The Alamance LBANE 1 liu" vol. xxxyi. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, L910. NO40 am -b-bbubb BBBBssj.a-sBBBmui 7 " ww-b-- 4k f JL VAJAIAAJJU M Ui i i ,,. ...... . ( v ! ... :, a vfce to the Acred Are brings mnrarawi socix as iraao rish bowels, weak kMneye and MaaV Her and TORPID LIVER. MSls have a specific effect on these organs, ctimnlatlne the bowels, caualnr them to perform their natural function as In youth and , - v . . .... IMPARTING VIGOR a, to the kidneys, bladder and UVBRp Tbey are adapted to old and jronntv,, . TlltSfflPWRECK 0FJBL00M A Lesson In Cotiraae and In thn Value of Life. ndigestion m AND - - U5El(0)wl When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of itself, it needs. s little assistance and this assistance is read lly supplied by KodoL Kodol aesitdthe tomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food in the stomach, so that tin stomach ma rest and recuperate , Our Guarantee, g?,? Sfii Ton ara not benefited '-the drurrlet win at once return your money. Don't hesitate: say irueglit will aell too Kodo) on time terms The dollar bottle eontaloe 5s 'times as Bjooa M tM too Dotue.- jLoaoi prepares a ui feboretertes ei . u. uewus ue, u GraJtam Drag Co.t?- ARE YOU: UP .'fyi TO DATE By HOWARD FIELDING. (Copyright, 1910, by American Press elation.) Mr. Bartlett had not visited his of fice that morning, and it may have been about noon when an elevator dis gorged him on the level of his own place of business. Immediately he was aware of the high keyed, boyish voice of James, his handy man, a crea ture of many duties and of an anx ious, devoted fidelity. -iueres a iaay wamn' lor you,' said James. "She's in your room, she is. "What sort of a lady?" asked Bart lett "A young lady," answered James. "She's been there, about half an hours with a suit case. I never saw her be fore. She's got blue eyes, very blue eyes, she has. And I guess she aint feelln well. I took her in a glass o" water a couple o times an' she drunk it So was thirsty, she was." , . Bartlett shook his head. He could not remember any young lady of this kind. - And yet the eyes ."China blue eyes, James,' said be. "like the -color that you've seen -on fine cup and eaucer?" "Well, to tell the truth," said James earnestly, "I "never seen such a color anywheres before not on nothin', didn't" 4 : iBartlett Spent somH seconds in re flection. "Go into my office," said he, "and see if there's- a letter from Mr. Carver of Philadelphia amongst my mail. If there is I want it." Such.-a communication was indeed If you are not the Nbw aht: Oberyee is. Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep you abreast there, and James brought it out. ot the times. r; " It was the querulous letter of a wor- 11 ' t, ' - , ' I rted land jreary i-man; an it affected Full AssoeiateaFrtMdi8peteH-;hBatett like the filing of a; saw, for es. All the news-foreign, do-Ihls jaerves were in no condition to mestic, national, state and l all the time.: 1 "; ' - -:- Daily News and Obsenrisr $7 ' per year, 3.50 for 6 iiiog. , ". ; Weekly North Carolinian 1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. f NEWS & OBSERVES PUB.CO., Ralkigh, N. C The North Carolinian and Thb Alamance Gleaner will be sent for one year for - Two, Dollars Cash in advance. Apply at The Gleaner office.' Graham, N. C. Send model, sketch or photo o Invention for free rennrt nn How to Secure' ratents and patentability. For tm TRADE-MARKS For tree book. wnie ! tC KILL the COUGH' and CURE th LUNGS W,TH Dr. IKng'G ; New Discbirciy 0 ll throat sun I ima troiibi rn. GUARANTEED 8ATISFAivAUoi OHSY BEPTJNDEJX - - i endure the caterwaullngs of a bust new associate. . Carver was afraid of a i big. note of Bartletf s which - was maturing in a Boston bank. "You'll have to pull money out of the game to meet that note," be wrote, "and that will cripple us. Instead of a handsome profit, ' we'll be likely to make a loss.?' And he went on to be wail the loss as if it were already made. He declared that he was not fit even to think of the matter. The long siege of Illness in his family had broken his nerve. "And, though we're all on our feet again," he added, 'I'm thoroughly tired out We never should have pulled through except for Cella Gilbert, and now the poor girl has broken down and must go home nervous prostration, -and pretty bad, too, I'm afraid. And she'll have to travel all the way to Boston alone unless you can go over with her Fri day night I see by your letter that you'll be going over Friday or Satur day to try to fix up some wsy to re- its the Say. At half past 6, when Bartlett went aboard the sound steamer with all his worries on his back and the pale, silent girl for sole companion he was conscious of a depression of spir its such as he had never felt before. They had some dinner by and by, and perhaps the food was good for Bartlett. At any rate, in the course of the meal he was vouchsafed a reve lation. He perceived that Cella's pres ence was not depressing; be had been laboring under a preconceived Idea of what her effect upon him ought to be, in view of her condition, and this false notion had completely fooled him. Iu reality she had not uttered a complaint all day. She had express ed no despondent view, but had gen tly striven to dispel the gloom between them, all of which had emanated from himself. "Upon my word," said he, looking across at her, "you are a very cheerful young woman." "In comparison with whom?" "Myself." She nodded her head and smiled at him. "I am a good deal worried," said he. "This business of mine in Boston sits on me like an incubus whatever that is." LIVES OF CHRISTIAN 10N1STERS Thia book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs f Mii- kters in the ,CJirisrtian Church ith historical Interesting volume nicely print 7 na bound. Price per copy: oth, 12.00; gilt top, 2.W. By il 20c extra. Orders may be PJ. ElBKODLS, -H20K. llArthAllSt.: Blchmond Vsfc Orders may be left at this office. Why send oil .lor your ooPrtntlca? We can ve you money on all Stationery, Wedding JfvlUHons. Business r- Posters, etc- etc (lasLcMcs i,4atwt JPMt ama ssoud at sux. sew that note.1 But you wont be able to do it. .TonTl have to pay up-eon- found the loci! "rm tuunA Celfa-'to yea. She re- saembers you ten year ago. when yoa wete- eae f Johnny Harvard's lambs, thoua-h she was only child at the Una ,,To -seed te ceJB ob see aiai or consul vf somebody-. by the way, IT yeti can go ever with bt, ge frr boat. CelUr has bad the aosos- (anftdadUTscki sa travmHajfhy! trahv She's -bee i tbje;elstT-ae -, ey smash rtpa. Vat luel the essjai .isms -am anaineer and ceaple ( ssaB clerkst eenti aloft; aobedy o'' the high priced eeata. The Jaat. ease was . .-ta lahflrare that XO( SB the war and CeUS saw. aooseuef ahem sftsrward. I think she'd get A better sight's rest est the boat" Turtuu teok T Ma tat and peas his left hand dewaward tgrvm the top to the hack ef his awed, turn Bra ana. am ts the- tSSJCB, .1 Thhi hi my falsa.". e said. -The girl win drive me erasy, bet I eaat U cocaiBos) decner let her wver toe. -I have hrokem, bread as her fa tbefs hew. and the eld chap was tus4mev- ' As eniklary mas salght hi Cella . OUbert ealy a gtri wbe war pale aad looked as tf obV ad heea U. " BartMS eaw ar saere. The aBghay Mfbersd brewm, the steadied Bps, the vetee eos .tMO coBtroOad e guard agalast Use rwreUttetl ef s eaeesssaw vsavr were etoqment to BartKttr He tft thks gtef bie frosa ame ras Beta m m mw erf tilras hy mm he avanad etasaUrd ..miinr hi res aad wfteat Zbered that ee tad eeeae s ttle s exercise m mtmim laiib the 'Seen a- lactofal hladaeat ale sow! cried e-at ef ue mat to Carver's ef bad ra to that She wife: she aauctJoe h aad far a ether "I am sorry," said she. Perhaps he bad looked for a little curiosity, aad perhaps the china blue eyes read this In his face, for she tact fully asked a leading question, and he told his story. There were few peo ple In the woHd with whom be would have spoken as frankly. "The trouble is." said be in conclu sion, "that I dare not go directly to the president of the bank. He's a tar tar, and this particular kind of re newal is bis pet aversion. But if 1 can have the matter put up to him in Just the right light by a friend of mine and a pet of his) inside the bank the thing will go through. I don't want Boland even to know that I came over to Boston to see anybody in the bank. I wouldn't have him know it for a thousand dollars." "Mr. Boland la the presidentt" . "lea." "Suppose you should meet him on the street' she suggested. "I should dodge into the nearest open door," said he. "If he saw me in Bos ton at this time he'd know what I was there for, and he doesn't like wirepull ing inside his bank." , I don't like wirepulling anywhere,' said Cells. "I think you should meet Mr. Boland deliberately." "Not for gold and precious stones. "I have a feeling that you will," she insisted, "and 1 don't like' the ides that you're afraid of him." I don't like It myself," said be, "but lam." Then you'll surely meet him. I nev er dare to be afraid of anything for fear that it will happen." I admit there's something in it," said he. Cella retired to ber stateroom early and Bartlett went down to the main deck, where In the girl's absence be relapsed into gloom and consoled him self with strong cigars. A streaky fog lay on the sound. In the thicker places the steamer would slow down as if bewildered, and her whistle would exchange luipatieut blasts of nautical conversation with other whistles. A human Irritation seemed to animate these toues. Bartlett thought of Cella lying awake and listening to the mournful and alarming chorus. Tenderness came to his heart He regretted that he bad not been kinder to ber; that be had not spoken cheerier woros at their parting. "All the human sense snd goodness have gone out of me," be growled. "I am the wreck of what 1 was." It was past 11 when be went to his stateroom, and be sat for a long time on the edge of his berth, thinking despondently of the morrow. The whis tle was now doing Its worst, and tbe answers were more petulent. He dis tinguished one voice among them that seemed angrier than tbe others, and It drew constantly nearer. Then for an Interval he missed that voice. Silence reigned for perhaps no more than a minute, but it seemed much longer. Bartlett rose to his feet-he knew not why. Id the depths of tbe vessel be beard a bell strike ooce. Tbe vibration of the fabric ceased. Tbe engine was at rest Suddenly, close at hand, the whistle that be had listened for called oat with Its strong voice. Two quick blasts answered it from his ewa ves sel, and Instantly the bell la tbe depths rang sharply twice. Bartlett was la part prepared for what came next bat not for the mag. Mode of it The crash as the two ships aH seensed Baturtl to his ears, bet the r mf eraaj die . that followed shook the seal of him with terrors w belly mespeeted. Bartlett raa eat Into tbe saloon ana oksd si i ees Be sew estne laagted wreckage .and s dead of . steam threagh wharb was-TialMe a fetor ef light . This came from the ether vss- hfea were 'poering ap from below, reached with water and saaay ef them Hberafly dabbled whs Mood. CeMaf ' The aaaer leaped Into nan- letTs mind with a shock that snade hkt head swim . He raa to the door id thundered Bps tt a a,a to ,etv-. Bum eaewerett sua BAHDAaraa thb wounds vron a max b HEAD. dered her to abstain from all exertion and excitement, was kneeling on the floor of the saloon deftly bandaging tbe wounds upon a man's bead. Admiration of her courage thrilled in him. He remembered that his own work was not done. A hoarse voice was calling from behind a stateroom door which was Jammed so that it could not be opened. Bartlett got his fingers Into a crevice and ripped the lock out through the woodwork. The door swung open. Tbe interior of that room, if It could still be said to have an interior, was an Impossible ruin. Tbe rear wall was the gray sea fog, the bertha had fallen into the nether wreckage, the floor was shattered so that It looked like the debris of a picket fence, but it held. And on that shivered floor, clothed In pajamas supplemented by a pair of trousers and one shoe, stood Curtis Boland, president of tbe B, and It. National bank! Bartlett extended a hand and drew bim to a securer footing. Except for a few bruises and scratches he was unhurt "Ha, Mr. Bartlett," said be cheerily, "so you're my preserver. Where la Miss Gilbert? Safe. I trust" Bartlett pointed across tbe saloon to where Cella still knelt among the wounded. "God bless ber!" said Boland fer vently. "I know her well by sight ber father and I are neighbors In Brooklyn but I have never met the young lady, so I kept aloof when I saw you with ber In the dining room this evening. I expected to meet yoa later In Boston, of course." Tbe collision of tbe two vessels seemed a small shock compared to bis collision with Hurtls Boland. The service he bad rendered utterly debar red him from asking favors at tbe bank. Tbe floor did not sink under him. The night's calamities were at an end. Water tight compartments kept tbe vessel afloat, and she proceeded slow ly under ber own stonm to New Lon don, whence the passengers proceeded by tram to Boston. Ilartl.'tt, Boland and Miss OUbert were companions m this Journey, and for a iurge part of s wsy the lady. utterly exhausted, slept profoundly. And one of tbe men watched beside her with something akin to a father ly affection, the other with deeper ten derness. He knew now why tbe eyes that be had seen ten years before bad never faded from his memory. Bartlett" ald tbe banker, "I for get whether you are married." I am not," answered Bartlett year from today--who knows J" There was a long pause. "Bartlett, how tre things going with you?" "Every prospect pleases," responded the young man. The banker eyed him for some min utes. "Perfectly convenient for yoa to meet tbst note?" "I can meet If answered Bartlett, and then be straightened up la eat "I can do many things that would have been bard yesterday. have had a lesson In courage, in self forgetfulness and In the value of life. I am worth a dsen of the Johnny Bartlette that have been walking the floor this last month, and one of the proofa of it Is that I'm not afraid to tell yoa that I have been walking the floor. I am not afraid of anything or anybody." . Another silence. . "Send me ovea little mosey," said the banker, "as little as yoa please, tatt enough to make a showing, send ane- the same kind ef paper for Jfc balance. Will that anltr - "I should think set Bat I dost WBLTkY NOTES BY C.M.H4ENITZ RIYZS3IM PA. o ICOERMPONOTNCE SOLICITED i.'. 5w-x 4 (These articles and Illustrations must not be reprinted without special permis sion. J NEATNE8S NECE88ARY YOU MUST BE 8ANITARY. Let every handler of foodstuffs read our rhyme and take it in time. That's the law and tbe slogan of tbe people and applies not only to the town store, tbe city slaughter bouse, the big bakery, but also to tbe crossroads counter, the country butcher, egg packer and buttermaker and even to the country huckster. In Pennsylvania a roan may be fined or jailed today for selling rotten egg. Yes, "de world do move." The people have become critical. The government the pbyelclans, the press, have lifted tbe lid off tbe mi crobe menagerie. People even know a microbe by scent They smell blm on mossy batter, track him on soiled egg. see him la Royal is the only baking1 powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar I wTtFthe advertisements" of the fellows selling dry mash formulas aad hop pers. The money of thee suckers that bit disappeared also. Some people get the surprise of their lives when they visit certain poultry plants that are boosted with hot sir advertising. They are about as much shocked by the difference as the fellow who courted a girl by photograph' sad then fainted St sight of the soppnssfl original When first showing, a novice wfS lose sleep nights worrying because ha roosters comb baa one extra point After he goes to shows and gets licked real good on shape be begins to that s pretty comb on a rooster with a bad figure counts no more than a fifty dollar hat on an angular maid. Certain cushion pressing poultry ed itors shed tears over the sad lot of the poor farm. ben. She may not live la a coop so neat but there's this sure-she gets enough to eat-'- She can visit the comcrib at pleasure, rob the, granary of its treasure, and let no one forget bo's TJncle Sam's chief poultry A man who had studied agriculture by mall was engaged as heed Do Yoa Get Up ' With a tame Sacb? Kidney Trouble Makes Ton mserablc, Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's ft 1 It lift SbVI n"-n Tjri yaanr I a lUrffiltiLuMUr Tea have asked othlng," said Be i The propoBlrwe) Is false,- - HONEST, WAS JOHN A NOODLSf ef her reosB 1 will be ready la s ssomeat,- aas ld and ajaaeet immediately appear- L He was -We- Are assay people burtr she saked. re sasjst try beip." Aad ee to taw wreckage. ore aaa aoose sal farmed se- sjses.'wkh a aimegir or two. were gsassMsafllar the layered frees ue arrack ef ststereeeae. Bartlett jot-eo thai party sad was- eat nejlebsd to see sd whits eoase ions xroca una ef spilators with bet a few He worked ens seal xor perhaps twe Baisutea, waa-a seesaws long, sad sufficed for smltitwdiawes strrV-e. Tbea he cnmbM on. ew iaw tangle and looked around for Ceisa. Tbe yeeag lady wits oerroeo r tratm. whose dorter aau mmir romsimniEiiis Psoases bobs I ' A lady Sad a, assail pmm . That had Brae sales! brraglas; en, Sas borsl prrmttmrm Bar wwsbBiid was tk eaear eaa ' Far Hoe was the Sear far ban -Bat sa eaaB) pmrn saas have Bis daw. Aad the tree werss will tar, ckey sag, Tae?MBaSa wBUael eae Bs isfc Be wbaejsraS to that seaBsSeeSleT "Here! Mwe st te tass I aanai sisBsf WHS suBa weal ate ear ao faaUj Wlta "14 rt Tit" he sst tbe ear. A a whaa bis ssbrtrase ristsu tae saaae flee wee Basilar is e'er che suae. Mars she sbiisi! a war. thea awle. had Of i "Mew. Jeba, eSsoe ear dear PMea Aae tan's bo ether bo aS krwa. I rasas rn lore ree i Way dUan Jeea Aae saaha Was ever P)etae situs Bat, Hal Bae has a dive at bar false taarf ear at swea a anSIs as a jiiliil - Bar swat ef has bad as the ! K 5 CacbSnerns sawe H ae the puflst .1 C aL aVAJurrrS, things mske my wife awful Twe Bsad." What are they?" -To get ready for doesn't rome aad te eooie wbre sb Isn't del-bta Inquirer. rampaay that bare eoenpaay rpdy." Phtts- in fj-- -r--?f .... OBATS OTiOSBB, wiggling myriads on dirty counters snd scales snd are ready to mob the man who sells milk tax dirty bottles. Tbe first question with the majority today Is not "Are his goods cheap T" but "Is be clean are his goods fresh snd purer' If "cleanliness Is next to goallness" It surely Is previous to success today. ' Note our photos of a handy dandy egg crate. The farmer who owns It quit standing to market because all bis butter snd eggs are "engaged.1 There Is not even s yspeck eggs, i This man stakes a specialty of producing tbe beat and delivering It perfectly -fresh and la the- aeati style, . He is a big success, as will any one be who follows bis SMtbods,. Others may have Just good, eggs f Absolutely Puro Highest in Leavening Efficiency Makes Hot Breads Whole some Swamp-Koot, the great kidney, liver aad - Diaaaer resneay, De cs use of its remark able health restoring" properties. - Swamp-. Root fulfill almost every wish iu ever coming rheumatism, pain in the back, kid neys, liver; bladder and every parte the : urinary paessgev It corrects turn bill tr to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, . or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcouies that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to ge often i through the day, and to get up many . umes aunna; ue tugnc.' -. . wamp-Root is not recommesded for evervthine but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. - , It has been tbor onghlr tested in private practice, and has proven so suecessroi xnsc a special ar ranxemeat has been made by which all era of thia neper, who. have sot al- readv tried it may have a sample bottle by a farmer at Clark Station, lad, la I seat free by Bud, slao a book telling,, his first day's work be hoed out an I mere bout Bwamp-voot, and how to the potatoes and tomatoes -oa a Bvel mioutuTOnnwrea.u- aiwa nafrh MnVI lUCTMUUuuBUWUUfc , Wonder If our corraa uaulenea school I wneu wnoiigmenuoii nnalM In nimltm will k I . m I , 1 oner u una paper sod r i . IvamekM. ses your address to I I 1 Most turkey raisers lmaslne turkey I Dr. Kilmer lice are all on the bead snd grease ae-1 Bingham ton, N.Y. The regular fifty-cent ,,; coraingiy. atoat or toe uce are xouna I Z:" . . . ' between the wine- -rrallk. For a com-1 toggisBv Voat amke any mistake- plrte job they should be greassd with StS. IUWII 4lmUMLW UA gfWOTw, miH " I JisBm -"---wsajaarwiawi M V aTBtl aaawlMslata. UA dKd. hvw.. 11 1 ' .www., ISS Slant, AAAVBlBa W ByXM WaAAf AUIIIB Waa ig and uxmxkd ttnt Exatmio thMtf I rZirTmtl I , PEOFESSiONAL. CARDS Bae Cemki; Bee comb or beeswax, the xoateriAl of which the honey cells la the bee hive are composed. Is S wax produced b a system of chemistry carried on la tbe "wu BoeketsA which are- csted la the abdonMB ef all working bees,- It Is a peculiar substance and la said to be analogous to the fats of higher animals. Originally K was sup posed; that ibis wax was take, up la an almost pure. state fron) tbe flowers by tbe bees, but recent experiments carried on by tbe leading botanists and chemists of th world ceadusf ly prove that tbe- boa Is capable of elaborating bis peculiar wax, although confined to a diet purely saccharine la Its DatUrSv-ExcbaufB. ' SISimi siS a I Taws' B.a w-.DAatkBO, Pledatont BalMhig, Bnillngton. JT.C. J.ADOLPBLOSa iHols-Hiahaawa BMe eraaast,at.a v . a a PCNTISTi 's ', a" w i; ' 'i':-- flralhBSB, a e ,Nertll Csawllsw i ' OtTICEiaflJMlIOriS Btiirito150 IAO A. IOJ-A; v f. tlJtMM tMMmf VMeesveys ! ili'. ! "TM DettWe BetlS.' Ehaangh ehi's-er, altboogb the aaxae I may sound Ilka a disease, is not a form I I writer's cramp. Oa the contrary, I OnaeesluseeA la,wr ' s c Attorsyut-taravt' "their" purpose Is to prevent H1 TM I GRAHAM, a Oajoe PattarBM BolldlBg Becoee Pisor. . . , . , . I snd butter, but sppesjuaces are OA Y - 1 - f f aad they dwan get the prkre. They will mH sake the xsea to be seat , Honestly, where would yen prefer to buy year aggs frosa the usas whs sells frees this rrate or fret that I who brings eggs la a bos of dusty eats er s smeared chip basket 7 That crate coot but a quarter, holds twelve dosena, weighs whea full bet thirty pounds aad whea bottom sad lid are unbooked folds flat. Met count ing appeuraar.-M entlckly earns tts coat by Bon breakage aad ceavsaleuee. Te he respected, to be successful ta KURIOt PROM KORftKtPONDtNTS Q. Do all breeds of chickens meet la tbe sssie time No. AsUUcs quickest, Aamrtcau breeds nexU II editor raoean longest The hard, close feathers of the latter mature slowly snd seem a great drabs oa tbe fowls' strength. Q, My henbeuae Is Infsstsd with SB "sect that la as thin as paper sad white, unto Oiled with blood, whea It m ta color sad shape the tad of a watermeioa. ... Tbe past to killing my fouls, and I cast get rid ef tt, Please suggest a remedy. The taeerts are ticks, sad the best destroy ar is a spray composed ef tea ef eorrosfre subUmsto aad) twenty gallons of water. Q, Why le ea egg proesrvsd ta a water glass superior t the eold stoa age srticleT , A. Water glass eggs ere surrounded by liquid; their cootests eaasot evape- rate, nor csa they tsks Iu odors as da storage eggs. Water glass eggs are put away as laid; storage eggs come everywhere, aad their age ta uaksown.,- . Q. The fsathers oa my . White Or- paagtoar's have sort ef cuts across sad its eaten ear Sows te the sklav I have warn bad Ue Seek sad dad sane sating feetheru, . De neat as eat Uvs csBCken feathers, er what te It? It Is the deptsmbag mtta Dtp Words mean.-the. double baila.' and sbuangh chln-er are two Iron balls sa tdch or so ta dlsmeterwhlch nestle tu the right head ef -every Chinese maa of letters for hour each day, one be ing revolved about the other until they are worn bright They are Just large enough to make a handful, and the action of shifting one about the other I brings ths fingers Into play and lends them that suppleness Snd digital des nlpulatloa ef the Chinese lettering pea HOW TO MTTPTH or fins pointed brush. Of what a atm-l , ' ' w WW1,IU 'pUettyt ' ! fev eiatiea ef Hew Blafiients, tj rani an appears to have a decadent life history, braakJng dow Into other elements, of which radium ta which In turn yield the emanation sad ether elements dselgnated as radium A. B, etc, 4he theory been, propounded that uranlnm, the rtum and radium are uadergotug stomlt dlstutemtlon, aad the heat that radium evolves Is the direct out come of ex plosions . of the atomic structure. , Bomonta of lower atomic weight thus result snd hence the ap pears nee of helium. This would count for the presence ef beltum the recks sad sprlas; wstsrs ef thel tt u globe, where tt has been for sainieas sf -yearsu Dr. Ghariea Avery tressua as Oeetnry. - n. a BArltrUM. W.F.BrxfB,ju' BTNtM & BYintJBiy1' AttomsiyB and Cnn naaluj a at Law eavannaEOBO, v. .- rraetlee rsausariy te the soaraiw! Ilk. . aaaeseoBBlr. , AaatStly RHEUMATISM Id It an Ioteroal Disease and Be- quires an Internal Remedy. Tbe eanss of Basaaaaalan aiut Wlnwl ai.- esese le sa szeaas at arte ao'4 la the blood. -twears this terrible Slseaee tbls Taiola mumi ' be eapellaS sod tbesstaos so legalalaS that . . BO' mors aeM will be turned In sxeasalrB - -auaautles. KtMaavatiM IsaaiaUraal ease and reqnlraeao Internal maadr. Bob- ' bine with Ofla ana Unl..t ,7lUii . eSorSs only tsmeiTary relief at beat, eauisa ra toaelar taaBrofrarasUBeot,lIows the alaer tosata Uraaer boidOBjtoa. Llnl ' BewMsaaveaasthe pals, battaay will na SMia ears kheuaiatisK than mh m ' tnlepi Boleoea has at last d Iseowsred s pertaet sad '"P4 ara, wbieh Is called "Hhtmmm loe." Teetad la beDdradsM eaasa. It has sf. Mtad the aaost saarveloua enrwu mm tiL.. ihyuhs, "Neat beeaaitary. OOfTTa. Doel Be la bed sad sad kaeek If your bis Dest expert I srratchlag eor. Oae good i they are aa mora. poet pes turkeys, darks aad ehsefc- ene torn bar. Doe'l Shout btrds of s festhert Pout expert the yadge to favur yea e he's free thee likely hwB tars ye Ta yeiks ef ary tbrbt aad sty dawp yeOow. Hew ean I set i" Pleatr ef Teoew eeea wta do S sssiss away Susatpay. ves to hut scrasehsad rtATHEM AND gftOtHELXa. Some faarlara chaage thetr aaethods with each wjoatk-s Bueje of thepewitryl If a twfUsc sWe. The FAME. - Fame a rtnaui parabea eary to our ffieela. astd to oWyewiieJwes si preseat eassiaclmB fcr tU re ward Brent es great aaa 'in rat as to tare saraJses and ((ft tlesper atery lor food to be UJ oa ear tombs hfvr cUlk-HcX-me. When buying with dears staged ea Is S MbBBBM are better thea xroa, as the latter aad win discolor whit The nmaTaJs shew Is ifaut. It is se seer Cass- da that the 900 exalbttors war pretty watUy dtrVSad. Tbars ware tSOO e hlbam sad 1X000 paid sdasiaatosw. ef ear expert peultry dactoes flxbtlag ea the semtioa ef Brer trouble smoog fowls, tone say soase say there toaX such a ' ! - PlitM ef uhs tseaet i Leeueta hi south Africa are wary taxy twa tares, at aoBttwe er three tar bee laag. yet gtoet towed sad ataB ed as a grim hresra asag se hard that as they strike it susjses a sharp smart They trav Is such austberu that It take tbar asur er tve days to ever. Th ereato alose bovertag Is patches tike red duet clouds, ar so- sterous eeough te destroy the vegeta doa sf s dlatrirt while the main Body. high ap to the air. a host ef Mack epochs, stretches out tsi sad earth. The fanning ef wings tarings a fresh sublease ever the. set earth ores la the depth ef mar.- Thar ssesa te ha s breath ef eaaae ee ef th sss. - Vr. .a-P. ae6ing gives la his 7uagle Byways la India" aa iattajs sathxa' btetaace ef the vTuaderful tzachv tog powers ef the natives: "Oue set weather we were a tMme, trappy hOlslde ef reek. I shikari, hew tw eould poasfbly say the I goa ever that way. He a aasal piece ef stses. 1 picked tt up aad eautd just see that at was slightly darker sa the face which lay Bppwraaoet. It ever by the Mass's hoof sburtty Core." , HIsssHaat ncn, Orees aad htrs. SaaKh cam fa hefer semrlee today aad asttied thetr said th etork ta the it will cure roe. BbsuauMlde "sate at the ' joints froa the rnale," swasps the potsoe oat of She STsaeaa. toowJup UiistoaaeVlrnr- "wsr aaa aianars aad saakas roa wall all aver. MbauaMelda trika. tk. of tbe disss it and rsaaovaslu eaasa." This' rvvawf m mjtm or aroseiets and aVaton (airally M iSo. and 1 a UottJa. la . taSwttarwiatSSasd s plditT Ort ! bntue today. , Booklat free U sou write to ' BoboltS Chaarieal Cow, Balumore, ltd. Trial beetle wu a B?bumJ.. faTOa 1 , "Ah, ladaadr toughed the fat rroeer. -Wsfl. I always was tolersstsd ha the l8lBiBieae AlaBuara'Plursaar Orsjhaas, at. CL . . , V ADMINISTIUTOE'S NOTICE. Harlnv snsUllad as adattafertnior n a.. setaaa of Mary saoeea, lata af Akwaanas toaat. . U. this Is as aotlry til parsuas hartas elalBjsaralasttheBBiata of tWaua - watapraasettBatasseeaiv aathaatl- tn Shs aaSeiWeaed iia in li.f.n. u. la f T Kfmr, this aotiee will be , B4aaeed la barer their rsaavsn. AU per- t:j eoashaeehud to the eetaas ef said tswiCal - wiii iwa aua laaasadiaas aMUwaaaat. .This Kot. a. MS J UHa SXM rsoM. Adaw a. e uBoa. Ate. - at Mary Beiss - iTVCIAtTenAfhlrl UVASJSBshaa Rarlaealiaad aa m.uL m k ta . wlUef a. P. araashaw. hue at " H. OU thia Is to aocir an aarsoae - tanas etehas aeaiaat taaasiata af taa said -asasaasd te Bitat the saaae dal aataaaii. salad to laa saaaisiiraed aa ar bsfeie SLe W " ear af Bavsaaear. IsiL ar tats aoMea wui as soas Is titled la the aetata af amid i win sines aaaMaaisSiBre ar tuV. . m. . H ( HIT... . . afbaaarUiaadTaw .aOBafc,ASte. A.. coiissio:,TEi:s SALE WlAKD1 hwssii CWaaty saaae Sa a Ssaiil fro Br.eeUWad Joha SlwnaDa. Mai Barr Maara. aanlaat Mlidrad lkan . eeaexe, far the aarwoee af eallraa; the rl tBJUII - AmbiJous yonng men and ladies ahodld learn tJMrvphy, OcfVitt s Utile tarty RUers, for. t'oee tbe ew 8-boor Law be- eatae effeeUr Wbers Is a abortae otmavy trooadiKl tolegraptera. Poa;.;ous py (rea 50 to 70 a mouih to beVeuerA The Te'e- we have te say la, buy (.rapt, Ii, f ColambU, 8. u. ana ore outer eia'es is operA- 1 ed under Si'perrivon of R. R. O '- Bc-al Bud all Students sr.plrd wben tjualLSed. Write then fori ef them ever be ee D. as to have to take a ttvsr pin. There was s tretneodooa betkrw fct the poultry journals for awhile ax. met I BXhat JDaah, It has afl gMFISZS, 8ATfJEDAT DE0L1Q, 131Q, , at th rajrt beees Soar ta OTahnaai it eVeH-lbefclKrw1hf lotaf lad.tu-w A latat laae la Hew Ke tnwaMin. ad. hvaiae the laadt af Badfard Bam, i -. t tanenei aaa otaara, wrafi m. , . wuim raeaoa at am k b ur . lot stoaa, badfoa-d array's wr, t - e S SI dee- AjSahalna to sfr-we. i. a . . auaB aorrar, u-p--e a ledew S - hM . . a ssakak tkwxw tud- a. H-m t h, - ; , . as taa and ., -, ,i .. , w trea, t prm in h.04 t e t, . ;. r N'Mi-sai which SiKtaM. t, kshieaaath. 1WM rV Hmr p-e-h-'f e-.h. Vn'.r , t to v . ait . - . 4Jl.i!-) HMmt tm hie eCce aajaerewewi riitictiars.