for Infants and Children. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought has borbe the signa ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and ha* been made wider his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you In thig* Counterfeits, Imitations and «'Just-as-good" are hut Experiments, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment.^ The Kind Tou Have* Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.. NOTES ! C.MBAKMTZ JLIS SOLICITED N. 7^ tThesa article* and Illustration, must not t>a reprinted without special permls -1 slon.] HOW TO RAIBE PLUMP BQUABS CHEAP. Qerman specialists■ declare squab flesh Its own digester, thus you need not linger long on the edge of a squab potple fearing gastritis, enteritis or appendicitis, but may gormandize and then thus apostrophize— O peptonolds, Jamaica ginger, Stomach bitters, bismuth, too, Tv® downed a squnb pie two feet square But do not fMI the need of youl | Are squabs too high for potple? Well, read our squablet sermonette. It's hot off the griddle from a back lot sqaabbery where the finest are raised easy and cheap. The loft Is an npper room (20 by 13) of s stable; the fly, hung In the air out slde, is seven feet long, three feet wide and three and a half feet high. The entrance is In center of twenty foot partition, the nests ranged on each side of door. There are two sash doors, three feet square, ono In end, the other opening into fly, and both low down. Thus no draft strikes the nests, though theso glass doors are open ex cept in severest weather. Fifty pairs bf working homers are kept, not for fancy, but, oh, you plump squabs 1 Nearly every nest contained eggs or aqnaba. The birds were breeding * bE* w A vonaa HOMJUL fast that some nests contained four squaba, latest addition sad the pre ceding pair being fed st the same time. The average pair has fourteen squabs a year, and of the dosen dress ed for dinner none were under s pound. In this sqaabbery there are no fads, no feed wasting hoppers, but the meth ods are so simple s boy may succeed. Every day the room is cleaned. Tbe year round the bath la placed in fly outside. Whltewaah la applied fre quently to keep down vermin; the nests are cleaned, limed and new to bacco sterna supplied as soon aa squabs get active. Drink, grit, oyster a hell and a cake of rock aalt are kept before the birds, U y , t j ■ H HI , DAMDT oss voras SQOASS. and tbs following feed mixture, pre pared at the local Bill, la used: Thirty pounds cracked corn, tweaty-ftve pounds red wheat, tan pounds Kaffir eors, m pounds Canada peas. The birds are fed morning sad after ,aoon, enough being always on the Boor for breeders and for feeding •qnabs. Note aample squabs. This small plant doea wonders, and ben Is the explanation: Good working bom era, clean cosy quartan, rational feed ing, no fads. 00NT8. i Don't forget that experience la the bast teacher aad practice the best preacher. Dont use lime on the dropping jlang paralyser. I Don't fail to paint the roosts often [with coal oil and hare the droppings nil on plaster or dry soil. I Dont neglect to clean up droppings Jeoffln. A NIGHTMARE OF THC AIR, There's an awful tlm. a-comlnc When the airship is In use. It will whit down to your hencoop And with all your bans vamooii. That buss buggy will coma whirring. Hook on to your hogpen there- Tour price porkers be a goner While you stand below and .wear. Tou will go out soma fine morning Tor your duck pants dried at night; But, alas, your only trousers Wlii have vanished out of S|XI Tou will go down |0 your vaults,- sir. And your millions will be gone. Some bun burglar went and swiped them WhUe the helpless cops looked on. Tou will sell soma rotten eggs, sir. Some dark night you'll hear a bum. Those old eggs will drop down on you. Tou'll blow up to kingdom come. C. M. BARNITZ. COLD, CATARRH, ROUP. When fowls breathe air la drawn through the nostrils, passes down through the cleft in the roof of the mouth to the opening (larynx) of the windpipe (trachea) and thence to the longs. ,Z7~ A bubble at the nostril indlcatea cold. The watery discharge thickens SECTION aaowwo ROOF OR MOUTH ASS CLBFT. to white; then yellow liquid, which hardens, plugs the nostrils, and the nasal cavity fills with mucous and at times wltb cheesy tumors that form back of tbs ays and destroy that or gan. The fowl-then breatbee through the mouth, and the tongue gets bard scale. Titan la • rattling aa air paasea over the dry. Inflamed mem brane Tbs discharge smells, gray pa tehee appear In tbe mouth, the bead and ayaa awell with putrid sores, and the fowl Rets fever, loaes appetite and becomes weak. Thus cold becomea catarrh, catarrh roup—all contagious and mostly caused by damp or draft Whan yon see that babble look out for trouble. Drop soma karoeene Into the nostril, swab out the cleft with a feather dipped in the oil sad give the bird a grain at 1 quinine at nlgbt. Remove the canker gently and apply hydrogen peroxide. For a quick cure for cold, catarrh, roup, aon bead aad eyea in chickens and. turkeys spray tbe affected parts often with this solu tion; Dorado acid U ounce Zlno sulphate 1 dram Warm water 1 plat FCATHKRB AND EGGSHELLS. Covering the Interior of a henhouse with paper to keep out tbe cold doss not sssm to be appreciated by tbe bens, ss they employ their Idle time la I tearing It off with as much avidity as billy goat* after a circus poster Whitewash tor Interior and tar paper for exterior an tar superior. The Reading-New Jersey Central railroad's faat express. Queen of tbe Valley, en route to New York, wss brought to s sodden stop near Beth lehem. Pa, while going a mile a min ute. Passengers flew clear acroaa tbe easts. An sight pound Plymouth Rock sacksd under tbe train aevers& tbe si* connection. When hens ban nothing to do In winter they often. form themaelvos Into a mutosl sdmlratlon society and proceed to eat each other's beautiful garments. Hone that must sweat for all their oats don't steal each other's overcoats. On July 2 Cuba legalised cockfight tng. We Insert tbla for tbe Informa tion of tboae sports who an looking for a location wben gamecocks an In demand and when tbey may pull off cockfights without getting pulled. Certain fanden should be memben of tbe fsculty of a school of Journal lam holding professorships In tbe ad vertisement and correepondent depart ments. They write magnificent pall ing ads. and flns descriptive lettera. Whan the bird to received It to then discovered that tbey an thirty-third l degree Ananlaaaa. Two lilltortoo (Pa.) boya who tied firecrackers to plgoona and blew them up wen fined fU apiece. A hoodoo alwaya haunts thoss that practice cru elty. v We have bad onlera frofc as far i west aa Oklahoma for ducks and oa 1 Inquiry at tbe express office ban been . informed that all transportstioo for , such distance must be prepaid. Too may be able to get a ahipmaot to a far point alive, but tbs long trip amy bo such s drain on their strength as , to unfit them for fatnn usefulness. 1 Sunshine to s germ dsatmysr aad a ' better ben tonic than red pepper. For 1 grouchy feeling It Is fine, and yon can bat it bents an "whine." ORIGIN OF GERRYMANDER. It is 100 Yean Old-Originated in Massachusetts. Baltimore Sun. Hon. Joseph Walker, Speaker of the House of Representative of the Massachusetts Legislature, has declared himself against a gerrymander of the State when the time comes to make a new ap pointment under the last census. In making this announcement he calls attention to the fact that this is the centennial year and Massachusetts the birthplace of the method of apportionment which has come into use all over the country, and which is known everywhere by the name gerry mander. And that brings up tbe story of how the name gerryman der came to be attached to- this particular bit of political unfair ness. A hundred years ago El bridge Gerry was Governor of Massachusetts and was instru mental in having formed a con gressional district consisting of Salisbury, Amesbury, Haverhill, Methuen, And over,, Middleton, Lynnfield, Danvers, Lynn, Salem, Marblehead and Chelsea. The creation of such a district was so obviously for partisan advantage that it called forth a storm of criticism. Gilbert Stuart, the ar tist, while looking, at the district as outlined on the map, was re minded of a salamander, and with a few strokes of his pen empha sized the likeness. An editor of the day to whom the drawing was shown remarked that it looked "more like a gerrymander," and so the name passed into the po litical history of the country as designating an unfair apportion ment. The same nnfair plan of taking advantage of the party majority in the Legislature to make as many safe congressional districts as possible that animated Gover nor Gerry and his fellows in Mass achusetts a -hundred years ago has made the gerrymander part of the tactics of every political party that has had the power in all the several States of the Union. It has always been a bad bit of political tactics and has often been so shamefully used as to cauaD the downfall pf the j»arty practictngTtT ~JNow that a leading figure in the Legislature of tee State which invented it has de nounced it and declared himself against it in its centennial year, it is hoped that his influence will prove sufficient to cause its aban donment there, and that other States will follow the lead of Mass achusetts and banish it from the politics of the country forever. Tortund For Fifteen Years by a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors, and resisted all remedies he tried, John yf. Modders, of Moddersville, Mich,, seemed doomed. He had to sell his iarm and give up work. li s neigh bors said, "he can't live much longer." "Whatever I ate dis tressed me," he wrote, "tillJtrled Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things 1 could not take for years. Its surely a grand remedy for stomach trouble." Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Every bottle Guaranteed. Only 500 at Gra iam Drag Co., We do not claim to know any thing about platonic friendship, but have noticed that it ceases after the couple gets married. Wife Get lip Top Advice. "My wife wanted me to take our boy to the doctor to cure an ugly boil," writes D. Frankel, of Strond, Okla. "I said 'put Buck len's Arnica Salve on it.' She did so, and it cared the boil in« short time." Quickest healer of Burns, Scalds, Cute, Corns, Bruises, Sprains, Swellings. Best Pile cure on earth. Try it. Only 60c at. Graham Drag Co., When a woman has an unattrac tive figure other women are will ing to admit that it is natural. Falls Victim TsThlevee. 8. W. Bends; of Coal City, Ala., has a justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole his health for twelve G«a. Thay ware a liver and dnmr trouble. Then Dr. King's New Life pills throttled them. He's well now. Unrivaled for Constipation, Malaria, Headache, Dyspepisa. Me at Graham Drug Co., A fussy old bachelor says the tongue of a woman is a dagger, aad she never late it grow rusty. Foley Kidney Pills are a reliv ble remedy for backache, rheu matiah and urinary irregularities. They are tonie in action, quick in i results and afford a prompt relief i from all kidney disorders. Sold by all Druggists. The horsepower of an automo bile may sometimes be judged by , the number of horses required to ban! It tt the repair shop. Skyscrapers in New York—B4o. New York, Feb. S.—A census of tbe "skyscrapers" in New York has been made. It shows that the buildings of ten or more stories, for whicli plans have been filed since 1890, nnmber 840. This count applies to the "city proper" —Manhattan and the Bronx —and does not inolade Brooklyn. There is one -story building, one of 41-stories, one of 39, one of 88, one of 36, one of 33, one of 32, one of 31, and one of 30-storiee. Altogether there are 39 bnlldings of 20 stories or more. Steel, of coarse, is the basic material in most of the tall buil dings. Ten or 15 years ago it was •left unprotected, but in recent i years the steel "frames of the lar ger buildings have been protected i against fire and corrosion by hol low terracotta blocks. Archi tects say that the latest "sky scrapers" are the safest structures ever put up. * The favorite number of stories among architects, seems to be 12. This is because the height of a building in which the law allows wooden "trim" is limited to 12 ' stories. According to records of the building department, New 1 York jas 371 12-story buildings, as compared with 109 of 11 stories and 15 of 13 stories. It is said ' that superstition is partly respon sible for the small number of 13- story structures. And many of the "skyscraper" managers skip "No. 13" in numbering the floors, so that what is really the thir teenth floor is often called No. 14. Benember Tbe Name Foley's Honey and Tar for all coughs and colds, for croup, bron chitis, hoarseness and for racking lagrippe coughs. No opiates. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all Druggists. Our idea of eccentricity is for a girl to be a society reporter for a few years and then wan t to get into society herself. Pneumonia Follows a Cold But never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which checks the cough and expels the cold. M. Stock well, Hannibal, Mo., says, "It beats all the remedies I ever used. I contract ed a bad cold and cough and was threatened with pneumonia. One bottle of Foley's Hohey and Tar completely cured me." No op piates, just a reliable household medicine. Sold by all Druggists. You can always tell which side of a man's bread is buttered by observing which side he sides with. Backache, Rhenmatftm, Sleepleuneu i Result from disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills have helped others, they will help vou. Mrs. J. B. Miller, SyracuseN. Y., says, "For long time I suffered with kidney trouble and rheumatism. I had severe backache and felt all played out. After taking two bottles of Foley kidney pills my backache is gone and where I used to lie awake with rheumatic paii s I now sleep in comfort. Foley Pills did wonderful things for me."Try them now. Sold by &ll Druggists; As we understand it, the best emotional actress is the one who can have the hardest fits withoat mussing her hair. LaGrlppe Couhgi Strain and weaken the system and if not cheoked may develop irto pneumonia. No danger of this wl en Foley's Honey and Tax is take l promptly. It is a reli able family medicine for all cor ghs and colds, and acts quick ly and effectively in cases of croup. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all Druggists. A young widow doesn't think much of a man who attempts to kiss her and fails. Belief Proa Kidney Trouble "I had an acute attack of Bright's disease with inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, and dizziness," says Mis. Cora Thorp, Jackson, Mich. "A bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy overcome the attack, reduced the inflamma tion, took away the pain and made the bladder action normal. I wish everyone could know of this wonderful remedy." A woman gets a lot of com fort out of believing things are true when she kuows they are not. CASTORIA Tor Infants and GUlfon. Tka KM Yn Kin Atvijs Bngfct i Probably there is no business a ' man can get into on less capital 1 than weather prophcting. : *fcla .ffu.ture i« on tmj box tbe fatal Laxative BroowQ ■ -mm , People who say what they think ] seem to think meanness meetly. * selfflsgSE |n'*V' "* "W" 11'ilV 1 ll'A' »#' II nfle wiUli n I ryril nr%Vrbr»%Wn m|/W ■» i iffr, „ i Household Necessities r iB 1 IE 33 A 1,1 ' * , - ( , ;,, Ybu Can Get Either by Paying $ 1.00 in Advance J ■ and Taking The Gleaner For a Year. j I If you owe anything on subscription, pay up and pay SI,OO in advanyj l and you get your choice of three valuable premiums. | m LcOMMmSMCHPAW )j| 1 frTnoESHEABsXy f J U* j i mot vtrw mttawma OWNED & CONTROLLED BY Bi £ 4 WW*STOMA IPFEAF HAMILTON SILVER CO. WJ E »awMT rrn- STREET. rf 1 i' ! Here's a fine pair of Shears, 8 in. long, worth the money asked you i ; for shears alone—sl.oo gets both shears and paper for one year. f ' mmmmmmm^— —- i : j [ A FINE SAFETY RAZOR ] ' " p i| ON SAME TERMS AS THE SHEARS. J ! iWßsssssss man - D ° You shave? i I ■' mAm This is your opportunity—sl gets both ] ppp:3 paper and razor. j r i * | b Housewife, here is the best Egg-Beater I in the world. It makes the work easy ) I J t ~ and light and does it quickly, j ;i. Send or bring the SI.OO to THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, ] ; Graham, N. C. j ' »i 111 IJLI M •Ummh m m rt/wf? FREE TRIP PACIFIC COAST tA&f YOU oni •mJ* wko waat to •tglon tLi. We*. UrW 1111 SUNSET MAGAZINE V kuiiutrtnt«dan«w WHH «Mil work it it to f at witkin tlx •MCH of rrmty OH U oyportiuity to ~ tlu FAR WEST. Writ, fcr Sample Copx. t, .«! tt II || Pw fuH y.rWwi N, XUTCM Sunset Travel Glu It Flood Boiidiiig, Saa FnocUco. Ct I Subscribe -For - -J:. The Gleaner. Only $ 1.00 :per year. 8 Jas. E. Martine, Democrat, has been elected United States Senator } from New Jersey. , Mrs. Henry Schwenk writes: "I had ecxema on my face for over four years. We tried about a half dozen doctors, but never found any cure. I have been taking Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea for about three months and it has done me more good than all the doctors' medicine." , Thompson Drug Co. Robt. Patrick,colored, shot and killed Maj. Arold, another negro Saturday night at Snow Hill, Greene county. ,# —SCISSORS and Knives are easily rained if not properly ground when being sharpened. If you want ' them sharpened right and made to cut as good as new give me a trial. Will sharpen anything from a broad ax to a pen-knife. Charges moder ate. B. N. Tcnn, this office. j Mrs. Mary Gates Day, wife of the late Capt. W. BL Day, of Raleigh, died Tuesday evening in Morgan ton. "The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average annual sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. ILACK HOOT uvm WJA Cans Biliousness, Sick TS T IjflFCleanses the system Headache, Sour Btom- H IT 1 111 II thoroughly and clears ach, Torpid Liver and ■ll ■ ■ VP sallow complexions of Chronic Constipation. 1 4w«4lva Ertirf CirfHfl pimples and blotches. Pleasant to talLe L3XdllVo iTDII Jjilip It is guaranteed GRAHAM DRQG CO. 60 YEARS* IXHRIINOI ■ w "^B I.I I ■ A %■ |F TRADC MARRI '77SSSBS^ % - - .. .. 'WW » COPTWUMT# As. *»r, om * •*■«■>* * M *a« dnartpttai at essurstsugssaesSui spaMraff&mßb' 41 ®" Scientific Hmerican. p3S»aS£ "fflliSKVtsaSP .1 Nortb Carolina's Foremost Newspaper. The Charlotte Observer Every Day in the Year. CILDVELL t TOIPSINS, Poblisliert. J. P. CALDWELL, Editor. , „ SB.OO Per Year. THE OBSERVER— Receives the largest tele graphic news service deliv ered to any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and its special serrice is the greatest ever handled by a North Carolina paper. THE SIJKDAY OBSBBVEK — Consists of 16 ormore pages and is to a large extent made np of .original matter. for Sample Copies. Address, THE OBSERVER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. FOIEYSBgHEYPIOS jj Durham Marble Works ;; _ You need not be reminded that ;; it is your duty to mark the last ;; resting place of your departed ♦ - loved ones ; but we wish to re mind you of our low prices. CL J"> TTT ' rT ' ttvt* 3Pxo*pxl©toi. > Webaveacomplete aaeortment rvi ipUAM W I the latest patterns and designs. UUKHAMi iM . ■ I Fire aid Life Inusranse I GOOD COMPANIES f ASMwESr VBITTEK. ] A part of your business will be appre | ciated. Iks* All kinds of insurance. : : ICHAS. C. THOMPSON GRAHAM - - . ji ==== ' =:=!e^ 2 —"" •• / • , 3 Subscribe for m 1 A n i _ « 1 aeUleaner SI.OO A Year in Advance I If you want up-to-date Job Work bring it to The Gleaner.

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