—- THE GLEANER • GRAHAM, N. C., April 25, 1911. PMtolfiee Hoars. Ono* open 7JOa. m. t07.00 p. m. Sunday ».00 toll-OOa. m. and 1.00 tO(4op- m HEENAN HUGHES, Poitmutcr. » Local News. —The Democrats of Burlington have nominated Mr. W. K. Holt for Mayor. —Mesa. J. T. Black A Bro. have purchased a handsome delivery wagon. —Tho County Commissioners meet in regular monthly session next Monday. - —There was frost Monday and Tueaday mornings. On the former a little ice appeared. —Mrs.S.W.Snmmers, stenograph er, of Charlotte, is h re this weak reporting the triql of Japob Bunton. —Mr. E. Lee Hend eraon moved on Monday and Tuesday in the Mrs. Nellie Green residence on Albright Avenue. —Miss Joanna Jones is having a cottage near her residence on £. Elm St remodeled. A second story is being aeded. —Graham Chapter of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. J. W. Page in Burlington at 3:30 p. m. on Thursday, May 4th. —Mr. J. 0. Foy, of the Mebane Leader, is in town today. Mr. Foy has become sole owner of the paper within the past ten days. We con gratulate him. I —The Ladies Aid Society of Gra ham Christian church will meet next Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. W.l F. Blackmon. —Capt. J. C. Freeman, of the Holt Guards, Burlington, has been designated to go to the Mexican border. He will leave Saturday. —Mr. W. T. Ezell and family de sire to thank most sincerely all friends and neighbors for kindnesses shown during the protracted illness of his mother who passed away last Friday morning. —The Supreme Court has decided the case of Denny, Adm'r'x, vs. City of Burlington, adversely to the plain tiff. This case was brought for damages for the death of Geo. W. Denny while' engaged in construct ing the water system. —A little son of Mr. John F. Parks, who lives about a mile north of toia place, was severely bitten in the face Saturday by a dog thought to be mad. The child was carried to Raleigh Monday by Dr. W. It. Goley to be given Pasteur treatment. —The following attended the Barraca-Philathea meeting in Greensboro, some going Saturday and some Sunday: Misses Bessie Tinnin and Emmie Snyder, and Messrs. J. 8. Cook, G. C. Phillips, Clarence Bradshaw, T. L. Pickard, James W. Jones, Charley Jones, A. P. Williams and Walter M. Wil liams. * ~~~ —The Whitsett Institute base ball team defeated the Bingham School team at Mebane last Satur day by a score of seven to three. This is the second time this season that Whitsett has defeated Bingham. Whitsett has won six out of ten games thii season and all against strong school teams. ». —Graham Milling Co., is almost ready to start its plant. A force of machinists have been engaged for several weeks placing the machin ery. It will be up-to-date and one of the beet equipped roller mills in this part of the State. Before the week ends it is expected to give the mill a trial run. This is one of the most important enterprises in this community. —The city of Burlington is fac ing a serious proposition in the in adequacy of her water supply, and it has been suggested that custom era be economical; also that anether deep well will hot relieve the situa tion, but that the town will have to go to a flowing stream. This is a serious matter, especially so in the event of a fire. The large cities spend millions to have ample water, and the smaller cities spend hun dreds of thousands, notwithstanding the cost no city can get along with out an abundance of water. —Dr. E. 0. Murray left Monday for a viait to hia old home on Edia to laland, S. 0. The Preabytorian church there celabratea thia week ita 200 th anniveraary, and Dr. Murray haa been invited to take part in the exerciaev Ha will take hia vacation at thia time. Hia pnlphit hen will be vacant next Sunday, but-on the firat Sunday in May it will be aup plied by Dr. B. W. Mebane, of Haw fields, and on the aecond Sunday by Rev. F. M. Hawley, of Mebane. Dr. Murray will return for th» third Bunday. Prayer meeting will be conducted regularly by the membera of the church. Personal Mention Miss Mary Carter left Monday for being afdr Miss Fannie Fonst, of Hawfields, ia here visiting her sister, Mra. J. M. Turner. Mi* R B. Hunter left Tuesday evening for Georgia to visit relativea In Savannah, Brunswick and At lanta. Mrs. W. R. Goleyjmd Misses I Margaret Goley and Jane Ray Ker nodle spent Saturday in Greensboro shopping. ' Misa Maude Murray, of Greens boro, has been spending several days here visiting her brother, Mr. John L. Murray. Mr. J. Harvey White spent the latter part of last week and the first of thia week in New York and Cin cinnati on buainess. Miaa Nora Phillips came down | from Greensboro and spent Saturday and Sunday here at the home of her mother, Mrs. Bryan Phillips. Mrs. M. J. Brady, who has been here viaiting her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., has gone to Haw River to viait her daughter, Mra. B. S. Robertson. SPECIAL CRIMINAL TERM Jacob Bunton on Trial for Killing Grover Blalock and other notes: A special term of Alamance Supe rior Court convened Monday with Judge B. F. Long presiding and Solicitor S. M. Gattis prosecuting for the State. This term was cajled to clear the criminal docket of a large accumula tion of cases but more especially to try Jacob Bunton for killing of Grover Blalock, the trial of this case having theretofore been set for trial on Mondayofthe special term. Before entering upon the trial of Bunton a few cases of minor impor tance were disposed of. No grand jury having been designated for this term, ihe trial of the docket was at once entered upon. By noon recess the following were secured as the jury to try Bunton, namely: D. H. Lashley, H. Lee Fowler, T. A. Murphey, J. G. Guthrie, B. 0. Guthrie, W. A. Hall, Isaac Holt, W. J. Crutchfield, R. R. Bain, John T. Love, J. N. Warren, L. B. McAdams, two of them from the regular jury drawn for this court and ten of them from the special venire of fifty tffem rnoned for this case, and Deputy Sheriff J. B. Gerringer is sworn and placed in charge of the jury. Associated with the Solicitor in the prosecution of this case are Judge W. P. Bynum, of Greenaboro, and Messrs. Long & Long of Gra ham. The consel for defendant Btinton are Col. John A. Barringer, of Greensboro, Messrs. Siler & Mili kin, of Siler City, W. H. Carroll, Esq., of Burlington, and Messrs. Parker & Parker, of Graham. It is a strong array of counsel prosecu tion and defense. The twenty-five or more witness es subpoenaed for either side have been pat through a very searching examination, and the attorneys have strenuously contested every inch of ground. The evidence was con cluded yesterday morning and Judge Bynum opened the argument to the juiy for the State. As this is being written Thursday i morning counsel is still arguing the case, Mr. £. S. Parker concluding the argument for the defense. The concluding argument for the State will be made during the day for the prosecution. , The foregoing trial has elicited much interest, a large number of citizens being in attendance. A jury of very excellent citizens, as good as this county or any other af fords, will decide the fate of the prisoner at tfie bar. Nicholson-Poole. On last Friday our townaman, Mr. Alson B. Nicholson, was united in marriage to Mrs. Mary Poole, of Raleigh, in that city. Mr. Nichol son arrived here Monday with his bride and is stopping with his son, Mr. Lawrence Nicholson. We wish them a happy life. New Advert ismenfc. B, Goodman, Burlington—The Home of good Clothes and Oento' Furnishings. Has an elegant stock and will treat you right if yon will go to pee him when in need of anything in his line. Miss Margaret Clegg—The New est in Hate and other Millinery- She haa a beautiful line of good*. See ad on 3d page. Southern Railway—Cheap Ex cursion Rates to little Bock, Ark. Cafl for Gtiaaaa' Coavaotkn. The dtiseoa of Graham are called to meet in maaa-convention in the court honae on Friday night, April 28th, for the pnrpoee of nominating Candida tea for a Mayor and five Commiaaionera for the town of Gra ham. A full meeting ie desired. D*. WILL 8. Low,.. , Chairman Com. Died in Her 81st Year. After s protracted illness and be ing bed-ridden more than four years, Mrs. Suaan Ezell, widow of Zion Ezell, died last Friday morning, j April 21, 1911, at the residence 01 her aon, Mr. Wm. T. Ezell. Mrs. Esell waa born Feb'y. sth, 1831, and was 80 years 5 months and 16 days old. The funeral was conduc ted from the residence Saturday af ternoon by Rev. Mr. Vickers and the remains were interred in the town cemeteiy. She is survived by two sons—Mess. Wm. T. Ezell, of Graham, and James Ezell, of Bur lington, and two daughters—Mrs. Bettie Mann and Mrs. Maggie Christopher of Graham. The de ceased was a kind, gentle, good woman. To Run in 90 Days. A statement was made in the presence of the writer a few days ago, that within 90 days cars would be running on the street car line be tween Burlington and thia place. The speaker knows about the af fairs of the street car company and is in a position to speak with au thority. The community will hail with delight the conaummation of the prediction. For almost two years the community has been anzioualy waitidtad wishing for the cars to come.^' —KEMP P. BATTLE— The best horse ever bred in Alamance Co., will be in Graham from 25th to 27th of April. For further infor mation apply to Edgar long. For Sale. Pure blooded brown leghorn chickens. Come early. HEBBERT LONG, Graham. Wanted at Once 10 Ladies' to work in overall factory. New Brick building, Electric power and light w'th all eity conveniences. Salary paid while learning and then piecs work. Quick operators can easily earn 11.25 per day. Railroad fare ad vanced if desired. For further in formation, address, Suffolk Manu facturing Corporation, Box 101 Suffolk, Va. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. Good Work. Done Daily in Graham. Many Citizens Tell of It. Nearly every reader has heard of Doan's Kidney Pills. Their good work in Graham still continues, and our citizens are constantly adding endorsement by public testimony. No better proof of merit can be had than the experience of friends and neighbors. Bead this case: Mrs. W. Cates, of Graham, N. C., says: "I was afflicted with kidney disease in a very painful form for a long time and often the pains in mj back almost prostrated me. I could not make any sudden movement without suffering intensely and I also had pains and dizzy spells. The kidney secretions bothered me and the doctor's medicine did not help me to any extent. When I heard of Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a supply and the results of their use were ex cellent. My kidnnys were regulated and I was restored to better health than I had enjoyed for years." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cento. Foeter-Milburn Co., Buf falo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's — and take no other. TUT Newest HATS ! We have received the newest creations and the loveliest models ever brought to the county, and are constantly receiving addi tions to our already large stock just as fast as the new models come out. - Our prices are lower than ever, and we will save you money on everything you buy Irom us. : : : : : : Remember, our goods are all NEW and up-to-date. Come and see—you will surely buy. ~ T - . Miss Margaret Clegg GRAHAM, N. C Next door to National Bank of Alamance. More Strong Words FOR THE SUGGESTIVE QUES TIONS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS. '1 he wonderful words of praise for the I. P. B. Q. C., published | last week, have created wide spread interest in our Local Club, so we desire to give brief extracts from a few more letters: Piesident 11. L. Navo, D. D., Albany College, Oregon: "I con sider your questions intensely practical an 1 stimulating to thought." Itev. O. A. Humph ries, Pastor i-'resbyterian Church, Tamaqua, Pa.: "No praise is too gr«at to bestow upon your wisely conceived plan and its excellent execution, 'lhe questions are gems. Their comprehensiveness appeals to me." Grant L. Rice, Secretary, Now York State Sun day School Association: "The strong feature of being suggestive is of great value; I wish every paper, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, would print these ques tions." Rev. Walter Bennett, Bradford, Pa.: "I woujd like to say that th«ir exceeding sugges- tiveness interests me. They ele vate the lesson from the minute letter commentary to that higher and more profitable way of tak ing the great spiritual ideals in volved." Rev. J. E. Squirew, Centenary M. E. CKorcli, San Francisco, Cal.: "Am muqh de- lighted indeed that you have se cured the insertion of these questions in the 'Examiner'. I shall gladly help in all possible ways to encourage the ira'ter, ar.d am sure my fellow-pastors will do the same." Rev. E. L. Dresser, Genoa, N. Y.: "I have compli mented the editor of the 'Tribune' j on having the questions in, and gave the paper quite n 'send ofT in my pulpit last Sunday." Rev. D. 11. Glass, Pastor M. E. Church, Chelsea, Mich.: "I have a class of fifty men and find it very easy t > arouse animated and profitable discussion by the use of your questions. I prize them, not only for their intrinsic value, but for the training they afford one in the art of questioning." Subscribe for the Gleaner, read these questions and win a gold medal. COUPON, Cat ont and Bend to this Office Sod The Aluunct Bieuer from MI till Kij 30,192,ihi dote of til Eibli Question Club Contest, Sir the special price of 8.00 enclosed Count ae a member of Loud Clnb, Nine i , Addresi The sooner you send your subscrip tion the more papres you get. If you send now you get 15 mos. for the price of one year. EGGS FOR HATCHING From Buff Orpington*—the gnat winter layers, 8. C. White Lcgorns and Golden Seabrlght Bantam*, for aalc cheap, quail jty considered. Call on or write mo. B. N. TUItNEH, Graham, N. C. Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson. By REV. T. S. UNSCOTT. D. D. May 7th, 1911. (Copyright, 1010. hy KIT. T. S. Litucott, D.D.) Uzziah, King of Judah, Humbled. J Chra®. xxvl. Golden Text—Pride goeth before de ■traction, and an haughty spirit be fore a fall. Prov. xvi:lß. (1.) Verses 1-B—What can you say for or against hereditary rulers? j (2.) What had been the character of Amaslah, the father of Ussiah? (3.) Which are sons more likely to resemble In moral character, their fa ther or their motherf (4.) Verse *—ln what sense did Us tiah and his father Amailah do "that which was right In the sight of the Lord r (5.) Verses 5-10—Who was the Zccharlah here mentioned? (6.) Do you regard it as the prtvl lege of all spiritual people, to have "understanding In the visions of Ood, H or is It a special gift to a few, and why? (7.) What .lid the prosperity ol Uxsiah appear to depend upon? (8.) What are some of the things mentioned which demonstrated Us xinh's prosperity? (9.) In the light of time and etern ity, what do vou consider as the highest type of a prosperous man? (10.) What are the degrees of de sirability, to be prosperous In wealth honor, intellectual ability, or in hav lng "understanding In the visions ol God?" (11.) Verses 11-15—Did Ood ever delight In war? Why or why not? (12.) Was It ever God's first best plan for nafona to settle their dis putes by war? Town Politics. The Republicans met Tuesday night and nominated the following ticket to be voted on next Monday, viz: For Mayor, W. 11. Holt; for Commissioners, W. A. Edwards, T. J, Reavis, W. R. Harden, Z. T. and W. S. Vestal. Tomorrow night a citizens con vention will bo held to nominate a ticket. As yet there is not much warmth, but there is time enough between this and Mo..day to put plenty of ginger in the campaign. Above all, however, the town needs and should have the very best citizens securable to manage its affairs; for, otherwise, the town cannot go forward as it should, nor can the citizens reap the fruits of good government thoy are entitled to. Notice To Creditor* Southern Traction & Power Company. All persons, firms or corporations having claims against the Southern Traction - & Power Company are notified to present them, duly veri fied, to the undersigned Receiver of said Company on or before May 1, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded as a bar for claimants, yvho failed to file their claims, participating in any distribution that may be made of the assets of said Company. This March 21, 1911. Chas. A. Scott, Receiver, Southern Traction A Power Ce., Graham. N. C. Notice to Assistant Assessors. All Assistant Assessors for Ala mance county are hereby notified to meet in the court house at Graham at 1 o'clock p. m., Monday, May Ist, 1011. 8. H. WEBIi, CountyAttentat FOIEYS OETOOIAMnVE fon Sttohacm Tiouiu and CoMtTiMTion (13.) If Jesus were king of thii country, and a duplicate of Jesus were klnj; of another country with whom w» had a misunderstanding why would there bo no danger ol war? ' (14). Are the nations of the earth as nations, guilty or Innocent before God, for the vast Kama of money they spend annually in preparation foi war? XVhyT ts.) Varies 16-18 What propor tion of men arc drawn nearer to God, and what proportion are driven to the l>evll by earthly prosperity? (16.) Why Is It that so many are spiritually hurt by prosperity? (17.) After Vzilah had had such unmistakable experience with God, how do you account for his moral lapse? (18.) What motive do yon suppose prompted Umiali, to usurp the office of the priests of the temple? (19.) What are the sins which an exalted position, or great riches, tend to develop today. (This Is one of the questions which may be answered In writing by members of the club.). (20.) Verses 19 23 Was tho dis ease of leprosy supernaturally Inflict ed as a punishment, or was it con tracted in a natural way? (81.) Does God in these days send disease upon people in any other way tlisn through the laws of nature? Give >our reasons. I/egHon for Sunday, May 12th, 1911 Isaiah's Vision and Call to Service. Isa. vl. HALF-CENT COLUMN. Advertisements will be Inserted under this Beading at one-oair of a cent a word tor each Insertion Ho ad. Inserted for less than 10 eta. Count your words and send oasn with orler. Bacb Initial or abbreviation counts a woid. HOUSES and lota for rent. Ap ply to \V. J. Nicks. —Hello,'Central! Givfe me Fick ard's meat market. I want a flint class piece of meat and I know where to get it fresh and right. SCHOOL BOOKS -A full sup ply of all kinds, also school sup plies, miscellaneous books and sta lonery at C. P. Neese's, Burlington For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residence apply to Chas. A. Scott. For Sale or Rent. 7-room house, newly papered, for sale or rent. Apply to Green A McClure Furniture Co. —I WILL LEND some money for a client on farm property —long time. . J. S. COOK, Ally." 23mchtf. OeWittA Little f.Ariy RUers, e»v»'"»# »•»#•» ••all* MISSIOM'S M OF LI Ml. Ilr vll tun of an order of the Huperlor Court of Alituiaiiot county, nia'tf At tin- January HjKTlai Term. Ittll, in th*eaMJOf J. Ilarvey \* hltu vs. J. It. Mnnn, the undenduned will •ell to th" hljfhufit bidder FOIt CAHII, nt the Court Holla* door In Orahaeii, North Cnro -11 DM, on MONDAY. MAY Ist, 1911, (he followlrif tract of land,''situated Intho county of Alamance, and Mlal« of North Carolina. In Orahara Townahip, adjoining the lan •of tbe late Henrietta 1/ong, Caawell Holt, and other*: Heal lining at a rook, cor ner of said Holt, GO fi. ir m inn centre of lh« N. C. R. H. track, running thence N. 7tt deg. K. scha. #»lk* to a rock or Iron bolt, fin it. from the centre of *ald railroad track; thencel N. 1 i deg. W. Mch*. to rock or iron bolt;! thence 8. 7t deg, W 8 ch*. to a roekj I hence H. a, 1 , deg. K. s ch*. 17 lk«. to a rock or Iror* »#*>!t W* r». from tbe centre of aald r*ilmnd track; thence N. 7V \ dcjr. K. 1 Ch. 10 lka» to h rock, corner with tnid Holt; thence N. II dry. W. I eh. 10 to a rock or IrofLbjif. corner with aald Holt; thance N. 7® deg. H. 2 cha. 17 Ik*, to a rock corner with Mid llolt; thence •. 11 deg. K. 1 eh. 10 Ik* V> the tieglniimjr, and containing MIX ANI) BKVIf.% TESTUH ACKK-* (6.7), but to l>e tbe »am* be thern more or leas, bale to take place at 12*10 o'clock m. Ttola the f7th day of March, 191'. J ALOIS A. LONG, CommlMloner. Foreclosure Sale of Land. Bjr virtue of a certain Deed In Truat, marto on the '4til day of November, It*», by M. K. Holt and tola wife U>tlle M. Holt, to charl a C. Thompaoo, Truatee, which aatl I>eel la re eortad lo tbe oflleeof iba Uerlaler of Keen a for Alamance county, North Carolina, la Book 43 of Mortcajf* !'•«a, and payee K. and 97. and, default having been made In tha payment of Hie bond and Intaraat on aald bond which the ald Deed In Truat w»a «lv an to aorura and loeure, tbe uudrralgoed, Truatee will, on MONDAY, MAY Ist, 1911, Mil, at llie Court Houae door ID lira bain, Alamance eounty, and mate of North c'aro lloa. to the blffceet bidder POK CAKII, the following daacrlbed lot or jparocl of land, •Ituated In the town of Graham, North Carolina, to wit: itelfif lot No. 10" la lllock M.emhowri In blua print recordod In the olltti of tbe IKguur of Ueada (or Alamance wunlr, Itorlh Carolina,in IWl llook No. M. page (M. adjoining lha land, of J. Harvey White, Daley Walker and Iran Walker, and convoyed to M. K. Itolt br Dead from K. 1.. WaJker and bla wife Katvlla Walker, which Deed la recorded In the office of Ibe Hmllter of Deoda for Alamance county, Worth Caro lina, In Hook No. it, pa«e*H. Male to take place aa I2K) o'clock m 7 CHAU.C. TUOMPMON. Truntee. Loo* * Loaf, A tt'ye. OASVORXA. SOT*. A HI UF »«W *"»H jam KIDNEY PIUS I for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregulMttMU Jh Foley's Kidney Pilla perify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse sahaflMtffe For Sale by all Druggists To Core a Cold in One Day £SSL, R C OK is the supreme test of a drag store's character. Our prescription depart-* i HjUHPT ' ment ie run on the principal that iAfiiO your doctor, knows what he wanta \f 4JQMJE when ho writes his directions and |J criptions here nnd you will make the doctor's work surer sad quicker. ' Graham Drug' Company, 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists. house will be insured if you employ will give your house a finish ar dsBBBSg superior to any but the most expen- -it sive handwork from which it takos / fl&| Walker & McAdams, - Graham, N. C ' «gji? Headquarters for all kinds Fresh, New Crop |F Sore to Grow W Alamance Pharmacy Prescription Specialists. J. C. SIMMONS, PropY. B. GOODMAN f THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES; And Gents' Furnishings Call and see my stock, when you see the Style and Finish and get my prices I know you'll buy. An opportunity to show you is all ° ou, "rrrrBURLINGTON • , _ ...—... I " . I, ~JM |_6ft SOUTHERN RAILWAY - ' Direct Ltac To All Mats Jfc \J}y NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. I Very Low Rround Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. J Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:06 p. m. arrives it i lanta 0:35 a. m , making close connection for and arriving Montgom i ery following day after leaving Raleigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobils 4:12 p. m., New Orleans 8:20 p. in., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:06 p. | m., Kansas City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all Other ; point*. This car also maken close oonnention at Salisbury for Bti i Louie and other Western Points. „ Through l'ullman to Washington loaves Raleigh 6:50 p. m. arrivss Washington 8:5'! a. iu., Baltimore 10-02 a. m., Philadelphia 12:28 m., Now York 2:31 p. m. This car makes close connection at Washing* ton for Pittsburg, Chicago, and all points North and West and at Greensboro,for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points, and for all Florida points. Through I'arV-r Car for Ashovilb leaves Ooldsboro at 6:45 a. m., Raleigh 8:35 a. in., arrives Asheville 7:40 p. m , making close conneo ; tion with the Carolina Special and arriving Cinninnati 10:00 a. no. [ following day after leaving Haleigh, with close connection for all I points North and North-West. Pullman for Winston-Sulem leaves Haleigh 2:30 ■. m., arrives Greensboro 0:30 a. m., making cloee connection for all pointa North, South, ICast and West. This car is handled on train No. 11l leaving Ooldsborr at 10:45 p. m. • • >cv i- If you desiro any information, please write or call. Ws ars hers to> furnish information as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CAIiY, W. U. PARNELL, T. P. A.. General Passenger Agent, 215 Fayettevills St., ■Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. Subscribe for The Gleaner