vol. xxxvn. A HAPPY - HOME Is ON wiiw hedtfe 'With Impure blood tkora MNt be cood health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good Mood. Ms Pills revivify the torpid LIVER MdtMtaM ltd natural actios. A healthy LIVER mm pan Mood. —, Pare blood means health. Health means hsppiaess. Take wtf Substitute. All DragglsU, PROFESSIONAL CARDS T, S. C ©OIZ, Attorney *at- Law, GRAHAM, N. 0. Offloe Psttmon Building - Sooond.floor. Kysoii. w. P. MTMVU in, iBINUM & BYNUM, Attorney* and f nnimloriil QtvEKNBBORO, » U. Practice regularly la tha Marts el Sis mance county. Aa*. S, M I, DAMERON & LONG Atlorneya-at-Law B. 8. W. DAMEKON, J. ADO LPS LORC 'Phono KO, 'Phona IMB Piedmont Building, Holt-Xleholaoa Bldg. Burlington, N. C. Graham, MJO. DR. WILLS. LONG, JR. . . . DENTIST l i , Graham, . - - . North Carellas OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDING JACOB A. LONQ. J. XLKXX LSXO LONG A LONG, Attomera and Couxiaelora at Law GRAHAM, K. *\ —SCISSORS and Knives an easily rained if not properly ground when being sharpened. If you want them sharpened right and made to cut as good as new give me * trial. Will sharpen anything from a broad axeto a pen-knife. Charges moder ate. B. N. Tobnkk, this office. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER. IT COSTS MORE TO LIVE. Prices Higher fa 19M Tfan fa 1909. ' Washington, July 10.—The , high cost of living is no myth. An Investigation by the bureau of labor of the prices of 257 commod ities during . 1910, shows the wholesale prices in that year were | 4 per cent, higher than in 1909, and 1.6 per cent, above the aver ' age of 1907, which was the year of highest prices since 1890. In • view of the Canadian reciprocity discussion an interesting item in the bureau report shows that the , wholesale price of farm products . was 7.5 per cent, higher in 1910 than in 1909. i Wholesale prices in 1910 were ( 19.1 per cent, higherthan in 1900; 46.7 per cent, higher than 1897, which was the year of lowest prices between 1890 and 1910; 16.6 per cent, higher than 1890 and 31.6 per cent, higher than the • average high prices between 1890 and 1899. The highest prices in this de cade were reached in October, » 1907, when a general decline be gan which continued until Aug ust, IMB. A rise then set in and there wen monthly increases without a break up to March, 1910, when wholesale prices ' reached the highest point in 20 yean. They were then 21.1 per cent, higher than the average of ' 1900, 49.2 per cent, 'higher than the yearly average of 1897, aud 33.8 per cent, higher than the average price of ten yean between 1890 and 1899. Then followed a slight decline, and from June to December, 1910, prices remained nearly level and at the close of the calendar year . 1910, they were still 30 per cent." ( higher than the ten year average I between 1890 and 1900, and 45.4 t per cent, higher than the record > set by the low price year of 1897. ■ Of the 257 commodities eon | sidered In the Investigation 148 showed an average increase; 261 Real Estate At Auction Choice feots and Small Farm Tracts From 6 To 10 Acres At GRAHAM, N. G, To Be Sold At Auction Saturday, July 22,10:30 A. M. This is the A. T. Walker place near Graham Depot and also 105 acres about one mile North of the Depot Nothing is safer than real estate, nothing surer to give big profits than purchases here in this section, as the lots are nearihe new electric car iine, and near the Depot . m It is stated as a fact that the electric car line is to be finished within a few weeks. The 6to 10 acres are on the main road from Graham Depot to Big Falls and about one mile from the town of Burlington, having a graded school on the farm and only 400 yards from the Southern Power Company line. ; , This is an opportunity of a lifetime to buy when you get it atyour own price as we sell to the highest bidder. There will be music by the Brass Band. Many valuable silver souvenirs will be given away free at the time oi sale but you must be present to get them. Easy Terms—l-3 cash, balance in 6 and 12 months with interest on deferred payments. Remember the date, Saturday, July 22. Time 1030 A. M. E M. ANDREWS, Manager SOUTHERN REALTY & AUCTION COMPANY GREENSBORO, N. C showed no change and 83 showed decreases. Prioes of lumber and building materials increased 10.7 per cent; farm products 7.5 percent; drags 4.1 per cent; food stuffs 3.2 per cent; clothing 2.7 peroent, and the miscellaneous group of com modities 5.7 per cent. Home furnishings decreased 0.1 percent, and fuel and light 3 per cent. A High Grade Blood Parlfler. Go to Alamance Pharmacy and buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood BAlm. It will purify and enrich your blood and build up your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to cure all blood diseases and skin humors, such as , Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humon, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pains, Pimpl s, Old Soros; Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these blood troubled by killing thit poison humor and expelling from the system. B. B. B. is tho only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it cures and heals all sores when all else fails, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Qa. Cotton Bhowed the highest aver age growing condition of any crop on July 1, with lemons and or anges ranging second and third, i In Its general review of the crop conditions for June the bureau of statistics of the Department of Agriculture Bays the month of June was decidedly unfavorable [ for growing crops in most parts of ■ the United States. The aggre gate condition of all crops on i July 1 was 10.7 per cent, below : the average condition, whereas on [ June 1 conditions were only 2.8 per cent, under the'average. OAfIaOHIA. 1 Baantk* /} Kw Kin Always Bough- GRAHAM, N.C., THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1911. -1 Real Manhood and True Worth Be ing Recognized. f , . MarahYlllc Home. One of tho most encouraging ' r signs of the (lay is that real man- j hood and true worth is coiniug to th« front—that the world is learn- ; ing to trust and honor a man for what he is, rather than for what denominational creed he happens to belong to or what achooi of partisan politics he associates i himself with. Character aud ability are the only true testa of j any person. The others are non- i p essentials. It is a dangerous 1 r thing to giva a man or woman a 9 position of trnst simply because 1 he or she holds certain political views or is identified with a par ticular religious denomination. Yet there are people so narrow aud little and "swunk up" that they are willing to sacrifico those traits of character aud marks of ability.that would fit a' person for a big responsibility for tho sake of denominationaiism or political ® references. Such an one is a menace to a town or community o and isn't fit to have anything to 0 do with electing or employing a 8 person to fill a public ofilce or po- . 1 sition. Don't understand us to y be arguing against church work. , We believe in that good and | strong, bnt it is the little ideas | that "we are the whole thing"— ■- that Phariseeical feeling—that we p are arguiug against, and this , writer thinks mighty little of it, too. 1 P Kill More Than Wild Beeit*. I f The number of people killed 1 f -yearly »iy wild beasts don't ap f proach the vast number killed by 1 disease germs. No life is safe 6 from their attacks. They're in •f air, water, dust, even food. But i y- grand protection is afforded by , Q Electric Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from the system. That's u why chills, fever and ague, all 8 malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new * strength they'll give you. Money back, if not satisfied. Only 60c 1 at Graham Drug Go's. 1 Do Something for Your Town. Maxton Scottish Chief. One man cannot make a town. The newspaper cannot do it. But one man on a newspaper with the help of the wide-awake mou of the place all pulling together, can make a wide difference in the place. Eveiy man who succeeds iu a town is a help to it. The more money he makes, if he spends it, the better for the com munity. Tho larger business he builds up, the more he advertises, and hence the more attention he brings to the town. A man can not build up an honorable busi ness in the town without helping the country. The interest of one Is the Interest of all. No town will become a busi ness center so long as its business men rely upon a few merchants to make the effort to bring trade to the town. Too often the men in a few lines of trade an about the only ones that reach out for oustom. Other merchAttta will wait until these men have in duced the people to come to town and conteut themselves with trade that naturally drifts to their place. A public spirited man should ask himself if ho is doing his part in attracting people to town to trade. $lO0 —Dr. E. Detchnn's Anti Diuretic may be worth to you more than 1100 if you have a child who soils bedding from incontin ence of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike, It arrests the trouble at once. 91. Sold by Graham Drug Co. Work is to begin about Janu ary Ist on an addition to the post office buildipg at Winston-Salem, to cost $200,000. Foley Kidney Pills are com posed of ingredients specially se lected for their corrective, heal ing, tonic, and stimulating effect upon the kidneys, bladder and urinary passages. They are anti septic, antillthic and a uric acid solvent. For sale by all druggists. Kentucky Republicans have nominated Judge E. C. O'Rear for Governor. Fourteen persons were killed and 44 injured by the wreck ,of the Federal express train, ou the New York, New Haven and Hart ford railway, at Bridgeport Conn., Tuesday morning a week. The train was running at high speed and went off. the track at an em bankment. Five of thoso killod were women. Mn. Frances Surrait, about 50 years old, a resident of Cherokee county, S. C., shot at LilDuncan, a colored woman, Sunday night a week, and the shot intended for the Duncan woman killed her two-year-old child. Mrs. Snrratt surrendered and is in jail. It is stated that the conduct of the woman's husband aud the negress is in soino measure responsible for the shooting. Reports of raius iu tho cotton belt and the prospect of a record breaking crop, caused a drop iu the price of cotton on the New York exchange last week. The depreciation amounted to $2.50 the bale, July contracts selling at 13.72. Poley'i Honey aad Tar Compound Is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown per sons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For sale by all druggist*. At Sunday morning's service in Washington Square Methodist Church, liageratown, Md., the pastor. Rev. C. L. Hubbard, asked the ladies present to decide by voto whether the men should be permitted to attend church with out coats. The vote was unan imous in favor of shirt sleeves, whereupon many of the men pres ent threw off their coats, and at the evening service a large num ber of men appeared in their shirt sleeves. FMIYS (H»lNot7 OTTO fee tfe*MCH Ifcewata and ' '' ...The Average Business Man... , , CAN FORGIVE ALMOST ANYTHING EXCEPT ~ poor Writing He Does Not Have Anything to Forgive * In the work produced by the V Dunmiinra Modet ModCl njSj - j I | Mrit is an established fact—it does the j , FINE TYPEWRITING t t OF THE WORLD ' 1 And there is a reason why--* 'Washington Branch) I * THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITFR CO. i| 1 824-835 Colorado Bldo„ Washington. D. C. t , B. N. TURNER, Local Dealer, GRAHAM, N.C. ( , m Vl'" "'V I " A.Peek Into Hl* Pocket ] [ would show the box. of Bucklen's \ ■ | Arnica Salve thftt E. 8. Loper, a ; I •I II ■ 1 ■ carpenter, of Marilla, N. Y. al- 1 ■ H k ■ I ways carries. "I have never had lilAUbmbHbp ; a cut, wound, bruise, or sore it would not soon heal, lie writes. Howioßaonnfnanr IIARIfQ write' Greatest healer of" burns, boils, 1 scalds, chapped hands and lips, JfTVJ 1 111 V VM;> fever-sores, skin-eruptions, w,ema, ! I I | I . »jl ; corus awl piles. 50c at Graham ' | C3JX.WO 'X UXI X jy. . ioleyskdneyphis Tis ;w nsr F*. Bhmiw *" NO. 23

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