■ for' lnfants »nd Children. Castoria Is ft harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It •ontains neither Opium, morphine nor other Narcotle substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth te* Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, gtvinfr healthy and natural sleep, nw Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. The Fruit Crop Very Short. State Horticulturist W. N. Ilutt has submitted his estimate of the fruit crop of North Carolina in a report to the State Board of Agri culture. The report is based up on replies to about 1,500 circular letters, which were mailed to fruit growers in all parts of the State. Taking the State as a whole the apple crop appears to be only about 33 per cent. There were replies from CO counties which grow apples. In none of the well known apple growing counties is more than a 50 per cent, crop re ported. The best crops are re ported in Alexander, Wilkes, Surry, Haywood, Buncombe, Henderson and Yancey. Tho shortage of the crop is due to the very cold weather in the spring, followed immediately afterward by hot dry weather. The pcoplo may find some con solation, howevor, in the fact that the blackberry and persim mon crops are reported proiper ous. There is only about an 8 per cent, crop of pears, with peaches estimated about 15 per cent. Tho grape crop is reported • in fine shape and about an 80 per cent, crop may bo expected. In tho strawberry section Iho cold weather of tho spring, fol lowed by a drought and hot weath or, cut tho crop short. Ilowovor, very satisfactory prices were realized for the berries gathered. The dewberry crop, now assum ing commercial proportions in some of the eastern counties, is reporMQ in good condition, pick ing of the berries has just begnn. Sampson connty's huckleberries also see numbered among tho more promising crops. The cereal crops, such as corn, wheat, oats, etc., are reported in a fine condition in this State, the dry weather in some places hold ing the crop back a little late. Tho tobacco crop will likely be short, while the cotton acreage is somewhat increased. English Spavin Liniment re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Btifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, eto. Save 150 by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Graham Drug Co. A citizen Of Monroe township, says the Monroe Enquirer, "gives in S7B worth of property for tax ation and S6O of that amount Is in dog." A citizen who has 160 worth of dog and only SBB worth of other property would seeming ly fall in the class ot "undesir able" citizens, but he should at least be commended for listing his dog or dogs for taxation, eren If we can't commend the judgment that invests so much of one's holdings In canines. V«w Naifhbar'i Hzysrissss, How you may profit by it. Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mts. E. G. Whiting, 860 Willow Bt., Akron, 0., says: "For some time I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and I suffered with back aches and dissy headaches. I had specks floating before my eyes aid I felt all tired out and miser able. I saw Foley Kidney PUls advertised and got a bottle and fe- took them according to directions and results showed almost at once The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye-sight became clear and today I can nay I am a well wo man, thanks to Foley Kidney Pilla." Sold by all Druggists. Bock Robertson, aged 81, son f" Of Geo. E. Robertson, a wealthy •f former of Knightdale, Wake coun ty, was .killed Sunday night a -Week by H. W. Montague. H Robertson Is sßeged to have in- R*alsed Montague, who was driv- Efftg with Robertson's sister. §S Robertson opened fire and Monta gue sitting by Miss Robertson in the buggy, returned the shots Hpillpr deadly effect. Montague, MM ™ «*** injured, sur | ■ A Dozen Cow pea Pointers. Plant peas for they are a fairly good human food. Plant peas for they are one of the most nutritious foods for stock. Plant peas, for if turned under, the vines add considerable fertil ity to the land. Plant peas for, if picked, the peas alone are worth from $0 to sl2 per acre. Plant peas for the vines that grow on acre are worth jrotn $5 to $lO for stock food. Plant peas, for through their roots peas put into the soil from four to six dollars worth of nitro gwn per acre. Plant peas for their vines, roots and stubble help to make the soil loose and easily cultivated. Plant peas for when decaying their humus helps to convert min eral substances into valuable plant food. Plant peas for thoir humus ab sorbs and retains moisture that will aid the next crop to go through a drouth easily. Plant peas for their vinos shade the land during the hottest part of the supper, thus aiding in the formation of valuablo nitrates. Plant pens to* their roots are good subsoilers. They go to con siderable depths and open up the oarth so that air and water can make a deeper soil. A lllffli tirade lllood Purifier. Go to Alamance Pharmacy and buy a bottle of li. H. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enrich your blood and build up your weakened, broken down sya tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to cure all blood diseases and skin humors, such as Rheumatiain, Ulcers, Fating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pains, Pimples, Old Sores, Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Holla, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these b ood tro . .e« by killing thit poison liumor and expelling from* the system. B. B. B. la the only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it cnres and heals all sores when all else fails, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta,! Oa. The insurrection won in Mexioo and now oth?r • insurrectos are plotting against the leaden of the successful insurrection. A plot was made to blow up the building in Jaurez where Madero, the revo lution \ry leader, was attending a ball, and when the plot was dis covered enough dynamite was be ing carried into the ball room to blow up the building. About 900 persons, including Senor Madero and his wife, were the participants in and spectators at the ball. Prompt relief In all cases of throat and lung trouble if yon use Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take*, soothing and healing in effect. Sold bjr all dealers. ' Gov. Blesse, of South Carolina, has deolared his opposition to Wood row Wilson as the Demo cratic presidential nominee be cause the uewspapen of the State an for Wilson and especially be cause Dr. Wilson, who addressed the South Carolina Press Associ ation in Columbia, was the guest of the Messrs. Gonzales, of the State. Gov. Blesse hates the South Carolina newspapers, es pecially the £state. Foley Kidney Pills contain just the Ingredients neeessary to regu late and strengthen the action of the kidneys and bladder. Try them yourself. For sale by all druggists. J. U. Patterson, sged about 70 years, for some reason unknown, committed suicide at his home at Oxford Monday a week. Foley Kidney Pills aro a true medicine: They are healing, Strengthening, antiseptio and tonic. They set quickly. For Sale Increased Yah*of Farm Products in North Carolina. That within the past ten year* Noith Carolina has advanced 129 per cent, in the value of farm products, is a significant feature of the annual report of Commis sioner of Agriculture >V. A. «ru ham to the State Board of Agri culture. The iucrcase IIMH been from $63,000,000 farm product value in 1900 to $122,000,,00 in 1910. With this statement he al so points out that in 1000 I here were held in the Mate under the auspices of the Agricultural De partment only 20 fanners' insti tutes, whereas there were held during 1910 over 400, the increase having been gradual through the decade. lie congratulated the board on discontinuing expensive and unprofitable exhibits at great expositions and expending reve nues iu direct effort with the farmers to improve their methods. The commissioner reports re ceipt* of the department from the 20 per cent, tonnage tax on ferti lizer tags an 1 other sources for the six months ending June Ist to be $170,194, with a balance in the treasury of $58,040. The sale of fertilizer tags represents a total tonnage of 683,247 tons sold in the State for the six months. The receipts from tho oil division, which go into the general fund of the State Treasury, are not in cluded in the department receipt*. This division brought in $26,163 for the six months. The expense of the division was $12,216, leav ing a balance net profit to the State of $14,000. Win. Fight For Lift. It was a long and bloody battle for life that was waged by James B. Mershon, of Newark, N. J., of which he writes: "I had lost much blood from lupg hemor rhages, and was very weak and rundown. For eight mouths I was unable to work. Death seemed close on my heels, when I began three weeks ago, to use Dr. King's New Discovery. But it has helped ine greatly. It is doing all that you claim." For weak, sore lungs, obstinate coughs, stubborn colds, hoarseness, la grippe, asthma, hay-fever or any throat or lung trouble it's su preme. 60c and tl.oo. Trial bot-. tie free. Guaranteed by Graham Drug Co. Senator Overman has intro duced in Congress a bill appro priating SIO,OOO for theexecution of a painting depicting the scene of the baptism of Virginia Dare, which took place on Roanoke Island on the shores of North Carolina August 18th, 1587. It is Senator Overman's idea to have the painting adorn the walls of the national capitol, where there is a picture of the saving of the life of Capt. John Smith by Poca hontas. "It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child," are the ex pressions you hoar every day about. Cbamberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world ovqr w lore thiß valuable remedy has been in troduced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowol com plaints has received such general approval. Thsteecret of the suc cess of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is that it cures. Sold by all dealers. A charter has been granted the Moses H, Cone Memorial Hospital of Greensboro. The company is composed of the widow and broth ers of the late M. H. Cone, and others, and the purpose is to build a hospital in or near Greens boro as a memorial to the late M. 11. Cone. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from hones, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save S6O by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known, Sold by Graham Drag Co. The Wilkesboro Chronicle learns thai Will Woodruff, who wss wounded while assist'ng in the arrest of Chas. Young, i des perate character, in Alleghany county Friday a week has since died. Young was killed by the officers while resisting arrest. Young's wife was slightly w6nn- Wark Will ftoos Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly en joy their fine results. Constipa tion and indigestion vanish and fine appetite returns. They regu late stomach, liver and bowel* and impart new strength and en ergy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25c at Graham Drug Co. KcUat ■ m Kian. Distressing Kidney and Blsd ner Disease relieved in six hours by the "NTTR QIIAT SOOTH AMERICAN KIDNKY Come." It is a great surprise am account of its exceeding promptness in relieving en hit bladder, kidneys and tk, in male or female. Relieves retention of watpr. almost im mediately- If you. want quick re lief and cure thto Sold by Graham Drug Co. ur. J osepu ince, unw ol me pioneers of abdpminal surgery In this country, and the ioremostgy necologist here, died tonight fol lowing an operation for appendi citis. He performed an operation for Appendicitis on a young girl shortly after noon today and wu operated upon himself for the ssme trouble less than four hours later. He died late tonight. Dr. Price wp.s a former presi dent of the American Medical Association, the American Asso ciation of Gynecologists and the American Society of Obstetricans. lie was born in 1853 in Virginia, lie was the founder of the Gyne cean hospital here and was a member of the staff of several leading hospitals. A Charming Woman is one who is lovely in face, form, inind and temper. But its hard for a woman to be charming with out health. A weak, sickly wo man will be nervons and irritable. Constipations and kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched com plexion. But Electric Bitters al ways prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velve ty skin, lovely complexion and perfect health. Try them. 50c at Graham Drug Co. Senator Lorimer, of Illinois, faces another investigation at the hands of his colleagues. The in quiry will be conducted by a sub committee of the committee on privileges and elect ions, composed of four Republicans and four Democrats, four of whom voted for the conviction and four for the acquittal of the Senator last session. Vo« Know What fon Are Taking When you take Grove's Tast less Chill Tonic because the form ula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Tho differences between the Southern railway and the machin ists, boilermakers and black smiths in all shops of the Southern railway system have been settled on a flat basis of 38 cents an hour, to bo effective from April 1, 1011. This is an increase of about 2} cento an hour. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is sold on a guarantee that If you are not satisfied after trying two thirds Of a bottle according to directions, your money will be re funded. It is up to you to try. Sold by all dealers. Eight immense oil tanks of the Indian Refining Company, several miles below Now Orleans, on the Mississippi river, contain ing 30,000 barrels of gasoline and 2,000 barrels of kerosene, valned at #250,000, were destroyed by fire last week. The fire was Btartcd by a bolt of lightning striking one of the tanks. Bafo Medicine for Children. Foley's Ilonoy and Tar Compound is a safe and effective medicine for children as it does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. The Snuine Foley's Honey and Tar impound is In a yellow package. Sold by all druggists. Mrs. S. L. Berg, wife of the president of the New Orleans, Mobile A Chicago railroad, was killed and Mr. Berg "was serious ly injured in the wreck of a train a mile south of Vergas, Minn., last Friday night. Other paa sergers were slightly injured. Lame shoulder is almost inva riably caused by rheumatism of the muscles and yields quickly to the free application of Chamber lain's Liniment. This liniment is not only prompt and effectual, but in no way disagreeable to use. Sold by all dealers. The Nashville, Tenn., bivouac of Confederate veterans have re- solved "that no woman shall ap pear in the parades of the camps, State divisions or general associ ation, astraddle a lioree and should any appear, the officers in charge of parade shall politely [uest that they retire." Chamberlains's Stomach and Liver Tablets, will brace up the Qerves, banish sick headache, prevent despondency and invigor ate the whole system. Sold by all dealers. In Rome last Sunday ft weak nearly l.OOO.OOOpeople witnessed the unveiling of a magnificent monument to King Victor Eman uel 11. Interest was added to the occasion by reason of cele bration of the granting of the constitution by King Charles Al bert in 184$ i the same constitu tion which still rules united Italy. , 1 Household Necessitie T I PBBE l You Gin Get Either by Paying SI.OO in Advnce and Taking The Gleaner Fori a Year. « \ ______ . I -, If you owe anything on subscription, pay up and pay SI.OO in advanao , and you get your choice of three valuable premiums. £ s J3L e "Op U-S'PATEMTNO.TeSOSaT^B | m OWNED & CONTROLLED BY m 9 TENSION VfUMQ >■ HAMILTON SILVCR CO. W iswist ma- street, JW *: Here's a fine pair of Shears, 8 in. long, worth ithe money asked you . ■ for shears alone— sl.oo gets both shears and paper for one year. I A PINE SAFETY RAZOR !' '1 ON SAME TERMS AS THE SHEARS. f ; '?* BBBS MP MAN, DO YOU SHAVE? " •' : Jillia This is your opportunity—srgets both " ;; ' paper and razor. _ .! ~ Housewife, here is the best Egg-Beater ' . , _ in the world. It makes the work easy «: and light and does it quickly, T ■. \i ;, Send or bring the SI.OO to THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, Graham, N. C. V H II Six persons in Utah lake, Salt Lake City, Utah, q » ■ Ci*n4/i»»*l Sunday a week when the sailing JUIC vJIQ CjLqXIQCIi Q f . launch Galilee, on which 16 per- a m f Uroves Tasteless Cnill Tonic has stood the squall. Among the drowned were OVGP Oli6 flllU d Hfllf MllllOll DOttl6S« 1/06S l*€Col*d (be „rid, »,,d t»d,. of mer j t you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Bndoted wRJ» every bottle b « Tea CeatPecUy of CfcOVTS BLACK HOOT UVTO. HLLS. If you are satisfied after using according to directions two- Me—aa.. "" . ——- : thirds of a bottle of Chamberlain's _ , AHfli stomach and Liver Tablets, you Cures Biliousness, Sick RTJT AT H Cleanses the system can have your money back. The Headache, Sour Stom- | 1 il. 1 111 II thoroughly and clseri tablets cleanse and invigorate the nc r h, Torpid Liver and ® ® sallow complexions m stomach, improve the digestion, Chronic Constipation. I Cffi!4 CirfHA pimples and btotolufc regulate the bowels. Give theta pleasant to tall* MIAUIIYv 111111 JjiUl/ It i# giUMNUntaad a trial and get well. Sold by all rua»ani to mae „ ni T *„ ™ * * * r ™ W dealers. ' . ■ GRAHAM DRUG CO. ' -« • , I " ■ ~'T~ ' . ,i«7 v ■' "T ' 1. 1 ■ • _6IV SOUTHERN RAILWAY IC Direct Line To All Points ' north, south, east, west. Very Low Rround Trip Rateslo all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta leaves, Raleigh 4:05 p. m. arrives At lanta 6:35 a. m., making close connection for and arriving Montgom ery following day after leaving Raleigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobile 4:12 p. m., New Orleans 8:20 p. ro., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:05 p. ro., Kansas City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connention at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Western Points. Through Pullman to Washington leaves Raleigh 6:50 p. m. arrives Washington 8:53 a. m., Baltimore 10:02 a. m., Philadelphia 12:28 m., New York 2:31 p. m. This car close connection at Washing ton for Pittsburg, Chicago, and all points North and West and st Greensboro for Through Tonrist Sleeper for California points, and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Ooldsboro at 6:45 a. m., Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives Asheville 7:40 p. m, making close connec tion with the Carolina Special and arriving CinninnaU 10:00 a. ro. following day after leaving Raleigh, with close connection for all points North and North-West. .. , Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a. m., arrives Qreensboro'6:3o a. m., making cloee connection for all points North, Smith, Mast and West. Thia car is handled on train No. 11l leaving Qoldsborr at 10:45 p. m. ' II you desire any information, please write or call. We are here to furnish information as well as to sell tickets. H. F. CARY, W. H. PARNELL, T. P. A.. Geneiat Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville St., Washington, D. C. Raleigh, N. C. > " i '■ ' ' ~"i I FireandLife Inosranse I ! CAKCTuLIY VRITTHJ. : | A part of your business will be appre- : i ciated. KSP»AII kinds of insurance. : : | CHAS. C. THOMPSON x GRAHAM • • } .■ :2? iSSEJ ;; - J ■ s ir&l •| Durham Marble Works j| You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last resting place of your departed loved ones, but we wish to re ;: mind you of our low prices. C. T. atJT iTTT* 3Pxopil©tol. o 11 DURHAM. N. C.i; U^| Y |MNOI north Carolina's FmaM Hotipaper. PThe Charlotte Observer „ mmmmmrn Erery Day in the Year. OormMNnVe. UUVKU t TODKH. hWm. J.f.OALBWKLL, Editor. * 8 00 Per Year " || r - TO THE OBSERYER ' *»»—■«£»• Receives the largest tele- I graphic news service deliv mmi«*a to any paper between VffV WjniK Washington and Atlanta. J WUj and its special service is the HUmrvymiamm*** to mk greatest ever handled by a fcr OM medicine and »«•»• tb* North Carolina paper «m| OM given you. For this W*' : rmnn we nrje yotj in fcayng to THB SUJFDAY OBSESWB— b> tsmftil toi***genwtaw Consists of 16 ormore pases BUCK-DRAUGHT Liver Medicine for Sample Copies. ■ ' The reputation of thii old, nkh I Address, ■ THEOBSBKTEB, I «dil'i"l'il'l"flTbSitS I CHUi«m,M.C ■ other*, or it woold not both* It- I I Hw powtler, with « Urger I "