VOL. xxxvn. Tutt's Pills g.nas.graai.'aaa whatever be wishes. They ftnist SICK HEADACHE, causa the food to asafawflate and asa*. lsk the body, gtve ksaa sgpstito, DEVELOP FLESH Tako°No^Substitute. .1 .■" " . ttsamm—r PROFESSIONAL CARDS T, S- COOX, Attorney-at- Law, GRAHAM, - • • • . N. 0. OBoe Patterson Building Beeond Vleor. . . , , . lone (JSAT Ur*OM. V. P. BTKWK is, BVNUM &BYNUM, A.ttus-ue»r» itnfl Coiinwloss e> LIW fcl tkBiCOTBOBO, It u. Practice regularly la the courts of Ha aisace oonnly. Aug. T, M ty DAMERON & LONG Attorn eya-a t-Lnw I. 8. W. DAIIKUON, J. A DOLTS MX# 'Phone MO, 'PhOae MOB Piedmont Building, Holt-PlehetenßlAp. i Burlington, N.C. OmOm.IL.CI DR. WILL S.LOSG, Jfi. . . . DENTIST ♦ . . Graham. . . . . NeeMi Carotiae OFFICE IN SIMMONS BUILDIAU JACOB A. LONG. J. KLXKB UN LONG A LONG, AttomeysandOwisselWsaHi -■** ( ' ( OH AH A If, X. •*. The Raleigh Daily Times RALEIGH, N. 0. ili ► The Great Home Newspaper of (he State. The news of the World is gathered by pri vate leased wires end by the well-trained •peoial correspondents of ti.e Times snd set before tbe readers in s conolse and interest ing manner eaoh afternoon As a chronicle of world events the Times Is lodisfeuable,-while tts bureau* In Wash* lngton and New Toifc makee Its news'trom tbe legislative and flnanolsl oenters at the country tbe best that can be obtained. AM woman's paper tbe Times has no su perior, being morally and intellectually a paper or tbe highest type. It publlsSeslthe veir best features that ean be written on fashion and miscellaneous matters. Tbe Times market news makes It a"buti neas lien's necessity for the farmer, mer chant and the broker ean depend upon com plete and-reliable Information upon their various lines of trade. - - Subscription Rstei Doily'{(nail) 1 mp; two; 8 mo. 75c; 8 mo. sl3ftr*»mo. $9.60 Address all orders to The BaMokttaily Times * j: V. Simina, Publishers. LIVES OF CHRISTIAN MINISTERS This book, entitled as above, contains over 200 memoirs of Min isters in the Christian Church with historical references. An Interesting volume—nicely print ed and bound. Price per copy: cloth, $2.00; gilt top, $9.60. By mail.2oc extra. Orders may b« sent to P. J. KEBNODLK, v 1012 E. Marshall St., Riohmond, Va. Orders may be leftat this office. ARE YOU f\ UP r TO DATE " If yon are not the NEWS JUT OBBSVBS is. Subscribe for it at once and it will keep you abreast of the times. Full.Associated Press dispatch es; All the news—foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all tV +*fT»Ti Daily New* and Observer $7 per year, 3.s(>for 6 mo*. Weekly North Carolinian $1 per vear, 50c for 6 mos. NEWS & OBBEBVBR PUB. CO., R ALKIGH, N. C. * - "r'.'J r' ' .**■> 5 ; '7* i The North Carolinian and THS ALAMANCE GUCAJOEB will be aent for one year for Two Dollars. . Cash in advaoca. Apply at Thb Guakoi ofioe. Gmhant, K. C. ' '• iS n*o M eignslure ii on imj box «r Ik* >*■■ to Laxative Bioa»-Qui;. s n*M> ME ALAMAKGE GLEANER. -.V •. '-J • .- " - ■ . J - rI ' ' Strictly Business A PaetaanMt r « Purely Money Making CtoKMi By a iIENRY IkgHfoUt, Fee* I aoppnss |«a M» alt aboot the stage dad stage people. You've been touched with and by actors, and yon read tbe newspaper eritlntin and tbe Jokss hi the weeklies abort the Rial to and the chorus girls and the tons haired tragedlaoa. Latterly there has been much talk of the actor people la a new light It seams to have been divulged that In stead of being BMtorteg bacchanalian* and diamond h«ngry;JLoretels they are businesslike folk, students and as cetics with children and home* and libraries. Whether the old or tbe new report of the sock and bttakiners be tbe true oae Is a surmise \tliat has *no place bees. I offer yon merely this UtUe story of *we strollers, and for proof of Its truth 1 «an show you only the dark patch. tbe caat Iron handle of the *la»a w»auco door of Hector*! old made there by tbe psteteatpattOf gloved hands toe lm patient to finger tbe clnmay thumb letch and where I laat saw Cherry wtttfagthrough like a swsUow Into -her nsst, «»--jHme to the minute, as useal» W*«s* for her act. Thsnandevllle team of Hart and Cher ry was an Inspiration. Bob Hart bad been roaming through tbe eastern and Western circuits for four years with a adzed up act syfrprlslag a roeaoiegse. three lightning changes with songs, a couple df Imitations' of celebrated imi tator* and. aback apd wing daacs that had'drawn a. glance of approval from ttw.fcas* viol playes tn too re than one Mfk, thia which no performer ever melted tpore satisfactory evidence of good wiork. »».r One afternoon Bob Baft presented his solvent, serious, well known vau devllllan face at the box office window of a rival attraction and got his d. h. coupon for an orchestra seat , A, B, C and D glowed successively ch, tbe announcement spaces and pesa «fl Into oblivion, each plunging Mr. Hart deeper Into gloom. But when H came en "the Mustard" suddenly sat up straight H was tho happy alphabetical prognoatlcator of Winona 'Chart? Ip -character songs and hnpeasenakena. Tbare were scarcely more than two bites to Cherry, but the delivered tbe merchandise tied with a pink cord and charged to tho old man's account Km first showed you a deliriously dewy and glnghamy country girl with a basket N of property dal*ta» who laformed yea Ingenuously that 4kve Were oth«*£ttags to be learned at the old log SChoolhouse be sides alpberiQ' and nouns, especially "wlm the teacher kept me in." Van ishing with a quick flirt of .gingham apron strings, ahe reappeared in con siderably less than a "trice" as a fluffy Pariaienne —so near does art bring the old red mill to the Moulin Bouge. And then — x y But you know tbe seat And so did Bob Hsrt, but be aaw'somebody else. He thought he saw that Cherry was the only professions! on the short or der stage that be had seen who seem ed exactly to fit the part of Helen «tfmas.de the ahetati be had written and kept tusked away in the tray of Ms trunk. But Bob Hsrt*s sketch was not des tined to end in a pickle Jar. He celled it "Mice Will Play." He t»d kept It qnlet and bidden away ever since he wrote it waiting to find a partner who fitted bis conception of Helen primes. And here wss Helen herself, with all the innocent abandon, the youth, tbe sprlghtliness and tbs flawless stage art that his critical taste I—ilil. After tbe act em# ever Hsrt found the manager in the box office ead got I Cherry's address. At B tbe Mat eftaa noon be called at the musty old house tat the West Pestta* mad sent up his ptofssslonsl card. By daylight la a secular shirt waist and s plain voile skirt, with her hair curbed and bar Sister of Charity eye*. Winona Cherry might bars been play ing tbs part of Prudence Wise, tbe deacon's dsughter, In the great (un written) New England drama aot pet Mttthdaartkbg. *T know yoftr act Mr- Hart," She eatdalkardhe had Peeked ever Ms seed carutully. "What did pea wfcb to see Me abontf* -I sew yna week tut. night." mtt Bart Tvs written a sketch thst !**• been saving sp. Mr* dor twot sad I tklnk yon wsfofii stksr part 1 thought rd eee 70a about it" "Come in the parlor," said Mfos Cher ay. *U've haw wishing foe ss matting og the sort 1 tklnk Pd Mfcs to act la steed of doing tarns." Bob Bart drew Ma eberished "Mice WDI Play" from his pocket and rood it k her. _ _ folephini call sad cutting the dia logne jast before the cllmaj while they were struggling for tbe pfotol sad by comple^ the Haes^ud^ L mU her ItifotuAswhk c ssrt zx&rzc pstaka Thai was her woman's latai tloo tfcst be had lacked. At tbe sad of their talk Bart was wtmng to staks tbs JadgmsaC experience end ssvlags of his fear years of vsadeville that "Mice WiH Play" would biesssm Into s psreankl Bower la the gasdenef the said she. *1 b*U«re pour sketch Is ~oac to win eat. That fthMSftrt fits me kke e skrinkaMe fiaanet after Ha first trip to a bandless hand la ask j. I ees make it stand out Wee the enteqsl of the PUrtr-foartfa regiment at a little mothers' baxaar. And I'T? *een yon work. I know what yqa cffii do with the other part. But t#aineae la busineee. How much do you get a week for the stunt 70a do now 1" •*Two handred," answered Hart • "I get SIOO for mine," said Cherry. "That's about the natnral discount for a woman. But I live on It and put a few slmoleons every week under the loose brick In the old kitchen hearth. The stage is all right 1 love It but there's something else I lore better— VitU. "PSAD If AOAXH, PLBASB," SAID MISS that's a little country home, some day, with Plymouth Rook chickens and alx ducks wandering around tbe yard. "Now, let me toll you, Mr. Hart, I am strictly business. If you want me to play tbe opposite pert In your sketch I'll do it And I believe ws can qiske it go. And there's some thing U« I went to say. There's no nonsense in my makeup. I'm on the level, and I'm on tbs stage for what it pays me. Just ss other girl* work In stores snd offices. "If you want to make this s busi ness partnership, Mr. Hsrt, with sll 1 nonsense cut out of it, I'm In on It I know something about vaudeville team* In general, but thl* would have to be one in particular. I want you to know that Pm on the stags for. what 1 can cart swsy from It every pay day In s little msnils envelope kith nicotine stains on it where the cashier has licked the flap. Ifs s kind of hob by of mine to want to crsvenette my self for plenty of rainy days in the future. I want you to know Just how I em. I don't know trbat an all nlgM restaurant looks I drink only weak never spoke to a man at s stage entrance lit my life, add I've got money in live savings banks." "Miss Cherry," ssld Bob Hsrt to his smooth, serious tones, "you're In on yoar own terms. I've got 'strictly buslnen' pasted In my hat snd ten cHed on my makeup box. When I dream of nights I alwsys see a five room bungalow on tbe north shore of Long Island, with s Jsp cooking clam broth and duckling In tbe kitchen and me with tbs title deeds to the place In my pongee coat pocket swing tog in a hammock on the aide porch." ''' Tbe subsequent history of "Mice Will Plsy" is the history of all suc cessful writings for tbe stage. Hsrt and Cherry cut it, pierced it. remodeled It, put tbe Sketch through all the known processes of condensation snd Improvement They rebesrsed It by tbe old fash ioned boarding bpuss dock In tbe rarely assd parlor qntil Its warning click at five minutes to the hour would occur every time exactly half s second before the click of tba union dad re volver that Helen Grimes used hearsing tho thrilling climax of the sketch. Yes, that was a thriller and a piece ot excellent work, fo tho let a rdM S3 caliber revolver was used, loaded with a real cartridge. Helen Crime*, who is a western girl of decidedly Buf falo BUllah skill snd daring. Is tem pestuously In tars with Jack Valen tine, tbe private secretary and confi dential prospective son-in-law ef ber father, "Arapahoe" Grime*, quarter million dollar cattle king, owning a ranch that. Judging by the see aery, k fa either tbe Bad Lands or Imogen sett L. L Valentine (In private life Mr. Bob Bart) wean puttees and .Meadow Brook Bnnt riding trousers and glvss his address ss New York. There were only two ports and * half ia "Mice Will Play." Hart aad Cherry were tbe two, of course, and the half was a minor part always play ed by a stage hand. There was another girl In the sketch 1 —a Fifth avenue society swalles* who I was visiting tbe ranch and who had sir*nsd Jack Valentine when he was a wealthy clubman on lower Third avenue before no lest Ms men ejr. Tbte fikl sppsarsd sa tbe steps only In tbs photographic state—Jack bad ber Baro ny stack ap ea tbe mantel of the Akkgan ef the Bed Leads drartng seem. Helen was Jealous, ot course. Aad new Car the thriller. Old Arap ahoe Chases dies ef eagles pectoris one alght—do Helen Informs u* la • stags ferryboat whisper over the lost lights—while only hk secretary was prwiat And that ssme day be was known to have had 9MVDOQ la cask hi hk (ranch) library Just received for th* Ml* of ■ few* of bear** to th* mt (Hmu lefloonlf for Qm prico we pay tor Mask!) Tlm casta dlaap peais at the HOC -tin*. Jack Vatoo ttoa wu the only peteon with th* ranchman Whan ba made hi* (alleged) croak. "Gawd Juuws 1 lor* him. bnt U be ha* dona this deed*"- You *aba, don't you 7 And than tbara in torn* maaa thine* said abont tha truth trim Oihnaa, chaparraHeh aa aha can ba, A.CFFJSR'.^RSU.S: ia not only a telaetto. but a faenclar. To loee atone Ml ewoop mijX» and s kwar to riding troueer* with angle* to tha aldaa Ilka tha rerUtkm* on tha chart «f s typhoid torar pattest te enough to make an/ perfect ladJ SMd. •» thaal _ batfe l "(sdnt l Uto Wtar^e 1 ? Uh fry to Atoagansatt wncel) Tha d*- nouement than basins Helen thinks Jack has takaa tha ■optt Jg* ~ . . WRajMCS **»: > - fwr 5 ' GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULYSM 1911. Goaded beyond Imprudence (as be fore said), Helen say* to Jack Valen tine, "Bobber and thief, and, worse yet stealer of trusting hearts, this should be your fate!" With that out ahe whips, of course, the trusty S3 caliber. "But I will be merciful," goes on Helen. "You shall live. That will be your punishment. I will show you how easily I could bave sent you to the death that you deserve. Tbere U her picture on tbe I will ■end through her more beafitlful face the bullet that should have pierced your craven heart" And ahe doe* It And there's no foke blank cartridges or ssslstsnts pulling strings. Helen Ores. Tbs bul let—the actual bullet—goes through the face of the photograph and tfien strike* the hidden aprlng of the elid ing panel In tbe wall, and. 10, the panel alldes, and tbere Is the missing $041,- 000 In convincing stacks of currency and bags of gold. It's great You know how It Is. Cherry practiced for two month* at a target on the roof of her boarding bona*. It took good (hooting. In tbe sketch (he bad to bit a brass disk only three Inches In diam eter, covered by wall paper lti tbe panel, and ahe had to stand lu exactly the same apot every , night and tbe photo hnd to be' in exactly the same spot, snd she had to shoot steady and true every time. Of course o)d Arapahoe had tucked the funds away there-In the secret place, and of course Jack hadn't tak en anything except his salary (whlch really might have come under tbe bead of "obtaining money undfer," but that Is neither here nor tbere). and of course the New, York girl was really engaged to a ji-oncrete house contractor In the Broux, and neces sarily Jack and Helen ended tn a half nelson, and tbere you are. After Hsrt and Cherry bad got "Mice Will Play" flawless they bad s try out at a vaudeville bouse that ac commodates. Tbs sketch wa* a house wrecker. It was one of those rare strokes of talsnt that inundates s the ater from the roof down. Tbe gallery wept and the orchestra seats, being dressed for it. swam In tears. After tbe show tbe booking agents signed blank check* and pressed foun tain pens upon Hart and Cherry. Pive hundred dollars a week was what It panned out. That night at 11:80 Bob Hart took off his hat and bade Cherry good night at ber bearding house door. "Mr. Hart," *nld she thoughtfully, "come Inside Just a few minutes. We've, got our chance now to make good and to make money. What wo want to do is to cut expenses every cent we can and 'Save all we can." "Right," said Bob. "If* business with me. You've got your scheme for banking your*, and I dream every nlgbt of that bungalow with the Jap cook and nobody around to rniso trou ble. Anything to enlarge tbe net re ceipts will engage my'altenllon." "Come Inside Just a few minutes," repeated Cherry, deeply thoughtful. "I'te got a proposition to make to you that will reduce our expenses te lot and help you work out your own fu ture and help ll#S work out atine, and. All on business principles." • •' + - • "Mice Will Play" bad n tremendou*- ly successful run In New York for ten weeks— ruther nest for a vsadeville sketch—and then it started on tbe cir cuits. \Vithout following it, It may be said that it was a solid drawing card fur two year*, without n sign of abated "popplnrlty. Bam Paokard. manage* of one of Keetor's New York bouses, (aid of Hart and Cherry: "As squsre and high toned a little terfin as ever came over tbe circuit It's s pleasure to read tbelr names on tbe booking list Quiet, bard workers, no Johnny and Mabel nonienie, on tbe Job to the minute, straight home after tbelr act, and each of 'em a* gentle manlike as s lady. I don't expect to handle sny attraction* that give me less trouble or more respect for tbe profession." And now, after so much cracking of a nutshell, her* Is tbe kernel of the story: , ... At the end of Its second season "Mice Will Play" earns back to Mew York for another run at the roof gar dene and summer theaters. Tbere wa* never aay trouble In booking It st tbe iopnotch price. Bob ilsrt bad bis bangs lew nearly paid. for. and Cherry had so soany savings deposit bank books that she had begun to boy sec tional bookcases on tbe Installment plsn to, bold them. I tell yon these things to a satire you. even if yea caat believe it, that many -very many—of tip sags peopis srs Workers with abiding ambitions. Just the sates as tbs man who wants to be peeeldml, or the grocery clerk who wants a. home in Pletbnsh, or a lady wbo le aaxieae to flop out of the count pan into tbe prince Are; And I hope I may be allowed to say, without chip plug into the eontribetlee basket tbot they often move ia a mysterious way tbelr wonders to perform. But listen. At the. first performance of "Mice WOT Plsy" in New York st tbs' new Wsstphails (no halts alluded to) the ater Wlnooa Cheery was serrous. When sbs Bred at tbe photograph ef tbe eastern beauty on tbe mental the ballet Instead of penetrating the pho to end then striking the disk, wept into tbs lower left side ef Bff Hart*s neck. Met pgpeMing to get it there Hsrt collapsed neatly, while Cherry fainted In a most artlatlc manner. Xlmi tfldinucf, «T"iMng • UM7 viewed a comedy Instead of a tragedy la which ll* principal* war* married or racoacilad. applaud*) with great *o >Jl*|l*. The «k>l haad, Wb* always men iaeh oMulMt, rang tb* car tels 4m>Bl aad two platoon* of wan* ablft*>* nmjwt tlvaiy *» l »0f» or laaa raapertfully retpoved Hart ltd Charry ,lf««l|aMj>arf mjliWlifrt •a, -aw| aU w«t>« aa marry aa aa '4ll - boll. Tba aUfa ban da found a young doc tor at lb* ate** entrant* who wu waltlaf Cor a pa (last wMb a daeoedoo at ImHmi Beauty raaaa. Tb* doc tor miUdnl dart carefully audi ta«jr*») heartily. "No headline* for you, old apart," waa bta dlagnocla. "If It bad beao two locbe* to tb* toft It would bar* , ondermlned tb* carotid artery aa far l aa tb* red frynt drug atol* ,S! „ " A&.» ' - *"** S bush and back sgaluT As It Is, you Just get the property man to bind it up with a flounce torn from any one of the girls' valeuclennes and go boms and get It dressed by tbe psrlor floor practitioner on your block snd you'll be sll right Excuse me: I've got a serious case outside to look after." After that ,Bob Hsrt looked up and felt'better. And then to where he ley came Vtncente, tbe tramp Juggler, great lu his line. Vincents, a solemn man.from Brattleboro, Vt, named Bam Griggs at home, sent toys and mspls sugar home to two smsh daughter* from every town he played. Vincents had moved on tbs same circuits with Hart and Cherry anil was tbslr peri patetic friend. "Bob," mid Vlneente ha his ssrious way, "I'm glad It's no worse. Tbs ■little lady is wild shout you." "Whof* asked Hart "Cherry," said the Juggler. "We didn't know how bad you were hurt snd we kept her sway. Ifs tsklng tbs manager and three girl* to hold her." "It was an accident, of course." said Hart "Cherry's all right Bhe wasn't feeling in good trim or shs couldn't have done it There's no hard feel ings. She** strictly bualne**. The doctor my* I'll be on tbe Job again in three days Don't let her worry." "Man," said Bam Griggs severely, puckering his old, smooth lined face, "are you a chess automaton or a hu man pincushion t Cherry's crying her heart'out fbr you—calling "Bob. Bob,' every second, with them holding her hands and keeping her from coming to you." "What's the matter with her?" ask ed Hart, with wide open eyes. "The sketch Ml go on sgain tn three days I'm not hurt bad, the doctor aays She won't lose out half a week's sal ary. I know it wa* an accident. What'* tbe matter with herl" "You seem to be blind or a sort of fool," said Vlneente. "The girl love* you and la almost mad about your "IT'S TOO LATE, SAM; IT'S TOO LATS" hurt What's the matter with you) Is sbe nothing to yuu} I wish you could bear ber call you." ' "Loves me?" asked Hob Hsrt, rising from tbe *tack of icanery on wblcb he lay. "Cherry loves me} Why, it's impossible!" "I wish you could see ber and bear ber," aald Crlicgs. "But, man." aald Bob Hart sitting up, "It's Impossible. If* Impossible, 1 tell you. I never dreamed of *ucb a thing." "No human being." said tbe tramp Juggler, "could mistake It She'* wild for love of yon. How bsvs you been so bliadr "But, my God," ssld Bob Hsrt. ris ing to his feet, "Ifs too Ists. Ifs too Iste, I tell you. Sam; it's too lata. It csn't be. You must be wrong. Ifs impossible. Tbere'* *ome mlstsks." "Bbfs crying for you." said the tramp Juggler. "Kor love of yon she's flgbttng three sad calling your namo so loud tbey don't dare to raise tbs curtain. Wake up. man!" "For love of met" said Bob Hart, with staring eyes. "Don't I tell you Ifs too Iste? Ifs 100 Iste, man. Why, Cherry snd ( fcgve been married two yesrs!" CARRYING PIQ IRON. The Way talent His Study Ineresssd Reetdts and Wegee. No work seems mors aim pis, mora unlikely to bs subject to adsntlflc study, than tbs art of carrying pig Iron. This, however, baa been sub jected to the most careful scientific study. Men st Bethlebsm, Pa, were loading pig Iron oa cars at tbe fate of about twelvo ions a day. Certain pig handler* were given extra wages for doing this work under special direc tion. An sttempt wss made to ascer tain tbe relation between the amount of horsepower wblcb each man exert ed and the fatigue which be incurved. Long continued experiment furnished a vast smount ef informstloe. bat ap parently DO taw. Finally P. W. Tay lor, who was conducting tbe experi ments. bended tbe data over to an assoctate *bo was apt at mathemati cal probleth*. Very soon be reported that bs had discovered tbe law-that fatigue varied In proportion to a cer tain relation between tbe amount of load and tbe period of rest—for exam ple. * man carrying a ninety-two pound pig bad, la order to avoid fatigue, to bs strsst per cent of the time. The discovery of Uik law Involved s great amount of data. Including certain phys iological facta concerning tbe poleon ous effects of waste tissue upon-tbe blood and difficult ma thematic formu la,' tncladfciff the plotting of carves. As a' result the pig handlers were di rected exactly bow to Uft aad carry thslg loads and whan is asst aad the amount of pig iron bandied by each man every day increased from twelve and a half tons to forty-eevea. Of course the men received a great ad vance la Wliss, Breast Hamlin Ab bott in Outlook. Onleno and temene. Two or three ibln slices of Ismon eaten after partaking of onions will entirely deodvrixe tbe bevatb. no mat ter bow much onion has been eaten. Mat tbe lemon, peeling and all, with eltWr sugar or ssit The Jake slaws does not have sucb a perfect effect Explained! Pickens-Why have yon nicknamed your wlfs Crystal? Dlcksns-Bscauss imt teal ways 00 tbe watctL—fiphlnx. At tho home of Lucinda Barri er, in Burke courtly, on tho 2d, Thurman Wise killed J. T. Vance. Wise had gone home from church with a daughter of the Barrier woman. E. (\ Wise and J. T. Vanco wore present. All hands were Jriuking and n row started about kissing the girl. Vance tried to shoot .Wise and Wise drew his 'pistol. Vane® tried to take the weapon from Wise and in the struggle the pistol fired, the ball passing through Vance's body. At the preliminary hear ing it was decided that the shoot ing was accidental or in self-de fence and Wise was released on a bond of SI,OOO A High tirade Blood JRarlUer. Go to Alamanco Pharmacy and buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enr ch your blood and build up your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to oure all blood diseases and skin humors, such as Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Soros, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Bone Pains, Pimpl s, Old Sores, Sorofu a or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Boils, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these blood troubles by killing thit poison humor and expelling from tbe system. B. B. B. ia the only blood remedy lhat can do this —therefore it cures and heals all sores when all else fails, $1 per large bottlo, with directions for home euro. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, °»- •. . • The assessment of property for Wilkes county amouts to $2,849,- 488, us compared with the 1910 assessment of 92,108,176. Tbe increase is $091,313, or 32 per cent. kill More Than Wild I trials. The number of people killed yearly hy wild beasts don't ap proach the vast number killed by disease germs. No life is safe from their attacks. They're In air, water, dust, even food. But graud protection is afforded by Electric Bitters, which destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from tho system. That's why chills, fever and ague, all malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy tho glorious health and now strength they'll give you. Money back, if not satisfied. Only 60c at Graham Drug Co's. - In compliance with the demand of the medical fraternity, tho trustees of Rex hospital, Italeigh, bave refused to allow patients in that institution to lie treated by osteopaths and the result is a great row between tho regular physicians and the osteopaths. $lO0 —Dr. E. Dotchnn's Ant'. Diuretic may be worth to you more than SIOO if yon haveachild who soils bedding from incontin ence of water duiing sleep. Cures old and young alike, It arrests tho trouble at once. sl. Sold by Graham Drug Co. George Edgar Jones, 17 years old, an employe of the Patterson cotton mill at Kanuapolls, eauie in contact with an electric motor in the mills Saturday and was killed. Foloy Kidney Pills are com posed of ingredients specially se lected for their corrective, heal ing, tonic, and stimulating effect upon tbe kidneys, bladder and urinary paaaagea. They are anti septic, antilitnic and a uric acid solvent. For aale by all druggists. Senator Lodge, of Massachu setts, has accepted an invitation to address North Carolina Liter ary Society at Italeigh some time this fall. feiey's Hemey and Tar Ceeipeaad Is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown per sons. No opiates, no harmful drags. In tbe yellow package. Bef use substitutes. For aale by aU druggists. An entire business block, except oae store, was destroyed by fire at Joneeboro, Lee county, Sunday morning. Fire believed to be incendiary. A Peek late Hie Packet would show the box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve that E. S. Loper, a carpenter, of Marilla, N. Y. al ways carries. "I have nover had a cut, wound, bruise, or pore it wonld not soon heal," he writes. Greatest healer of burns, bolls, scalds, chapped bunds and lips, fever-sores, skin-eruptions, ezema, corns and piles. 00c at Graham Drag Co's. Couldn't Walk! M M I used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to B women," writes Mrs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, IU. "For I nearly a year, I could not walk, wifliout holding my aides. I 1 tried several different doctors, but 1 grew worse. Finally, I our druggist advised Cardui for my complaint I was so B thin, my weight was 115. Now, I weigh 163, and lam I never sick. I ride horseback as good as ever. lamin I fine health at 52 years.** CARDUI Wo mans Ton,c I We have thousands of such letters, and more are I arriving daily. Such earnest testimony from those who I have tried it, surely proves the great value of this vegeta- I ble, tonic medicine, for women. Cardui relieves women's sufferings, and builds weak I women up to health and strength. If you are a woman, ■ give it a trial It should help you, for it has helped a miU H lion others. It Is made from pure, harmless, herb ingredi- I ents, which act promptly and surely on the womanly organ*. I It is a good tonic Try it 1 Your druggist sells it Writ* It: Ladle*' Adrltorj D»ot, Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattaooota. Teas., I br Utcial Inttractions, fad «4-paa* book. "Home Treatment for Wooitn." lent hat. ] M ■' ' Our First Assertion That II TO-BAC-TON GROWS HAIR I The originator of To-Bac-Ton Hair Tonic by his experiments-; ; ; tion ascertained many mouths ago that it would absolutely grow; , hair, but determined not to make the assertion until others had; J 11 been convinced of the fact by tests, And Now, that To-Bac-Ton i \ ;; has been placed before the public and its merits having been;J > successfully demonstrated to hundreds of persons, some of whom ; > I having already tentifled that To-Bac-Ton is -Absolutely Growing J Ilair on heads that have been totally bald for years. We now unhesitatingly state that To-Bac-Ton will Absolutely •» I Qrow Hair. The above assertions are contained in unsolicited!! j testimonials now ou our files from people that are well known in; | i this community. Buy a bottle ami prosper by others'experience. i > \ Sold by all leading Druggists and Barber Shops. J ' •'*l3 9 ; Prepared by J ; • ' it The TO-BAC-TON M'PG CO. Winston-Salem, N. C ► 4 $ >iiiiiiitoj . 100000000000 1 —BBBHgg f ILL~. gg. I '' ...The Average Business Man... CAN FORGIVE ALMOST ANYTHING 5 I f-~~~ EXCEPT j , POOP Writing He Does Not Have Anything to Forgive t in the work produced by the :: DiHHnmEim« Model M ° dCl I > ••"It is nn established fact—it docs the | FINE TYPEWRITING , , OF THE WORLD J '' And there Is a reason why— (Washington Branch; «! THE HAMMOND TYPEWRITFR CO. i » - IS44U Colorado Bldg., Washington. D. C. B. N. TURNER, Local Dealer, GRAHAM, N.C. , Indigestion Dyspepsia Kodol • WlkMi roar itomiAii oAnnot DroD6rl J dtfMt fcid, of Itself, It sadbtsnns and tbli saalatanee to read -11; aupplled by Kodol. Kodol asatutbs *>««aoh, bj temporarily dlpullll til of the food In the stomach, ao that thi stomach may rest and recuperate. Our Guarantee. USEfu mm Ml bmlMl—lfea druciM wM at MUM rttara row nooer. Don't bertlalat w frUIM win mU ton Kodol OO Umm torn TM dollar kottlo QoaUlnf IS ltinea aa moot «— OASTORZAi " i M ik NO. The NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College MainUined by tlic Bute for the women of North Carolina. Five regular courses leading to degree*. Special couim-a for -,lg I teacher*. Free tuition to those who aeraa J to become teacher* in the Bute. Full , [ aeaaion beglna Sept. 18,1911. For catalog a • ' and other information address JULIUS LFOUST, ' 22junel0t Greensboro, N. C. - I —BCISSORB and Kniree are J easily rained if not properly ground t when being sharpened. If you want them sharpened right and made to . cut as good as new give me a trial j Will sharpen anything from a bcoad ' | axeto a pen-knife. Charges modi ate. B. N. Tukhkk, this office.