THE GLEANER I GRAHAM, N. tt, Jane 29, tMI. Pistofliee Horn. I Offloaopen7jOOß.ia. toT.OOp. m. ■ Band*? «.00 to 11.00 «. m. and 4.00 to 0.00 p. B> HBBNAN HUQHSB, Poatmaater. Local News, j —Mr. A. A. Clark's little child is very sick. —The boys are practicing for the 4th of July Tournament. —The County Commissioners were in session two days this week revising the jury list. —On next Monday the Board of County Commissioners meet in regular monthly session. —The-Pension Board for Alar mance county will meet next Mon day in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. —The series of meetings at the Christian church grow in intereat. Rev. L. I. Cox is preaching some able sermons. —A large number of Confederate Veterans are expected here on the Fourth, and there will be lota of other yisitors. Graham is fixing to give all an enjoyable day. —Rev. Dr. Daniel Albright Long ill preach at New Providence next Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sub ject: The Life and Labora of St. Paul. —lt is exceedingly dry in this immediate vicinity, but in the past few days there have been good showera in different parts of the county. —"Our Presidents from George Washington to William Howard Taft" is the subject from which Dr. Daniel Albright Long will deliver the 4th of July oration here next Tuesday. —Mr. B. 8. Robertson will open a cotton brokerage office here. His office will be over the National Bank of Alamance. Mr. Robertson knows the cotton business, having had an experience of more than thir ty years. —Mr. J. Sam. Albright carried his daughter, Miss May, to Rich mond Tuesday for an operation. They were accompanied by Dr. 0. J. Paris. Mr. Albright and the Dr. have returned. The operation has not been made yet. —The County Board of Educa tion will meet Monday next. On that day they will elect a County Supt. of Schools, and on and after that date the Board will be compos ed of Messrs. S. E. Tate, J. W. Whitehead and J. L. Scott, the last named being of Burlington and suc ceeding W. K. Holt, —Mr. Numa R. Wood, who form erly lived here, now postmaster at Gibsonville and successfully con ducting a farm near there, bad a heavy loss early Tuesday morning, when his barn with three horses, 600 bushels of wheat, 200 of corn, lot of feed, carriage, buggy and farm implements were burned. The loss is fully 12,000 with only |9OO in surance. —Mr. J. Polk Bradahaw and wife arrived here the latter part of last week, etopping with their kinsman Mr. Thoe. C. Bradshaw. They are visiting friends in the southeastern part of the county. They have been away from the county for about twenty-five years, living moet of the time in South Carolina, but lately moved to Siler City. They are looking well and they and all old friends enjoy seeing each other again. —Last Monday an excuraion waa run from Durham to Danville. Among those who went waa Jeaae '' Nicks, of Swepeonville. On the re turn trip Mr. Nicks'was so seriously out that he had to be left at a hos pital in Greensboro. A negro from Durham named Bobt. Bennett ia charged with the cutting and is in the clutchea of the law. It is re ported that too much of the ardent waa the cause, but is not stated that N : cka bad been imbibing. It is alao reported that there were nu merous fights on the train. GDAG to Korea. About s month hencs Miss Mar garet Cooper and Mr. Lee Cooper, a daughter and son of Mr. and lbs. W. L. Cooper, near hare, will sail for Korea in Asia, where they go as missionary teachers. The former ia s graduate of the Stats N. A L Col lege and taught very acceptably ia Graham Graded School bat year. She had been re-elected, bat has re signed. The latter graduated honor at Chapel Hill the early part of thia month. He proposes to enter the ministry, but will first spend aome time in Korea. Both are high ly sd nested and splendidly endowed by nature, They have hosts of friends who wish them godspeed ia their chosen work. BSI&sV- ' Personal Mention • . l)r. and Mrs. W. E. Walker spent Monday iff Durham. Dr. W. R. Goley is spending the week in Aaheville. v Mr. Geo. W. Long spent the first of the week in Charlotte. Mr. Homy Clay, of Raleigh was here from Friday till Sunday. Mrs. C. P. Albright spent last Thursday in Greensboro shopping. Mias Annie Kime spent last week in Winstcm-Salem vUiting friends. Miss Annie Coble, of Southeast Guilford, ia visiting Mrs. Mcßride Holt. Messrs. H. W., Don E. and Edwin D. Scrtt spent latft Friday in Greens boro. Mrs. Gene Hunter and Miss Mar garet Goley apent yesterday in Greensboro shopping. Mr. Ben. 8. Robertson, Jr., of Durham, apent Sunday here at the home of his parents. Dr. Wade H. Braddy, who had been spending a few days here, left Monday for New York City. Mrs. M. B. Wyatt, who has been here visiting Mrs. Mcßride Holt, left yesterday for Blowing Rock. Mrs. Walter R. Harden has re turned from a visit to her parenta, six miles Southeast of Greensboro. Mr. W. H. Williamson, of Raleigh, spent Sunday here at. the home of his father, Capt. Jas. N. William son. Dr. George Attmore, of Stonewall, N. C., has been here for a few days visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. Adolph Long. Little Miss May Crichton, of At lanta, arrived here Monday on a vis it to her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Irwin. Mr. Williamson Menefee has re turned from Oak Ridge, having completed the course in the Auto mobile School. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harden and two of their children, of Ral eigh, spent from Friday till Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. Cfiaß. C. Thompson and children left for Hickory the latter part of last week to visit her sister, Mrs. J. F. Peterson. Rev. and Mrs. P. T. Klapp and little daughter, near Pittaboro, passed here this morning on their way to Elon CHlege. Mr. Hersey Woodard, who has been spending a few days with Mrs Woodard at Col? J. A. Long's, left Sunday for his home in Norfolk. Mrs. J. C. Simmons, Misses Helen and Nellie and Mr. Steven Simmons and Rev. T. Q. Vickers are spend ing the day in Greensboro. Mr. Clyde H. Hunter, who has been South for the past six months traveling for the A. T. Co., will ar rive tomorrow to spend his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Causey and children, of Anderson, S. C., are ex pected tomorrow to visit at the home of Mrs. Causey's father, Mr. J. L. Scott, Jr. Veterans! You are invited by the Daughters of the Confederacy and the people of Graham through their honorable Mayor, Mr. Adolph Long, to be their honored gaeata on July the 4,1911, and to take part in celebrat ing that day. Hold yonraelvea in readinesu and be pre paired to move promptly. J. A. TURRENTINE, W. A. HALL, Commander. Adjt. James Prpctor Knott, former Governor of Kentucky and for many yean prominent In Con gress, died Sunday at Lebanon, Ky., aged 83. Reaping Benefit From the Experience of Graham People. We are fortunate indeed to be sble jo profit by the experience of our neighbors. The public utterances of Graham residents on the following subject will in terest and benefit thousands of onr readers. Bead this statement. No better proof can be had. Mn. M. W. Fuller, Mill St., Graham, N. C., says: "I con tinue to bdiere justs* strongly in Dora's Kidney Pills as I ever did. This remedy never fails to hare the desired effect when I use it. For yean I snCered from pains in the small of my bade, together with dull headaches. I heard so mueh about Dora's Kid ney PUls that I decided to try them and got asopply from the Alamance Pharmacy. In a short time they cured the attack and improved my health." . For sale by all dealers. Price 00 emits. Foster-Milburn Co., Buf falo, Hew York, sole agents for the United States. Bemembsr the nsme—Doan's— and take fee * ' Turtle robing. Ur. J. Elmer Long returned the first of the week from a week's visit to Chatham county. He cornea back rich in experience in the art of tur- tle fiahing, and, by way of preface, we will remark that what he told j would be taken with a few grains of salt, had it not happened in the good State of Chatham and cotno di rectly under the obsorvation of oar distinguished and veracious young ceunty man. Well to mako a long story short, we will try to tell as re lated: A party of four, including our veracious young friend and a deaf-mute—the latter did the fishing, started out. They carried po bait only a gunny sack to put the game in. The deaf-mute donned lome old olothes, rolled up his sleeves and fell upon his all-fours whene they got to the creek, and plunged in. On the shoals he looked to- see foot tracks and tail marks. He would feel over the botton of the creek and under the banks, and aoon with a grunt he would come out holding a turtle by the neck. He went on re peating this performance and in lean than two hours nine turtles had been landed, besides a score or more of mammoth bull frogs. By way of diversion he would occasionall - land a big water moccasin. We take it upon ourselves to vouch for all of the foregoing, and did we not know our young friend so well we would have said medacioua instead of veracious. Farmers Institute Committeemen. To tho members of the Farmers Institute Committee for Alamance county: You are requested to meet in Graham on Monday, July 3rd, 10 a. m., in the County Treasurer's of fice. We want to make arrangements that our institutes shall be of great er interest and benefit and more largely attended. We want to get the farmers to feel that these are their institutes and are to discuss the topics they want to hear and to be made what they want them to be. Come with any suggestion that you can make. Institutes will be held in the county as below: Mebane, July 25th. Elon College, July 26th, Osceola, August 23rd. CHAS. F. GATES, Chairman, ALAMANCE Co. INST. COMMITTEE. Teachers Elected. In addition to the teachers in the Graham Graded School heretofore announced, the following have been elected: Miss Gertrude Kennedy, of ICene bridge, Va., has been elected teacher of the Ninth and Tenth Grades. She is an A. B. graduate of Randolph Macon College. Miss Ruth Ruffin, of Greenville, N. C., has been elected t» fill the High First Grade vacancy, caused by the resignation of Miss Margaret Cooper. She is a graduate of the £ astern North Carolina Training School. Graham Drug Co. —Ask you to make their store headquarters on July 4th You can find everything you may want in Drags or in Cool Green & McClure Furniture Co. —Have aome apecial things on sale for the 4th. Don't fail to call on Alamance Pharmacy—Gives extia Piano Votes on all purchases July 4th. Call on them. Southern Railway—Telia you about the Big Excursion to Asheville and the "Land of the Sky." Dr. LOOK hat Accepted. Last week we mentioned that Dr. D. A. Long had been elected Prest. of Union Christian College, Merom, Ind., and that be had gone to con sult with the trustees before accept ing. He has returned aud tells us that be haa accepted, and he ia now putting his affairs in order to go and take up the work. His many friends will regret his going but their best wishes will follow him. The two-year-old child of Mm. J. W. Hood, ol Kinston (ell in a tab of boiling water and wan scalded to death. - AtGastonia a train crashed into B. F. S. Austin's automo bile, smashed the machine and severely injured Mr. Austin. Lon Harper, just tecovcring from a broken leg, was run over by an automobile at Asberille Friday and seriously hurt. A blind colored woman has sued the Aslmrille street car company for $6,000 for injuries sustained while trying to board a car. The contract has been let by Jones & Bailey, a Raleigh law firm, to build a new hotel in Sal- 1 righ. It will have 75 rooms and will cost $50,000 to $75,000. A barn belonging to Adolphus ' Abernethy, near the city limits , qf Hickory, was struck by light ning Friday ereningand burned, also a cow and calf and a lot of feedstuff. COUPON, Cat out and Bend to thin Oflce Seod Tht Alamuet Stair from now tiH Xij 30,1512, tb (Ix 9of til Bible Question Qui) Catvt, to tb ipteiil priei #f SLOO nolwi Coutu irate if LmlQib, , y .,, ta_: iHm * • ! The woner you (end jrour subscrip tion the more ptpret you get If you send now you ret 15 mos. for the price of one year. Cat oat and send to ttila on re International Press Bible Question Club. I have read the Suggestive Question* on the Sunday School Lesson published In Tint Ai.amanck Oi.kankr, also the lea son itself for Sunday, read the scries of 52. Name Address. Notice To Fanners. The Acme Distributors destroy more tobacco worms in six hours than ten men can catch ull day. Price $ 1.90. Money back if it fails to do the work. Testimonials from leading farmers. Destruction to potato buffs and chinch hugs on corn as well. No farmer should be without one. Full directions with each machine. ACME DISTBIBUTOIIS, Box 321, Rerdsville, N. 0. —A full line of Buggies of *ll Kinds and a big lot of Farm Ma chinery. See our stock and get our prices before you buy anything in our line. IIADLBY & HUGHES, Graham, N. C. AT GRAHAM PROGRAM: 10 a. m. Grand Parade—Band, Fire Department, Horse back Riders, Business Men's Floats, Vehicles, Pony Rid ing and Driving Contest. Prizes will be given to all en tries in the pony riding and driving contest, and will be awarded by the marshal in charge, as follows: Z. T. Hadley, Bracelet; Carolina Drug Co., Assortment of Confection eries; Alamance Pharmacy, Fountain Pen; Graham Drug Co., Misses Fraeland, Parasol, and others. 11:30 a. m. Address at the Court House by Dr. Daniel Albright Long. 12:30 p. m. Dinner served to Confederate Veterans —Clendenin's Lawn. 1:30 p. m. Short talks by Veterans. 2:15 p. m. Bicycle Race —Ist prize $1.50 pocket knife given by W. J. Micks. 2nd prize f 1 shirt given Black Bros. 2:45 p. m. Handicap races (colored boys) Bag Race —pair Overalls to winner—given by E. E. McAdams. , Wheelbarrow Race—Box Smoking Tobacco--given by Q t D. Moore. 3:30 p. m. Tournament: First prize $lO Saddle given by Hadley & Hughes. Second Prize, pair Best Society King Shoes, given by A. A. Clark. Third Prize No. 1 Riding Bridle, given by Graham Hardware Co. Blaokmon & Farrell will give a dollar whjp to rider making lowest score. 4:30 p. m. Base Ball —Graham vs. Saxapahaw—at school house—free to everybody. Box of 50 cigars to winning team, given by Alamance Pharmacy. Everybody invited. Come to Graham July the 4th, the whole family strong, and enjqy the fun. 4 .1 Music by the Band MARSHALS : C. 0. Thompson, Chief, E. P. McClure, P. S. Dixon, Rez. W. Fonst, Armstrong Holt, Harria Holt, I/>nnie McPherson, Marvin Mcpherson, Ed. Rar, Walter Stockard, Geo. Hlackmon, Otis Workman, Ed. Wagoner, Jim Clark, Henry Bason, Peter Fount, Don E. Scott, John Marlett, H. W. Walker, T. T. Stafford, Al*ia Rharpe, Charlie Robertson, Jeff Pritehett, A. R. Stuart, Chas. Menefeo, Jim Dixon, Chaa. Knock, Otis Stuart, Rom Thompson, J. Elmer Long, John M. Baker, Lacy Blanehard, Robert Harden, T. A. Jones, Walter Williams, Erneat Thompson, J. D. Keruodle, Jr., Charlis Love. In Charlotte liutl week W. C. Owens win sent to jail because he refused to tell where lie obtained the ipiriti which he had imbibed. He *u nlewNxl 21 hours later on icoount of his nice and physical condition. The magistrate ex plained that the release was an act of mercy; tliat ho had a right to force an answer to such ques tions and would do so when he deemed it proper. The team of Dr. N. M. Blalock, of Wake county, ww hauling 11 seeks of nitrate of soda from Ral eigh to the doctor's farm. Going along the road, a Are started among the sacks of nitrate of soda, prssumsbly fom spontaneous combustiuii. Efforts to stay the flames were futile and the driver haatily uobooked his tea in and got ont of the way while the wag on and contents were consumed. 1 s Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson. By REV. T. S. UNSCOTT. D. D. . July Sth, tail. (Copyright. WIS. hj Kev. T. S. Unacott, O.D.| The Suffering Servant of Jehovah. Isa. 111:1$—UU:11. Oolden Text—The Lord hath laid OP him the Iniquity of us aIL Isa. 1111:6. (1.) Verae IS—Who was the "ser vant" of whom Isaiah speaks T (S.) What Is It to be a servant ot Ood, and how doe* Jesus fulfil such a l>osltlonT (8.) In how many respects Is Jeaus "exalted, extolled," and "very high?" (4.) Verses 14-16—Notwithstanding the Old Testament prophecies con cerning the suffering Messiah was there a single person who waa not "astonished" at his crucifixion? (6.) Why were all the people ot Ood Including his apoetlea "aston ished," and disappointed, at the cruci fixion of Jesus? (6.) What has Jesus "sprinkled" the nations with? (7.) What proportion of the kings or the presidents of the natlona Igok to. and honor Jesus as the Saviour of the world? (S.) Verses 1111:1—How many to-day believe this "report" of the suffering son of Odd? (6.) Why* have ao many refuaed to ■ believe this "report?" (10.) What relation do those whom God has delivered from their sins and their sorrowful fear*, bear to this "re port?" (11.) Verses Z-S —What would have been the resMt to Ood's cause, If the world's redeemer had belonged to a kingly home Instead of a carpenter's? (IS.) What would have been the dif ference In th« results If Jesus had "been a treat general, a legislator, or merchant prince? (13.) What claas of men have de spised and rejected Jesus? \ (14.) Did Ood want Jesus to be "a man of sorrows?" (IS.) Verses 4-S —How has Jesus borne our griefs and sorrows? gCelebration uly 4 A man whose real name is said to be Transou, but who claims to be Sig Corilli, and a noted vocal ist, gave a rocital in Mocksvllle recently and Saturday waa ar rested in Ifooresvilleand taken to Mocksville to answer the charge of giving two or more bogus checks. One waa for $8 and ait - other for SO. The checks wers drawn on a Maxton bank aud were returned with a statement that-the professor bad no aceonnt there. The Seamen's Union, composed of seamen, Stewarts, firemen, stokers and other employe* of steamships, are on a strike in New York and there is some delay In sailing vessels, rr '* (16.) Did Don pian to nave tne Jews reject Jesus and to crucify him? Olve your reasons. (17.) Could Jesu% have borne our griefs and saved our aouts If the Jews had accepted hlmT (is.) When the prophet says "We did esteem him stricken, smitten of Ood and afflicted," were the Jews or others right or wrong in so thinking? (16.) Was Ood at any time angry with Jesus, or did he ever punish him? (10.) In wbnt way did Jesus bear all the cruel insults and the physical suffering Inflicted on him by the Jews, for our sakes? (21.) Suppose the Jews had yielded their he»rti to the loving Invitation of Jesus, and hsd espoused His eause as His Apostles did, what would have been the probable result upon the sal vation of the world? (Thla-ls one of the questions that may be answered In writing by members of the elub.) St.) Why did the Jews bring about the crucifixion of Jesus? (SS.) Verses IMS —What are some of the personal blessings which come to us through the death of Jesus? (14.) What are some of the national blessings which we enjoy through the death of Jesus? Lesson for Sunday, July 16th, 1911. Manasseh's Wickedness and Peni tence. 1 Citron. xxxlll:l-10. Dodging a Lion Huntor The fondut-Ms tliut souie people have for contact with notables is not al ways ahared by the notublea them selves. It is told of the late Baron Huddleston that ho once tried to ob tain a seat next lo a duke at the tsble d'hote in u hotel where both were guests. That this proximity to the great man might he brought abont the baron gave the waiter a sovereign. Tho servnut .proved a traitor, and, an explanation lielng demanded, be con fessed that the duke had given him two soverelgiia not to give the baron the coveted seat. HALF-GENT GOLUHK. Advartlamaanta will ba Inserted under thli "T«llr> at oiu-uir or a oent a word for each Inaartlon Noad. lnaerted for lew than lOcta. Oouot your word! and aend oaan with orler. lack Initial or abbrmatlon oounta a woid. HOUSES and lots for rent. Ap ply to W. J. Nioki. —Hello, Central! Gi\« me Pick ard's meat market. I want a first class piece of meat and I know where to get it fresh and right. BCHOOL BOOKS— A full sup ply of all kinds, also school sop plies, miscellaneous books and sta ionery *t C P. Neese's, Burlington For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebane Residenco apply to Chas. A. Scott. For Sale. I will offer for sale my entire Household and Kitchen Furniture, Hone, Buggy, Wagon, Harness, Cow and Farming Implements at auction to the highest bidder for cast on Saturday, July 1,1911, at my residence. ROBT. L. WALKER, JR. Graham, N. C. For Sale. The Hal. B. Mebano Residence apply to Cbas. A. Scott. Nice lot of S. O. Brown Leghorn hens for sale cheap, if taken at once. Fine stcck. C. D. JOHNSTON, Graham, N. C. —Pigs for Sale. Call on D. A LOKO. For Sale. The Hhl. B. Mebano Residence apply to Chas. A. Scot I. —I am now offering my entire Stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoe* and Gentlemen'a Fumithings at and bo low cost to close out. A. M. lladlet, Graham, N. C. rOLEYSOBNOLAIATIVE roa tnntM TW«HI CWOTMtWI An Albemarle merchant had $1,270 in hla safe. One day ho opened bis safe and pat In some money and next day tbj $1,270 was miaaing. He thinks he acci dentally left the box cnntaining the $1,270 outside the safe and It was stolen. Nine hundred dol lar* of the missing money be longed to another party. Vot they have bank* in Albemarle. OfWltt 4 l inie tjuiy Risers "M suuif *4ii# The barn of 11. L. Bowman, At ' Greenlee, McDowell county, was burned week before last with all its contents —two mules, a horse, a calf, harness and a quantity of feed. . ... , . mm KIDNEY PIUS I for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularWa#* ill Foley's Kidney Pills purify the blood, restore lost vitality and vigor. Refuse subs Utah* For Sale by all Druggists To Cure a Cold in One Day Td» Laxative Bromo S^aSl Headquarters y g 5 Meet Your Friends Here Graham Drug Company, 1 'Phone 99 Prescription Druggists. Certificate ol Dissolution OjJUST # Htate of North Carolina, llepartnent ol l\ State—Certificate of l>luolatlon. W lIIvUIIIUvfyM To ail to whom theae prraenta may come— UrNUßfft .i.TJ 10 !".!?*'*PP?»r« to my Mll>taoUon, by * !T felliUsS fn»fh« 1 r d .? ftb .^P roc ? e4 'W» Rheamatln and Blood PHiaaaa M>Lty ?"* u ' >t "T dtaa'utiqn tttwrfHrlit The came of rheumatism la exeeea deiwltSl In .SI .h •BS'S5 0l l5!?' uric acid In the blood. To cure rhau tW. .offloe, that the Murbola matlam thla acid mu«t be expelled from iifJllll L '" I rtK !l >,tlon J ,9 r ''la the »y»tem. RhUumatlam la an Inter i-Uw o7 #S. 21 S}®!tt dto Ul# nal o'waae and requlrea an Internal ?S ?»*4 A| amanee, remedy, ltubblng with alia and lint iiMifmiiil!. Carolina(B- H. Murraybeloi menu may eaae the pain, but they wilt ISfmiSS! " k. '" 'hereof. u[h no more cure rheumatlam than paint nN.Ti wu I . P .T2^L,P 1 , ,3r • crv ; ' ,l"«a com- will change the fiber of rotten woodL Pi!.Su!?«r i&? I ?.. , re . n ?S?„ U of , Bp f* r *!• Caru HknwitUa Te Itay Cared. It vlaal of 1(06, entitled (x)rporaUonn, pro- Bclence haa discovered a perfect and i.VmfnfinS ' Koftb '" c#r, S®«a»«Of complete cure called Hheumaclde. Teet "lß*™"°°"' . .. „ _ , ed In hundreds of caaea. It haa effected ta« o/«h« W?i»2 rJr » D m'!?n!: 1 *" marveloua cure*. Rheumaclde removes do ilmr. ?h.. r 2s r,b the cauae, |eU at the Jolnta from the Um J 1 * aaM corporation inside, awaepa the polaona oat of the . In.'.r. i June 1911, file In my system, tonea up the stomach, regulates R?SVtini L n ?. °° n «en' the bowela and kldneya. Bold by drug !s._ ""J* to 'he dissolution of said corpor- elita at 60c. and II; In the tablet form nV w'hf^ eL l l iH ,ho 'tockholdunj t"or»- a t 25c. and 60c., by mall. Booklet free. Sfnrnr!in.!t^r"°"**i n i " " 10 ""V? ? f Bobbltt Chemical Co., Baltimore Md. proceealiiKS aforesnld aro now on file In my tirtm At The Jolnta Fresa Tfce liaUa. said oStae as provided by law. ■■ Io testimony whervot. I haro hereto set JUST l? y L. ?i'. d 1 •®* e ? my oltlclsi seal, at lUI- Wt Sl** 0 % Sigh, thla» day of June, A. D. nil. i#l "*al> J. IIRYANORIMBH, ljf L JMdtM/ISIAA —• ftniumoaae OABTOXItA. lsar.Un y) Till KIM Ymi tot Mm|| BWtf> IT CURES ell EES JULY 4th • . «♦ By Alamance Pharmacy Prizes will be given to finders of Balloon Cards. Make our store headquarters. Come in and cool off at our fountain, where you will find the MOST DELICIOUS and REFRESHING drinks. Extaa number Piano Votes for Cash Purchases July 4. Alamance Pharmacy, Prescription Specialists, J. C. Simmons Druggist. gome on the Glorious 4th? Going I to fix up uny for (ho celebration? Then you'll need lumber of some ■fj' | ■ and we'll send it t> you. Makos no difference if it is only a small quanity. We'U do our share toward. making jour celebration • success Walker & McAdams, Graham, N, C Subscribe for The Gleaner Excursion—Ashe villc The Land of the Sky. Via Southern Railway Tuesday, July 11th, 1911, Special Train.,. * >J| Schedule and roand trip fares as follows: Lv. Gohlsboro 7:00 a. m. $5.00 Selma 7:53 a m. $5.00, lUleigh 9:00 a.m. 14.75, Durham 10:10 a.m. 14.75 Kales in same propoi lion fron othor stations. Don't miss this oppertunity to spend three days in Tho Cool Mountains of Western Carolina. Tickets will 1m good returning U> leave Asheville on any regular train leaving Asbevil'e up to and including Friday, July I4tb, 1911. Separate cars for colored |H»plo. For full information i - see your ngont or write. J. 0. JONES, T. P. A. 215 Fayetteville, St, Raleigh, N. 0