for Infants and Children. Castor!ft Is a harmless substitute for CaJtwr OH* Pare goric, Drops nnd Sootliingr Syrups. 14 k It •on tains neither Opium. Morphine no*j otherjjwono substance. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverlshness. It cures Dlarrheoa and. Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the gtomorti and Bowels, giving and natora l sleep, flie Children'# Pauacci*—The Mother s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought yy Bears the Signature of * In Use For Over 30 Years. NOTES C.HMKNITZ RJVHI3IDE COEEMVONDENCX 30MCITSD U/\ jyf & • {These nrttetes and-Illustrations must not tw reprlntad without special permis sion ) SELECTING AND TRAINING FOB SHOW. Wlillo flirting tlio winner In n horse race 1* often 11 guess nml the work of n minute, unletta one liiih n tip, picking n 'Winner to lift tiie cup In a rooster sjiow U "u borae of nnothor color." It begins In the breeding pen. An Indi ana fancier spent a day mating a breeding pen for hatching winners, spent the season rearing their off spring, spent some more over the selec tion and conditioning of these birds, then went to the St. Loals exposition, won the bluo and sold his prize win- rooster for »1.000, "Oo thou and do llkewlso." Our friend In the picture Is also after the prize. 110 la comparing that beau tiful cockerel with the American Rtnndnnl of Perfection, the criterion for showtnen. It gives mlnuto descrlp- £. ' '• Vj Vi ;' ' p.; Photo by C. M. Barnlts. I'ICXISO THB Wnntßß. tlon of avery breed, points necessary to win, disqualification!, and cula for defects, and thla fancier has carved bla bird Into aoctlona—ls Judging him ' as to shape, weight, color, comb, beak, eyes, face, earlobes, wattles, neck, * breast, body, "fluff, legs, toes, tall, wings, back, condition, and thna be goee over each bird and marks the beat for exhibition, always training extras p-.' for accidental . After selection tho birds aro kept separate and are trained to ahow off before the Judge, who la more apt to give tho blun to an Inferior bird that dlaplaya his good points than to o good ). . bird that runs and hldea In a corner. The bird la placed In an exhibition coop often to prepare him for con- s * v \ Q.f Photo brC M. Baraita. mnma BIDDT TO roaa flnemcnt at the abow apd there la tamed by feeding dalntlea from the hand. Ho aoon loeea all fear and la eaally taught to strike a poee and abow off Ut curve*. The traluer usee a (tick - or caoo in directing tho bird, aa moot ' Judges uae thla Instrument of torture Erd* nt Ibe abow, and taught by word ar at any one to take poal hat "dandy" attitude •' the Judge n aolar a arc of auch quality It flue bird*, thorough roil pre oared, no one In, uiileaa lt'e an asd a sold brick grafter. eh rye to poultry; it i>d la LaxaUret -■ - . J ther swamp graaa for ■ and geeae In winter, rentliatlon. In sum eep the fraab air boay air oat 1 Incubator lamp away oil will spoil and will i lamp metal. know nothing about r gold brick yon. a hen at a value of o thafa llppy will say rylng to trick wttt s THE OLD COUNTRY CHURCH. I have worshiped In alMnli that are Oothlo And In templea that »r« modern la UMlr stylo. I hire seen the art and beauty of Uxir Irncuti > And the rlorlcs of their altar and their aisle, But to me there la a tempi* that la falnr. It's the old white church down In the dell, Where the blrda that nest up In the belfry Start to sine when the sexton rings the bell. There It stands among the tall old maples. Hark the muslo of Its sweet old bell Sounding through green hUla and golden wheatflelda! Soft and low It echoes through the dell. Joseph Summers, of Harrison burg, Vs., a cripple from birth, threw away his crutches and, crazed with fright after accident ally shooting a small girl, ran in his bare feet into the country. He Float* above the peaceful ancient PIT*, fled so rapidly that he could not th. flow.™ ioT«d onti be overtaken. The child, Ruth .. w Enswiler, Ave years old, may die. Soar* above and brine* a heavenly blew- « . .. i in« The shooting occurred while Prom the realm, that .re forever bleat. g uinnlerß wa scleaninga revolver. I have worshiped In the grand cathedral., ____________ Hoard their theme., their chime, and There the honest country folk now father. Ilark to their hearty prayer and praise - As It float* out on the Sabbath morning Like sweet Incense that wild rosee raise. anthems swell. Yoa Know What *•» Are Taking But prnlse seems higher, heaven seems _ , _ , nearer, When you take Grove's Taat- In the old white church down In thedelL Chill Tonic because tll6 form- jjarnitz. u | a piajniy printed on every kurios FROM KORREBPONDINTB botUe showing that it is Iron and Q.-Doos it pa, to cross the Belgian Q ulnin £ V form. No hare with the common cottontail? A.— ure i 0 "ay. OUCi No. Q.—ln breeding Belgians, what la the „ , , . interval between litters? A.-Thirty Beulah Binford, the woman days. • held as a witness against Beattie, Q.-llow aiurh nutriment u con- ®Heited wife murderer of' talued In flfty |>ound* of sklinmllk, . . ... . , and how mny it most easily be ex- Richmond, will not be released traded? A.-Skbnmiik Is largely from jail. The woman was com wnter. fifty pound* containing but flvs ra itted under a bond of 41,000 pound* of nutriment, mostly protein, , , _ , ♦ - which 1. bent kcciired by making tt ® nd whon a frlond ® ffered 10 Into "cottage cheese." furnish bail for her the amount Q.- Why In the Aylesbury duck not , popular In this country? A.— I This qnarlc hns a while skin and picks hard and Is not so easy to ralso as tho Fe- ' kin. which lx a better layer and just fits the American market with Its yel low. teuder. Juicy carcass. Q.-What la meant by "pinioning" as regard* geo*o? A.—Those who keep ' wild geese, like the Canadian, are com polled to remove the outer wing Joint to prevent their escape They are thus "pinioned." Q. -How much of a cut la given a show bird for a missing tall feather, and how long doea It tak* for new wing and tall feathers to grow? A.— If the variety la subject to color dis qualifications, one point; \t not, one balf point. Six to eight weeka. ' Q.-What la an "emaaculated" cock erel? A.—Your dictionary will tall jam that It Is a capon. Q.—Which are tho great dock raising •tali* In lUe Union, and which la the moat popular dock? A.—Maaeachu not In. New York. Pennylvanla. Pekln. Q.—What la meant by the word "fan cier?" A.-A breeder of pure bred" cblckeue la termed a fowl fancier, a breeder of pure bred dogi la called a don fancier, and a breeder of pore Cheater Whltaa la a hoc land**. Q.—Which la the more Important aldo of the poultry Induatry, meat or eggs? A.-Egg*. The return from thla aource la two-tlilrda of the whole total from the poultry Induatry. Q.-Wbat are fancy breeds! A,— These are the ornamental la poultry— like tho Sultana, Silkies, bantama and peafowl. PEATHMfI AND KQQSHKLLt. There are two things that make many flocka on profitable—too much grain and too little animal and green food. Tbla makea a narrow fattening ration, and the bene do not receive the elementa necessary for health and egg production. Edward Taylor of Alexandria, a. D, wrote hla name on an egg that waa shipped to Brooklyn. Mlaa Margaret Qrnynor ate the egg, and It waa eo bon ton that aha wrote to klr. Taylor. They later eent out their wedding aa nouncementa written on eggshells. One reaaoa why turkeya txasssd with the wild do not gat blackhead aa of ten la becauae the wild blood In their rolna lea da them to wander and to keep away from the barnyard and the ban rune, where the blackhead gam, the Amoeba maleagrtdta. flourishes. Among the glfta at a donation party to a new preacher at Terra mil. Pa* waa a flock of fourteen fine chtcksna Tliay were placed In a new henbouee the member* had built and ataitad right In to lay. Tbla beata earring preacher* antediluvian clucka and rubbernScka. The fellow who claim# ha haa dis covered the aecret of the Sex of eggs ami can control the same ahould gal buay on the problem of psrpetoal mo tion. If there la any liar that caa And the aecret without half trying be can. Ilia own wagging tongue could ho used In the experiments. Allentown, Pa., baa a female society called To Old nana. While It is composed of young and coy matdana and the pitndplea of the dab are not antl-matrlmoalal, the young men ad the famous Peanut City are giving the fair membere the cold ahouhkr, aa they fear cacklcra and benpeckara. Doga aoon become proficient at opea- Ing spring gataa. Our boHdog Ted eaally opena the ordinary star* deer by rising on his hind lege and aaap-. ping tho latch, but when confined la a room where there la a window be doeant bother with preliminaries, bat chews np the aaah. To avoid fleet* Catting mixed and cocka getting lata mUupa use bolts, bafa or hooks *a koep out the pupa. —. Distressing Kidney and Blad ner Disease relieved in six flours by the "NEW GTHKAT SOUTH AMERICAN KA>MBT CUBE.'' It is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in Madder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves retention of water almost im mediately. If you want quick re lief and core this is the remedy. Sold by Grahagi Drag Co. The exploitation of au alleged 1 new process tor tanning leather, which induced several thousand persons all over the country to invest $420,000 in stock of the American Tanning Company, was abruptly ended in New York week before last when postofllce inspectors raided the offices of the company and arrested four of the promoters for fraudulent use of the mails. English Spavin Liniment re moves all hatd, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save SSO by the uso of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure known, Sold by Graham Drug Co. was increased to 15,000. The authorities are determined the woman shall not get away. Te Care a Cold In One l>ay. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box 25c. Two persons wore killed, a score were injured and nearly every business house in Abilene, Texas,- was damaged by a storm of wind and hail Monday night, last week. A number of residences wrecked. Dr. Ilollid, a prominent physician, is one of the dead. He was struck by falling timber. —Ambitious young mon and Indies should learn telegraphy, for, si roe the new 8-hour lsw be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. ParitjOßfl P«r from WO to S7O a month to limners. The Tele graph Institute of Columbia, S. 0. and five other cities is opera ed under supervision of R. R. Of ficials and all students are placed when qualified. Write them for particulars. Dr.-J. H. Alexander, of Abi lene, Texas, has been acquitted of the murder of R. L. of Milwaukee, at Stanford, Texas, on June 20th. Alexander object ed to O'Neal's attentions to Mrs. Alexander. English Spavin Liniment re moves Hard, Soft and Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from hones; also Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splinta, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save 130 by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Core. Sold by Graham Drag Co. -Uu twf marrte«e I* the cueat reaW ly Imn Indednlieljr iwetpoaodr JTw; tof. 1 bettor*." "Bet does the mlena derataadtoc mil/ atnonnt to mochr "Only to abost IWOOO. 1 tblak."- Catbolk Standard and Tlmea. Itch relieved in *0 mihntes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by Graham Drag Co. MMI "What to the differ®ik-c." aald the taacber. "betwi • proper now and • common nonnr Tba anawer waa not devoid of toftc, bet rather unex pected. "A proper noon to e noon need property, and a common mma to * noon need commw»Jy."-Jndfe. BOy it now. Mow to the time to boy s bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It to almost certain to he needed before the summer is over. This remedy has no su perior. For sale by all dealers. Bonee recovered from the wrsek of the Maine in Havana harbor represent 18 bodies. Tbe remains of coarse piest nt no pos sibility of identiflcstlon. They have been transferred to Cabauai fortress, Cabs, and placed under a guard of honor. •ut . BR AND ENBUhu yOtf WOMEN SUBSCRIBE FOR A GOOD ROAD Feminine Club Wakee Uf to Situation Firet and Makaa Traval Eaalar. Ererybofl, l« la hror of food mb aa an abetract proposition, bat wbsn It cornea down to tbe concrete that to to say. to Band and gravel—there are differences of opinion. Soma Kentnck lana there are who declare themaelraa strongly for good roada, but aay they do not know how to go about getting them. One way to go about It haa bean ex emplified recently by tba Federated Woman'e dob of Brandenburg, Ky. Tbe members of that lire organization felt tbe need of a good road from Brandenburg to Weldon, * station on tbe Loulsrllle, Henderson and St. Louis railroad. Brandenburg haa no railroad, and when the citlcena of that town go traveling they either take a steamboat or drive over to Weldon to take tbe train. Meade county mud possibly to a few degreea worse than tbe mud any else In Kentucky. The male dtfeenfof Meade have been handling the road question In the same way that many other Kentucky counties have been handling It Mud multiplied by mud produces more mnd, but the male dtl zena of Meade didn't seem to know it Tbe women woke up to tbe situation first, and tbey determined to "pike" the road from Brandenburg to Weldon. They raised more than $1,200 by pri vate subscription, and tbey aaked the fiscal court to do the rest Tbe court came acroea with an appropriation of 13,000 as an evidence of good faith. The road will be completed by tbe end of summer. Nest winter It will be possible to travel from Brandenburg to Weldon without breaking a hame strlng or atralnlng a singletree. A wagon will not be a load for a four horse team, and walking will not be an Impossibility when a big thaw comes. .A TIF FOR COUNTIES. \\ ' ' The bend plan Is the eeenem , , leal, equitable end Intelligent > > method te provide permenent 1 ( municipal Improvamente, and the ' aame ean be eald of good roads > eonstruotlen. The eounty which J [ Is building reada by epeolal taxee , , Is making a mistake hypping It > In a pleoemeal fashion a ' J bend issue by the entire county , , i > will provide a lump sum for eye- 11 J | tematle toad building. The plan J [ , i of voting read bends by town- > 1 ships Is nssrly equally aa bad, * > ' J for reads should be eonetrueted , , by eeuntlse In 'aooerdanee with > 9 systsmstlo plana, taking oare of ] • , I all townships and making It de- , , > cidedly mere economical for t ' | thsm than for each township te ] ' , > maintain ita own expenalve road , , i • building eervloe and squipmsnt 1 I j | This is on the elde, but the op- ] | . i > portunity Is too fins for us to let » 1 > It ellp by without msking known | > | I the truth to counties whieh are [ . i > going to build good reede by > ' 1 soms hook or ereok. There le '' ) ]1 the slipshod way and the right , , Way. Don't piddle/—Wilmington > | (N. C.) Star. J ; , MODERN ROADMAKINO. ' Efforts In England to Meet Meter and Trolley Cer Trefflo. The following Uluatratee the efforts In England to meet In roadmaklng the conditions Imposed by motor and trol -5 ley car traffic: r A new and direct roadway Is pro . posed between West Hartlepool and ' Middlesbrough, near Newcastle, In the ' county of Northumberland, a direct . line of seven and three-fourth miles. In designing the roadway tbe engineer In charge has given attention to tbe > possible development In both heavy, l slow and fast vehicular and motor traf fic, each of which demands separate consideration and ftffeslbly different methods of road surface treatment 1 Tbe plan accordingly provides for a , center footpath nine feet In width, on - the east aide of the footpath a road for 9 motor and light fut traffic twenty , four feet In width and on the weet aide ! of the footpath a road for heavy, alow traffic twenty-two feet to width. This gives a width for highway purpoeee of ' fifty-five feet Tbe plan further shows * on tbe westernmost side of the foot * path a width of fourteen feet reserved 1 for light railway or trolley purposes, r making a total width of land to be ac quired of alsty-nlne feet A scheme similar to this will doubt . less control future roadmaklng In Enj . land, and existing roads may be t*- ' constructed on a corresponding plan, f One of the chief advantages In sepa rating the several kinds of traffic would ' be In permitting dlffenat methods of * surfacing the roads to be used and . those beat adapted to the traffic ac commodated. Another advantage would be tbe I seaming of the chances of ac cidents. A third advantage would be ' the greater speed permissible to fast I traveling.—Consul Walter 0. ' ; null. England. i , ' iiiiisiiiieeeeeeee i ; ; ALL READ THIS. I 1 Any one having etene lie de- 1 > ! sires to have tistsd for read ' to. the effiee ef public read* ' i i Wsshlngton, tor nssseeary In ' StowetJene ae to hew to pressed to > 1 ; J eeeure eeeh toeto. The sender ' > will he required to pey all trane- , > | pertotlen shsrgee, bat a elds from further oeet te the party deelr* 1 >, tog them. r . THE ROAD TO RIGHT. Tba md to right is not nearly so narrow eesoane fiolk wwid hare I bat we. his a bit narrow in CM or two pieces, bat baviqg passed these k is wide enough (or desire and every high | fill! s We kanw a man who aaya that the doner you try to get to a Boetontoa the asra the latter becesnsa, ' bnt we da not betteve It We did bnal -1 naas with a Bnetoedsn once, and he - was area closer than we were, and * that to going some.—Kanaaa qty Peat j A King Whs Lett Heate . set the world to talking, but Pfcul . Mstbalka, of Buffalo, N. T. mn 9 be nlwnya KKKPS AT HOMK tbe " King Of all Laxativea—Dr. King's Y Mew Life Pills—and that they're i a bleaalng to all his family. Cure i Househod Necessities 1 *-* IFIRIEIE ' • J. '■" ; '■ ■ ' : "■ " • J"" r pj You Gin Get Either by Paying SI.OO in Advnce ' ; and Taking The Gleaner For] a Year. If you owe anything on subscription, pay up andjpay SI.OO in advance t , 1 ! and you get your choice of three valuable premiums. S .in ||,| M p m OWNED Sk CONTROLLED BV Ml mmmmmm Hamilton Silver Co. MJ lowcarxrtt- strect, Jjr I vow» Here's a fine pair of Shears, 8 in. long, worth the money asked you «» for shears alone—sl.oo gets both shears and paper for one year, . .. .. " . m A PINE SAFETY RAZOR ;i Bli ON SAME TERMS AS THE SHEARS. i' Ciinll 1 f "MBPyi MAN, DO YOU SHAVE? i ■ W&jA This is your opportunity—sl gets both i ■ paper and razor. n Housewife, here best Egg-Beater in the world. It makes the work easy ;» ~ and light and does it quickly, . i Send or bring the SI.OO to THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, Graham, N. C. ' (j|i tftw >1 tßn»emli»»e»A»inßi»tnßi» 11 Hn I - ' KILLth.COUCH I l . 1| ... cure th. luncs Ue Old Standard Dr. King's Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic New Discovery has stood the test* 25 years. Average annual sales FOR CBS!SP # over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. OB MOMMY ajurv MVMD. ——————————————————— * AAC>TAn,A Cures Biliousness, Sick HOT VT Cleanses the system CASTOR IA Headache, Sour Stom- |\l I thoroughly and cleart For Infants and Children. Torpid Liver and sallow COmptttdSOi « Hi KM Ym Han Always Bngfct Chronic Wtp«tiaa. I Pmif Qvmn pimples and blotohfll. Benratka V r ' Pl«a»Mkt to talis MAaUYw rlllll UJ ißp It ia gUSW«SHd mumrnt*graham drug co. -J I ■ 1 ' f_ SOUTHERN RAILWAY *JfK > PU—I liM T* AO Mbtm V/> NORTH, SOUTH, EAST* WEST. Very Low Rnrand Trip Bates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta leaves, Raleigh 4:05 p. m. arrives At lanta 6:35 a. m., nnQting close connection for and arriving Montgom ery following day after baring Bajpigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobile 4:12 p. m Now Orleans 8:20 p. id., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:05 p. m* TT«n— City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all other points. This car also makes oloss connection at Salisbury for St Louis and other Weston Points. Through Pullman to Washington leaves Raleigh 6:50 p. m. arrives Washington 8:58 a. m., Baltimore 10:02 a. m., Philadelphia 12: Mm., New York 2:81 p. m. This car mskss close connection at Washing ton for Pittsburg, Chicago, and all points North and West and at Qroensboro for Through Tonrist Beeper for California points, aad for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Qoldsboro at 6:45 a. m., Raleigh 8:85 a. mu, arrives Ashevjlle 7:40 p. m , making close oooneo tion with the Carolina Special aad arriving CinninnaU a. m. following ky after leaving Raleigh, with close connection for all paiate North aad North-West Pullman for Winstoa43alem leaves Baleigh 2:30 a. m., arrives Qroensbaro 6:80 a. m., making cloee connection for all points North, Sooth. Eaat aad Weat This car is handled on train No. 111 leaving t Qoldaborr at 10:45 p. m. If yoa desire sny information, plssss write or call. We are here to furnish information as wdl sa to sell tickets. ELF. CABY, W. H. PARNELL, T. P. A.. General Passenger Agent, 215 Fayetteville St, WsuiingUwi, D. 0. Baleigh, N. 0. | Fire and Life Inusranse : 1 A part of your business will be appre ciated. kinds of insurance. : : ' GHAS. C. THOMPSON ! i: t !\ | GRAHAM - - - V ■ ' . ► . > - i I; Durham Marble Works: You need not be reminded that it is your duty to mark the last resting place of your departed loved ones, but we wish to re mind you of our Jpw prices. II o. ar.srcn-xijT* jt : JirS&'SS'SnSSL DURHAM. N. C.| I '*■ * i iffffTllTnnPlTfffTlTflTff'ifffTffffffTffTfTfTffffTf• » nnVwltM Urtk Cuollu's Fereaoit Imptpr. PThe Charlotte Observer - • * 3 Every Day in the Year. ClimiLtTWWnß, Mlttn. 9VKIIIIIV /IHhIMIB* s. r.(ULOVKLL, EDITOR. tß>oo Per Year> THB OBSERYER- Vcry Serious Recd ,?" tbc large,t fj? " graphic new* service deliv lifa■ vwywiUnered to any paper between fcr o— —did— teM »■ "Washington and Atlanta. STsSTJoTta **-» » and »f« «pecial service is the NowMilSttii I n greatest erer handled by a > North Carolina oaoer. i D| - p nPAII I THB oURDAT ÜBSESVKK— -1 Consist* of 16 or more pages i and ia to a large extent [ I made np oi original matter. \ I for Sample Copies. | I Address, - | I THE OBSERVER, , | bibib CHJJtEQTTB, W. C. *mn* km