ML1 ii i 1 .f i ' v , r-a 1 . - ,. . J! ' VOL. XXXVI. GRAHAM, N.;C, THURSDAY, NO . ,;,:V" ''-5', X. . . . ' . i .I J Tml STTTT u t si, ram j . ' " ? n-i LA "IB I V" ' . a nu-s ths o'iil save the dyspeptic tram di.ys of misery, and enable bin to eat whatever he wishes. They SICK HEADACHE, ' cause the food to assimilate aad a ish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH; f . u nd soiu muscle. -- uegaatry touted. -oaaV. Take No Substitute. Indigestion ,(LD When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of itself, ft needs ft little assistance and this assistance it read Uj supplied by KodoL Kodoi assltsthe stomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food la the stomach, ao that the stomach may rest ana recuperate. Our Guarantee. gS$ m 19 not benefited' tM dnvrJst wtB M no. return roar money. Don't beaute: any (rorftot IU sell '" Kodot en thaw tarsi, fha SoUsr bottl. contain. Hi time, as smeb as th. to. bottle, Jtodol to prepared at the hfeoratarM M a. v. .v. wm o ye GraAsun Drug Cov" A Life Picture Two Who Began and Ended Friends By H. D. CLEAVER. Copyright U10. bjr American Press Association. ' ARE YOU UP TO DATE asy - "i If yon arc not ' the. New$ iir Obeeter is. Subscribe lor(it at once and it will keep jdtreaat of the times. ' T; -' - Full Associated Pressdispatch cs. All the newa foreign; do mestic, national, state and local all the time. v.'c s;; . Daily News and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 vibipc, Weekly Nortt': Carolinian 4P1 per year, 50c for .6 mos. NEWS & 0BSERVER?UB.C0, The North Carolinian and The Alamance Gleaner will be sent tor one year for ,?wo Dollars. Cash in ad ranee.' . Apply at Thb Gleaner office. Graham K. C. i i r - i Yd i,n fi We promptly obtain U 6. acd Foreign i mmm, wad moael, tketch or photos lonoOna ior g report on ptentabTlitr. ' Pnr tree book. KILLthe cough no CURE THt LUNC3 WITH IM ..WOLDS ) frtal Saw jW m THROsT awn t fin THni'ni re. Bobert Spoooer and '. Lars Gibson at five were going about withfuelr arms areapd each other's neck; at twelTe they enjoyed .boys' gports to gether; at eighteen they conferred as to what field in life's work they should liter. The bond that drew them together dissimilarity, of disposition. Bpooser was bright Impulsive, daring Ten to recklessness. ; He would eas ily fly into a passion and was quick to do penance for his acts while under Its Influence. Gibson 'was of a Terr qoable disposition. His amiability never seriously ' interfered with ana seldom raffled. These compli mentary disposition. welded their hearts when they were , children, and the affection born of their tender years was never permanently broken. - Both about the same time secured situations la different mercantile booses. Spooner was -very quick to learn and endowed with great natural energy. Tbe coMeqoerWe wail' that he advanced rtpldly. Gibson Was slow In his motions, not over quick to deratand, always willing t do what was required of him pattest to fault and qaletty petslsteat : During these early yean of , their ei Bpooner would confer with his friend. complaining of what be called the stu pidlty of those Immediately over him. chafing because he' found' It "difficult to make them understand that be dis covered ways of totag things quicker, plainer, more correctly: :' than they. Gibson would aay: '. . . - ... "Be patient,' .Bob. Your "natural ability will win U the end. whereas if you try to go toe fast you may get a backset that you will be years m Biaidng up." ,..."1 know you're right: my boy." 'Bob would reply. "TouTe " always tight about everything, but it's -mighty bard to see things going, srroog when a suggestion fronvsae woald right it and I not make the suggsf tie;. !j : "How do you know; they would ap preciate it? And' wouldn't they be liable to tell you to. keep your place and. mind your own business. If yen were m their place would yon listen to suggestions from tbemr "I listen to suggestions from them! Mot much!" -AD things come to those who wait" Bob Bpooner could not help feeling himself a better man- than bis friend In everything except patience, gentle ness, endurance. He did not expect Lara to make much headway in tbe world; Indeed, be was ambitious to make a success for himself that he might share It with the man he loved. It was not long before Spooner broke away from his employers and set up for bimself. He had oe capital, but bad a capacity for Inspiring confl uence. He succeeded from tbe start Both young men married. Bpooner weOOM a gin woo saw in nun a means to Acquire what was the wish of her Ufa social prominence: uioeon mar ried a girt who loved money for mon ey's sake rather than what aha could acquire with It aim Bpooner spent an bar husband's mceme. Mrs. Gib son axartad herself to prevent her husband from giving away all his fam Hr did not noaltlvely require. From the time of their marriage their wives stepped into their shoe and enacted tbe balance of their uvea ior tnem. No, not all; at tbe end they acted for fM V "f X oesirs that their drives faetVi warm friendship for each other aa was tbetra. Bpooner, wiu bJB mat esttUrustssm, expected this; Gibson, with a certala longheadedneaa e borse aenea; knew that K could not be. ner iskSiaetMsg bring the two wosbob torather-lndoed, thsre was that to drive tbeav apart. Each arlso mis tealoai of the Jsmanco ex erted try. her JsmW. frmnd. nt -ahiTOlar." hfrh. ffaKwnsr . would say; bow yeu 'eaa see so amch to that duB j gjdwe:euatwaca-letaovory wsv.v ham. , Mm Gibson , wenhf say, now. frieod, Spoon looks iatwuTfo OFCHRBTlAli.oSMSXlfS . -- ' ''--it 1.: 'tjP1 ' .-l -it i1 j. . -;,! I hj? as abora. NtainioTorlrtn ittrou: bs enaluniaatttiasfV,t .-"'TTiamUb-'S''-4iebl.WOal.4., "Westinf rolnm--Jcel7 prist-j H and ivw, txj Tl ' .1 i , .. " nov per .oovT.i avim, r0! 12.00: eilt tnr. i an n.l w auxtrt Ooa msrtilaa: the Wlte .Tt 4'nli .t aowai-nomnnnaeid .tho faftena dC I . V.UQlB.JMaT i M 1 . . SSmtSadt j - tt w v. fr krnuriaHiwiws '- - av t a Mibatcbsttba Mnidi of his accsssDisrtroe ae- asl ssalsiT hit yast V 1110K.iULr8iAaSt4' - . btUfnnvmut. Tn. !W T7rTZ?ST It Ua Of S , mt $pm$r. A Oa. down la Ulgodto Wl. w rf , t1 of the of the ' " " " .' '1 me loan, inaeea. the sum- was not large enough to put biui on bis feet as tte wished, and he prefaced to manip ulate certain banks with which be had done business to raise twenty times the amount. He failed in this and was obliged to take a subordinate position in tne employ of another. 1 1 uiuBuu was now very prosperous. tie naa never made money fast ex cept owing the recovery from tbe panic, when the values of the prop erty he bad bought expanded as rap idly as tfiey bad contracted. Hla wife set up a carriage and two or three automobiles. The couple purchased the Spooner home that Spooner might redeem it when again able to do so. But as time passed It did, not appear mar epooner would ever be able to do so. Had It not been for the Influence of Gibson's wife be would have yield ed to hla affection for bis old friend and offered to deed the place back to nim. And now came one of those combi nations of circumstances calculated to drive apart Instead of weld together those who love.. Bobert Spooner as young man bad desired to accumulate partly that he might help the friend whom he looked upon as his Inferior. He now saw that inferior In a posi tion to help bun. Had be been unin fluenced be might have stood the strain occasioned by jealousy. .But Mrs. Spooner. disappointed in not be ing able to retain the grip she bad se cured on society, smarting at seeing the man whose influence over her husband she had disliked successful while- Spooner was a failure, began a series of Innuendoes against Gibson. These had no effect at first, but. being followed up pertinaciously, at last hv footed the subject on whom she work Finally Spooner, seeing a rare op portunity, made a desperate effort to interest certain men with capital, suc ceeded and with one of these brilliant strokes for which be bad formerly been remarkable made a fortune. - As aoon aa Gibson beard of the fact sent a note to his friend offering to sell him hla former home at tbe price he had paid for it, which was about half Its present valuation. But the poison was In Spooner's blood, and he replied curtly that the place would sot now be commensurate with bis altered fortunes. From that time there was a contin ued effort on the part of the Spooners to flaunt their position In tbe face of the Gibsons that Is. on the part of Mrs. Spooner. What her husband did was inspired by her. But this Gibson didn't know, snd he felt his old friend's antagonism keenly. The Spooners grew richer, and tbe richer they grew the more they snubbed the Gibsons. Mrs. Spooner's chief desire seemed to be to make them under stand that while they bad thousands the Spooners had millions snd thai there was as wide a difference In tbe social position of tbe two families as there was-In tbeir financial position. And so it came that the two friends drifted apart Both retired from busi ness, and both were old men. Neither bad any use for tbe money be bad accumulated beyond a bare living. Whatever enlovment there was in wealth was derived by their families Friends had dropped away, and the old men were companionable witn no one. One evening while Mrs. Spooner was entertaining- a bonse full of guests her husband, letting bimself ont thraneh a back door, walked into toe street He felt tbe desolation of homalMfl man. Passing a cafe that bad been lu tne sam. location for half a century, where he and Gibson bad in their youth met for a bite, a glass of beer and to talk over their affairs, be was seised with a melancholy desire to go In and sit in the old familiar seat As he ap proached tbe stall be found It occupied by an eld man. He was about to pas. on when he beard hla name spoken. Tnrnlnc he saw the veteran in ue booth looking at hla tntenuy. ' "Bobf "Larsr They sat side by aide, as they bad done when boys lust entering vupou Mr careers, remaining for a time band in hand Uke two lovera. The past wsa not referred to. "Lars," said Bpooner, "here we are fa the place from which we scarma sun ess fill In tbe end and unable to tin the results of our success. Tbe only marked effect it has had has been to separate ua. What nae was there la tbe struggle after an rv" ' . "Without the Interest we ues a a we would have always been what we without Ufa, OurchO- droa are enjoying it. or at least they fa.fc they are. but I doubt v tnev Mvas bar the tetonsfty them that oum bare bad. We bwe our wives and but there is a different aseeoon which tber cannot supnly- m which we foal fortack other. The place baTrua down stace taey boys, bat It waa an taey Tory met often during the of their Wo hi that aid booth, before which a enrtaia eoaht be drawn to shut tbem rrom ioe view ss Chars. One night a waiter, catenae te that the ctosmg sitting GfliLiEN NEED VERY BEST ROADS Bad Highways Prevent Regular Attendance at School, SOCIAL GATHERINGS A TASK. National Grang. I. Urged te Work . For Better Highway, a. a H.lp to Youngster, and Graatar Interest In Church and Civio One of the advantages that good roads are to a community that are often loat sight of Is tbe prevention of chil dren attending school regularly, thus furthering tbe ambition of every par ent that bis or her child shall be well educated, and another la the preven tion of social Intercourse, which la only fully developed when the "going" Is easy over well cared for highways. in an article written for the national grange by Logan Waller Page he says: -ine aavantagee of good roads ex tend to every citizen, whether he lives in city ox country, and to every enter- Fifty-Eight Name Added to , Kw Here List - Carne- i "''in oarnxa as BDtwAXicm. prise, whether It be agricultural. ufacturing or mining. All are more or less dependent on toe common high ways as an avenue of tbe commercial Fifty-eight names were added to the Carnegie hero list in the United State Monday a week by the Carnegie Ilero Fond Com mission at Its fall meeting at Pitts burg. For sots of heroism 30 silver aud 28 bronze medals were awarded "the life-savers "or their families in cases where death re sulted. In addition, cash awards aggregating 10,250, were made in J3 of; the cases, tbe. cash to be used for educational or other worthy purposes at the discretion of the executi ve committee while in 23 other cases of rescue, or at tempted rescue, while the heroes died as the result, pensions rang ing from 20 to $70 ' - a - month were made to the dependents with tS a month additional far each child left. ".' -' ' Of the rescues from death or the attempts, t were from railroad trains or street cars, 19 from drowning, one from a runaway none, 8 from suffocation in g&i producers, or wells, 20 from death in mine disasters. 2 from - fire and one from shooting. - - -: The mine 'disaster at Cherry, 111., November 1909, figured prominently in the1 hero list with the recognition of the herosim of 13 miners. Eleven of these died from injuries in rescuing aa nn known number, of miners, and besides,. : a , silver : medal, : the monthly stipends; were made to the families in 1th ew' eases.- Two that survived were awarded tbe silver- medal" end 1,000 cash. Among the awards were a number of persons in (oathern States, bo t noneJn Nortb Carolina r " " ' SJ . n.Barass aasunoi after nmr years. I O. B. Borhans. of Carlisle Cen- tr V V irrltaa! " fnn. transportation, snd in proportion as years ago I wrote yon stating that luaro uiHUwna ars iuiruTcu WHW1 lUM DOOn etlUrei V CnrOd Of ft B aB tbem coaea. feuad tbem aalam . aaado aim rich, JleaawhOo Was freomg biseostf from ijm boalaaa and when be bed doao as I fownd bmawtf - J t 1 rownd at i IX asavo t yi tXX lVe yon 2r: v n r 1 'hout the physical LL-2-f-' !7, yowttwhir, . Tnery. - Y. cZZlrZ -W Vttht a o-U-r ef .oaw- T, tMrn Vk . . . j. , ! ftJe' aid xitoasf safloi sa rnm ami z , - OUR LIFE. OaratekaWlhoarsorshos -npmasjdatmaab.i rmry J at. aW h ka. eat kath nd put which abl has malawod al of eneloa riAatWa. jossers, c: cte; LSf'- satyos baoa -t -oVl K bat, yos mj wife sad ehSdraa have tb da n en aso, aad X doot Ssol that I have the I rtrhttodo chop four years of ago mot with tbe misfortune to have hv kat sPfTCf W aMsB k nmoToMsfl bds father aaht to him: irs s wsalsr you didal couldaV was the qnih Toaponse. to my tatr Sa fiats tbwe. 4 rVhoa Atim. f I r ; I', '.tra. board of the offer bar bosbaad to oeorpt B, e tbe AsMrtaV SjnB af MsJSrtsajsSr, ChaSe-Clareora taU so dtSdewt s ho talks to you tbroagb the phooo, Is hY EsteCe-lost hT Even tbroBxh the rboao I can bear hi. heart f sUer. Ex rh nge. facilitate transportation are tbey bene fited thereby.- These- benefits have been carefully computed and estimated in dollars and cents, and so enormous have they been thus demonstrated to be that they present a 'convincing ar gument to any thinking man of the Importance and necessity for road im provement "But . there are other elements of ad vantage which more urgently recom mend tbe Improvement of our roada, advantages which deserve far more serious consideration than any finan cial advantages which we may gain and which cannot be measured accord ing to any monetary standard.; but must be looked for In the elevation of our citizenship and tbe moral and In tellectual advancement of our people. "Most of our cities and towns bars good streets snd drlvewaya, which fa cilitate business and recreation. The people Uve close together, aad social and friend It Intercourse Is easy. The schools and churches are within easy reach of all. Bo our urban population vera kidney trouble by takraff loss than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure. - It entirely1 Stopped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms Of kidney disease dis appeared. ' I am glad to say that have never had a return of any of those symptoms daring ths four years that have elapsed and I am evidently cored to stay cured, and heartily recommend Foley's Kid ney Core to any one suffering vi ssvaiavaavw w wa4urvuu7 HVhUllO, Graham Drug Co. r - V :, ' BBmBmBBBwaoaBBBBmBawoaBBmaBua 'Walhat Cream V-u . H -Important j R properties of r 1 the Gsrape are y & i trammi U ForA"IireTextueUw.n . American llatas'ne. In the course of her arfiioles on "The Mysteries aud Crneltlaa f the Tariff," Miss Ida MTarbril explains how l many ' mannfae. tnrers, rather than raise the price of 'heir goods In conformity with the uuw " JooI, hides, and other """odltfes,- use f cheepei grades of i?toriaLf She explains how wo are tooay ODUtining poor er quality in oar $3.50 shoes , and now emton is uispiaciug pore wool, and how there Is general I adulteration of goods. llniy .li. a.tMi "The primary trouble here if, of course, that we have la this VOhmthj tUnejtMaUlmpvt Blood, , Weak and unhealth- IUm. PbleforsnuchsickiieasaalamfferiBsi trouble i. permitted to cosnfrmc, eerieus oo. suae are moot Ufcelr to follow. Yoar other ' onrsne.mav mmmd iJhmtsosL but Tour kid- ' j aeyssaoet, tmcsasti they do most and -should have amotion int. Tl... .f your kidneys are weak or oat ordeti yoacaaaiiderstatdhowqaickJrTOvcaw .tBfrrltfwW tn ecmstofaUtodoitadaty. ,-, If TOUaraaifk Km HbJ Ln at a. i . CODtinU- t1? Pea kldnoy reniedr"lr. 5 ! i! , i J I S?5? Bwemp-JRoot, ,AtriUwiJoo- . 'jwih us greu merit. je mirioj sad .immediate effect of Bwamp-Root, the great kidney andt bladder- saaaulf, is aoon realised. It country no tandards of . taxtileaj proven totbmsadsoftiw ssoatdlstnaa. fS . yon neea moomlao you should hve the best. - ovf Ur awaVuVoavmay 1 What we nt-ed is a pure textile law similar to oar pare food lawt England has a law which id aim ed at misrepresentations of textiles. We mast insist onsotne thing of the kind in this country. It should be made B misdemeanor to misrepresent goods ss it fis to adulterate baking powder or use false weights. -s Personally j I am of the opinion that here is 4 val uable work for tbe womeu'si club of the country. Women! "are necessarily more concerned I this matter than anybody else. 1 have a sample bottle oy snau iree, also pampniet telling you. BMwtoCad-out If you have kidney niaoncr trouniav ' asennoav tms paper Whoa Writinr to Dr. Kilmer afiFZ. Binghamtoa,K V. Itau'tmak. aay ana take, but remember the Bane, Swamp bet, and dost lot e dealer sell you something in place of 8wanrp-KxDt if rou do you wiU be disappointed. PROFESSIONAL' CAED3 Abselsisty to the food. . swrs j--to i ' , m o The food is tfacWeby idemore tasty and .digestible Thrv I r - - i mm . , u .............. are tne buyers. They f should 1 11 AM PROM 3K I Akin I T 1 n I Mix the White of 1 egg with an equal amoant of water and 1 teaspoon vanilla. JJeat until tboronghly mixed, and then stir in as much Wnfectloners - sugar, baa ample facilities for buainosa, for sifted M required to make It Stiff mhimiIm. for aoclal Intercourse and I . . . - noon chorch and BCbOoL M. "0. " "it is different, however, with , ths I piece as large aa a smau maroie two-thirds of our people who are on- 4nj roll natil smooth: then . ..mi a nwA - ...r from th. eeoters of buslnesa and JMr" ail a au a. population. Tbey have not tne pavea ion eiuier siae, press siignuj. io- streea sod good roads of ucKi Igether. Onsegg willrequirsaboot ! .na bar. no roods such as afford Mf Jbe sugar. 1 makas a ,veiy easy and convenient means of trans-1 pretty effect to edor thacresm, acting bnalaeas. of aodal totorwmrse w . vtJ , wltv --uAle - MIMA HH. I - and acbooL To tbem ui now w r" o maximum of benefiu from improved mada. lniDroved roada wlU bring them b eloaer touch with the coaters of prccresa. It win g1 them enlarged ideas aad aashvt tbem to adopt u aartbod. which are eo secoai for them t keep pace with the march of progress ptoog other Hoes, sad as tber advance so will our avuiaaooa. As they advance , so win ou eoootrr and la equal ratio. "Good roads would revohjtJooise OUT eonntrr erboola Cootrast ths totobf the country child ou hla way to school ta winter with 1 bat of tbe city Sana with only a few blocks of paved strostS aa walk. Our ' country child, with aan-aal over sbouMera aad touch hot Is band, mast leave the cheerful Sjmude of heme from half aa hour to hour before arhool oneoa la to be (here on lime. The roada are wet aad muddy maay mouths of ths year. Tbe country to opes and the cold winds are neKfrtful to tbeir attacks aim Bo thai by the tbe srhoolboaos. which to of toa - unerteodflrally reatlhUi aoortv hosted, als feet are eo cold sad bis body ae ranted tnst se m sjuut xov atudr or lorharioa saoot of the aay. aad rho eaaooaro aad rUmag ad the BOTH SPSEO A BP KTBCTIVal This Indicates the action Of Foley Kidney Pills as 8. . Parson, BattM lYoek.- Micb lUnstrates 'I have been afflicted with a severe esse of kidney and bladder trou ble for which I found no relief on till I used Foley Kidney Pills. These cored me entirely of all my ailments. ' I ..was troubled with backaches and severe shootlag pains in tbe sides with annoying urlaary irregularities and a set of laoompleteaass la ' tbe a The steady nse of Foley Kldaey PUls rid se entirely of all my troubles. Tbey bare my highest recommendation.1' j Boid by an Drngjsta, tiiuawiar aneudaaco. They create aa i the rbltd tor fbe ad of a pride to aad etediews advaacemost Met only ibla. but a asotb aso ber rhtklrre tmt off to arhool two or three oOos away to cold, She fears that tbe a, big strike siexprsss dxl had haadlon Wpn a Hew Tork aad eoBtlgnouj tsrrftory. - Tsmtio- aad of men art oof and aotae dis- srder. , A big: strike of i gamMtworiceeslB alsooaiaChl- eistwssasB are be! ping tbe strik ers aad ware witki'tbesa oa the streets Tuesday wars there was a small Clash with tbe polieeaaen. -vmr aewr escauatas nmaor Dick ey. "Ton ace want aroaponty aoos far a pamau. doat yost Loot at dat ama arxarniTUXBTBMijrB This la ths name of a Oormaa ebemieal, which. Is ewe of the sua valuable Infjedients of Foley's Kidney Ptaedv. - Hex ametiiyknetetraaiine Is recognis ed by motihoej text book sad ajitlkw4tiaa aa a. or4a aid anlMSt ZTTJ a Z a ZriZ IlrJS saU-septie arlBe. Take Foley's -.'".r 'i'2r I Kidwy Eemcdy prompUy at the bT. ZTniSZZ "hTw "retsig. kidney troubl. and ed to ao toto do haakU basin ran, aa' I l xwiuaou yuum oou eiLaeruig dars wbar S row surted. Aa a aiat I aaa sasyDe a -suxVuj. paaiajy, Ekety dat UT1 atop aooa ettbar. Aa all Sold VJ aU DrK&gU. ou arroact er etrtkia aoddeu rirbes by . . a. -M - - -- - Wao Aa gnnd 1 wd si S po SS" peaceful. I I J ' , J ' 1 1 f. a .1.. UaaU I . i bar err a & a. ci --aws know. The study asd analysis of cloth is not difficult, and j it Is entertaining. ft. (a admirably adapted for elan -work. If wpmen everywhere would.' take -ni the rasaea eampaiga staadardbdng of all k iads of they weald do the industries this country a magnlajent setVioe. As things are the woolen I aad worsted indnstriss are debasing tbsmaelves by their struggles te prod nee goods which wlIJ j look I well, bat which have set the) val oe they pretend to aave,1 LUo force elothmakers to give quality id is partriotlo a servle as, aay. body; cosld . nndertaks'. , atl the moment and as hamans a lone; for this harden of adulterate eloth lies on the poor man's back where all the hardens of treed I and lying and trickery ultimately falL I To lift these burdens and I dis tribute them among all the people, lacoordlng to their strength te I bear them Is not this the (real task of al) honest men and women I this moment?" i ijcngusn opavla Liniment re moves aU hard, soft or calloiiaed lamps and blemishes from horses. blood spavins, enrbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, spraias all owolien, throats, cwngha, eta. Save 150 by the ass of one bottle. Warranted. tbe moat wonderful blemish earn known. . Sold try B. a w.TsAhrinow. XXboijfa tvo) TBOto.ta..f,rt I rft- Vueao fSSB . t BoUdlag, innll Wlianioia Blda. I "il 1 .JIJLLiJ Worth CsrsH OFFICE iBBJUMOKS BUILDlBa u'lwa, a i''h.'tuam tvoe -LOIfff L03TG,' v e "- 'i A' GB1BAU, ooozz. oyojt. Law, , ' h. a Holding that it nas no Jurisdic tion to grant relief from the oper-1 Graham Drag Co. ations of the "grandfathes claase amendment to the Oklabom aeon stltntlon, the Federal Circuit Court at G othrie, Okbv, last week dismissed ths application of Daniel Sims, a former slave, who asked a writ of injunction that would -STkWhkkerr 4 Ml permit blm and other negroes to Satarday night two ' ettUeas from tbe etyantt7 drove tt land leevief their bum In front at the Gent - rsstanrant. ate aarrner 11 vote at the Kovemder 8. Ia BOack Aad TeUew" ' Not "Football Colors'' bat ths color of the carton containing ranaral nlnetim on!"1'" WBOB taey WMI OUt a. fautofjiavtiueruBi so vary of despair aad said their two-gsi-loa Jng of eora whiskey bad Us eppeeredV Somebody bad lift ed" It early la tbe evening, rkbt Foley's Honey and Tar tbe beat I on Mala street, la the heart of aad safest eongb remedy for eU town, while the electria" UghU wuaua whi -. lara-, lta . T. ImV mMm naranailad tnvnt a anrattltiital - bat see that you ret tbe genuine - triok; tnyned. The VdaVaHonawandTnrlnavallaw thJak J ibsy knew? Sbootl eartoa with black letters. Foley's Uoney and Tar eon tains ao op- raaouaAviiruDn. w, r. Brawa, jo attoruoyojdCnnoaloroolvr eiaaaitsBOBo, a u. , rmeties raralarlf to lao eoarts of Ahw ; ' -i .AO,S,ly BOBTH CABOUBA .: . . AkuuuMaCeuaty, la fbe Baperler Ceart.' : ' n - BeatwTTMOerk. A, Barvey Whito j.avfiaea. fzfZSi'iKt a Tae omdBBt, above aaiaaV WIU aske aa.aUoe, Mtlada. aavra, aa. anond la Tb. aaiinilii. Omm a Coantv aad aiatA n at fMii. aa for laanaraoas mt toraatoUao . eartal hterayas. taad, asaeatod by IMMM imtmm. daatoa,Mreatla.lua, la aaaare Sa. par awat of Oa. HaaOn. aad Ta-Mty It. VS. UfStSiBQaaa Um IMm IHiriM ,i.,TiCI by a Ooad, of .van dale testa Ha. at J. bar. B' Joaas, oa to. laad. SaaerlMd la aald ertaa Osad, tM Ja rasiMand la (a OaMaTotta.lu0Marof.Daa4. far Alaataaae Coaatr ao. hu. of ortb CatwUaa la I ria ' l,aa(ait.MlBetaova. Aadtaaaakt daraaaaat win fail.., ail a aaoatMlaMairad to aaaaw at tae Ooatjr to to bald aa Pov. Tth. hue, MlheOojirt Boaa la a4 Caaatf ft UraJtai n.Caad Aawrar ar Itaaiar as the Caa alalaslo MIS .alla.,ar ta. aaUaSia wlU aa- o iaa uaais tat raUaf SssnaSid toaaat j.ncmiDLB, Clark Sa parlor Coart. Atrystorplaiatia, : NOTICE 1 r BarOfUtsttaai Items. Cswoty. ta tbe aWportor oart, iates, tm harmful brnzs and ia safe and sore. Sold by all Draggivtsv '- 1 ' ; ' Dorlaf September tbe gorsrn- ment s receipts exceeded the die buTseraants fee tbe tot time ia the fiscal year, exaees betag f V 400,000. - la Cetobor UiS ordinary I expeadltarea exeeeded the rbere it went, -It bj held te be a uriaveaf. ereasdlsg heiiMasaesa. ;k snore terxibls taaa U the old days wbea.distTlories were lodged thickly (a the oonntry. ; Croup Is moot prevalent daring tae eosasrsaae et ue early i nnieBbbeayia,- nreaueynang ehUJrMahosUaMpropoxad (or Ik AH that Is aeedddts a botUeof CfcamberUlat CwBgh Bemedy. WWSW BTW STr uaaaaTiaBTABBaHBBBBBBU lusibm .r.j'jti 'Ri - Tbsdadondaaarteae oaaaaj watsfceBo a lam. aa ..Una aauUaU aa aaoo ba. "-' to la .PrHr (Mn c I aaaaty, tar dlvam. oad Saa sliilali Siaiiiainaaf aa 11 1, ad aaurl away ft arm. taa aaUatlt aa. the eataaJ. aid taat a. k, MaliaO te epa at tao afaeartta he aat taa afiar ta. Srai htaaaay to S.p.aHar, b, at O. aad aa. r ar i.aia, la taa aaaisiaiai B KBBB0DLB, Ota JsT Asy 9aVTsWfBaf,fVlSlsr,v expeadltarea exeeeded the re- vy another ore nover vrithont ij-JTra ZTZX.'J'ZZVXZ eetpts $a,z9a,883andtbe expend-1 it ta tbeir souses aad it has aor J pVTT.'TS "EJ.t: iUras for tbe Paaaatd eaaal will tbe asaosnt te $0,29,063. The total defleit so far for the Be en! year Is snore than $21,0000001 v" amaaaw oa. t. aai awvwj aaraaa. a! a.,f aw kw amta diasppolated tblma. Sold bv AU 4fT "l' i. AmbiUoos young -Baea'and abonld learn ' taderrapby, rM v - - . Vm.. i. iw. eame effective Ubere ia ashortag atlimat4, at Fire at Wsneaten, Ta; Bator-1 day Bigbt a weak destroyed a pee ttoa of Ue bemlaess esetioa of ths town aad 84. J asses EpsMopml sharchnad. reetory. . The loss 1s s000,;parti7 aawaoaaaaa Taaaaar "Smbse- OS ar f f yoTCXBrs is. isigi - ) aMmsBtsaY laafaeT prbm.sjaasga taVaWftl . A Waa. at trmm ta n...,a. 0--a ' to a mmm tummti a4 ta ee taoaaaip to wmm, asaaifc a... of many thoaaand telarrapbei PositkuM pay from 13 te 970 s U to bocrnners. Tbe Tele graph Laetitnte of ColnmbU, S. C and five other dties is opora- ed nndsr snpervltioa of B. R. Of- neiais and ail atadeate are plaeed when qualified. Write them for particulars. , , - , eovered insurance. . Ths Georgia eommtesioner of Agrieultnre 'eetimaUe that tbe frost lart week cat the Georgia eoUon crop 50,00 bstr, eelimat edln va?n st'f?:.Xr o. If tbey did, mCUcrns would Vote Dr. Klagis Kew lilo IUis the tree remedy far wocaew. : For basfehUg . ann, fagged feeling, backache or aeadacbe, eonstira-l Uoav, disponing colds. Importing srpetoe sad toslsg sp the system wry-re anecnaiea. ty, safe. sore. tic. at Graham Dreg Co. OAnonTA. 0"r, w. A, I- , ja-f-'va Waa nl -m. a.M u ., a4 r ii ia "" aa. i l. la baw 4 toaf p a. r aa. 1 1 1 k lOfUM SX ObMV.SR at I r-ta4 KF M. tMbiJ H a t at . ets aya-- . ... I ttot-sat t -n V . ro . r-iaag) t fa, y , g. t -t C-a-4. L i. A. at. COC , Cr

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