THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C.,' Feb. 9, 1911. Postoflice Hours. Offlo* open 7JO a. m. t07.00p. m. Sunday 9.00 tot 1.00 a.m. sad 4.00 to (ilOp. m HEBNAN HCGHBB, Postmaster. ' Ctaarcb Directory. Baptlet— Preaching Every Sunday a. m. and p. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening. Sunday Sch JOl 9:46 a. m.—C. B. Irwin, Hupt Tan are oordlally invited to oome to all these servloes and bring yonr friends. B. W. OLDHAM. Pastor. M. E. CKnlcb Soalk. Pre robing every Sunday morning, and evening Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Sunday Sobool at IMS a. m.—W. B. Green, Superintendent. Methodist Protestant. Services Ist, Sod and Brd Sundays Horning and Night. Everybody invited, Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. Win. Bay, Supt. Presbyterian. Preaching servioes every Bunday morning i and evening. Sunday Sohool at 9.i6 a. m. Moßride Holt Superintendent. Prayer meeting every, ; Wednesday evening. A cordial welcome for all. E. 0. MURRAY, Pastor. I • - • Local News. * Mr. W. S. Vestal is joyful— | it's a boy this time. —Miss Margaret Goley enter tained the Young Ladies Club Tuesday afternoon. —An adjourned communication j of Thos. M. Holt Lodge No. 492, A. ( F. & A. M., will be held Friday night, 10th inst., at 8 o'clock. —Mr. Arthur P. Williams has , beeu elected Secretary and Treasurer ( to the Board of Town Commissioners to succeed Rev. S. W. Oldham, resigned. —There was a heavy thunder storm between 4 and 5 o'clock last Saturday morning accompanied by lightning and rain. And again yes- , tery afternoon thunder was heard. t Pretty early that. ] —Mr. Robt. S. Mebane was here Monday and Tuesday having his furniture and that of his brother, > Mr. Hal. B. Mebane, shipped to | their new borne at Great Falls, S. C. . Mr. Mebane shook hands with a , number of old friends while here, who were glad to see him. , —On last Thursday Rev. S. W. Oldham left with his family and household goods for Troy, where his work will be as before stated in this paper. Tfck beat wishes of a host of friends follow him and his family. A successor to him as pastor of the Baptist church has not been chosen —Mr. Chos. D. Johnston has a | little three-year old daughter who is peculiarly afflicted for one so young. He found there was some thing the matter with one of her eyes and he carried her to Greens boro a few days ago to consult a specialist. It developed that a cata ract had formed over the eye. She is unable to see out of the eye and the Dr. says she is yet too young for an operation. —Lately in the Federal Court in Greensboro there was tried a suit between the Chesterfield Mfg Cp., a Virginia concern, and Leota Cotton Mills Co. of this place. The former had sued the latter for alleged fail ure to do certain dyeing according to contract, claiming damages amounting to about $ 15,000.00. A whole week was consumed in the trial (the same length of time was taken up in a former trial in which the jury failed to agree) and the jury answered all the issues iu favor of Leota Cotton Mills Co., which was represented by. Mr. E. S. Par ker, Jr., and Judge W. P. Bynum, Jr. Mr. Heenan Hughes at Hot Springs and His Wife at Hospital. Some ten days ago, after being confined to his home about three weeks from an attack of grippe and rheumatism, Mr. Heenan Hughes went to Hot Springß, Ark. He reports that he is being greatly benefited, which his friends will be glad' to know. On yesterday Mrs. Hughes was carried to Stokes- Whitehead Sanatorium, Salisbury, and very probably "she will have to undergo an operation for a serious trouble. They have a little child that b»m been quite sick. Troubles never come singly it seems, but in troops. They have the sympathy of a host of friends !n their afflictions. Jail Delivery. Monday night about 8:30 o'clock four prisoners, Babe Gibson, Jim Henry McCauley, Jim Brown (with several aliases) and Lee Watson es caped from the county jail by cut ting and breaking tho bars of the old cell in which they were confined. All save Brown were in in default of l bond for appearance at ll arch Court. Brown hailed from Salis bury and he has been captured — T he others are still at large. The jail should be fixed so that the jailer ■« would not have to stand on guard day and night. For Sale.* A good little family and general Purpose horse at a bargain Apply to DR. WILL Lo SO, Graham. Personal Mention — Mrs. J. W. Menefee is visiting friendß in Danville, Va. Mr. DeWitt Holt is v spending a day or so in town with Mr. A. J. Thompson. Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr., is attending a meeting of cotton manufacturers in Raleigh this week. Mrs. J. J. Barefoot, of Swepson ville, went to Raleigh, Tuesday to spend several days ; Miss Kate Jeffreys leaves tomor row for her home in Goldßboro. She will return Sunday. Miss Katharine Wharton, of Ral eigh, is visiting at the home of her grandfather, Mr. L. Banks Holt. Miss Nora Phillips, of Greens boro, spent Sunday here at the home of her father, Mr. Bryan Phillips. Mrs. Mary Dimon, sister of the late Mrs. C. S. D. Pomeroy, left Mon day for her borne in Utica, N. Y. Mr. Robt. S. Mebane, and Miss i Alice Bason, of Great Falls, 8. C., were here Monday arid Tuesday. i Mrs. Jas. R. Donnell, of Greens boro, spent the latter part of last week here visiting Mrs. C. P. 1 Albright. > i Div J. Mel. Thompson returned ' yesterday from Philadelphia where he has spent seven months taking ' special professional work. * • Mrs. Wiley A. Wood and dangh- ( ter, Miss Agnes, who have been vis- ] iting relatives at Greensboro and , Gibsonville, have returned home. ] Junins Parker, Esq., of New York, was here from Saturday till Sunday I last, visiting at the home of his par- t ents, Capt. and Mrs. E. S. Parker. Dr. J. E. Stokes, of the Stokes- * Whitehead Sanatorium, Salisbury, I was here last Friday afternoon for ' a short while on professional busi- I ness. ] Mr. Will P. Sellors, of White ' Plains N. Y., was here Monday and ' Tuesday. He is spending a few days at the home of his father, W. R. ' Sellers, Esq., in Pleasant Grove ' township. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holt, who have been living in S. C. where Mr. Holt is engaged in the insurance ' business, were here for a day the first of the week and have gone out to the home of his father, Mr. G. M. Holt, in Albright township. Mr. Daniel Bell, who underwent an operation for appendicitis just : before Christmas, and has been spending the last two or three weeks at the home of his aunt, Mrs. J. Ed gar Long, near here, returned to Trinity Park High School at Dur ham last week. Center High School Closing. Center High School, Newlin Township, will hold its closing ex ercises on Saturday, Feb. 18th. The principal of this school is Prof. J. B. Ingle. The closing address will be made by J. George Hanner, Esq., of Siler City. An attractive pro gramme has been prepared and in the exercises is embraced a medal contest. Open Season Extended to March Ist We have been advised that the season for hunting partridges has been extended to March Ist for Ala mance, opening Nov. 15th, which corresponds with Guilford and Davidson. In some other counties the season opens earlier and closes earlier. From the best information We have been able to get, it is bet ter to open not earlier than Nov. 15, which gives the birds longer to ma ture and makes them better able to take care of themselves; and hunters tell us that late in the season it takes a good shot to get a bird on the wing. A Card of Thanks. We desire to return heartfelt thanks to neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness words of cheer and sympathy to us during the sickness and at and since the death of our little girl. May Heaven's richest bendictioos rest upon all. J. GASTON STOKABD, LAOBA J. STOCIABD. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Mortgagee's Sale. S?,tis nn (he 4th day of November, i»J". by u.m.e° Kirk patriot .nd his wife, Tbana in rkos trick, tothe undersigned mortgagee*. ' taiMure the payment of a bond therein de tbTSrne being of record In omce KlSteVSf DeSdifor jflamanoe Coanty. N. {j?[?lXok 46 to 47, th« }?JJJ r • St bidder for omat, ®°° r In Mid AlamAnoe county, At MOOW. ©o SATURDAY, MARCH, 18,1911, *1 VSSrWS&Tt&ZXi ErtfSf "JsSlJ t containing«acre, be made U subject to the rlgbte of satd flrat [ WVWARBBHN AND a. W. VINCENT, risrtners, Attorney. —~• ' \ 1 Death of Mrs. C. S. D. Pomeroy. After several weeks' sickness and confinement and more than a year's declining health, Mrs. Cornelia Ste vens Doolittle Pomeroy passed away at her home here last Friday night about 10:30 o'clock. MTB. Pomeroy was born in Utica, New York, June Ist, 1834, and was therefore in the 77th year of her age. Her maiden name was Doolittle. She made her home here for about 24 yeaas. Her husband, Maj. Jas. V. Pomeroy, died here nineteen yean ago last December and his remains were car ried to Utica, New York, his former home, for interment Mrs. Pomeroy is survived "by three children—Mr. J. V. Pomeroy and Mrs. J.. Harvey White of this place and Mr. Theo. O. Pomeroy, of Creedmoor, a step daughter, Mrs. Carrie Zinkeisen, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and three sisters— Mrs. Edward Curran, of Utica, Mrs. Hurd, wife of Dr. Heniy M. Hard, of Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, and Mrs. Mary Dimon, wife of Mr. Geo. Di mon, of Utica, N. Y. None bat the last named was physically able to attend the funeral of the deceased. Mrs Pomeroy had another sister, the wife of Mr. Robt. Williams, of Utica, who died a few years ago. To say that Mrs. Pomeroy was a good woman does not fully express it. Quiet and gentle, wholly with out ostentation, she meekly followed the Master and went about doing good. She looked into the home of destitute and supplied their tempo ral needs and gave words of cheer and comfort She was a loyal and loving friend whose presence will be missed by all. To know her was to love her. The funeral was conducted from her late residence Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by her pastor, Dr. E. 0. Murray, of the Presbyterian Church, and her remains were geetly laid away in Lin wood Ceme tery. The following were pall bearers, Dr. Geo. W. Long, Messrs. E. S. Parker, Jr., Chas. A. Scott, Jas. K. Mebane. J. D. Kernodle, C. B. Irwin, J. L. Scott, Jr., and Wm. E. White. Loving hands covered the mound over her grave with rare and beautiful flowers. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Itch relieved in 20 mibutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never failß. Sold by Graham Drug Co. SIOO Reward. I will pay 1100 reward for the capture and evidence that will con vict the party or parties who broke in the store and postoflice at Swep sonville last night (Wed. 18th). GEO. W. THOMPSON, Vice-Prest. Va. Cotton Mills. $lO0 —Dr. E. Detchnn's Antl Diuretic may be worth to you more than SIOO if you have a child who soils bedding from incontin ence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike, It arrests the trouble at once. sl. Sold by Graham Drag Co. Yoa Know What Voa Are Tftklag When you take Grove's Tast less Chill Tonic because the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. It's Your Kidneys. Don't Mistake The Cause of Your Troubles. Many people never suspect their kidneys. If suffering from a lame, weak or acMng back they think that it is only a muscular weak ness; when urinary trouble sets in they thijk that it will soon cor rect itself. And so it is with all the other symptoms of kidney dis orders. That is just where the danger lies. You must cure these troubles or they may lead to dia betes or Bright's disease. The best remedy to use is Doan's Kid ney Pills. It cures all ills which are caused by weak or diseased kidneys. Residents of this vicin ity are constantly testifying to permanent cures. J. C. Durham, Main St., VAr lington, N. C., Says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and from the results received, know that they are a splendid remedy for kidney complaint. I was subject to attacks of kidney trouble, usu ally about every two or three weeks. A few months ago I pro cured a box of Doan's Kidney PUls and used them as directed I have had no kidney trouble since. I know that Doan's Kid ney Pills brought about this change and for that reason I have no hesitation in recommending them. For sale by all dealers. Priee 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States! Remember the name—Doan's— and take no other. DR. F. G. COWER DENTIST ; GRAHAM, N. C. i Office: Over National Bank of Alamance. KMhtf » v ; •- /■ . - Notice to Colored Teachers. The regular monthly meeting of the Alamance County Teachers' Association (col.) will ia tlio oourt house, Sat., Feb. 11th, 1911. A very helpful program has been arranged for the occasion. Among other things in it', will be an address on agriculture delivered by Mr. Dixon, a former student of the A. & M. College of Greens boro. A teachers' reading circle will alsj be organized. It is ex pected (and required by law) that all teachers attend teachers' meet ings. It is desired that the meeting begin promptly at 11 o'clock A. M. and continue not later than 1:30 P. JJ. W. R. HALL. 100 Reward SIOO , The readen of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at leaat one dreaded din ease that solenoebas been able toeure In all Its stages, and that la catarrh. Hall's Catar rh Curs la the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a aonstltatlonal disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall's Qstarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and flvln* the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so mnoh faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F, J. CHBNKY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Drngglsta, TBo. Take Hall's Family Pills for eonaUpatlon. For Sale. Pure blooded brown leghorn chickens. Come early. Herbert Ix>nj, Graham. For Sale or Rent 7-room house, newly papered, for sale or rent. Apply to Green & McClure Furniture Co. ' For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Bloodine Ointment cures Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Old Sores, Fever Sores, Itch and all Skin Ir ritatiOD, 60c a box, mailed by The Bloodine Co., Inc. Boston, Mass. Graham Durg Co. —Two small farms for sale—2B, and 46 acres. See « A. M. Hadlet, Graham. NORTH CAROLINA— Alamance County. Ia The Superior Court— James N. Williamson k Rons Company, a corporation. vs. Insadore Wetland Krall Well, 00-partners, trading under the firm name of Well llros. The defendants above named will take no tlce that an aotion entitled aa above has been oommeneed In the Superior Court of Ala mance County, to recover of thorn the aum of tSSb 00, due and owln* to plaintiff becaua of the failure of aald defendants to comply with a contract to aell and deliver cotton to James N. Williamson & bona, proprietors of Osa pee Cotton Mills, and In nald action, up n a proper affidavit and appllosllon and upon the giving of proper bond, a warrant ol at tachment has been Issued, directing the Sheriff of Alamance County to ttUoo a suf ficient amount of the property of the above named defendants. If It should be loun within said county, to satlsry said above olalm, and oosts and expenses: and the aald defendants will further take further notice thattbey are required to appeal at the term of the Superior Court of said eounty, to be held on Monday, the oth day of March, 1911, at the oonrt house In ssld oou nty. In Orabam, North > arollna, and answer or demur to the complaint lu said aoUon, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the Ist day of February. 1911. J. 1). KHUNODLB, O.S. C. of Alamance C . NORTH CAROLINA — Alamance County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. J. L. Scott, Jr., Admr. ofttuaan Hancock, Plaintiff. vs. William Hancock and his wife, and tbe heirs generally of buian Hancock, Defendants. Tbe defendsnts above named, as tbe heirs at law of Susan Hancock deceased, will take notice that a special proceeding has been commenced before tbe clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county, wherein tbe raid Plaintiff Is asking for an order of said Court or the sale of the lands of tbe lata Sussn Hancock for the purpoeeof making assets to pay the remaining outatandlng debts of the eel ate of hla intestate. And tbe said Defendants will further take notice tbat they are required to appear at UIC office of tbe said Clerk of tbe Court of Alamance county. North Carolina on the f7tb day of February. 1911. and answer to tbe complaint which will be deposited In tbe office of the said Clerk on Or before said day, or tbe plaintiff will apply to tbe Court for tne relief demand«d In said complalut. f Th,,o ffl k Licgc Certificate of Dissolution State of North Carolina, Department of State Certificate of Dissolution. TO all to whom tbeee preseou may jrome— UrseUng: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction. by duly aoibenUeitid record of tbe proceed in#* for the voluntary dissolution thereof, by tbe unanimous conaent of all tbe slockboMera, deposited In my office, that Uis Mldws» Brick Company, a corporation of this (Mate, whose principal office Is situated In the city of Burlington, county of Alamance, State of North Carolina. Jno. M. Cook being Uie agent therein and In charge Uierrof, upou whom process may be served, has complied . with the requirements of Chapter 21. Kevlsal of IM, entitled "Corporalions," preliminary > lothe Issuing of this Certificate of dlssolu -1 Vow. therefore I, J. Mryan Heeie a,yo/ Htale ol the HUre of North Carolina, do hereby oertlfy that tbe aald corporation > did, on the a day of Jan'y, MM. fUs in my , Office a duly executed and alteMed coaasat ft writing to the dlaeolutloa of aakl corporation, executed by all the stockholders U»ereo which said conaent and the record of tbe proj ■ eeedlnga aforesaid are now on flle In my said •V&BmvwtSlFt have hereunto,* , bSdaH affixed my offlcl.l -al, at ' Notice of Land Sale Special proceeding to wbletltbe belr--et-law » oTMllton M. Tbom peon, deceased, were duly . constituted parties, tbe underalgnodcoraoii** a loner will, on * SATURDAY, FEB., 25th, 1911 , at 1 o'clock, p. m, at tke Court House door l 'of r "*lS > nS'4e. L Jut*S? ES'cJIS 9 ?o?roek, oorner wIMi said Wewllo-, thence - West ».I0 chains to a rock In MpSasOreeft . corner with ssld Newlln; meooe up saja S^i&TtaTtbiiS West« chains to tha begin - nine, eontaislng tHirtr Aveand fl»etenths TblsMdsy of Jan., u THOMPW)If . Commissioner. ' rhiySOSWOLUWIVE DM >m ia«ii JnwmswS CawaTir*T»o« , ' YOU TRY Bloodma fWe Know -BLOODINE- Win Help You _ _ ' To iU|aln Your Strength andEnerg Report of the Physician ia * .•■ssr&sfsjsr • "A few rears ago we considered that we were doing well if we cured ten per cent, of the cases of catarrh brought to us, but since,the introduction of "Bloodine" into our hospital we curs more than 00 per cent, or all the cases of Catarrh in its various forms brought to us.« Catarrh of the Head, Catarrh of the Eyes, Catarrh of the Bladdor and Uretha, Catarrh of the large in testines, Catarrh of the Larynx, Pel vio . Catarrh, Catarrh of the Throat,, and jk Catarrh of the Stomach are quickly )J cured with "liloodlne." Itbuildsnew / tissues, rives new energy, new life. ) new blood and strength to any part of ' the body attacked by the Catarrhal germs. ,r Bloodine is a powerful tenia, nour ishing food medicine, composed of valuable tonlo stimulants obtained from vegetable drugs. "Bloodine" contains no narcotics or other danger ous drugs which merely deaden pain temporarily, but give no permanent relief orcure the cause of your disease. "Bloodine Is a powerful body buildor I and blood maker; It is the best remedy known to the medical profession to •uriohthln, watery blood and supply Dew, rich red blood to tbe whole body. ' FREE .To prove the wonderful merits of BLOODINE wo will mail » large sample bottle fjr 10 ouuts la si ver or stamps for postage. Address. Thm BIOONRAE Cokporattov, PWT«N, Mast Sold by GRAHAM DRUG CO, Graham. N. C. To Make ALong Tail Short co»v . % > we are selling some remarkably fine suits at prices that are cut close and to the cost line. Vve don't pretend to lose money on these suits, but at cost. Our profit margin hardly casts a shadow. A. M, HAO LEY THE Main St GRAHAM, N.C. Subscribe for The Gleaner ■ liL A. x ma i mmtmmm wmm mm—■■■ The busiest and mightiest lit- ] tie thing that ever was made i» Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do the work when- # ever you require their #ifl. These u tablets change weaioeaa into c strength, listlessness into energy, l gloominess iuto Joyouaoqta. Their . action Is so get.tle one ddb't real ize they have tak?n a purgative. Hold by Graham Drug Co. 1 Ralph Odom, the 14-year old ■on of Mr 8. T. Odom, was killed ■ by being thrown from a wagon by , a runaway team, in the vicinity . of Hamlet Wednaday of last week. OM NaUlrr Tortar*4. f "For years I suffered unspeak able torture from indigestion, con stipation and liver trouble," * wrote A. K. Smith a war veteran I at Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right. f They'are simply great." Try them I for any stomach, liver or kidney , ; trouble. Only 26c at Graham 1 Drug Co.'s. I Would you have better health, r more strength, clearer skin, • stronger nerves, more elastic sU>p? ! Uae Holllster's Rocky Mountain » Tea, the great vegetable n'Kula i tor and tonic. One 35c package • makes 105 cups of tea. Thompson ' Drug Co. CROUPiigl mm. A mt» —il pl«a»lnt«rnn>—aOoTl>rp««l»U. I o«witr untie tarly RUera, HALF-CENT COLUMN. AdvartiaameoU wtU ba loaertad under tbU aaadlnc at ooe-aalf of a o*ot ■ word for mot loMrUea Moid. laacrtod forlaMtaau lUou. Oouot TOUT word*and Mod aaao wttk oriai. Mcb Initial or abOrmatloo oouoU a void. HOUSES and lota for rent. Ap ply to W. J. Nicks. —Hello, Central! Give me Pick ard's meat market. 1 want a first class piece of meat and I know where to get it fresh and right. SCHOOL BOOKS—A fall sup ply of all kinds, also school sup phes, miscellaneous books and sta iooery at C. F. Neeae'i, Burlington For Sale. The Hal. 15. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. TOIETS KIDNEY PILLS 1 {„ backmcbe. rheumati.m, kidney or blsdder trouble, and urinary irre»oL-W Jl Foley's Kidney Pills purify tbo blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse __Li !!*•■ ;; For Sale by all Druggists I Take Laxative Bromo ■ Seven Million btaet I can measure tbe_ right quto- Grahem Drug Company, Prescription Druggists. - ■ %m The Mechanic Points With Pride. vlVt I||m lOw /* \/2si to the job he has finished with our jf /flutt mill work. How could it be other- // vrise when everything fits so perfect- /Jr/vieuXßyi ly with the least possible labor. To insure a good job make it a point to HRB»lgy^B come here for railings, new posts, rVMr mV9 balusters, window frames, shutteri, frr® IHBnr etc. Their use means less labor and Walker & McAdams, Graham, N. C ! OUR ADVERTISEMENT r JID-L**n iM| I points ths way to better coal. Bat \ unless you heed our advice and sug- gestions and place your order, how Oil nft\ 1 are we to help you further? Let us I A i | deliver a few ton* ty you to day. I I You will have reason to congratulate |;| I yourself when you observe the heat- I giving power of this perfect coal. HOME ICE"J FUEL CO. GRAHAM, N. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Gleaner--SI.OO a year. 6 ' ' •• *3? **m - - V C. Utmost Accuracy, Highest Quality, Mature Experience, Describes onr Prescription Department -«* ■ iSTPerfcct satisfaction guaranteed. Call or 'phone your wanta. Alamance Pharmacy Prescription Specialists. J. T3. SIMMONS, NEW YEAR INDUCEMENTS • 'fo avail yourself o! that high degree of happiness which comet with an elegant home are found in great abundance at our furniture warerooma, t *here everything new and elegant in the line of parlor and living-room, ' diningroom and bed chamber furniture is displayed for the benefit of ell who love the home beautflul. Quality and prices are such as to make the ) goods unusually attractive. ' graham, n. c

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