Alamanie GrLBANER. " - . ... ..c i- ... j' .ijv jy .. & . as " ,'" " ' ' 11111 -miyl i i--tSS GRAHAM, N..C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910. ITO r.7 I 2 A FACT ABOUT Tlffi "BLUES" What Is known a the "Blues! Is seldom occasioned by actual exist lug external conditions, but la tb great majority of cases by a disorder' ed LIVER. ' -"V j, w,t " f ';? y THIS IS A FACT ' f, " which may be demonstra . ; ; ted by trying a course of Twills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic Ity to the body. . f - ? TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Indigestion When your stomach cannot' properly digest food, of itself, "It needs a littls aasistsnoe end this assistance is read ily supplied by EodoL Kodolaaattatfte stomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food in the stomach, so that tha atom sen may rest ana recuperate. Our Guarimte S?0 S res at Bo benefited th 8 dru,rit will M mm return your money.! Doa't hmUatos any Anutctet win eell you Kodol n these terms The dousr bottle eontatns H' .ttafcs aa amok M tke KM bettle. Mttla. Kodol la prepwM at aM ef a, O. PWA 'ce- euoaee. urnpiini ,wug ARE YOU up; v TO DATE: If yon are not the Nsv8. Air Obektbr is. Subscribe lorit at once and it will keepyon' abreast ot the times. . m i '.-.- - . . , Fall AssoeiatedPres dispatch es.".'" All the ncwa-Mbreign,: do mestic, national, state and local all the time. - ' : Daily Ne W? and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 0 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 60c for 6 mos. ' NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., - " RALEIGH, N. C." ' The North Carolinian and The Alamance Gleaner will be sent for one year for -Two Dollars. Cash in advance, , Apply at Thb Gleaner office. Graham, N-C. : - 1 . "" t, 'i I urn Bend model, iktMix or phoo 0l tmnHoa freeremrt on mtantabittt.' For rsa book, Howo8ecure'TDinF 1IIDVC 1 Til! i 1 ,'i.iivi ? - i! ' KILLthc COUCH AMD CURE thk LUNCS i:::7 -Discovery 'PS ICS IT 1 poucH!!,. toe swa: uJi.. l aOBAIbf AOXOAJ C-4 Laf imoaaift : --i UYESOFCnXlSTIAN MINISTERS IMS "fed! m . I .1 I i m a This book. enUUea as Dore,r': r-wj ' contains oyer 200 memoirs of Min isters in r fhe Christian Chora) with" historical wferencei. 'Aji Interesting Tolome-HsJcely 1 prlt 'iedsji41)6tmi-"Prio 'per ecrpyt 'cio'th: $2.00; gat top,iiw.'By mJl 203 extra.1 Orders Way" .1 eat to " PJ. KXXXOVLM, ' . ' ' ' 1 1 Blcluriond, T. Orders may be left atthis officev ..iy Etnd ell liar your :;jPriat23t. Veta ceve yea cioacy on -ul InYlticas, easiness C-r i, rosters, cte cic A Pawned Watch It Was the Bottom of a Plot By ESTHER VANDEVEER Copyright, VOD. by Amerle&a Praai Association. "Goodby. Harold." "Goodby. Alice." Tbege. and these alone, were the parting words between Harold Both- well and Alice Swain, for their hearts were too full to any more. They were to have been married within a few months, bat Hot b well had developed pulmonary trouble, and it was decided that he should go west and lire an outdoor life. The prospect before them was gloomy. Even If Harold recovered bis health the giving up of prospects he was leaving might keep him In poverty and necessitate their continued separation. He turned away and set out for Abe railway station, Alice watched him till be -reached a bend In the road, when, he turned and threw her a kiss, she returned it, and be passed out of sight, Bad as they were, they would have beep far more so had they known what wouldT hap pen before they should meet again. That same day two years hence found Both well financial Oianager for Henry Palmer, a rancher, though hut Just appointed to the position. Beth- well had long been a sheep herder for Palmer, and the out joOoor Jlfs had completely cured him of, hts aClng. As soon as It was considered .safe for him to lead a more confined life Palm er, who had taken a great fancy to him and who needed a clerk,' put him Jrf charge of the financial part' of his ranching. Then BouweH wrote to Alice Swain that wltnhi another year he hoped to return foe her and bring her back with aim. ,j. 0L ;, a The ranch was not a Urge one, and the owner and his dark were the only two persons engaged upon it' 'except a few herders, who were' always Sway In carst of the flocks. 1 The' men' be came very warm friends end were al most constantly together. 'One day Palmer said to his clerk:! .- "Ton know, Harold, that I am a bachelor and have no one in the world to leave what belongs to; me... I'm going to make a win bequeathing this ranch and the stock )0u, you." , Roth well smiled. ' "Considering that yon are but ten years older than I and far stronger, I think I would better leave my possessions, tf I had any, to yon.' SI Wnbmtof," Palmer cononoea without noticing tk comment;, "there are five 1,000 bonds,, which will also be yours. These bonds, together with some old family trinkets, I have plac ed in hiding, and I am going to show yon where they are hidden. They, too, will go to you at my death." He led the way to the atuo ana from a recess formed by a corner in the roof between two joists took s tin box, opened It and showed BothweU the bonds and the trinkets referred to. The latter consisted of A gold watch bearing the Initials H., P. and some articles of Jewelry. --J- V .. Ton are very kind.'' ssia sotnweu. -to make me tout heir: but. as I have said, I don't think there is the. slight- est chance of my ever receiving my in heritance." . ,..: : "There Is a better chance man yon think," said the other. . ' -, . i " ! Both well looked at him mqnn-mgiy, but received no further eonnoences Palmer replaced the box, ana me two return eu 10 we nvn aim. Palmer opened a sale, xepi on ui premises, took? or .a 'will showed BothweU that It was ta his favor, pot it beck and closed the safe door.. ' w-. asked Bothwell. -aorrj ypo keep the bonds and the other things m the safer : - ' ; "Ihave a special reason iot swe KeepWtbe feeds there. As tor the wihTendrToU'th matter where 'they 'are kept. Some A.w worn bit learn xne iw 80 long as I Bvs I ean trust yon not to Ustsraaae,nox. . after sny death what it contains may teosomsheiieflt other than fee thetr tntrinsie vmWe."' ' . -' k 1 -T whoaiT- - Tbat wnl appear at the time." .. . 4 m.. n see earr aaciBxBcswjr wm Bothwell .W-.lllW,"-.( It was bet a tew weeks after thai oat, BetaweOhaTlng, S .m, sosse funds, for the sale, ef sb r4 s " bask. The say neved an eventful eee-i-On me way saasked j epen.alm k woo heatde the S sad ranch. Batnl,ie me - Wtesr Jsvihe M the hemes naetv g..v nw Ti. sad eead est; the edkeCh Ww.arrlvsd. sad toe' eharge K nraaBMB ane vom the ec his Palmer, ladlae: with the stai that nhaerw hafr, met ee she beak tsar Skry as moo. neea feeeea ea the .way eee 1 T 1... SBwreeres. Oe who, Jr -of Asiw-nrc ee. ' and todged ss Jafl. charged wtth f Beery reusw w u at the reads be ruiiesn h pet ss the.. Utaatisl The wee wow wi w tatheevef wee ass 1 1 airs' that BetbveB aeiea gjgeVw asd serf elooomssm : .eevut with Alas, Demon m uia nccounu. bad embezzled the amount of which be claimed he had been robbed and. feanng tbat If detected he would lose his Inheritance, had killed the man whose property he would Inherit. This made a strong case against him. and there was very little to be said In his favor. No trace of any one having attacked Palmer and no evidence of Itothwell's story that he had been robbed appeared. Tbe court retained chnrge of Palmer's property, but allowed the legatee sufficient funds to pay a lawyer to defend him. His attorney did (he best In bis power for him, but was unable to establish his Innocence. Tbe Jury hung for some time between murder In the first and second degree, but finally brought In a verdict of guilty of the former. He was sentenced to suffer the death penalty. And so it was that Itotliwell, having escaped death from tuberculosis, hav ing reached a condition where he might bring his sweetheart to him as bis wife, was doomed to suffer on the gallows for a crime be had not com mitted. There are not tbe delays In punishment for crime In new countries there are where tbe safeguards against Infringing on the rights of accused persons are more strictly enforced. Bothwell was sentenced to be banged a few weeks after his conviction. No new trial was granted, no stay of pro ceedings, snd tbe day of doom was near when something happened. A young woman stood looking In through tbe window of a pawnshop in the town where Bothwell was convict ed. At the time an officer of the law dressed In plain clothes was in the shop Interviewing the pawnbroker about some stolen goods that be had loaned money on. The woman entered the shop and produced a watch on which she asked for a loan. Tbe bro ker Inspected the watch and at once caught sight of two letters, "H. P," on the esse.' ' "Whose Initials are those T asked the broker. The woman said she did not know. Tbe detective took a hand in question, lug her and, her replies being contra dictory, took her to police headquar ters. There, after many ' surmises, some one noticed that "H." P." were the initials of Henry Palmer, for whose murder Bothwell wss to be hanged In a few days. The chief of police put the woman through tbe "third degree" process, with the result of s confession thst she had murdered Palmer. - Many were inclined .to doubt that the confession wss genuine. Had It not been for the fact that the woman bad attempted to borrow money on a watch with Palmer's initials on it lit tle sttention would have been paid to her statement She claimed to have been a discarded wife of Palmer's, snd It was for this csstlng off tbst she bad killed him. Tbe watch wss shown to Bothwell, and be told the police where he bad seen ; it This identified the woman with Palmer, she wss charged with bis murder, snd Bothwell wss re leased. He asked to see tbe person who stood In bis place snd was taken to her cell. What was bis amazement to recog nize Alice Swain. Before he had time to betray tbeir relatlonshlp she gave bim a look tbat put him on his guard. She then spoke to him ss a stranger, telling bun tbst If he could get permission to see her alone she would throw additional light on the murder. Permission wss grant ed, and tbe two were left alone. Not daring to embrace each other. they refrained. Alice talked about tbe murder, . but, fearful of being over heard, said nothing to reveal the true situation. Meanwhile she scratched on a bit of paper: This Is a plaa to save you. Luckily yon wrote me of tbe tin box. I came, took th watch and pawned U i set srreeted. Go away end I will convince them of ajr to- It was agreed between tbem through the same medium thst Harold should bsve a week before Alice revealed the trick. . When the period had ex pired and be was safe In biding she called for the lawyer who had de fended him and told bim bow Both weU had written her of tbe Interview he bad had wUh Palmer and of the tin box, showing bhn tbe letterhow she had rone to the biding piece, taken the watch and pawned it, know- -fna- the man who was at the time with U pawnbroker to be a detective, xne attorney soon ebtamea a ojsmiseu ei the charge against her. and later she was set at liberty. She at once went to the ranch bones ad ht her future husband's name claimed for him his Inheritance. Mak ing a more thorough euaunanoa es the contents of the tin box, she found S bit of Taper ea which were written the bnownur words: , n If I ess ssuidereS K wO be sy my eva rtaer. Jaaa WDeex. Wbee) we se ermte I toe eeese bea4s that oanoM te atsa. He tew K Meases 2a time Bothwell came into bis fav btf4t. and married the gm was bed saved hlnv- He spent ewssrfdera- - . . - ma vrifcM anJ Mere kvgsat aa that seertoe) si The gambling of today Is a asPd a fair compared wtth me srasi of Kngusb society, we snan nl, aee the dais when General S forteee Of OWW as wsa. chlesly by dint e heng sober. And high play, tt most never ee hj a remove teres. When mwu aw- Ale gamed C1LO0O by a ewere cwnp . hesard has eeJy sesssseat wee that If be bed bean plsjlaf Keen" he aright west ssnneea, when is aseoera wealth ere taken tote t the wfldest ss ceases ever w at the card table weeid have a Of tbe day ftrvnoathetle Psthes rsrtee tTen-r Carawer. hare voal Wen, per- m na wan net te see each ether fee a day er twev-Ufe. A gflds the edge of fife's The President's Thankgiving Proc- Ianation. This year of 1910 is drawing to a close. The records of popula tion and harvests, which are the index of progress, show vigorous national growth and the health and prosperous well-being of our communities throughout this land and in our possessions beyond the seas. These blessings have not descended upon us in restricted measures, but overflow and abound. They are the blessings and bounty of God. We continue to be at peace with the rest of the world. In all essential matters our relations with other peoples are harmonious with an ever-growing reality of friendliness and depth of recogni tion of mutual dependence. . It is especially to be noted that daring the past year great progress has have been achieved in the cause of arbitration and the peace ful settlement of international disputes. "Now, therefore, I, William Howard Taft, President of the United States of America, in ac cordance with the wise custom of the Civil Magistrate since theifirst settlements in this land and with the rule established from the foundation of this government, do appoint Thursday, Nov. 24, 1910, asadayof national thanks giving and prayer, enjoining the people upon that day to meet in their churches for the praise of Almighty ' God' and to return heartfelt thanks to Him for all His goodness and loving kind ness, i' " i ; -'.', -' '' Not What Your Ancestors Were, Bat What You Are. Batiaet From a Sermon by Rev. a. B. ley bum, Durham Ton sometimes meet young men who think that because their an cestors were great and good men, and filled a large place and did a great work in the world, that the world owes them, the descendants, special honor and special con sideration, and that there is no obligation rest'ng upon them to do anything. They can go on their names and the reputation of their ancestors. But no young man ean reach very high in the world by standing on his grandfather's hat, or by climbing his family tree. It's a good and a pleasant thing to be able to look back upon a long line of great and good ancestors, who did well and nobly their part in the world's work, bat the very fact tbat you have descended from such men places upon you the ob ligation to build wisely and faith fully and well upon the great and strong foundation which they have laid for you. The world has a right to expect more of you be cause of who and what your an cestors , were. The Son of God Himself came not to be ministered onto but to minister and took his place among the world's workers, and spent mot of his life at the carpenter's bench. Other young men seem to think that they are honoring the world by living in it at all, and that th e world owes them a living, whether they do anything or . not. Tbe sooner any young man comes down from such a pedestal as that the better for him. Tbe world doesn't owe any nUn a liv ing, but every man' owes the world a life, worthy of a man madeo tbe image of God, endow ed with . reason and gifted with Immortality. The very fact of oor being here and occupying space, and receiving all the bene flu of the eivUixatkn that others have prepared for na, places npon us the obligation to do aU In our power for the progress and pros perity and the happiness of tbe world. ; . . v Tbe old, old story, told times without BomDer, ana repeeiea over, and over again for the last Id years, but it Is always a wel come story to those la search of health There is nothing la the world that cores Coughs and Colds as Quickly as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by Ail Dealers. The right road b not always the easiest road te travel, but fit Its end lies the city of Shining light. Be careful what you set your talnd on. It amy hatch out some thing yon do not want, OA.0TOlf.XA. All Cakes, r, D , Biscuits, Hot Breads W ; WlMretasty, Ec6ndrnical,M : Absolutely Heahhrul l ;-,091 -lit waiJfci av-.i( .j..jj..u..,HJ' Kills Himself Because He , Couldn't - Get Work. ,;:;;,.: Philadelphia, Nov. 6. Unable to find employment which would enable him to support a wife, Lafayette Maddox, aged 15, today shot' and 'killed1 'himself 'while seated In a street ear 'beside hi loyear-old ifiaiicee."" "r He hfl fixed' the 26th of 'this month is the date for the wedding bat fcrew despondent at hid eon tinned faUore 'to 'Arid 'remunera tive 'employment.4 '"'While on a suburban ' trolley car with ' Hiss Aieuie vauanan, to wnom ne nau been engaged for" nearly '''year, Maddox, It w Wd endeavor d to Induce the girl f nte1 "suicide pact. Shexefase ' W Wnsifler such propositltlon and did not believe he was serious until. Mad dox pulled a revolver from his pocket and bent a bullet through his head. The girl fainted and the other passengers were panic- striken. The motorman hasten ed to a physician's residence but the doctor said death bad been Instantaneous. . O. B. Barhaas testifies after fear years, I G. B. Burhans, of Carlisle Cen ter, N. Y., writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating tbat I had been entirely cured of a se vere kldnev tronble bv taking lees than two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure, it entirely, stopped we brick dust sediment, and pain and svmntoms of kidney disease dis appeared, I am glad to say that I have never baa a return ot any of those symptoms during the four mm that have a la need and I am evidently cured to stay eared, and heartily reeommena oiey s nia neyCure to any one , suffering from kidney or bladder trouble.'' Graham Drug Co. , , . j Loses Life At RosOostkz. Seeetel le The Obsatrr. Henderson, Nov. I. A fearful accident occurred on the outskirts of Henderson ,' this afternooon about 1:30 o'clock resulting in the death of Mr. WQl Puckett and painfully injuring his brother and destroying the wagon and team. From the testimony dedoetel at the coroner's Inquest held ai D. W. Hardee's underUkisg rooms it appears that white tbe trala on the Southern on 1U way to Oxford was turning the eurve near J. H. Parbama. realdenee before jthe brakes eomld be applied the en gine struek the wagoa with the result as above The mule' and the body, of Mr. Pocket were dragged 1J feet from the erossiag. While the home was thrown JO feet from tbe railroad. , . ' n i n'li r-" "' " Xot "Football Colors" but the color of the carton containing rninT1! IToeev and Tar the best and safes cough remedy for all eoagh and eowa- . ; vo w oe persnaaed to accept a suDsuf te but see that you get the geaalne Polva Ilonrr and Tar la a yellow rartow with black letters. Foley's lloaey sad Tar eon tains no op iates, ao harmful brugs and Is safe and sure. Sold by . ail Drnggisla. ' . . OefVttt e utue tany RUers, Miss Alhe Eelth, a student at Meredith College', Baleigh, and a daughter of Mr. B. F. Keith, col lector of the port of Wilmington, waa using a chafing dish when a blazing match fell into a quantity of exposed alcohol that flashed and Miss Keith attempted to ' put it bat, inhaling the flames as she did so. Her condition was serious for a time. ; ; "7 - ' . Ambitious young men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, since the new 8-hour law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers Positions pay from $50 to 170 a month to beginners. '' The ' Tele graph Institute of Columbia, 8. C. and five other cities is opera ed under supervision of B. B. Of ficials and all student arelplaced when qnalined. . Write them sor particulars. " ;'''". r -'' Breeding Shetland ponies for market seems to be a profitable In dustry. A Greensboro man recent ly bought a herd for breeding pur poses and will start a pony farm In Guilford county, and Mr. Lind say Patterson, of Winston, has started a pony ranch In Watauga county, where he owns a big area of grass land. There are other pony farms In the State. j HEXAMBTUrUCNETRBMIMB Thta la the name of a German chemical,- which is one of : the many valuable ingredient ot Koieva Kidnov itameav. uex- amethylenetetramlne is recognis ed bv medical text book and authorities as a uric acid solvent anti-eeptio urine. .Take Foley's aldney Kemeay prompuy at toe Aral aiira of kldnev. tronble and spam yourself pain and suffering ana xaayM a serious tnaiaoy Sold by aU Druggiats. , . A' monument erected in tbe na- lunal cemetery at Salisbury by the Bute of Pennsylvania in com memoration of Pennsylvania soldiers who were silled in tbe civil war will be dedicated on the 16th. Tbe ceremonies will be under the direction of Pennsyl vania State officials Governor Stuart, of Pennsylvania and Gov ernor Kltchln, of North Carolina, wffl speak. ' aWTaf SPEKJD AID BrXCTtVB "This Indicates the action of Foley Kidney Pills as & Parson, futile rsk- Vlehu. mastratee: "l have been afflicted with a severe ease of kidney and madder trou ble for which I found no relief untill I used Foley Kidney PI 11a Ttieae cured me entirely of all say aUmenta, I was troubled with hewbsXea aad eervare ahootidr pains la the aides with aaaeyiag urinary irreguianues ana a senee of iacompleteasas in the act, The steady nee of Foley KWnsy PUla rid me en ti rely of all my troubles. They have my highest reoommeodatioo." Sold by all Druggist. ' , Bev. Dx. A. B. Shaw, pastor of Tenth Avenue PreebyterUa ehureh, CharVotte, is qnoted as saying that he has a smemberablp of nearly 400 and that ae aaesa- ber of his ehareh ladalges la danc ln. card-playing or theatre-going and ao member is given to drink ing intoxicant. , . The Poet Burnt a Good Roads Advo- DavMson Dtopatoh. . v. Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet, was ayesaatile, many-eided person, but we venture the asser tion that few of his admirers know him as a good . roads enthusiast. Here is one of his good ' roads ut terances that applies to the David son county roads as aptly as it did to the, unspeakable,. highways of bonnie Scotland mahy years hgo I'm now arrived thanks to tbe gods, ' Thro' pathways rough and muddy, A certain slga thst makia? reads ; . Ta nn.' thla mmnlii'l ettutvi. ... Altho' I'm not wl' ScrlDture eram'd. ' ' 1 I'm en re the Rifala aava. .-r-.- V ; That heedless sinners shall be dsm'd i Unless they mend their ways. ; We Case ef Paeemssla ea Bsssra, , We do not , know of a single Instance where a cough or cold re sulted in poduraonta or consump tion when Foley; uoney ana -t ar had been taken.' It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chances with soma unknown prep aration . which r amy y contain opiates, wuicn cause constipation, a condition tbat retards' recovery from a : cold. s 'Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and : refuse any substitute offered, uranam Prug C' ". i Ballot Seven Feet Long. " The Voters of South 'Dakota at the election of Nov. 8 submitted to them the longest ballot voted in any state in the union. . T , The ballot measured more than seven feet, and contained proposed laws which are to be submitted to the voters under the refrerendnm amendment to the atate, constitu tion. Itwasltlncheslnwiauiaaa filled from . ton , to bottom with closely printed nonpareil type, one em m ' ot the proposeajaws atone, ntung " Special ballot-boxes were manu factured for the larger voting pre cincts. , ., , .., , i j. 'Rnirliah ftnn,vin liniment e mnveeevll hard, anftor caUonsed lumps and blemishes from horses, hlnnd enavina. 'enrba. srnlints. sweeney. ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen tiuta, coughs, etc. Nava suui nv nansa ai onsi doum. Wimntiwt t.liA mtmk- Wimderftll blemish cure known. ' Sold . by uranam irug: , -n Never lose patience because some one cannot be "Johnny on the spot," In nuking himself over. It is quite likely that you who are most interested In this maAing-oyer have not quite reached penoctioa. Oman e rnnat nrevaiant dnrlhaT tli a, nld wnathav ' of th ? aariv winter moatha, .Parents of young . - a. M A a. ehUdren snouia m pnpareo tor j AU vnat is neeuea a iwwv vt rrhamherlaln'a' Onns-h Bemedv. Man mnthaM Are nevet Without tt in their home and ithasaeyer aissppomtea hobs. o; cusu, v ui ealers. .:.,.: . 'Half the tims your Quarrels and diaagreements art because aom one wul not not ao ' wnas yoo want him to do.", 'Think' it over. , , aaUWeasaTetet ., , Tf timAlA tenilona would wbta Dc King's. New; life Pills the true remeuy tor women. or kanUhlna dnll. fAffmd feellnsT. backache or headache, constipa tion, dispelling eokis, lanaruag appetite ana tonutg up tarn syssBm they're tvnequaled.- , laay. safe, sure, X5c at Graham Drug Co. , 1 1 - . . t ' One of th fiercest fires in jthe blstory Ot . muaoeipaus ; xsus dav nuht completely destroyed two large ' building that were supposed to, be fire proof anf three residences on. Via street, near Broad, entailing a loss of $360,000. J' BlagglahUrcrsrseto Amattlea, Yon eaa not aeeosiplish very mueh if yout liver 1 iaactiv a vast feel dnlL voar ires are heavy aad slight eserttoa eat yon. CM no Lauauv rruu eyrap sss nlate tb fiver and aowvlai and make yon feel bright aad active. Otiao Laxative Fruit Syrnn idee m .it nanaaata nr j-rine and la SaUd and vary pleassat to tak4j Orino U sor effective taa puis o dUaarrathartfos. Befase sabaU tutea. Graham Drag Co. , . .,.' . , - ..I ! The 'garment Worker's strike which called out 40,000 personal th clothing trad in cuoaga,i and which, was. produetiv W nnmeroos small plota, was aeUled fTnadav. - Th sUiksTwa for A ftMognition of th naioa and. ti quesuonot wages was awe in vet ed. . Th setUemeat 1 a jeom- promJ. " ok x ortiA. e Amim tauii k- Tfc-Kix E218 tl::i ' TiShLiS til rir r. , . - Bow Te Viad Oat. - Fulsbottleorcommoaglacsw' '-it water and let it stand twenty-f ov r i .1 a brick c ment.orl: Striu -y ort.i kealv t i tioa dUI jjHsyst- t " qnent Ce pass it or r t the back are eleo symptoms t: ' 1 1 a the kidneys end bledikf ace out tt 01 snd need stteotion. --mut, Be.-- . There Is comfort la tbe know' - often ..expressedV tbat ' Dr. 1 Swnnn-Root. tbe crest kldnev re' fulfills almost every rwieh In .ec" t rhemnatUm, pais in the back, V,. liver, bladder and every parte t r j pssssge. Comets inability tob' and scalding pain la passing ii, r effects following use of liquor, i, z al urcnumis tnai anpies .t of beinsr cosmlled to to ol through the' day, and to yA 1 m dunsssene ment. iue r 1 . immediate, effect of 5wao-t sooa realized. It stands the 1. t efitaremsrkabl 1 r besltb restoring prop- asedkhie-Tea abld here the besti 8dd bv draegista in fifty-cent j and ooodofler sues " . YcwnssvWvesaasrleb - t bymsiL AndVeast)r.i4Uxic.w ..i 1 bamton, H. fB itestiee) this t r . irawmhertheriSTn'.DrKUP1T v Root, end the Address, .. 1 IC Tejea every bottle. -i , PROFESSIONAL CAED3 DAMEBON ; J.Oi; lAtsetBsys HUlf . atawVDAiiatam;'7! j;iDouai; . 'Pheaeae, rl i,t,t mm It Pledssoet Building, lHett-llloholsa t! Beriuistom,aT.a y 9tmm.M.O. DR. WILL S. K." J xt, ; t A DtWTISf S t , sAsen( , er t- North Corel omcxrx8iafo& euiltij V sxhtxa ix sSenstla ' -"Ateeaef rt lass, x GRAHAM e9---,e-.-.. V. tlsSfemaHUllllM leat Oner BTsoW W. T. Brsrex, BYKUM ft BYiruir, Avttornoyw svnd Cooaeeloaw S Xa ' cukBavatwao, a u. Prattles legalarir I the esarts ef . esenieoeats. ,, - Aag. t, OUTH CAaOUXA-i Ct 1 la the Saparisr Oeer- The at J.Beny Walls') J.&luaav( j .JC 3. - saw, win t otto teat aa aatloa, eatttled aa above, haaa eoaueaaeae la Tbe SapeHnr (r AlaaBsaee Cowity a4 State of N orth - a for laejui eoes a( fareckMlne s t t Morwsee Dead. eseonteS be tae e'1 . eaat ea fcfareh tta. bus. to miki n asaasoruaa unaorea aa Taeutf ,ie I aue(fUS)aa (a 'Interna Xnmr-m i by s I mas. Of y Sate laerewi. ,. to i. 1 ry Jones, oe the IseSe Sarn..-i la I Monaase Oeeo, whloh Is Miun4 la OSVoeef ta Heeiaunr of Pmi l r Oooatv aaS M title of Nona Lanulna la tt SheeKeeaiteMloeliMTe. . - - jngmaN eereoaent wul ii'nanr . penes laat he Is tequiiaa to m-r at aazt serai ef The SupeHorCourt of t . eras Oaaatv aa he held ea hot. 1 'i. I at toe Court Boaeelneaid Oooat, In t,m Aasaer ec lmsir to t t esiasln au4 aettne. a tue dIi i ' i DsotaeCearttev aWfteu. iai ThtseeelSl IMS ' r.i',Ctart,"u,-M Loa loae. AUys (or sesUtir. ,r;:NOTicE! farina rir-n i cnitr, - la the beaarier Las byrahnVetloe. , ran Wmafewawt ....... .. r.. The Sefaaaest shove nanus win tots Use taat mm senna eatiuod ae tt- - : beaa aoaueaaoae M Sae aupenor r Ataasaaa eoaacy, Snr eiToma, e-1 11 abaMusedleBoMuaaof the bntxli ot k if seteeea atatBueane ike m tea, aad lae eafaaeeiit a 111 fan ...n- te iaa aa la rei 4 so r t i tarasof eoarttn ho k.xl te t m h tar tae Bret atoada, m ...,.. , . m eaart hoaea of aud eoeui.r. et Ji. Cu aad aeewar or demnr b t--e Ss aaldasuoa.av ub.. ... . . i aoart a sbe, jeyaf . Siaae i U urn ee y ill Sip Mas f am. --1 - Vo-tj D.AJ0Dtl. C AC eeneped la m r a. a. - SW HQW.TftCUiri i.sjRHEOf.!ATI- '--as AS -- !f- -rw 1 I If M utrTiU Vu a . ttira ui lntrBU T. Bahs Is si i T I1W tS, atrr ' ' ftc I ' - 1 " - ; a r a t t -" f te e "- V r t h.M jr r f t kw fc" " Jt'.'-t. yn f u ' Ml as t-a t i t- f m v