| m£ GLEANER. ISSUED EVERY THUBSDAT. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. gI.OO A YEAR. IN ADVANCE' The editor will not be responsible for ««■ expressed by oorieepondents. ADVERTISING BATES ■me square (1 In.) 1 time II J#, T eacS anb eaQaent Insertion 60 cents. For more apace end loncer time, ratea fnrnlahed on applica tion. Loo*) nol'.oea It otl. a line for lint Insertion ; aubeeqsent lnaerUona I cu. a line rranflent adrertleementa mult be paid for jffV advance __. r -.r - ■Altered at the Foatofflce at Oraham, N. 0., as second class matter. GRAHAM, N. C., March 2 1911. A bill has been introduced in tbe Legislature to put the county officere of Alamance on Salaries. e have not seen the bill, but understand that it fixes the salaries as follows: For Soeriff «2,000 and deputy •1,000; for Register of Deeds SI,OOO and deputy $000; for Clerk of Court $1,500; for Treasurer S9OO, and for ~~an auditor. The State Dispatch has turned its gun from salaries and leveled it, at the editor of this paper. Why not keop up the fire for economy? Did not its postmaster editor take a hand in naming the compensation for the county officers and help to put them all the way dowu from two-thirds to one-third of what ho receives for oc casionally peeping into his post office.? The Federal government wants North Carolina to settle off certain bonds, and Senator Overman wants the goyernment to settle ain claims in favor of the State. Right. It's as fair one to settle as for the other. The Legislature it on its last legs -the pay stops this week. Not much of State-wide importance has been accomplished. By refusing to allow tbe railroads to advance freight rates, the Inter- State Commerce Commission saved f 27,000,000 to shippers. That's quite an item. This Congress will not provide for the election of U. S. Senators by popular election. Senator Lorimer of Illinois will retain his seat, so says the Senate by '' a vote of 46 to 40. Tbe New Electoral College and the Political Division. Blchmood TIOMS- Dispatch. The new electoral college will consist of 629 members. Tlio States that are surely Democratic will have 160 representatives in the college, while tho States that are almost, if not quite, so suroly Republican will have 238 repre sentatives. The doubtful States will have 131 electors. There are twelvs of these States—Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Missouri, Mon tana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jeraey, New York, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming. The Democrats, to bo successful In the next presidential election, moat capture 106 votes from the doubtful column, as 296 votes will be neoeesary to elect. They must carry New York, New Jersey, In diana, Missouri and West Vir ginia, aud at least two of what are called the "sagebrush" States. If they loae one of the doubtful lar ger States, they iflll lose the elec tion, unleaa they can capture some of the States which are re garded as oertainly Republican. Ik la generally admitted that the Democratic victories at the reoent elections were the result of Republican disaffection rather than of aot u a I Democratic .strength. In New York State, for example, *3,000 Republicans stayed away from the polls alto* gethar. In Ohio not less than 100,000 Republican voters sulked in their tent*, and so It waa In newly all the States where the Democrats won. The party Is on and It must make good now or be prepared for defeat next year. At the Baltimore meeting Mr. Clark and Senator Bailey and the other speakers made this point vary clear. Mis. GUS. Joseph, postmistress at a small office near Kansas City, Mo., waa robbed of SIO,OOO Sat urday by highwaymen. Edwatd M. Shepherd has re tired from the race for United States Senator from New York to succeed Ohauncey M. Depew. Gary Gist, colored, aged 22, tried to criminally assault a promi nent white woman in Spartanburg, - 8. C., Saturday. lie was arrested by a posse and placed In jail, Mrs. Maldwin Drummond, for merly Mrs. Marshall Field, Jr., , of Chicago, was robbed of $130,000 , P -worth of jewels while on a steam ship out Sxom New York Sunday. Washington Letter i WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 28 1911 j Less than a week of tbe session remains and Congrt ss will doubt- • less crowd as much legislation as ' possible in the final Saturday, aud probably move the hands of the clock backward in order to secure a few minutes more time. The President will be busy on March 4th, affixing his signature to the delayed bills. Congress is work ing frantically in order to finish things before twelve o'clock March 4th. Men, legislators, statesmen, inakingjaws for tbe greatest na tion of the world, fritter tho early days of the session most frivolous ly and then do hurry-scurry work in final fleet'ng minutes. So it has been, so it is, so it will be. Whether there will be an extra session called immediately after March the 4th depends entirely upon the action of Congress on the reciprocity agreement which the President has made with the Canadian Much of tho time of Congress has already been taken up listening to tho selfish plaints of isolated interests interests that have so long been favored that they imagine them selves tho people and the nation. Thoy are active and load and like a scant brigade marching around a hill, hy their activity and noise make an impression upon a one side onlooker of thh whole aruiy. They have their representatives in both houses of Congress, too, though some of them will not stay much longer. Bellweather Aldrich is at a southern resort having, as he says, tbe time of his life, and Dellweather Hale of Maine has just seven days more, but be is playing his role of ob structionist aud will play it till the curtain falls. There will be no encojes as far as be is concerned. After ho is out of the Senate his inability to learn or forget will binder progress no more. Much precious time has been wasted this session on the Lorimer case, and that portion of tli e Senate gallery occupied the past week by impressionable ladies was a scene of fashion and of tears when Senator Lorimer pleaded his case for four hours and re hearsed his career from bootblack to the Senate and explaiued bow bis success in politics and bis election to tbe Senate was to be ascribed to popularity won by his kindness to Jew aud Gentile alikcy. Incidentally be disclosed what kind of a statesman be is by ing that Senator Aldrich wan his bellwt ather and that be always voted the way he did. It has long boon known by tbo wise that iu the Senate littio Rhode Island swung somo of tho larger states, but a confession direct from Illi nois may be edifying to stalwart doubters. . Tho Japnnese war scare will not down. _ Representative Hobeon parades it in the House and says thore will be war with that coun try in ten months or ltng before the completlou of the Panama Canal. It seems that our treaty with that country of 1894 is about to expire and that tbe President has submitted to the Senate the text of a new treaty with Japan. I'roteata from California against this treaty are coming in. It ap- I tears that the exclusion clause preventing the Importation of Japanese ooolies or laborer* Is omitted from th) new treaty. The situation ia ugly, no matter what view-point one may have. San Franclaoo, the nerve-center of the Pacific slope, la the most Intensely union-labor bestridden city In the hemisphere, if not in the world. Two years ago it came near dis rupting onr peaceful relatione with Japan by tho excluaion of Japaneee children from the achoola. Now, sftw aeenring from Congress Its approval of San Franolsco for the International Exposition, it ia foremost in alienating Japan on whom in great part thesboceas of tho Exposition will depend. ' The chief signal offloer of the army, General Allen, is disposed to make prompt use of the twenty live thousand dollars appropriated in the army bill for the purchase of flying machines. Fhiacountry has been behind European coun tries in the adoption of aeroplanes for military purposes. France is the leader in the art, and uow has a fleet of more than thirty fliers manned by thorougely trained aviaters. It has appropriated one hundred million francs for im provements in military aviation. As many aa seven types of aero planes are used in the Franch equipment. Besides there are hundreds of aeroplanes owned by private individuals and should the time come for military operations, tho— Frnoeh army would be strengthened by the skilled owners oftheee private flying-machines. FOIEYSKIDHEVPIIIS KMIMMMM Immswsm IMMMS uat Democrats-*r«se C.; About the Fanner. Kx tracts from Champ Clark's Speech In Fa vor of Reciprocity. "For the last six or eight years there has been no ieform» atory measure—-not one—put through Congress except by the aid of Democratic votes. You could not have passed the Cuban reciprocity bill to have saved jour souls, without us: you could not have passed the Porto Rican bill without us: you could not have passed the Philippine tariff bill without us. "You could not have passed a single bill for the regulation of railroads to save your necks if we had uot stood here like a stone wall The press of the country, however, gave the Republicans all the credit, and I am sick and tired of it, I want it understood hero after that when we pass bills that we, the Democrats, pass themV that we are doing t he leading, and tho Republican fragment that votes with us is doing the trailiug or following, and we are not do ing it. The President coincs to us. We do not go to him." "I have stated on tbe stump in my district »tho 'sand times, and I repeat it here now, that the agri cultural schedule'of the tariff law is largely a humbug, a delusion and a snare. Tho intelligent far mers of America know that the agricultural products of Canada are inconsiderable when compared with the agricultural products of the United States. To use a common phrase, tbey do not con stitute a drop in the bucket. "There is a tariff of 26 cents a bushel on wheat, and one good, healthy man with a good appetite can come very near eating all tbe wheat imported in the United States in 12 months. There is a tariff of 16 cents a bushel on corn, aud yet you can raise more corn on a farm of 300 acres In Missouri than is imported in the United States in a year. Under tbe Ding ley bill the tariff on corn was 26 cents a bushel. The Payne bill cut it to 16. There was no fall in the price of corn, which sustains my contention that the agricultu ral schedule is largaly a humbug There is no place to import corn from." Two North Carolinians to Exploit " " Cotton Goods Trade. Charlotte Chronicle, 21st . Senator Overman was yesterday notified of the appointment of two North Carolina men, Ralph Odell of Concord, and J. M. House, of Greensboro, designated as agents of the departmeut to go to Europe and South America with a view to exploiting our cotton goods abroad. They will roceive a sal ary of about $4,000 a year and ex penses. Tho Greensboro News correspondent says that "a great effort is to bo made this year to bringabout an extension of South ern cotton goods trade in foreign markets. Three agents will be appointed under tho Overman amendment and North Carolina gets two of these." Odell and. Houae are officially known as com mercial agents' but unofficially, they are drummers. Both are familiar with the cotton goods trade; they are young men of much energy aud enterprise aud. it is expected of them that they will send in a stream of Orders to the Southern cotton mills. What will you take for that Cough you have Bill? 1 don't want it, but if I bad it I would take Blood ine Cough Checker, a 26c bottle will cure you. Graham Drug. * . At Deisnd,FFla t week befoitr last Mies Helen Hunt, who waaex pelled from Stetson University three years ago, was awarded $16,- 000 by a jury in her auit against Prealdent Lincoln Hnlley, of the school. The trial of the case lasted aeyen daya. Scott's Emulsion is a wonderful food-medi cine for all ages of man kind. It will make the delicate,sickly baby strong and well—will give the pale, anemic girl rosy cheeks and rich, red blood. It will put flesh on the bones of the tired, over worked, thin man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condition to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. aoisAia STAIA naooaiais Baat SB. aaae etfapat aai this it tor mm kaullf*l SarU«a Saakut OhlM'a Mglit tint Baafc but aaalalas a fleet leak Ma ' SCOTT S BOWNE, 499 Pearl St. New Yerfc Appropriate.- JF" J Washington Dlnpatob, 261h. In passing the sundry civil bill, carrying approximately $140,000,- 000, tonight, the llonse of Repre sentatives made a new record. Never before in the memory of capitol attaches has the stffadry civil bill, the biggest of all the supply bills, been pat through the House in two days under the gen eral rujes and without a "gag" of any sort resorted to. This fact is taken as another evidence thAt the House is doing all it can to avoid an extra session and is anxious to get the last of the appropriation bills in the hands of the Senate in ample time to permit of their con sideration. Only the general de ficiency bill remains to be passed by the HOUSQ. Constitnting what is believed to be another new record, the House passed $67,000,- 000 of the total in the snndry civil bill by "unanimous consent." of this amount the public buil ding items, aggregating more than $21,000,000 were adopted without being read hy the clerk, - • Under a blistering fire of con demnation from House interna tional peace theorists, the prelim inary appropriation for the forti fication of the Panama canAl by the United States, strongly advo cated by President Taft, tonight passed the House by the decisive vote of 123 to 8. The money allowed for this pur pose is $3,000,000 of the total of $11,000,000 which such fortifica tions are to cost under the revised plans of the general army and na vy board of experts, appointed by President Taft. Both ttfe Presi dent and Colonel Goethafs, engi neer of the canal, have announced that the work of fortification shall be pushed to early comple tion. It will begin as soon as the money becomes available Janu ary 1. Colonel Goethals proposes to have the canal fortified by Sep , tember 1, 1915. • 1 V. M. I. Dismisess 77 Cadets. Disptch 20th to IJaltimoro Hun. Seventy-seven cadets, members of the third class and second-year , men, were dismissed by a special order published this afternoon, before the battalion of cadets of : the Virginia Military Institute, for "forming a combi/jAfJon against the authorities of the ins titute." ~'J . ' It is said that the affair of which the dismissal was the outcome was started to show displeasure at an officer of the day, who was thought to be too zealoufif-and ex plosives were used in the shape of "bombs." A combination was en tered into later and signed agree ing that if any cadet named on tho list was dismissed for firing explosives the singers would pro test and all leave if were not reinstated. Hon. Amos Allen, of Maine, an aged member of Congress, died in Washington a few days ago of pneumonia. He was for a long time secretary to the late Speaker Reed, of Maine, and succeeded Mr. Reed*in Congress. i t English Spavin Liniment re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from ; also ; Blood Spavins, C nrbs, Splints, ifrhg Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save SSO by use of ; one bottle. A wonderful Blemish : Cure. Sold by Graham Drag Co. | After trying State prohibition fpr a season Alabama has drop ped It. The Legislature has pasted r * local option bill to supplant the . Statewide bill. The cities resist . Ed prohibition, a large negro pop . ulfttion was almost solid against I it and public sentiment could not > sustain It. » Rrllcl la Six Hoar*. Kidney and Blad - ner Disease relieved in six hours by the "NEW GREAT SOUTH AMERICAN KIDNEY CURE." It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want qnick re lief and euro this is the remedy. Sold by Graham Drag Co. The government bill to abolish the veto power of the House of Lords, which, if the government is able to pass it aa it stands, prom ises to acoompliah a historic change in the Parliament of Great Britain was introduced in the House of Commons Tuesday a week by Premier Aaquith and has pasted first reading. OJUIVOHIA, David Drum died Monday at hishomein Monnt*ln Croek town ship, Catawba coanty, aged near 90. He was twice married,' was the father of 13 children, 12 of these survive. — - ' - • ■ - - - I ■ I Makes the most nutri tious food and die most dainty and delicious. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over the biscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a - cook's success^ Royal Cook 800k —809 Receipt!— Fret. Sad Nam and Addim. 4 • ROYAL BAKING POWOEB CO.. NEW YORK. Saved Fortune From Wages as Ser vant. " Solely from the wages she receiv ed as a ddtaestic in 52 years' con tinuous service in a Fourth aven ue household, Maria Spieker saved a fortune of $32,000, according to information obtained at the tax department. The woman was 81 years old when she died and in the latter years of her Bervice she had received $1,200 a year. Yoa Know What ¥•* Are Taking When you take Grove's Tast i less Chill Tonic because the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that iP is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. A peculiar damage suitcase was non-suited in Wake Superior 1 Court last week. In 1907 Mrs. Avent, wife of S. 11. Avent, a prominent Wake county farmer, was shocked by lighting. It was alleged that lighting was carried into-the house by telephone wires and Buit was bought against two telephone companies for SIO,OOO damages. After the plaintiff's evidence was in a motion of the defence for a nou suit was granted. Bloodine Ointment cures Piles, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Old Sores, Fever Sores, Itch and all Skin Ir ritation, 80c a box, mailed by The Bloodine Co., Inc. Boston, Mass. Graham Durg Co. Stuffing the colt with hay or straw or any coarse feed will spoil ' its looks. Keep this ration down by the use bf some grain and less coarse feed. Itch relieved in 20 mihutes by Woolford'a Sanitary Lotion. Never j fails. Sold by Graham DrufrCo.. Dr. Thomas R. Mask, a promi- j nent colored physican of Wil-, mington, died Sunday a week. | He was highly respected and was a member of the New Hanover | County Medical Society. Mem bers of the Society attended the funeral services in a body. nil al(n*tar* It on erwrjr ho* «' tko g«iala» Laxative BronwO i* * ti inly » mm Mar Walter Pressly, charged with killing D. Wayne Kelly near Black Mountain a few weeks ago, was acquitted in Buncombe Superior Court last week. The defence of fered no testimony, relying on the failure of the State to make out a case. ARNOLD'S | W BALSAM I Diarrhoea by Graham Drug Co. i I Graham, N. C J Dallas M. Caldwell, a young , Charlotte man, disappeared from the home of his sister in that city Monday a week, leaving a note 1 which suggested suicide. He has f been in poor health for some time. > Wednesday Caldwell was found at - Knoxville, Tenn., where he was > detained by the police on ao ' count of his strange conduct. He told his name and where he was from bat appeared to be mentally ' unbalanced. CASTOR IA Tar Infants and Children. Iki KM YN Km Always Booght For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Lop off the ration of all when the horses are doing little -r nothing. They are to much like a man to stand heavy feed while lying still. Would yon have better health, more strength, clearer skin, stronger nerves, more elastic stop? Use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the great vegetable regula tor and tonic. One 35c package makes 105 cups of tea. Thompson Drug Co. Congressman Webb, of the 9th district* annou ices the follow ing appointments to the United States Naval Academy at Annap olis:' Uhlman Alexander, of Char lotte, principal; Carl Dellinger, of Lincolnton, first alternate; Tom Belk, of Mount Holly, second alternate: R. L. Shuford, of Hick ory, third alternate. The ex aminations will be held at An napolis in June. Old Soldier Tortured. "For years I Buffered unspeak able torture from indigestion, con stipation and liver trouble," wrote A. K. Smith a war veteran at Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills fixed me all right. They'are simply great." Try them for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Only 25c at Graham Drug Co.'s. Mollie Neal, a colored woman of Union county, was walking along the road when a dog ran out from a yard and barked at her. She stooped to pick up a missile to throw at the dog and fell dead. She was a sufferer from heart trouble. • The busiest and mightiest lit tle thing that ever was made is | Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver . Tablets. They do the work when- I ever you require their aid. These | tablets change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, j gloominess into joyousness. Their : action is so gentle one don't real , ize they have taken a purgative. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Friday, 17th, Edward F. Gibbs, a farmer of Prasquotank county, left home early in the morning, telling his wife he was going to Elizabeth City. Since then no trace of him can be found, al though the river hu been dragged and diligent search made, and no reason can be assigned for the mysterious disappearance. Nature's Warning Graham People Must Recog nize and Heed It Kidney ills come quietly-r --mysteriously, But nature Always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See if .the. color is unhealthy— If there are settling and sedi ment, Passages frequent, scanty, painful. It's time then to use Doan'a Kidney Pills. To ward off Bright'a disease or dropsy. Doan's have done great work in this locality. J. A. Harder, Davis Bt., Bur lington, N. C., says: "I was troubled a great deal by backache and dull pains through my loins and sides. I often noticed that the kidney seoretions were un natural uid paaaad entirely too frequently. Upon a friend's ad vie*, I decided to try Doan'a Kid ney Pills and procured a box. I hnd used them but a short time before my kidneys were restored to their normal condition. I heartily recommend Doans Kid ney Pills to other ktdney suffer ers." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foeter-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's— and take no other. :v • y ' • f hi -.' Uti ,■ Review spy* Will Adams killed Oscar Shiffman almost instantly at the Sadler rock q" arry Wednesday after noon and a coroner's jury, after hearing the evidence and investi gating the affair, returned a ver dict that the homicide was justi fiable. Both negroes and the trouble was about a woman. Adamßwassickin bed and Shriff man went to his shanty, knife in hand, to attack him. Adams thereupon pulled a gun and shot Shiffman, 100 Reward SIOO The readers of till paper will be pleased to learn that there la at least one dreaded dla ease that science has been able to cure In all lta stages, and that 1* catarrh. Hall'a Catar rh Cure U the only positive care now known to the medloal fraternity. Catarrh being a oonatitutlonal dlseaae. require* a constltu tlonal treatment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and muooua surfaces of the ays torn, thereby destroying the foundation of the dlaaaie, and giving the patient atrength by building up the oonatlratlon and aaalatlng nature In doing lta work. The proprietors hare ao much faith In lta curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any oaaathatlt falls to cure. Bend for llat of testimonials. Address t, J. CHKNBT ft CO., Toledo, O. gold by all Drngflsts, 780. Take Hall'a Tamlly Pills for constipation. San ford Express; Six of the seven German families who came - and settled at Cumnock in De cember, recently left for Colorado and Michigan. They claim that the farmers in the Cumnock sec tion want too high rent for their land. loo—Dr. E. J)etchnn's Anti Diuretic may be worth to you more than SIOO if you have a child who soils bedding from incontin ence of water duiing sleep. Cures old and young alike, It arrests the trouble at once. sl. Sold by Graham Drug Co. R. 0. Alexander, a Charlotte cotton man, was en rout from Charlotte to Canton county Fri day when his automobile turned over and pinned him underneath He was released by passers-by and taken home. He was quiet severely hurt but his injuries are not permanent. Commissioner of Insurance Young has cancelled the license of the Good Fraternity, of Phila delphia, Pa., to do business in this State. Don't suffer with. Sprains, Strains, Bruises or Pains, but use Boodine Rheumatic Liniment and you will be relieved lit a minute, 25c and 50c a bottle, The Bloodine Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. Graham Drug Co. Jas. Ailen, the white man who shot and killed a negro inJWades boro a few days ago, was admit ted to bail in the sum of $5,000. Don't Get Rua Down Weak and miserable. If you have.Kldney or Bladder trouble. Dull head pains, Dlzsf nea* Nervousness, Pains In the back, and 'eel tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray a Australian-Leaf, the pleasant herb cure. It never falls. We have many testi monials from grateful people who have used this wonderful remedy. As a regulator It has no equal. Asa Tor Mother Gray's Aus tralian-Leaf at Druggists or sent by mail « The Mot h new government building in Salisbury is expected to be ready for occupancy about the middle of next month. It is white marble. While it is often impossible to prevent an accident, it is never impossible to be prepared—it is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a bottle of Chamber lain's Liniment and yon are pre pared for sprains, bruises and like injuries. Sold by all dealers. We Have Them AO Oa The Ron when it cornea to supplying high grade lumber. We know of none that can furnish better lumber, * mighty few who can offer aa good. Bat even where our lumber can be ' # matched our prieea cannot Give ua *V" your next order and notice how much lees it takes to finish a job and how much amaller the bill is. - Walker & McAdams, Graham, N. C - 1 r _ fl), - Low Rates Via W> SOUTHERN RAILWAY to New Orleans, Mobile, Pensaeola, Account Madrl Gras Celebration. . February 23-29,1911. Account Madri Gh-as Celebration at New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala. and Pensaeola, Fla. February 23-29, 1911 the Southern Railway will aell very cheap xoand trip tickets as follows: Now Orleans Mobile Pensaeola Raleigh 926.70 $23.45 $28.00 Golds bo ro 86.75 24.45 23 85 Darham v 26.75 23.80 22.80 ' 1 ! ' Si ■ii - Tickets will also be no sale from other stations. Dates of Sale: Feb. 21 to 87 inclusive with final return limit March 11,1911, with privilege of extending final limit until March 27th by depositing ticket with special agent and payment of SI.OO. . For all information pertaining_Jo schedules, Pullman reservations, Ktc,, see your agentor addreWTtfe undersigned. W. H. PARNELL, T. P. A. • Raleigh, N. C. .A'rS s i ? - Rheaaaailaaa Ml 8100 l Diseases The cause of rheumatism is excess uric add In the blood. To cure rheu matism this add must be expelled from the system. Rheumatism la an inter -1 nal dlseaae and requires an Internal remedy. Rubbing with oils and lini ments may ease the pain, but they will no more cure rheumatism than paint will change the fiber of rotten wood. Care. Rheumatism To Stay Corel. 1 Science has discovered a perfect and , complete cure called Rheumaclde. Test -1 ed In hundreds of cases. It has effected marvelous cures. Rheumaclde removes ' the cause, gets at the Joints from the Inside, sweeps the poisons out of the system, tones up the stomach, regulates the bowels and kidneys. Sold by drug gists at 60c. and II; In the tablet form at Kc. and 60c.. by mall. Booklet free. Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore. Md. Gets At The Jolata From The I aside. A . IT CURES Simmons Alamance Pharmacy, Graham, N, C. r ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having Qualified as administrator of the estate of Thomas P. McVey, deceased this K , to notify all persons having elalma agalnat the estate of the Bald decoaaed to present the . aa.oe duly authenticated to the undersigned 1 on or before the Ist day of February 1912, or this notloe will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persona Indebted to aald eatate WOT plea.* uiEkwlminedlats aat.llsmsMt. ' This January, JB, 1911. O. F.McVBV. Admr. . of ThQi. F. McVey. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the eatate of J. T. Fogleman. deceased, all per sons holding olaima against said eatate are hereby notified to present them to theunrter algned duly authenticated, on or befoie the 6th day of February, 1912, or tills notloe will be pleaded in bar f their recovery, and all rersons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement. This Deo. ill, 1910. J. L. SCOTT, JB., Pub. Adm'r as adm'r of J. T. Fogleman, dee'd. Feb. 2,1911.-(It. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Jane Teer, deceased, will present them to the underalgned, duly verified, on or before the 10th day of February. 191' i, and in default this notloe will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons owing the es tate of said decedent wIU make immediate payment. J. h. 800TT. JR., Public Adm'r as adm'r of Mary Jane Teer. dee'd. Feb'y a, i9U—«t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified us administrator of the estate of Sillar Watlington, deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against the estate of the decedent to pres ent them on or before thf 20th day of Feb ruary, 1912, duly authenticated, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said es tato will please make immediate settle ment. This the 10th of Feb. 1911. R. JUNIUS KEUNODLE, Adm'r of Sillar Watlington, dee'd. 16feb6t Elon College, N. C. Wood's Trade Mark Clover an)_ Crass Seeds best qualities obtainable. Sow Clover and Grass seeds in March on your fall-sown Wheat or other grain crops. "Wood's Crop tells the ad- Special" vantages of these seedings, and gives prices and seasonable infor mation each month about all Farm seeds. * "Wood's Crop Special" and Descriptive Seed Catalog mailed free on request. T. W. WOOD Ct SONS Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. FOLEYSKIDHEYPniS fb» BAOHACMC RiMmMD Buseca OcWltt's Little tarij' Risers, ' 'k. Imnu llitl. ,^ll,

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