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Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep you abreast ot the times. , Poll Associated Press dispatch es. All the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily New? and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c fqgr 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALEIGH, N. C. ■ « The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sent fox one year for Two Dollars Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. 5 ! I mjjm ■ SM * ■ 1 Send model, sketch or photo ol Invention lor 11 i 1 free report on patentaUllty. For free book, i How to Secnrcxn ■nC liIDVC write' 1 «| PatenUandlJlHytJßßnßOtc J ijg|§|j(p^ KILL™. COUCH «» CURB LUWQB w,th Dr. King's New Discovery FOB CMS?* jfSk. AMD ALL THROAT AMD UlWfl TWOUBUEI. - GUARANTEED SATIBPAOTOBT Q& MONET BKyPMPMP. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: eloth, $2.00; gilt top, 12.60. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be ent to PJ. KBBNODLB, 1012 E. Marshall St., Richmond, Va Orders may be left at this office. Why scad oil lor your Job Printing? Wecaa save yon money on all Stationery, Wedding Invitations, Business Cards, Posters, etc. 3555555555555E5E5 .» THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. The thought maybe you'd come back aome day and be sure enough disappointed if it were gone." The younger man slipped from his saddle and went to look In at the open door of the old ranch house. Everything was precisely as he re membered it—the simple, old fashion ed furniture, the crossed quirt* over the high wooden mantel, his mother's rocking chair—that was the final touch. He sat down on the worn door log and put his face In hi* now the gaping chasm of the years was quite closed, and he was a boy again. Later In the day there were am bling gallops along the country roads, and the father explained how the transformation from cattle raising to agriculture and fruit growing had come about; how the great irrigation dam in Quaretaro canyon had pot a thousand square miles of the fertile mesa under cultivation; how with tbe inpourlng of the new population bad come new blood, new method*, good roads, tbe telephone, tbe rural mall route and other civilising agencies. Evan groaned. "1 know," he said. "I've lost my blrthland. If* a* ex tinct as the ' megalosaurian lizard* whose bones we used to find sticking in the gully banks on Table Mesa. By thg way,, that remind* me. Are there any of those giant foaaU* left? I was telling Professor Anners about them the other day, and he waa Immensely Interested." "We're all fossil*, we older folk* of the cattle raising times," laughed tbe man whom Richard Gantry had called the "super governor." "But then an some of the bone* left too, I gue**, and If the professor is a friend of yours we'll get him a state permit to dig all he wants to." "Yes, Professor Anners 1* a friend of mine," was tbe younger man'* half absent admission, "a* much of a friend as his daughter would ever al low blm to be." The qualifying clause waa not thrown away upon the senator. "What has the daughter got against you, son?" he asked mildly. "Nothing very *erious," laughed Pa tricia's lover. "But I think she' Is Jealous of any one who trie* to (bare her father with her. Next to her ca» reer"- "That'* Boston, Isn't It?" interrupted the ex-cattle king. Then be added, "I'm right glad It haaa't com* m year way to tie yourself up to one at tea** 'careers,' Evan, my boy." • . j The young man felt better after b* had told his father hi* love story. It was highly necessary that ha should tell aome one, and whom better? David Blount listened with tbe far away look In bis eyes that the aonbad more than once marked a* the great est of the changes chargeable to th* aging year*. "Think a heap of her, do yon, *onf he said when tbe ambling saddle ani mals had covered anotbsa half mil* of the homeward journey. "So much that it went near to spoil ing me when she Anally made ma real ize that I couldn't bold my own against the 'career,'" be made an swer. Then ha addad: "I want work, father. That la what I am ont here for; tbe bardeat kind of work and plenty of It; something that I can put my heart into. Can yoo find it for me 7" There wa» tbe wisdom of tbe esa turie* in the gentle mill* provoked by thl* unashamed lover's appeal. "I wouldn't take it too has* IT 1 were yoo, eon," aaid the wiee mam "And aa for tbe woak, I gnsas we *a» satisfy yon if your appetite ian* teo big. How would a ml* offlce dot' "Pollticar queried Blount, bringing hi* bone down to tbe walk (Or which hi* father bad set tbe example. *Tre thought a good bit about that though I haven't bad any special training that way. The eeheela of today aw tam ing oat baeinoae lawyer*—mea Who know tbe law and are brained particu larly In Ita apptlcaiioa to tbe great bamines* undertakings. That need la ha my ambition—to be a baaßieaa ad- Tiaer aad perhapa after awhile to climb te the top of the ladder and ha somebody'* corporation coanaaL" j "Bat now yoa have changed r* i "I don't know that I bare. Bat then are other fields that as* alas at tractive. Wo maacaa rtody the poli- tico of America today wit boat eeelng the used for good maa aa who win aOalnlila the aSaire of the otato or the nation withoat fear or favor; SMM who will hew to the Use under any and ail condition*." ! A quaint smile waa playing and* the drooping muatacbe of the Boa. Senator Sagebrush. "I reckon wo do need a few mea Ilka Htat, Bvaa—need 'em mighty had. Think yea eoaid fill the Mil if yea had a right good chancer sha potential hewer of political chipe smiled i "I'm hot likely to gat the chance very en"" " wtnrned. "Jaat at maa GRAHAM, N.C., THPBSDAY, MAECH 30,1911 Honorable Senator Sagebrush By FRANCIS LYNDE Copyright 1910, kr «MS* * Smith • nt 1«m Btiu a legal resilient or toe good old commonwealth of Massacha setts and a member of its bar, eligible to ofltca there and nowhere else." "You'd be a citizen of tbia state by I the time yon could get elected to an office la It," suggested the senator. j "I know—the required term of reel dence here la ridiculously abort. But 70a forget that I am M' unknown la the sagebrush hllla aa 70a are well known. I couldn't get a nomination for the office of poundkeeper." David Bloont waa chuckling softly. "Sound* right funny to hear you talk that way, eon," he commented. "Mighty near everybody will tell you that the •late hanga up behind the door at War trace, and I don't know but aome peo ple would aay that old Sagebrush Dare himself dees most of the writing on It Anyhow, there 1 * one place on It that la still needing a name, and i- gueaa yours would lit It aa well aa any body's." The young man, who was so lately out of the- well considering east, gasped. "Heavens r he ejaculated. "You're not considering me aa a possibility on the state ticket before I've been twen ty-four hours on the ground, are yon?" "No, net exactly a* a possibility, eon. We'll call It a rare thing If you want to. ife this way: We're needing a political houaecleanlng pretty bad this year. We have good enough laws, I guess, but they're winked at any day In the week when ■ somebody comes along with a barrel. The flght Is up between the people of this state and the corporations. It waa up two years ago, and the people got the law* all right, but forgot to elect men who wonld carry them out This time I think the voters have got their knives sharpened. We're been a little slow catching step, but the marching order* have gone ont. We're going to clean house thla fall." "Not If tbe slate hang* behind yottr door or any man's door, father," waa the theorist'* grave reminder. "Re. form doesn't come In by that road." "Hold on, son; steady go easy's the word. Reform come* In by any aid •tro'n iwtutni bit mm c* ranoßT, sow." trail It can find mootly and thank* Its lnclty atari if It fl«ia»t ran np against any bridge* gone or any modholea too tep to tori, lflr* got a good man for gorernor—Dot any too broad, may bo, but food—church good; Wl a mln totor of tbo goapol and tha praaldant of * church university. No man haa tnr aald he'd tako a bribe, bat bo feß't heavy enough to att oa tho Ud •ad haU it down. Aloe' Oaidte, the «aH, toaU tho thtnga that tha »iai gorernor len't. ao Mat la And." "How -fixed T" queried the young nan, who, tbo«gh ho waa not from Maaourl, waa beginning to ftar that ho would coaataHy hare to bo "ahowa." "la tbe earn* way that everythiag haa to ha fixed, tf we're going to got saaalta," waa the caiaa reply. "After the governor the man upon whom the Boat detail* la the attneaey geaenL The pria*at Incumbent, Dortacher, la «w of the caadMatae, tart- we've esaaat ed M* ahme off. The a«xt man we fiHail waa Jim Uaakjn. la aoat* ways h*Ta fit: be"* a hard lighter, mad 1 the mas doeen*t lire who caa Mas Mm. Bat be"e poor, and be- want* to be rich, aad I gaeaa that lata-him eat" All this waa aulwaiWia of 1 Kvan Mount's Ideas ad the eoadaet of affair* political ta » bar roaatry, hat ha waa willing. to hear aaere. "WeUT ha said. "What we waat thia Ome l*ewaf your *hew te the Use* mea, soa. Beck oa yoa'd Mka to try it T* The yoong a>an who was l*aa than a week away from the atmoepbere a t Ma taw school and its tbeoriea was fairly aghaat That hisfather stoat* C 90% c* •ca ta tha elate to wMek ha>«a»u aew as tha aaweat emigrant aaemad Maakly Incredible. Bat whoa the in credibility began to eabelde the deefat tam of a machine which cqald propter gad carrv oa| _*ucb onboard of thlp :"U4h loomed maleficent "I'm afraid we are a good many mllaa apart, father," be said, uncon sciously using one of his father's fa vorite speech forma, when the pro posal had been given time to alnk In. "America la supposed to be a free country with a repreaentatlve govern ment Do yon mean to say that you and a few of your friends can set aside the will of the people so far that yon can nominate and elect anybody you please to any office in the state?" The farseelng eyes were twinkling again. "Ob, I don't know about our being so far apart," was the depreca tory protest "You're just a llttls bit long on theory, that's all, son. When it comes down to the real thing body bss to head the stampede and turn It, and I ft we don't do it the other banch will." "What other banch V' "In thla case It's the corporations— the timber people, the Irrigation com panies and, most of all, the railroads." "Gantry seems to think that the rail roads are persecuted, or his railroad at least" The senator pulled his horse down to a still slower walk. "Where did you see Dick Gantry?" he demanded. Evan told of the meeting on the veranda of the club, adding the fur ther fact o/ the college friendship. "Mat happened so. did it," queried the senator, "that getting together last Saturday night?" "Why, yea; I suppose so. Dick knew I was In Boston, and he said he had meant to look me up." "I reckon he did," was the quiet comment; "yes, I reckon he did. And be filled you up chock fall of Hard wlck McVlckar's notions, of course. 1 guess that'a about what he was told to do. But we won't fall apart on that, aon. Tomorrow we'll go down to the city, and >on can look the ground over for youraelf. I want yon to draw your own conclusions and then coma nut tall ma what .you'd Ilk* to do. Shall we leave it that way?" Blount acquleaced, quite without prejudice to a Arm conviction that his opinion when formed was going to be Uud on the merits of the case, upon a fair and Judicial aummlng up of the pro* and cons. B* felt that It would be atrlking at the very root of the tree of good gov ernment to allow himself to be the candidate of the machine. But, on tb* other hand, be saw Instantly what a pewer a fearless public proaecutor could be in a misguided common wealth where ithe lack was not of good law*, but of men strong enough and conrageoua enough to admlnlater them. He would see. If the good to be ac complished was great enough to over balance the evil—lt waa a temptation to compromise, a sharp temptation, and he found himself longing for Pa tricia, for ber clear algbted comipent, which, he felt sure, would go straight to the heart of the tangle. It waa that thought of Patricia and his netd for ber that made him dla tralt and ab*entmlnd*d at th* War- trace Hall dinner table that evening, and the father, looking on, auapected that Evan's taciturnity waa an ex pression of bla prejudice against the woman who had taken bla mother's place, and when the son, pleading weariness, retreated early to Ills room the suspicion was confirmed. "You'll hare to be patient UilU) the boy. little woman," said the master of Wartrace when Evan had disappeared. "1 shouldn't wonder If Boaton had put some tight queer notion* into bis bead." The Uttle lady looked up from her embroidery frame with a whimsical •mile wreathing Itself at the corners of the sensitive mouth. "He la a dear .boy," she said, "and be la trying aw fully bard to bate me. But I shan't let blm, David." CIIAPTEU VI. OS THE WI!*0 Or OCCASIONS. FHOM the time It waa heralded In the mammotb New Year'a edition of the Plainsman as "tbe newest, tbe finest and the most luxurious hostelry west of tbe Missouri" the lnter-Uountaln hotel In the Sagebrush capital bad been the gathering place of tbe political clana. After the solid costliness of War trace Hall and tbe thirty mUe spin In a high powered roadster, which was only one of tbe three high priced motor carriages In tbe Wartrace garage, Evan Blount waa not surprised to find bis father registered In permanence for one of tbe private dining room salts at tbe Inter-Moantaln. It wa* very evident that tbe simple life which had been tbe rule of the Circle Bar ranch houaeboid had be come a thing of tbe past, and. though be charged tbe new and extravagant ocder of thing* to tbe ambition of hla talker's wife, be could not cavil at It, since he was hi— slf a sharer la its aeaiftMe ao&iessrfea. For the trst few days be was left almost wholly to hla own devices. Be yond giving Mm s coed many latro- Oirtlsss ss the opportunities for them came la tbe semlpabJic Ufe of the ho ist his father made few demands upon sad they mat only st luncheon aad dinner, tbe trat of which was ■•vally served is their salt, while for the latter they want to the cafe. Bat Gantry waa hack, aad ha waa always an*eMa X. AHaeet before be realised It Bkmat bed been pot la touch with the busy, breesy life of tbe dty and waa ex changing nods or handabaklags with mare people than be had ever known ta Cambridge or Baatoo. ' "Pretty good little old town, Isa't Itr laughed Gantry on* day when be had tolled Blount away from the In tar-Movatatn luncheon to share a table with him In the Railway dab. "Oct ting so yoa feel a little more at home with aer ■ f-s "H I'm ao It lent yecr fault, Dick, or the fault of your Meade. Naturally I —pat Hid some sort of welcome as tßavfd Blount's son, but that doeas't see* to cat any Bgure at an." Gantry's amllf waa lose rotable. "The people with whom It cats the largest figure will never let you know anything about It. Just the same. It's catting a good bit of Ice. I have met fijtaco nxn. more or leee, wlthla the past day or eo who hare discovered that you are the brainiest thing that (Mr escaped from the law achdoL" •Totnmrrot!" derided BlounL "It'a a fact And they are inuyuesy lng sll sorts of a future for you." And again Gantry's smile waa broadly sly. "Like what?" scoffed the listener. "Well, for one thing, they are say ing that you are pretty snre to run for attorney general this fall It'a all over town. Everybody's talking about it—talking a lot and guessing a good deal more." Blount was balancing a spoon on the edge of his claret glass and frowning abstractedly. It was the first little discord In the Altai harmony—almost a breach of confidence. Without con sulting his wishes, without waiting for his decision, his father had commit ted him—"taken anap Judgment upon him," was tbs way be phrased It "Dick, will you believe ma if I say that I haven't authorised any such talk as thla you've been bearing?" hs asked. This time Gantry's smile was a grin. "The honorable senator took It out of *">•>•■ hanAa. rtll he? You'll under stand that I don't mean any disrespect when I say It's just like him. If hs has slated you, you are booked to run, and If he runs you you'll be elected. Those are two of the things that say themselves In the Sagebrush State." Blount was Indignant—"justly indig nant," be called it "If that to the case, Dick. It la high time that aome one should break the charm. I haven't said that I would accept the nomination, and I am not at all aure that I Bbnll say so. And If I don't say HO that aettlea It." Gantry was plainly shocked. "You don't mean to aay that you've got nerve enough to buck the old ra—your father, I moan! Why, great cata, Evan, you don't know what that stands for In the greasewood hllla!" "And I don't care, Dick. Up to this present moment 1 am a free moral agent. I haven't surrendered any right of declalon to any on* so far as I am aware." Gantry's eyes dropped to bla plate, and his rejoinder was not altogether free from guile. "Will you authorize me to contradict the talk as I can?" he asked quickly. Blount was still warm enough to bo peremptory. "Yes; you may contra dict It You may say that It la wholly unauthorized." . Then he rememliered the claims of frledHshlp. "I'll be frunk with you, Gantry. This thing has lieen mentioned to me once, but nothing was decided, absolutely nothing. 1 didn't even promise to take It under advise ment" Among those who knew him exter nally Mr. Ulchard Gantry bad the rep utation of owning a loose tongue. But none knew better than the real Bk-b --ard Gantry when to make the loose tongue wag away from the subject which has reached Its nicely adjusted climax. Almost before be knew It Evan Blount waa gossiping with his table companion over a social function two days old. A little later the waiter brought the clgara, and the danger point. If any ther* wore, waa safely past. It waa when tbe two young men were on their way to the club smok- Ing room that some one stopped Gan try to talk busluess with blm. Blount strolled on by himself and, finding the smoking room, went to loungo in a lazy chair, whose chief at traction waa that It stood half hidden In a little alcove lined with bookcases. Ue craved solitude and a chance to think things over fairly and without heat. A few minutes later Gantry looked In and, apparently mlaalng tbe half concealed easy chair and its occupant In tbe bookcase alcove, went bis way. He waa scarcely gone before two men entered, coming down tbe corri dor from tbe grill room. Blount saw tbeib, and be made aare that they saw blm. But whaa they bad taken chairs on tbe other aide of tbe room be was suddenly assured that they bad not seen him. They were talking quite freely of blm and of bis father. "Well, tbe Honorable Sagebruah has got McVlckar dead to rights tbls time," aald the elder of the two, a full faced man, to wbom Blount bad been Introduced on bla first day In the capi tal. bat whose name and station be could not recall. "This scheme of put ting bla aon up for attorney general la tbe foxleat thing tbe senator has ever pot across. You can bet tbe sir was blue in tbe Transcontinental Chicago offices when the newa got there." "What do you suppose McVlckar will do?" aaked tbe other. "He will do anything the senator wants blm to do. Blount Is land bun gry, and 1 guess he'll take a few more sections of tbe railroad mesa land un der tbe Clearwater ditch. That was what be did two years sgo, when Mc- Vlcksr wanted tbe right of way for tbe branch through Carnadine coun ty." "Don't you believe he's going to take any Uttle Chrtatmas gift tbls ttoe," waa the rasping reply. "He'll aell tbe railroad aometblng and take good hard money for HI It's a cinch. The railroad can't afford to have tbe coorts sgslust It, snd McVlckar will be made to sweat blood. You watch the wheels go round when McVlckar cornea oat here." Bran Mount found himself turning nUk «| heart Could It be bis father whom they were thus calmly accuslnc of craft and trickery aad blackmail ing methods? Ilia flm Impulse ni to face the two men. to demand proofs, to do and say what a loyal son should Bat the sickening conviction that they were dls?*sslng only Well assured and well known facta crushed him back Into bis chair, and after that he was apx lons for only one thin*—that they might finish their cigars aad go away without discovering him. Fat* was kind to Mm thus far. After a little farther talk, la which the ac cepted point of rlew of the onlooker waa made still more painfully evident, the younger of the two men spoke of an engagement, and they both went oat together. On* clear thought, and only oae, came to Evan out of the sorrowful confusion. Not for any Inducement that could be offered would be now lend himself to the furtherance of his fitMrVpiaaa] Beyond this be did not go In the mis erable-tour wrought oat la the quiet of the rtab smoking room. 0 ROYAL BAKING POWDER Abmolutoly Purm The official Government tests show Royal Baking Powder to be an absolutely pure. and healthful grape cream of tartar baking powder, and care should be taken to prevent the substitution of any other brand in its place. With no other agent can bis cuit, cake and hot-breads be made so pure, healthful and delicious. Royal Baking Powder cotU only a fair price per pound, and ii cheaper and better at ill price than anv other baking powder in the world. It make* pure, dean, healthful food. Royal C*oA Btk—Boo Receipts—Free. Send Name and AdJres*. ROYAL BAKINQ POWDCB CO.. NCW VOU • iiut when no rose to go another prompting win forcing Its way to the front—a pmmptluc to throw himself boldly Into the scale o#alnst graft and ehlcanery. to redeem by whatsoever means mlirht offer the good old nam* that had teen so sUumefully dragged In fbe inlre. - He did unt know just bow It was to bo done, but he would And a way. That It would be full of thorns be could not doubt, since every step In It would open and widen the breach be tween liliM and jjls father. But, though It should lead lilm to the bar of Justice as that father's accuser, be must walk In It. He said to himself In n fresh access of determination that, though tie might have to blush for hla father, Tatrlcla should not be made ashamed for her lover. Upon leaving the club he hesitated long enough on the steps (o remember that he was In ho fit frame of mlud to risk an Immediate meeting with his fa ther. To avoid the chance he crossed the street and, pnsslng through the capltol grounds, strolled aimlessly out one of the residence streets until bo came to the open country. It was quite Into In the afternoon I when he re-ontared the city by another I •tre«t awl board) d u trolley cur for the downtown center. The long after noon tramp nud the concluslona It had bred made It Imperative for him to aee Gantry befure the traffic manager ■hould hare left Ms office for the day. Ills business with the railroad innn was purely personal. Ho meant to ask Gantry a few pointed questions, requiring such answers as friendship may demand. If Gantry's answers were what he feared they would bo he would seek his father and come at one* to a plain understanding with him. The trolley car dropped blm within a square of the railway station, on the second floor of which Gantry hail his office. The shortest way to the Hlerra •venue end of the station building waa through (be great tfiitn nfii>d. Halfway up the block-long platform Blount met tlio Incoming overland •reaming In from tho east. At the Sierra avenue crossing the yard crew was catting off a private car. Illount •aw tbe number on the medallion, ".(*16," and noted half absently tbe rich window hangings and the polish ed brass platform railings. A car Inspector In greasy overalls •nd jumper was tapping tbe wheels With his long handled hammer. "Whose car Is this?" asked Blount. '"Tla Mist her McVlckar'*, sorr—the Tlee prlsldlnt av tbe coompany," said the man. Hloant turned away, saying some thing which the hammer man mistook for a word of thanks. Bo the vice president bad come, hastening upon the wing of occaslons, It seemed, and Ib (be light of tbe overheard conversa tion In tbe rlab smoking room It waa only too easy to guess bis errand In tbe Sagebrush capital. He had come to make such terms •• be could with tbe man who waa going to bold him up. e [to as oohtirvbd.) Id Wilmington Monday, March 20lh, Ned Qibaon waa shot and killed by Dick Uause. Both ue grotm. Those unsightly pimples and blotches 1 External applications may partially hide them, but Iloliister's Rocky Mountain Tea re mores them for keeps. Gets at the cause—impure blood. Tea or Nuggets (tablet form) 36c. at Thompson Drug Co. There is talk that Dr. Henry Louis Smith, president of David son College, may be elected pres ident of Princeton. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are safe, sure and reliable, and have been praised by thousands of women who have been restored to health through their gentle aid and curative propperties. Sold by all dealers. r ■£»».* a. ban*. Chapel Hill News. Cor. of the Oleaner March Mth, Mil. I JJ,Tho varsity baseball team won the first game of the season from {Oak Ridge in Chapel Hill last Friday scoring 4 runs to the vis itors 1. I,ee, who was a class team pitcher last year surprised the local fans by the good showing he made, lie held the Oak Ridge men to three hits, all of which were for one base only. "he varsity lauded on Lewllyn, tho opposing pitcher for a total of I nine hits, throe of which were two bags.. TJI9 varsity, team this year has only one man who has had experience on a Uni versity team before. The meu are new, but Coach Clancy has suc ceeded in getting a good amount |of fighting spirit into them aud , this with the hard practices he is subjecting the whole squad to every afternoon, result in a team that will turnout to be as creditable as the team has been for,the past year or two. Coach Clancy is manager of the , Winston-Salem league team for the coming summer. He will bring his professional squad down to Chapel Hill April 1, fora wtek's work against the varsity In order to put the Carolina squad in good shajKj for tho Virginia contests iu Greensboro April 8 and 10. ' I)r. Edwin Mluims spoke to the ; womau's clubs of. New Hern Tues day on the "Literary Associations of Florence". Dean E. K. Graham made a speech at the State Normal College last Friday night and attended a ineetingof the Excutive Cominitte of tho .State Literary and Illatori -1 cal Association in Raleigh ou Sal ' urday. Dean Graham was elect ed president of this Association • for the current year at the meet -1 Ing held in Raleigh during Jan uary. At a meeting of the Executive 1 Committee of tho board of trus tees of th« University iu Raleigh last week it was decided to use the first s6o,oooappropriation, for the erection of an up to date building for the sehool of medicine. The medical department will welcome 1 a new home to replace iu present ' quarters in Person Hall, one of I the oldest buildings on the cam | pus. Person Hall was used for a hall for the chapel exercises in the student days of Governor Vance. The building will be named after Dr. Caldwell, first president of the University. . The new officers of the Y. MC. 'A. were publicly installed Tvea :day night. They are J. A. Lock art, president; F. B. Drane, vice president ; C E. Norman, secretary W. D. Barbee, treasurer. In his speech made at the opening of the meeting, retiring president, E. W. Turlington told of the present condition of the Association. These are 315 members of the Association and 238 in bible study outside of the Sunday School bib!e classes. Eight local Sunday schools are tanght by student members of the Association, 05 men on an average attend the Tuesday night meetings off the Association. Presi dent V suable and Dean Graham were presenjfc and made short en couraging talks. NO. 7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS -u- -—r I SBsammm— X, S. O ©OK. A turn ay-iit- Law, GRAHAM, X. & Otßoe PstUnon BuU4lac Beoond Flaor. ronUur Bra on. W. F. Him, BKNUM & BYBTUM, attorn*)m nod CoanMlonM Law OnKCMBBOBO, ■ U, Practice regalartf la tfca wain af Ala nance eonatr. i«.l,NI| DAMERON & LONQ AMMMH Hlw B. 8. W. DAMKHON. J. ADOLP a LOXQ 'Phone HO, TTinaq M(S Piedmont Building, TTrrlt ninholna Burllncton, N.O. Orahaa, IT. O. &R. WILL S. LM«, JR. . . 4 DENTIST 4 I * Graham, . . . . NsrtfcCasaHaa OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING I A.COB A. LOMO. t. mm IMS) LONG & LONG, *.ttorhqra and Oonnwlon at Lmr GBAHAV, H. n. DR. F. G. GOWER DENTIST GRAHAM, N. C. Office: Over National Bank of Alamance. Ifeb-tf OeWitt's Little early Risen, ' TW Imm IMtiK Mia . The Commercial National Bank of Charlotte is having plans made for a 12-story building, to oast about $250,000. A Gold, LaGrippe, then Pneumoaia. Is too often the fatal sequence, Foley's Honey and Tar expels the the cold, checks the lagrippe and prevents pneumonia. It la a prompt and reliable cough medi cine that contains no narcotics. It is as safe for your children as yourself. Sold by all Druggists. Wilkesboro Chronicle: Con gressman R. L. Doughton haa purchased the Ambrose Wilkes property over on Mulberry, at the price of SII,OOO. He will pnt up roller mills at an early date. —Ambitions young men and ladies should learn telegraphy, for, elvce the new 8-hour law be came effective there ia .a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from SSO to S7O a month to beginners. The Tele grap'i Institute of Columbia, 8. C. and five other cities is opets ed under supervision of R. B. Of ficials and all students are'plaoed when qualified. Writ* them for particulars. Firo of unknown origin, at Granite Falls, Caldwell county, Tuesday morning, a week, burned the store of Teagus A Cline, I ha , postoffice, W. C. Stames' job printing office and the store building of Bowman Sc Steraes. The loss is estimated at SIO,OOO, with a small amount of insnraass. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or calloused lum|)s and blemishes from horass, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, ot«. Save SSO by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known, Sold by Graham Drug Co. Along the Pamlioo river, In Beaufort county, Sunday night, a week, a storm did considstaUa damage. Four residences were blown down and one— that of Mr. E. F. Mayo—was demolished, the inmates being Injured by falling timbers. There was also con siderable damage to crops sod outbuildings. Attack* School PriadpaL A severe attack on school prin cipal ,Chas. C. Allen, of Sylvalna, Ga., is thus told by him. "for more than three years," he writes, "I suffered Indescrioable torture from rheumsUsm, liver and stom ach trouble and diaeaaed kid neys. All remedies failed till I used Electric Bitters, but four &| bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me completely." Such re sults ate common. Thousaada bless them for curing stomach trouble, female complaints, kid ney disorders, biliousness, and for health and vigor. Try them. Only 60c at Graham Drug Co'a. Gov. Kitchin on 21st pardoned eight convicts, making a total of about 21 pardons issued by the Governor in two weeks. Ikla alfnatur* ii 00 trwf box *f the gsaslss Laxative BrotSS-Quinire fes aass4r that sassa a cot*' •* aas SV