VOL. XXXVII. Ms Pills g^% T ffSß\£3! jjjjrajjt komb, mat mm » ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, gpMTßSSfirtW?' Take No Subitftiite. —1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS CT„ B. O OOK, Attorney ««t« Law, GRAHAM, V. ft OB* Patterns Batldlaf Beoood Fleer. IOHIT JBA* vrinu w. r. inn Ja. BYNUHABTNUX, " Attorney* and CotuiMlon kt Lav CiaKfNSBOBO. « V. Prattle* refalarir la Oa aaarta af Ala manoaaoaaty. lat.(Hl) DAMERON & LONO MlHM|»atUir »■ 8. W.PAMHOW, I J. ADOLFB Ul| •Pfcoaa HO, 'Pboae 1M Piedmont BuikUnj, IHolt-Nleholaea BMf. Burlington, Jf.C | Grakaa.W. 0. DR. WILLS. LONG, JR. . . t DENTIST i I * Graham, . . . . Narto Carallaa OFFICE M SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LOHO. J. «mi» UH LONG & LONO, Attowaya and Oonn«alw»atlaw OUHAH, K. \ Will Leonard was the victim of the explosion of a bottle at coca cold at Lexington last week. He was placing the bottle in an ioe box when it exploded, the glass cutting a severe gash in his hand. —BOIBBORS and Knives are easily ruined if not properly ground when being sharpened. If yon want them sharpenedjight sad made to cut ss good ss new aire me a trial. Will sharpen anything from a broad axeto a pen-knife. Charges moder ate. B. N. Train, this office. K;f#- . -"S. rn :■ ■■ .. ■ |pf ' • " -r y* :. ..;■■■*. ■^fbJ-^---y r '''"->r ■•'' THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. Largest Baby ia the World Mk Airy, DlapaM, Kth. In James Adolph Cody, two yean and three months old, Mt. Airy boasts the biggest baby in the world. Jamee Adolph now weighs 199 pounds, and ia grow ing evely day. With the first indication of the abnormal growth, his parents oon snlted a physician, and James Adolpk «aa put under hia care. All efforts to keep the baby on a diet aaiUble for one of hia age proved nnanoeeaafnl to keep him nonuL Baby sleeps wen and la perfect ly healthy and strong. Hia ap petite ia like that of a grown per son. For breakfast he will eat three and four large biscuits, with bacon gravy, butter and syrup; two glasses of buttermilk and two cups of coffee. Between breakfast and dinner he will eat two more biscuits with butter and syrup. For dinner be can eat a large plate of greens or any kind of vegetables, with boiled baeon, oornbread, biscuit and a whole pie, if he ean get it, with two glasses of buttermilk. Baby eata again between dinner and supper, and hia supper ia ia keeping with breakfast and din ner. Hon. Hoke Smith was Saturday inaugurated Governor of Geoigia, succeeding Gov. Jo. Brown, who defeated Smith for the nomina tion when the latter bad finished his first term as Governor. Smith reciprocated by defeating Brown when the latter had served but one term. The Georgia Legisla ture, which is in session, will elect a United States Senator to aueoeed Clay, deceased. J. M. Terrell, who is filling the vacancy temporarily, is a candidate and eo is Gov. Smith. Itisßaidthe latter will in all probability be elected. FOOT men were kiUed and three badly injured in a oallison between an extra and work train, near Superior, Wisconsin, Wednesday. Real Estate At Auction Choice feots and Small Farm Tracts From 6 To 10 Acres At GRAHAM, N. (1, To Be Sold At Auction Saturday, July 22,10:30 A. M. This Is the A. T. Walker place near Graham Depot and also 105 acres about one mile North of the Depot Nothing is safer than real estate, nothing surer to give big profits than purchases here in this section, as the lots are near the new electric car line, and near the Depot It i& stated as a fact that the electric car line is to be finished within a few weeks. The 6to 10 acres are on the ram road froni Graham Depot to Big Falls and about one mile from the town of Burlington, having a graded school on tha farm and only 400 yards from the Southern Power Company line. Thfe is an opportunity of a lifetime to buy when you get it at your own price as we sell to the highest bidder. There will be music by the Brass Band. * Many valuable silver souvenirs will be given away iree at the time oi sale but you must be present to get them. Easy Terms—l-3 cash, balance in 6 and 12 months with interest on deierred payments. , Remember the date, Saturday, July 22, Time 1030 A. M. E M. ANDREWS, Manager SOUTHERN REALTY & AUCTION COMPANY - : GREENSBORO' N. C California Coogirmmin Buys Land in This State. Wilarinftoa SpaaUl, June M, to Cha lotle Obeenret. , Ex-Sheriff Jordan, of Guilford county, and Congressman William Kent, of California, who has the reputation of being the wealthiest insurgent in Congress, have just closed a deal for forty thousand acres of land near Manchester, on the C. F. A T. V. railroad, be tween Fayetteville and Sanford. A portion of the land is in Cum berland and part in Harnett. Sheriff Jordan and Congressman Kent spent the dayatWrighta viile Beach and the latter left for Washington tonight. The large tract of land will be developed and the first move will be to plant out a huudred-acre orchard as demonstration. Work will be started shortly laying out sand-olay roads throughout the estate and roads will be built to Fayetteville, and also to Pine hurst. Efforts will be made to get people from the North who desire to engage in farming. This land lain what is known as the sand-hill section and is the same kind of land on which is grown such splendid fruit in the Pine burst section. It ia said that this sand land around Hamlet is being made to produce fine cotton. The tract will be called "Pine Wild." Sheriff Jordan has con nected with some ot the largest real estate deals ever put through in this State and every project he has been connected with has proven a success. Congressman Kent owns large estates in some balf dozen Western States. Fire at Greensboro, Monday night of last week, practically de stroyed the plant and lumber stock of the Guilford Lumber Manufacturing Company. Loss estimated at $40,000, with $7,000 insurance. A portrait of late State Auditor B. F. Dixon has been received and will be hung in the State library at Raleigh. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1911. A High Grade Blood Partner, Go to Alamance Pharmacy and buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enr ch your blood aud build up your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. Is guaranteed to euro all blood diseases and skin humors, such as Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, " Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pains, Pimpl s, Old Sores, Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these blood trouble* by killing thit poison humor and ex [telling from the system. B. B. B. is the only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it cures and heals all sores when all else fails, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, i Ga. In Asheville last week Police man McConnell arrested John Huff, alias George Waldrop, col ored, charged with stealing cattle. The officer put his prisoner in an automobile and started with him to jail when the negro pulled a gun, shot the officer and made his escape. The wound is serions but the officer is expected to re cover. Kill Mara Thaa Wild Beast*. The number of people killed yearly hy wild beasts don't ap proach the vast number killed by disease germs. No life Is safe from their attacks. They're in air, water, dust, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Electric Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from the sys'ein. That's why chills, fever and ague, all malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy tho glorious health and new strength they'll give you. Money back, if not satisfied. Only 60c at Graham Drug Co's. Vernon McGlamery, of Stanton, Wilkes county, 16 yeara old, was kicked by a horse a few days ago and died from the effects. Electrician Electrocuted at Hickory. Btateavllle Landmark, July 7th. Edward Bumgardner, assistant electrician for the Thornton Light A Power Co., of Hickory, was eiectroonted at 11 o'clock Monday night while repairtug a street lamp. The insulation at tho top of the lamp had bee« destroyed and tho chaiu connecting with the lamp and reaching to Tthe street had become connected with the circuit. When he took hold of the chain to lower the lamp sev eral hundred volta of electricity passed through his body, kiUing him instantly. He lajr where he fell for about half an hour before being discovered. | Bumgardner was a young man and is survived by a wife and child. sloo—Dr. E. Detchnn's Ant-i Diuretic may be worth to you more than SIOO if you have a child who soils bedding from incontin ence of water during aleep. Cures old and young alike, It arrests the trouble at once. sl. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Tho Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. will build fc plant at Wades boro. Ten acres of land have been bought for the purpose. Foley Kidney Pills are com posed of ingredients specially se lected for their corrective, heal ing, tonic, and stimulating effect upon the kidneys, bladder and urinary passages. They are anti septic, antliithio and a uric add solvent. For sale by all druggists. Capt. Andrew Jackson Dough erty, Thirtieth Infantry, United States army, assigned by the War Department for duty with the North Carolina National Guard, has arrived in Raleigh and is on duty. Geo. W. Gurloy was instantly killed by lightning last week at his home near Princeton. FtoIYSOMNOI* v TTO rot SIOMACM Teovai.l antt-r TION Mortgagee's Sale Under and by virtue of the Power, of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage doed executed on the 31st day of Jan., I'JlO, by W. J. Fore and wife, S. S. Fore, to the undersigned mortgagee, to secure the payment of a bond therein described, said mortgage deed being of record on page 843 of Book No. 47, of M. D's tn of fice Register of Deeds for Ala mance county the undersigned will sell to the highest bidder Tor cash, at the court house door in Graham, at noon, on SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1011, the following real property to-wit: A tract or parcel of land, in Haw River township, Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the landß of C. 11. Johnston, Thos. M. Ilolt Mfg. Co., J. M. and Annie L. Baker and others and described as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt, cor ner of said Johnston iu center of public road to Haw River, N. C., running thence Bouth 881® E., 3.49f chains to an iron bar iu said road; thence North 10° East 10.78 chains to an iron bolt, in conter of N. C. R. R. Track; thence with said R. R. North 88° 60' West, 2.04 chains to an iron bolt, corner with said Mfg Co., in center of said It. R. track, 2 feet East of North joint of R. R. Track; thence South 201° West 4.03 chains to an iron bar, cor ner with said Johnston in said Mfg Co. line, thence South |° West6.9ol chains to the beginning and containing 3.48 acres more or less, and upon which there is three room cottage dwelling, well of good water and a store building 18'* 34'. This property will be sold to satisfy the debt secured by said mortgage deed which is past due and unpaid. This June 7th, 1911. H. GOODMAN, Mortgagee. Foley** Honey and Tar Compound Is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown per sons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For salo by all druggists. FOLEYS KIDNEY PILLS ft* >—■««■« ...The Average Business Man... CAN FORGIVE ALMOST ANYTHING EXCEPT j, Poor Writing He Does Not Have Anything to Forgive ■ - In the work produced by the 1 liiinKnin ■ J i J .HAMMOND L * ' J VISIBLE■ r NO. 12.. . Nh > Model Model N ®-» jggSWHr No - lz i | iSrit is an established fact—it does the jMm FINE TYPEWRITING \ , OF THE WORLD And there Is a reason why— 1 (Washington Branch) «! THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITER CO. i » 524-535 Colorado Bldg., Washington. D. C. , I B. N. TURNER, Local DeaJer, GRAHAM, N. C. ■—ahi m*lli ill oAh w«>n*iA>w iMiiH A Peek Into Hl* Pockat | r^*wi^^MySbulnD?a»nd^iSSjjT^ would show the box of Bncklen's Arnica Salve that K. S. Loper, al®T a| ■ 1 I HAk; e ...$ carpenter, of Marilla, N. Y. nl- IWm• R ■ k ■ \M ways carrion. "I have never had : a cut, wound, bruise, or sore it '!gg*° r .P^° >oe - >ln, « n>t 9 , *P r I wonld not soon heal," he writes. 'HowtoaecnrafQanr %|aaira writ* Greatest healer of burns, boils, ! scalds, chapped hands and lips, fever-sores, sjcin-ernptions, ezema, In i , 111 MsjM corns and piles. S()c at Graham , o ua- i-r x a . V °T m oAavoniA. i>e Witt # Little tarty Risers. " c ~ ta * TV# Uwm* «lta 0 I#c4^VA NO. 22 ,' 42?--.