THE GLEANER?" GRAHAM, ,N. Ct, Deo. 29, 1910. Personal Mention PostoIIice Honrs. OBloe open 1M a. m. to7.00 p. m. Sunday WO, to U J a. m. wl 4.00 to 100 p. n BIKNAN H0GHB8, Postmaster. Cburcn Directory. Mp-Mat- preaching Every Hunday a. m. tad p. m. Pimyer meetliif every Tuasdmy eventa Mr. Clyde Hunter spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Adjt. Don E. Scott is visiting Gen. Ii. S. Royster at Oxford. Mr. J. V. Pomeroy is over from Oxford for a day or so on business. Miss Annie Kime returns! trv). 8u0d.yflolfcV-C-airw.n.Hupt. from . .. , jww aM U. Prof, and Mrs. J. Q. Lindsay are visiting relatives in Durham this week. Miss Kathleen Long left Tuesday for Greenville. N. C, to visit friends. Yau are oordlallr invited to oome to all servtoea and brin your Mends. B. W. OLDHAM. Pastor. u E. Cfcnle South. Pre. ohi age very first Sunday morning, and third Sunday both morning and evening Prayer meeting every inumi '"uiui. Sunday Softool at IMS a. m. W. B. Green, Superintendent. ' " in Local News. McthoditPrtrtmU Miss Mattie Watson spent Sunday services ut. tod and art Sundays Morning ana Monday with relatives at Elon and Night. Jtveryoooy u. Collera miss JfanmePorterneld. of Mc- i r ... . ii ;rnv i a nai.. i - a ia t prcstoyieriM- i -v "oi-my nor Bibver, mra. i. preaching servioM every nunaay morning Turner, Sunday school at t:tt a.m. MoBride Holt I Miss Kate Clendenin spent Satur- "ZZfZZ Sudy with friends for an. e. a MrrjtKAr. Pastor. Burlington. Miss Margaret Clegs left Satur day to spend ChriBtmas at her home in Greensboro. 1 m a.. M IRA Wnndhn I !homha .nnA rPLA liAltjInn'ai kavA tAAn 7 . . Bpcuv 1U uuuu.,. ... Tuesday here with her aunt, Mrs. quietly nereaoonut. J. L. Scott, Jr. I 1. J I -Uere s Wisning you .nappy nu Mf A fi Nicaolson up prosperous xw Chapel ffiU to spent Christmas at -i ne uounty vnuniiou uu his home here. Coantv Board of Education will . . meet Monday. Mr R. L. Holmes spent 8unday -Miss Jessie Tate- was carried to "oMonday the home of his fa- St Leo's Hospital, Greensboro, last iner ln uanvWe, week for an operation. I Mr. Scott Hunter, of Durham, Miss June Ray Kernodle enter- spent Monday here with his mother, lained the Young Ladies Club Mrs. C. S. Hunter. Tuesday afternoon. I Prof. Hubert Hill, of the A. and Graham Chapter Daughters of M. College, was a guest at Mr. J. L. of the Confederacy will meet next J Scottf Jr.'s, Tuesday. Thursday afternoon with Mrs. E. S. I Miss Margraet Redmond, of Rocky Parker. I Mount, arrived today on a visit to The weather man' has been good I Miss Margaret Goley ' for once, at least, ana during tnei Miss Lorena Kernodle returned holidays real pleasant weather has I today from a visit of a few days to Miss Hellen Wilkerson in Concord. as- -T 1 , tlf It - I V Mr. josepn wauser entertains M, TW pmAro. , rs,rlm,v,r . 1 J -,. ..1.-1. tl " ' at a luncneon w-uay at uu. num. ui pent TueBday hen ,t the home of his mother, Mrs. Ida Walker. There I jjjg mothr, Mrs. C. S. D. Pomeroy. wiu oe eigmeen; wvttea guosta, claudeReav;8 , uhu. w a; Christmas with the former's grand- A special term of Alamance Su-1 , c . rtr . , .1 mother, Mrs. Susanna Reavis, in penor uoun convenes jmonuay iori 0, triA trial nf Atvil naaaa mnA vill Ann 1 " t!n w tr w-v- Jr1, .T Dr- Hubert Powell, who had been Crawford BiggVwUrpreside. spending a few days here, left Sun- T A m day for his home at Auburn, Wake Mrs. Lon. G.. Turner had the nt misfortune to fall last Friday after- , .,,., . , noon and badly wrenched one of her Mr"; 3ohn McAdams of High ankles and etraine4 the leaders and Po1 Ba the holidays here tendons. So severe ia the 'injury home o her filther' that she is unable to wa'V ' Phillips. The colored people will Miss Nora Phil)pa, of Greens celebrate Emancipation Day Satur- boro, spent the first of the week here day. The exercises will be held in visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the court room. Prof. J. P. Morris Bryan Pbi'lipa. of Bennett College, Greensboro, will Mr and Mrs. C. B. T-win spent oeme principal speKer ana will Saturday and Sunday with their speak about 2 p. m. . daughter, Mrs. L. Banks Wi'liam- -There.wiU be a speoial New 80n at Glencoe. Year meeting at Frienda Church , , , nex. Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and at Mrs Jas. K. Mebane 7:u0 p. ni, and a Special Temper- tpeat firet of A Wlth ance meeting in the afternoon at lr't "f Mn- Mn! 2:30 o'clock, conducted by the pas- Mebne' MeUne tor. Rev. David E.' Sampson. Mr. Lon. G. Turner and Matter Capt Thoa.R, Gaskins, father Thomas spent Tuesday in Hillsboro of Mrs. Wm. S. Lanir who moved visiUnir the former's grandmother, from here to Chapel mil a few weeks I Mrs. Mary Gordon. ago. meatne totter ja of last week . d,. Walter E. Walker and bride at nis noma near lMfrer s, Va. - Be (nm Mias Carrie Stanford), who were married at Marion last Thursday, arrived here Saturday. Mrs. Chas. D. Johnston and children are spending the holidays with her parents ia Rockingham county, near Wentworth. Mr. W. H. Williamson and family, um! of Raleigh, have been spending far dava here at the home of nis Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Menefee and sons Williamson, Charles and William lefkSaturday to spend the holidays with relatives at Mr. Menefee's old home at Rocky Mount, Va. Mrs. W. H. Foushee of Greensboro and Mr. Numa F. Wood of Gibson ville came down Tuesday on a visit to their father, Mr. Wiley A. Wood, who has been very sick for some days. Mr. Herman Vestal, of New York City, spent Christmas here at the home of his uole, Capt. E. S. Par ker, and left the first of the week for Smithfield to visit hs sister, Mrs, Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Proctor, of Lumberton, arrived here last Fri day evening on a visit to the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. D. Kernodle. Mr. Proctor left for his home yesterday afternoon and Mrs. Proctor, went to Greens boro yesterday evening and will re turn to Lumberton Saturday. The Sins of the Father. Among the Sick. Miss Mary Foster is sick at the home of Mr. James N. Williamson, Jr., in Burlington. r- TIT' l . m jnr. nriieyA. wooa, one ot our oldest citizens, is critically ill. Mr. Gene Hunter is able to be out of his room after a spell of sickness of about eight weeks. Lost Both Eyes. On Saturday, just before night, in the negro settlement north of town there was a free-for-all fight and scramble over a shot gun. In the scramble the gun was fired and the load took effect in the face of Tom Mebane, a by-stander, who lost both eyes. Babe Gibson and Jesse leer were arrested and bound over to Court. Starts Monday. bcoti-fflebane Mig uo.s sewing mill which has been shut down for the holidays will start again Mon day next. The Company is expect ing a good year and will need more help. They can give pleasant em ployment to a large number of girls at good wages. George Moore, a stevedore at the Champion compress at Wilmington, was instantly killed Wednesday afternoon while load ing cotton in the British steamer, St. Jerome, and John Lamb, another stevedore, was seriously injured. The men were in the hold of the vessel when the stormbaek fell in on them, Mooer's head being split open. The subject of "The Sins of the Father" is so big and vital so imminent and pressing upon the people of tho South that Thoa Dixon did not wait to put it into a novel, but attacked it directly by means of this play. He had a message to speak concerning racial purity, and he has spoken it without delaying or flinching. it comes, in Mr. Dixon's own words, as a clarion call to the South to be true to her best tra ditions and save American civili zation. A book amuses and in icresis, dui a piay drives a mes sage homo with incomparably greater power. Those who would witness the thrilling story Mr. Dixon naa put in dramatic guise and would learn the nature of bia extraoreinary message, will have their opportunity at the Mont- white Theatre, Jan. 19. For Sale. Pure blooded brown chickens. Come early. Hebbbbt Lono, Graham. leghorn For Sale or Rent 7-room house, newly papered, for sale or rent. Apply to Green & McClure Furniture Co. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Call No. 428 and Thomas will be glad to send you anything yon may need for the table. Three small farms for sale 28, 30 and 46 acres. See A. M. Hidlit, Graham. We buy chickens, eggs, butter, and all country produce, and will be glad to have yon bring us what you have to sell when you come to town. At Marahburn s old stand. Thomas Stork Co. Graham, N. 0. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Itch relieved in 20 mihutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Graham Drag Co. Fresh Groceries, prompt service, and always a square deal at Thomas own? vai. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. faa BaesMws Ktatms Itja was about 75 years of age and prominent citizen of his section. Mr. AlfredO. Thompson, who has held a position with the South ern Ry. Co. at Graham' for a num ber of years, went West a week or o ago and is now located at East St. Louis, UL He is a food busi ness young man and clever, Success to him. ' -Mr. W. a Moore had a family pther. Capt. Jas. N. Williamson. reunion and big Christmas dinner.! ' Miss Ollis Reavis, attending His children were all present, all of I King's Business College, Raleigh, wuurauva nere except Mr. A. I. lis spending holiday Mrs at ue Moore and family of Greensboro and I home of her father, Mr. T. J. Reavia. r- Lacy Moore of Washington, D. - r y Ualhanv. a prominent u Hie company nombered L, a Augusta, Ga with two thirty. Some of the grand JK? JC tin Ms """"wwere notpres brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. A. Rich. Dr. O. J. Pari, ant Vr A V l0"0"" Hdle7 have purchaaed a fyear- Ifr. Ralph Long left Sanday to old son of tfc tmtiar I visit his sisters, Mesdaaaes 8. E. Ev- &W DilW r U, . 1 wd John C. Holaday at Sof R. Holt, of Indianapolis, IndJ folk and Barsey Woodard at Nor and from whoa ther bought thelfoIk V" 37r-id. Ha ia a fins specimn of I Mr. sad Mra. J. D. Albright and horse Dash and an axoaDant aeouisi-f oWhter OtjsJw left fits fret of the ioa tothahrma mP; iln.uMl.Atninaadiiiv dars with his W. A. Moora, who has bessi brother, Mr. T. A. Albright, the irall known firm of Stoksa- Hillsboro. "ruosOroCaa Co. of Rkhmoad,! Jix. Paul H. Norcroat, of Atlanta, for the past tan Tears, has ssTsrllMretlkS latter part of last his eooaactioo with that Cota-ly, to speatd tha holidays with Pr.ud aazt wk win sefiSir I Vra. Korcroaa at the home of her ttE. A.Saandar's So Co. of tae Lw Mr. L. Banks Holt clZt . w v Mr.a4Mra, Goodwin, of SaCa- wStrJP-rr WthkweA-tWhom- ol the . "fw Swpaonrim bit along with arn'vad Swadaf on rml tmaa UetW of lb? Far- ofaJssafmE.M;Ct)ok, WSALiaaeeaoodiuTheN. BwtffWO. Be will spend Ztu Hael Farmer, amoat exes- . WW(lk relatives rd frioada. fnw IUlaboroT l2r. CaW IfcEdgar Long"P Omatmas SDllnB 1 ....... . . . ' ' t . m! nai CispositMSi m r irjyajt Daraaa wua a wpar, hy Lis prper. We trsat kls u. TV.U1 BaO. who is at the - . , . ""l Uia TmBUOMBW U WO I J ... . Tff,1 deaerrw aad that '- thereby U accompli l 3 PajT IfcrsFPT a W d. j, Uiora. Qoapital where he was operated kta Ck 8b Tlie Way YQ.U TRY 1 (0) (D) d I m (S 1 Y il 'WaVVH I W sa TJC We Know -BLOODINE- W1U Help You To ItCaT&ln Your Slnngth tnd Energy. Report of tho Bosvsl Phyetetaa fa a Loading New York HoaplteJ on the Cur of Catarrh. "A few years ago we considered that we were doing- well If we currdtenper cent of the cases of catarrh brought to us, but slues the introduction of "Bloodine" Into our hospital we euro more than 00 per cent of all tha eases of Catarrh In lis various forms brought to us. t Catarrh of the Bead, Catarrh of the Ere, Catarrh of the Bladder and Uretha, Catarrh of the large in testines, Catarrh of the Larynx, Pel rlo Catarrh, Catarrh of the Throat,, and Catarrh of the Stomach are quickly cured with "Bloodine." It builds naw tissues, elves new energy, new life, new blood and strength to any part of the body attacked by the Catarrhal germa,r Bloodine is a Dowerful tenia, nom hlnr food medicine, composed of aluable tonlo stimulants obtained from vegetable drugs. "Bloodine" contains no narcotics or other danger ous drugs which merely deaden pain temporarily, but give no permanent relief orcuro the cause of your dletase. "Bloodine is a powerful body builder and blood maker, it la the best remedy known to the medical profession to enrich thin, watery blood and supply Bow, rich red blood to the whole body. Drove the wonderful its of BLOODINE we will mail a I 1TR1X. To marlta of BLO( large sample bottle for 10 cents la flip vex or sumps ror postage. Address. Tsm BLOODm CoBroaanoir, Boston. Kaas. Sold by GRAHAM DRUG COH Gfabam. N. C When Old Boreas Blows When the north wind sends its icy blast whistling around your win dows and doors yon can smile com placently if your coal bins are filled with coal we are now delivering to so many of our customers. This is the beet coal we have been able to secure in a number of years. It makes a steady, dependable fire, free from clinkere and with very little ashes. It represents the beet heat value at your disposal in this town this winter. HOWIE ICE 5 FUEL CO. GRAHAM, N. C. Public Sale Jnst Take a Whiff of our dainty perfumes and toils waters. They possess that delicate odor which ia the mark of refinement They are of the same high standard as our drugs and medicines. So if you regard your toilet as well as your health this pharmacy will be your favorite. Prescription a Specialty. ' . Graham Drug Company, Prescription Druggists. jJflL, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY OJ Rates via Southern Railway On account of the Christinas Holidays The Southern Railway will sell very low round trip tickets to all points East of the Mississippi and South of the Ohio and Poto mac Rivers. Tickets on Sab: Dec 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 31, 1910, Jan. 1st, 1911 Final return Limit: To reach original starting point not later than midnight Jan. 8, 1911. Ask For A Round Trip Ticket. For further information ask your Agent or Write. and H. F. CART, O. P. A, Washington, D.O. W. H. PARNEIA T. P. Av ' Raleigh, N. C, IF SICKNESS SHOULD Mar your otherwise Happy Holiday .Season, remember that we can supply you with all kinds of Sick Room Necsssities." ..'. ' Your Doctor's prescriptions will have our most careful attention. Alamance Pharmacy Prescrlptlpa Socialists. J. C. SIMMONS, "Prop'r. Leave orders with us for Holiday Cut Flowers. ' f NEW YEAR INDUCEMENTS And what are You doing for Yourself in the way of Xmas offerings? Re member others, of course. buWoh't overlook "No. 1." Clothe yourself in good apparel one of our new $12.50 suits will suit well As for the boy a good warm suit of gray or brown at$3 will give him a lot of comfort and satisfaction. A. IRfl, HA'DL THEOU-PRICE CLOTHIER, Main St GRAHAM, N. C EY wira oat coKMsaxn wish health and prosperity to esi jobs, and we gnaraalee h to all who as ov lasher; therefore, with the KawTeer tmra ever a new leaf, give year orders, and get the heat salaried and heal lasher sold sarwaaaa. Walker & McAdams Graham, N.C, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Farm Machinery, Implements, Wagons, Corn, Etc., Etc. At my farm, one mile West of Gibson vtlle, on THURSDAY, JAN'Y 5, 1911 I will sell for cash to the highest bidder, the foiJowinjr personal pi operty: Eight Horses, ten bead of Cows, six Brood Sows, Four-roll McCormick Husker and Shredder, No. 4 Geiser Thresher. 18 In. Ross Feed Cotter, Corn Crusher and Feed Mill, 8 II. P. Traction Engine, 2 Cutaway Har rows, 2 two-Horse Wagons, Buggy, Surrey, Plows, harness. Feed Stuff, etc- In fact every thing to be found on a well-equipped iarm. Sale will begin at 10 o'clock a. m. W-C. MICHAEL. M 1 1 To avail yourself of that high degree of happiness which eomes with an elegant home are found in great abundance at oar furniture warerooma, where everything new and elegant in the line of parlor and living-room, v diningroom and bed chamber furniture ia displayed for the benefit 'of: all. who love the home beautiful. Quality and prices are such as to make the good uaafoally attractive. HALF-CE2TT COLUZXH. winaalassrlil alias nllall aaa. Sst Isitasta IS aaa. ittial ar atiisriauoa a ass wra. HOUSES and loU for rent. ply to W. J. Nicks. -Hallo. Central I Give me Pick- ard's meat market. I want a fret m niece of meat and I know where to get it fresh and right. SCHOOL BOOKS A fall tap dIto all kind, also school top puss, misoaUaseooa books and sU iooery at C f. H eese's, Borfangtoei Mortgagee's Sale ! traaOTaaa a tka aaat a7 aala assaa l OaWa ata- IwsiTillsasMSMNKr, S.O, Is -as ms, aa ninaasii saBaa am asi 8ATUEDAT, JAN. 14, 1911 atntat.OMak.W(at. S 009 at (ka aa.rt tsasi klfWMMtMMSUS,IMHWmna. atrtar'Mml a tea la AIVM ta ii sr. C. aawaaac ska aaia. MW iMH.rM.llM SMI, ft W. M. sua a sata ttmm. arta mmm SLSI aa4 BS" IMS Vatic Te CnSkotu Psrsaaat to an order of Alsmsians Saoerior Coart made ia a can ireta DendiaaT eauuaa 1. A. ioe bin v. Ifebaae Brick Co, all credi tors of said Mebane Brick Co. are otifiad te file thair elaiuss, daly verified, witk tbe aaderaigaed, ea or before January 1st, 111, and tf ther fail to ao file said caaima, duly vetnied. oa or before said date, tbea ibay will ba barred from partidpas- iag in ta ditnDuoa cc ue sssws of said Coaapeay. & O. MORGAN, Bawairar 8dee3 lfabane Brick Co. s sawser aw saasaa a I m m,Mn mm. i MsaassMtr sa tsms inw I. a avasMSM kaaaa bss as ' rata' Jrtf"iJ aa aasS sa asaisf, sW M anni W. taa sasa sm Kaaaa wbtse rttrrrirVai.Eaa. SUsiaaaaa JAQaaa. aa. -GRAHAM. N. C HOW TO CURB RHEUMATISM Is It aa Internal Disease and Be- ' quires aa Internal Bemedy, TVa aaaaa af nasasa mm m mm 4 i t. mm Ikia li iillili m aa aaaltaa m taa ssswa sa rmnmA Ut aa asora aaM vul fca hrsilli smmsIts aaaailllsa aaasaauaa assawnni aaaaaa4 rsaalsiaa Inntasl nailf. Iaa sm nis Uasrflisiawt U1 aa aars. aaoras Mlf anasotary N-( a aass, san m awlaar sss-ta VrsaM km aa . Lisa saasa saw aaa taa sj-sa. taywUTiit trTrTS i7l-lj " r ' 5sV",1aaMaaaa-as amnHwus ImmI li.BWIa.mtm.UMi vaaaiksra n-iusMm. fraattas I If.asjeiee esmsjsaemn (e)e) VVmpOsft ahM. taa Uwm mm Sl..)l aa4 ssaSas awil ai-ar. ! ws -autaastaa mm ta n.ilr at .Ota ar rmgri MWaaraJr as saa. aaafjl aat wma - ha af mm srfMa aa Imia OimIim Cat. aaliiaisss. H4, Triai bMSM SMMMShkbT saauV Sa -aia r . aiassaara Fkarssaor Cs-ahaaa. . C oAavoniA. , ui tailsi ara iwrn s-p Wood Wanted Oak and Pine 8 orS4foot ; HOME ICE&FUEL COMPANY. CASTOR I A Tor bfamta aal ChOdraa, ' ' tU Kbl Yn E27S A!rrxx E-rtl taa of I mm m for baekacbe, I'bawm.TrisTn, Udaey r Uiiier trouble, a&4 arlnarr rrerrr 'a groleT'sIidaala For Sale by all ''Druggists 1 To Cure a CcI'J b Ono Boy Tci Lcrilivo ErcniD Oirin3 tiii? f, TI'l t-:-T?, S., rT Ca- C r - vv