voLi xxxvn. JUST ONE j WORD that word!* It refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver PUl^uuP MEANS HEALTH. Are yeu constfoated? Troubled wtthtShrestionT Sick headache? Vlrtlgo? ~i Bilious? Insomnia? Tou Need Tint's Pills Take No Substitute. Indigestion Dyspepsia Kodol -When your stomach cannot properly digest food, of itself, it seeds a little assistance—and this assistance Is read ily supplied by Kodol. Kodol asslts the stomach, by temporarily digesting all of the food In the stomach, so that (hi stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee, gft? fSBM} yea are net benefited—the drassfitsrlß at The dollar bottle eoatalns tii tlsus as asaeS as Ike We bottle. Kodol Is prepared at «M tobssalsrtss ef X. o. DeWltrt Oe, OMesss. Graham' Drug Co. 4 ARE YOU UP r TO DATE B If you are not the NEWS AIT OSERVER is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep you abreast ot the times. Pull Associated Press dispatch es. All the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily Newf» and Observer $7 per year, 3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per year, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., RALKIGH, N, C. The North Carolinian and THE ALAMANCE GLEANER will be sent for one year for Two Dollars. Cash in advance. Apply at THE GLEANER office. Graham, N. C. | ,; book, i LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. ' An interesting volnme—nicely .print ed and bound. Price per copy: oloth, $2.00; gilt top, $2.50. By mail 20c extra. Orders may be sent to P. J. KEKNODLE, 1012 E. Marshall St, Richmond,lVa. Orders may be left at this office. PRINK the Best SOFT DRIKS Graham Bottling Works, Hunter & Dixon, Proprietors, tisethe purest extracts and flavorings and pat up only one quality— THE BEST Call for our goods and insist Good. HUNTFR * DIXON, GRAHAM* N. C THE ALAMANCE GLEANER GRAFT IN PERSIA. Officials Pay For the Privilege of Fleeoing the Public. A UNO WITHOUT LAWYERS. And Yet That Extraordinary Exemp tion Deee Not Help the Unfortunate Whe Qete Into TreaMe Coaxing the Aaeiieed te Confess. It would be difficult tut ft Persian who haa sot traveled to understand American excitement over what the newspapers bete call "graft" My) motherland, Persia, to not yet quite awake to the possibility of a man's earring the public for a certain fixed salary and taking nothing more. In Persia they take It for granted that every officeholder will "gouge" people whenever he gets a chance. There are no lawyers in Persia, so there are no Jokea about lawyers' ap petite for gold and silver, if yon have ever bad a coetly lawsuit on your bands you may tblnk that makaa mat ters simpler, but getting Into trouble means being squeezed for money, wrung for money, as If you were a piece of wet eloth In a Washerwoman's strong grip. This to how It is managed: first, you see, tbe governor of a city or of a province sever baa a definite salary from the state—not at all. On tbe con trary. he paya tbe state treasury sev eral thousand dollara more or less for tbe privilege of being governor and of making what he can out Of the enter prise. He to not an elected officer; he to mot* like a "conoeeslonaira" at one ef your big expositions, who offers s lane sum for a chance to ran a ree tanranter topsevkli Irs is—l snda or candy. Tbe governor (or mayor) of a Urge Persian town may have perhaps 100 to ISO employees uhder him. Of these only a few house servants (cook, coachman and tbe like) -have Used wages. Tbe Incomes of tbe others de pend upon the amount of money which they can help torn Into the great man's hands in the form of fines and taxes. Ton can gosss whether the neighbor* are fond ef them I Suppose now you live in Petals. Ton bare leased a piece of ground or yon have sold some goods and the other man does net pay. Tou dun him. Then you threaten him. Then yon go to the governor and make a complaint An officer arrests your debtor and takes him before tbe governor's sec retary for examination. Possibly he can convince that Important personage that it Is not a lust debt If be can not do that he would bettor put all his wits to work to convince tbe secretary that poverty makes It quite Impossi ble to pay up. This to where many of tbe ICO under employees get their chance. A large part of their occupation to bunting up facts about everybody's property, everybody's buslnees. everybody's In come. They know an smsiiug num ber of things which your debtor sup posed were eafely secret Tbey pro duce information whenever Informa tion to wanted. Your man's pretense that business to bad and that be la all but bankrupt la brushed aside, and be to nude to pro duce an' amount of money consider ably larger than the original debt. "Made" to produce It? Yes. There am shocking things that can be done to him It he hesitate* too long, and- be .knows It. 80. like a child aware that there la an ngly stick waiting In the corner, he usually does not hesitate too lOQg. Be saves bis skin and hands orer the tnonsy. You get maybe 80 to M pee eeet to entlsCy your claim— that Is, the Officer of Justice practi cally collects from yon something for his own serrlcee. The reet goes to the governor and snch of the employees aa may be considered In the case. Perhaps yon have a shop In the town beassr or market place and some poor good-for-nothing steals a chicken that WM hanging on the walL If a woman was the thief she la most Mhety taed poeslbty whipped If she has no money to pay a tmk If the culprit Is a man they punch a hole tfcrsngh the ear tHag« of the luwsi end of-Us nose, pnt a*ord through the hole and lead him In this painful disgrace an around the baaaar. The officer collects as he goes along a few cento from this sfcopkeep ar and a few oents fsom that eae as an acknowledgment of the officer's wrrtee In pnbUdy erpnalng a thief. Naturally It often haptens that some otrbagam robbery ounri or aome- "TO-BAC-TON" The New Hair Tonic Makes its bow to the public and Goes on Sale at Drug Stores and Barber Shops Under A Postive Guarantee—"Your Money Back If It Fails to Give Satisfaction." The proprietors wialrp tm« proposition advisedly, as they have demonstrated its efficiency in the treatment of numerous diseases, of the hair and scalp, both to them selves and patrons in hundreds of cases. The druggist of whom you make your purchase is authorized to refu nd money in every instance where it fails to give satis faction. „ A Valuable Book Given Away , r "The TnHinn Weed" is the title of a very valuable book on the care of the hair, treatmentof the skin and scalp in disease and health, and this has cost us no little money and time, for the Best Specialists in the country—men who are Authority on such matters —have been consulted, and their experience is given you # in this k f book absolutely free. It contains information which every one should know, and which took hard work to acquire by these men who nave spent tneir lives in delv- Jr iiji ing into the mysteries of their chosen profession. All this information we give free in our book wiA , —: L; 11 OUR SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER - r* To introduce TO-BAC-TON HAIR TONIC, that you may test it and convince yourself of its merit, we will for a limited time sell A Full 25c Size For 10c— I ; ji And Give The Book Freel All you have to do to take advantage of this offer is to fill out the coupon in tig ad and take it to your druggist This is not a little | 1 apiplft die, bat a full 25c size—one-fourth of a regular twelve-ounce (Dollar) bottle. This coupon is good at Ag stores who have it. ill » r |i|, —mm■■ M The name Tobacton is derived from the well known weed Tobaoco, whose medicinal values have been || pi J'StfrxLs H Tht. Coapoa. rTr*y fIM ta, mk It carts known fur over 400 years and was used by the untutored savage long before the discovery of America. | \ snarsxti // presented to TOUT Druggists roe to oae Our forefathers took the one from the Red Men of the forest, and it has been banded from generation | V 1 fnfl 25c rfn kittle oflScTaa. Md Book Free to mweratiou down to the present time and is still used in a crude way in the rural districts. 1 I It remained, however, for Mr. 8. A. Ilntcbens, of the To-bac-ton Manufacturing Co. to seek out Its 01, medicinal value in diseases of the scalp by scientific investigation|and by combining It with other ingre- |i> v dieots whose merits were already established, wo now have the finished llair || i Tonic, which wie commend to your consideration and ose onder the proposition that. . 1 jp^ SHtSSSt iril l> l9wm It Most Meet the Requirements or Your Money Back J A>~ IA * The To-Bac-Ton Mfg Co., f QfeJ I N » n: C. btr to bra tally murdered. and tIM guilty ant to nnknown. Than the ROT •ecaor's detective agents aet to work. Anybody may be arreated on suspicion and examined either aa the probable offender or aa a witness. If the ana pact haa plenty of money be can sl waya prove bis innocence or bla Igno rance by paying casb to tbe examining officers, though, since there Is no regu lated tariff In such matters, tbe pro ceeding may be quite expensive. If tbe (aspect is too poor to make thing* right -with tbe examiners or too stubborn to tell what he knows—ami sometimes. I am afraid. If be really doee not know anything to tell—they hare some "third degree" methods warranted to make a man aay some thing. One anch method la what tbejr eall the "tastlnado." It Is whipping tbe aolea of the bare feet with slen der rod a. Often live coals from a pipe are put on tbe shaTen head of a pris oner to mske him confeaa. Sometimes But no. Probably you would not care to bear any more along this par ticular line. Persian Inventions In this department of criminology itre clever in their way. but not things to de scribe In full detail.—Leon Med em In New York World. Meds a Cigar Llghtsr. "Ma," said a nine-year-old prodigy whoso parents live lu Oak lane. "If I change this box of cigurs iuto a cigar lighter wiH you give me a nickel V And he held up a box of li!s father's cigars. "No," said hi* mother. "But you can't do it." "Will you give me a nickel If I do?" "Br—yes. But you can't do It." I "You Just look. See, I open the box, take out a cigar, and now It's n cigar lighter. Qlmme the nickel."—Philadel phia Times, Coroners In England. In early times the coroner In Eng land was a revenue officer of the crown, and his buslnees was to find out tbe criminals, extort their confes sions and conflscste their goods to tbe crown. Prom records It appeared that King Alfred bad a predilection for banging his coroners becauso they did what was unjust At the present time practically the only office of coroners to to bold in quests on dead bodies and ou treasure trove aud to pronounce Judgment I* outlu wry.—London Telegraph. When Feathers Came High. A young lady only ten feet high was overset in one of the late gales of wind in Portland place and the upper mast of her feather blown upon Hamp stead hill. Tbe ladles now wear feathers exact ly of their own length, so that a wo man of fashion to twice as long on ber feet as in ber bed.—London Times, Dec. 80,1796. \ " When a Man's Great 1 would like to ask you one more question," said tbe youth. "Let it come," rejoined tbe home grown phlloeopher. "When," quoted the youth, "would you aay that a man haa achieved greatnessf "When he deserves bis own opinion of himself," answered the home grown philosopher.—Chicago Newt. It Fitted the Case. Tbe gill asked tbe polite ealeeman if be bad good cheese. ."We bsve some lovely cheese," was the smiling answer. "You should not say lovely cheese." shs corrected. "Why not? It to," he declared. "Becsuse"—with a boarding school dignity—"lovely should be used to .qualify only something that to alive." "Well," be retorted. "I'll stick to totalr" ' - Kmw It little Man (threatenlngiyV-l aay. Mr. Stralghtley. did you tell Mr. Walker 1 was a Bar? Big Man (coolly) No. sir, I did not I Ifs my opinion Mr. Wslker doesn't want any telling.—London Tlt-Blts. Taotlees. "I don't think it was a bit nice for the rector to commend women's econ omy in dress," *Ud the wife to ber husband after the service. "That shouldn't have annoyed yon, my dear," was tbe reply. "Your gown is plain enough." "Exactly! His remark called every body's attention to what 1 bad on."— Boston Courier, GBAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1911. Do Birds Protect Plants? Prof. Andrew Allison in Progressive Farmer. To sum up the food of nestling —leaving tbe dove alone in the habit of feeding its young on seed: two wrens that fed to their young 30 locusts in an hour were observed in eastern Nebraska. Counting only 20 broods to the square mile of this and similar | birds, Dr. Judd estimates that in the eastern part of the State these small birds destroyed daily 163,- 000,000 locusts. The food of a locust amounts to about its own weight in a day, and a locust weighs approximately IS grains. This means a saving to the farmer, in the destruction of these lo custs, of 174 tons of green stuff in a day 1 A rain-crow contained 217 fall web-worms. Another contained 200 tent caterpillars. And, lest these statements sound too ex treme, let me explain: a bird's stomach could not contain nearly so great a number of entire cater pillars ; but' the rapid digestive processes, quickly disposing of the soft bodies, do not affect the head parts of the insect so strong ly ; and the finding of a pair of horny jaws in a bird's stomach is considered more than circumstan tial evidence that the insect be hind the jaws was once there. BULLBATS AND MOSQUITOES. A night-hawk bullbat—con tained 600 mosquitoes. And this reminds me of an apt comment qiade by an ardent bird protec tionist. A certain traveling sales man boasted that, in driving from one town to another, he had shot with a small rifle thirty night hawks from tbe fence-posts along the road. The best reward for such a day's work, said the nar rator, would be to strip that drummer and put him, for tho night, within convenient reach of the number of mosquitoes de stroyed that day by the slaught ered night-hawks. A dove had eaten 7,500 weed seed, another 0,400 and a third Do birds protect plants? No. 2 9,200. An active boy with a hoe may do good work; but how long would it take him to eradicate 9,200 weeds? The single dove had put them, at one meal, be yond all hope of gemination. We too often jump to conclu sions when we see a woodpecker in the corn field, a dove in the peas, a mocking bird among the grapes; and unconßldened are the destroyed wood-borers, the weod seeds kept from gemination, the cotton worms gleaned from our fields. If we took care to strike a balance, we Bhould find our selves greatly in debt to the birds. No community haa ever destroyed Us birds without being very sorry for it afterwards. Three Mississippi editors are charged with criminal libel of former Congressman "Private" John Allen, They charged that Mr. Allen broke into a mill and stole a gallon jug of whiskey. Horace Granfleld, of Mt. Ver non, N. Y., was killed in an auto mobile wreck near Denver, Col., May 7. When bla trunk waa opened it waa fonnd to contain bonda, etc., to the value of $600,- 000. Judge Coodems High-Heeled Shoes. Blohmond Times. Many really nice girla wear high-heeled shoes in ignorance of how awful bad such shoes are. Justice Howard, of the New York Supreme Court, told of the wick edness of such ahoes in his court the other day. "High-heeled shoes are aa heathenish aa rings in thejiose, or tatooing," he said. "Such shoea are as barbarous, as torturing and as destructive of health aa the Chinese wooden shoea. Both make ungainly and deformed feet. China ia proud of one kind of deformed feet and we are proud of the other." 'the judge did not aend any one to jail for wearing high-heeled shoea but he aaid he waa aorry Indeed that he could not do it. He prob ably likewiae regrets that he can not incarcerate women who load up their head? with coils and mountains of hair taken from the dead bodies of Chinamen. Kill More Than Wild Beasts. The number of people killed yearly hy wild beasts don't ap proach the vast number killed by disease germs. No life is safe from their attacks. They're in air, water, duet, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Electric Bitters, which deatroy and expel these" deadly disease germs from the system. That's why chills, fever and ague, all malarial and many blood diaeaaea yield promptly to tbia wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy the glorioua health and new strength they'll give you. Money back, if not satiafied. Only 60c at Graham Drug Co's. According to Postmaster Gen eral Hitchcock •300,006 was de posited in the first 48 postal sav ings banks in the finfCfive months of operations. The second group of 45 banks, which opened May 1, received in the first month $70,- 749.14, or 47 per cent, more than taken at the initial offices during their first month. There were 2,116 separate depoaita, averaging $33.39. On Jnly 1, when it ia ex pected the depoaita will total $1,000,000, it will be possible for depositors to invest their aavinga in per cent, government bonda, $lO0 —Dr. E. Detchnn'a Anti Diuretic may be worth to you more than SIOO if you have a child who soils bedding from incontin ence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike, It arreste the trouble at once. sl. Sold by Graham Drug Co. At Penaacola, Fla., Thuraday, 1 a party ot Sunday achool pic ' nleers were caught in a strong 1 undertow while bathing and were carried into the gulf before the rescuers could reach them. Miss Kathleen Sugga, aged 18, an I W. ' B. Wallace, a traveling salesman of Philadelphia, were drowned. Four others were taken out of tbe water unconaoioua and were re suscitated with difficulty. A boat man named Charlea Dillon alao ' barely escaped death when he ' went to the reacue of the bathers, Foley Kidney Pilla are com . posed of ingredients specially se lected for their corrective, heal ' ing, tonic, and stimulating effect 1 upon the kidneys, bladder and ' urinary passages. They are anti - septic, antilitnie and a uric acid solvent. For sale by all druggists. The first Chinese warship to visit America will make her way into New York harbor next month. This will be the cruiser Hal Chi, which has been in British waters, as a participant in tlie coronation ceremonies Only ouce before has any Chinese vessel visited an American port, and that was in 1880, when a small merchant ves sel called at San Francisco. The Hal Chi is the largost vessel in the Chinese navy, having a displace ment of 4,800 tons and a speed of 24 knots. A Peek laio His Pocket would show the box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve that E. S. Loper, a carpenter, of Marilia, N. Y. al ways carries. "I have never had a cut, wound, bruise, or sore it would not soon heal," he writes. Greatest healer of burns, boils, scalds, chapped hands and lips, fever-sores, skin-eruptions, e/.ema, corns and plies. 50c at Graham Drug Co's. The inter-State commerce com mission holds that tho rebilling and reshippihg privilege extend ed to shippers of grain, grain produots' and hay at Nasnville, Tenn., is unlawful, inasmuch aa it is an unreasonable preference and advantage to that city againat numerous other cities. The roads are ordered to cease before Au gust 1 the granting of privileges to Nashville not granted the other cities named in the order. ■y A High tirade Blood ParMer. Go to Alamance Pharmacy and buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and ennch your blood and build up your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to cure all blood diseases and skin humors, such ft? Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pain*, Pimf>l H, Old Sores, Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car buncles. B. B. B. curea all these blood troubles by killing thit poison humor and expelling from the system. B. B. B. is the only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it cures and heals all sores when all else fails, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Speaking to the Commercial club of Cincinnati in Washington last week, President Taft referred to the time when he should retire from public life and go buck to Cincinnati to practice law, Cin cinnati is to be his permanent re tiring place, he said, and his son Robert will engage in the prac tice of law there. . Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is effective for coughs and colds In either children or grown per sons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggists. The graduating class of the Yale University, New Haven, Conn., at the commencement last week numbered 897 men, and 850 men received diplomas at the University of Pennsylvania com mencement In Philadelphia. Mortgagee's Sale Under and by virtue of the Power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed executed on the 31st day of Jan., 1010, by W. J. Fore au«l wifo, S. S. Fore, to the undersigned mortgagee, to secure the payment of a bond therein described, said mortgage deed being of record on page 243 of Book No. 47, of M. D's in of fice Register of Deeds for Ala mance county the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Grahatti, at noon, on SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1011, the following real property to-wit: A tract or pArcel of land, in ilaw River township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of C. 11. Johnston, Thos. M. Holt Mfg. Co., J. M. and Annie L. Baker and others and described as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt, cor ner of said Johnston in center of public road to Ilaw River, N. C., running thence South 88$° E., 3.49J chains to an iron bar in said road; thdnce North 10° East 10.78 chains to an iron bolt, in conter of N. C.. R. tR. Track; thence with said R. R. North 88° 50' West, 2.04 chains to an iron bolt, corner with said Mfg Co., in center of said R. R. track, 2 feet East of North joint of R. R. Track; thence South West 4.03 chains to an iron bar, cor ner with said Johnston in said Mfg Co. line, thence South West 6.06 J chains to the beginning and containing 8.48 acres more or leas, and upon which there is three room cottage -dwelling, well of good water and a store building 18'x34\ Thiß property will be sold to satisfy the debt secured by said mortgage deed which is past due and unpaid. This June 7th, 1011. 11. GOODMAN, Mortgagee. OAUToaiA. Beuitk* . />l* KM You Hati Mw ijl BonX T- " ww lyiiii 4 1 ...The Average Business Man... ; CAN FORGIVE ALMOST ANYTHING « ! EXCEPT , Poor Writing He Does Not Have Anything to Fortflve in the work produced by the niDßLEirara : ; » •'.* y HAMMOND L ' ! Model Model '■n ' t: . ■ ( | I#"It is an cstubliHhcd fact—it doe* the FINE TYPEWRITING I , OF THE WORLD 1 And there is a reason why— (WMklaflM Branch) ! THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITFR CO. , j 824-385 Colorado Washington. D. C. L , B. N. TURNER, Local Dealer, GRAHAM, N.C. NO. 21 PROFESSIONAL CARDS T, S. COOkI Attorney-at-Law, > GRAHAM, .... . XT. 0. Offlce Patterson Bulldlnj r "M Second Floor. loviiuiui i mow. w. P. B/rai Ja, MJM & BYNUM, A.ttorn«y-. mil f i ni"iiaal«ii» at law U..I.KNSBOBO, » V. Frtctto ie*nlarlr !b th« eovU «f At*- j>auc« coaniv. An*. f, 94 If DAMERON & LONQ Attorneya-atXaw K. 8. W. DAMKKON, J. ADO LPS LOMO •Phone HO, 'Pboae MM Piedmont Bulldlnt, Holt-NloholaeaßMf, , BurHn*ton, w.c. Orakaa.lT. O i7wILLS.LOM.JU. ... DENTIST 4 » . Graham. . ■ . . Nerth Carallas ; OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING (AOOB A. LOHG. I. KLKKB MBS] LONG ft LONG, *.ttonuj> and Oonaaalova a* Law GRAHAM, H. «, The NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the Mate for the women of North Carolina. Five regular courses leading to degrees. Special courses for teachers. Free tuition to thoae who agree to become teachers in the Btate. Fall session begins Sept. 18,191]. For catalogs sad other information address /"'mIhHH JUUUS I. FOUST, 22junel0t Greensboro, N. C. —SCISSORS and Knives an easily ruined if not properly ground when being sharpened. If yon want them sharpened right and aad* to cut as good as new give mo a trial. Will sharpen anything from a broad aietd a pen-knife. Charges moder ate. B.N. Tubxk, this office.