KOYAL 1 BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure The only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream ofTartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE 1 Necessity of Organic Matter in the Soil —Souring the Land. On one occasion a good farmer came to mo and said: "Last spring I plowed under a heavy crop of crimson clover, planted my corn and got nothing. My land was soured and my crop was killed." Another said he had plowed under a heavy crooof pea vines late in the summer, sowed wheat, and got no stand. The land soured and the wheat failed —to-gcrmiuate. Still another said he plowed under a heavy cropof vines anil weeds which rendered the soil so acid he was unable to grow a crop for throe or four years afterward. Wo could give a long list of names of men who by their own practical experience have - proven to 1 hemscTves conclusively that the use of green manure positively does sour tho land and renders it infertile for a long time. Now, if one is out for ft difficult job, just let hun attempt to dis suade these men from tho belief that their l«nd has been soured by the use of green manure. They stick to the old,idea as tenacious ly as to their right arms. They feel that their theory is based on practical experiences (and what is better in tho substantiation of any theory than practical experience? Nothing, to be sure). Now, wo have all had experi ences. We know that certain ef fects follow certain causes. More over, we instinctively assign some cause for every effect. Frequent ly without taking the trouble to investigate the fact on which our conclusions are based. Admit ting that all facts are covered by some theory, one should always cheek his theory by his facts and strive to bring his facts in line with the correct theory. We often sustain loss by assigning the wrong cause to an observed effect. The farmers referred to abovo plowed the green manure under, planted the crop and received no return. There w.is some cause, to bo sure, for the failure of tho crop. Some one guessed tho green stulT soured the soil and further investigation was generally thought useless. Some advised tho use ot lime to correct this acid condition. Few farmers, however, were disposed to buy enough lime to correct tho largo amount of acid they could imagine, would bo developed in the decay of su large an amount of green manure plowed under. The result was tiiat they did not use the green manure, fearing the detrimental effects on the soil, and tho land has remained poor for lack of huiuus to t his day. Now, what really happens when a heavy crop of green manuro is turned into tho land ? In order to make tho explanation clear we will have to bring to our aid a few terms of fundamental prin ciples of physics, but those are simple and easily understood. Pill a lamp full of oil, put the wick in it and note what happens. ~ The oil begins to rise in the wick rnd finally reaches the top, The oil will coutinue to riso in the wick till every drop is taken out of the bowl of tho lamp. Tho oil in the lamp bowl .s called gravi tation oil; that in tho wick is called capillary oil. The rain falls on the land and gravitation pulls it down several feet below the surface. This is called gravita tion water. When the sun shines this same water begins to climb up between the line particles of soil ju«t as the oil climlis the wick, and continues to climb until it reaches tho surface where it Is dried up by the sun just as the oil is burned away by tho flame. This is called capillary water. This capillar}* water continues to rise to tho surface of the soil uutll •very drop is taken out of the subsoil and dispensed into tho air as vapor. No farmer would hope to grow a crop with the water in the first six inches of soil only, lie ex pects the moisture to rise to the surfaco from depth ranging from three to five feet below. Now, let us cut the lamp wick ; in two and let the two pieces come within 1-16 inch of each other. At the sarno time we will put a wide thin boara six inches below the surface of the soil. Let the lamp . burn and let the Bun shine on the | soil and see what happens. You | have found that your oil did not i fiae above the cut place in the > wiek and your lamp has gone out while there was an abundance of oil in the bowl. You have found - also that the six inches of soil t abovo the l>oard is dry as dust r while that is qaite moist ander r the board. Why? Because the I the air space cut off the rise of oi] , in the wick and the solid board I cut off the rise of moisture from . tho great reservoir below to the 1 six inches of soil above it. > But what has this to do with the I "sonriDg of the land"? Nearly I everything. The phenomenon ' called the "souring of the soil" Is I nearly always based on the prin , ciplcs outlined above. Instead of i using the board let us plow under a six or eight ton crop of green clover or cowpeas, eight or ten inches deep. Lee this mass of vegetation lie during the month of August, say, then examine it after a hot, dry period of ten days or two weeks and see what has occurred. You might ÜB't some blue litmus paper and test for acid. If there Is an appreciable amount of acid present you will get a red color in the litmus pa per but be sure to tear up the vines and examine the soil just below, also examine carefully the eight or ten inches of soil just above the mass of vines. Your litmus will not likely be colored at all because you are not likely to find any acid but you will And the soil just below the vines as wet as mud, perhaps, while the eight or ton inches on top of the vines will be dry as dust. Here you have the explanation of the "souring" effect of green manure on well drained lands. J. L. BURGESS, N. C. Dep't of Agriculture. .lumen C. Dahlman, "Cowboy" Mayor of Omaha, "Throw* the Lariat" Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman started his career as a cowboy, and it is at present Mayor of Omaha, and has the following record. Sheriff of Dawes Co, Neb., three terms; , Mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic Nat'l Committeeman, eight years; Mayor of Omaha, six > years, and in 1910 Candidate for Governor of Nebraska. Writing , to Foley «fe Co., ( hicago, he says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have given me a great 1 deal of relief so I cheerfully recom mend them." For Sale by all Druggists. Yours truly, (signed) Jamkh C. Dahlman. On Tuesday of last week there was somewhat of a cyclone in the vicinity of Archdale, Randolph county. Considerable damage to timber and outbuildings. No dwellings damaged and no per sons hurt. —SCISSORS and Knives are easily ruined if not properly ground when being sharpened. If you want them sharpened right and made to cut as good as new give me a trial. Will sharpen anything from a broad axeto a pen-knife. Charges moder* ate. B. N. Tussis, this office. Fire in High Point Monday night of last week destroyed the plant of the Globe Furniture Com pany. Loss estimated at 1*6,000. The barn of the Metallic Bed Company was .lestr-yed by the same fire and other buildings were damaged. A High Unit BleoS Puller. Qo to Alamance Pharmacy and buy a bottle of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm. It will purify and enrich your blood and bdlld up your weakened, broken down sys tem. B. B. B. is guaranteed to cure all blood diseases and skin humors, such as Rheumatism, Ulcers, Eating Sores, Catarrh, Eczema, Itching Humors, Risings and Bumps, Boue Fains, Pimple, Old Sores, Scrofula or Kernels, Suppurating Sores, Bolls, Car buncles. B. B. B. cures all these blood trouble* by killing thtt poison humor and expelling from the system. B. B. B. is the only blood remedy that can do this—therefore it curee and heals , all sores when all else falls, $1 I per largo bottle, with direetlons for homo cure. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, V Ga. f "The "Glidden tour" is a trip of t, a big bnnch ot aqbanobilte from . New York to Jaoksonvllle, Fla., , a distance of 1,460 miles. The , tourists were at Winston-Salem Wednesday night and at Char : lotto Thursday. ' English Spavin Liniment ie -1 moves all hard, soft or oallouaed > lumps and blemishes (rom horses, ) blood spavins, curbs, splints, , sweeney, ringbone, stifles, sprains all swollen throats, coughs, etc. ' Save 160 by the use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful i blemish cure known, Sold by Graham Dnur Co. w Geyser of Round Knob Being Re stored. Washington, Oct. |2O. —Referfl ring today to recent publications relative to the restoration of - the large fountain or geyser which for many years played at Round Knob, N. C., in sight of passing trains on the Southern Railway, President Finley said: "There seems to be some mis apprehension as to the restoration of this geyser. On a trip which _ he made through Western North Carolina several months ago, Mr. George F. Baker, of New York, ' noted that the geyser was no longer flowing. Inquiries having satis fied him that it would be prac ticable to restore It, he arranged ir to have the work done entirely at his expense as a testimonial of his high appreciation of the great service rendered by his friend, n Colonel Alexander B. Andrews, 6 of Raleigh, N. C., First Vice- President of tho Southern Railway 6 Company, in the development of Western North Carolina. " "The work of restoration is now 8 under way and the new geyser will soon be in operation, throw ' lug a column of water 250 feot in r the air." n n Vea Know What Yea Arc Taking ' When you take Grove's Tast h less Chill Tonic because the form- - tula is plainly printed on every s bottle showing that it/ is Iron and Quinine in a tastless form. No cure, No Pay. 80c. e g The National Association of 1 Railway Commissioners, in ses sion in Washington last week, 0 adopted resolutions approving the 1 recent action of ths convention of ® Governors of various States at r Spring Lake, N. J., in authorizing 1 the presentation to the Supreme f Court of the United States of a 1 brief supporting the right of * States to regulate freight rates g within their borders. B b Don't trifle with a cold is good a advice for prudent men and wo- j mon. It may be vital in case of a child. There is nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Rem- ; t edy for ' coughs and colds in chll- i drcn. It is safe and sure. For ! j sale by all dealers. J j Gov. Colquitt, of Texas, has I r called a conference of Governors ; of Southern States, to meet in > New Orleans on the 23d, to dis- • cuss ways and means to prevent a r further reduction in the price of : { cotton. The call requests the I : presence of the Governors and i 1 Commissioners of Agriculture of ' cotton-producing States and also I representatives from the different , , farmers' organisations snd the • principal banking institutions and ! e newspaper editors. ® 1100—Dr. K. Detchnn's Antl II Diurectic may be worth to you o more than SIOO if you have a , o child who soils bedding from In w continence of water during sleep Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. sl. s Sold by Graham Drng Co. J A The Presbyterian Synod of 0 North Carolina, which was to have '• met in Charlotte last Tuesday, w has changed the date of meeting to Tuesday, November 7. , Foley', KMaey Reaaedy va. a Hepeleoa Cass, ' Hon. Ark. J. E. Freeman says: * "I had a severe case of kidney • trouble and oould not work and 1 my oase seemed hopeless. Ons e large bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me and I have never been bothered sinee. I al ways recommend it." For Sale by all Druggists. , , ' John Munden, a farmer of Per- ( 1 quimans eounty, shot and killed ] > himself Wednesday of last week. * In bad health and supposed to be ' 3 mentally unbalanced. » . ( Foley KMaey FUla Supply Just the Ingredients , needed to build up, strengthen and restore the natural notion of ' the kidneys and bladder, Speelal- 1 ly prepared for backache, head- t ache, nervousness, rheumatlam i and all kidney, bladder and nrin ary irregularities. For sale by all Druggists. The Roeklaghaa railroad, which ' has just been completed and out- ] fitted at a cost of $820,000, was i formally opened for passengers ] and traffic Wednesday of last ' week. The road runs from Rock- ( Ingham to Gibeon, a distance of • 34 miles. , ... ; la Four's iiouey and Tar Com- ] pound. Mis. T. J. Adams, 682 . Mo. Kansas Ave., Coin mbua,Kas., , writes: "For a number of years my children have been subject to 1 coughs and colds. I used Foley's I Honey and Tar Compound and I fonnd that It cured their coughs \ and colds, sol keep It in the house all the time." Refuse substitutes. ' For Sale by all Druggists. Judge Daniels later reduced to three years the sentence of five yean first imposed on Julius 1 Clary, convicted of manslaughter f at the reoent torn of Davie Su perior CVmrt. PRINK lhc_Bcst SOFT DRIKS Graham Bottling Works, R. C. Hunter, Proprietors, use the purest extracts and flavorings and put up only one quality— THE BEST Call for our goods and insist on getting them and you will get something PUKE and Good. R. C. HUNTER, GRAHAM, N. C SALE OF LAND FOR TOWN TAXES. Notio* I* hereby gtvan that the undertlf Ded Tax Collector of the town of Graham, S. C„ will Mil for eaab, on MONDAY, NOV. 13, 1011, at II o'clock soon, at the oourt bouM door in Orabam. N. 0. the foliowin, Ma landa for taxaa: . —..— The followln, I, a llet of tha nam*, of the ownera of the lota to ba aold and tba amount* of taxaa due by eaob: W. A. Hadler; 1 lot on Power Houw St. ad- Joinla, the lot ot J. C. Walker and othera for tba rear 1810,. 80c. A- L. Thompeon, 1 lot In northweet part of Orabam, near Hanka Mann'a place, for the year I*lo,l M. Qua liter, 1 lot adjoining be lot of Bd Tate, In uorthweatpartof town for the year I*lo, A. C. Jenklna, 1 lot know ai tha Kannla MoLaln lot In northwest part of town for (ha year iMM, tt.'O; poll una. Above daaorlhod property to ba aold for tazea as therein atatea, toolbar with eoeU of aala, aald data of aale beln, fixed by Board of town otfmmlaatoiera In rafular aeaalon. W. T. WILSON, Town Tax Collector. Oct. M, 1,11. GREAT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE 'SUBURBAN PROPERTY SATURDAY, NOV. 4th, 1011, At 2 o'clock p. m. I will aell on tba above date, under order of Oourt, mora than fifty (80) acrea of land, altu ated on the corporate llmlta of the City of Burlington, and known aa the Henderaou U. May property. The property will be out up Into convenient lota ao that any peraon with email maana may purcbaae a deal > able lot at a bargain. Thla land baa good foundation, and la capable of Infinite improvement. It can be ueed for either farming purpoeea or realdent lota, and will alwayi lucre aw in value very rapidly. Here la your ohanoe to get a valuable auburban home, and have a nloe track (arm at aalall coat. Upon thla land la altuatad a five-room, twoatory dwell ing-bouae, and a barn, nrnnarv and wall houae. Theae will be aold with the lot upon which they are altuatad. Be aure to beat the aala at> o'olook, Satur day, November, 4, and purcbaae one or mora lota at a bargain. Thla land ia excellently altuatad, well-drained, and baa every advant age of the eholeaat auburban pro part*. Uo over and look at the land before the aala, and decide for yuureelf, and brine all of your frlende to the aala who wlah to purchaae property in or near liurllngton. Terma of aale, 1-i caah, I S aix montha, I-t twelve montha, deferred _paymenta bearlna alx per oant. lnteraat. Tor further infoimatlon aa to the property, call and ee*. W. W. BHOWN, Oommlaaioner STATE OF NORTH CABOLINA County ef Alamaace. In tha Superior Co art, Special Proceeding*. Sam. T. Johnston, W. C. Johniton, Nonie 0. Johnston, Pattie Johnston and Lem uel Johniton, Plaintiffs, H James Johniton, • minor, Mrs. Jno. Crockett and huaband, Jno. Crockett, Albert Johnston and Henry Johniton, heli, at law oi Samnel Johniton, and Mrs. Kate N. Walker and huaband, Knox Walker, Verna Johnston and Fannie Johniton, helra at law of Jamea A. Johniton, Defendants. • The defendant, above named will take notice that an action entitled as above ha, been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Oourt In and for Alamance County. North Carolina, for the purpow of ,aQln( for partition the la an, lately owned by Isabella Johniton, late of Ala mance Count/, N. C., defendant, and plain tiff, being helrs-at-law thereto; And the laid defendant, will further take notice that they are required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court, at Qntham. N. C., on or before the Mth day ef Octotwr, Itll, and awwer or demur to the petition filed with Mid Clerk In hi. Office, or the pUintlffi will apply to mid Court for the relief demanded In ■aid petition. Thli the »oth day of September, Mil. J. D. KKKNODLK, C. & C. J. S. COOK, Att'y. The best plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamber lain's Liniment and bonnd on over the affected parts is superior to a plaster and oosts only one tenth as much. For sale by all dealers. Seren persons wen killed and 8J injured, four of them seriously, in a collision between * north bound Missouri Pacific passenger train and a fast freight train at Fort Crook, Neb., Sunday. IW BUDAL DON'T BUST. No one has ever made a salve, ointment or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Esema, Corns. Sores Bums, Bruises, Scalds, Salt Rhe um. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains it's supreme. Unrivalel for Plies. Try it. Only Me at Graham Drug Co. Postmaster General Hitchcock has authorised the eatebliahmont of the longest railway mall route in tha United States. It wiU ex tend, beginning November 1, over the Western Pacific lines between Salt Lake City and San Franoiseo, MS miles. Much of the route covers a section ot the country not heretofore provided with rail way mail service. "I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success," writes Mis. M. L Baa ford, Poolsaville, Md. For aale by all dealers. t , ■' ,■ ■ *•r »' | ii !»■%> Ift" l V"fl • 1 Household Necessities Ti ° IF IR, ZEIS ** ' 1 • v i.: You Can Get Ether by Paying SI.OO in Advance ~ t and Taking The Gleaner For a Year. t,, If you owe anything on subscription, pay up and pay SI.OO in advance } and you get your choice of three valuable premiums. I 1 AOBWUMBSutHPAm jfl ' ' ____ vvasLuuxi ,) awwffnspssar ■— ■ m ovwed a controlled bv Wj ■ » AN mtmmwm ■ 9B HAMILTON SILVER CO. Wj • lewurgr&- STMcrr, | ( Here's a fine pair of Shears, 8 in. long, worth the money asked you ~ 1 for shears alone—sl.oo gets both shears and paper for one year. * - i> • . ... V v , ■ ' ( , A PINE SAFETY RAZOR ~ ON SAME TERMS AS THE SHEARS. ' ! ' MAN, DO YOU 'SHAVE? •' Wk Pi This is your opportunity—sl gets both '' Hi M- paper and razor. j» " ; J1 . Housewife, here is'the best Egg-Beater (ggggfe^— A , ' 1 in the world. It makes the work easy '' ~ and light and does it quickly, . ~ j, Send or bring the SI.OO to THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, j, Graham, N. C. L , ■ • '» Qi Vt' II VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE! Br vlrture of an order of the Superior Court of Alamanoe County mad* tn a OIUM . thereto pending, entitled, ''o. F.MoVeyand others,"v., Annie McVejr and other*," the un deralgned, a* Commta*lon*r* of aald Court. > will offer for sale on I MONDAY NOVEMBER 0, 1911, at twelra o'olook, noon, at tbe oourt taouae door In Graham, the following d**crlbed nal property, to-wlt: 1. A traot of land In Alamanoe County, North Carolina, In Newlln Townahlp, on Can* Creek, a'Joining tk* land* of Da rid Durham, other lands owned by Ih* late Tboma* F. MeVey, and others, and contain ing a acres, more or I***, it being tb* same whereof Soioaeoa Allen dt*d aefaed, and known a* tb* Soloaion Allen Plaoe, and waa conveyed to tb* aald bite Thomas F. MoVey by B. 8. Parker, Coqtn>t*sloner of Ataman** Superior Court, by deed dat*d Ma rah «. lttL wkloh deed 11 duly registered In taoltetl aw et SOQ. L A traot or panel of land situate and be ing In Me wit a Towashlp, Alamanoe County, North Carolina, adjolalaf the lands of Matbaa Stewart, MatonDlxon, Jonathan Thompson aad other*, aad boaoded as fol lows! BKG INKING at tne foundrr line; thenoe North rn pole* to a stoaai tbeaee Hart M pole* to a ■ tone; thenoe Mouth 178 pole* to a ■take, Matbaa Stewart's ooraar; theae* Weet •1 pole* to an IKM wood; tbaao* W*»t *)' B. 11 pota* to a aoarwood; thanoa Weet to the beglanlag, ooatalalag IN aarea. more or and wife, by deed dated January M, iIM, aad duly rwrlaured In the oaes of tb* Bag Mar of Dead* for Haiaaaee Coaoty. L A tract or paroel of land la Mewl la ,^^M, s/ T w? l r m h ir, Solomon Allan, John Alien and atoira, and lying on the waters of Cane Creek, and atone, William Allea'a eon aoraaTmoiw orleia* 1 edjutalag the land* of dotomaa AUea aad etSnTaad boaadedae tollowe: BEGINNING at a atoaelnSolesoa Allen's tea naaaU kTkHMMMAMjK In aald TIM; theatee Month lwdeg K. 10 pelee te to* nr*t ataboa la ao*n*aoa Allea'a Baa, NatHalu M MM, man or leaa. duljr registered la theoXoe at the Register of Deedetor Alaoaaaaa Oouaty, Monh Oaro i Th*e* four tract* of land lie ooatlguoue to ( took other aad wie need by the latoThoma* P. MeVey a* one plantation, aad ooastitagd toe hams plaoe of the said Tbomaa F. BvVar ay to tb* Ume of kS daathV and Midlands really form but oa* tract or parcel of laad. aad will b* eoldae oae traot or pare* l of land. . Bald lands wUlbeaold upoa thai following " terms, to-wit: OaaatM it tbe parebaaa prtoa to be paid la away down, aad the o-ourta opal testae This tad day of October, Mil. You ar« not experimenting on yourself when yon take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy foraoold as thai prepamtloa 1M woaite great reputation sad extensive •*le by its nnnkibh cures of colds, end can always be depend ed upon. It is equally valuable (or adults aad children and may be given to young children with Implicit oonfldenoe as it contains no harmful drag. Sold by all dealers, tariy Risers, j m Gf% SOUTHERN RAILWAY Direct line To All Points . NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST. Very Low Round Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta leaves, Raleigh 4:05 p. m. arrives At lanta 6:35 a. m., making close connection for an arriving Montgom ery following day after leaying Raleigh, 11:00 a. m., Mobile 4:12 p. m., Now Orleans 8:20 p. m., Birmingham 12:15 m., Memphis 8:05 p. m., Kansas City 11:20 a. m. second day, and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close omnection at Salisbury for St. Louis and other Western Points. •»» »' 1 •' • Through Pullman to Washington leaves Raleigh 6:50 p. m. arrives Washington 8:53 a. m., Baltimore 10:02 s. m., Philadelphia 12:23 m., New York 2:31 p. m. This car makes close connection st Washing ton for Pittsburg, Chicago, sod sll prints North snd West and st Qreensboro for Through Tourist Sleeper for Cslifornia points, and for sll Florida points. Through Psrlor Csr for Asheville leaves Ooldsboro at 8:45 s. m., Raleigh 8:35 a. m., arrives Asheville 7:40 p. m., making close connec tion with the Carolina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10:00 a. m. following day after leaving Baleigh, with close connection for. all points North snd North-West. Pullman for Winston-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a. m., arrives Greensboro 6:30 s. m., making close connection for all points North, Soneh, East and West. This car is handled on train 111 leaving Ooldsboro at 10:45 p. m. If yon desire any information, please write or call. We are here to famish information as well ss to sell tickets. ' H. P. CARY, W. H. PARNELL, T. P. A, I General Passenger Agent, 216 Fayetteville St, Washington, D. 0. Raleigh, N. C. Firs and Life imr&OH 1 : '' 4 '/•. i ; i .4 i ■ ■ . » I ! I ■ * ■ GOOD COMPANIEB SAFE POLICIES CAREFULLY WRITTEN. SSS=SSESSSSS=K==^=3E=KSSSSaS=S=S9. A part of your business will be appreciated. - All Kinds ol buwanee. «gf CHAS. C THOMPSON, - - Agent GRAHAM, - N. C. ■ .■ ...... Cores Biliousness, Sick fIBT VT O Cleanses the system Headache, Sour Stom- ..IJJTI WIJ thoroughly and daaff •eh. Torpid Liver and sallow complexions at laxative Fruit Syrup GRAHAM DRUG CO. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average annual sales Onffyd a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Core, No Pay. 50c. North Carolina's Foremost Newspaper THE Charlotte Observer Every Day In the Year CALDWELL & TOMPKINS PUBLISHERS. $8 per Year THE OBSERVER- Receives the largest tele graphic news service deliver ed to any paper between Washington and Atlanta, and its special service is the greatost ever handled by a North Carolina paper. THB SUNDAY OBSERVER— I Is largely made np of origi nal matter and is up-to-date in all departments and con tains many special features. Send for sample copies. : Address « Observer CHARLOTrB, N. C. KILL™ COUCH w OURi THK LUWQ6 : Dr. King's New Discovery , MCItttIMWMTMIDUWWmiIta. I ovAXAvrno sAixsyAosoftx OMHHonraiiwroift . :.,»J J ,w» .