The GleaMM VOL. XXXVI. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1910. NO. 41 Alamance HEALTH' INSURANCE The man who InsurM bis life to wise for his family. The man who insures his heaHh Is wise both for his family and himself You may Insure health by guard log It. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER , and mani fests itself id innumerable ways TAKE And save your health. Indigestion Whan vour stomach cannot properly divert food, of itself, it needs a little assistance and this assistance is read iiv .implied by Kodol. Kodol assita the itomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food in the stomach, so that tiu tomach mar rest and recuperate. , Our Guarantee. r0? no. v. not benefited the drug-fist win- at inoe return your money. Don't heiitete: tnwilat will ell you Kodol on (MM Mroi To. dollar bottle contain. ; time, a aob mm tk. too bettl. Kodol la rwwrd a th. . Graham Drug Co. ' ARE YOU UP TO date: ? If you are not the Nbws an Obbrves is. Subscribe lot it M once and it will keep yoa abreast ot the times. i Full AssoeiatedFress dispatch es. Ail the newsT-ioreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily New? and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c for 6 mos.' NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., Raleigh, N. C. The North Carolinian andTHB Alamance Gleaner will be sent for one vear for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Aoolv at The rr Gleaner office. Graham. N. C. Bead model, sketch or photo ol Invention lot freerenort on For free book, How to Secure' patentability. For frea TRADE-MARKS rntent and to kill, couch and CURE thi LUNGS w,th DrB King's New Discovery WaUTMHOaT AND lONSTROUBLEC ODA&AKTTSXO 8 ATI8FAQX0A2 0 MOATXY KXYTJWDXTX JJVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled a above, contains over S00 memoirs ef Min isters In' the : Christian - Church with historical -references. An Interesting volume nicely, print ed and bound. Price per-eopyi doth, 12.00 ;gflt top, IS.M. By aa 20e extra. Orders may be ent to - - PJ. Kkkitodlx, ' 101 K. UnhjJl 8t, - Richmond, V. Orders may be left at this office. Wny send oil dor your Job Prlntlra? We can ve yon money on all SUUoncry, WcdSIng "ivlLaUois. . Dasinrss Cards. Posters, dc etc. ilMUf vw" M s Pills i i 1 We promptly obtain U. B. and Foreign , PEBCIVALi;CAME BACK. Ha BhwI-rlir'N.tTte and Lat.r Haugh tily Returned to It.- Percival didn't like his name, and neither did TercivaJ's father, hut iPercival's mother had a say-so in the matter, and that ended it. Percival wished, now that he wa twenty years of age and a rising young bank clerk or one who wanted to rise, at least that ha had been named George or Henry, these names being far moae digni- nea ana substantial as to sound. Percival's father wished that Per cival had been named Alexander junior, but he did not voice thai I aloud, and nobody at the time Per cival had been named seemed to think how appropriate it would have been to name him Percival Alexander, Jr. Thus things had rocked along for twenty years, during which Percival had been the butt and mockery of his fellows. He had been cured of parting his hair in the middle and of smoking cigarettes, and now. fairly steady youth, he had almost reached man's estate with this un happy-name hitched to him. TT . it ii. . xie invanaoiy signed .ma., name P. G.' Roberts. or; P. Clayton Rob erts and encouraged people to call him. by his middle name or, failing in this,' to atdeast make, it "P.jC." His mother was wroth at this in gratitude and frankly said so. But Peroral stuck to it. He would have no. Fercivalin bis,- He.-,wntifur- ther. and .secretly encouraged ,inti, mate friend tocall him Sandy. ; Then one-da he changed. . His mother found some new engrared cards in his room, reading Percival Clayton Roberta and marveled, even while she was,. glad. When his father heard of it he was indignant But Percival enlightened them not. But Uncle William did. He view ed .the situation on; all sides and as-' his opinion as an expert that there was a girl in the case a girl who liked the name of Percival. And- when. Peroival,, was. -asked about its ho drew, himself' up haugh tily. la it necessary," he, said, with the cold dignity of a man of twen ty,. ?that my private affairs be dis-. cussed?" "Nary a bit, Perce," said Uncle William, "nary a bit. No use to dis cuss 'em at all that I can see." Then he went outdoors and explod ed into laughter, for Uncle William had ; beeni there' andr knew-. , few things himsellT-raLrostoB: News. Misquotations. A case ol misquotation that, has become chronia is. revealed, by a passage in Habakknk. The passage really reads, "Write the vision and make it plain that he may run that readeth it."- The vision was a warn ing and the reader was to run from danger, but Cooper misquoted it by saying, "He that runs may read," signifying that it was easily read in haste, and this version has survived. Another instance ol rewriting ouotation into something of entire ly dirergent meaning, is afforded by the passage from cutters -nuai- bras," which really is, "He that com plies against his will is oi tne same opinion still." Many a writer has Eoisanoted that into "A man con vinced against his will is of the nam a oninion still." as if a man that was convinced coma possiDiy o oi the sama opinion as previously. Th lMt.Tmprstur. It is a curious fact that the low est atmosnhene temperature ever recorded by the thermometer wu at a point almost directly over the equator. A balloon equipped witn a sell registering uuvrumeui sent np from the shore of Victoria wi .fa Mmtral Africa, end it rose to a height of twelve miles, ine lonnmtin at .that height was " K . 1 . . Y.l. arty 4 IV degrees oeiow kiv renneii. is pw" mater cold might be found twelve miles above the pole, but the weight of scientific opinion is that the up per ah ever the eosmd'eone as fen erallr eolder .-thaa-er A sjretis . i v , ih.f mwam regions.. ' Tea,"; the M termer rtujfg, in, some waja a pig hv a food deal like a human critter, i ou may bt erhave hear Wfoee, W gometimee eoJsTSjfxo rasatu, -earns as if be was snan." But how can yon tell when a pif hMrtevmstisM r aM the visitor. Oh, he does aWefigthy over it, mm a aaaada,---Chi-caTribnne. .' . . TbtvaM . Kho I . karen't . sea ydn foi rears, fully ve yean, Grey TTr 'HA that-little- eJ mon with Km LCliasi end t ;"HMiJ8 Lillian is no more. She "Vrhati Dead He No; nerried. - She Tee donl say so. Tom fia friends, thewthf ' He ye. She anarriel mev tmm a lnerw y , , . l2aSSV55 be invented. . ic- smith is "rf oseofth alenogrsphte another. vj, ,h leaving fo ye, not for good; better et for worse." MADE GOOD A$ , AtCQOK. Th. Old Lumb.rman Got SuDDar Without th. L.a.t Effort "Nowadays a cook is provided for each camD." said the old lumberman who has worked on the St. Croix, the Penobscot and the St John, "bnt In my days of lumbering we took turns, a week at a time, or one man would " t-uv ureuu... auotiwr vuo ve and coffee, and so on through the bill of fare. Once in awhile generally be fore they'd got licked into their regu lar winter mold some fellow would kick against the, routine; 'he's been hired to do something else.' or 'he'd be hanged If he'd cook, anyhow.' Then there were ructions. "1 remember one little rebellion that began hot and roaring and died down Into a laugh all round, thanks to an in genious old soul, all quiet good nature and fat Due I Ned. wa called. bint "We got back to camp one night to find the fire nearly out and nothing ready for supper. We were all b angry and grouty, as sometimes happens In the best regulated crews. Each In turn declared he wouldn't, be. cook, and it looked like a supperless nlgbt till Un cle Ned spoke up In his quiet way. " 'Dear me,' says he, 'what a time about cooking! Why. It's, the, easiest thing In nature to fat .upper. Now, boys, If you'll all. wait, on , me lit, be cook.' "They all agreed.. This. .being, set tled. Uncle Ned sat down on a sprece chair and let bis assistants have it " 'Now, Dick,' said he, the flrat thing for you to do is to .get, a little, wood and start up the. Ore.' " 'Isaac. Just step down to the brook, and fetch a pail of, water. " 'Ton, Mac, while the lire's getting under way; wash, a few potoes and get en ready ta put,on.,wba tacpos bolls. " 'Now, Jake, yon cut a fsw.sUcea.of pork and put it on over tte fry," "But Dncle Ned wajl ,abaiuslse- father, "you was to get supperr " les,' said he calm and - easy , as. ever, 1 was to, get supper., but you were to, wait .upon me.. Xonvtaald he. ou'A. bettw.ttb ready W kicked some, but 'twas, no use; we'd agreed wdteMM.W&b. cook. "When, everything was ready for upper, there the old man still sat la. hla sprue, cbttr-hadn't stlrnd. sa tecbt Dear me. dear me said. hi I have got supper, and 'twas one o the easiest thing. In the world. "We were caught," vmum.M lumberman, "and, we sat down. to sup per in good temper, and err afterward we had Dnd Ned', rwpoaltton.fer; a byword; we'd agreav to de.anyj llriag thing provided, we eonld. be. fwalta upon.' "-Xouth's. oompanloa. No Um For.Tb.f4. -I, watched.yourlstei, fljcJau-bsr hair the other day,'' said yMra, nagges. and I must say she's not the neef re fined person In the world." 'Nor reolied her buaoand. win a belligerent air. "Ton don't, approve or her. ehr "Well." she retorted with a disdain ful sniff, "you'd never see me with my. mouth full of hairpins." "Of course not" be snapped. "What would von want with so many Hair pin.?" Catholic Standard and Times. Deellned to Tarry. Here Is one of T. B. Benson's stories of bis early days of trooping in the JCngiiah provinces: "At one town. 1 was staying to. poor business. The occupants of the gal lery were turn, and., not oterentansi as tic. I was about to make aa exit on the line. Tarry awhile, and anon I will return.' npoo which a voice from the gallery excuvkuad) 'Doa't trouble to return. guVnor. We're, going and hall not be b '--Chicago ttlb- Up to Jama. An official was describing, at a din ner at Washington. Mw. The people eeear the fcw, he said, -are very much in th position of a veong .Wsanlngtoa attache. - As the as lag his servant W 4a WW . -x out ot whtaky,esrr UU: f a bot tle! -Yes, I tatak yeo ensa,( i tte ether replied. ie.iw1mZ Wasainfftew Star. . The SW Meww m m -Weeid yoa eOo UU; Mrs. BoardaM, gtoadng adnUrtogi at th aUlc spwMaTe P" aeettve- eeadr. rhowr yea Jw. H Ufoaujh a t ooeetiaefer- every rewy?'P.y? -Wen. rai fetry. b wrtJ yee.- Tr xA.Umoim www Ussd that w?y.t"W!ra,y Back? vete lists are Ike tag: rraacM narrowaj wnrJaat ParsdiB. Alfrad gai, ' TboM eaala , sea, $Le MicfcalMBsrrtUtaai issfe ibaav Maonar. Pari WlstleBr ianese fiieee . .Tmw Orfferaet IjBte-arau.-Sap. v ' tekwrwl s A hook whet H yattwr read a thae sad er e wm taX.veM.fatar eat .fcsekiaaa very defy we esmtt TTa heek f th eDW hfl I MrT. habit ef pi th WD V the brsast la erdar to aPy empty th pooch. the fd tip aUgbt b ssJstakaa fr Maod. Aaothcr xptanatVa Is that th pfleaa beeuM viLB th laaawrA wmwrm acbarra tat tk aawrrJl M Kn yovaf a )MnOM which t Bayed. Fron Awful Death How an appalling calamity in his family was prevented is told by A. D. WcDouakl, of Fayette ville, N. C, R. F. D. No. 8. "My sister had consumption," ho writes, "she was very thin and pale, had no appetite ami scciikm! to grow weaker every day, as all rete( les failed, till Dr. Kinjr s New Discovery was tried, and st completely cured her, that she has pot been troubled witr. a cough since. It's the best medic ne I eversaw or heard of." For coughs colds, lagrippe, asthma, croup, hemorrhages, all bronchial trouble it has no equal, 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by, Graham Drug Co. if any disease gets among your birds, especially if it be contagious better clean the whole brood out and begin over again. But before you get the new' fowls, thoroughly fumigate and other wise renovate the houses from ceiling to floor. You cannot be too careful about this. Yoa M.t Bead This If Von Want Benefit. The J. W. Greer, Greenwood, La., suffered With a severe case of lumbago. "At times the pains were so Intense I was .orced to hypodermic injections for relief," he says. "These attacks started with a slight pain in the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralyzing in effect. My attention was attracted to Foley's ww. -a -, 1 ' W l J a ivianey. xvemeay ana x am giau w say alter using this wonder tui medicine I am no longer bothered in any, way, by my old enemy Inmoago." Sold By All Drag gists. Count no eggs until yon get them Some folks ,do not have hard work to do that in winter; bnt we are more and more learning the secret of making the hens lay at this season of the year. When we get that mastered we will tackle perpetual motion. Take Caret Remember that when your kidneys are affected, your life is in danger.' M. Mayer, Rochester, N. Y., says: "Foley Kidney Pills are a wonderful discovery and I heartily recommend their nse. My trouble started with a sharp shooting paia over my back which grew worse each day, I felt sluggish and tired, my kidney, action was irregular and in frequent with a flue sub stance. While the disease was at its worst I started using Foley Kidney Pills. Their prompt and efficient acti n was marvelous.. Each dose seemed to put new life and strength into me, and now I am completely cured and fee better and strdbger than for years." Bold ay aii urnggisw. Keep an eye oat for insect pests in winter as well as in summer. They win Diie just as hard when the weather is cold as any time. And the bens cannot get out to the earth to roll in the dust, either, which makes it all the worse; but yon can famish dast, and yoa must if you will have healthy birds. Would yon have better health, . , , i more strenfftn. clearer saiu. stronger nerves, more elaatio step? Use Uollisters Kocicy Mountain Tea, the great vegetable' regula tor and tonic. One 35c package make 100 enps of tea. Thompson Drag Co. Toar roosters will not lay any eggs this . winter. Now is the time to get rid of this superfluous stock. Even if they do lack a couple of pounds of eom'ng op to sUpdard weight, sell them. The laying stock cannot have" too mock oonv And rooster Ukes.pp mrt room than pallets, and aatoanttonothlng. - Every peaoasboald kow that good health is impossible if be kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Core will ears kidney and bladder dlavase la every form, and iriUbaiildu aad strengthen these organs so .hey wui penorm ineir fsoevoao propeny. o oangcr ef Blight's disease or diabetes If Foley's Kidney Cure la taken in time. : Graham Drag Co. To. sneeeasf ully raise the beat and. most profitable fowl the fanner moat plan and follow out aarnttwaalie eoSjrse in teeeding d raising huj-lock. Kever breed froat the entire nock, bnt select the choicest . specimens, n-hkh rnnal be jearefnDy separated m Sit snore pr. Ism defeeuve birds, ad frosn these, and these alone, should the eggs for hatch ing be obtained. Farm and FiMide. KlTklIilYPlIIS rw a (ll , MAKES THEPOUTOT ' I HOT BISCUI a tf W Also Rolls and Muffins j-1 Crusts and GOrei; A Simple Safeguard For Mothers Mrs. D. Gilkeson, 326 Ingles Ave., Youngstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by experience, "lay little girl had a severe cold and coughed almost continuously. My sister recommended Foley s Honey and Tar. The first dose I gave her relieved the inflammation in her throat and after using only one bottle h(-t throat and lungs were entirely free fron inflammation. Since then I always keep a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar in the house aa I know it is a sore cure for coughs and colds." Sold By All Druggists. Keep the hens in ont of the deep snow. They will get chilled if you do not, and chilled hens mean fewer eggs. JL wVl',i - OIW era 1 have had more business than I could attend , to, so I: have decided to ; sell out everything and devote all my time to the lumber , busmess and ronf mv cfnrp Rn if Von want to buv croods at wholesale.DricesJ now is X bUV m7 w. va your time, as all and less than cost. 1,000 yds. Heavy Goods, Clothing, Chfldren's $3 Jackets 98c, Men's Drogan hnM ti. I0e RIeachlna 8c Overalls 18c. f$ Overalls 75c 25c lasdnalors lfe Ladles' 65e Union Salts SSe. Calico 4 l-2c 25c Sns- penders 16c, 10c Suspenders 8e $LW Conn ferpanes3Cg Men's, Dalsa big lot fast In. all COCt Siilrif ISc.' . JfcI-, txpyfanti ts fo be sold-r-notlilna rtscrvcot Ai tla lot men's pants 11 yon need a pair, now is tbe time to get taem. . I All JVluunery. ar; uosu ijauies, lilus is your last cnance w ouy a iiat v i cost, also Jackets or anything you : need. I just mention a . few ttogs J .ovprvthmir ernes. Merchants would do well to buy at this ; sale. , it .is tall, a' p new and urto-date. " Remeinberthe dateThiirsdayj De I tinues until all i3 sold. I thank all for their past patronagerah & TT70 va f ViinV nf ttiv fnanv friends and their kindness to me. ' ' I yluu vu mf ; W..I; c3 ay. " By irDflirioinig 9Ha On v gaVaaV' a l ' iiyV'MV,l' VVl WW s.MiivVwsn..V a .,! .. w ..rwf w V- Get some bone for your hens some way. If yon can't do any thing better, take a bone and hew the scraps off with a hatchet. I have seen men do that; bat look oat for your fingers if yoa try It. i ! ' ' , n-i Ambitions yonng men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, since the new 8-hour law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from $90 to 70 a month to beginners. The Tele graph Institute of Columbia, 8. C. and five other cities is open ed under supervision of R; R. Of. ficials and all students are' placed when qualified. Write them for particulars. rV s V e iw w - a ' ' goods will go 1,000 yds. ofSheeting just came in Shecting at 6c these retailed at 6c apd 8c. 'All Dresst'f Shoes, Hate, Trunks, Shoes, etc., at and y Cbst:., i ef ; . . . A Triok With a" Egg. mace two V stuped wineglasses , of the same 1 Six near the edge of "a table.. In the right band one put an egg. Just fitting the rim of the glass. Hold the bases of the glasses firmly down, the top rims 'touching each other. Now, with a quick, .harp breath blow upon the Hue where the egg and the glass meet. The egg will Jump to the other glass. With a little practice this can be done very time. . Be care ful to blow In a line with the left band glass, or the egg will jump In the wrong direction and land on the table with disastrous result. - ' funni-t Th Tiller's Chart.. , . "There was a tailor, a friend et mine, who one made line a suit" said a doctor1. "Through some oversight er bit of carelessness OB th part C an assistant th cost wu much too small, I promptly took It back, and be made me another. ' ' ' "Some month. Inter my tailor and I met at an old mutual friend's fnaerai Th tailor was under the Impression that th deceased had been a patient of mine. '" L t " Well doe. sstd be. "ytrn'r a hang sight luckier than 1 am.' , , i " "How's thstr I asked. " Well. It's a cinch they cant return any poor work of joe re.' "Cincinnati Commercial Tribna. , . a Inaatlabl. . Do yon lov mTn asked the woman anxiously. . ' ' "Infinitely r vowed the lover. "More than you did at flretr "Mttcb morr '-" ' "And yon, wit) let m more all the finj tomorrow more than today, neat year more than thlsr '' i nmpoasfblr h exclaimed. I lev yetf aowi as mockv as Is. possitll fdr sum toJovewomaar?' . .. J The woman was silent , ' j ' The next day wba b called ne one answered hie knock-Bmrt 8t t '"" whi. - The earliest mentioa of wheels ta the BlbW If in Xxedns xlVjXS, wImsj the chariot wheel of th Egyptlana.w taken off by the Lord. . But chariots ar mentioned In OenesU atC'da,' Bat there ' weW folder 'natioh'1 than : tie tgyptlaris. Th Chaldeans assd ehsfc lota, and the Ork-Hosara pwn)s date from about 900 B. O had char lots at the siege ot Troy. 1300, B. C. Probably la reality th wheel to about as early a place ef machinery as may now existing, Of course It has been developed, bnt th wheal of today to a ttnaal descendant of th sscflea of ja tog f wood' need by th agrienKarU peoples thonssndf of years sax)-Nw American. i Ta, a - , . - - -. . j ThisSale Dec. 15th: : . Until ll . . , : i .IIDIIlil", II' . IL . I ! 1 ., . J , , . 1 comnssiorvtii's SALE OF LAND By virtue of an order of tne 'Soperlor Oonrt of lanunoe County mad. in a Special Pro- oeedinar, entitled wdi arj .bei ohn SlmpMn. adai'r. of ary aioore, others, tor thi against Mildred - Moor an DurDoee of aellina tk real property herein dei herein described to make aaaeu. I will offer at publie aula, oa SATURDAY, DEC. 10, 1 910, ' at the court boose door la eraaam.'St IS o'clock M Ui. following lot of Uad, towlU A lot or land In Haw Blver townahip, ad JoiniDftb. land, of Bedford Murray, Henry Aaderaoaaad etbara, twglnalne'atabaaek Jack, running thence M 11 degVi nUOehaMn lo atone, Bedford Maraay'a earner, Uanc N 83 dec -iJO chain, to utone, H. aader am1! flnnar. thiua U da, E UJA ikln. bn a .take, toeno. N WSea B. Bum- UpeTche w ut Demon in ana Mnaunana; IS more ox leaa. Dpoa tbf. land there la slog UJ 1U H. mm mjmMMB i WUUaiB a. Moo Jtnd np wauaiau. lemuofBale: One-half eaah, bal.aea la al neontha, deferred pej awut to Mry In terest fron day ef eat tiU Daldi Sal win iiusir.taa t ' . " J. a OOOK. Ova'r. ' ' I a. m,i -J FROFSSIOAL CARD3 ; Attryt. LaW,-;.. ? GRAHAM, . . . It. a j ' Onto rttB3nadUlBg 'i wi FIoa , ... .,, .j. , asm Omar trrVtrav'S m 9. Srawa. ' j. mSVM & BYlfUlT, sr:t. Pravti Mralariy la IM;aarti f Ato- . ag.s,iy 0 AHeisnjra tfVny.g: C ttr, DiMBKon. r r. uotn lomq nownt' -a J fin i Ma ; H.l t BMlldUlg, IHoit-Kln.llalianida. ' awmnet. ir.a A Jt.Qsst,ia- "- - I - DR. WILL s.loig;js. OCNTIST Orabajsi, OFFICK n 8 JMMOKS BUTLDIJCa IAODB A. LOM. xosa!io . Oetrfitra Uttle eariyr Bsevv. . . ' VW Hmim m .: T55 f-'xV ha i't'O i'i?!rrt f Tjfs,j t . . r " ' V- at 4c,onei bale, 'i an and.; lasts is Sfllil. ak Vw t 4k l"lw Mk aJ UBtttjiiiii&'juy,:;? a - -iCewellaa

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