar tMrisoatafty r vsrtoallyr -WaU-ar" That la all. Mr. Skybo; yon may 4 ealde." CmcafO Tribune. - Ana I in and rTsfclna. The true angler doe not care much bout the sic of tbe catch, aad let it ka retnembered that t ana eatrb ash are vary different things. There are debased creatures ta bmnaa rata wba win attach mm a ef mardarooa baidwar t the saat of amp aad with It pa" Dak from tba watar hr a beer atrenrtb, bat aTcB alar whe baa tmpneed apoa a tteld cod ot honor and to the faas or nv asm aa a w a ttte an aalna for awecre aatf The angler does not g tartk to eatrk nab, bat to Bab. ana then with the angler W aasaae eC ptataiaty will recogafaw the Hf jaTaaca -pMi'pfcia Tiaaaa. afanr paopl are elffaraaea betwaasi a U hse aaal a US tack gas. Game are aiaaaaral by Ike bee r csorbetv yoal as aaotarcar oa glne thunder are. A 13 mem gaa. rnerefor. fa a?gna that area a aapx wkick ia twelve toe be la dlaoseter. . The kngta ef m a raoewea m caliber, roc Inetance. a oo eanoae- u bach gta Ja ooa fifty tUaea tba kegtb at! Ka bare that ia to aay. fifty feat long. A tO caliber etz inch gna woald be twearty-eva fast sang, and aa eav Ixodoa SaadarA. Obituary Germ. When John blieruiun of New Iluven, pieucuer, mutliemuticlau, almanac maker aad fattier oi twenty-six chil dren, beard of the death of bis Rood friend Jonathan Mitchell, a Ilurvard pastor, beexplaimed (after due thought and mauy poetic paujjs): Here Ilea the darling of rd time. Mitchell expired In his prime. Who tour year ahort of forty-seven Was found full rip and plucked for heaven. When Thomas Dudley, father of the first American poetess, Auife Brad street, came to his deathbed, says the South Atlantic Quarterly, be showed where his daughter bud received ber surprising gift by composing sucb fare well llnea as: Dim eyes, deaf ears, cold stomach ahew My dissolution la In view. Eleven times seven near lived have i. And now God cells 1 willing die. Bacon and the Fisher. In "Aubrey'a Lives" this quaint atory la told of Lord Racon: "Hla lordship. being In the garden looking on Rubers as they were throwing tbctr nets, asked them what they would take for their catch. They answered so much. His lordship would offer them not so much. They drew up their oet, and la It were only two or three little Ashen. He then told them It bad been better for them to have taken bis offer. Tbey replied they hoped for a better draft, but, aald his lordship, 'Hope la a good breakfast, but an ill sapper.' " A Japanese Wedding. A Japanese wedding Is a quaintly pretty ceremony. The bride, dressed in a white Bilk kimono and white veil, alts on the floor facing ber Balanced husband. Near them are two tables, upon one of which are two cups, a bottle of aake and a kettle with two spouts. On the other are a miniature plum tree, typifying the beauty of th bride; a miniature fir treo, repreeen. lng the strength of the bridegroom. and a stork stands on a tortoise, sic nlfylng long llfo nnd felicity. The bride and bridegroom drink alternate ly from the two spouted kettle In tWn thnf IhM mill h.nofnrth .h.l each other's joys and sorrow. After the wedding th bride's veil la-taW .ewaw Am. 1. -A I... wo w vtr uncu aa ucr I uuu. A Bird' Barbed Wire Fans. There may be aeen along tbe road sides in Central America a brown wren about tbe alia of a canary which build a neat out of all proportion to Its ap parent needs, it selects -a mall tree, with horizontal branches growing close together. Acrom I wo of the branches It laya aticka fastened .together with tougb fiber until a piaiforui about all feet long by two feet wide baa been constructed. On tbe end of this put form Dearest tba tree trunk It tbea builds a huge, dome shaped neat a foot or ao blgb with thick aldea of Inter woven thorn. A covered paaaageway la then made from the rest to the end of tbe platform in aa crooked a ner as possible. Across tbe outer end aa well aa at abort intervale alone; tbe inside of tbls tunnel are placed enn ning little feucca of thorna with Juet apace enough for the owners to paaa through. On going out this opening is c!oevd by the owner by placing thorns across tbe gateway, aad tbna the safe ty of tbe eggs or young is aaaured. Harper's Weekly. Finding Mark Twain by Faith. One evening a few years ago Brand er Matthewa and Francis Wilson were dining together at tbe Player club of New York, when the former mad tbe auggestlon tbat tbey write a letter to Mark Twain. "But," objected Mr. WIJ- son. "we don't know where be la," for It waa at a time when Mr. Clemena waa away traveling somewhere. "Oh," aald Professor Matthews, "that doea not make any difference. It hi aura to find bun. I tblnk be ia some place la Eurorte. ao we had better pat on a five cent stamp." Bo tbe two eat down and composed a letter, which tbey ad dressed to "Mark Twain, God Knows Where." . Within three week tbey received a reply from Mr. Clemen which aa briefly, "He did." Tbe letter had been sent by tbe New lork poatofflce to Harper A Bros., thence to Chatto A Windoa of London, thence to a bank in Vienna and from tbe bank to tbe small town in Austria In which Mark Twain happened to be ataylng-Book- The Steraa Battery. The correct tacbnlcal tana for the fluid ia a storage battery, which la often called add, la electrolyta. This Said la a mixture of four and a half sails by volume of distilled water to one part of (rare concentrated aolpbor- le add, S boo Id It become aeeeaaery to repiaea It account of lose by apil tnsr or leakage the strength above In dicated should be need, bat evapora tion toe ebeold be mad ap with a more dllot add. coDalatlDg of tea parte of water to one of pare concen- trated atupbnric acid. Tha Mieerable VIHain. low Cesnediasr-Afur all theae year Ecgbcrt has at but aveceeded la mak- k- a hit with tbe andience. aoabrette 8oT How doea he do UT Low Comedian Too know be b always played vBlaln roles, aoabretteTea. Low Cotnedlan Well. In the last act of a sew play the awtbue aUows hia t repeat and say. "I've been a Biieer- abhf main.'' That eoafcewkm la- vmrUbir hrt&aw Aewa th hewa. Dee- toe PeeC - . A Saf Lee. 1 bear Leaf. Bosrga ftoadsyed wttb ye, dtaeeaT -Ta'aa." . i - "Oola to toa yet oartar. ehr T reckon, bat net to Lem. Zefe Biggs Moadayad, Taaadayed. Wedaaadaya! and Tharedayed with aa- I lodge Zeb the tacky soan." aceea Magaalne, Ne Dtmr of That. Mr. atabba-Jobn, aa tra soaa wm soke P bis wrfe cvrtalBa. Mr. atnbba I sbovM aay not. Anybody that smokes cart ulna woald be a freak. I prefrr cigars. Chicago yew. Taae b ra eeenmand tbe ait Ives tool nam 1 others. Uaztitt CURIOUS REPUBLIC. Odditis of the 8tetej)f the Valleye of . th Andorra. Wedged in like it debatable land between Franoe and Spain lies a quaint little state wliich calls itself the "Kepublie of tbe Valleys of An dorra" and dates its foundation from the year 782, when Charle magne gave its people a charter of independence as a rewnrd for the aid they had given hini in liia strug gle to drive out the SuTucooH from Barcelona and Sec d'Urgelj This charter, one of their moat precious possessions! is sum preserved In a curious iron armory with six locks which stands in the house of par liament at Andorra la Villa,. the metropolis of this miniature state. fTotn time to time durinir the changeful hiator) - of Europe cEarlo- bv variona monarch. mm w.n. loon, ruthless- destroyer though ha waa, spared this miniature republio IWS archal and primitire to an'almost incredible degree a wonderful liv - ing breathing bit of the antique Zly-&L -! written history, no written lawa. Everything is done according to tra- ,"T ,MOWOWB "ra ?enera: uon io generauon. ana me form oi government and tha manner, and customs of tha people -are essential, iy the tame today as they were UEl-T. aUeaMiM ul rr -y- ed position contributes ss much as anytlung to this curious state of af. fairs. Tbe Andorran. are almost as consorvative aa tbe Chineae. Thev mlatrnst forei, nA tiifs 1 bw.iiiiini'rt Iiih nuil ""' - '" obJan ' ""g' photo- eTphwcraeaer I V1TM f AlAnhAllSC ai hsr tvAf ww dernitiea.. which, to their minds, savor only of Sodom and Gomorrah ana that wicked world whose laroff and shook their iensMltlesi Fa- tura baa provided tbara witi im - ttreraahla f nrtifinationa In tha ah una I ' f. . .,, . ., . I 7 " IT. iTi "Tj "i " hand, and thev bare no mihd to at low their peaceful hamorrr to be disturbed. Let other nations ffuar - rel and fight with, each other if tbey chooae. Andorra, has no- am bition. 8he never has had any. The con fines of tbe country today are just year 782, neither more nor leas. She is very tenacious of her Txmdence, of bar antique traditions, tLTr SE baa ever been, a miniature atata in the midst of modern Europe, man-1 axing ner own ucoe soatrs as sne ehooaes and leevmg net neighbors to do the same with theim. To get uho or out ot AsooTra on any bum you must cross an elevated moun tain pass, and there U not a single hifhwav leading into the' eountrr either from Franoe or- Spain. Tbe principal entrance from the French side is the pass of Solden,. nearly b,uw xeec aoore sea level, inis u the only one practicable for horses. I The others are mere mule tracks or footpaths, and all - of them are blocked during1 the Wide World Hagazmst.' Twe- BWdewer. It was Darwin' gasdener who. when a friend of the family inquir ed after tbe health of the famous naturalist, who bad been somewhat ailing; replied confidentially that he did not donbt me master would be better if he eould find something to do. Tbe patient and minute re search in which he; daib en Dar win engaged struck' hie mind as merely a foolish and' faery form ef trininjr. Tbe gardener ox rrotcasor uuz- lev with armel wneonadoiianeaa af I doing so. also cast a slur, upon his renowned employer. - lira.' Hazier, fearful, that a saignz d ewerwen- d, bad initaired If be did Oct neaal some ssnstanoe. Ke, maam. was the re!ys "the place is not very large, aad Mr. Iloxley is slmost as good as another A PRATfJt Cive as ooange aod gayety and a quiet aaiod. Spar o as ear srieadat softea to aa oca memm. Beat as, f k may Be. fa at oar ia aocent aadeavocs. Ik aaay aot, Te aa oW aarcaadi to eaaosnear that wfarh is to rans. thai w aaay be brave fa para, aatoat b ib aafaweaahaaeffaa el (ertass. a4, W to oSe gato of tfaath, loyal aad bafag Roe.., aet tb aaly ataaa waieSjl are crrdUdd wa kavtaa) gaw fwa I enotera. wiamaweoavw daw and anerrawa aD sTlaannea ril Uaarttlaa aaa a aledlar tradltloa ta I rofcaei it wbb Hrtie aattvw birds efl Aad Hrtrasb Brer t ladia I ear baaed freaa a Br aetiauta that I wun katsw aad vest area beery away wbea rboVra bewtoa to rage, tbe wmr I eat alga taaf tba etdoVeeie a eeunltaly Loodo Ctiroaicla. The Young Men Rising in their Might. Newton Enterprise. They are risinc:. In Maine they asserted themselves last month. In every Republican State of the North and West the young voters, regardless of the party ties of their fathers, and many of the older voters as well, are lined up in the Democratic ranks ready for the word "go" Ion the morning of November 8th. I The Democratic party appeals to the patriotism and manhood of the yonng voters. It asks them to stand for a simple, economical government; the collection of only enough taxe8 to meet the requirement of an economical, honest govern ment; the repeal of laws that have made a small number of People rich and the masse- poor; the laws that kvy tribute on the 1 many for the benefit of the few, rt it thc pty Gf equal oppor rtnnities and equal rtehte. -The Republican party appeals, in so- liciting the votes of the young men. to their selfish natures. It I , . . , ,. , . , on promising- maiviauai (favors,, public onice and rewards from the public treasury, and them to help by their vote. I . . -ui j I looPPrcsa-anr ucijjuuuib uuu I all who arr ' not- officeholders. grafters' or brafidaries of the ... ofleqaal and tmiusf Uws, , And IliAar tvan.the reward I " " r ' . . j and ofhees promised? Republican I - (generally postmaster, or otner .officeholders, look ttpeo the pub- jjf treasury, whether National, S4 oscoanty. asa party asset, 1 as belonging to the party, instead I . tluunaiku o munrtA 1- rr y - I ! there any Is there any ; wonder that counties under Republican con- frrol invariably run out of funds? Itw eh. nfnrtnVjar and helr I less poor, in the county homes are stinted in food and common I comforts, and outrageous bills paid to favorites, like the county I r,uJ"-mM ,ur """,U"""M' inde-lscnption and unnecessary and unauthorized visits; to jailers or fuel and light bill, in addition I to the authorized board bills for prisoners; and so forth and so in - 9 e anthers Railway Cains Tw KUlloa la Raveaae.. A aain of 11,021,663.33 ia net revenues for the fiscal year end ed June 30. 19101s shown by tbe sixteenth annual report of the an.,aH. Mit..v i.t Aa ... . ' tlnir was 118,698,020.03, a gain oi 1.858.631.65 for the year. The report also shows that 855 new Industrial plants were constructed during the year along the lines operated by tbe company, with 73 mora In oourse af construction. No new construction was under taken during the past year, but there remains from work previous ly begun about 80 miles of track to be finished, including tbe Lynchburg, Ta. tunnel In which theulsaatrous Are occurred last year. The Increase in the wage Scale reOOnuy annoUUOOu It is Bald, i iii n will add nearly $2,000,000 to the annual payroll. Stomaeh trouble would more qulokly disappear If the' Idea of treating the- esuse, rather than tha effect, would come into prac tice. A tiny, inelde, bidden nerve, aays Ir. Snoop, governs and gives strength to tbe stomach. A branch alao goes to the Heart, and one U tte Kldaeys. VThen theae "inside nerve" fail, then the organs oust falter. Dr. Snoop s BestoraU ve Is directed speeiru-aiiy to theae failing; aervea. Within 49 bears after ataatiag tbe EestossUve treatment patient say they realize a gala. Sold by all Dealers. Fire ovigiaatinp; from a de Cective stove floe in a restaurant at HenderaonviUc early Wednes day morning did $10,000 dam age to buildings. Two caacts were nred irom BmKbam School, Asbeviue, this v forhaiinz. tSKilSauta and A-Djrea are easily ruxa. d U not prrmerly ground wbea beL 2 sharpened. If you want thtm fVarpmai rignt and made to nt as good ss new mre me a trial ur,!l Woeat aarthins' from a brmvl . t a v-i-knlf. rKroa iruviafw ate. B. N. Train, tbia offioe. Biggest Church. Collection. What was said to be tha largest collection ever taken np on plates by any church in America, - waa gathered at the General Conven tion of the Episcopal Church in Cincinnati a few days ago. While the convention body waa in session, a communion service was beingheld in Christcburob, where the donations were being received from the woman's anxilaiy for the general missionary fund. , At - the conclusion it was announced that the plates placed upon the tables In front of the trustees had been piled with ' funds aggregating $243,110.83. The showing , nearly $20,000 in excess of tbe collection made at Bichmond VtW three years ago. Powad TS Leav Heaae. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose longs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to sTO to ahoth r climaba. . lint this ta cosUy and not alwaya sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's New- Discovery cure you at home. "It eared me of long trouble." writes W, R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., when all eke fail ed and I gained 47 pounds ' in weight. It's surely the King of all cough and lung . euree". Thou- laiuii amA tKmir liut sn1 liaadfki to it. It's positively nutranteedlUAMtKUJMJ & LONG for Coughs, Colda, LaOrippe, Asthma, Cronp all Throat and Lung troubles. 60e and - $1.00. Trial bottle free at Gr&aam Drug CO. ' ' juenotc wewa,, lotni, Aiarge,inv TfTif i , ' rawfi.. f handsome mcmmcnt waai loaded bare yesterday tobetrajf-l sported to Blowntg Roek and placed attbe grave of the late Mr. Moses B'. Cone on tbe fa mous Cone estate on Flat Topi mountain. . "It Beat A11.N This Is Quoted from a letter of M. Stockwell. Hannibal, Mo. "II recently used Foley's. Honey and Tar for tha first; time. To aay I am pleased' doea not naif agrees my feeling. ? it beats all tn reat- ediealever used. Ihadcotrtfaet ed a bad coM and was nearly aick In bed, having a terrible headache and 'cough and waa threatened with pneumonia.. Tha first dose gava great relief and one bottle completely cured me. I" shall always reoommend Foley) Honey and xar. Bold by au Draggiste. Lincolntoa News: Mr. Gna. Finger, who fives on Konte 4 ost his cotton gin and corn mill by fire oa last Sunday morniag about 12.30. The lose ia estH . , . . . A. .ft. I aiasiaaea waniy ano sisisai aotu carnn- mated at abont $1,000. Tbe nnafotajnoae ot inr ert,. , . ." , , iMortawDee&eseetiteo'brt aald Am-n- had been running but a few days I fVSJiTiVS: &Xrmm" 1 "S" and the orizin of the fire la nn-1 6 known. Those uneigbtly pimples and blotches I External applications may partially hide them. Holliater'a Boeky Koaatala T removes them for keeps., Gate at the cause Impure blood. Tea or Nuggeta (tablet form) Soe. at Thompson Drug Co. - J. Frank Font want out Uon-1 day to chop- aome- wood near Tbomasrille and took hia gun alone; to shct aMTturrels. He laid the gun oa tbe ground with I muxzle towards him. Later he threw a brush on it and his dead body waa found a few daye after. : WatjM rtn liae-a hatter rinnlth. I " ' , " , I uow BMVUKVSt snanr - aaia. i I.. l.l. jt I ini,n, awav wtmmymi 1 Use iioilister's- ocy aonntaia Tea. the great, vegetable remla-1 tor and tonie. ' One S5e payskagel makeaf 105 cups of tea. Thompson Drug Co, 1 Presidents Washington, Lin coln and Cleveland have bees choeea '$ the subjects ef the portraits for tbe first postal aav- mgs bank bonds, the 120, $100 aad $500 respectively. Dfatresslng Kidney aad Blad ner Plaease relieved in six hour by tha 'Niw Gbkat Socth AirxBiCAjr Kibjtbt Ctkx. It Is a great aurpriae oa account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain ta madder, kidneys and back, ia male or female. Relieves retention of water almost Im mediately. If yott want qulsk re lief aad euro tbia Is tba remedy-. Sold by Graham Drug Co. E. E. Holland waa Wednesday nominated aa the Democratic candidate for Congress in the second Virginia district on the 502d ballot. OavVltt a Uttia barly RUera, DO YOU Get Up Witb a Irnme Eaca? Kidney Trouble Makes Jem Kberalle, ' Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Boot, the great kidney, liver and .r v i, maoaer remeay, do- ',rj Hi cause of itaniax. am II -able heeltkrestoris . I propertle. wamp aooi nun i siiBGw vareiwaM. ivve comuig rbenaaatian. pain in the berk, kid ney, liver, bladder ana every pert oi Lbe urinary pass re. It oorsecta isaabiutw ta hold water and acaldlngpain in passing it, orbadeAscUtoUowiaacwafliiiaar.wlna . or beer, and overcome that aapleaaant neceasitv of beine comrelled to ro oftea through tha day, and to got ap tnany 4sks aonn ui BigJK., - : BwajnpKOO( is not leconmieiided for vervthinc but if roe harm IcJdne-. Kver oc bladder trouble, it will be found hut ! remedv vwi need. It baa been thar. - oughl v tested in private mactlce. ad ha proved so anocessfnt tbat a special ar ranremest haa bees: toads, by which all readers of this neeer. who bavw aot al readv tried it. mav bare a aamt?! bottla aent free by anaiL.alao book tellinc more abont Swanrn-Booav and tow to nnaontuyonnaveakt. r eyor bladder taoable. 1 When writing men tion r lean ma mas gemtoo I otar in this r per aad esaa raw addreaa t Dr. Kilnc ft. Co. ligiiamtoN. ThrTt I a4 ooadoiivatae-bsttie- o,d by aB drnggista. Peat nsaka any aaiataka mn remexnoer xna aanse, ewaxnp-avoot. Dr. kilmrra fiwaxno-Root. and tba ad. aaasajBing&aAjtQB PEOFESSIOSAX CABDS I a. a w. DAsmoK, I jr.Abouaixiia I Traias ) , tliaieat atelidJag, kr-J. r'-tVr i I'aI llilili 8. lfiJl 4U I I DtWTIatT x, t . - m tMaCeawUaas OmCSiaSIMAlOSS LUILEIZa 'AooaA. ixwo. t.s AAtorneryw shbA OoaasaeklaoBi m GatABAhT, miK ' , Attorwey tsrar, . Giunlit, . . K.O. lea Saar Srsca. ay. t. BTsrcBL Ja fracUe regalarir la the aoarav ef Ala. aaoeeeoaalr. AaaS,4ly IOBTB CABOIUA Alaaaaaee Oeaatv. tataaaaaaaiarOswra- , , H; r, .aaafeawttoCISrka , J. Earvey Walts . i. a liana. ' -RoUo. Th dereaaaat, above aaass. wm Sata aa aetloa. MrtltJed M akor ha saiioea la The Bapertor Ooutt of Lv ''"'." smmi t bra Move. s4 UMrawlih. to J.b- 3' Joaaa, ea the- land Oaaeiluai ta mxi nrt Dead, whlaa la rtstet4 la t flkwof tsMsnarof peedafar A : Coeatr and State of Not batvttae aa awea: s. paaaa as to SB ineinsiva. . And the aald deSaadent Wilt tVirtaee take ptatotla aald lite plalntl w-IU p- plr to tee ueataaee Ut daaiaaJad taaud OeaiDlalat. Tua Mpt at, ina. .. Jf.o. rvRwoTi.s, : Clerk i rker S Parker. thrt ' afcsaa.Adt'y SwaaalaMf NOTICE ! V Keftk Carellaat law ece Ceaaty. I la ta a eerier Ceart. WlnSrewa. Ta dafandaat ahovai aaustael wtll ak mn. See UM aa acuoa euud aa above ka easa eoasannad la toe aupetlor Court of ' AkuaaaoeeoaaMr, for dlvorea, aad l-r t ekaelute dlaaoiuDoa of the boods ef matn oar batwaaa the ptajauf ao4 th aaMnd Uedefaadant will fartiaar U. ..- ' tarsi r aonrt to faajeiraa so trpwi a-t f -B b-td the siml SIM,, Mtar ta Bnt Moadar Ui DwtMW. m awn sow S. O, aad aaaan 1 aid aeUoa, r piaUlba Wilt t. to t iert na- ta aua aa a. i . j.i. aaajroDU,aac. Re-Sale of Land By vvtaeef s eeder af the SwaHor Sit aaadiaes w karate all the tali at law J. w, itrw wes as, 11 s"'it - sue NOVEXBE&15.191(T ta fcrtoWW real property, lo-arK: A treat ef asad trmm In !- P . la AlSMsaM cuaalv aa to in -r- ee baa. eeit r t laad e. Oaktor. W. a. tiiMhaa, jmm , . DafV-a Wast ead a - , . J. W. l.r'.r SJM pMw i ... ta . - asbas I ii ta ia4 t-e oc. - I SMiBBS la to . - -C Of tu. kipiu, , I ... . i i t 1 a. aaa -4 t f Mr TLr.U d 1 -m a at eaiai Um . . as arwtiae aad on t -l ta i simwu e.v.i . teUnz-rm d. r ot . - mm i 1 Lm rilf l '. f -- Or IrwUOS b th U tti I la CC 1. 1 A J.aCOOK.Coa f ti - -- an a IB neeiaataeia mauirae sdmu at tas Oatla-xtaats of Vke SupasierCoart of S'a- . wuns vr wm vm swu wm mwr. lia, j.ia, aai Si i-reOeart Bonaataeatd Coaatv ta brahaM l.tX.od Anewar ar iMSier to the la Msroae a I wiu sswst vwMf sat.) teeaa der. aa the rS ai.iv ... from m i 1 1 sss it . Ca.n - , r last as i a, ea Tawaasuj.

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